97.46% A True Beginning / Chapter 192: Ch.26

章 192: Ch.26

Whitebeard laughed as I flew back and landed on his ship. The highest standing stricter in the island now was the execution platform. I panted at the exertion as it cost me greatly to do such a feat right off the bat without training the fruit abilities. All that was left standing in our way was the marines and I'd injured many of them dead or completely unable to fight.

Whitebeard patted my shoulder nearly making me fall and laughed before saying. "That definitely is an interesting era I wish to see wholeheartedly."

I sighed as Oars Junior showed himself and I tossed out a beam that unfolded onto the super giant. It was the turtle shell armors reinforced with diamonds all over and a shell and diamond hat as well.

I'd spent a lot of effort on it and it fit him perfectly. The marines were practically cursing me now while I asked Whitebeard to look after Luffy since I was not only physically exhausted but mentally as well. He agreed and told his commanders to do it white Oars Junior helped open a path onto the island.

The admiral is injured, Akainu, attacked with a ferocity few could match as he burned pirates and marines alike in his anger. Their plans were failing and they'd lost so much already that even Garp was looking at me with sweat pouring down his face.

I sat down and panted some more before watching the fight. Luffy made it far especially with World and the other escaped prisoners attacking all the marines with a vengeance. Garp has to fight World himself as he simply was too dangerous to be left alone. I pulled out several bags of fruit and sat in meditation while World was killed and many others were seriously injured.

I pulled out all the stops handing Whitebeard a sack of senzu beans and telling him they instantly heal all but poison, disease and mental fatigue. He had the crew pass them around to their people and the war effort gained serious traction. Whitebeard himself took action and fought the Admirals and Garp himself as best he could.

Even at full health he was still old and it was five on one as Garp kept smacking down the division captains. Finally when Luffy got to Sabo, Akainu and Sengoku broke off to stop him from freeing him. That gave Whitebeard some breathing room and I took on Akainu when I saw him gunning for Luffy.

I hit him and his magma tried to burn me. Smirking, I punched him harder with more haki and sent him flying into the golden Buddha. They clashed and I broke Sabo's chains with a ki blade before nodding to him and facing off against the fleet admiral and magma prick.

I sent several full strength ki blades at Sengoku and punched magma dick one more time, sending him into a cluster of marines. I grabbed Luffy and Sabo before using the last of my energy to get away with Soru.

Soon enough Blackbeard and his crew showed up and it became a three way fight as the warlords backed off. Boa landed next to Luffy and I on Whitebeard's ship the Moby Dick.

Sabo tried to rejoin the fight but Whitebeard was simply too overwhelmed and Blackbeard's group took over for a bit while the marines backed off. I panted and ate a senzu bean knowing it wouldn't do much good before using Soru once more and taking my bags of fruit with me. I kicked Blackbeard away and tossed Whitebeard a senzu bean before stabbing Catarina Devon, the mythical zoan nine tailed fox fruit eater in the head, killing her before she could use her abilities.

Whitebeard took all their attacks once more but was quickly loosing steam while magma prick entered the fight once more to face off against me. The rest attacked Whitebeard as one including Garp and I took a hit to the chest that sent me flying back into the bay while Whitebeard was overwhelmed and killed.

I sank into the bay luckily and got away from Akainu while Marco faced off against him and Whitebeard made his last order, splitting Marineford down the middle and almost in half. He made one last declaration saying. "One Piece exists!"

As he died Blackbeard got his fruit and the marines chased the Whitebeard pirates to the bay. I climbed back aboard the Moby Dick and threw up a hand, blasting the ice behind us with heat and melting the entire ice covered ocean so we could escape before passing out.

I'd already stored my fruit in my ring and it was spelled so there was little to no chance Sabo could take it for himself. I woke up a few days later on Amazon Lily as Boa's people had picked us up along the way.

Marco was the official commander of the Whitebeard fleet since Whitebeard himself was now dead. I heard from them that Blackbeard fled with his crew and used Whitebeard's devil fruit ability.

Sabo had stayed with his crew and was now in training so only Luffy and Boa were the only ones with me who had fought in the war. Rayleigh showed up and I talked Luffy into taking a break and training for two years before we head into the new world as it was full of monsters on Admiral level and Kuzan was right that I couldn't protect our crew by myself. They all needed proper time to train and grow stronger as well as proper teachers.

I'd read the admiral's and Garp's mind as well as Whitebeard's and knew how I needed to train now so I too could improve. Luffy relented and called them all on their snail phones telling them to train and prepare for when we unite two years later.

I went with Luffy to Ruskania and listened to Rayleigh teach him about Haki before he took me to a desolate island and trained me in the way of the sword. Forget Hawkeye, he was the real worlds strongest swordsman or as close to it as I've ever seen.

For two years he trained me off and on while my symbiote sometimes took my place so I could go see Robin. As it turns out she had become pregnant from the last three days together on Sabaody and gave birth to a girl we named Olivia after her mother.

We took turns raising her as Robin was busy doing spy work for the revolutionary army and training her devil fruit with haki along the way. My bounty had skyrocketed and I became the highest bounty rookie by far a one billion and sixty million berry. Luffy gained another two hundred million berry for actually pulling off the daring rescue.

It was an insane stunt but it had worked. Over the two years my swordsmanship became refined as I took the next step into sword king where Rayleigh was. He was only at mid sword king but I had only barely entered the realm before the two years ended.

I spent all my training free time hunting barehanded in the calm belt as my body became like a sword and I could use a finger or hand to slice the giant sea kings up. Those I didn't kill immediately, I stored for later use while I swam through the calm belt.

Sabo had stopped by once and picked up his watch and ring before leaving to continue his training. I had no doubt he'd catch up to me sooner or later as the gamer powers were broken as fuck. I hadn't seen Luffy since he began his own training but that was fine as I'm fairly certain I reached a higher level in haki attainment than him.

My own Conquerers haki had reached the point of injuring weaker willed people and not just knocking them out while my armament haki had become easier to use like slipping on a glove and I could use it for days on end in a fight now.

As for my observation haki, I couldn't hear the voice of all things but I could expand my awareness to encompass an entire island. Other than Robin and Olivia, the only one I saw from the crew was Kame and that was to help him grow stronger as well.

He'd reached the peak of legend rank and any more and I'd fear he'd have to stay in the first half of the grand line because of his massive size. I'd made him a diamond coating to toughen his shell more as well as trained him to refine his haki. He too had Conquerers haki and he abused that shit like it was a gift card at Christmas time.

He practically bullied the sea kings as he ate them by the dozen each week. The calm belt definitely got calmer that's for sure. As for the changes to the marines, Marineford was rebuilt and the gates of justice were put back up while impel down was repaired but the navy still went ahead and moved their HQ to the new world where Blackbeard was running rampant.

More Admirals were made as Akainu took over before forcing Kuzan to quit and Kizaru to join the strictly research division. Garp retired unofficially while officially he and Sengoku became special training instructors.

The new era had been named by Shanks as Whitebeard's era and the four emperors continued to fight over territory as Blackbeard was officially crowned the fourth emperor after Whitebeard's death.

My lineage had hit the news and the navy changed my moniker to Devil Spawn Ace. How ironic that they have no clue how right they were. Sweeping changes were made all over as the Marines recovered and the escaped pirates gathered under the clown with an Usopp level fetish for stretching the truth and bragging.

Most fell under his banner and he was asked to become a warlord if the sea. I sent my symbiote to Alabasta on Kame at the beginning and gave Vivi Crocodile's devil fruit as magma prick had turned his ass to glass.

I gave her a book on fruits as well as many of the fruits I had including the invisibility fruit and the slow slow fruit. She rewarded those most loyal to her father and herself with them while eating the sand sand fruit herself.

I gave her a space ring and taught her to use it and a weight watch as well since Brook didn't need it. I taught her and a hundred of her most loyal guards the six powers and Haki as best I was able during my free time and they practically emptied out all my fruit's.

The world didn't know it yet but Alabasta had secretly gained a hundred vice admiral class warriors and an admiral class princess. Rayleigh and Shanks had shown up and taken Whitebeard's body to be buried respectfully and while the new fleet admiral had tried to fight it, he was overwhelmed and injured for his efforts since he alienated everyone strong enough to help him.

Back to the present, I arrived at Shakky's Rip Off Bar far more powerful than when I'd last been there and it showed as I had a presence nearly as strong as Shanks's. I reeled it in as I hadn't had to in a while from all the sea kings I'd faced back to back in the calm belt. Even Kame had done the same by accident.

Luckily I was first so I had a bit of time before I had to worry about injuring my own crew and Shakky was used to it as she had her own presence to block mine with. Her customers on the other hand passed out spitting up blood.

I scratched the back of my head before apologizing and suppressing my aura and presence fully. She waved me off and commented on how much I've grown to her amazement. I was at least on Yonko level or equal to the old fleet admiral now though still weaker in some areas than Garp but a few days in the time chamber would sort that out.

I headed to the ship and cleaned out the extra crew quarters that was being used as Usopp's tinkering room before the two years of training. I made sure to decorate it and cleaned the rest of the ship while I was at it.

Kuma had sat there defending the ship until I'd returned and with me back he'd left. Zoro was the next to show up two days later and I exited the training room fully into the sword king realm now when I sensed him. From his aura he was mid sword grandmaster and almost high.

It had a unique feel to it and made me remember my first visitor after I'd begun training, Hawkeye. He'd sought me out for a duel because of what he felt and saw in the war. We'd battled for a week straight and destroyed the island i was on at the time before I won barely.

He'd attained a log though and thanked me before leaving scarred up even with a senzu bean because of my aura lingering in his wounds. I'd given him the Kitetsu to give to Zoro should he need it during his training and from one glance I could see he had needed it.

He'd replaced his skillful grade Kitetsu with the supreme grade one and although he was only at mid sword grandmaster, I could tell he could temporarily become a peak sword grandmaster with his demonic like aura and Asura form technique thanks to his newest sword.

His other swords were the black blade Shusui that was said to have been used to slay a dragon and his original blade Wado Ichimonji. I greeted him when he arrived to see the ship and we dueled in the training room for a while before he left to go fishing a couple days later after dropping off his stuff and giving me a white blade that looked like Hawkeye's sword Yoru.

He called it Keko and it was a supreme grade sword as well that he'd won after killing some human apes called humandrills and killing their leader who owned it. I smiled and added it to my collection happily while he left to go fishing. He may be only a mid sword grandmaster but his fighting prowess and haki were both equal to an admiral's.

Franky showed up and started working on the ship after showing me a few of his upgrades and making me laugh and clap a bit. I mentioned that we'd be using Kame only in dire emergencies in the new world as it was impossible for him to stay so close to the surface and not fight and attract powerful sea kings because of his new size so Franky's upgrades to the ship were all the more imperative.

He worked for ten days before Nami came three days after Franky and Usopp was four days after her. Then came Chopper a day before our set departure time. Brook was next setting up a concert for the final day which I left the training room to attend.

I'd mastered the beginning of sword king and only fighting stronger opponents would strengthen my haki further. As for my physical body, I was now considered a monster on Garp's level of being able to throw mountains without haki.

Finally Sanji arrived and I sensed Robin's presence as well as Olivia's, Luffy's and several unfamiliar presences following each of them. I used my snail and warned Robin she had a tail before telling her to head to the concert to see Brook's songs live.

She mentioned us recruiting and I told her not to worry about it as it was a group of imposters. There was even a fake me that honestly looked nothing like me but it seemed to fool the idiots I guess. A while later she arrived with Olivia and lost her tail while we watched Brook sing bone to be wild.

After one more song he did his encore New World while the navy tried to interrupt. Finally in a hail of fireworks, I grabbed Olivia and Robin joined me on stage before grabbing Brook and leaving through a hole I made with a single shigan upgraded by the more more fruit powers I'd gained from Byrnndi World attacking me.

All three of us went to the ship while I carried Olivia and she laughed calling Brook. "Uncle Bone!"

His demeanor softened and he laughed as we landed on the ship moments later. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were the only ones not here and the rest were looking at Olivia, me and Robin. Olivia has white hair like her grandmother while the rest was a near identical facial structure as a kid Robin except my eyes.

She waved at them all and Robin smiled, introducing her to them. Nami asked. "Is it safe to have a kid on a pirate ship?"

I chuckled. "Is it safe to have a kid anywhere in this world? Relax, I'll be watching her life a hawk and besides, she has plenty of mean and powerful aunties and uncles here."

She waved at Usopp calling him. "Uncle long nose."

Next came Uncle Robot, Auntie Storm, Uncle Reindeer and grandpa Silver to Rayleigh who was just about to leave. Rayleigh stopped and came over patting her head and giving her a piece of candy before giving me a deadly glare and telling me. "She called me grandpa so you'd better take care of her Ace or I'll come to the new world and finish your training the hard way."

I snorted and called him an idiot old man before kicking him off the ship. He laughed as he landed and thanked me for having told her to call him that. I shrugged and handed Olivia to Nami who wanted to hold her while I told him. "You've taught me more than Roger ever did and to me that means something idiot old man. Tell Shakky she's a grandma because I sure as heck ain't going to."

Rayleigh laughed and walked away towards Zoro and the other two saying. "Come see me when she finds her first boyfriend and we'll drink to your misery!"

I chuckled and told him. "If you live that long old man idiot!"

Rayleigh laughed harder before disappearing. Usopp asked. "Why did you call him old man idiot?"

I snorted. "My first official training lesson under him was for him to turn my watch up and drop me in the middle of the calm belt with only a weighted training sword and I'm not talking about an island either!"

Usopp looked freaked and a few of the others shared his sentiment and I nodded. "I nearly drowned except I realized it been hit by a fishmen before."

I moved my ears to show them some small gills that had formed there. "Then came the constant fights with every sea king that thought I was food on the bottom of the ocean floor. The watch was turned up so high I could barely move and the weighted sword was at it's maximum of five hundred tons. It took all I had not to drop it and swinging in depths that low and pressurized was a pain. He reminded me of a demented Garp as they're both similar and tossed me into ravines, bottomless pits and forests for training. Garp was at least fair though and did similar things to Luffy."

They all sweat dropped and Olivia spoke up. "Grandpa is funny! Hehe. Daddy's strong!"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. It definitely made me stronger though it was really painful and I'd be dead if it weren't for senzu beans and my promises to Robin and Luffy as well as my new promise to Olivia to always be there for her if and when she needs me."

I ruffled her hair and she stuck her tongue out at me. They laughed and Nami handed her to Robin while Zoro, Luffy and Sanji appeared. I saw Sanji's look of murder and kicked him in the head making him land on Luffy.

Olivia called him uncle Stretchy while calling Zoro uncle bushido and Sanji uncle Perv. Sanji looked heartbroken and I burst out laughing with the rest. Luffy patted her head saying. "The Strawhat pirates have one more crew member! So cool!"

I smiled. "Luffy, this is our daughter Portgas D. Olivia. We named her after Robin's mother and my mother's surname."

He nodded and Robin showed Nami a diamond engagement ring I'd made her telling her we plan to marry on fishman island. Franky jumped off the ship and into the water to start activating the coating and add the counter weights so that we sink.

I told Luffy about Kame only going with us as far as the new world before splitting up for his own adventure because he would attract to many powerful sea kings wanting to eat him or challenge him for territory. We'd have to go the rest of the way relying entirely on Nami's navigation skills and our luck.

He agreed as it sounded fun and I mentioned being able to call him to play when he was bored and wanted to fight sea kings because that's what Kame would be doing, fighting for territory in the new world. By the time we return he'd be too big to go through the fishman island route so he'd have to come through using the calm belt route and with his size he'd need a vast territory.

Once Franky returned, Luffy thanked us for his and my selfish request to wait and get stronger before telling us to set sail. The others thought it was weird that we hadn't been attacked but in fact we had, I was just sending the cannon balls back using my magnetic repulsion ability and destroying repeated Navy ships.

I no longer cared if they knew my abilities as everyone including Usopp and Chopper was at least an admiral in power at the bare minimum except Olivia and I could protect her. Not to mention her now peak admiral class mother who would destroy Mariejois if they dared harm Olivia.

I showed Olivia her room before we watched the ship dive while I held her. After we dived, I called Kame for one last ride and he came. Olivia and the others saw his full size for the first time and he was bigger then the entirety of the Sabaody groves put together. He was insanely huge and gurgled when he hooked up to the ship.

His dragon heritage showed in his head now fully as it looked like a western dragons head reminding me of Firnen from the Inheritance book series.

We shot off into the ocean and it became dark and colder causing Olivia to shiver so I held up a hand creating a ball of light that lit up like a miniature sun but took in no oxygen. It lit up the ocean while I handed her to her mother after wrapping her in my coat. Robin held her and we all looked around.

Usopp said it was a really convenient fruit ability and I chuckled before offering to hit him with it to see if he could gain it like I did. He shook his head fervently and looked around. The sail was already unfurled and we were moving quickly with Kame's help as I directed him mentally.

A pirate ship tried to follow us down with a sea beast attached to it and attack us but after the second time it rammed into us, I dived into the water and cut the sea beast and ship into small cubes after setting out my mythical bag of devil fruit, bursting their coating and killing the crew except the captain who had jumped through the coating on the third ram they made just before I attacked.

It ended up being Wet Haired Caribou, this years super rookie with a bounty of two hundred and ten million berry. He had the logia swamp swamp fruit and as soon as I boarded the Thousand Sunny, I heard him bragging about about to kill the crew and sell off the females.

I held up a hand and the others did nothing while I grabbed him and used the sand sand fruit's desolation and drainedc all the moisture out of him, killing him instantly. I tossed the body overboard after grabbing his weapons and all the stuff that fell out of him upon his death.

I grabbed the bag of devil fruit and sighed pulling out just the one. "Ah, it's the Logia swamp-swamp fruit. No wonder he had so much stuff inside him."

I tossed the dead bodies away and Nami took the treasure chests while we stored the useful stuff and tossed the rest. I stored the fruit in my space ring smiling. "That brings my devil fruit's up to three now."

Nami yelled. "What?!! Three? What happened to all the ones you had before?"

I grinned. "I gave all but one over to Vivi in Alabasta and trained her people to use them. I even gave those I gained in the war to her except the one I kept. After that I got a few devil fruits from beating an old pirate from Roger and Whitebeard's era and his allies over the two years. I shared them with the people of drum island and taught them the six powers and haki. I'm using a fruit ability right now called the double double fruit that allows me to be in two places at once and I'm teaching the people from our home towns in the East Blue including Cocoyasi Village, the Baratie, the dojo in Shimotsuki Village and Syrup village all I can."

They all looked at me confused and I told them. "With our game comes respect and fear from pirates sure, but it also brings hate and anger from the marines. One of the things the marines tried to accomplish in the war was to use Whitebeard's crew and family against him."

I looked at them all and it clicked for them. I nodded. "I can't allow that to happen to our friends and family."

I turned to Franky. "I'm even teaching your Franky family as best I can. It's been a long two years even for me. I've collected and dispersed almost all Devil fruits and techniques I can to protect those we care about."

I turned back to Nami who slooked relieved. "I see no reason in keeping Devil fruit's we won't use and so I only have three. One I got from the old pirate Shiki, another from the fearsome pirate Byrnndi World during the war and now this logia fruit."

They all thanked me for my consideration but I brushed it off. "It is my duty as first mate to fix problems I foresee in the future that may hinder our progress. As for the two other fruit abilities, Olivia wants one and the other is for Usopp."

Usopp's eyes went wide and I held out the more more fruit. "This is Byrnndi World's fruit. He was one of the most fearsome pirates in the world and so dangerous the navy locked him up in level six and forgot about him until the war when I freed him. He fought not only Garp, but all the admirals and the fleet admiral at the same time using this fruit's power. It can enhance your eyesight, speed, strength and your weapon's effectiveness the more you train it as it's called-"

Robin finished. "The more-more fruit. One of the world's truly most powerful paramicia type devil fruit."

I nodded and tossed it to Usopp who thanked me with tears in his eyes before nodding and he ate it. We continued on our journey and came to a giant underwater current flowing downwards.

When we saw a kraken and it stilled in fear of Kame, Luffy decided he wanted it as his pet. I chuckled and told Kame to stop before telling Luffy he'd have to beat it fairly himself. He agreed and Franky hooked him, Sanji and Zoro up with bubble suits before telling them to be careful.

Sanji asked why he had to go and I pointed a Zoro and Luffy. "They're idiots and he has no since of direction. If Luffy's bubble pops, you'll have the easiest time saving him as I don't need a bubble suit and therefore he might drown before I can get him back to the ship and I sure as heck ain't giving him mouth to mouth if I don't have to. That leaves only you as the rest of our crew are fruit users except Olivia right now."

Sanji wanted to argue but found no flaws in my argument so he gave up and went along with them. Luffy, idiot that he is used his third gear and way to much strength. He knocked out the giant kraken, freed a shark and sent the big creature spiraling down below.

The shark with a t-shirt thanked him and left before Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were almost pulled in by the current. Sanji managed to leave his bubble and grab both idiots, bringing them back to the ship. I had Kame follow the current as we headed down quickly and I sat on a bench while holding Olivia and using the heat-heat power to keep her and Robin warm.

When we found ourselves in the deep dark, I made a bunch of glowing orbs and sent them out of the bubble, lighting up the area for miles in every direction. Fish, eats and all kinds of sea creatures showed up before our eyes. Luckily Kame was much larger and they were little more than snack size to him.

They all fled from him, except for the jelly fish which he killed along the way with his version of Rankyaku, one of the six powers that made ki blades with a kick and sliced them all in half before they could get close. Robin told them. "The jellyfish are probably poisonous."

This was further proven when a brave eel ate one of the dead jelly creatures and died almost instantly. We kept going until a the giant octopus Kraken was found and he joined us on Kame's back while Luffy talked to him after he tamed it. Not long after that a lantern fish came to try us out and was killed by one bite from Kame.

A big pirate blowfish fishman tried to fight us at the beck and call of the captain of the Flying Dutchman. I gave Olivia to Robin, pulled out a sack of devil fruits and left them on the ship as I jumped out and split both the blowfish fishman and the Flying Dutchman into tiny pieces, killing all the crew and destroying any hope for Vander Decken and his crew of ever making it out alive.

I returned to the ship and felt the temperature changing. I quickly gave Kame directions as we made our way to a huge crevice and dived down just as the under water volcanoes erupted above. Kame kept swimming fast as he took up too much space in the crevices to be missed when it started pouring down.

I told them all what was happening while the water behind us lit up red. They all looked back before cheering Kame on to move faster. Even the giant octopus was doing so. Soon enough we passed the crevices and came out into the ten thousand meter depth as they all saw the shinning fishman island not far away.

Kame swam towards it and a group of sea creatures came at us to try and stop us. I smirked and told Kame. "If they won't budge, eat them quickly."

I was already dry from the heat fruit power and holding Olivia again. The fishmen on the sea animal's backs told us to stop and serve the new fishman pirates under their boss Hody Jones as human slaves. I snorted and told Kame to enjoy his meal as none of them survived.

He'd used Conquerers haki and ate them in mouth fulls including the fishman on their backs. I checked the bag of fruit and only one, the mark-mark fruit, was there. I chuckled and told Usopp about it and he looked sad until he realized you'd actually have to touch your target first then he was extremely happy with his new fruit.

I told him to go train it in the room and he left to do so as we didn't want it getting out of hand in the meantime. After Kame finished his meal, he brought us to the entrance of fishman island and I told him to take Surume, the kraken for a food hunt before having Luffy feed his new pet a bag of pills.

I warned him he'd die if he tried to eat them as they were meant for animals and he didn't touch them but instead told Sanji to make lunch. Since we were heading into fishman island and it was a long process of paperwork to do it legitimately, Sanji reluctantly went to do so.

He'd been having blood spouting issues since he joined up with us but the senzu beans took care of that plus Chopper's rehab ways for the most part. We managed to make it into the island three hours later and Usopp came out of the training room beat up but smiling.

I chuckled and handed each of the devil fruit users a pill. "This is something I whipped up after trying to find a way to remove the weaknesses of Robin's devil fruit powers. It can only remove the water weakness so you can swim yourselves but the sea stone weakness and the fruit's natural weaknesses like sharp things and extreme hot or cold for Luffy are a big no no. It's the best I could do even with the time in the training room and thirteen days worth outside."

They were all bug eyed now except Zoro who didn't care. They all hit me in the head for not giving them the drug earlier except Robin and Luffy who both laughed. I scratched the back of my head and shrugged. "I only completed it just before we left and forgot because of all the excitement."

It didn't help the lumps already forming on my head. Robin and I were still in agreement though that Olivia would have to wait until she was much bigger and understood the consequences of such dangerous abilities.

They all ate their pill and while we docked and Sanji asked about the invisibility fruit and I shook my head and told him Vivi's female guard had it so he was out of luck. He wasn't happy to hear it but I simply didn't trust him not to perv on Robin in the shower.

He may be a gentleman in theory and most practice but he was the biggest pervert I'd met since Xander's younger memories I shuddered trying not to think about. Purging memories in three..two...one. 'Ah, what was I thinking? Oh yeah, lunch.'

We all ate lunch after docking and Nami had to hold Sanji back long enough for Chopper to go with him. She called Camie to be our guide on the snail phone and when the happy mermaid showed up, she lead us all around the island and even introduced us to her boss at the mermaid cafe, Shyarly.

The seer shark woman was appealing to the eyes but I shrugged it off as I followed Robin and Olivia out with Nami to go shopping. They suddenly wanted my opinion as we had to buy wedding clothes and stuff for the ceremony. I truly loved Robin and meant it by having shared my memories with her and revealing my full being to her as best she could understand and since it didn't change much of her thoughts on me she'd agreed to keep my big secret while also agreeing to marry me.

That was one of the major things I loved about her was the acceptance of the unknown. She had asked a lot of questions and even asked what I knew about the void century which I admitted wasn't much because this reality was a training spot for me.

Hell, she'd even accepted the other woman would be apart of our relationship so I was fine with telling her my theories and what I knew to be true. She'd asked if I was interested in anyone else in this world and I'd told her honestly that Shyarly was the only one I'd considered after I got to know her of course but only if we were fated like Robin and I seemed to be.

I had felt the spark when I met the large mermaid and that's why Robin noticed to drag me away for my confirmation. She modeled her clothes for me except wedding dresses she and Nami would buy later while I told her I wouldn't act to accept her and her to know her unless she herself saw it as she really was a seer.

Luffy, Brook, and Usopp showed up a bit later with Camie and her pet starfish I really could remember the name to because I couldn't care less about while we were checking out. The starfish was a famous clothes designer so when Nami demanded a discount, he'd told her no but that whatever we wanted was free instead because we were friends.

I actually felt a little bad and learned his name was Pappag. We emptied the store in a second flat as even Olivia had taken what she'd wanted. He called us cold blooded but it was fine. A fishman came in speaking about someone showing up and we went outside to see the merman fishman island king Neptune coming down in a floating whale.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Feel his intent. It's not violent but friendly."

The fishman king introduced himself and asked the shark Luffy accidentally saved if we were the ones and it nodded. The king invited us up to his floating bubble palace for a banquet and Luffy agreed for us.

We hopped on the shark, Megalo, and headed to the palace with the king. Along the way he and Luffy talked and he mentioned his daughter being targeted from afar by the Captain of the Flying Dutchman, Vander Decken and I told him I destrong the Flying Dutchman and killed it's crew along the way here.

I even showed him the mark-mark fruit I'd obtained and told him coldly. "Before you start accusing me of murdering your citizens, they attacked us first and I ended the fight permanently. They were pirates like us and we didn't fight on Fishman island."

He waved that off and smiled genuinely happy while thanking me for liberating his daughter from a life of terror. He told us it had been going on for ten years when his daughter met Vander Decken when she was six years old.

I hummed and nodded before telling him I'd destroy any pervert who tried to do the same to Olivia and murder his family in cold blood as well. He shook his head saying. "Such is the way of the father-jamon."

I chuckled and agreed while the others looked at me weirdly. I shrugged it off and told them they'd understand some day if they ever had kids. Luffy was practically clueless about that concept so he just laughed it off.

When we arrived the king gave us a bubble making coral to go inside the palace safely as it was filled with water. When we arrived the king was yelled at by his ministers for risking himself and Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess was there to greet us.

King Neptune told her that Vander Decken was gone for good and she thanked us for dealing with him though didn't ask how. The only real problem came when Shyarly told the people of a vision she had of Luffy destroying Fishman island and the king tried to have us arrest until he could figure it out.

I simply used haki and knocked out the guards while telling the king coldly. "Visions and predictions, even if they are proven to be true are hardly ever how we interpret them and even more so they're hardly a way to live by reacting to them just like with advanced haki. I can predict the near future but if someone I'm fighting reacts to my reaction of the glimpse I see, then my prediction becomes invalid by my own response to it."

I walked out of the bubble and continued saying while in water. "Didn't see my ability to breathe under water coming did you?"

I walked passed the floating princess and grabbed tossed the king a sack of beans telling him what they do and that his people are only unconscious and will wake up in a bit if he feeds the beans to them.

After that I walked back into the bubble and told him coldly. "If you try to arrest us again idiot king, you'll find that vision very true in the worst sort of way as I'll end fishman island myself."

King Neptune sweat dropped and woke his people up while cry baby Shirahoshi was crying in fear. I waved a hand and tossed a giant pacifier into her mouth, shutting her up for a moment at least. After the guards were all awake Luffy asked about the banquet and the king agreed knowing we were simply too strong to fight.

The royal guards still wanted to try but he ordered them not to and told them that since we were being peaceful, he would simply think on what he wanted to do before he acted one way or the other.

The loud mouth ministers found themselves with pacifiers as well while Olivia clapped happily and I found a big air coral, making the palace full of air. I kept it in my ring for later if necessary and we headed to the banquet hall while Olivia played with Shirahoshi calling her big sister-fish.

The king seemed to warm up to us a bit after that and he used bubble tubes to float him and Shirahoshi along with us. We ate a lot while acting our usual fun loving selves until Zoro showed up drinking and joined in on the celebrations.

The guards were still on edge but they and the king saw our true nature as fun loving happy go lucky pirates. Luffy offered to take the princess to the sea forest to her mother's grave and the princess showed up to tell Luffy about Jimbei waiting on him there. He'd met Jimbei again when he was training and they'd both hit it off as friends and Jimbei told him he'd meet him here after his two years of training were up.

Luffy wanted to go right away and I suggested we all go together since the princess wanted to go and I knew there was a Poneglyph there even though I already knew what it said. I'd gained the knowledge to read the ancient language from Robin and she was actually teaching Olivia to read it as well. For a two year old our daughter was quite intelligent.

We rode the shark Megalo there and along the way Hody's crew attacked a few times. They were small fries except three, an octopus fishman named Hyouzou, a hammerhead shark named Dosun and a small cookie cutter shark fishman named Daruma.

Luffy beat down the octopus and Usopp took out Daruma with a plant ammo seed while Nami deep fried the hammerhead with her logia fruit ability. They were all pirates and now they were all arrested by the palace guards for attacking guests of the royal palace. I grabbed a pill off one and asked the king what it was.

The minister immediately identified it as the steroid drug recipe stolen from the palace vaults ten years ago on the day the Queen was murdered. I mused out loud that the queen's murder might've been a cover for the theft and to create tension between the humans and fishmen.

The king's face turned dark and I pointed out the human slaves they'd used in the attack and suggested they might've used a similar tactic back then to cover up the queens murder by one of their own. The prince pointed out that Hody wouldn't have as a palace guard back then and I pointed out that no outsider knows where the royal vaults are so it had to be an inside job.

Even Nami, our resident expert thief agreed that it would take time and a decent cover to find such a vault in a palace that big as well as break into it without being caught so it had to be an inside job or an invisible thief that could walk through walls and make whatever they grabbed invisible as well.

Our logic was spot on and the king's face turned dark as he mentioned Hody being an open activist against the bill to make Fishman island an official member of the royal government and that he'd left the royal guard soon after the pill recipe had went missing.

He sentenced the three right then and there as accomplices to those major crimes and I added a seal to the shackles to drain them of strength and prevent removal.

I added a truth spell and they admitted as much and so much more including their main base being on the sacred grounds of the legendary ship the Noah. Grunting, I asked the king right then and there for the authority to capture Hody and his crew with Jimbei's help.

He said it was fishman business but then I showed him my gills and he looked astonished. I told him he could consider me a half-breed fishman if he wanted and added that I was a bit of a special case.

He agreed and considered me an official citizen of Fishman island and announced my temporary royal guard position before giving me the mission of capturing Hody and his crew and finding out his true motives and bringing them to be sentenced officially.

I bowed with a smile and followed to meet up with Jimbei first. We found him in the sea forest next to the queens grave. Robin took Olivia over to the Poneglyph while Luffy and the rest talked to Jimbei and the royals visited the grave.

When Neptune told Jimbei what he wanted and how he and I were to do the mission and use the palace guards to escort them back, I assured them that I was enough and after a glance Jimbei agreed.

We both left them and I plucked the fishman karate arts from his mind before swimming faster while we headed to Noah. It wasn't hard to find the big ass ship and I didn't knock, I simply used haki to knock them out except the top members and we beat them down quickly. Hody wasn't even a challenge after I took away his drugs and he'd get to take a bunch.

Oddly enough we found Arlong amongst the captured fishmen and Jimbei called in the troops to chain them all up including a special troop to take away all the human pirate slaves. There were a hundred thousand of them in total so it took some time but the spelled shackles would see that no one escaped or could even fight back while they forced them to spill the truth as well.

Two days later we got an official royal apology while the admission of Hody killing the queen was recorded and played for the entire island. They had everything recorded and the fishmen were sentenced while the hundred thousand pirates were handed over to the navy who sent several ships to collect the big gift from the fishman king.

I told Shyarly and the king at the same time that in a way her prediction had come true. We'd destroyed the fishman island's beliefs that humans were the cause of all their issues while destroying the same belief that it was a human that killed their queen.

The king had even given us their treasury worth of gold. I removed the bomb of course and filled their treasury once more with diamonds, gold and precious pearls in secret. I gave their king copies of the six powers and a book on haki and how to train his people in it adding to it that I finally brought my symbiote body to fishman island and began teaching all the palace guards and fishmen everything from sword arts to martial arts and haki in person.

The day we were meant to leave, Luffy threatened big mam's people as it was her territory and he beat them up before declaring Fishman island our territory and under our protection. I used a few wishes to make a huge time training room and weighted watches and practice weapons for the whole island to practice in.

It was keyed to fishmen and mermaids only so it was fine. My symbiote staid to train them and my own sword arts while Shyarly apologized at the docks for her error and admitted to seeing a second vision to me and Robin in private.

Robin nodded and we had our wedding right there on the docks with the king administering to it. Shyarly was to be my second wife right then and there to everyone's shock. I had Franky make an addition for her to my quarters and he screamed he'd work super hard and fast on it.

When the wedding ended, I carried both my new wives to our new room and told Olivia to call Shyarly second mommy. Nami took her to play with Chopper while we set sail and I showed both my wives how vigorous I truly was. Shyarly showed me her real legs that she could change into and out of on a whim but had usually kept as a tail because she lived on Fishman island her whole life.

Robin was stuffed full and kissing her new sister wife when I took my mermaid wife for the first time. Her moans only egged me on as I filled her repeatedly and left no doubt in her mind that she belonged to me now.

While we slept, I connected our minds and shared memories between all three of us. She showed me her disappointment in Arlong, her brother, and how she'd become motivated to avoid that kind of life.

I showed both of them many great things big and small until we were woken up for dinner. Shyarly hadn't flinched at my secret god status and reveled in the fact that I was a real god offering her everything. I took her in the shower while Robin watched before taking Robin while she watched. Both females seemed only more turned on by the erotic ness of it all.

When we left, the crew was surprised to see Shyarly in pants. She told them about the leg issue for mermaids and her turning thirty several weeks ago. Sanji nearly lost it at the wedding but now he looked glum.

I tried to cheer him up saying there was always a chance Nami or one of the many females we run across might be interested in a perverted chef. He whacked me with the frying pain and I went to train Shyarly in everything I could in the time dilation room.

Kame was already hooked up and taking us to the surface and new world above. The king had really been generous when Luffy gave him a flag to sail as protection. He'd had the ship recounted for free and everything.

I learned quickly that Shyarly was a great martial artist and even had a grasp of the sword but lacked one her size so I gave her Arlong's old sword I'd taken from him and trained her for several years while our aging process was stopped inside the room. Three days later or years in the time room, we arrived in the new world.

Franky had finished adding the changes to the large log pose on the wheel and Luffy chose the obviously most dangerous island as it would be the funnest. Along the way the sea was a pain in the ass as I'd had Kame leave to find his own fights and fortunes after giving him a special necklace full of cultivation supplies that with a thought could instantly feed him them.

It could store food or whatever he wanted instantly for later as well. on the way we got caught in a mess with the Neo Marines, the regular marines and a giant pirate father and daughter duo. Luffy decided we'd help her get her father back from the Navy as they'd planned to take the giant pirate chef Pans Fry to Impel Down.

The Neo Marines wanted to kill him to set an example that all pirates should die and we were headed into the thick of it. When we found them, Luffy told us to go and retrieve the giant for his daughter Lily.

I waved a hand, cutting the three navy ships in front and on each seed of the raft holding the giant in half. All three ships sank and left one behind the raft for the marines to swim to. I jumped up telling Zoro to handle the vice admiral while I untied the giants chains and removed the navy ship's cannons.

I ran in the air faster than the eye could see and cut the giant's bindings before ripping off bag on his head and tossing several senzu beans down his throat. With him healed, Luffy started fighting the marines on the raft and knocking them into the water while Zoro fought the vice admiral.

I cut the rope tying the raft to the last navy ship before giving Franky the signal and he used the Thousand Sunny's paw anchors to latch the ship onto the raft while I systematically stole all the weapons and ammo off the last marine ship. When I returned, to the raft, the Neo Marines made their move and the real fight began.

The leader of this specific Neo marine group was only at vice admiral level at best and fought against Luffy. There was no contest. Luffy beat him down while I destroyed all their submarines and gained the zoan alpaca fruit.

I dosed the beaten Neo marine with Veritaserum and tossed him next to the vice admiral on the now packed navy ship while waving as the Thousand Sunny reeled us in. We dropped Pans Fry and Lily off on a volcano island and experienced his world famous volcano cooking.

We each had a lot of stored up volcano cooked food in our space rings and I made an extra large one for Pans Fry telling him how they worked. It would keep everything he cooked fresh for whatever village he was feeding.

Franky modified the raft for him into an actual ship and we parted ways while smiling. I called my symbiote from Fishman island for a brake and sent it to Mariejois while invisible. A few days later former vice admiral Z washed up as an ash cloud covered the sky.

While Chopper was treating him, I transferred the knowledge of what really happened with his wife and son into his subconscious mind as they'd been ordered dead by the five elders who sit above the Navy and decide the direction the navy goes in.

He'd simply gotten to powerful and difficult to sway as he'd refused to become a dog to the filthy world nobles and so they sent a CPO agent to teach him a lesson and framed a pirate to keep him in line. As sad as it was he'd chosen the path of the marines and as an admiral he knew what that entailed.

As for the one who killed his apprentices, Edward Weevil, he'd wanted fame and been hinted at by the CP0 agents under the direction of the five elders because they feared he was going to use his students as an army to enforce real justice and that meant killing and capturing all the celestial dragons since they are where the roots of this world's true evil lay.

They were raping, enslaving and murdering more than any and all bad pirates combined. With his knowledge he knew they were scum and the five elders feared he'd act on his beliefs with an army of recruits hand picked and trained by himself.

I shared it all with him and every vile thing I saw in the celestial dragon's minds. Add to that what I knew, that the celestial dragons weren't really in charge and the five elders answered to Im, the real hand behind the current and ruler of the world government in the shadows.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C192
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


