19.23% The Survivor TVD fanfic / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

章 5: Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

"Hey Mason, sorry I was out of the town and couldn't exactly call you. How is your search for moonstone going on?" I asked as soon as the phone is answered, knowing very well that Mason is now with Damon and soon to kick the bucket.

"Wrong boy toy," Damon said into the phone.

"Damon. For once, you've surprised me. I assume Mason is with you?" I said Katherine like.

"He's right beside me! Although, his heart's in my hand," he said, and I heard a groan whom I think is of Mason's.

"You don't have to do this," I said to him rather calmly

"Tell me one good reason to not kill him, except for the fact that he is your new boyfriend. You know I've had a hectic day today. I am about to kill a werewolf who says he loves you, and I will find that moonstone, which he had no luck in finding. Poor guy. Hey, where are you? Because, you know, I could bring him over. Last goodbyes and all that" he said cheekily

"Don't hurt him, Damon. He is my friend. I can tell you whatever you want. Just let him go. We can discuss this, alright?" I said, trying to act panicked.

"Well, I am torn. Should I be jealous that you care about the wolf enough to tell us your secrets?" Damon questioned bitterly.

"I thought you hate me. Why do you care if I like him or not?" I asked him smirking

"You have an hour to get here, or his heart will be lying across the room," he said altogether, avoiding the question.

"Give me two. I am all the way in New York, please," I said to him, and he agreed at last.

Thanks for the tip, Caroline. If she didn't message me just before Mason got witchnapped, I would have been caught off guard. And so I decided to use this excellent occasion to tell them my sad sob story.

After 2 hours, I was at the boarding house. Mason was tied to a chair, bleeding on the floor. Stefan, Damon, and Caroline were there sitting in the living room. I went towards Mason and untied the wolfsbane soaked ropes around him. He was still out cold, and so I just left him like that. I poured myself a glass of bourbon and sat at the fireplace, opposite to the other three.

"I was born in the 15th century, 1473, to be exact. My father was a traveler Witch, and mother a human. However, my sisters and I didn't practice witchcraft and know nothing about other supernatural creatures. Everything was perfect until one day I got pregnant out of wedlock, a shame to the family. So, my father thought it was a good idea to banish his 18-year-old daughter from Bulgaria. I didn't even get to hold my daughter. I was forced to give her up for adoption and was kept as a secret from everyone." I said, reminiscing canon Katherine's story and trying to make it as pitiful as possible by changing a few things. "I was then sent to England, where I became English. I met two handsome, noble brothers there who gave me a place to stay in. I was taken by the eldest brother. But I couldn't be with him as his younger brother was courting me. I didn't know why he was interested in me at that time. I was sure he didn't fancy me, as much as he thought he did. Then one day, I learned what he was and what he wanted, and I ran like hell." I said, completing my monologue.

"Was he a vampire?" She asked, and I nodded my head.

"What did he want?" asked Stefan curiously while the other two stayed silent.

"The same thing he will want from Elena. He wanted to drain every single drop of blood from my body. He wanted to break the curse."

"The sun and moon curse?" asked Caroline, confused.

"Yes. To break the curse, you need to sacrifice the doppelganger, and I was the doppelganger. So, I became a Vampire. To break the curse, you need human doppelganger's blood, and as a vampire, I was no longer any use to him. But now that Elena is here, he will want the curse broken."

"What did he do that made you so afraid of him?" asked Damon for the first time.

"I underestimated his spirit for vengeance, but living in a suitcase is better than dying so you can have your blood spilled over some silly little rock or so I thought. I made a mistake," I said, "As soon as he knew that I turned into a Vampire and fled, he was enraged. He killed every last one of my family. I arrived at my home in Bulgaria to find everyone slaughtered. My father, mother, sisters, brothers. Everyone. He didn't leave anything dear to me."

"I was heartbroken. There was nothing there for me to live. The men I loved cheated on me. One left me being pregnant, and the other was just using me to sacrifice me to help his brother. The only thing that was keeping me alive and to fight without turning off my emotions was, my daughter. I started searching for her, only to meet a dead end every single time. After a few years, I learned she turned into a vampire to search for me." I said as tears left my eyes, which I wiped away quickly. "As time passed, I was nothing but a cold-hearted bitch running from an original psychotic vampire who is hell-bent on killing me, until I met you two after three centuries," I told now, lifting my eyes to meet the brothers, fake tears running down my cheeks, and I hurriedly wiped them off.

Poor Caroline fell for my acting and gave me a comforting squeeze to my hands with hers, and I gave her a tight smile.

"After three centuries, I felt loved again. At first, you were nothing but naïve humans that let me stay in your house, but later, when you saw me as some angel, I couldn't help but fall in love with you. You both were unique, amazing, and special to me in your own ways. How could I not fall for you both? I was selfish. I admit, and I wanted you both. I couldn't lose something beautiful as you after three centuries of lonely and unloved life. I compelled you to accept me and accept us, but I never compelled you to love me. It was real." I said, looking at both brothers.

Of course, I was not saying that canon Katherine made a deal with the Lockwood and about the moonstone. I am not stupid. I want a sympathetic story, and this is the best I could make up.

"Everything I did was to protect you. I thought now that you both were Vampires, you will help one another, but you idiots were fighting over something not even necessary. I was wrong to think the bond between you is stronger than that. I couldn't even come out of hiding to help you, because 'he' knows that I am still alive, and if I get to you, he is going to kill you. It was hell for me, I couldn't come near you, or I couldn't go far away," I said. "So, I was watching over you. I wanted to get you out of there, Damon, in the 1950s. I was pulling some strings from inside, but you came out on your own one day," I said, bringing up the Augustine, and he went rigid but didn't say anything.

"1950's?" asked Stefan, confused, but I didn't say anything.

"So, why did you come now?" asked Damon

"Did you hear what I said? He is going to break the curse, and if he wants to do that, he needs to sacrifice Elena, whom you love. I was trying to get you two away from him, but you came back to square one. I know you will fight him to protect Elena, which means the death of you, and I can't let you do that. I know you don't believe me, but I don't give a shit," I snapped. "But I will not let you die because of Elena, even if it means she should die. I had enough of remembering my worst nightmares. Now that I answered all your questions release Mason and I will leave," I said, standing up.

"Where do Mason and moonstone come into this?" asked Stefan.

"Moonstone is a part of the sacrifice which I stole 500 years ago when I fled from them. And I kept it with the Lockwood's in the 1800s. When I got to know that Mason was one of the Lockwood werewolves, I told him about it. Both the vampires and werewolves have been looking for a way to break the curse for centuries now. And when Mason said he knew a girl with my face, I knew there was a new doppelganger, and so I decided to help him. Better the werewolf friend than that psycho who tried to sacrifice me," I said to them, walking over to Mason. He is still knocked out. So, I grabbed him by shoulders and tried to step out of the door.

"I am sorry," Stefan said, "I am sorry you had to relive all those moments again. I now understand why you did what you did. I am sorry I wasn't there to help you, and I hope you will find your daughter one day."

Always the hero, Stefan. I gave him a tight smile and vamp-sped out of the house.

I sent Mason away to his pack when he finally recovered and looked a little better the next day, saying it was dangerous to be here with Salvatore's, and he left giving a kiss on my forehead.

I stayed home for the next few days, trying to act depressed by not seeing or interacting with the Salvatores or anyone from Mystic Falls gang. Then it got me thinking about why I have to make my potential enemy even more powerful by making him an immortal hybrid. The werewolf left the town, and the moonstone is with me, and no one has a clue about that. Even if Klaus gets a beast by that time of sacrifice, he won't get the moonstone. I can always use the moonstone as my lost resort against Klaus, that is when it's a life and death situation.

I can still help them to put Klaus down, but also I can't let them kill him. If he dies, I die. I should search for a way that can keep him daggered or something.

I don't know where the hell is the gold dagger, Kol created. I hope he will ally with me to put his brother down. Urgh! So many complications. I mean, I could always run with the moonstone, but that is not me. I don't want to run for another 500 years, always looking behind me just for the joy of a sick psychotic bastard. I mean acting like a mary sue is secure than living in fear for the rest of vampire life.

I started to make a to-do list in my mind.

Stop my worst enemy from becoming an all-powerful, immortal hybrid. At least try.

Take some white oak stakes and shove it in the bags.

Try to erase my name from Elijah, Damon, and Stefan's hit list.

Try to make as many allies as possible.

Stop Klaus from getting killed and prevent my death in the process.

Find a way to desiccate Klaus like Mikael.

Don't lose the sprightly ally, Caroline. Don't kill her no matter how much she annoys me.

Find the long lost daughter, Nadia, and Cresent wolf, Hayley Marshall.

Overall do all the shitty things I need to do to survive this crappy show.

Enjoy the immortal life and all the perks of being a Vampire.

"Caroline, any reason you called me?" I asked her.

Why did I give my number to her again?

It's been nearly 3 weeks since Mason left town and no one bothered me for some time. Mostly because I had to take care of canon Katherine's business in New York.

"Hey, Kat. I know you are still down from memorizing and sharing your past. So, I gave you the space you need. But I can't see my friend this gloomy anymore. That's why I came with a perfect idea that can cheer you up. Today there is a party at Lockwood's, and I want you to come."

"I appreciate it, Caroline, but people can't see two Elena's running around," I tried to reason with her.

"That's the thing. Its Masquerades' party. No one will know who is behind the mask. So you are coming, and that's it," The blonde Vampire said and hung up on me before I could reply.

"I should probably kill her once this shit completes," I thought out loud in the empty room.

No, no. No killing. Think of cute things, alright? No need for Violence. Think of Kangaroos. Cute little hopping Kangaroos.

I arrived at the party wearing a short black dress that I gifted myself when I went to New York.

"Elena?" Matt said coming towards me confused

"Matt? You look dashing," I complimented the jock.

"I thought I saw you in a different dress earlier, and you definitely looked upset," he said confused

"Why did I look upset?" I compelled him.

"You had a fight with Stefan regarding his ex," he said in a monotone. Oh!

"I changed dress after I spilled juice, and I am not upset anymore as Stefan offered to buy me chocolate," I said to him more like compelled him. "Now, off you go."

"Did you just compel my boyfriend?" Caroline said coming from behind me

"He is acting like a sheriff," I defended myself. "And the party is lame. So, what's this teen drama between Bella and Edward about?"

"Bella and Edward?" she asked, confused.

"Stefan and Elena," I drawled.

"Oh! Stefan told Elena about your past, and Elena is not convinced and is saying you are manipulating them, and Stefan kinda sided with you, so, Elena's pissed about it," Caroline said. "Now I need to go and find my compelled boyfriend before Elena or Bonnie sees me with you. Have a good time."

"I will try," I said to her, but she was already far away.

I made my way to the dance floor and saw Stefan alone. He came to me as soon as he saw me.

"Katherine," he said

"Stefan, what are you doing alone on the dance floor? Where is my dull as dishwater of doppelganger?" I questioned him, looking around.

"Come on. Elena's nice. Why do you hate her anyway?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe because I don't have a family or friends that would die for me. Or maybe because I couldn't have a normal school life and a loving boyfriend? Or maybe because she doesn't need to run from her enemies who are hell-bent on killing her?" I said to him, looking everywhere but him.

"You are jealous. The great Katherine Pierce is jealous," he said, trying to light up the mood.

"Every girl gets jealous, Stefan," I said to him with a pout. "Wanna dance?"

I was clearly surprised when he took my extended hand and took me to the dance floor.

"It's a beautiful night," I said to him.

"Why the charade?" he asked me.

"What charade?" I said, trying to look oblivious.

"You look like you want to be anywhere but here, but you are trying to look you are enjoying this," he said.

"Am I that obvious?" I questioned with a slight frown.

"I think it's just me," he humored.

"I wanted to take my mind off a few things and thought going to a party would light up my mood, but this party is so boring," I said to him, rolling my eyes.

"I am sorry. I know how hard it is to bring back those painful memories," he said sadly.

"Are you sure you don't want your girlfriend to break up with you. I mean sure she gets that idea when she sees her boyfriend dancing for a slow song with his ex," I said, trying to divert the topic. More like wanting him to know that I wanted to change the subject.

"Don't worry she is not a jealous type?" he said just then Elena came looking like she was seething fire and I imagined smoke coming through her ears and nose.

"Are you really dancing with her of all people. You don't dance with me, even if I beg you, and now you are, that too with her?" She all but shouted, and everyone turned towards us.

"Elena, you are making a scene," Stefan said to her sternly.

"I am causing a scene. Well, I wouldn't if you would not have danced with your ex. She is the reason we are even fighting in the first place," Elena snapped.

"I don't have time for teen drama. Have a good time with her, Stefan," I said and went to get out of there.

"Maybe you could dance with me?" Damon said, coming up next to me.

I raised my eyebrow at him but accepted his hand and started to dance again. I saw Stefan trying to convince Elena from the corner of my eye.

"You look beautiful in this dress," Damon said, bringing my attention back to him.

"Thank you?" I said more like a question

"Do you..do you still love me?" he asked with a hint of hesitation.

"I think I made myself clear," I said, not looking in his eyes.

"Would you believe if I said I love you too" he whispered in a soft tone.

"I know you don't, Damon. I know you are in love with Elena, and you hate me for leaving you," I whispered back, trying to look like I am holding back the tears. "I realized that I won't have a love life for a long time now. I will be utterly and infinitely alone."

"Of course," he said more like in a sarcastic way, "So, until when are you staying in Mystic Falls?"

"A few more days. Now that Mason's gone finding the moonstone is my responsibility. I know I said, I won't show me your face. But as soon as I get the moonstone, I will be out of your hair. And if I can't get any leads here, I will go even then," I said, then joked a bit, saying, "Don't want my enemy to show up into the town where his doppelganger now resides and create havoc now, would we?"

"I thought you hate Elena?" he said confused

"Hate is a small word. However, I don't want to keep your life at risk. Knowing you two, I know you will fight for the ones you love until your last breath. I didn't want it then, and I don't want it now," I said to him, and he looked hurt, guilty like he was the biggest idiot in the world for hating me.

"I think I better go. I officially can't stand and watch Bonnie and Elena's evil glares. I am tempted to snap their spines and break their necks if it goes on," I said, moving away from him. He looked to where I was seeing to find Stefan nowhere in sight but instead Elena and Bonnie giving me death glares.

"Do you really need to go?" he asked, sounding disappointed but covered it with his smirk.

"Good Night, Damon," I said instead, giving a tight-lipped smile.

"I don't. I don't hate you," he said, stopping me in my tracks, "I am sorry for hating you. When I found out you were not in the tomb, I guess, I thought, altering my love for hate would make it easy to live. I was trying to move on with that idea in my mind, and I think I was doing a pretty good job at that," he continued, "And then when you suddenly came into my life again saying you were disappointed in me and you still loved me. I was confused. Every lie I told myself about you made my mind think that you were some sort of a bitch for leaving me. Everything just fell apart. I didn't know what to think. I didn't want to feel that pain again. So, I just didn't care what you said and believed Elena that you were just manipulating me," He confessed to me.

"But then I heard your story. I understood why you left me. How you got betrayed and how you lost everything dear to you. You deserved to be loved, Katherine. More than anyone else. I am sorry for being a dick to you these past few days. I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me most. I am sorry for replacing our love for hate. I am sorry for acting out all those times without knowing the truth," He completed his, whatever that was.

Damon Salvatore is saying... sorry? Maybe I did something right.

"Wow! I didn't expect that" I said, truly amazed by his speech. "Thanks for forgiving me, Damon. There's really nothing for you to apologize, though. You didn't know anything about my past. It's not your fault. You are a good man, Damon," I said to him and placed a kiss next to his mouth and went out of there before he could start another emotional speech.

These guys are really growing on me.

I was just out of the party when suddenly someone injected the Vervain into me from behind and snapped my neck.

Senseless Kidnapping. Stupid Rose. Ignorant Trevor. Irrational Universe. Fuck you...

I would've fought them cause a small amount of Vervain doesn't do shit to me cause I have been drinking every day, but I needed to stay put since I have to meet dear old Elijah and talk to him before Elena could say something shitty about me.

My neck was snapped five fucking times before I found myself in the armpit of civilization as Elijah puts it. I was alone in a room, and I don't have a daylight ring.

There are not dumb, but they are for getting head chopped.

"Rose-Marie. Is there somewhere we can talk?" I heard a voice downstairs.

"Yes, in here. You have to excuse the house," a British voice said, which I amused is Rose.

"Oh, no, what's a little dirt? I completely understand. So, tell me, what is it that gives you the courage to call me?" Elijah asked.

"I wanted my freedom. I'm tired of running. You in a position to grant me that?" She asked

"I have complete authority to grant pardon to you and your little pet. What is his name these days? Trevor. If I so see fit," the uptight original said.

"Katerina Petrova?" Rose started.

"I'm listening," said Elijah.

"She didn't burn in the church in 1864," Rose said.

"Continue," Elijah said, still calm.

"She survived," Rose said.

Ugh! Get on with it already.

"Where is she?" Elijah questioned.

"You don't seem surprised by this," Rose wondered.

"Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization, which is a mere three hours from the town we know as Mystic Falls, I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina," he explained to the British vampire and asked, "Do you have her in your possession?"

"Yes, but I also have better. I have her doppelganger," Pixie cut vampire said.

"That's impossible, her family line ended with her. I know that for a fact," Elijah said.

"The facts are wrong," She stated.

"Well, show them to me," He all but ordered

"Elijah, you are a man of honor, you should be trusted, but I want to hear you repeat it." She said more like begged.

"You have my word that I will pardon you," He said offhandedly.

"Follow me," Rose said finally.

"you got to be fucking kidding me," I cursed when my hand burned in the sunlight that peeked through one of the open windows, and I am sure all the three Vampire heard me.

"Katerina," he said as soon as he saw me. I am still in the knee-length black dress that I wore for the masquerade party.

"Elijah? Rose? Long-time no see. Is Trevor still around?" I asked her coolly.

"It wouldn't be a long time if you hadn't run all those years," said Elijah, still surprised that I am calm with all that's going on around me.

"Of course. I would've been long dead and so many feet under the ground. I'm sure an apartment or two would've been built on my sacrificial ground, and no one would've known that it was the place an 18-year-old naive girl, who didn't see anything the world has to offer, died for trusting in love" I said through gritted teeth.

"I am surprised you are not afraid of me," he said, avoiding what I said. Deflecting.

"I fear your brother; however, I only feel deception and hatred towards you," I said to him, glaring, and I am sure he looked hurt.

"Doppelganger is in the other room down the hall," Rose said, trying to calm the situation. He nodded and gave me a look that told me to follow him, and I did.

I saw Elena pacing around the room and Trevor trying not to have a nervous breakdown, which is impossible for a Vampire if you ask me. Elena stopped walking and looked up to see Elijah. He smelled and confirmed that she is human.

"We have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going," Elijah said to her.

"Though I don't fancy in walking off into the sunset with you. I still need my daylight ring," I said.

Elijah looked at Rose, and she gave him a ring, in which he came and tried to put it to my finger, but I took it from him and put it myself. Trying to be as hostile as possible.

And if you ask me, he actually deserved it for betraying canon Katherine. She was head over heels for him, and he just delivered her to his brother in a silver platter. Though he procured an elixir for her, he wouldn't have guts to give it to her if his brother disagreed with it. And also something told me, he won't kill me until he takes care of his brother.

"Don't even think of running away. I will catch you," he whispered into my ears, making me shiver. Creepy ass guy.

"Please, don't let him take me," Elena said, sounding as pitiful as possible.

God! I want to gag. Seriously, what did she expect them to do? Let her run after all the ordeal they took to kidnap her.

"One last piece of business, and we're done," Elijah said, walking towards Trevor, whom I didn't pay any attention since the beginning.

"I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly, very sorry," Trevor said, talking for the first time.

"Oh no, your apology's not necessary," Elijah said

"Yes, yes, it is. You trusted me with Katerina, and I failed you," He said again, looking at me this time.

"Oh yes, you are the guilty ones, and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you and that now I honor. Where was your loyalty?" Elijah said

"I beg your forgiveness," He said.

"So granted," Elijah said and smacks Trevor's head clean off his body and looked at me like wanting to see me afraid or something. Rose starts crying, and Elena looked shocked and absolutely terrified.


"Don't, Rose, now that you are free," He said to Rose and looked at Elena, saying, "Come."

"You did this," Elena said, looking at me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, confused.

"You are the one behind all of this," Elena said to me, "Trevor died because he helped you. My friends and I are in this position because you ran away that day."

"Are you even hearing yourself? Do you really think it's my fault that I didn't die that day in the hands of a psychotic bastard?" I asked her with a scoff, "I had my neck snapped so many times, and I am really pissed of seeing all the people that made my life utter bullshit at once. Don't piss me off more, Elena. Also, If Trevor hadn't taken me to that Stupid ass birthday party, I would have lived my human life contently without any of this shit. I personally think he deserved it both, the running and dying," I told her, and Elijah looked surprised by my announcement once again.

Just then, we heard the crash from upstairs.

"What is that?" Elijah asked.

'Two lovesick idiots way over their heads,' I wanted to say, but I didn't.

"I don't know," answered Rose, still crying.

"Who else is in this house?" He demanded once again.

"I don't know," She said, sniffling.

He then dragged Elena by hand and pulled me by the waist, and went to the place we heard the crash. There was a commotion, and in on sweep, Elena was missing, and in another, someone took me. It was Damon.

"Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can't. Do you hear that?" he said, there was a breaking sound of wood, "I repeat, you cannot beat me. So, I want the girl and Katerina. I'm gonna count to three or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?"

"I'll come with you, just please don't hurt my friends, they just wanted to help me out. I think Katherine is here somewhere or already escaped. I will help you find her," Elena said.

"What game are you playing with me?" I heard him ask.

Damon went away, and there was a huge commotion, and just before Damon staked Elijah. I made a tear slip my eye, which was made sure that Elijah noticed as his body turned grey. I was exhausted both mentally and physically by the end of the show.

Damon came out of nowhere and hugged me and started checking me.

"Damon, I am a Vampire. I won't have bruises," I said to him.

"I.. I was just making sure," he said embarrassed.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asked, coming up to me after hugging Elena.

"Yeah. I am just fricking hungry," I said to the younger Salvatore, and he nodded, giving me a small smile.

"Thank you, Damon, for coming to rescue me," Elena said, smiling to Damon, and he nodded distracted, still looking at me.

"Come on, let's eat on the way," said Damon dragging me to the car.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


