82.74% A True Beginning / Chapter 163: Ch.48

章 163: Ch.48

Like all time around a galaxy of black holes, time got bent. I ended up staying there two months instead of the several hours I'd actually been there relative to earth in a completely different galaxy. When I got back to earth, shit was weird.

The Punisher was out in force, not that I minded one bit, while Daredevil kept trying to stop him, as amusing as that was. Blonsky and Drake were still hunting down tales on the wolf gods and werewolves in general while a passing acquaintance, Hannibal King, changed his name to Wade Wilson, or so I thought, then ended up getting cancer from all his time playing with radioactive materials used to make the vampire and werewolf killing weapons.

He found himself in love with what appeared to be a double of Adria, one of my wives. It wasn't the first time I'd run into her double and I doubt it'd be the last time. Unfortunately the new couple could neither afford a nanite pill to cure the cancer, nor were they too poor to fall into charity range so they were a bit fucked in between so that caused major problems or would have if not for Shadow alerting me to the situation when I arrived back on earth.

Shield was having their own issues with an Inhuman beast killing off Inhumans which seemed to include several staff members and possible recruits for both Shield and Sword so Furry was stepping in as he was desperately in need of said recruits as much as Shield was, if not more.

Steve, Tony and the rest of the Avengers except for myself, Thor and the Hulk for some reason, had begun training more Avengers in the new facilities Natasha had made Tony build with our combined resources.

It was official that Jessica joined the Avengers recruits and was working on her team work now instead of the solo fighting and weapons training Natasha and I put her through before. She, Falcon, War-Machine and what appeared to be Ant-man, were all to be a cohesive unit of sorts, depending on if more were selected to join later.

I stopped by for a thorough and deep shag with both Jessica and Natasha before saying I might have another recruit given some time. I left them both breathless and panting while flushed and laying on the mats of Natasha's personal training room. Both were dripping with our combined love and spooling with each other as they drifted off.

I was kind enough to lock the doors on my way out and portaled to find Wade, only to end up finding out another secret organization had taken him. For the next couple of months I waited with the girls until I got word that Wade had resurfaced looking like a shriveled testicle.

I'd revealed myself to his girl, discount Adria, at the strip club she works at while she was worried about him one evening when she was pouring me drinks. Sh looked down and I merely suggested. "Cheer up, I assure you, Wade will be fine."

She stilled. "Do I know you? Better yet, how do you know Wade?"

I chuckled. "Sit, it's a long story. If your boss asks, tell him I said to piss off. I can buy this club and burn it down before the night's over if I want. If he gets pissy, he can be inside it when I light the match."

She raised an eyebrow before finally recognizing me. "You're Dark! The Avenger!"

I shrugged. "I'm many things girl, now sit, let me tell you what Wade's up to and maybe it'll alleviate your worries some."

She did so after telling her boss she was taking a break with a rich client. I didn't question it as she was free to do what she wanted. Sighing she asked. "So where is Wade?"

I shook my head. "Not a clue about where he is, not that I can't find him if I wanted to. But it's more important about what he's doing. A secret off the books operation contacted him and said they'd cure him and give him super powers if he went with them."

She snorted. "And he believed them?"

I chuckled. "It's not like he had a choice darlin. He was faced with a choice, one that if he was smart, he could've simply fixed by coming to me. No, instead he thought it was become a superhero or force you to watch him die slowly. In the end he couldn't do that to you so he went to become a hero like he was promised."

She shook her head. "Is he really becoming a hero and what is your connection with him?"

I smirked. "Wade, or Hannibal King as I knew him, is already a hero. The point is, he's getting the powers they promised him, albeit in a very painful and roundabout way. Unfortunately it will take time. Now, since I'm here and he is an old friend, what say I give you this pill to clean you up and fix this fuck of a mess you call a life?"

I held out a hand and she looked at the pill before asking. "That's a cure all pill?"

I nodded. "It is and you need it. No offense but I can smell the STDs and drugs in you. This will clean you out and up, repairing whatever bad shit is happening inside you, including acting as a sort of permanent healing system since I've modified it to stay in your system and keep you healed."

She raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "I like Wade, he's a decent guy and he's done a lot for this world including saving it from some nasty shit."

She frowned before taking the pill and downing it. "So what's next? How are you going to fix my life because I don't need a sugar daddy."

I snorted. "Hardly. Black Widow would take your head if I were after that sort of thing here. No, I'm here to fix your life like this."

I entered her mind and helped her expand it, creating a sort of mind palace or mind scape as I called it. Then once her shit was stowed, I sent her all the schooling and knowledge to get her doctorates in any degree she wanted. Finally I gave her the bank account information of an account I set up in hers and Wade's name with a half a billion dollars in it.

She was a bit stunned when I exited her mind and told her. "I've done the hard part. Now take this and get your shit together. When Wade surfaces, you'll see me again. Until then, no more selling yourself for hate and pity fucks when you clearly don't want that life. Maybe use what I've given you to get a degree and start your own business, or club if you like this scene."

She rolled her eyes. "You're telling me none of this does anything for you?"

She gestured to the naked women all around including herself and I shook my head. "They're weak, broken and shattered. The first thing I look in a woman is their spirit, their will. If they're true alpha's, apex, top of the food chain and take no shit types. Weakness is only attractive in the bedroom when they submit, this, this isn't attractive, it's sad."

I stood and shook my head at her stunned expression. "I know for a fact that you have it in you to be stronger, indomitable, powerful. You've just forgotten what it means to be strong. Do what you wish, but if you wish to be strong, stronger than any weak mortal, call this number. The Avengers are training others now."

I handed her a business card and turned to the pimp at the bar before tossing a wad of cash on the table in front of her and waving a hand, breaking the pimp's third leg as well as all the men in the club's third legs. Screams rang out as I walked out of the club and disappeared as I teleported home.

A couple days later Natasha got a call and that's how the Red Queen came to be. She'd taken the name saying red was Wade's color and she'd be a queen instead of a broken toy. Natasha trained her in combat, fire arms, and all sorts of weapons over the few months Wade was gone.

When he surfaced, I sent Red Queen on her own personal mission to bring Wade to me. I'd given her teleportation, flight and super strength. With it she'd found Wade making his own red suit in a broken down apartment sharing it with a blind old woman.

She'd brought him before me in a white suit he'd bloodied up and I chuckled. "It's good to see you again. How's Blade? I hear you sold the movie rights to his story. I can't imagine he's happy with you about that."

He looked at me, stunned. "It's you! Wait, can you fix me?"

I grimaced. "The cancer in you is too much for a single pill. You'll need a full submersion of nanites to destroy all the cancer and remove it for good. But baring a lot of pain and a day or so in a metal bug bath, you should even have hair by the time it's over."

He seemed relieved before turning to Vanessa. She rolled her eyes before kissing him and pulling back to say. "Save it. I already know. You broke my heart Wade. Left me with nothing to go by or on and I had to sell myself to Mr.Dark here. I've been his mistress and sex toy for months now."

I was a bit taken aback by that, not understanding what she was doing but she shook her head. "I loved you Wade, but he really does have a super penis."

Wade grunted. "I understand."

He then turned to me. "Do you have room for one more? I've taken a strap on before-"

Back handed him, sending him flying and turning to her. "Don't bring me into your drama. I've not laid a finger on you and I sure as hell ain't screwing Wade."

She burst out laughing and oddly so did Wade though he seemed more relieved than anything else as he finally got his moment with his girl. When they were done, I dragged him to a tub and told him coldly. "Hop in and stay under. Don't worry about breathing, the nanites will do it for you. Once they're done, your cancer will be gone and you'll be at peak health, with your mutant healing powers still working only they'll be more concentrated as they won't be fighting the cancer permanently anymore. I imagine immortality is the least of your powers."

He rolled his eyes. "It's not all it's cracked up to be if you're spending it alone."

I chuckled. "True enough. Luckily I've already made Vanessa immortal then huh?"

She did a double take then before asking. "You have?"

I nodded. "The nanites in you will not only keep you at peak health, but last for eternity. They'll use the base elements your body accumulates naturally to build more of themselves and ensure you retain your eternal youth. It does mean you can't be killed, but it is technically immortality after a fashion."

He turned to her and smiled. "It's you and me forever honey."

Before she could answer he dropped his pants and stripped before diving headfirst into the shallow tub of nanites no deeper than a regular tub. I shook my hand and held him under with telekinesis. "Your fiancé is an idiot."

She smiled. "Yeah, but he's my idiot."

I nodded. "Touché. So, wanna see what Natasha and Jessica think about you trying to use me as a joke stick by saying I'm basically your sugar daddy?"

She rolled her eyes. "They already think so anyways. The only difference between you and a regular sugar daddy is that there's no pressure to have sex with you."

I was a bit gobsmacked myself before grunting. "Whatever. I'm still not screwing Wade, healed or not. I've a feeling his people talk can go on for hours."

She snorted before smiling. "Fair enough. Though from what Natasha says, you really do have a super penis."

I chuckled. "Still not happening."

She rolled her eyes and continued to smile. "It's ok to admit I'm your type now."

I shook my head. "You've grown into a strong woman, that, I'll admit but that alone doesn't make you my type. I still have high standards. One, they have to be deadly when push comes to shove."

She raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "Alright, I'll give you that one. But the second one you'll never get. They have to be with me alone as the sole male. I don't mind sharing with other women in a large sex filled orgy, but I'd castrate, maim then murder any man who touched my women. Not even Wade would survive my wrath if he tried. Even with his newfound abilities I'd literally eat him alive and spend the next million years with a bad case of outdated jokes."

She chuckled before agreeing. "Ok, that I can't do, you're right. Wade, he's just something else. I could no more turn him away then reject the sun because it makes everything bright. Even for a super penis."

I smiled. "That's fine by me as well. My type you may be, but I'm happy with the women I do have. I wouldn't want a cheep thrill fuck just for my super penis."

She snorted before asking. "How super is it again?"

I shrugged. "You'd have to ask Nat and Jess, I don't exactly fuck myself or at least I try to avoid it anyways."

She raised an eyebrow and as if on cue the devils themselves walked in and Jess spoke up. "It's really super. Every time we go at it I feel like I'm getting fucked by a silk baseball bat that hits all the right spots then when he cums it's like, well exquisite heaven."

Natasha spoke up as Vanessa raised an eyebrow. "She's not wrong, though it's best to experience it from behind when he locks into place. Then it's really something else, especially when he bites down on your shoulder and-"

She bit her lip and moaned a bit, causing me to tilt my head. "That's a bit private don't you think?"

She shrugged. "I'm Russian. We tend to not be shy."

I walked over to her and kissed her cherry lips before murmuring. "I can live with that."

Jessica asked. "Where's Wade?"

I pointed to the pool. "He just went in so it'll be another twenty or so hours before he comes out."

She grabbed my dick. "I'm that case I could use a super penis right now."

I growled. "Sorry love, I've got to hold him under or risk the cancer surviving."

She pouted and Natasha said. "Then I guess we do it here."

Without further ado they began to strip me, not even asking if I was ok with it. Vanessa gasped audibly when they removed my underwear, revealing what they referred to as super. Jessica started bobbing her head down below while I manifested a couple beach chairs and gently laid down while Natasha took her place on my face.

When I was lubed enough and Natasha was finished with her toe curling orgasm, we moved around a bit until Natasha was on all fours and Jessica was guiding me into her from behind. I didn't stop until I brushed passed her cervix and bumped into the entrance to her deepest depths.

Withdrawing, I set a deep fierce pace that had Natasha whose face was buried between Jessica's legs, gasping and moaning until a deep throaty orgasm hit her and she squirted on my length while I began to expand inside her causing her moan to turn to gasps as my teeth lengthened and I bit into her shoulder like she'd described before.

Luckily the beach chairs I'd brought out were made of Gradium because we would've broken them like the cracks in the concrete below them if it weren't. Once I finished unloading a very thick white paste inside her womb, I slid out with an audible pop and her knees gave out as she panted into Jessica's moist heat inches from her mouth.

Jessica slid from under her and approached me with heated intensity. We ended up breaking the room as I barely spared a thought to fix it while I pounded her into the floor, ceiling and walls. When I gave her what she was looking for, she lay dazed while I returned to Nat for more.

When both girls lay beside each other with thick pools gathering below them, I realized we weren't alone and turned to see where the extra scent of female was coming from. My keen senses were already turned up to eleven when I noticed the smell and it drove my inner wild side to hunt and mate.

I turned to see a half nude Vanessa clearly having masterbated to our fun and missing her bottom half of her clothes while her glistening thighs called to me. I was above her in moments as my instincts drove me to satisfy this female that looked so much like my mate.

I was in her in moments as she woke up from her daze to realize it wasn't a dream, especially when I hit her deepest depths and proceeded to pound her into the concrete below.

At first she tried to talk, only to gasp and moan before giving up. Then when she submitted and rolled onto her stomach, I went to town and had her shuddering and squirting all over myself and the floor as I began to bulge inside her, causing her eyes to go wide as she tried to slide me out only to realize it was too late.

Her shuddering continued as I proceeded to fill her depths with my seed and she passed out, knowing what it was like to be a balloon filled with semen now. When I pulled out of her, a thick trail slid out following that but it wasn't enough, at least not yet.

I made sure I was well lubricated before entering her other hole and after my balls slapped against her well used entrance below, she woke up realizing where I was now. Biting her lips and moaning, she realized the ride wasn't over yet.

I made sure to leave a deep impression especially when I knotted again, leaving her filled and gaping while drooling a bit from both sets of lips. I'd gone back to Jessica and Natasha for a while and only returned to her again when they passed out for good and she was laying panting by the nanite pool side.

When I released inside her for the last time, she passed out and I removed myself from her entrance while resting my member on her black landing strip tuft of hair. From this angle she looked a bit full from my menstruations as she and the other two girls slept soundly.

Realizing what I'd done, I cleaned up and dampened her feelings on the incident with a minor spell so as to not cause any attachment issues. She was a grown woman and would want to keep her memories, good or bad.

I cleaned up all three of them and sent Natasha and Jessica to bed upstairs in the condo. I put her on a clean beach chair and put her clothes back on before making sure to reprogram the nanites to destroy my seed inside her to prevent it from taking, or so I thought.

The next evening I welcomed Wade out of the pool and realized it was probably not a good thing I'd screwed his girl. Though when he looked at me, I entered his mind to find it reminded me very much of Luna Lovegoods.

The cancer and trauma of the torture had broken his mind and the healing factor had pieced it back together wrong and in chaos. It was like looking into a kaleidoscope of crazy on acid. If he were evil I'd think he was the Joker or Riddler but he simply wasn't.

He took one look at Vanessa who for all intents and purposes was fucked into a light coma before turning to me. "So is it my turn daddy?"

I grimaced. "You've clearly lost it so I'll let it go this once Wade, but I'm not fucking you."

He smiled. "Too late."

I sighed. "It wasn't my intentions, even you can get that. I'm not human Wade, I'm sure you can understand I'm more animal than man."

I showed him what all happened and through my own bottled perspective at that until he was left panting and- wait, was that jizz? Yeah, he's definitely lost his marbles especially after he stood back up saying. "Thanks for that. I haven't felt anything close to that without being pegged since, well, ever!"

I shook my head and cleaned up both him and the area before giving him both clothes and a duffle bag with a super suit in it. I had him roll up his sleeves before taking a sample of his blood and telling him to punch me.

After he broke his hand on my jaw, I healed him and reawakened his mutant gene painlessly. Now I had the magic equivalent and soon the physical one as well. Without the cancer to fight, his healing factor is something else. Even not augmented I could already tell it was better than Wolverine's and the extremis concoction put together and multiplied by a factor of ten.

It seemed each piece of him was able to grow back another so long as the main piece was attached to his head. Now that I had the same ability with magic, I understood it way better and when I augmented it, I wanted to cry in relief.

It was truly a work of art as so long as a single cell survived, it would go through mitosis and grow back into a body to house my soul. I sent Wade and Vanessa to her quarters with a list of Francis's friends and their locations uploaded into his new suit's auto targeting and tracking system.

I'd taken the original Deadpool suit and made it nearly indestructible with Gradium and spells before adding a dedicated link to Shadow's mainframe for help in the hero or murder business. I want too picky which as I'd said before, I'm no hero myself. I'm not even a good guy.

I gave him one last gift in the form of super strength and a booster shot of Captain America's serum. He was now Steve Rogers level strong and damn good with his swords and guns.

The next morning everyone woke up and while I didn't mind surprises, finding Wade spooning with my unconscious body had me sending him flying through several walls. It was a wake up call for everyone else as I showered the crazy off of me before heading to the kitchen to grab breakfast.

Images I hoped were fake came crashing through my mind as I promised Wade more gratuitous violence if I ever found out they weren't. I may be a dominant bastard with no regard for human life beyond what my mates feel for it, but even I steer clear of sleeping with men, crazy or not.

When the rest joined me, the girls were still a bit sore so I healed them up as it was more from the pounding and womb fucking then anything else. Even Vanessa to her blushing face, asked to be healed. I didn't even comment as I healed her up. The nanites seemed to prioritize actual trauma over perceived pain so they'd healed her hips but her womb was still throbbing and that's where I came in, literally and figuratively speaking.

I healed her up and she asked. "So does this make us even? You sleep with me then with Wade and now we're good?"

I snorted. "I never thought it was a payment sort of deal. Hell, I never intended to sleep with you at all. If it helps, it won't happen again. As for Wade-"

I grimaced. "Pray for his sake what I'm remembering wasn't real. Otherwise the term go fuck yourself is gonna take on a whole new meaning for him."

She rolled her eyes seeming not to care as she knew his healing would prevent any permanent damage to himself now. I waved a hand, giving her his healing factor as a magical ability. For her she'd be able to use it as there was plenty of magic in this universe and as a native of this planet, the very magic of nature would heal her with that ability.

I gave it to both Jessica and Natasha next as they avoided my gaze for some reason. I caught glances between them and Vanessa over the rest of breakfast that had me wondering if it wasn't planned out. Wade came back wearing his super suit and a smile. "Hello big sugar daddy. How did you enjoy me-"

And he was gone again as my fist connected to his face, knocking his head off his shoulders in a very brutal manner. My vision had turned green and it took all my will not to burn him to ash. His head landed down the hall in the hamper basket as I heard it calling for help. His body on the other hand fell down.

Vanessa went to retrieve his head and reattach it before it could start growing back a body. I on the other hand gave both Jessica and Natasha a kiss before heading to my meditation room where my lab was located. I spent the next several months making a distilled version of a genetic code I could use from Wade's blood.

By the end results, I felt damn good after I managed to add it to my own DNA sequence. It fused with Wolverines and hit me like a Mack truck as I augmented it to do what I knew it could. I felt energized and constantly in peak condition as if I could fight, fuck or party forever and not get tired.

I was constantly being pushed to peak conditions and now it was time I sought out more powers. First I headed to the closest largest power, that being baby Franklin Richards.

In all honesty I'd ignored the fantastic four over the years as they hadn't needed my help to begin with. I did however idly think about fucking Susan Storm a few times as her Jessica Alba form was quite pleasing. It did freak me out a bit that Johnny Storm looked eerily like Steve Rogers only younger and far more cocky.

I took a vial of baby Franklin's blood and disappeared like a thief in the night as I skirted the witch who was guarding Jim's senses. Next I took a trip to Israel where I found Gabrielle Haller's home and her special needs son.

Almost immediately I felt his psychic powers trying to reel me in as I skirted around them and took a blood sample before getting blasted back. I absorbed his powers and many abilities for the most part before leaving him now a possessed human with split personality disorders.

I entered his mind and ripped the shadow king out of him before tearing the psychic mutant to pieces and eating his powers like a fine meal. The Phoenix even woke up to take the bulk of the psychic energy from his death. The greedy bird went back to sleep as technically it was now me, or apart of me enough that I was subconsciously controlling it to take in what I wasn't ready for or simply didn't want.

The mimicked and absorbed powers were given to my mental avatars while I destroyed all but David in his own mind and then went on to reawaken his powers telling him as he woke up. "There, you're finally in control of your own powers and self now. Use this and try not to destroy the planet or change it too much."

I gave him the knowledge on how to build a solid mind scape as well as Occlumency shields that suddenly popped into place as soon as he knew how to do so. Smiling I asked him. "Would you like to work for me? Be my herald and destroy bad guys? I'll give you your own planet and make you rich as well as give you and your mother immortality."

He tilted his head for a minute before shaking it. "I just want to be left alone. I want to learn all I can about what happened since we were attacked by terrorists and forget about the bad stuff."

I sighed but nodded. "Alright kid. Good luck, and if you ever change your mind, you can feel my powers and come to me I'm sure."

He nodded and I teleported home to begin my work anew sifting through Franklin and David Holler's, aka Legion's, blood. It wasn't until three months later at the beginning of the new year that I was pulled away from my work on refining the DNA strands that I had reports come in that most diseases across the world were wiped out.

Whether it be viral, bacterial or genetic they all seemed to have been wiped out so I put a halt to all nanite manufacturing as I announced the end of disease and as such only veterans had priority now while the rest of the world were to rely on modernizating healing technology and techniques.

Hospitals were now updated with the best and current equipment as I also announced that relying on nanite technology as a cure all was only ever a stop gap to help regular hospitals all around the world catch up with the best there is and warned them that relying on nanite healing wasn't the answer as the body would evolve to become dependent on it if used to frequently.

Obviously all the doctors around the world and the world health organizations agreed wholeheartedly and even thanked me for helping them all catch up with a breather saying they'd take it from there. The leading voice ironically was doctor Steven Strange, already world famous for his surgical skills.

I mentioned leaving the technology available to only veterans who were in desperate need as while I'd made huge donations and personally rebuild several hundred VA hospitals, there were simply too many veterans for the hospitals to take in all at once.

I recessed into the background reintroducing natural and found cures for doctors to treat patients with. By the end of the month nanite pills and shots had become so scarce, I actually discovered governments hoarding them for the rich and influential.

That was fine though as I sent out a deactivation code that made them inert and self destruct, leaving only the VA hospitals with a monitored supply. All those hoarding pills were very ruffled but there was nothing they could do as most were obtained and detained illegally.

Off planet and otherwise on planet but not directly in society, only Sword and Shield has a direct supply in case of emergencies. Not even I carried them, not that I needed them. Healthcare was already practically universally free now as there was basically only emergency patients left. The rest of the world was practically cured of everything including the prison inmates and the wild tribes all over the world.

Perhaps only Wakanda could replicate my fear and maybe Tony now that he's had time to study the nanite technology. By the middle of February, I heard about Doctor Strange's accident that left his hands permanently crippled.

He'd had someone apply for a nanite pill but I'd personally taken a trip to his hospital to see him instead of approving it. He looked up from his bed before sighing. "So you've come to see the arrogant doctor humbled huh?"

I chuckled. "Hardly. I've come to give you your options."

He frowned. "What options? Just give me the damned pill!"

I snorted. "There's the arrogance you were talking about. Mixed with spiteful anger I see."

I sighed and sat down as a visible bubble of magic appeared around us. His eyes went wide and I smiled. "Now, while you're quite and paying attention, here's your first option. One, I give you the pill you so arrogantly demand and another more deserving man dies because of it. Note my not kidding face. These are highly regulated now and are made as needed, down to the last poor soul in desperate need."

He snorted. "Then make more!"

I shook my head. "That's no longer in the cards anymore. I wasn't kidding with the drawbacks so I had several procedures put in place to prevent tampering, even by me."

He looked desperate so I placed the pill don on the table saying. "This is just the first option and one you can take at any time, knowing you'll be damning a single father of three to certain death."

I pulled out syringe next. "This is option two. It's a drug called extremis and it can heal nearly anything though it was at one time volatile, it can still give you the ability to breathe fire and burn things with a touch as well as heal nearly injury. Still, a much more dangerous option."

I set it beside the pill and pulled out two more syringes. "These are two separate mutagens that can individually heal virtually any wound, up to and including regrowing limbs and granting immortality."

He looked at them in fascination and I sighed. "Each one comes with their own down sides and dangers as well as possibly awakening a possible mutant gene inside yourself."

He looked them over and I smiled. "Are you ready to choose or do you want to hear your last option?"

He stilled before looking up to me. "What's the last option?"

I pointed to the magical barrier. "I send you to a place where you can learn to effect and control the very laws of the universe, to a limited degree of course."

He stilled before asking. "Can't I pick two?"

I shook my head. "No, but should one day I need a favor, I'd be willing to grant you immortality along with permanently healing your hands in return. Though you'll have to understand that once you pick an option, there is no going back. If you choose to learn what some call magic, the sky isn't near the limits of what you can achieve. Likewise if you choose one of the other options, that door will close to you, even if you go looking. You'll never find it, you have my word on that."

He gave me a scowl before sighing. "Fine! So long as magic can fix my hands!"

I chuckled. "That's a mere parlor trick compared to what some can do with it."

I waved a hand and stored all the healing and enhancement supplies before frowning for a second as I felt something was off here. Shrugging, I left a card on the table. "This will take you there once you're healed. The activation word is Kathmandu."

I teleported to the very place the card was meant to go before. There I entered the library and went to the eye of Agamotto. I touched it sadly in remembrance before ensuring my hold on the time stone was absolute. You would need the final stone if you wanted to erase my presence from it or any of the rest.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C163
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


