As Winston was a white tiger, after rubbing on the shower gel, his entire tiger body looked like a fat ball of cotton. His tiger shape was almost hard to see.
Bai Qingqing never knew that Winston also liked to have his fur brushed. In the beginning, he still felt a little tense. But it wasn't long before he softened into a big kitty cat, making wheezing sounds from his throat.
Bai Qingqing brushed his fur, again and again, not stopping even after his entire body was brushed clean. She also brushed to and fro repeatedly at the back of Winston's neck where he enjoyed it the most.
"Qingqing, your breakfast is ready. Hurry up and come to eat." Parker's voice rang out from downstairs, clearly feeling that she had stayed longer with Winston than him. He felt a little regretful. He should have washed later.
Bai Qingqing was about to say that she'd eat later when Winston suddenly woke up. His head jolted up and his wet ears perked up, too.