21.15% Into the World of Bleach / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Hueco Mundo

章 11: Chapter 11: Hueco Mundo

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 11

Kishin let out a sigh as he stood in a cold room lit with dull white lights hung on the ceiling. It was a very spacious room that was colored a dark teal shade of blue. There was a giant generator near the back of the room and giant screen monitors with computer type machinery that aligned several walls and areas. He had already been waiting for the past 5 minutes alone in this lab yet no one showed up.

"Where is the Captain? It's been two weeks already since I've been here but I have yet to meet Captain Kurotsuchi. Or Lieutenant Nemu for that matter. Instead I was greeted by the 9th rank officer. After taking an aptitude test and...ensuring that I was healthy I was told I'd be placed as the 5th rank officer. Apparently I don't have any special duties assigned to me except to report to the research lab at least 3 times a week to conduct mandatory research. Then all of a sudden I was told this morning that the Captain wanted to meet with me here in his main laboratory...tch...this isn't going to end well is it…"

Just as Kishin was mumbling to himself he caught a glint of something sharp protruding from the wall of the lab. It dislodged itself and flew through the air at incredible speeds aiming right for him.


He immediately caught the sharp object in between his fingertips before it could pierce him and frowned. "This is...a poisoned needle?"

It was then he noticed several tens of more needles jutting out from all the walls in the laboratory aiming right at him.

"Tch. I thought something was fishy when I didn't see Captain Kurotsuchi here."


All the needles were released from their compartments and flew straight at Kishin who clicked his tongue in annoyance and flared up his reiatsu.


The heavy and dense pressure of his reiatsu immediately caused all of the needles to halt in the air and crash back into the wall from the force exerted on them. He then raised his eyebrow in amusement as he felt a presence dropping down from the ceiling right at him.

Whoosh! Bam!

He performed a quick sidestep and avoided the ambush before slamming his palm on the back of his attacker sending them flying right into the wall of the laboratory. As he took a good look at who assaulted him he simply gave a toothy grin, semi-surprised and also half-expectant of who it was.

"Lieutenant Nemu. You sure have an interesting way of greeting people."

Nemu dislodged herself from the wall and instead of answering, she gave him an indifferent gaze and attacked him once more with a sharp long needle in her hand.

Fwish! Fwoosh!

Swish! Swoosh!

Kishin easily avoided Nemu's attempts to stab him. This continued on for several minutes until Kishin finally got bored so he quickly knocked Nemu's hand away and tripped her feet causing her to collapse on the ground. He then opened his palm and said nonchalantly, "Bakudo #63: Sajo Sabaku." A golden yellow chain instantly bound her, preventing her from moving. As Kishin was about to question her about exactly what was going on he heard the noise of someone clapping accompanied by the sound of their creepy voice.

"Very good. Very good. To think that you were skilled enough to avoid all of my needles. A level 60's Bakudo eh? How impressive. And your reiatsu...how is it already at the Captain class level? How magnificent! Yes yes! You must have one of the healthiest bodies around! Excellent! Now stand still and let me inject you with this serum."

Kishin raised his eyebrow questioningly at Mayuri and awkwardly scratched the side of his cheeks. "Umm...Captain...you do know who I am right?"

Mayuri continued his slow walk over and tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Hmm? You are my new test subject are you not?"

"Ahem. Uhh, not quite. I'm actually the new 5th seat of the 12th division. Chigetsu Kishin. I was told that you wanted to meet me?"

Mayuri paused in his steps after hearing that and tilted his head to the other side once more in confusion. "What is that? A new member of the division? When did that happen?"

It was then Nemu spoke up in her indifferent tone of voice. "Master. We accepted his application for a transfer three weeks ago. He arrived two weeks ago."

Mayuri frowned and dropped the needle by his side. "Are you saying that we accepted a new division member and not a new test subject?"


After hearing that Mayuri tilted his head up to the ceiling and began to mumble to himself while tapping his fingers on his chin. For several long minutes the only sounds that could be heard were of Mayuri mumbling curses and disappointments to himself. In the end he turned to Kishin and said, "You. Your name was Kishin correct? How about you let me inject you with this serum anyways? As a member of the 12th division it is your duty to be of use to your Captain."

Kishin gave an innocent smile and shook his head. "I respectfully decline."

"Tch. Then what use are you to the 12th division."

"Ahem. I believe that I am quite skilled in combat and I am a quick study Captain."

"Hoh? Quick study you say? What is your purpose of joining the 12th division if not to be a test subject?"

"Of course I came to learn from the most intelligent person in all of Soul Society."

Mayuri grinned at Kishin's statement and let out a soft chuckle. "Heh! Hahaha! I see I see. So you are aware of my greatness. Well then. It is indeed true that you have superb combat skills being able to survive against my needles and I am actually slightly impressed that at your age you have reiatsu no weaker than my own...however the level of your intelligence remains to be in question. Very well. I accept your admission into the 12th division."

Kishin was going to make a comment about how he was already accepted, but in the end he decided he should refrain from making any mocking remarks to this psychopath. Mayuri studied Kishin for a bit from afar before asking, "What are you doing in my lab anyways?"

"Ah, well I was told you wanted to see me."

"Hmpf. Well I no longer need you here if you aren't participating as my personal research subject. You may go."

"Ahem. Then I'll take my leave Captain."

"Yes yes. Also, release Nemu from your spell."

Kishin gave a cunning grin and began walking away. "Of course Captain, however Nemu still has that needle gripped in her hands. I think I'll ensure my own safety first if you don't mind."

Mayuri simply clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Tch. I suppose he isn't too unintelligent. I was going to have Nemu strike him again after he undid his Bakudo. As Captain I should refrain from abusing my power to forcefully detain him as my test subject, however if I have Nemu do it...heheheh! Hahahaha! Then that is related to infighting of division members and not a Captain overstepping his bounds. How unfortunate that he saw through it. A 5th rank officer who has Captain level reiatsu and seems to be a cunning little brat. It'd be best to be a bit more cautious of him.

Kishin undid his spell just as he walked out the door and immediately dashed off towards the main research lab where most of the division members were.

"I suppose that could have ended up worse. I must be slightly insane for wanting to transfer here. Haaaaah...but it's only here where I can gather information that would give me more insight and knowledge compared to anywhere else."

It wasn't long before he arrived in front of the research department and took out his I.D. to enter the facility. Inside was a large and spacious room with white colored walls and blue tiled floors. Several connecting hallways attached to the main entrance where he was. He stood on the balcony and watched as several division members dressed in standard black shihakusho donning white lab coats carry items, documents, books, and various tools walk around from one section of the building to the other.

"Hm...busy as always."

As he continued to watch the busy division members walking about he heard a voice speak out behind him.

"Oi, why are you just standing around blocking the entrance?"

Kishin turned to face the owner of the voice and took in their appearance. They were fairly tall with short spiky black hair and had three small horns protruding from their head. After taking a moment to observe their features and cross-referenced it to the information he had gathered on the 12th division he finally pieced two and two together.

"Ah, you must be the 3rd officer of the 12th division and vice director of the research and development institute, Akon."

Akon raised his eyebrow curiously and also took a moment to study Kishin before he also had an epiphany. "Red hair...golden eyes...young soul...oh, then you're the new 5th rank officer of the 12th division, Chigetsu Kishin."

"That's right. I didn't think we'd meet so soon."

Akon shrugged his shoulders and walked around Kishin as he began to descend down the balcony to the lower level. "Well I'm a busy person. As the 5th officer you should get to work as well."

Kishin simply stared at Akon's retreating form until he completely disappeared.

"Then I guess I should." He immediately donned his own lab coat over his shihakusho and went to his working station. Just as he settled in he was interrupted by a call on his denreishinki.


"This is Kishin correct? Make your way to the northern laboratory."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "And this is?"

"Oh, right. This is Akon."


The link was disconnected immediately afterwards which only caused Kishin to grin in amusement. "I'm usually the one that cuts people off. Hahaha I wonder what he needs me for. We just met 15 minutes ago."

Kishin let out a sigh and logged off of his computer as he made his way to the northern laboratory. The moment he opened the door he was met with a large and spacious room that was littered with documents, books, and strange devices all over the place.

"Wow...so messy…"

At his comment Akon turned to face him and motioned for Kishin to come closer.

"So Akon-senpai, we just met 15 minutes ago. Is there something you need me for already?"

Akon just let out a sigh and spoke with a bit of an annoyed tone. "Captain has asked me to form a small team to enter Hueco Mundo to do some research."

Kishin slightly furrowed his brow and tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Hueco Mundo? Isn't it quite dangerous to enter that place? Furthermore isn't it quite difficult to reach? And for what kind of research?"

Akon let out another sigh in annoyance. "I agree that I'd rather not go but it is Captain's orders. It's not like we've never been to Hueco Mundo before, it's just that whenever we do go it is usually led by Captain Kurotsuchi so it is usually pretty safe with the Captain's presence. Plus we never usually wander too far."

"Then...you mean to say that this time the Captain is not tagging along?"

"Correct. The Captain said that it would be a waste of his talents and time to venture into Hueco Mundo personally in areas that he has already been to and would rather spend his time on his other research."

Kishin could only scratch his head in confusion. "So...that means what exactly?"

"Haaaah...well. I don't know why, but Captain said that if you come along then everything should be fine. He said something about you coming along is like basically bringing a Captain class guard along. In this regard do you know what the Captain is talking about?"

Kishin let out a light chuckle as he understood exactly what Mayuri meant.

So because the Captain knows I have Captain level reiatsu he's really gambling on the fact that I alone will be enough to act as a deterrent while in Hueco Mundo? Tsk. What a troublesome task. I wanted to use my time in the 12th division to dig up some more information and gain more details regarding the framework of the world. I also wanted to see if I could get my hands on any handy devices.

Akon interrupted Kishin's thoughts as he continued. "So, aside from you, Lieutenant Nemu will be tagging along as well as four others. You six will serve as guards. I will be leading the expedition with three others to conduct research. In total there will be ten of us going. We're keeping the group small but not too small. We don't want to attract too much attention while there. Since Hueco Mundo is pretty vast and desolate I'm not expecting for us to really encounter much trouble. We'll be gone for about a year."

"A year? Huh...well I suppose that isn't considered very long...and how will we get there?"

"Hollows use something called a Garganta to travel throughout the different dimensions. Unfortunately we don't understand how that works yet, but we do have access to the Dangai."

"I see. The Dangai is also known as the precipice world and connects the Soul Society to the World of the Living. If I recall Hueco Mundo exists between the realms of the Soul Society and the World of the Living and is separated by the Dangai."

Akon nodded his head in approval of Kishin's knowledge. "That's right. For us Shinigami to traverse between the Soul Society and the World of the Living we must either possess a hell butterfly that directly guides us through a Senkaimon to either side of the realms or pass through the Dangai. Obviously passing through the Dangai is much more dangerous. Currently the only way for us to enter Hueco Mundo is to go through the Dangai as there is no hell butterfly that can directly lead us to that deserted place. We at the R&D have studied the Dangai for a long time so we know how to manipulate it to some extent where we can open a portal within to lead us to Hueco Mundo."

"I see...what is this research that we need to do in Hueco Mundo anyways? It doesn't seem all that important if the Captain himself isn't going."

For the third time Akon let out another annoyed sigh. "Haaah...I'd rather not go either but orders are orders. It's because of the recent incident that happened."

"Oh? You mean the one where some souls vanished in thin air just like the case from nearly a century ago?"

Akon raised his eyebrow a bit surprised that Kishin knew about it and nodded his head. "That's right. The case of the vanishing souls. It was due to Hollowfication experiments which are strictly forbidden by the Central 46 Chambers. Unfortunately even if we know what the cause of the event was we still have no clue how Hollowfication even works. We just know that it results in soul suicide and that in the end not only the soul is destroyed, but all traces of that person's physical existence is destroyed as well. With the recent case that just popped up of how some souls in Rukongai just vanished into thin air along with the criminals that the 2nd division investigated which had also just vanished, it seems like the cause was soul suicide by attempted Hollowfication. We don't have any leads here on our end in Soul Society so the Captain obtained permission from the Head Captain as well as Central 46 to send a small scouting and research group to Hueco Mundo to see if we can glean any insight on that end. As this has to do with Hollowfication then there might be answers we can obtain in the land of Hollows. Not only that but the strange Hollows that have appeared in Soul Society are also a concerning matter. That Hollow that you, Kinji, and Toshiro fought as well as the Hollow called Sting that you fought were alarmingly strange. All these years we attempted to discover more about them but came up with nothing. I think because of the recent case everyone finally decided that due to gaining nothing on Soul Society's end we can only look for clues in Hueco Mundo."

Kishin simply raised his eyebrow inquisitively. "That's good and all to hear but...what exactly would we even look for in Hueco Mundo? From what I've read, that place is a desolate wild land of plain desert. Would we really be able to learn anything?"

Akon rubbed the back of his neck in annoyance. "That's why the Captain doesn't want to go. He doesn't think we'll find anything useful, but we can't rule out the possibility that there's a small chance we would. That's why he's sending me to look for clues since I'm the vice director of the R&D institute. That's also why I find it annoying because I share a similar view as the Captain. I don't think we'll find anything that useful, but I have to go since I'm the next most experienced in research after the Captain. I understand everyone's viewpoint of how staying in Soul Society and learning nothing after all these years won't magically give us the answers we seek hence the mission to search Hueco Mundo, but...I wish it wasn't me that was going."

Kishin just grinned amusedly at Akon's continued complaints the entire time. "Senpai, you really really don't want to go huh?"

Akon nodded. "I don't."

Kishin just let out a small laugh. "Hahaha! That's too bad."

Akon was inwardly ticked off as he was expecting Kishin to give a word of comfort or pity, but instead he just received a jabbing remark. "Tch. Worst of all, Hueco Mundo is dangerous. Without the Captain's protection can we even survive…?"

Kishin gave a toothy grin. "The Captain asked for me personally to go right? Then there shouldn't be any problems."

Akon gave a doubtful look. "You certainly have confidence in yourself. The main reason why the Captain isn't tagging along is because he said bringing you is good enough. What does that even mean?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Don't worry so much senpai. I've never been to Hueco Mundo so this will be great!"

Akon's jaw dropped in disbelief at Kishin's nonchalant attitude. The main reason he called Kishin over to personally talk to him about the mission instead of inform him over the denreishinki was because he wanted to get a better understanding of Kishin's personality and character in order to reassure himself that he would be safe, however...now he was feeling even more insecure about his safety.

"Oi, do you realize how severe the situation is?"

"Akon-senpai, you work in the R&D division and while you all pride yourselves in gathering information I reckon the type of information you all keep up to date on is stuff based around your research and not the changes that happen in other divisions right?"

Akon awkwardly scratched the back on his head unsure of why Kishin was bringing that up. "Right...and what is your point exactly?"

"Akon-senpai, if I recall, at one point in time you were a member of the maggots nest."

Akon slightly flinched at the mention of that place and furrowed his brow. "How did you know about that? It was long before your time."

Kishin smirked at Akon's surprised reaction. "Former 12th division Captain Urahara Kisuke established the R&D institute and he brought you out of the maggots nest alongside Captain Kurotsuchi and several others to work under him right?"

Now Akon's interest was slightly peaked at how Kishin discovered all of this information. "For you to know about us, it seems you are well informed. It's not as if our past is buried in secret files but still...you'd have to do some digging to know. You still haven't gotten to your point."

"Akon-senpai, you're having some doubts and insecurities about everyone's safety while we're in Hueco Mundo right? Then there's no need to worry. First, as you said earlier we aren't going to be traversing too deeply nor to dangerous areas of Hueco Mundo. And second, before I came to the 12th division my previous post was the 3rd rank officer of the 2nd division as well as the commander of the Punishment Force and overseer of the maggots nest within the Onmitsukido. So by no means am I weak. There's no need to worry too much about our safety. As long as we aren't going to encounter a Vasto Lorde we should be fine. So when do we leave?"

Akon could only stare dumbfoundedly at Kishin at the revelation that the young kid before him was actually the commander of the Punishment Force and overseer of the nest of maggots. After taking several minutes to recover from his shock he cleared his throat and answered, "Ahem...uh...we leave in 3 days."

Kishin nodded in appreciation. "Okay. Sounds good to me."

3 Days Later

Kishin dashed off to where the giant Senkaimon gate was located where he was supposed to rendezvous with Akon and the others. There was only one Senkaimon gate in all of Soul Society which Kishin found to be a bit preposterous and overly strict, but he didn't make the rules. As he approached the giant gate he took note of two members from the Kido Corps that were present. One was someone completely disguised in the Kido Corps robes with their face masked. The other however, was someone he recognized. The familiar long white hair, purple eyes, and black purple cane that could only belong to one person.

"Kinji? So you're the one who's opening the gate for us?"

Kinji's mood immediately perked up at the sight and sound of Kishin's arrival. "Kishin, you're here. Looks like you're a bit early."

"Guess so. I didn't think it'd be you sending us off. Isn't this task a bit too low class for you to be concerned with personally opening the gates?"

Kinji just shrugged his shoulders. "Since I currently hold the highest position in the Kido Corps as Lieutenant I admit I do have a lot of work to do, however I needed a break from all of that stuff. Also, I heard the reason for this mission. A year long trip to Hueco Mundo? That's...how do I put it…"

Kishin smirked and replied, "Fun?"

Kinji could only give an awkward look. "Ahaha...actually I was going to say dangerous…"

"Hahaha, come on Kinji, be a bit more optimistic. Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

"Haaaah...well I suppose you're not wrong, but this is Hueco Mundo we're talking about. The land of Hollows. And not just your average meddling Hollows, but Menos as well! Who knows if you'll run into them. And on top of that what if you run into Adjuchas? Or worse, Vasto Lordes?!"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders unconcernedly. "Doubtful. How large is Hueco Mundo? Vast. How many Vasto Lordes are out there? I have no clue but there can't be that many right? And even if there are, I doubt they're just roaming around Hueco Mundo. They each probably have an established castle or something. We aren't going to dangerous places like that. Besides, we'll only be gone for a year."

"Haaah...I suppose you're right. You guys should be careful though."

"We will. But it is a shame that you won't be coming with us."

"Heh, first, I'm not a member of the 12th division. And second, since you're going then there's no need for me to tag along. One Captain class combatant is enough."

Kishin raised his eyebrow amusedly. "Thank you for your confidence and praise. I never knew you thought so highly of me as to classify my skills as Captain level."

Kinji shook his head also amusedly. "Your reiatsu is Captain level. Your Shunpo is Captain level. Your Zanjutsu and Hakuda skills are seriously top tier. On top of that your skill in Kido is second only to my own. In fact even some Captain's of the Gotei 13 aren't as good in Kido as you and I. According to the information I have at hand perhaps only the Captain Commander, Captain Unohana, Captain Aizen, Captain Kuchiki, Captain Kyoraku, and Captain Ukitake surpass you and I in use of Kido. For now at least. And on top of that your Zanpakuto abilities are mysterious since you haven't revealed its true power to anyone. Honestly I've been questioning to myself why you continue to transfer when you could hold a Lieutenant position in any squad if you just apply." He then leaned in a bit closer to Kishin's ear and whispered, "And to be frank, I think you could qualify to even be a Captain of the Gotei 13 right now if there were an empty position even though you haven't learnt how to use your Bankai yet."

Kishin just let out a light laugh which Kinji gave him a curious look and inquired, "Wait...you haven't...learnt Bankai yet right?"

Kishin just smiled and remained silent causing Kinji to widen his eyes in shock. "Y-Y-You! Don't tell me! You actually already learnt your Ba-"

Kishin gave a toothy grin and shook his head. "Look at you. Getting all worked up for nothing. While I wish I could say yes to your incredulous expression the answer is actually no. I haven't learnt how to use Bankai yet. I've been spending my time training my other skills. How else do you think I got so good with Kido? With your help and knowledge I advanced by leaps and bounds then what I could have achieved on my own. Besides, I also don't want to take things too fast with my Zanpakuto powers. I've been training with my Shikai to ensure I truly master its power."

Kinji gave an awkward smile at Kishin's answer. "Haha...for a moment there I thought you had already learnt Bankai. That...would be frightening to know just how much more powerful you'd be. I have a hard time matching up against you when we spar already."

"Well, that's just because you lack speed. You should work on that. Besides I'm not the only one who made improvements. You, Toshiro, and Yushiro already have Captain level reiatsu as well. To top it off you are the most skilled out of all of us in Kido. You worked and studied hard and now you're the Lieutenant of the Kido Corps."

Kinji slightly blushed at the comment and sheepishly rubbed his neck. "It's not that big of a deal." His tone of voice then became serious as he continued, "I can't afford to slack off. I need to gain enough influence to stand up for myself within my family affairs…"

At the mention of Kinji's family affairs Kishin's brow slightly furrowed as he recalled his brief encounter with Tokinada. "Hey, Kinji. I totally forgot about this but, about two to three weeks ago I bumped into your Clan head, Tokinada."

Kinji frowned. "What did he want?"

"Hmmm...nothing really. It was the day you, Toshiro, Yushiro, and I were practicing. I left early and that's when we crossed paths. He asked if I knew where you were. What's your relationship with him anyways?"

Kinji let out a sigh. "My position in the clan is...it's complicated. As you know I'm from a branch family within the clan and not part of the main family lineage. My father and mother passed away a long time ago so I live with my cousins. My cousins are part of the main family, but even then they don't hold very high positions in the clan. I was advised by the clan not to attend the academy. Something about there being no need to go through such a process since I wasn't from the main branch. I was told that all I needed to do was obediently serve the members of the main branch family. I, however, didn't agree. I didn't want that kind of lifestyle. As you know I attended the academy anyways much to the chagrin of my clan. It was because of me going against their wishes that I didn't receive any support or funding from my clan. I figured they would just cut me off completely and honestly, I didn't have high hopes for myself as a Shinigami either. I just wanted to get away from that suffocating clan of mine, but then I met you. It's because I kept training with you and learnt some neat tricks and tips from you that I was able to improve so much. Your advice on training my reiatsu and knowledge of Kido helped me so much that even when you left the academy I was able to keep ahead of the rest of the class and delve into deeper and more extensive knowledge of the field. I began to see a new light and pursued it. Then after I graduated and joined the Kido Corps my continuous training with you, Toshiro, and Yushiro only made me grow faster. Then three years ago my growth and influence within the Kido Corps became so great that I was promoted to Lieutenant. My clan who I thought decided to cast me away suddenly contacted me and began giving me praise telling me how I was one of the members who brought pride to the Tsunayashiro clan. How fakely absurd right? That's how many in the main branch family feel and talk about me except for the clan head, Tokinada. We never really interacted before and I've only ever seen him twice in my entire life. That is until a year ago. I suppose he started to take notice of me with how the clan talks about me. He started to approach me, but I don't really know what he wants from me. He treats me well and it doesn't seem like he judges me for the choices I've made in life nor does he judge me based on my accomplishments and failures. He hasn't asked me to do anything for him yet though."

Kishin frowned at the whole ordeal. "Kinji, it's not really my place to say anything about your clan, but don't let your guard down around your clan head. He gives off a vibe."

Kinji raised his eyebrow in curiosity and asked, "What kind of vibe?"

Kishin smirked and replied, "A me kind of vibe."

Kinji slightly shuddered at Kishin's response. "A-Are you sure he gives off a vibe like yours? Tch...then I really can't let my guard down."

Kishin let out an amused laugh. "Hahaha! Well it's good to know that you're aware of how terrible I can be."

Kinji just shook his head and was also bemused. "That's why I'm glad I'm your friend and not your enemy. With the clan head we never had much of a relationship to start with. Now he wants to start buttering up to me. If you think he has a similar personality to yours then I'm probably gonna be wrapped in the coil of a snake if I don't keep my guard up against him. Anyways thanks for the warning."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Akon and the others.

"Oh, Akon-senpai, you guys are finally here."

Akon simply nodded and turned his attention to Kinji. "Thank you for opening the Senkaimon to the Dangai for us."

Kinji simply shrugged his shoulders. "Don't mention it. I'm sure you all at the R&D have already manipulated and calculated everything within that space for your journey through to Hueco Mundo to go smoothly, correct?"

Akon nodded. "That's right, we have."

"Then did you all prepare in advance for your return trip?"

Once again Akon simply gave a nod. "Don't worry about that Kido Corp Lieutenant. Everything's been prepared. I have no desire to be stuck in Hueco Mundo under any circumstances. We've already prepared the set-up for our return date and furthermore, should anything unexpected happen and we're forced to return early, I have brought a device that can forcibly open a Senkaimon gate to connect us to the Dangai. From there R&D will immediately be alerted and guide us safely back to Soul Society."

Kinji let out a breath of relief as he had no desire to hear of any news related to Kishin being stuck in Hueco Mundo.

"Well then, I suppose I shouldn't delay your trip any longer." With that he and the other Kido Corp member took out an orb and channeled their reiatsu into it immediately causing it to connect to the giant Senkaimon gate creating a bright white light to generate from the archway.

Akon let out a deep breath before he steeled his nerves and said with confidence, "Let's go."

Kishin waved his hand at Kinji before following the others into the portal. On the other side was a large dark and creepy elongated hallway. Some strange goo was slowly oozing off on the side of the walls. They had entered the Dangai. Akon let out a sigh and turned around ensuring that everyone was present before he spoke up. "Alright. Seems like everyone made it okay. We've just now entered the Dangai. If you all follow me I'll lead us to the spot where we'll open a portal to Hueco Mundo. After running our calculations we have approximately 15 minutes before the cleaner sweeps the place so lets not dilly dally."

Everyone obediently followed behind Akon as he led them further inside. Their party consisted of four researchers and six guards making ten members in total including Nemu and Kishin. After a 5 minute walk Akon paused and took out some strange device sticking it into the wall of the Dangai. In less than a few seconds the wall began to split open revealing a grand desert on the other side. The moment they all walked through the portal closed leaving no traces or evidence that they had ever crossed over from the Dangai tunnel.

"Well...we're here." Akon said anxiously.

Kishin tilted his head to the side in wonderment as he took in the surrounding landscape. The sky was completely dark just as he had read about. Apparently it was always night time here. The land was illuminated by the giant moon in the sky. The desert was filled with sand dunes that stretched endlessly for miles and miles. A few dead looking and withered old trees could be seen every few hundred feet. Kishin took a deep breath feeling the heavy and rich reishi density in the air which was similar to the Soul Society. After completing his quick observation of the area he squatted low to the ground and ran his hand through the smooth soft sand.

"So this is Hueco Mundo…"

Nemu turned to look at Kishin and nodded in response. "Yes. This is Hueco Mundo."

Kishin raised his eyebrow at her response to which she simply kept her eyes focused on him.

"Lieutenant, that wasn't a question."

"Oh. My apologies."

Kishin kept his eyebrow raised but didn't pursue the awkward conversation. Instead he turned to Akon and asked, "So, what now? I only see sand and a few withered trees."

Akon let out a sigh and motioned for everyone to follow him as he began walking into the distance. "First we'll set up a basecamp. Since there are four researchers in total and six guards we'll split into two teams. Two researchers will be paired with three guards at all times. Kishin, you will lead the 7th and 8th rank officer guarding myself and one other researcher at all times. Lieutenant Nemu will lead the 4th and 6th rank officer guarding the other two researchers. That way there will be no confusion as to who will protect who if we are met with any sort of danger. How does this arrangement sound?"

Everyone nodded in agreement with Akon's suggestion. They continued walking for another 30 minutes before stopping and setting up a base camp that was situated in a valley surrounded by large hill sized sand dunes. One main tent was erected for the purposes of setting up various machinery and lab equipment to conduct research while everyone's personal tents were set up surrounding the main tent.

Kishin nodded his head in approval at Akon's choice of where to set up camp. "Mn. Not bad. The large sand dunes will keep us hidden from sight and also act as a natural barrier protecting us from strong winds and sandstorms. We can also use the tall hills to our advantage to keep watch over a larger area. Seems like Akon-senpai knows what he's doing. The question is exactly what is he searching for?"

Although Kishin was simply speaking aloud his thoughts to himself he received an answer from Nemu who had quietly approached him from behind.

"Akon and the others will be setting up certain lab equipment to measure the stability of the rift between realms. Over the years it seems that larger and larger groups of Hollows are able to cross over from Hueco Mundo into Soul Society undetected by the R&D department. At least they are unable to detect them until it is too late. Under normal circumstances R&D should be able to pick up on spatial distortions that occur in Soul Society. Small minuscule spatial distortions might go undetected sometimes, but large ones that cause an influx of Hollows to appear going undetected is abnormal. For example, the time when you were attacked by that strange Hollow named Sting. Before that there was a large influx of Hollows and Gillians that arrived in Rukongai. R&D should have been able to detect their crossing and alerted you long before they arrived, however they weren't made aware of the situation until the Hollows had already crossed over. There were also many similar incidences that occurred just like that one in the past years."

Kishin glanced at Nemu and gave a thoughtful look. "So...then Akon and the others will begin by checking whether or not the separation of the two realms has weakened?"

Nemu nodded. "That's right. Being unable to detect regular Hollows crossing over is one thing but Menos with such a large amount of reiatsu being left undetected until the last minute is troubling. If this continues then there is a high likelihood that eventually even Vasto Lorde class Menos can cross over undetected and wreak havoc."

"Well, I suppose you have a point. What about the vanishing souls?"

Nemu simply shook her head with an indifferent expression. "I don't know. We should just leave that up to Akon."

Kishin smirked at her answer. "You have a point there."

Nemu held out her hand that had several pieces of candy in it out to Kishin and asked, "Want some?"

Kishin stared at the candy pieces in her hand for a few seconds before he smirked and shook his head. "It's alright. Maybe later."

She kept her hand in the same position for a few seconds longer before retracting it by her side. "I see. Then maybe later."

Kishin slightly tilted his head as he continued to watch Nemu in curiosity. After several minutes passed by in silence she turned to him and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Kishin placed his hands behind his head relaxedly and replied nonchalantly. "Nope."

Nemu tilted her head in confusion. "Then is there a reason why you keep staring at me?"

Kishin smirked. "Yup."

"May I know the reason?"

"Are you curious?"

Kishin's question slightly startled Nemu. Was she curious? She didn't actually know. All her life she simply obeyed the orders given to her by Mayuri. She had vague concepts of human related ideals and emotions but she could never truly say whether or not they were her own. She was, after all, artificially created. There were times when she believed that she could me more, but most of the times she believed that she was Mayuri's personal tool.

Kishin noted how she seemed to internally struggle on how to answer the question so he grinned and poked the side of her stomach since he was still a kid and couldn't reach her forehead. Sure he had grown but he was still only 144cm tall when compared to Nemu who was 167cm tall. Nemu glanced down at him confused which only made Kishin grin more.

"Forget it Lieutenant. You don't have to answer that question right now. I know what it's like to be treated as a tool. I'm sure that in time...you'll learn that even a human tool can have desires." With that he walked off leaving a stunned Nemu standing alone outside the main tent.

Kishin watched as Akon and the other researchers continued setting up their equipment in boredom. Aside from him and Nemu who stood guard outside the tent the other four guards were tasked with keeping constant watch above the hilly sand dunes. Minutes passed. Then hours until finally Kishin let out a sigh.


Akon raised his eyebrow in response. "Is something wrong Kishin?"

"I'm bored."

Akon couldn't help but stare at Kishin in disbelief. Here they were in the middle of Hueco Mundo where danger could appear at a moments notice and Kishin was yawning totally unconcerned. He couldn't help but feel like his safety was in jeopardy. Kishin took note of Akon's disbelief and smirked in amusement.

"Senpai, four guards are already keeping watch and Nemu is down here to guard the main tent. You four continue your research."

"And what are you going to do then?"

Kishin gave a toothy grin. "I'll go scout out the area for a bit to get a better understanding of our surroundings. Be back in a few hours. If you need to reach me then just call my denreishinki."

Akon wanted to say something, but in the end he decided that what Kishin suggested wasn't a terrible idea. It's true that camp was already set up and guard duty was taken care of so having someone do some recon of the area would be helpful information to have. On top of that the one most suited for that task was precisely Kishin since he was previously a member of the Onmitsukido.

Akon let out a sigh and nodded. "Alright. Be back in a few hours. If you find anything suspicious let us know."

Kishin gave a quick wink before disappearing in a flash of Shunpo stunning everyone there. It took Akon several seconds before he recovered from his shock.

"N-No way...he's fast...faster than the Captain…"

Nemu who was standing nearby also had a complicated expression on her face. "I never knew he was this skillful. Not only does he possess Captain level reiatsu, but he's even faster than master…no wonder master said that everything should be fine if he comes along. The problem is that if he's that fast, how will I actually observe him and accomplish my task."

Akon turned to Nemu and questioned, "What do you mean by task? Wait...don't tell me that-"

Nemu simply nodded. "That's right. Master asked me to obtain as much data and information on Kishin as possible." She then pulled out a small jar that looked completely empty even though it wasn't.

Akon widened his eyes in shock before face-palming. "Don't tell me that the Captain asked you to implant those on Kishin?"

Once more Nemu nodded. "That's right. Master wanted me to find a chance to implant these nano sized cameras on Kishin. That way he can constantly monitor and observe Kishin's body and growth."


Before anyone could even react a fierce wind blew past them and the bottle in Nemu's hand vanished. She widened her eyes in shock and turned to look everywhere when both Akon and Nemu's attention were captured by the sound of Kishin's voice behind them.

"So this is what you put in the candy. I thought it was strange for you to suddenly have candy on you out of nowhere. I don't recall ever having information of you having a habit of passing out candy to people. That's more suited to Captain Ukitake"

Nemu's shocked expression returned to her neutral indifferent one. "I see. So you saw through my plan."

Before Nemu even had the chance to ask for the bottle back Kishin completely destroyed it by generating a level 31 Hado spell in his hands leaving nothing left of the item.

"Sorry Lieutenant, but I don't plan to be a guinea pig for the Captain. Now I'll really be off."

Once more he disappeared in a flash of Shunpo truly leaving camp this time.


Hado #31: Shakkaho (Red Fire Cannon)

Bakudo #63: Sajo Sabaku (Ethereal Binding Chain)

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


