63.26% In MHA With Madara’s powers / Chapter 62: Chapter 62

章 62: Chapter 62

[author- goodnight. Imma go to bed lol.

(3311 words)]


"This changes everything..." All For One said when he heard the words of Kurogiri. Since he watched the Sports Festival, it was already known to him that Madara was able to use clones, but the full capabilities of the skill was completely unknown.

Until now.

"You're telling me Muscular and Dabi were fighting a clone of Madara the whole time? If that's the case, then why didn't you just leave Dabi there to die. He's obviously useless if he can't even defeat a damn replica." Tomura said out loud while clenching his fist and gritting his teeth, not wanting to think about the information he had just heard.

Slight sweat formed on the side of the neck he was scratching, greatly confusing him. The room temperature was pretty cool, so what was causing this?

'T-That can't be the reason why. I'm not nervous about that brat's strength!' All For One's student thought to himself in absolute fury.

Cursing himself for even having these type of humiliating emotions, he tried to calm his breathing. His sensei had told him he would need self control and patience for the plans in the future, but it was very difficult for him to act that way!

Fortunately, he was able to conceal the chaotic thoughts going inside of his head.

Well, at least that's what he thought.

Following Tomura for a while now, Kurogiri knew his tics and when his mood was soured. It happens quite often, so seeing it now didn't surprise him. Especially when they were discussing about one of the people Tomura hates the most.

"No Tomura. I know it's hard to accept, but it's most likely. Of course that Madara boy could just be lying about being a clone just to be cocky, but I doubt this.

If it's the truth, being able to defeat villains such as Dabi and Muscular while only being a clone is formidable and nothing to scoff at.

We don't even know how this clone ability of his fully works. The limits and mechanics of such a power is unknown, but what we do know is that it's completely different than the other clone quirks."

All For One explained, getting a nod from Kurogiri while Tomura stayed silent, still within his own thoughts.

The man wasn't finished though, as he continued speaking by saying "Make sure that none of the other League members know of this, the newest ones as well. I'm sure you know why Kurogiri."

"Yes. They'll most likely turn out the way Dabi will probably be. Discouraged to continue because of his humiliating defeat, and start fearing Madara's strength now. Some of our members are way too stubborn and cocky for this to happen, but it's still a possibility."

'And it's already happening with Tomura. This isn't good. A leader must not have this type of mindset. If he starts fearing that young man, then everyone else will think he's a weak minded fool that doesn't deserve to be leading the League. That could spell trouble for us.

It seems like a small problem, but it really isn't. This could turn out to be something uncontrollable in the future.

Madara...even when you're not here, you still cause problems for the League.'

Kurogiri said, and thought the last part to himself when he glanced at the silent light blue haired man.

"You're absolutely correct. And Tomura, I know what you must be thinking. All I have to say is continue training yourself to improve. You must feel insignificant right now, but know that you have an amazing power. One that'll be feared throughout the world one day. If you don't fix this mindset of yours, Madara will forever affect the way you do things and think."

All For One spoke, getting his student to pay attention to him. He may not be speaking, but the villain knew that Tomura listened to every word he said.

Yes, Madara was basically now a block for Tomura to overcome. A person he now feels nervous about because of his strength and power. Now he realizes just how much of a threat Madara is, and it's affecting him in a bad way.

Just like Izuku. The two successors overshadowed by one Uchiha. It was bound to happen, and there's nothing the two could do to 'surpass' Madara to overcome whatever inner problem their facing. Both could try doing so, but they'll never succeed.

Seeing how Tomura stayed silent, All For One spoke up once again, this time to Kurogiri.

"We'll need the full story about the battle from Dabi. How long until he actually wakes up?" The man questioned curiously.

They knew the end result of the fight, but All For One also wanted to know if Madara showed any unique abilities once again, or a new power.

"He's in a pretty bad state. It'll take at least a couple days until he wakes up, but longer until he recovers." Kurogiri instantly answered.

"Good. Now you guys may leave." The leader of the League of Villains said to the two who were listening. Tomura instantly got up and left to search for something he could destroy, while Kurogiri silently followed after him.


(With Rumi and Madara)

Madara and Rumi were in a separate room inside the Police Department. The room itself was pretty normal sized with book shelves covering the walls. The duo themselves sat on a chair fit for two, with a table and another chair across from them.

One could make the assumption that that's where the person who'll be questioning Madara and Rumi about the villain would be sitting.

All in all, it was a pretty cozy place, made specially for guest not to be uncomfortable.

Right now, Rumi was sitting on Madara's left with her head on his shoulder. Judging by the distant look in her eyes, it's obvious that she's thinking about something important.

Ever since she and Madara brought the villain in, she couldn't help remember the joy in her boyfriend's eyes when Muscular kept pleading the officers to end his life. If she were to be honest, she found it a little strange, but didn't think too much about it first.

She could only assume that bringing horrible villains down and making them suffer brings satisfaction to Madara. That the thought of those scum begging for mercy make him feel exhilarated.

Is he a sadist? Rumi has been wondering to herself, but she instantly made it clear in her mind that if that were the case, then she wouldn't care either way.

No matter how cruel Madara is to them, it doesn't matter because they deserve it. Whatever her boyfriend did, it should be justified because Muscular was such a horrible person.

Before she could think anything else, the sound of Madara's voice invaded her ears.

"I hope we don't have to wait so long. I just want to go over to your house already." The Uchiha said as he laid his head on top of his girlfriend's, receiving a smile out of her in return.

"Why are you so eager to go there? It's not like I can teach you anything useful that has anything to do with fighting. You also don't really need any hero advice from me. You're doing extremely well on your own so far."

The Rabbit Hero questioned him curiously, causing Madara to let out a small chuckle.

"That may be true, but training and sparing isn't the only activity the two of us can do at your house." Madara said to her as he trailed his left hand on the upper part of her thighs, squeezing them in the process.

She was wearing her hero outfit, so it gave him easy access, and feeling that she wasn't denying him, he didn't stop what he was doing.

"Y-You idiot..." Rumi said in a low voice as she stared up at him, looking straight into his black eyes. As she leaned forward, she took Madara's left hand and held it tightly, not enough for it to hurt though.

Not wasting anymore time, the Uchiha met her half way, and placed his lips on hers. They shared a small little kiss that instantly turned into a make out session, causing it to be the only sound to be heard in the quiet room.

Luckily for them, there wasn't any security cameras, otherwise it would get awkward real quick, and the fact that the two were in a relationship would be known to the public. Not that the duo actual cares about that though, but it would be quite troublesome.

5 minutes in, the Uchiha separated from Rumi and pointed at the door. She instantly knew what that meant.

The door opened to reveal a very tall and built man with the head of a beagle dog. He wore a suit consisting of a dress-shirt and a waist coat, while having a black blazer underneath. The most noticeable observation about the man's outfit was the white tie around his neck that resembles a Dalmatian dogs coat.

This was Hosu's Police Chief, Kenji Tsuragamae. This sort of confused Madara. Why would a man who works at Hosu be here, at a place that's about 30 minutes away. He could only guess that he's only here for some sort of meeting, but it's not like it matters to him. It's not his business, and he won't bother asking.

When Kenji walked inside the room, he saw how close the duo was sitting together, which caused him to tilt his dog head a little, but he didn't think too much about it.

"Good afternoon Rabbit Hero Mirko, and Madara Uchiha, woof." The man said as he eyed the two, mostly the younger one. He walked over to the chair across from them and sat down.

'This should get interesting.' Madara thought to himself, not letting any emotion show on his face. Something that Chief Kenji noticed.

'Madara Uchiha. One of U.A's top student, and winner of this years Sports Festival. I praise him for stopping those villains, but he's pretty brutal when he faces against him. That's what worries me the most. There's been cases of Pro Heroes or heroes in training using villains as an outlet to satisfy their 'unique' urges. It's rare, but it's still a possibility. It's not a personality a hero should have, but then again, I don't know how this boy acts or what he's like.

I tried calling Nezu about him, but the moment I mentioned the Uchiha, he instantly hung up and didn't pick up the phone afterwords. That's very strange and concerning.

Just what is that mouse hiding?

There's also the fact that this boy in front of me is more powerful than anyone realized...'

Chief Kenji thought to himself as he remembered when the officers told him that the villain that was brought and defeated by Madara was in fact Muscular. A known brutal man and killer, turned into a completely different person.

Kenji will never forget the absolute confusion and slight fear in their eyes when they said Muscular kept banging his head on the cell wall, as well as attempting to hurt himself by continuously biting his tongue.

Fortunately, or unfortunately for the villain, he was completely secured and couldn't even move now, or even speak. It was truly torture for him.

"So I was informed that you brought a villain in to be arrested. Please explain clearly what happened." Chief Kenji said as he brought out a pen as well as something to write on.

"Well, it's nothing complex. I was walking peacefully, minding my own business, and all of a sudden, I sense some bloodlust around the area, aiming right at me. I thought of the possibilities of villains wanting to fight me, so being the man I am who worries about the civilians safety, I leered them to a secluded spot where no one will be able to get hurt."

Madara said with a nod, kind of lying, but still saying the truth. It wasn't him, but his clone that did all this. Well, which basically means it was him. Madara just wasn't going to bring out the information on his clone.

'Why would they follow him though? This boy is obviously being targeted, but by who? Unless...no. I should hear the rest of his story first before I dive deep into this situation. I'll just end up confusing myself.'

The chief thought to himself as he gestured for Madara to continued telling his story.

"Afterwards, the two ended up going against me. One of them being Muscular which you probably already know, and the other is a villain I haven't seen before. He was able to use some sort of blue fire that was fairly powerful. Unfortunately he was able to escape." The Uchiha revealed, greatly confusing the man with a dog head.

"Wait a minute. If you were fighting these two villains, then where was Mirko during all this?" He questioned Madara, but didn't give him anytime to answer since he turned to look at Rumi and continued talking.

"I know it was said that Madara defeated Muscular by himself, but you must have helped, right? Were you around when all of this was occurring?" He questioned the white haired woman who instantly answered.

"Nope. I wasn't there at the time when Madara was fighting. It was all him. He did all of the work. I only met up with my partner after he restrained Muscular. He had asked me to go with him to the Police Department since he's never been there before."

Rumi said, making a perfect lie that caused Madara to almost let out a small smirk.

"If that's the case, then Madara can't take the credit for this. He used his quirk without you being around, which is illegal." He then looked at Madara and said

"I do have to thank you though, for bringing in Muscular. Unfortunately you won't be able to take the credit for this, but Mirko will."

Madara just looked at Kenji indifferently, not showing any emotion, but inside his head was different.

'Really? This stupid law concerning quirks again? Is this seriously what he's thinking about? Me, facing two villains out to hurt me, and all he could say is I used my quirk in public and it's illegal?' Madara thought to himself with a sigh, already deciding on what to say.

"I have to admit, I don't care about my fame at all, or even if I get the credit of what I did, but doing this will be quite unfortunate for you. Although I led the two to a secluded place, the battle caught the attention of those nearby. Recordings are probably already out by now, me fighting Muscular and an unknown villain.

Giving Rumi the credit will likely cause most people to look at the police force in a negative light for lying about this. Not only that, but it'll also ruin Rumi's reputation for 'stealing her intern's credit'"

Madara said, causing Rumi to let out a small smile. She should be slightly worried about her partner lying like this, but she didn't seem to care. Especially when the credit was going to go to her. She didn't like taking credit for other people's hard work. It didn't sit right with her and she would've mostly not agreed with Kenji if Madara hadn't spoke up.

Kenji himself was thinking of Madara's words. If it's known that the Police Force lied about this, it could cause some backlash. Something Chief Kenji didn't want to happen.

'It looks like I'll have to make an exception...' He thought to himself while eyeing Madara.

'This boy. He's been calm and composed the whole time we've been talking. Anything I say won't phase him. It's truly interesting.'

"*Sigh* You're right. I must congratulate and thank you once again for your actions. But I have to say and question you something that has been concerning me. The villains you have defeated so far, I've noticed you've been pretty brutal with them. What's up with that?"

"Care to explain, officer?" Madara questioned, playing ignorant for now since he wanted to hear more about this.

"To my knowledge, the first villains you fought were the ones at USJ. All the villains that were captured were revealed to be crippled, never to be able to walk or function without some sort of help again.

Then, there's that time you stopped a bank robbery. One of the attackers apparently had his limbs crushed. That's not all, but the Hero Killer Stain that you defeated...he was brought in and revealed to be brutally beaten.

And the worse of all is Muscular who literally doesn't have any legs now.

I don't know what you did, but that man is probably even more insane than he already was. When we tried interrogating him, he wouldn't answer our questions. All he would do was ask us to kill him, to 'end his miserable life', constantly insults himself for being a failure and useless.

Not only that, but the moment we mention your name to him, an expression of terror and fear is formed on his face. He starts to freak out, looking around the room like he's making sure you're not there. Constantly asking to keep you away from him while crying.

Something must have happened during your fight with him..."

Kenji spoke out while Rumi stayed silent.

'I might've went too extreme.' Madara said, but didn't really care.

"Do you actually care about those villains, and how they turn out? You can't be serious. The villains at USJ, they were attempting to kill innocent kids in my class.

That man who tried to rob the bank killed an officer while also attempting to rape a woman. I'm sure you know this right?

Hero Killer Stain was an insane and crazy man who'd kill anyone that didn't fit his description on what a hero should really be like.

Muscular...well who knows why he's acting like that. All I know is that he was a man who loved tormenting others, also a murderer.

Now tell me, do you honestly care about the state of these villains? They deserved it..."

Madara spoke out, staring into the man dog's eyes the whole time.

"Yes, that's true but, why wou-" Before Kenji could continue, he was interrupted by Rumi would suddenly stood up with Madara.

"I'm sure we can leave now. We already told you our story." She said, not bothering on waiting for an answer and walked out the door while holding Madara's hand.

'Well, good bye then, I guess.' Kenji thought to himself with a sigh.


(With Madara and Rumi)

When the two walked out of the door, they instantly disappeared in a small bolt of lightning, and reappeared on top of the building.

Wrapping his arms around Rumi's waist, Madara brought her closer and held her.

"So do you want to tell me why you did that?" He questioned curiously. It was seriously out of no where and he didn't really expect it.

Sighing, Rumi stroked the long hair of her boyfriend and said "I just didn't like how it was turning into an interrogation. Those cop guys and even other heroes sometimes act like that, and it annoys me. Maybe it's because I just don't do well with other people..."

"I understand what you mean. Fortunately we don't have to think too much about it since we can finally go to your house." Madara said as he separated from the Rabbit Hero.

Grinning, Rumi gave the young man a quick kiss and rushed off while shouting "I'll race you there!"

'Hmmm, 3, maybe 5 minute head start will make this interesting.' Madara thought to himself before he started to count in his head.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C62
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


