76.14% A True Beginning / Chapter 150: Ch.35

章 150: Ch.35

Several hundred years passed as I studied magic with the other Asgardian witches, though there weren't many. I already knew most of it while the rest filled in my areas where I simply lacked a competent teacher. Finally when only a few knew more magic than I, Odin called me to his halls.

I went before him and bowed politely before asking. "What is it you wish of me Godking?"

He sighed. "I've been paying attention to hour advancements these passed nine hundred years and I've called to offer you an exchange. You stop my daughter Hela from breaking out of Hel and seal her until the end of my days and I'll personally teach you the rest of what you do not know or understand."

I agreed easily. "Consider it done."

I opened a portal to the Asgard Hel dimension and stepped through to the scene of a massacre. I stopped a blade from killing the lone Valkyrie survivor and sent her away to the portal into Hel with a wave of my hand.

Hela smiled. "What have we here? A male Seidr user?"

I chuckled. "Something like that. Today I am a bounty hunter though. Your father has offered a reward if I seal you in Hel until he dies."

I waved a hand, sending a fireball of magic at her while opening of multiple portals and summoning fiery whips to hold her in place. She screamed and swords cut her bindings before flying at me. I didn't black them as I'd felt the magic inside them and they impales me.

She smiled until I pulled them out and sent them flying back at her, piercing her hands. She didn't even flinch as she forced them out and healed. She summoned more only this time she used them to fight me in an up close battle.

A big mistake on her part as I beat her back even as she cast death spells on me, making me immune and giving me the power to do the same. I kicked her back and summoned fiery chains now, each one bound her in place.

Seeing no way out she spoke evenly. "You're a male of great skill, free me and we could rule as king and queen of Asgard."

I shook my head sadly. "I already have a mate and you cannot compare, I'm sorry."

I waved and hand and bound her to the very dimension itself and through it, to Odin's lifeforce as he planned. She screamed and railed curses at me but they were all of the non magical kind so it didn't matter to me.

While I had felt a slight stirring at her offer, it wasn't that of my wives or a possible mate. It was more like I'd been without so long that my body was craving a woman of any kind.

When I went back to Asgard, I found out the Valkyrie hadn't returned and reported the massacre to Odin. He was saddened but not really about the Valkyries themselves but by the loss of warriors. I had a feeling he planned their deaths to get rid of all who knew of Hela and her past misdeeds.

Seeing as I might be next, I told him I'd be leaving in a decade as he didn't have much to teach me himself. Keeping to my words I said goodbye to my fellow warriors I'd trained with for centuries and opened a portal to an icy mountain in Jotunheim.

There I found what I was looking for, the dragon Sadurang. It took a great deal of time but I found him and boy was he a pain in the ass to fight. It knew magic and wasn't afraid to use it.

Finally when I'd become immune to all it's spells and learned them all for myself, it resorted to it's dragon form and breathed fire on me. Smiling, I returned the favor by mimicking it's shapeshifting ability and it's fire breathing one. It then became a battle of physical violence that ended with me shifting and using chi to violently punch it in the heart.

I felt a new ability strictly chi related come to me as Sadurang died. I stored it's corpse and all it's treasure horde including another wand of Watoomb and what appeared to be a the mind stone in it's crystalline case.

I felt a bad feeling when I realized what must've happened in the future and after connecting with the mind stone, I mimicked it's power when it tried to take me over. Instead I'd formed a connection of my own to it without needing to touch it so I left it behind so as not to cause future troubles.

It battered at my mind, seeking a way in and releasing mental energy my hollow mental avatar swallowed while the others used it to strengthen my mind further when it failed. Smiling I left Jotunheim and headed to Nidavellir. I met with king Eitri using a spell to increase my size to match theirs.

There he asked. "What is it you want outsider? Can't you see we are busy here?"

I sighed. "I have a request and I've come for trade only you can grant. I wish to learn your smithing ways and in exchange I offer this-"

I held out a hand and the last of the vibranium appeared in it. He looked it over before testing it a bit and saying. "Vibranium, pure and of decent quality. Where did you find so much?"

I smiled and shook my head making him snort. "Very well, you can learn but it must not disturb our work and you're never to teach our techniques to others."

I grinned. "Deal!"

I bowed and he waved me off. I observed the dwarves working and asked questions on the techniques used and what each technology they used consisted of. Considering the cost of their waste alone and the fact that Nidavellir was a space station around a dwarf star, it wasn't hard to understand it all.

They were sloppy with using excess materials because their sheer size made the work difficult but few specialized in delicate work like king Eitri himself. I spent the better part of nine hundred years learning from them and improving their techniques and technology with lantian based technology.

At first they were resistant until they saw the work a vibranium enhanced trinium built bot could do. Luckily their programming was far more sophisticated as was their spell works. By the time I'd finished helping them, they could literally sit around and relax while the bots did the delicate stuff.

I had them swear to never use the bots for battle or trade. They were solely for Nidavellir's uses. They agreed and upon my parting, king Eitri gave me a chunk of Uru saying. "When we first met I thought you a fool and took a metal more precious then any I've seen besides this. It is to my shame that I looked at you as a fool and now I wish to repay that mistake and repair my honor. Take it and my friendship."

I smiled and took the Uru before bowing lightly. "You were never a fool my friend, you just never knew the full truth. I am Dark, a Sidhr user personally trained by Odin not long before we met."

I shrunk as I released the spell and revealed my true self. "It was an honor meeting you and learning all you have to teach. I'll take this gift as a token of our friendship and give you one of my own."

I waved a hand a gave him the skull of Sadurang. I'd already consumed the corpse and flesh, drawing all the magic inside its blood into myself. I'd truly gained a dragon form as well as boosted my own personal magic by a shit ton. I could even feel close to reaching the peak of this reality's magical understanding now.

All that remained was the Darkhold and through it, absorbing the god of chaos Chthon. I made it to earth in year 1939, barely in time to continue my deeper plans. I sold off several tons of gold I'd gotten from my dead dragon counterpart to the United States.

I also forged my citizenship and that was far easier than I thought it would be. I had to use magic to alter my eye colors to human standards and my hair to black. It was all an illusion but one that worked well. I met Howard Stark at a bar and offered to invest all my cash into his business for an off the top thirty percent.

That left him seventy percent of the company and enough to get it off the ground running as I'd given him a hundred million in investment money to start with. We signed the agreement under my alias, Damon Dark.

I'd bought an estate with the last of my cash and paid off the taxes for the next century with gold bricks to the government. That was a hell of a deal I'd made with them for my property to be tax exempt for the next hundred years. Then again they were more than happy to take the gold and fill the reserves with it.

I made bots with closed circuit programming and put wards around the property to keep out any ill wishers before letting out my house elves to keep it clean. Howard was a genius so he didn't need my help to take the company further so I spent a year adding Uru and weight training runes to my armor as well as digging below where the vault of dragon bones lay and opening it with my chi enhanced fist.

I didn't take anything that was important, only what wouldn't be missed like the teeth, claws and joints not holding up the city above before closing the vault door and reburied the hole I'd dug down into it.

I fused the dragon bones into my blade with Uru, trinium, naquadah, naquadria and Neutronium. All of which I'd grown in abundance in my inner galaxies. When I finished the upgrades I headed out for a beer and low and behold I found both Leo and Henry.

They were working at the bar I was at and discussing joining the war. When I introduced myself to them, I pretended to be an interested customer. "If you're planning on fighting in the war then I recommend you wait a bit and join at Camp Lehigh. After all, an angel and an immortal would be of use there, in the right time."

That got their attention and I smirked as my face changed to the appearance they knew so well only briefly before changing back. Henry sighed in relief. "Damien!"

I nodded. "That was my name but here in this reality I'm Damon Dark. New reality, new body or old body depending on how you look at it. Anyways I've rebuilt the first manor I've managed to gain a bit back but both of you are the first I've found in my travels so far."

They both didn't look happy but Leo asked. "Where have you been to?"

I snorted. "It's more like when. I arrived here on earth about ten billion years ago and killed off a bunch of dinosaurs from the impact of my landing. I sat in meditation waiting for humanity to catch up and ended up getting hit with an actual meteor, spending two billion years under the giant ass hunk of metal until I managed to crawl out from under it. Since then I've been around exploring this planet, Asgard, Jotunheim, Nidavelir and back to earth again. I had to relearn magic and it took a while though I still haven't reached the peak of my capabilities in that area."

Leo frowned. "We only got hear two decades ago. How is this possible?"

I snorted. "My parents I'm afraid. We're in a world of gods and monsters, the literal training grounds for the next battle of the gods. You being here in this place and time probably means you're meant to join the war and do what you can. Here, this is the address to the manor. It's protected and I'll leave instructions on magic and how to use it here so you both can learn it before you go off to war."

Henry grunted. "What will you be doing?"

I snorted. "A great many things. Like I said, this is a world of gods and monsters. In fact, here I'm both so if you see me on the battlefield, don't hesitate, just run, one or fly away as quickly as you can. I'm not a good person in a fight and this body has hollow like effects on my personality that I've been suppressing and saving for the battles. I can't guarantee I won't kill and eat you."

Henry's eyes bugged out. "Eat us?!"

I looked around and snorted. "Keep your voice down!"

He apologized to the patrons and I nodded. "I'm no longer in a human body. This body has no DNA structure you've ever seen before. It is like the hollow in it's vast hunger and needs for living flesh. I've denied to that but eventually I'll need to let loose or go on a rampage when it becomes too much. Hence my preferred food of choice, Nazi's."

Leo sighed. "Well, if anyone deserves it, it's Nazi's."

I shrugged. "Take my advice and go to the manor as soon as possible. If anyone else shows up just say you're my cousins and that I'm in town doing some training at the Goldie's Gym."

They nodded and took the key I offered as well as the piece of paper. I finished my drink, not that it could affect me, and headed to said gym. There I practiced my martial arts and occasionally some regular boxing.

I came every day to practice and get into form until December rolled around. I'd occasionally met with Henry and Leo as well as Howard who was very pleased with himself. His company was off the ground and building weapons, armor and even vehicles for the war efforts.

We discussed a few designs and I gave him a polymer and titanium mixture compound if formulated for lightweight body armor that would stop all but armor piercing rounds. He accepted it on behalf of the company and got a patent for it.

We discussed the idea of an arc reactor at length but it was still in it's basic theory stages. I told him I'd be out of town for a while as well as telling him I'd send word when I returned and that freed me up when I finally met Bucky and Steve at the Gym.

He was trying to show Steve how to throw a punch and defend himself until I interrupted. "You're going about it all wrong."

They turned to me and Bucky, who'd clearly seen I was a regular asked. "I am?"

I nodded. "Well, not you specifically, but you teaching him that way. With his stature and build he needs to work on evasion and precision. Tire your opponent out before delivering a single full powered knockout blow. A devastating punch that any would be weary of. Here, let me show you."

I got into the ring and had him come at me. I dodged several times while telling Steve. "Evasion if perfected is all about the timing. Not giving your opponent enough time to adjust to your movements while giving yourself just the right angle and timing to dodge or evade the blow, or in the worst case scenerio, lessening the damage a blow can cause. Like taking a knife to the side rather than the heart or throat."

I weaved and danced around Bucky until he started panting while showing Steve what I meant. When it was time, I continued. "When your opponent is winded and tired, size up their guard and reactions before determining your opponents greatest weakness and applying pressure."

Bucky lunged at me and I spartan kicked him into the ropes. He bounced back and I delivered a decisive blow to his temple, knocking him out cold. Steve saw his friend knocked out and I sighed. "Relax kid, bring me the canteen from the bench and I'll have him back up in seconds."

He tossed me the canteen and I poured some of it's contents down Bucky's throat. He woke up spluttering and cursing like a sailor, making both Steve and I laugh. When he got up he asked. "What was that?"

I smiled. "That was fire whiskey. The strongest you've ever tasted I'm sure."

He shook his head. "No, the moves!"

I smiled. "That was basic fighting techniques and knowledge. For the really good stuff it'd take years for me to teach you, but the basics and fundamentals shouldn't take long to have you both out there kicking ass."

Steve asked. "Can you really teach us?"

I nodded. "Though your body is weak, that shouldn't impair your ability to utilize the basics effectively. You'll need to put some meat on those bones if you plan to join the war efforts."

He looked a bit shy but nodded. "Are you joining as well?"

I shrugged. "I might, but then I just might go over there as a rouge and kill off the Nazi's for fun. I've had my fill of taking orders so I'm disinclined to put myself in that position again."

He looked a bit sad. "Isn't that just plain murder then?"

I shrugged. "Kid, they're Nazi's. Besides, I never said I was a good man or even a nice one. The only reason I talked to either of you was because of the sheer will I saw in your eyes to become stronger and protect what you hold precious. That I understand better than anyone you'll ever meet. It's why I've mastered all the martial arts I've come across."

Bucky asked. "So you'll teach us then?"

I nodded. "I'll show you the path, the rest will be up to you . A martial arts teacher is merely a lamp post, illuminating the path with their wisdom, it's up to the disciples to walk it themselves. I've not taken very many disciples and most of the ones I have taken have went down darker paths. I hope you won't be the same."

With their promises to not disappoint me, I began to train them in earnest. All day every day I hammered skills and techniques of basic training into their bodies while doing the same with diagrams and pictures of stances for their minds while their bodies rested.

Bucky managed to get accepted into the army almost a month later while Steve spent a year and half under my tutelage while his friend was training with the army and going off to fight. Steve had repeatedly tried out for recruitment but was denied three more times until after I'd hammered into him all the training I could, he'd been accepted into the army through a government program called Project Rebirth.

I'd hung out around the area and froze time in a localized area to steal one vial of the super soldier serum and switch it with blue kool aid. Once it started back up again, I watched from the mirror dimension as the it was destroyed from Steve chasing the Hydra agent to the docks and his submarine.

Leaving there I contacted Howard about getting the designs for the vita ray machine he'd built for the project. I'd been informed before about it because of the company spending so much on the project for the government.

When he asked why I'd want them I told him I thought the Vita radiation might have healing and life prolonging properties useful to medicine. He sent me the design without a fuss and even some Nitramene to test it with.

Almost instantly the lab I had set up in the basement was converted into a testing room. I easily replicated more of the super soldier serum but what surprised me most was the tests on the Vita Rays. As it turns out the vita radiation is chi or lifeforce produced by a both scientific and magical effect given of by the Nitramene.

With enough of the super soldier serum and the knowledge on how to make more, I shut down the lab and went hunting for test subjects. After slaughtering several German battalions, I gathered several hundred Nazi prisoners in my inner galaxy on an isolated world with only food and water to live off of.

While I was out I decided to stop by the Syrian Dessert and found the tomb of Dagon. Unearthing him was easy as I simply made a portal inside his coffin and he fell through and out into the desert.

When he got up in his draconic form and attacked me, we fought for several hours until I'd gained all his advantages and called a truce by tossing a Nazi at him. "Eat, you're weakening."

He understood enough to feed and feed he did. After nearly a hundred dead Nazi's, I smirked as he asked. "Why have you awaken me?"

I chuckled. "So I can drain you dry and have a bite for myself, now draw your sword, no more holding back, I'm getting hungry."

My illusion fell revealing my red eyes and my vampire like appearance. He didn't hesitate as I swung my arm at him, shifting it into a blade. We moved faster and faster until the human eyes couldn't catch our forms. When his speed and strength increased, mine followed and soon enough I had him by the throat as my fangs elongated.

His sword tossed to the side as I buried my fangs into his throat. I drained him dry as I felt my vampiric form unlock. I dropped him with a grin saying. "Look closely, I am a real vampire and one who will eventually eat your so called vampire gods soon enough."

I shifted into my vampiric form as my wings stretched out for the first time in forever. His body was already shutting down for hibernation to prevent starvation but the look of fear on his face was satisfying. I waved a hand, sending him and his dragon bone sword back into his tomb.

I took the Nazi's dead bodies and ate them all before heading to the battlefield once more for more prey. That night I feasted on a hydra base of unsuspecting idiots on the borders of Russia.

I searched the globe for several months and finding the first sign of werewolves in Siberia. After tracking them down to a small town pub, I ate the two foolish wolves who wanted to spread terror, unlocking my human wolf hybrid form. Unfortunately it didn't unlock my full wolf form so I went back to experimenting on Nazi's for the next several decades.

I occasionally released cures for things like polio and rare genetic diseases. Howard would them patent them and for a while it was great. Leo and Henry became howling commandos under Steve and while they didn't prevent Steve from being frozen or Bucky being taken, they had prevented a lot of problems in their time as a team.

Leo was their field medic while Henry was their best tracker and shot. I on the other hand was busy collecting samples of the other attempts at creating the super soldier serum others made as well as picking up magical scrolls and items and studying them for myself before passing them on to the Sanctums through the ancient one who had begun visiting me now that I was back on earth.

The only items I kept were those connected to the gods or elder gods and cosmic entities like the boots of Hermes and the eye of Ra as well as the Verdant Vial of Valtorr and the Brazier of Balthakk.

I hadn't found too much myself but I did receive help from the ancient one as several of the items they'd gathered over the years belong to powerful entities and gods. One in particular had me salivating after the mouth, the staff of the living tribunal.

On the flip side they also had the crimson bands of Cytorrak which I left alone as Cytorrak had been severely weakened from my last encounter and had cut ties with earth already. The Bow and Arrow of Apollon and Fearsome Fist of Farallah were later received with my directions and turned over to me.

I didn't have the heart to ask how she's staid alive as I already knew how. I only ever asked. "Was the price of your extended lifespan your beautiful hair Yao? Because if so, I think you need to ask for a refund or at least a better state of immortality."

She blushed lightly and I sighed. "Forgive an old man his memories. I've done and seen so much my mind must be slipping, more tea?"

She smiled. "Yes please."

I poured her tea then told her. "The age of gods and monsters is coming just as Agamotto predicted it would and yet I've found no heads or tails of my mate. I've found two of my companions yet their wives whereabouts remain a mystery even to me."

I looked through my room of portals that I'd made to see all over the earth and showed her the same. I'd even made portals to Asgard, Jotunheim and Nidavelir. Yet I haven't found even a clue of them yet. I knew I needed to go to Xander and perhaps the other empires but I had the nagging feeling my mate would be on earth and my mother was curiously quiet about it.

Several years later, after the war ended, Leo and Henry came back home long enough to say they were going to use their magic to travel the universe looking for their wives. I gave them a puddle jumper and the instructions on how to use it as well as a map of the universe as I knew it to be after checking a few things out through portals.

They left saying they'd see me when they find them as they'd head back here if and when they did. I started my experiments in full swing as I got my hands on the Golden Sentry Serum.

It wasn't until 1994 that I felt an urgent and irresistible pull. I went into my room of portals and the ground beneath me bucked, sending me flying through one of said portals where I heard a voice calling to me urgently.

It had no sound but the cries of one afraid girl. I turned into shadows itself as I moved faster than I ever had before, recognizing where I was, the red room Academy. I arrived in a corridor as I felt the ground showing me the way until I found the right room.

I killed the guards blocking entry and turned into a mass of tendrils and black goop as I ate the man inside about to rape the little girl on the bed. After she screamed, she saw things had changed until she reached out and I responded in kind, bonding in a way with her body as I enveloped her like a suit of armor until only her head was in clear view. I replaced myself with my blades whom used the last of All-Blacks Klyntar abilities as I took human form and it covered her like I had before.

I kneeled down while she shivered. "Do not be afraid, I am the last being in all the multiverse who would hurt you."

She calmed a bit and asked. "What are you?"

I sighed. "I am a god of sorts and I heard you call out to me. I have answered your prayers for safety. The armor you wear will protect you from anything in creation that cannot harm me. It is as strong as I am and will see that you remain untouched."

She frowned. "Why would you save me?"

I sighed and rubbed my face. "Because I feel a connection to you and sometime in the future you'll feel the same for me I'm sure. For now I've given you. My greatest weapon and defense. It is literally a part of my soul. As such it shall heal through my magic and notify me if you are in real danger. This is a terribly dangerous world after all and there's no guarantee I'll survive long enough to meet you again. For now I have to ask a favor of you."

She asked still hesitant. "What favor?"

I sighed again as I felt the full weight of what I was. "I need you to stay with the red room program here, train up, learn everything and grow stronger. The armor will protect you from any male or female who wishes to abuse you but it won't protect you from growing stronger. Can you do that?"

She nodded. "I think so."

I smiled. "Then when you're strong enough, seek me out. I am called Dark. I'll be waiting for that day."

I left the room through a portal and she cried out but the armor moved around and warmed up to keep her comfortable with my magic. I could sense it at all times as it was apart of myself. For three more years it protected her while the soviets tried to get it off of her and even kill her to do so but all attempts failed and in the end she was given the super soldier serum like all the other girls.

I had many things on my plate now as I sensed the vampires in Los Angeles increasing. When I heard on the news that a hospital burnt body had mysteriously gotten back up and a doctor had been kidnapped by an armed black assailant, I thought it time to move.

There was a god on the rise or soon would and I was getting hungry again just thinking about it. Taking a portal to LA, I hunted down Blade and found his hideout. I stuck to the shadows of rooftops but on occasion I flickered my presence, catching his attention to Mal him more alert until he and his lady friend went into a club, throwing the vampire bouncer through the front.

Smiling, I watched as the trap was sprung and the little vampires went in after them. Sighing, I jumped off the building I was watching from and landed on the concrete below, cracking it slightly as dense molecular structure took the impact in stride. My hair went white and I put on sunglasses to hide my red eyes as I walked through the broken glass door of the club, following them in.

I walked into the mirror world and passed the vampire guards until I was in the server room. Then I walked out silently while listening to the fat creature squeal. I made two RSh-12's with silver nitrate and garlic mixed rounds as well as custom UV rounds in my inner world and a harness as well as a single trinium and carbon acid washed and laser edged katana with a back sheath.

With my new toys, I strapped up silently before hearing Blade tell his girl to fry him if he moves. After Blade blew the vault, and I sensed the vampires moving in, I stepped back into the mirror dimension and went into the vault while opening a doorway to watch while cloaking it.

As amused as I was to see Blade get his ass kicked by a girl, I stepped out behind the group holding Blade's friend and cocked my guns, firing all ten rounds into the backs of some of the body armored vampires. They all screamed and fell while I put away my weapons and dusted the blond vampire with my sword while the rest were busy fighting Blade.

I made a UV grenade and tossed it saying. "Close your eyes!"

Blade and the doctor reacted in time while the only vampire to escape was strangely missing a hand. The rest were vaporized. When the UV light died down I kicked some ashes out of the way and started taking the scrolls hung up everywhere.

I didn't stop until Blade put a hand on my shoulder. "Who are you?"

I turned to him and took off my glasses. "One who intends to kill the vampire god La Magra for good. Kill him and no more vampires can be turned, effectively slowing the spread to a near halt. That way the only way they'll spread their crap will be through procreation."

He frowned. "In that case, what are you?"

I smirked. "Not something you can kill I'm afraid. Suffice it to say I look damn good for my age which is older than the vampire or human race."

He backed away and I sighed. "The vampire god is real and these scrolls or pages as you may call them are both a technical and mystical way of summoning his power into an individual. I won't say more here but if you want, tell the mortal listening in that I'm willing to make a deal. I help you end the vampire race, and you allow Frost to summon the vampire gods essence into himself so I can reach through him and kill the god."

I waved a hand and all the scrolls went into my inner world and I put my glasses on before stepping backwards into the mirror dimension saying. "I'll go to your place in the morning for your answer."

The portal to the mirror dimension closed as I went to see a vampire about a deal.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C150
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


