93.9% A True Beginning / Chapter 185: Ch.19

章 185: Ch.19

I only had to look at Luffy once and he nodded solemnly understanding that this next part was solely for our crew member. Nami broke down once more and begged Luffy for help when she looked upon him. He immediately yelled. "Of course I'll help you!"

Smiling I fled the way to the fish man compound and Luffy busted the doors down with a single blow after I told him it was Arlong. "Who here is Arlong?"

The saw tooth sharkman spoke up. "Whose asking?"

Luffy attacked him immediately. I took up position and cut down the octopus fish man before tossing his unconscious body a great distance into the sea. I whistled and Kame came over bursting out of the sea pool opening and snapping at a few fishmen nearby as it tore them apart in moments, eating them.

Sanji took one fish man and Usopp pissed the last lieutenant of the crew off into chasing him away. Zoro wanted to fight but I waved him off while knocking the small fries into the water that turned red with their blood soon enough as Kame had a feast.

Arlong seemed to go ballistic but I entered his place and stole his sword, Kiribachi, before he could reach for it. Luffy started beating him down while I took all the maps out of the navigation and sea chart room that were completed and went to the treasury stealing all the fish man's gold and Berry's.

When I came out, Luffy was knocked in and soon the building would be coming down. It ended with a badly beaten Arlong and a tearful Nami agreeing to be our friend and crew member.

I returned the gold to the town folk and told them to keep it quiet while the marines and specifically a mousy haired one showed up. I took it upon myself to castrate him brutally and cut off one of his arms before stealing all his gold and money on his ship and taking a marine transponder snail.

I kept it while the marines I hadn't beaten quickly took their captain and crew before fleeing. I told Nami to either dig up her berries and use them or give them away before the marine came back.

We left the next day after a night of partying and headed for Loguetown, the last stop before the grand line. I was busy organizing the orange trees to get the best sunlight exposure and thus more nutrients for them when the news coo came.

The pelican like bird dropped off the newspaper and with it out first official bounties. For starters I sank a marine ship on the way to the Baratie and brutally castrated the marine captain as well as maimed him, not to mention my famed bounty hunter identity, so it was fair to say I earned the eighty million berry on my head.

Zoro bear up several marines in frustration as well earning him the thirty million but Luffy as the captain was given an unprecedented one hundred million berry because he'd been reported to have taken out Alvida, Buggy, Kuro, Krieg and Arlong as well as being mine and Zoro's captain.

It was truly an instant rookie making moment as his first bounty was already so much. Still it brought the crew's prestige to a whole new level and along the way to Loguetown I helped him train soru as it would be uniquely suited for him to learn as his own gear second was the result of it all.

I had him eat a permanent nanite pill to ensure the gears didn't wear his body down as they repaired all damage to him from his own training and so forth. By the time we reached the famed city of Gol D Roger, aka my current father's birth and execution location, Luffy'd been well on his way to learning his new technique.

I continued to practice my Haki and stayed on the ship only loaning Zoro money to get his new swords he wanted to at least try and shop around for. Sanji asked Nami our unofficial crew banker, to receive money for food supplies to stock the kitchen and after she convinced me to make her a ring like mine that held all the money and gold I had, I'd simply given it to her and taken my old senzu bean ring out and wore it instead.

She'd been so happy I had to warn her not to try and charge me for anything ever again. She'd been reluctant to agree until I threatened to take the ring back. As for the rest of the crew, she saw them as fair game.

I ignored it as they went on a shopping trip. Instead I used Geppo and went to the calm belt not far away to capture hundreds of sea kings and store them in my inner galaxy water worlds along with thousands of types of fish.

I left the calm belt a couple hours later as I felt a shift in the atmosphere around Loguetown. I found Luffy and the rest running from marines while captain Smoker was chasing them in his smoke logia form.

I released a bit of my sword aura and cut him, forcing him into human form or risk severe damage. He looked to me while I turned to Zoro and Luffy. "Run you idiots. I'll meet you back on the ship!"

They took off and I squared off with Smoker until Dragon showed himself. I used his presence as a distraction to flee as well. Making it back to the ship all together, we launched the ship and headed for the entrance to the grand line.

A storm started brewing but Kame kept us on the right path and away from the calm belt. He pulled the ship up the narrow slope of rapids and when we reached a wall of a whale, I told him to go under and meet us on the other side in the grand line. I released his bindings and he left while Luffy attacked the whale, pissing it off.

The ship ended up being swallowed by Laboon the whale and I told Luffy and the rest as I headed to my cabin. "Wake me up when we're on the grand line. I'm gonna rest finally."

They were gobsmacked except Luffy who chuckled and agreed. I actually got some real shut eye for once and ignored the adventurous and rambunctious crew for once.

We'd already done our barrel ceremony and the only thing that was different was my own dream to protect Luffy and enjoy this life so there was little need for me to be awake for this part.

Several hours later I was woken up by Luffy and the rest screaming as the ship fell off the waterfall of the reverse mountain and onto the waters of the grand line. Grunting I got off the floor where I landed and headed outside. Seeing our ship was fine, I whistled and sure enough Kame poked his head out of the water a few yards away from the ship.

Grinning, I tossed his rope and jumped in while hooking it to his shell. I patted his head and tossed him a few pills and some sea king meat before hopping back onto the ship with Geppo, one of the six powers old man Garp trained me to use.

I changed to some dry clothes before asking Luffy. "Where to Captain?"

He shrugged and looked at the map as well as the compass and Nami explained the compass set the destination so I sat on the now repaired mast, as it looked to have been torn off and tacked on again.

I directed Kame with Nami's help and we avoided several storms and weird weather phenomena over the next several days until we reached Whiskey Peak, an island known for it's bounty hunters. I warned the crew and Luffy that everyone we were likely to meet would be bounty hunters and likely try to lure us into traps for our bounties.

Luffy nodded like he understood but I simply smacked him upside the head and told him. "Just go have fun. If they try anything I'll fight them off ok?"

He gave me a thumbs up and a smile making me shake my head in exasperation. The rest of the crew looked pensive while Nami asked. "How do you know what Whiskey Peak is famous for?"

I shrugged. "I ran into several bounty hunting groups back in the day that told me about their operations. They bragged about hunting all the newbie pirates that escaped my grasp by fleeing to the grand line here. The fact that those aren't actually giant cactuses but mountains with gravestones all over them says the rest."

They shivered and she looked to the mountains while pondering. "You can see that far?"

I chuckled. "I can see farther. Now act normal and go rob the bounty hunters. I'll keep watch over the crew and deal with whomever tries anything."

Zoro nodded as well and headed to tie up the ship as we made port. I had Kame stay underwater and not reveal himself while he digested more and stronger pills. While the crew went to have fun I set to work repairing and replacing the mast head and buying the lumber. To do so from the bounty hunters that gave me a happy discount trying to get me to relax my guard.

In truth I was indifferent not because they weren't a threat but because I knew they wouldn't act until the rest were asleep. It took me a few hours to complete it but the mast was fully repaired now while Luffy and the others were still partying strong.

I carried a bag of regular fruits of all kinds with me while I went into town to see their sword shop selection. They didn't have anything useful and a skillful grade named sword call Kisoroma was their best attraction.

I bought it and headed to their transponder snail and log pose shop. They even had mail bird prescriptions you could sign up for and pay in advance. So long as you showed your card they'd drop off the mail free of charge as it was technically already paid for.

I signed up the crew and bought a communication snail for each of us just in case. They were very plain looking but over time they'd grow to take on the character traits of their masters.

I bought a few extra for my own elves and sighed at the lack of funds I had by giving Nami the bulk of my cash and gold. My depleted wallet aside, I carried the snails and log poses back to the ship and stored the snails in nests I made for each of them while storing the log poses in Nami's room on a shelf I finished building out of the extra lumber.

Each log pose was hooked down and the shelf was highly secure to ensure none of them broke. The log posses were mostly eternal and set for specific islands. I'd bought most of the set except Marineford,

Impel Down and Enies Lobby, the three marine governed islands. I would've bought theirs as well but the shop didn't have them and it seemed to be illegal for some reason to own those specific log poses without being a marine.

I headed to check on the group and found the locals starting to get shifty as most of them had finally passed out. I waited for them to move and unsurprisingly Zoro remembered who they were, Baroque Works.

Together we cut down all of the bounty hunters except the mayor and Vivi. I didn't even spare Mr.5 or Miss Valentine as i finished them quickly before Luffy woke up. He looked devastated but before he could get angry I told him. "They were after our bounties and wanted to kill us all. They tricked you Luffy."

He straightened up and picked his nose. "Oh, in that case where's the toilet, I ate a lot and I need to-"

I hit him upside the head and pointed while scowling. He left without a word and I noticed Nami carrying a back of goods while Vivi pleaded for our help finally. Her and her subordinate, Mr.8 aka Igaram, kneeled down when Luffy came back while Nami asked for treasure as a reward.

Luffy agreed without waiting on their answer and Nami looked defeated. I patted her shoulder and shook my head. "It's an adventure so I'm sure we'll find plenty of money there."

That's when Vivi mentioned Crocodile being the head of Baroque Works and two animals came to cause trouble. I chuckled as I asked to see their drawings and congratulated them on their artistry. The mole bowed before taking off on the vulture's back in a hurry.

Vivi looked horrified but Luffy and Zoro agreed that it was a good challenge. After Nami learned to use her ring properly, she and I cleared out all the valuables and supplies in the town. I refilled my wallet and then some while taking the extra weapons, ammo and even cannons the town had stored away from previous hunts and ships they'd pillaged.

The Going Merry has never been so armed before and now we had proper cannons mounted to the sides as well as stocks of gunpowder. I'd taken the blacksmith tools and promised to make myself a proper workshop when I could.

Ingaram disembarked away from us saying he'd lead them away before dressing up like Vivi and heading in the opposite direction. We sped away but stopped when we saw the massive explosion. Sighing I told Luffy. "There's someone else aboard our ship."

He stilled, as did the rest and followed my gaze. Moments later Miss All Sunday aka Robin, made her appearance. "My my, aren't you observant."

I stiffened as I saw Anko's image delve into the hauntingly beautiful woman. Growling, I told her with a smile. "I'm many things. Perhaps you'd like to stay and find out a few."

She giggled a bit in an angelic laugh before taking Luffy's hat. Luffy snatches it back after a bit and Robin smiled before shaking her head. "Stay away from Alabasta if you want to live. Crocodile is a very dangerous man."

I stopped her by pulling her close as telling her while being serious. "All men are dangerous, even the pure hearted ones but I'm not pure hearted. Say the word and I'll end Crocodile and whatever he has over you."

I cupped her face while looking into her eyes. "I'd protect you from hell itself if you'd be mine."

She flinched slightly before smiling and pulling away. She shook her head. "Crocodile isn't the worst thing out there and he's far from the worst man who'd come after us if I excepted your proposal Mr.Ace."

I chuckled. "I'm not afraid of anyone and soon enough neither will you be. For now though, go. We'll meet again of that I'm certain."

She smiled and jumped over the edge of the boat onto a crocodile that was now slightly smaller then Kame. I looked back at the crew and shook my head at their dumbfounded expression while Luffy laughed. "Ace is such a flirt. Even Makino says so."

I sighed. "I felt oddly connected to her for some reason."

Sanji looked a bit jealous but dotted on Nami instead knowing I'd probably beat him black and blue if he tried anything with Robin. I'd trained with him and Soro a few times and it seems we'd be training a few times more if nothing else from now on.

I told Luffy. "Crocodile is one of the seven warlords of the sea. Seven pirates sanctioned by the world government to police our own and intimidate the weaker groups here in the first half of the grand line."

I turned to Zoro. "Hawkeye Mihawk is another. Though the strength of each Warlord varies, they all instill fear into lesser pirates to ensure the world government runs smoothly."

They looked aghast at the news and I simply chuckled. "You can learn a lot hunting pirates close to the grand line, even in the east blue. It helps though that the marines are willing to talk as well when you're a bounty hunter, though they tend to look down on you like a scavenger instead of doing their job for them."

Nami bit her lip and asked. "If you were a bounty hunter, how come you never came to save Conomi island?"

I sighed. "That mouse marine captain must've kept a tight lid on Arlong and his crews actions. No bounty hunter or marine knew about what had been happening because the marines under the mouse man kept it hidden. If I'd have known, I'd have killed the marines hiding it and slaughter Arlong for his crew for their bounties and to stop it. I'm not a fan of them or what they've done."

She nodded solemnly and Luffy patted her on the back before saying. "It turned out for the best though. We're friends and Arlong is toast."

I chuckled. "Actually he and a few of his lieutenants have been captured while the rest were eaten or managed to escape. The marines have Arlong locked up in prison."

I held up a newspaper so they could read it. The picture on the bottom had Arlong in chains being escorted to prison by a tear admiral. Nami seemed relieved so I handed them all snail next. "These are transponder snails with a list of numbers on their shell for each of us. If we ever get split up, just dial the number and we'll be in touch. The snail food and supplies are in the gold so I expect you to take care of them, even you Luffy. They are necessary and apart of our crew so don't go loosing them or letting them suffer. If they like you and they stay with you long enough they take on the appearance of their owners when calling someone and project it to whomever is on the other end so the recipient knows whose calling."

Luffy looked at the snail like a precious friend so I told him. "The list of how to take care of them is nailed to the walls of your rooms next to the nests I've made for them. Now, since that's out of the way, I've repaired the mast and Kame is too tired to pull us all the way to the next island though I've given him a snail as well and tucked it in his shell where he can keep it dry. His new headphones will allow him to receive directions when you're navigating Nami."

She smiled and looked at the extra number on her snail shell. I nodded and told her. "The course is set so get ready, I'm about to cut the ropes so he can relax some and follow us at his own pace."

She looked serious now and went to the help while directing Zoro to use the rudder. I went to the front and whistled. Kame came up and I hopped on top of his head before telling him. "Surface so I can unhook you. It's time to actually get some rest and cultivate."

He gurgled happily while his shell surfaced a bit. I unhooked him and fed him nearly a thousand pills for his body, Qi and mind. After that I fed him some a great deal of beast pills of the next highest level and hopped off saying. "Go eat and follow my own Qi signature when you're ready to rejoin us."

He gurgled and dived down to kill some unsuspecting sea kings as well as fish. He'd be at it for hours as his body grows rapidly and needed to consume a great deal so he needed adjust his new intake of food.

I nodded to Nami. "We're unhooked and Kame is eating so sail away."

She started barking orders as the grand line really took it's toll on us for most of the rest of the day. Only when night was falling did I hook up Kame and guide him to the next destination. I wasn't shocked by the changes though his new size was startling as he was nearly as big as the ship now.

I had to adjust the anchor points and make a leash that automatically adjusted for him so he could pull us still. It helped a great deal that he was mostly under water as well while we traveled. I began adjusting my sleeping period to the circumstances so I wasn't constantly tired.

This let Nami and the others truly relax and not have to worry about being on course in the morning and at noon I unhooked Kame to let us both rest while feeding him again. I went to grab some food and hit the bunk when Usopp complained. "Hey, how come you're not staying to help?"

I growled. "Because I stayed up all night guiding Kame and keeping the ship on course after helping yesterday."

He grunted and offered to do the same so I shrugged and had Nami give him Kame's number before turning to the rest of them. "He's right that it does seem unfair so we'll take our shifts in turn except Zoro. He's horrible with directions."

Zoro grunted. "Are you trying to say something?"

I smirked. "Everyone has their own talents and navigation isn't one of yours. Leave to the rest besides, you and I are the best to use the rudder so it seems logical let them have their turn with guiding the ship. On the bright side you can train while I help tomorrow so you'll have days off unless a bad storm hits."

He nodded and I turned back to Usopp. "Keep your guidance and stories short and stay focused or you could get us all killed by a distracted mistake."

He gulped and I smirked before heading inside to grab a shower and some sleep. That's another addition to the ship everyone but Luffy appreciated, a hot shower. I'd added it when I made the changes and dames if it wasn't worth the hassle of building it from scratch and adjusting it to take in sea water and filter it into purified water we could drink or simply shower in.

Nami has picked up the soaps and stuff at her home town so we were doing ok even on the ocean. After my shower I grabbed a sandwich and headed to bed after restocking the cooler with food.

I actually grabbed some sleep as my body needed it instead of meditation. I'd learned to consume Qi and expand on my previous inner reserves even without access and it gave of a Qi signature Kame could pick up on so it was fine if he went away to hunt.

I'd begun teaching him mind arts and strengthening his mind a bit but he lacked mental energy to continue so the pills would help him produce more on his own as his mind grows stronger. On the bright side he wouldn't grow much larger until he levels out and strengthens his foundation again.

I figure he might be the size of a small island when he reaches legend rank. On the bright side my inner realm was showing signs of unlocking the stronger my soul realm became. I'd soon have access to an infinite realm of resources and magical creatures as well as freeing Nicholas and Newt.

They'd been stuck in there too long and from what the elves had said, they'd started to grow restless even in a time field Nicholas managed to make to slow down time by their perspectives so they weren't spending billions of years inside and instead it was a couple years at most.

As I slept a great many changes happened on the ship as I truly let down my defenses both physically and mentally for the first time as I considered the ship home for now. Tunes carved themselves into the ship all over to the crew's surprise and shined a bit while the ship became much sturdier and fed off the magic and powers of the sleeping deity in human flesh.

A shadowy creature became stronger and smiled sadly at it's new knowledge before becoming determined to change it's fate. The ship's new magically infused wood gathered strength from the deity as it's source for a while before it became comparable to Adams wood in density and sturdiness.

From the wood to the ropes and sails, all of it became stronger and the shadowy figure tucked in the sleeping god while smiling and whispering. "It's ok Ace, I'll always keep your secrets and protect you all till the end of the grand line. Once thousand Sunny is built I'll fuse with it and become a singular ship. While this one will become my dingy boat."

The shadow disappeared before a certain straw hatted captain burst into the room shouting. "Ace! The ship is glowing!"

(Back to first person.)

Grunting, I opened my eyes and tossed my boot at Luffy's head. "Idiot, I just got to sleep! Unless it's a dire emergency don't wake me up!"

He frowned and shrugged before closing the door and my eyes went wide. "Did he say glowing?"

I looked around and saw the runes even on my walls now. Sighing I realized what happened and spoke up as a shadow appeared. "Merry, so it's you?"

It nodded and I sighed. "Thanks. Don't worry, I'm not mad, I was just indecisive about the future."

It nodded. "Mmm. Don't worry, I have a plan and I will survive this time. When it's time I'll talk to the rest of the crew myself."

I patted Merry's head and chuckled before closing my eyes and infused it with a ton of magical power. I rolled over and fell back to sleep while Merry smiled. Needless to say even the cannons and ammo got runes now while a rune array hooked up the ships food storage to my inner world supply.

The devious and smart ship had made itself at home as well connecting to me in such a way as I observed with my spirit while my body rested. The little spirit began it's own sort of cultivation as well while the runes died down and stayed without the glow.

I woke up a few hours later in the evening while the others were resting and headed outside to see the changes. I chuckled as I read the runes. Most were just protection and empowering runes but there was a few hardening and weather proofing runes as well.

It all depended on where you looked I guess. I took a piss and washed up before asking Nami. "How are the seas?"

She grunted. "Nearly as unpredictable as yesterday but we seem to be getting better at it and faster in our responses. I did learn I'd have to watch the log pose more closely though."

I nodded and turned to Sanji who was smoking and serving appetizers while dinner was cooking. "How are the changes in the kitchen?"

He sighed. "The utensils and even the stoves have become more precise and work like a charm. Do you know what happened?"

I shook my head. "Not much but I can guess. I'd say the ship took on a life of it's own."

His cigarette fell out of his mouth and I turned to Luffy who was secretly snatching the snacks from Sanji's platter. Shaking my head I took a small sandwich before they were nearly gone and caught Luffy's hand asking. "Do you honestly care nothing for this crew Luffy? You eat nearly everything each meal and I know you don't need to. If you keep going I'll be hunting for food with Zoro to feed us all because you'll be starving us to death."

He stilled and frowned before pulling his hand back and going to the edge of the boat before using his old fishing techniques and roping his hand in after he catches a fish.

At one point he even grabbed Kame and nearly tipped the ship trying to pull him up before apologizing to him and continuing to fish. When he had enough for himself he had Sanji cook it all.

Shaking my head at his antics I began my training which Zoro and Sanji joined in for and Luffy joined after his large meal. I taught them all the six power including Usopp who came in with Nami after hooking up Kame and giving him directions.

I beat the six powers into each of their heads while they took turns with my 'special' treasure watch I 'found'. Zoro truly appreciated it and insisted on borrowing it when I was asleep while asking me to figure out how to make one like it.

I shrugged it off and had my symbiote body use my dragon balls inside my inner galaxies to wish for a set of watches like it but weaker and only up to a hundred thousand times the planet's gravity. I'd give them to the crew in a few days but for now I talked techniques and physical training with each of them.

Sanji lacked upper body strength compared to Zoro and Usopp and Nami were at the very basics in strength. I mentally guided Kame to keep him on course while I beat their training into them. I talked techniques with Luffy and gave him the gear ideas for his strengthening as well as pushing him to his limits both physically and mentally by telepathically pushing his mental energies to the limit and forcing his mind to produce more.

It was a crude way to make him smarter and if he wasn't made of rubber it would be dangerous but even his brain was rubber so it was fine. By the time night settled each of them were exhausted so I fed Usopp a senzu bean to energize him and told him it was a special bean like coffee bean I'd found.

He and the rest excepted it while I fed them theirs. I gave Zoro my watch and instructed him how to use it safely so he didn't kill himself accidentally. He immediately asked what setting I had it on and I chuckled. "You're not prepared for that. I've had nearly two years of practicing with it to get where I am. Just go slow and with your talent you'll catch up in no time."

He grunted and started training while I set a basket of senzu beans on the dining table while letting him know.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C185
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


