/ Sci-fi / Psychic Parasite

Psychic Parasite オリジナル

Psychic Parasite

Sci-fi 453 章 3.7M ビュー
作者: Overlord_Venus

4.58 (183 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


[Sequel Released] (Psychic Parasite: Final Serenity)

At the peak of his life, a man is transported to the future. A world that had faced an apocalypse, barely clinging to their humanity is what greeted him. The post-apocalyptic world, the Earth of the future was shrouded in mystery. In order to return to his timeline, an era where he had left his footsteps behind, he had to unravel the secrets of the world. The only problem being, this was an era dominated by the Parasites.

Note: Giving the story a light read like your usual cultivation novels will leave you confused. There is plenty of foreshadowing all throughout the story. Enjoy your read~!!!

Cover by: Jamesmikopi
Check out his works: https://twitter.com/jamesmikopi
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Or contact me through my Discord ID: Overlord_Venus#9364
Or through my email: mistameeee@gmail.com
Follow me on Instagram @overlord_venus

  1. Ginnudi
    Ginnudi 貢献した 7048
  2. CaliMalachai
    CaliMalachai 貢献した 5419
  3. FishOutAt_1998
    FishOutAt_1998 貢献した 5239


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    The start is very slow, but that's not a bad thing. In fact, I think the slow pace does a very excellent job at showing and explaining the world to the reader without sounding like an info-dump. Much of Volume 1 is pretty much set-up for the main story; there is plot happening, but the focus is mainly on setting up the world and introducing characters (major and minor). So, for new readers who are put off by the slow start, the world is very detailed and interesting. It's worth sticking around, so don't give up on the story! The only issue (maybe?) that I have is that the writing is very dense, but filled with foreshadowing at the same time. So if you end up skimming a section/chapter because you want to see some action, you might miss a key detail and you might get confused in later chapters. Because Volume 1 does hop around with character perspectives, it is a bit hard to get invested in the major characters. However, I just started Volume 2, and it looks like the author is going to stick to mainly 2 POVs this time, so I might get more invested in the characters. It should also be mentioned that the story is intriguing enough that you can keep reading it without being invested in characters. Kudos to the author for somehow managing to do that. The story is very intriguing, if a little confusing at first.

    9 の返信を表示する

    (For a Quick Analysis, skip to the tldr) Lately, I've been playing a game while at work. The game is called "what type of book would my coworkers like to read?" and I am semi-good at it. I believe that everyone has a book that they will enjoy reading. Despite my near perfect rating, this book may not be for everyone. Some people like thrillers, others like romance, drama, mystery, horror, philosophical, or adventure novels. If I were to place this book in a genre, I'm not sure if I could. It scratches a reading itch I never knew I had. Instead of dropping the book into an unfitting stereotype, I'll list some descriptors that come to mind. Similar to "Dune" by Frank Herbert. Sandersonesque. Thought-provoking, Simple to understand. Unclear magic system, A magic system with defined rules. Aloofness among society, Human emotions. This book is filled with almost-contradictions, yet never quite contradicts itself. The author has a grasp upon the truth of human nature, and has used that to create a culture where humans are both the pinnacle of feeling, and the most heartless psychopaths. And inside of it all is someone like us, but stripped of everything that ties us to him. If you enjoy the act of painting a picture in your mind, this may be the book for you. The descriptors are apt and concise in a readable manner. I sometimes reread the fight scenes, or even the relaxed scenes, to repaint the scene until I find it satisfactory. The world has a home in my head and my heart. If you are looking for a book, give this one a shot. It is fabulous. The first few chapters are a tough read because the author writes in a different style, but as you progress and reading becomes easier, the book becomes immensely more enjoyable. As I've said, this book may not be for everyone, but you'll never know if you don't give it a try. TLDR Read the first 5 chapters. Get used to the prose. Then decide if you like it or not. Also, if you like this, check out Brandon Sanderson.

    8 の返信を表示する

    Where to begin... Though it had a complicated start, which most people seemed to get confused by, or right out made them curse at the author, a careful look will make one realise that it is in fact perfect. The psychological problems that plague the MC at the beginning are realistic and make one think. They are confusing and at first look make no sense, but upon taking a step back and asking yourself what you would have done in the shoes of the MC you will realize it makes sense. These Psychological Problems of the MC because of his kind of power remain for the entire Novel, but get less and less as he begins to master it. Even though that is the case some break downs occur. The whole Worldbuilding, and the why of all things are fantastic. One of the few times world lore has actually interested me. A rarity on this platform. The Characters is neither good nor evil, but he follows his own codex. He shemes and plans, but is incredibly caring, later on as he understands more of the world he begins to care not only for humanity. The whole concept that every ability is based on parasites and the genetic changes that occur over time are brilliant. The Side characters ar more fleshed out than most mc's on this platform. Even though it may not seem so at first, it is just because the mc hasn't interacted with them enough to understand theme. Battles are legendary written. You shudder at big fights and feel patriotism for a fantasy Humanity with abilities. These fights are mostly on a level higher than the mc. And the MC is mostly an onlooker, point is on mostly. This is unavoidable as the MC is still a student at the time and is growing up to be a pillar of humanity. Everything he does has meaning, even if not visible at first. All in all, you have here a masterpiece, a gem, that even though confusing at first, will make you feel like you are at the side of the mc all the way. This is just Book 1, Author plans to release Book 2 seperate. The reason being that if he gets enough patrons on P. A. T. R. E. O. N he will make the chapters free for all, and that only works if he releases book 2 seperately. Go on, enjoy a masterpiece.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Hello folks, Author here :) I finally decided to follow our tradition here in WN, hahaha. Updates will be 2 chappies per day, unless I am not feeling well (which is true at the time of posting this review). Chapter length averages around 1900 words (as of chapter 107). Coming to the story, I would like to tell you a few things. 1) The pace of the story is slow as I give attention to many things. But, as we go into the story, the pace picks up a little. 2) World background is detailed, I can say this with a lot of confidence. I have been fleshing out intricate bits since the beginning, taking measures to not make it overwhelming to the readers. After all, I too was a reader(A reader in WN since 2017) for more than 5 years before becoming an author, so I know the information retaining capacity of a reader, which is very less in WN (since each of you probably read 20 other stories). 3) The characters each will have their own life. Sure, there might be many of them that you wouldn't like (Since the setting of the story is like that) but in such cases, try to put yourselves in their shoes and see if their character is justified. Welp, reading experience matters haha. 4) The English language...well, no one has complained about it till now. So, I presume I am doing a fair enough job in that regard. 5) My MC...well, he has lots of issues, so much so that he at times makes decisions that are kind of radical. Well...parasites. 6) The story has a dark vibe. The world revolves around parasites so, it is not exactly a knight and shining example of bravery, justice, camaraderie, etc. The tone is realistic; meaning, the events will occur similar to if the world existed IRL. But, you will also have many heartwarming moments, familial relationships, etc. I won't spoil anymore but, let me end it with a small note. "There will neither be any instant gratification in the story nor a grandpa in a ring or a stone picked up on the street possessing heaven-defying capabilities, sword spirit, great Heaven Void Earth Rending Physique, etc." Oof, on another final note, please don't spam reviews, especially the troll ones. I can take criticism any day (Sure, I will be affected by them. I only said I can take criticism; I never said I am immune to them) but please use a neutral tone if possible. If you are leaving a lower star rating, do specify the parts that led you to make the decision. This will help me improve. But, just because I don't delete reviews doesn't mean you can take advantage of it. Leave me lengthy reviews if possible, I have a thing for them haha. **. I read all comments (Chapter comments included) and also boast a sound memory. So, I'll know... :P

    72 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    The story is very good, it may seem slow to others but there is a lot of world building, foreshadowing, character development. I like all the details, especially those about the power system and the world background. I woudn't mind to know even more about the world. The characters are also quite likeable in my opinion. I really like the style of writing, it flows naturally and it seems "clean". Also, I didn't notice grammatical errors, just a name switch between Heima and Henrietta in a chapter I think, but that is understandable. What may be a put off to others is that the MC takes a lot of time to take control of the host. I am myself quite eager to see it happening already but the other details, developments and character interactions kept me focused and hooked until now. Also, at first I wanted to give this a 4 for the stability of the updates because I've seen that the update rate is around 4 chapters per week (which in my opinion can be better). But then I thought I can't comment on that too much as I only started reading this yesterday and the chapters are pretty long. Also, I want to encourage the author to write more and continue the story, maybe at a faster pace in the future (faster pace as in chapters released per week/day, not the pace of the story). So, keep up the good work author and don't ever drop this story, please! Good luck!

    22 の返信を表示する

    It’s amazing. I read over 300 chapters in, and nothing happened. First, the author’s style of writing is pretty good. It flows well and is easy to read. The characters are all distinguishable and the side characters are reasonably captivating. The setting is very fresh. It’s the only story I’ve read based in Hindi culture. The world is detailed and has depth. However, if you want a story with a strong or even an active MC, this is not it. MC is weak, slow, and passive. The world spins around him while he does nothing. The side characters drive everything, and MC is off screen for most major events. It’s to the point where I don’t even get why he’s the main character. I kept waiting for something, anything to happen with this guy, but I finally realized nothing ever would and dropped this. For me, I need a proactive MC to get behind, no matter how good the side characters are.

    3 の返信を表示する

    High rating for the unique concept which is well written. The writing quality is pretty good, no obvious mistakes in that. Decent world building, volume 1 sets the stage for the story. It takes the time to explore things but doesn't reveal everything and keeps a sense of mystery. Though this takes focus away from mc for long and combined with the unanswered questions, it might be annoying for some. Now the characters, the mc isn't op but has unique advantages that he still doesn't fully understand. He's personality is being shaped because of his unique circumstances and doesn't seem forced. The other characters seem to have a role to play and it's hard to predict how things will go with the way they are set or developed. That being said there's also room for improvement for example the 1st volume could have been far more captivating. Since the mc is formerly from a similar world as ours, more contrast could have been shown to highlight the difference with not just the architecture but the way of life and attitude of people though this could be depicted later as well. These are just a few things at the top of my head right now.

    2 の返信を表示する

    Psychic Parasite has been a unique and enthralling reading experience for me and is something that I'd recommend for you guys to read :) The initial chapters were a bit shocking as most stories I read take place in either a Western or Eastern Chinese setting but this has a refreshing setting and the Author writes from a setting that they are familiar with. The protagonist is young with a great future ahead of him but he is suddenly brought into a new world with mysterious events and customs. I hadn't read the synopsis prior to reading this book as the cover attracted me and I am in awe of the Author's capacity to build a world that is so different yet similar from ours. I've grown to enjoy the world and the characters in it, rooting for many characters and not just the protagonist. Will you also enter this world of mystery and parasites?

    5 の返信を表示する

    A constructive criticism: A fairly sub-par work, highly not recommended as it is so far. The author is barely making an effort in keeping readers interested. This mostly comes off as a grade school project, with the author trying desperately to hit word count requirements rather than actually write anything of entertainment value. The writing comes across as completely forced, as if the author has no interest in their own webnovel. This is rather unfortunate as the plot is somewhat unique and could make for a compelling story, one that may get a good TV/Movie adaptation. Author-San, please worry less about filling a chapter with words and more on telling an actual story, one with plot, direction, and an compelling narrative. One of the most recommended tips from successful authors is to, in a separate document the readers don't get see, list the upcoming plot points you have in mind, then make it seem like you knew what you were doing all along. The story will come along seemingly on its own as you try to connect one plot point to the next. Using 12 words to describe a standard steel bowl, and writing down what each character does in the bathroom and how many minutes it takes to move their bowels followed by a quarter hour breakdown of each of their actions whilst in the restroom is how you lose readers. I probably will not be reading this novel again until a few hundred chapters have been written, and will probably jump straight from where I currently am (chapter 60) directly to future chapter... 600? to check how things have gone. I hope the chapters prior to that will be worth going back to read. Take care Author-San, and please, do try looking up writing advice online if you feel stuck. I hope my words do not dissuade you from continuing Psychic Parasyte, that your writing improves, and that readers come flocking to your work.

    2 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    This is a very well thought out story, filled with relatable and very well drawn characters, an extremely rich world with complex relationships, cultures, hierarchies and paths to power. Some find the pace slow at the beginning, but I found it just right. The time investment is well deserved in order to slowly discover the richness and complexity of this world, where grey areas abound and right and wrong are not as clear as one might imagine. Very highly recommended!

    7 の返信を表示する

    The story is worth a try but don t hold your expectations too high. I have to be honest here, in the first 34 chapters the story barely talks about the mc and is outright boring, he even used half a chapter to explaim a video game the kids were playing( what i wanna say is that the story has too many details). The writing style is good but the amount of filler is really excessive, i skipped like 10 chapters, from 24 to 34 and i feel like i didn t miss anything. The mc, rather than a parasite, is an invading soul, nonetheless the story is still quite unique. it is also very dark and i dont recommend it to those that despise sociopathic MCs. Overall, it is an ok novel, not a light read at all and definetly not my cup of tea, i like dark stories, but this world is ****ed up really bad

    0 の返信を表示する

    (Currently on Chapter 10) Writing Quality. I love the tone, it is unique and creative. The use of uncommon words to describe objects, backgrounds, and etc, is what makes the writing quality of the book astounding indeed. Update. I'll give it five stars cause why not? Story development. Hmm, it's not fast-paced nor is it slow. I love the pace, it's perfect. Character Design- I have nothing to criticize about the category. It is truly remarkable, especially the way how you describe each character. World Background-I'll give it five stars cause why not? It is unique and well thought just like the character design. Overall I'm giving this book a five out of five. Continue the good work, for I am captivated to see what lies beyond the next chapters of this book. 👍👍👍

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    (TL:DR at the end) First off. It's a good novel. But i just really, i mean REALLY don't like the way the author has written the story. The actual mc gets maybe a paragraph or two every few chapters and that's it. It is painful for me to read a story that doesn't focus on the mc at all. I know some people don't mind that, but for me it is painfully boring. I did hear that the story starts focusing more on the actual mc in volume 2. But sadly that means i have to drag myself through over 50 chapters to get to that point. Other than that. The writing quality itself is amazing. Characters and world building is extremely precise. Maybe too precise for some people. I'll keep reading this from time to time and try to get far enough to give a better review. (if i remember) That'll take a while though since at most i can take is 6 chapters until i feel like dying. Not the novels fault. Just my picky tastes. TL:DR I suggest giving it a try. The story is very well written, but be prepared for the story to not focus on the mc until vol2.

    4 の返信を表示する

    Vague synopsis that doesn't really explain what the story is about and seems contradictory to the story title. MC that doesn't have a 'protagonist halo' so I don't know why I should care about them. A lot of exposition and boring stuff right at the start, author is bombarding me with people, places and names of things I literally don't care about and expecting me to want to keep reading. The author is basically fishing without bait, you've got to give the readers something right away for them to keep reading, to hook them in, but the author doesn't do that here, instead it's expected for you to 'be patient' and waste your time reading whilst trying to care about stuff you simply don't care about until the novel 'gets good.'

    0 の返信を表示する

    Love the way the story flows. Every scene is written beautifully. I can imagine everything that happens in my head. The characters are so real that I suspect the author threw a bunch of irl characters into the book and locked them up in the book world. The prose is also fresh and unique. This book is a real hidden gem

    0 の返信を表示する

    Let me give my little review a little over 50 chapters in. So far it feels like a very slow burn, not super action packed yet but it's got a nice easy going pace. the level of detail is quite vivid at times all in the right places. overall the writing is pretty solid and a good bit of foreshadowing. it doesn't feel like your generic story either in how complex they make the characters feel rather than the usual flat objects. if you want a OP main character that's strong and face slapping out of the get go this isn't for you, but it you want a slower paced book that the author takes their time with, then this could be it.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Overall very good. Quality novel compared to the standards on this site/app.. Engaging plot even if its not really all about the MC. I've read all the available chapters in a day that's how this novel captivated me. Lol i don't usually write reviews neither know how to write one but just to support the author i post this one. Hope you wont drop this novel👍goodluck

    0 の返信を表示する

    So far the books been interesting to say the least... but has anyone else seen the cover and immediately think of the caterpillar from ‘Alice in wonderland’ even the name matches haha 😄

    0 の返信を表示する

    Fuck yes, a new parasite type novel, I hope he can get stronger from taking over other bodies. This novel has potential for first place of the new books

    4 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    well I now finished first volume, and I can say this is absolutely amazing. Story starts quite slowly, yes, but with every chapter epicnes of this masterpiece stedily grows as well. World background and story are very interesting, well thought through and inventive and novel. Even tho it starts with character in teens it is a mature story with no kiddy grade stupidity of family friendly category. This is dark serious story with lots of tragedy. Super like it.

    1 の返信を表示する
    Chapter 450: Victory 3 years ago

    卷 1 : Foothold

    1. 1
      Confused Transmigration 4 years ago
    2. 2
      Mysterious Bubble 4 years ago
    3. 3
      Induction 4 years ago
    4. 4
      Trial 4 years ago
    5. 5
      Martial Arts 4 years ago
    6. 6
      Mission 4 years ago
    7. 7
      Madam Mary 4 years ago
    8. 8
      Old Man Bone 4 years ago
    9. 9
      Creature 4 years ago
    10. 10
      Ceremony of Nightmare 4 years ago
    11. 11
      Forewarn 4 years ago
    12. 12
      Prepone 4 years ago
    13. 13
      Losing Control 4 years ago
    14. 14
      Sun 4 years ago
    15. 15
      Cadet 4 years ago
    16. 16
      Rhachis Ancestor Strongest 4 years ago
    17. 17
      Imperial Corps 4 years ago
    18. 18
      Unranked Skill 4 years ago
    19. 19
      Matters of Family 4 years ago
    20. 20
      Declaration as a Noble Family 4 years ago
    21. 21
      Dawn Era 4 years ago
    22. 22
      Plotting 4 years ago
    23. 23
      Subsoul 4 years ago
    24. 24
      Administrator 4 years ago
    25. 25
      Sectors and Rings 4 years ago
    26. 26
      Bone Devour 4 years ago
    27. 27
      Foresight, Courage, and Ambition 4 years ago
    28. 28
      Regaining Youth 4 years ago
    29. 29
      Conversation Between Mother and Daughter 4 years ago
    30. 30
      Heart Crystal 4 years ago
    31. 31
      Flickering Demeanour 4 years ago
    32. 32
      The Night Before The Raid 4 years ago
    33. 33
      Cleansement Fruit 4 years ago
    34. 34
      Departure 4 years ago
    35. 35
      Goodbye, Jyorta! 4 years ago
    36. 36
      Anger of a Senior Citizen 4 years ago
    37. 37
      Battle between Two Powerhouses 4 years ago
    38. 38
      Battle between Souls 4 years ago
    39. 39
      Hello World 4 years ago
    40. 40
      Baby Steps 4 years ago
    41. 41
      Terrifying Night 4 years ago
    42. 42
      Home Tutor 4 years ago
    43. 43
      Studying 4 years ago
    44. 44
      Dissipated Bonds 4 years ago
    45. 45
      Psychic Parasite 4 years ago
    46. 46
      I Am Heima Bone 4 years ago
    47. 47
      Light 4 years ago
    48. 48
      Lost City 4 years ago
    49. 49
      Dawn Makes a Second Appearance 4 years ago
    50. 50
      Search for the Escaped Subsouls 4 years ago
    51. 51
      New Life 4 years ago
    52. 52
      Thoughts 4 years ago
    53. 53
      Coming Out Clean! 4 years ago

    卷 2 : Military Academy

    1. 54
      Prequel to the Ceremony 4 years ago
    2. 55
      Parasite Ingestion 4 years ago
    3. 56
      Parasite Digestion 4 years ago
    4. 57
      Absorption, Assimilation, and Ejection 4 years ago
    5. 58
      Mental State of New Espers 4 years ago
    6. 59
      Erratic Behaviour 4 years ago
    7. 60
      Calendar 4 years ago
    8. 61
      Attachment Towards Previous Life 4 years ago
    9. 62
      Path 4 years ago
    10. 63
      Unravelling Embarrassment 4 years ago
    11. 64
      Dorm 4 years ago
    12. 65
      Haesha 4 years ago
    13. 66
      A Dogfight 4 years ago
    14. 67
      Doppler Family 4 years ago
    15. 68
      The Pamphlet 4 years ago
    16. 69
      Survival Enactment 4 years ago
    17. 70
      Dedicated Credit Ranking System 4 years ago
    18. 71
      An Encounter With Death 4 years ago
    19. 72
      Long Nose Frenzy Beast 4 years ago
    20. 73
      Auditorium 4 years ago
    21. 74
      Brain Crystal 4 years ago
    22. 75
      Parasite 4 years ago
    23. 76
      Labyrinth of Frenzy 4 years ago
    24. 77
      The First Training Exercise 4 years ago
    25. 78
      Disappointment 4 years ago
    26. 79
      The Hope to Reach The Peak 4 years ago
    27. 80
      Advice 4 years ago
    28. 81
      Essence of Frenzy 4 years ago
    29. 82
      Martial Arts for Espers 4 years ago
    30. 83
      Advantages of Espers and Object Refinement 4 years ago
    31. 84
      Refined Object 4 years ago
    32. 85
      Statue 4 years ago
    33. 86
      The Five Statues and the Unconscious Corrosion 4 years ago
    34. 87
      Domain and Limits 4 years ago
    35. 88
      Human Trial 4 years ago
    36. 89
      Precarious Situation 4 years ago
    37. 90
      Credits 4 years ago
    38. 91
      Caterpillar 4 years ago
    39. 92
      Trait of Efficiency 4 years ago
    40. 93
      Symphony 4 years ago
    41. 94
      The Yellow Card 4 years ago
    42. 95
      A Wall of Blue 4 years ago
    43. 96
      Marble Sonata 4 years ago
    44. 97
      Making a Mess 4 years ago
    45. 98
      Fear, Apprehension, and Detesting Arrangements 4 years ago
    46. 99
      Soul Cornea 4 years ago
    47. 100
      Artifact 4 years ago
    48. 101
      Relic 4 years ago
    49. 102
      Optimal Mentality for the World 4 years ago
    50. 103
      First 4 years ago
    51. 104
      Child of Frenzy 4 years ago
    52. 105
      Path Number 98 4 years ago
    53. 106
      Retaliation 4 years ago
    54. 107
      The Javelin 4 years ago
    55. 108
      A Barrage of Attacks 4 years ago
    56. 109
      Memoir Beckoner 4 years ago
    57. 110
      The Pitcher 4 years ago
    58. 111
      Atika Light 4 years ago
    59. 112
      Grapple Force 4 years ago
    60. 113
      Gulvana Harr 4 years ago
    61. 114
      Cataclysmic Inferrer 4 years ago
    62. 115
      The Curtain 4 years ago
    63. 116
      Mystic Lord 4 years ago
    64. 117
      Emotional Anchor 4 years ago
    65. 118
      Loss of Geniuses, Whimpering Hope 4 years ago
    66. 119
      A Sentence 4 years ago
    67. 120
      A Shielding Umbrella, and the Conflicting Grass 4 years ago
    68. 121
      The Smirk 4 years ago
    69. 122
      Seven Vs Three, Potential Annihilation 4 years ago
    70. 123
      One of Calm, Optimism, and Filled With Focus 4 years ago
    71. 124
      Verge of Losing Control 4 years ago
    72. 125
      A Drop in Sync Rate 4 years ago
    73. 126
      67% 4 years ago
    74. 127
      Discovery and Realisation 4 years ago
    75. 128
      Consideration 4 years ago
    76. 129
      Entangled Solution 4 years ago
    77. 130
      Crisis Point 4 years ago
    78. 131
      Greater Warlord 4 years ago
    79. 132
      Mortal Loss 4 years ago
    80. 133
      Bone 4 years ago
    81. 134
      Devour 4 years ago
    82. 135
      The Green Energy 4 years ago
    83. 136
      The Umbrella 4 years ago
    84. 137
      Wenina Marble’s Threat 4 years ago
    85. 138
      Wisdom Plant 4 years ago
    86. 139
      Check 4 years ago
    87. 140
      Evolution! 4 years ago
    88. 141
      Tier 2 Blue Soul 4 years ago
    89. 142
      Phantom 4 years ago
    90. 143
      On The Side of Humanity 4 years ago
    91. 144
      Natural Death 4 years ago
    92. 145
      Preparations Complete 4 years ago
    93. 146
      Clear 4 years ago
    94. 147
      Prelude to the Final Sprint 4 years ago
    95. 148
      Shoot 4 years ago
    96. 149
      Unexpected Initiation 4 years ago
    97. 150
      Tension 4 years ago
    98. 151
      Brain Crystal Fusion 4 years ago
    99. 152
      Ehara Gobi 4 years ago
    100. 153
      Mind Hound 4 years ago
    101. 154
      Cogent Phrenics 4 years ago
    102. 155
      First Generation, Dysfunctional Thoughts 4 years ago
    103. 156
      A Piece of Advice 4 years ago
    104. 157
      Pawns of Marble City 4 years ago
    105. 158
      Heima’s Concern 4 years ago
    106. 159
      Graduation Ceremony Battlefield 4 years ago
    107. 160
      Becoming a Subsoul Once Again 4 years ago
    108. 161
      Taking a Guess, Being an Empath 4 years ago
    109. 162
      Skills 4 years ago
    110. 163
      What Are Skills? 4 years ago
    111. 164
      Tier 1 Skill, Dynamic Acuity 4 years ago
    112. 165
      Fading Away of Skills 4 years ago
    113. 166
      Secrets of the Aristocratic Families 4 years ago
    114. 167
      Aura Sense 4 years ago
    115. 168
      Perceive the World with Naivety 4 years ago
    116. 169
      Traits and Trait Room 4 years ago
    117. 170
      Madam Mary’s Warning 4 years ago
    118. 171
      Trait of Recovery 4 years ago
    119. 172
      Immersed in Lies 4 years ago
    120. 173
      Reappearance of the Sixth Psychic Arm 4 years ago
    121. 174
      Survival Enactment of the Wilds 4 years ago
    122. 175
      Nurturing, Guess on a Wave Controller 4 years ago
    123. 176
      Stadium 4 years ago
    124. 177
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 1) 4 years ago
    125. 178
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 2) 3 years ago
    126. 179
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 3) 3 years ago
    127. 180
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 4) 3 years ago
    128. 181
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 5) 3 years ago
    129. 182
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 6) 3 years ago
    130. 183
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 7) 3 years ago
    131. 184
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 8) 3 years ago
    132. 185
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 9) 3 years ago
    133. 186
      Graduation Ceremony (Part 10) 3 years ago
    134. 187
      Teaming Up 3 years ago
    135. 188
      Hunter Clams 3 years ago
    136. 189
      Mutualism 3 years ago
    137. 190
      Lava Turtle Vs Floating Spider 3 years ago
    138. 191
      Lava Turtle, Losing Control 3 years ago
    139. 192
      Frenzy Beast in the Pond 3 years ago
    140. 193
      Water Symphony and Rave Blossom 3 years ago
    141. 194
      Time Skip, and an Improved Sync Rate 3 years ago
    142. 195
      A Family Member’s Concern 3 years ago
    143. 196
      Attachments, and Memory Fragments 3 years ago
    144. 197
      A Blurry Lie 3 years ago
    145. 198
      How Espers Trained 3 years ago
    146. 199
      Youth 3 years ago
    147. 200
      Wisdom and Frenzy 3 years ago
    148. 201
      Child of Wisdom, and Disaster 3 years ago
    149. 202
      Advantages and Disadvantages 3 years ago
    150. 203
      Perimeter Around a Frenzy Beast’s Home 3 years ago
    151. 204
      Darkness 3 years ago
    152. 205
      Meditative Calmness 3 years ago
    153. 206
      Aura 3 years ago
    154. 207
      A Method of Counter 3 years ago
    155. 208
      Nurturing Starts From Birth 3 years ago
    156. 209
      Hallucination 3 years ago
    157. 210
      Hypocrite, And a Piggyback 3 years ago
    158. 211
      First Battle 3 years ago
    159. 212
      Voluntary Murder 3 years ago
    160. 213
      Life and Leech 3 years ago
    161. 214
      Foresight and Wisdom 3 years ago
    162. 215
      Tactics 3 years ago
    163. 216
      The Unconquerable Chasm 3 years ago
    164. 217
      Strength and Weakness is Relative 3 years ago
    165. 218
      Phantosmia of the past 3 years ago
    166. 219
      Demonstration as a Warrior 3 years ago
    167. 220
      Preparing for a Battle 3 years ago
    168. 221
      Psychic Armoury 3 years ago
    169. 222
      Entering the Domain of Omniscience 3 years ago
    170. 223
      Physics Can be Confusing at Times 3 years ago
    171. 224
      Measures in Textures 3 years ago
    172. 225
      The Sign of Feedback 3 years ago
    173. 226
      Battle Between Psychic Arms 3 years ago
    174. 227
      Anger 3 years ago
    175. 228
      A Basic Armour 3 years ago
    176. 229
      Fruits of Harvest 3 years ago
    177. 230
      False Persona: Face Mask 3 years ago
    178. 231
      Training Cheat 3 years ago
    179. 232
      Building an Experience 3 years ago
    180. 233
      Invasion 3 years ago
    181. 234
      Wave Formation 3 years ago
    182. 235
      A Setback 3 years ago
    183. 236
      A Warrior’s Breakthrough 3 years ago
    184. 237
      A Figure of Drums 3 years ago
    185. 238
      Awakening the Past 'Him' 3 years ago
    186. 239
      October Batch’s Ranking 3 years ago
    187. 240
      Entering the Labyrinth 3 years ago
    188. 241
      Two-Faced Firefly 3 years ago
    189. 242
      Spiked Lizard 3 years ago
    190. 243
      A Rough Battle 3 years ago
    191. 244
      Crust-Mantle 3 years ago
    192. 245
      The Hoberman Sphere’s Effect 3 years ago
    193. 246
      Treatment 3 years ago
    194. 247
      Personification of Aura 3 years ago
    195. 248
      Memories of the Crust-Mantle 3 years ago
    196. 249
      Psychic Ancestor Coral and Rhachis Ancestor Spindle 3 years ago
    197. 250
      Earth 3 years ago
    198. 251
      Caterpillar: The Third-rate Gangster 3 years ago
    199. 252
      Limitations of Superhuman Powers 3 years ago
    200. 253
      Quantifying the Nurturing Effect 3 years ago
    201. 254
      13 Years 3 years ago
    202. 255
      Personification, Idea 3 years ago
    203. 256
      Nail Floating is a No-No 3 years ago
    204. 257
      Vexing Questions 3 years ago
    205. 258
      A Millilitre of Blood 3 years ago
    206. 259
      Killing Intent, and Compassion 3 years ago
    207. 260
      18 Aura Personifications 3 years ago
    208. 261
      A Talk With… 3 years ago
    209. 262
      Transmigration Travel 3 years ago
    210. 263
      Insignificance, Hallucination, and Betrayal 3 years ago
    211. 264
      Ingrained Earth 3 years ago
    212. 265
      Cleansement Manoeuvre 3 years ago
    213. 266
      Humanoid Versus Serpentine 3 years ago
    214. 267
      Gerude Eagle 3 years ago
    215. 268
      Static and Dynamic Cogent Phrenics 3 years ago
    216. 269
      Reason for Sacrifice 3 years ago
    217. 270
      Impending Disaster 3 years ago
    218. 271
      Using a Disaster to Their advantage 3 years ago
    219. 272
      Success with the Cleansement Manoeuvre 3 years ago
    220. 273
      Marble asks for an Input 3 years ago
    221. 274
      The Objective 3 years ago
    222. 275
      To Search, To Capture, and to Reap 3 years ago
    223. 276
      Surprise and Horror 3 years ago
    224. 277
      Aura Personification—Hallucination! 3 years ago
    225. 278
      Getting a Bright Companion 3 years ago
    226. 279
      Layer 2 3 years ago
    227. 280
      Crest to Trough 3 years ago
    228. 281
      An Oddity and a Mystery 3 years ago
    229. 282
      Shocked Beyond Belief! 3 years ago
    230. 283
      Predator 3 years ago
    231. 284
      Jyorta vs Steel Porcupine 3 years ago
    232. 285
      Changing the Land’s Presence 3 years ago
    233. 286
      Morphing Battle Situations 3 years ago
    234. 287
      Spring Burst! 3 years ago
    235. 288
      Height of Aura Application 3 years ago
    236. 289
      Frenzy Beasts Can Also Increase Their Sync Rates 3 years ago
    237. 290
      Warlord’s Legend 3 years ago
    238. 291
      Live by My Word 3 years ago
    239. 292
      Shatter Obstacles Together 3 years ago
    240. 293
      Wave 3 years ago
    241. 294
      The Swarm 3 years ago
    242. 295
      Precursor to a Wave 3 years ago
    243. 296
      Surpassing the Depth 3 years ago
    244. 297
      The Tier 6 Skep 3 years ago
    245. 298
      The Marble Box 3 years ago
    246. 299
      The Deal 3 years ago
    247. 300
      Quasi-Tier 6 Relic 3 years ago
    248. 301
      Impersonation and Manifestation 3 years ago
    249. 302
      Jyavreh Sahi 3 years ago
    250. 303
      To Ignore Based on Common Sense 3 years ago
    251. 304
      I’m Dying; Call my Brother. 3 years ago
    252. 305
      Slaves of the Frenzy Beast World 3 years ago
    253. 306
      Pity 3 years ago
    254. 307
      Weak, But Has Value 3 years ago
    255. 308
      Schemes of the Weak 3 years ago
    256. 309
      Inclination and the Difficulty in Maintaining it for Psychic Parasites 3 years ago
    257. 310
      Oddity 3 years ago
    258. 311
      Jyorta Bone Killed Me 3 years ago
    259. 312
      Jyorta Bone is a Schemer 3 years ago
    260. 313
      I Want to Obtain Regen 3 years ago
    261. 314
      Suspicion and Undercurrents 3 years ago
    262. 315
      Laws of the World 3 years ago
    263. 316
      They are Terrifying! 3 years ago
    264. 317
      The Spear’s Path 3 years ago
    265. 318
      Skep Primogenitor 3 years ago
    266. 319
      Declaration of War 3 years ago
    267. 320
      Mass Panic 3 years ago
    268. 321
      Growing Presence 3 years ago
    269. 322
      Are You with Me? 3 years ago
    270. 323
      Air Chase 3 years ago
    271. 324
      Sever 3 years ago
    272. 325
      Tier 4 Frenzy Parasite 3 years ago
    273. 326
      Blood, Anger, and Tears 3 years ago
    274. 327
      Revenge 3 years ago
    275. 328
      Corrosive Aura 3 years ago
    276. 329
      Do You Still Wish to Obtain Regen? 3 years ago
    277. 330
      Mritya Marble 3 years ago
    278. 331
      We Two, Ours Six 3 years ago
    279. 332
      Lack of Time for Tier 6 3 years ago
    280. 333
      Obtaining Regen 3 years ago
    281. 334
      Plans for Credit Usage 3 years ago
    282. 335
      Mental Frenzy: Common, But Terrifying 3 years ago
    283. 336
      Tier 3 Skill—Healing Salve 3 years ago
    284. 337
      Not Inferior to a Nuke 3 years ago
    285. 338
      Human Skills Are Scary 3 years ago
    286. 339
      Strange and Lifelike 3 years ago
    287. 340
      Forged Line 3 years ago
    288. 341
      The List 3 years ago
    289. 342
      Go, Get That Regen 3 years ago
    290. 343
      Medal of Honour 3 years ago
    291. 344
      Obtaining the Trait of Severability 3 years ago
    292. 345
      Play of Illusionists 3 years ago
    293. 346
      Initiation Into a Healer (Part 1) 3 years ago
    294. 347
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 2) 3 years ago
    295. 348
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 3) 3 years ago
    296. 349
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 4) 3 years ago
    297. 350
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 5) 3 years ago
    298. 351
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 6) 3 years ago
    299. 352
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 7) 3 years ago
    300. 353
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 8) 3 years ago
    301. 354
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 9) 3 years ago
    302. 355
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 10) 3 years ago
    303. 356
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 11) 3 years ago
    304. 357
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 12) 3 years ago
    305. 358
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 13) 3 years ago
    306. 359
      Initiation into a Healer (Part 14) 3 years ago
    307. 360
      Aura Induction! 3 years ago
    308. 361
      The World Within 3 years ago
    309. 362
      My World is My Personal Research Facility 3 years ago
    310. 363
      It is Peerless 3 years ago
    311. 364
      Taking Action 3 years ago
    312. 365
      Schemes of the Predecessor 3 years ago
    313. 366
      A Century’s Worth 3 years ago
    314. 367
      Experience Fragments of all Legends 3 years ago
    315. 368
      The Mind Hound’s Arrival 3 years ago
    316. 369
      Truth Behind the Mind Hound 3 years ago
    317. 370
      Foresight, Planning, and Ambition 3 years ago
    318. 371
      Sky City 3 years ago
    319. 372
      Pressure 3 years ago
    320. 373
      Dynamic Brethren Bait 3 years ago
    321. 374
      Dance Baby~ 3 years ago
    322. 375
      I Want to Reach the End of This Place 3 years ago
    323. 376
      Shoe Fish 3 years ago
    324. 377
      Inducing the Presence of Nature 3 years ago
    325. 378
      Manipulating the Souls 3 years ago
    326. 379
      First Blood 3 years ago
    327. 380
      The Steel Porcupine’s Feast 3 years ago
    328. 381
      Trait 3 years ago
    329. 382
      One Versus Three: New Trait in Action 3 years ago
    330. 383
      Bundle Flea 3 years ago
    331. 384
      Annihilation 3 years ago
    332. 385
      Rising Sync Rate 3 years ago
    333. 386
      October Batch’s Dedicated Credit Ranking System 3 years ago
    334. 387
      Layer 4 3 years ago
    335. 388
      Heat and Geysers 3 years ago
    336. 389
      High-Paced Battle 3 years ago
    337. 390
      The True Brethren Bait 3 years ago
    338. 391
      Tower of God 3 years ago
    339. 392
      Theory of Evolution 3 years ago
    340. 393
      The Tattoo World 3 years ago
    341. 394
      Mass Murder 3 years ago
    342. 395
      True Horrors Stem from Child-Like Curiosity 3 years ago
    343. 396
      Don’t Waste My Time 3 years ago
    344. 397
      Wave Controller 3 years ago
    345. 398
      Probing and the First Exchange 3 years ago
    346. 399
      All-Out Clash 3 years ago
    347. 400
      Battle Monger 3 years ago
    348. 401
      Producing Essence of Frenzy 3 years ago
    349. 402
      A Prodigy? Or an Attention Seeker? 3 years ago
    350. 403
      A Record of His Own 3 years ago
    351. 404
      One Step at a Time 3 years ago

    卷 3 : Graduation

    1. 405
      Thanks, Alarm Clock Guy 3 years ago
    2. 406
      Team 6 3 years ago
    3. 407
      Apocalypse? 3 years ago
    4. 408
      It Was Him All Along 3 years ago
    5. 409
      There are no Useless Skills 3 years ago
    6. 410
      I’m Well-Versed in Hallucinations 3 years ago
    7. 411
      Rely on Your Skills to Survive 3 years ago
    8. 412
      They Wouldn’t Be Traumatised 3 years ago
    9. 413
      How to Deal with the Problem? 3 years ago
    10. 414
      Eat, Sleep, and Shit 3 years ago
    11. 415
      150 Metres 3 years ago
    12. 416
      Gazing from Beyond the Clouds 3 years ago
    13. 417
      12 Developers 3 years ago
    14. 418
      Thanks for Teaching Me This Technique 3 years ago
    15. 419
      Tattoo—Hallucination! 3 years ago
    16. 420
      The 10-Metre-Tall Figure 3 years ago
    17. 421
      Pick Your Preference 3 years ago
    18. 422
      My Plan is Simple 3 years ago
    19. 423
      Battleship 3 years ago
    20. 424
      Causing a Storm 3 years ago
    21. 425
      A Zagged Star 3 years ago
    22. 426
      A Dishonest Fight 3 years ago
    23. 427
      Becoming the Target of Everyone 3 years ago
    24. 428
      Field of Lightning 3 years ago
    25. 429
      Every Contribution is Important 3 years ago
    26. 430
      Meticulous Traps with Greater Threats 3 years ago
    27. 431
      The Ingenuity of Other Rankers 3 years ago
    28. 432
      In Times of Need, Hallucination and Betrayal Can Be Scary 3 years ago
    29. 433
      Another Fluctuation in the Emotions 3 years ago
    30. 434
      3…2…1…Go! 3 years ago
    31. 435
      1/15 3 years ago
    32. 436
      Jyovic Bone’s Thoughts 3 years ago
    33. 437
      Covering the Sun with the Sea 3 years ago
    34. 438
      Grouping Up 3 years ago
    35. 439
      This Is How We Graduate 3 years ago
    36. 440
      Joint Raid 3 years ago
    37. 441
      Breezing Through Most as a Group 3 years ago
    38. 442
      Aura Wave 3 years ago
    39. 443
      Energy Force 3 years ago
    40. 444
      The Lava Turtle’s Strategy 3 years ago
    41. 445
      The Method to Generate an Aura Personification 3 years ago
    42. 446
      The Manipulator 3 years ago
    43. 447
      Thermal Bloom 3 years ago
    44. 448
      Brutal Fest 3 years ago
    45. 449
      Tier 3 River Whale 3 years ago
    46. 450
      Victory 3 years ago