62.5% Reality Drift / Chapter 9: Enchanting and History of the Cardinia System

章 9: Enchanting and History of the Cardinia System

All the candidates were sent to their respected mansion. Only Kaye and Senleka were present there, it was the time King theocrus enchant their weapons.

King theocrus looked towards the soldier and he picked the bow and once again presented it in front of King theocrus.

"Sneleka, tell me what element do you want for your bow? And you could choose one spell for each class so choose carefully." King theocrus asked to Senleka.

"Your highness the element would be wind. BRISKI-FLIEYA from class mage and RIKIA-VIYANI from class wizard would be the spells sire." Senleka replied.

The spell RIKIA-VIYANI shoots wind arrows and BRISKI-FLIEYA creates a forceful gust around the target.

King theocrus could enchant both the spells very easily. There were very few magicians out there who could conjure up their own original spells; most of the magician used previously invented spells by others, because it was easier to use magic that way. That led to a vast archive of spells used among the magicians and also commonly known.

"What about the sorcerer class spells?" King theocrus asked.

"Your highness I don't know any?" Senleka replied.

"Okay then from my side I would suggest NITO-NERI-RESHICIOUS. It is a spell which creates a considerably huge tornado at the point where it is fired, is it okay for you?" King theocrus suggested.

"I happily accept your highness suggestion." Senleka said.

"Hmm… I see." King theocrus looked towards the bow and lifted both his hands above the bow. Then he started to enchant something but words didn't coming out. Only his lips were moving. In few seconds a circular rune green in color appeared on top of the bow and submerged with the bow, just like that two more runes appeared afterwards as King theocrus was continuing the enchanting and submerged with the bow.

"Put it on the appraisal stone." King theocrus said to the soldier.

The soldier put it on the appraisal stone, and the stats appeared.

Entity: Bow

          Basic details: 

            Name: none

            Type: Weapon

            Title: Dinka

            Attack: 198 (+3681) Niyak

            Defense: 0 Baar

            Durability: 92 (+140) Galza

            Rarity: Absolute Extreme


          Advanced details:

            Attack spells:

              From Dwarf King Theocrus Kartina's enchanting

                NITO-NERI-RESHICIOUS: 2314 Niyak

                RIKIA-VIYANI: 935 Niyak

                BRISKI-FLIEAYA: 432 Niyak

            Defense spells: none

            Creator: unspecified

            Enchantment: Dwarf King Theocrus Kartina's enchanting

I must confirm this first. The appraisal stone is here. I won't get another chance like this. Kaye thought seeing the stats of the bow. He was planning to test the weapon binding ritual beforehand.

After seeing the stats both Senleka and Sir Rityals eyes started gleaming. Both showed their courtesy to King theocrus and left the arena. King theocrus was about to ask for the same procedure on Kaye's sword but he spoke up first.

"Your Highness may I confirm that the ritual works." Kaye asked somewhat hesitantly.

"Mr. Kaye I would suggest you don't doubt his highness's word." Leo said with dejected expression on his face.

"Leo I commend your loyalty and appreciate your diligence that how you presented it." King Theocrus said to Leo and looked towards Kaye.

"But Kaye before you check, whether it works or not. Let me enchant your sword so you could confirm both at once." King theocrus suggested to Kaye.

"Your highness I believe that won't be necessary." Kaye said.

Did he just refuse the enchanting of a dwarf king? Every single person present had the same thought.

Theo who was the grandchild of King theocrus takes 7 days to forge a magical sword using carved enchanting. But never did he make and sell a sword which was enchanted with runes because it was just too much powerful. Even if it takes an hour to enchant any simple sword, he never did it. The thought of letting an unknown person buy a wizard class spell just for few gold coins prevented him to do so.

But now Kaye who could get the sorcerer class spells by the very grand master of enchanting himself refused the offer. Even King Theocrus was surprised.

It was just literally saying like "I don't need your power."

"Utter insolence, you shall be punished for this." This time Leo couldn't hold himself back.

"LEO…" King Theocrus paused not knowing what to say to him. He then turned towards Kaye and asked.

"May I know your reason for not letting your sword enchanted?" King Theocrus asked.

"Your Highness the matter of fact is that I can't use magic so enchanting my sword will be of no use. I am sure that it won't happen but if by any chance, if this sword gets stolen and falls into wrong hand, then it would be truly unfortunate." Kaye explained in a calm and composed manner.

Letting his weakness know to the King wasn't a bad move, after all he wouldn't fight a King in a battle would he?

"Ohh so you can't use magic." King theocrus said it like it happens a lot, but that wasn't the case though.

He continued. "That brat he never told you the true meaning of weapon binding ritual, did he? He just loves making them, no interest in using them. So let me clear your queries first."

"First as you have heard, the weapon made by you will obey your command. It means it can't be used by anyone else. That is unless you want them to use it. So stealing it would be a lost cause. Second, since it is a blessing from Lady Synthia, you don't need to know magic for using weapon binding ritual. It completely operates on soul connection. The Cardinia system will also obey it, so off course appraisal will show your name when it is appraised." King Theocrus explained everything to Kaye.

After listening to King's explanation, it seems like King knows a lot about the system. Kaye thought.

"Now my question is do you really not want it to be enchanted, or what I mean is do you really believe that you won't be able to use magic your whole life? Cause if that's the case I won't enchant it."

"Your highness I want it enchanted. And I have one more question what is Cardinia system and who made it." He said and a smile fomed on Kaye's face.

"Guess you really have been forging things your whole life and don't know anything else." Leo retorted.

"First let met enchant your sword, then we will talk. And by the way what element do you want?"

"Fire and Lightning my Lord." Kaye said and thought After all these are the most offensive one.

"Yes as your wish." King theocrus smiled and thought Another muscle-head.

He asked the soldier and the soldier presented the sword in front of him.

"Since you don't have any knowledge of magic it will be difficult to choose any spell from your side. So I am going to enchant it with three different types of spells for each classes and elements that is mage, wizard and sorcerer for lightning and fire." King theocrus said it like it was nothing, but Leo was shocked by what just King theocrus said. Before he could say anything King theocrus started to enchant the sword.

The same procedure was repeated by King theocrus for almost 20 minutes which he had done for Senleka. Kaye and Leo were watching patiently the spectacle going in front of them. Kaye's eyes were filled with joy but Leo was having test of fear in his eyes for some unknown reason.

"Here that would be total 24 spells, 18 offensive and 6 defensive. There are very few swords out there like this one. But that's Okay" King theocrus said.

"I have also added appraisal skill to it. You can now see its stats, but you can only use it once every ten minutes. It can store that much mana only and I am clearly not the sorcerer king, so that's that. Now how about you check everything is working fine." King theocrus said satisfactorily while Leo looked in disbelief towards what he had done.

And before Kaye could reach his sword "But Sire that would be too much and won't it make chaos, once it go out." Leo spoke.

"No Leo, it won't since Kaye will be binding with it and he can't use magic in the first place. It will take him years to control that much mana at once to completely unlock all those spells. I just made it like this because Kaye's magic aptitude is so low that the Cardinia system can't detect him. So if he had the determination he could also become like other people out there. The sword just removes the difference between him and other sentians out there who could use magic normally." King theocrus had no idea that Kaye was a human. So he removed nothing and just handed Kaye a super powerful sword which he can't use.

He continued "And it's not like sorcerer out there can use all of the spells at once which are enchanted in that sword. They simply will drain their own mana if tried so and if still uses it from natural mana their body will be exhausted at some point, further breaking their limit will eventually lead to their death."

Yup they are grandfather and grandson they both just go on and on. Kaye thought looking towards King theocrus, completely amazed.

"Now what are you waiting for? Do it." King theocrus asked to Kaye. He reached the sword and held it in his both hands.

"Okay give it a name, and tell it to show its stats." King theocrus guided him.

I just know a name for it. Kaye thought and said "I hereby bestow upon you, the name Blackswing." Kaye tried to be dramatic but it just didn't come out. It was ugly!!! Anyway show stats. He thought.

Steel black smoke appeared not in Kaye's mind but in reality and formed a brown old scroll as usual.


Entity: Sword

          Bascic details: 

            Name: Blackswing

            Type: Weapon 

            Title: Katana

            Attack: 311(+18,706) Niyak

            Defense: 32 (+8,107) Baar

            Durability: 219 (+200) Galza

            Rarity: Absolute Extreme


          Advanced details:

            Attack spells:

              From Dwarf King Theocrus Kartina's enchanting

                PRECKARI-REMERO-INCINELA: 2592 Niyak

                MEVIDIC-NIKELA-DESTRIO: 2152 Niyak

                KARINEL-STRITO-VEKERIA: 2012 Niyak

                NIYUSTI-TERINO-INCINELA: 1992 Niyak

                VISHIAIN-MARICKA-NALRIO: 1852 Niyak

                RINELIA-KARIA-VRISHKO: 1712 Niyak

                KARICIA-NELKA: 997 Niyak

                DRESHI-VARAKTO: 922 Niyak

                ARINEL-STRIRIA: 799 Niyak

                TERINELA-MIRIUM: 767 Niyak

                NERICH-INFERNO: 757 Niyak

                KINASHI-VIRASTIA: 651 Niyak

                PREKCARIA: 492 Niyak

                VERNOLIA: 456 Niyak

                NISIAYA: 394 Niyak

                KARINELA: 348 Niyak

                ARENIYASH: 321 Niyak

                REDUCIA: 247 Niyak

            Defense spells:

              From Dwarf King Theocrus Kartina's enchanting

                NETIAN-ARPINO-DREKAR: 3111 Baar

                ESILO-NERINA-VIKRISHTI: 2721 Baar

                EKERIA-NIALSA: 812 Baar

                IRINIO-ERALS: 796 Baar

                     DIFITIO: 354 Baar

                STACIA: 313 Baar

            Creator: Kaye

            Enchantment: Dwarf King Kartina's enchanting


              From Dwarf King Theocrus's enchanting


                  Shows the Blackswings's stats  

                  Cool down time: 6 minutes  

Did I really just do that? Will it really be okay? King theocrus looked in disbelief towards the stats presented.

"Now about your doubts towards the Cardinia system let's talk in the garden, it's caving in here." King theocrus asked and Kaye nodded so all of them started walking towards the Tracian's outer garden. He will be getting his answers after all Kaye was the royal guest wasn't he?

  It was a great view; one could see dense green trees on the boundaries of the garden, and other side was filled with marvelous walls of Tracian. They were all walking towards the trees while talking.

King theocrus was walking in front, both Kaye and Leo was walking besides him.

"So how is Theo doing, all right?" King theocrus asked.

What I am supposed to say- master is making 45silver per month Kaye was confused.

"Master is doing all right." He replied nonetheless.

"I see. Great! So what were your doubts again, hmm… first what Cardinia system is? It is actually an insanely huge set of spells enchanted upon the world by the Sorcerer King Zaki-Ne-Peru."

He started again. Kaye knew a long explanation is about to come.

"The reason he did so is our moon, the beautiful moon you see every day according to some legends is actually home to the dark-elves. And don't confuse them with the wild-elves and not even think about comparing them with elves otherwise Emperor Rishtia will chew you up." King theocrus gave a wry smile.

How many types of elves are here? Kaye wondered.

"Legend says that almost 21,000 years ago Lady Sophia goddess of wisdom, creator of this world perished due to some reason. An apocalypse followed her death, and then Lady Synthia blessed this world once again. Peace reigned the world for almost 18,500 years, until came evil god Menevil. He literally made this world his own play thing. He kidnapped the princess of proudest race: elves and created a new race by mating with her, the race called dark-elves." King theocrus was explaining like he was telling a tale.

"Pardon me your highness but what is the relation of this story to the Cardinia system." Kaye interrupted him.

"Wait we will get there…" King theocrus gave an exasperated look and again started.

"Menevil also searched for the most powerful being in this world. Naturally he found him, the sorcerer King Zaki-Ne-Peru and forced him to take part in war between the worlds. Menevil made that moon dark-elves' world. But nothing did happen like Menevil planned because the sorcerer king Zaki-Ne-Peru worshiped Lady Synthia and got blessed by her in runes-craft. He ascended to the realms of the gods through his sheer will. To protect this world from dark-elves he created the Cardinia system, which protects all the races here from any otherworldly invasion as well as trains them." King theocrus looked towards the sky, like he was looking for answer.

This world is just… I don't know what to say anymore. Kaye was left baffled with the story.

Looking on Kaye's confused face King theocrus said "You must be wondering where Menevil and The sorcerer king went? They say both of them perished in battle against each other." Unbeknownst to him King theocus replied to Kaye's supposedly doubt.

"Your Highness do you really believe that there are dark-elves on the moon?" Kaye asked.

"How much of I said was true and how much false. I really don't know." King theocrus replied nonchalantly.

"Do you have anything else to ask?"

It was almost end of the day. It's about time King theocrus leave so he asked Kaye for anymore queries and end there walk together. 

"Your Highness I need your permission to go to Luckard Mountain." Kaye thought it would be best to ask for King's permission because it was his territory, and after all ore mines are there too.

"What!!!" both King theocrus and Leo yelled in surprise.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


