70.55% A True Beginning / Chapter 139: Ch.24

章 139: Ch.24

Phoebe answered. "We'd like to keep our powers thank you."

Paige agreed while Piper said. "I agree though I'd like to know why it isn't in my destiny to have kids."

I chuckled. "Actually, I've been keeping it a secret for a while now. You're already pregnant. I kept my word when I got back and saw you and Leo trying so hard. I slipped you a very powerful fertility potion mixed with Phoenix tears to heal the damage inside your body that was stopping it. Ask destiny here, you're pregnant."

The angel nodded. "He's right. Although I'd have had a hand in it even if he hadn't acted. It was always in the cards for you and Leo to have children after all."

Phoebe smiled and I released her from my arms as she gave Piper a hug. They all four were so happy I chuckled at their antics while the angel went to leave. I told Phoebe. "I'll be back next week after the depositions to get back the money. The case will be finished by then and we can have our wedding when my family arrives."

She nodded and I left in a flash of green flames. I spent the week talking to lawyers and judges and finally when it was all cleared up and the money returned to my accounts, I went back home.

There things were a bit odd. There was a mermaid in the living room and a man fleeing from her. I sighed. "Honey I'm home?"

Phoebe spoke up from the other side of the living room. "Over here sweetie."

I chuckled. "So what's up with the mermaid and why is there a mortal running around knowing they exist?"

I flame traveled to her side and she sighed. "This is Mylie and that was Craig. She says that mermaids can become human if they fall in love and their partner tells them they love them."

I nodded. "That's one way to do it yes."

Mylie asked. "You know another way to make me human?"

I shrugged. "I can turn you into a human but I'll need someone to make immortal and give your powers to."

She sighed. "The only one I know that once my immortality is the sea hag."

I chuckled. "That'll work. Though I won't make her immortal, I can turn her into a mermaid without the perks. So, who wants to be immortal? Or pseudo immortal anyways?"

Prue rolled her eyes. "Don't look at me, I'm already immortal."

When everyone else shook their head I shrugged. "Then I guess I can just take the powers out like a power broker and store them for later. Though the mermaid bit I'll have to actually transfer because I don't look good in scales."

I waved a hand over her body and four power balls formed in front of her. "Each one is a different power so be careful. If mortals touch them they'll gain the powers immediately. Only power transferors like power brokers can touch them without gaining the powers. Luckily none of them are d emoticons in nature so they can be given to good people without consequences."

Paige asked. "What are they?"

I pointed to each one as I told them. "Shapeshifting from whatever creature you are into a human, agility in water, immortality and sensing magical beings."

Leo spoke up. "I already have a sensing ability."

I nodded and Prue said. "I'll take the magical sensing."

Phoebe sighed. "I'll take the agility in water. I like swimming."

I smiled. "Then I'll have a pool installed in the backyard so you can enjoy it."

I waved a hand and sent each of them the powers while storing the shapeshifting and immortality in my bottomless pouch. I told the mermaid. "Leo can rob you and I'll follow to turn the sea hag into a mermaid statue."

She nodded and Piper asked. "Mermaid statue?"

I nodded. "I have a gorgon's head remember? Turning a mermaid into stone is the least it can do. It can even turn gods into stone if they look it in the eyes."

Leo orbed the mermaid to the beach and I took everyone else with us as it poured like a rain storm. When the hag came, I froze time then unfroze the mermaid and Leo. I grabbed the mermaid's hand and used transmogrification to transfer the curse onto the hag before telling everyone to look away and taking out the head of the Gorgon.

I'd kept it on ice in a special bottomless pouch in case we needed it on hand and since my realm was locked up now, it turned out to be a wiser move then I thought. When time unfroze, the hag turned to stone. I waved a hand and gave the newly melted human woman a set of clothes that immediately soaked through.

The sea hags storm quickly left and I waved a hand, sending her to the bottom of the sea. She made an ugly ass mermaid statue and I didn't want the girls getting the idea to keep it. With that taken care of, we headed home where I erased the mortal man's memories of his girlfriend's tail tale.

When everything settled down, I gave Phoebe a massage and ran her a hot bath to relax in with citrus candles and chocolates with red wine. I wanted her to relax as I could tell everything was taking a toll on her.

I held her in the bath while we listened to some soft jazz music. When she was good and relaxed, I told her. "I've an idea that can help you with your work. The magic bots I made to run P4. You bring your work home with you and they'll go through it all and give you previews of the letters and problems. The magical quill I made for documents isn't unique as I can make one for your work specifically. All you'll have to do is think of what you want each article to say and it'll do all the work."

She smiled. "That sounds like personal gain."

I snorted. "I'll be doing the magic and besides, you're overworked and barely busy enough to be home for a vanquish which if I might add, is not personal gain. You can do hundreds of columns in an hour thanks to the mind arts and Occlumency. Thoughts are thousands of times faster than actions after all."

When she agreed to give it a try the next morning, I pulled the bots out of the same bottomless bag as Medusa's head and tossed the bag into my inner world. Her work picked up as she was already becoming famous and it would only give her more time to vanquish, relax and be with me.

A week later my parents and family came to town while the house elves were making a swimming pool in the back yard. I had expanded the back yard with runes to accommodate the pool but it was worth it.

My parents, sisters and brother stayed in the extra bedrooms and while weird at first, they got along well enough. I found Harry expanding the attic one morning to fit a library of books of once given him. Paige has asked him about the magic we'd learned over there and it seemed they got along well, chatting while he did so.

His fiancé, miss Hermione Granger, got along nicely with Prue while Daphne and Astoria, seeing me happy and showing emotions openly, let down their guards and opened up with everyone. Only my father had stayed cold and indifferent for the most part and asked questions.

The only thing he had a problem with was Phoebe not changing her last name. We'd already gotten into an argument about it and I'd pointed out I was technically disinherited and had no last name as far as tradition was concerned.

I could see I shouldn't have brought it up but I sighed and left them to talk. Phoebe had said her piece and demanded to know what all had actually happened over there in detail. All the sisters and even Leo had listened while I had headed into the basement to meditate.

My mind was growing stronger again but what I'd had access to was damaged and would take a very long time to repair fully. And when I say long time I'm talking millions of years worth of damage I'd need repaired.

When fairy tales started coming to life, Harry had wanted to take part and do something but it was left to the girls. I'd only bulked against the wicked witch when she tried to kiss me to turn me against Phoebe.

I'd ripped out her powers and stored them before sending her to Piper and the rest, nearly mortal and all evil. They vanquished her and sent her wherever the real hell is in this reality. It wasn't much more than a month later that we said our vows in a real church with our families as witnesses.

I'd destroyed her old wedding ring and replaced it with a better one meant to promote our efforts to stay away from the temptation of evil. A siren demon turned up at our wedding trying to seduce me and Piper blew it up.

Harry and Hermione has to leave right afterwards as she was also the minister for magic and he was the newly appointed headmaster of Hogwarts. They'd both made great changes to the wizarding world over there as no magic was banned anymore, only taught with caution and only when they were age appropriate.

Hogwarts had twelve years of teaching now and even taught muggle college courses. Every teacher had rings as Harry had been able to duplicate them just as all Auror's had them as well. He'd taken my idea and expanded on it as all magical areas were mapped on a global scale with runes.

Hermione has overturned most laws in the wizarding world that went against the muggleborns but had also made wizarding traditions a requirement for all years of hogwarts to study and learn. If you couldn't pass the tradition exams, you'd be held back until you could or kicked out with no job reference or option to train with the Greengrass program that every young witch and wizard wanted to be apart of.

Most legitimate businesses only hired from them now. A great many things had changed including my sisters. They'd both found love now. Daphne was with Harry and Hermione while Astoria had fell in love with Draco Malfoy.

While their relationship was strained in the family, it was accepted. Daphne had confessed to Harry the night he'd proposed to Hermione and while that had caused tension all it's own, my parents had accepted it because of him being the new Lord Greengrass.

On the brighter side of things, Harry had invited us to his wedding as well and the sisters promised we'd be there. The Tonks's had faded from reality it seems as I couldn't find any references to them anymore. Molly Weasley was accredited for killing Bellatrix Lestrange.

Frustrated, I could only hope they were alive and well somewhere safe. As Phoebe and I were officially married the right way now, I prepared a honeymoon for us in France though it would be in a couple months when her carrier was safe and she could take a small vacation.

The next issue was a vigilante showing up to kill an elder on the spring equinox. When he burst into the house, Piper froze him but he managed to break it's hold and power through it. I backhanded him out the door he'd come in and Leo had orbed the elder away.

The vigilante ran away at speeds that was a blur for the others but a simple light jog to my eyes. When they asked what that was I'd told them honestly. "Some kid in spandex using thought projection powers."

Leo asked. "How can you be sure? Thought projection is a very rare power."

I sighed. "I can see the kid under the magic and he's not actually that fast to my eyes. It's the reason I didn't vanquish him. He's just a kid witch, albeit one that should be in magic school and not clearly helping demons."

The elder frowned. "You're interfering in my destiny."

I shrugged. "Yeah so? I'm only helping them like I promised. You're the ones who think you own the charmed ones. After all, none of their ancestors answered to you lot. It was more like an allied pact and not slave labor as your people seem to think they are."

He frowned. "I don't-"

I waved him off. "Save it. I don't care. You were amongst the ass clowns that bound me last time so your opinions don't matter to me."

I turned to Phoebe. "This kid is dangerous to you all as he is but if he's working for a demon, then you have bigger problems. Whatever comes through that door next might not be something I can beat so easily. You need to be careful. Are you wearing your rings?"

She showed me and I sighed in relief while Piper asked. "Ok, what's so special about the rings?"

Phoebe told them the ring's powers and they were shocked before Leo came to me, man to man asking me to make one for Piper. I told him honestly. "I can't. It was a one time deal. I sacrificed a lot of my power and lifeforce to create that ring for Phoebe. It's truly one of a kind and I honestly can't make another nor will it work for anyone but her. Not even I could use it now."

He gave up on that front but did ask that I make some minor protection things for her and the baby. So I helped him adjust the crib and nursery with rune work to protect against evil. It wouldn't stop an upper level demon, but anything weaker would be destroyed trying to enter the room even by shimmering.

He was at least happy with that and understood that I couldn't do so for the rest of the house as well. That night I worked with Phoebe to shut down a slum lord that was kicking hundreds of families out into the cold at night.

My lawyers were already on the ball as I was suing him on behalf of all the families and footing the bill so he'd had no chance to actually kick them out. I'd had the inspectors inform IA about the two officers on his payroll as well and sent them proof.

Soon enough cops were showing up to arrest all three of them and the families were let back in until the hearing. Phone had turned into a superhero and damned if she didn't look good in leather.

I'd swore to buy her a costume like it once she was no longer running around to stop bad guys. They found the demon only to find out he'd been given better powers and ripped up their pages before going to beat on them.

My forcefield spell worked on the ring and Phoebe protected her sisters while calling to me. I flamed right over and as soon as I saw the demon, I cut his cheek with my blade. His super powers and demonic power was transferred to me.

I made an orb of the non physical one and put it away as the kid came over. I was savoring the feeling of getting physically stronger. He explained what had happened and we took him back to the manor where the elder then passed his powers on to the kid before passing away and fading.

With Phoebe more relaxed over the next couple months and all her work was astonishingly accomplished easily, she'd had a few visions here or there. One was of Prue getting attacked which ended with the demon in question, a Lazarus demon, being killed by my blades.

I took his powers and cleaned them before giving Prue his telekinesis power as it would strengthen her own and speed up her power advancement. When Phoebe had her latest vision, she'd been led to a gypsy.

There we were turned away as the gypsy had intercepted a vision on Phoebe's behalf. We left reluctantly and the next day the gypsy was found dead. The sisters were on the case and all I did was remind Phoebe that her ring would protect her when I wasn't there to do so.

I did a few cases with Darryl, detective Morris, and the inspectors while I was bored. After solving the sixth one, I called it a day and headed home to make Piper the charms to protect her. It wasn't much more than a bracelet which would protect her and her baby's life from a death blow for as many charms as that were on it at the time.

It only held three at a time but if she used it wisely it would be fine. The protego shields inside each charm could block all but the unforgivable's. After a crash and scream in the attic, I went up to find the problem solved. They gypsy hunter was dead and the two surviving Gypsies were talking to the girls about remedies and potions.

Seeing everything was fine, I sighed and hugged Phoebe from behind while she offered to let them read any book in the library up here so long as they didn't take any out of the attic. The book of shadows want the only book here anymore and Paige seemed to be hellbent on learning them all.

I did receive one book as a wedding gift from my father. It was a copy of our own family magic, our book of shadows you could say. I'd magically enlarged it and added everything I knew about demons and magic in it and turned it into a sort of outlet for my free time when I wasn't helping others.

It contained many secret and I'd sealed it with both blood magic and a protection spell that only allowed the descendants of myself and Phoebe combined to read or even touch it. I'd used a shit ton of magic, power and essence to ensure it stayed safe.

Phoebe had read it and appreciated something only for our family to read and add to and not just any Halliwell as well. From then on she'd declared any males we had or and descendants we had would take the name Greengrass while the females would keep with the Halliwell tradition.

The front page I'd charmed to be an ever expanding family tree that would work with both our bloodlines to show each of them. It was further charmed to allow only good to use the book and if they did, all they had to do was say the name of the person on the family tree to see their location in their minds eye.

This ensured they could always know where our family was at all times. Then she'd lead me to the bedroom to get started on the first branch as she called it. Two weeks later Barbas, the demon of fear, started toying with me until I went to purgatory and knocked his friend off the ledge and made half his own ledge disappear.

I warned him coldly while I floated over the maw that led to the demonic wasteland. "If you mess with me or the charmed ones again, I'll take your powers and send you into reincarnation as a dung beetle."

To prove my point, I punched the wall, shaking the cavern like it was experiencing an earthquake. He'd barely held on and kept himself from falling. "This is your one and only warning. If I see you again, I'll end you!"

I flame traveled back home and grabbed a shower before meeting with Phoebe at work to surprise her with the home cooked meal for lunch. A week later Phoebe had a premonition about a man that had bumped into her at the club being shot as a bystander in an arrest attempt on a criminal.

She'd ended up saving the guy along with Piper but a warlock had managed to come through a wrinkle in the timeline when destiny was interrupted where it wasn't supposed to be by mortals. I could do so without consequences because I was beyond destiny's grasp but Phoebe and Piper couldn't because they were still mortals.

The warlock came after the sisters with his younger self hopping to take over the underworld with the book of shadows. Unfortunately for him, he grabbed the wrong book as both were on stands beside each other.

His younger self went up in flames from grabbing my family book and he faded out cursing at the sisters. Prue has laughed her ass off as she'd been training Paige lately and had been shocked a few times, though nothing serious, by my family book when she touched it on accident.

Piper seemed a bit disappointed saying. "Well that was anticlimactic. He could've at least dropped the book right?"

I chuckled. "Nope. It wouldn't let him. It's a clause in the spells I put on it. If evil touches it, they're stuck to it until the magic inside builds up and vanquished them. He could no more drop it then you could lift the manor with one finger and set it back down unchanged."

Phoebe grabbed my hand and nodded, making me smile while she told them. "Listen, while we're all together, we have an announcement to make."

She looked up to me and I told them. "We're pregnant."

Cue the squeals and laughter as a round of hugs were given until Leo and I shook hands. He sighed saying. "You're going to be a father. So, how's it feel?"

I chuckled. "Like I've won the lottery and been sentenced to death row. I've seen the hijinks you and Piper went through and I don't exactly fancy the thought of switching powers with Phoebe. Not to mention while your kid seems to be able to heal it's mother at a few weeks old, mines going to inherit all my powers and more. If it's anything like me, god help us all. I was a prankster and a bit of a troublemaker before."

He sighed. "At least they'll grow up together having each other to rely on."

I nodded. "Sure, but then that's just double the trouble they'll get into. Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about anything demonic because I'll wipe out half the underworld if they come after my kid. I'm more worried about our sanity and Phoebe's wellbeing. My powers very from that of a near indestructible body to flame throwing and forcefields. Imagine the trouble it'll cause running around the house and tripping? Half the manor could collapse in a single moment."

Phoebe asked. "What's wrong with my wellbeing?"

I sighed. "The baby will have my strength so a single kidney shot could kill you. Even if the ring heals you it'll still be extremely painful and agonizing. I'm worried it'll use one of my even stronger powers and end up killing you before the ring can save you."

She frowned before smiling. "Then you'll just have to find a way to make me more durable."

I stilled before nodding. "You're right, I'll be back in a bit. Why don't you all go to the restaurant and I'll join you afterwards."

I opened a portal to the demonic wasteland and went through before searching through all the powers there. I found a descent pile of them and combined them with sheer lifeforce and jamming them together. It wasn't anything close to my current level but then the baby wouldn't have my full strength until it grew up and became an adult.

I traveled back to the manner and went to the basement with the orb where I purified it in holy oil. Once it was no longer corrupted, I put it away in a bottomless pouch and grabbed a dip in the oil and a shower before heading to catch up with the group.

I arrived at the restaurant as they were ordering and sat with them and ordered a rare steak with a smile on my face. When the waiter left I told them. "I've acquired the perfect power to help you. It's all physical so don't worry about it interfering with your charmed status or powers. There wasn't enough to give you a near indestructible body but it's decent enough and it'll make the possibility of kidney shots seem insignificant until the baby is born."

I held the crystal looking ball up in front of her. "I call it endurance. It's a lower form of my body with super strength, immunity and high resistance to physical damage. It'll basically toughen your body up to an upper level brute demons level and I've purified all the demonic taint out so it's completely safe to use for good or evil as they're all neutral powers."

She looked it over before asking me. "Are you sure it's safe?"

I nodded. "I wouldn't give it to you otherwise. It may even help save your life when the ring doesn't."

She nodded and said. "I'll take it in when we're back at the house. If it's anything like my powers I'll need to practice with the strength so I don't accidentally break something or hurt someone."

I put it back away with a smile and we all talked about powers I could potentially offer them. Mostly they talked about things they'd like to have after they retired. In the interest of keeping them happy I agreed that it would one day happen for each of them.

After our meal, we headed home to enjoy a quiet night in together and let Phoebe use the time to learn to control her new power. Considering she had work to do the next day, I gave her a break and had one of the boys take her place as it rearranged to look and act like her.

For two weeks she practiced and got the hang of things and after the first week she was no longer ripping doors off their hinges. During that time she got to kill a darklighter when he came to kill Paige's first charge who turned out to be her biological father.

Phoebe had kicked the darklighter and ended up vanquishing him with a single blow to the head as it had exploded like a watermelon on concrete. Three weeks after she'd returned to work, a demon came after her and ended up dead for his efforts.

She'd fought him off and the ring protected her from any deadly attacks but the ring had a hidden feature and that was to summon me when it activated to protect her. I ripped the powers out of the egyptian demon and sent him to hell right in front of her.

I turned and kissed her, pulling her into my arms. When we left the parking lot, I road home with her just to be safe. I became a mother hen of sorts until poltergeists set up shop in the manor.

I went around purifying the house and capturing the malevolent spirits born of the excess demonic energy in the house from all the demons that were vanquished here. They were no match for me as I had the house elves to clean up the mess in the living room from my last capture.

When all was well and the demonic energy was purified out of the manor, I anointed the walls with holy oil to keep it from building up again. Several weeks later everyone's dreams were going wonky.

I dream walked when Phoebe told me about her nightmares and helped her unmask the chainsaw wielding psycho. When she saw herself I comforted her and changed her dreams as we spent the dreaming time back in the realm where we'd had our first night together with phoenix songs playing in the background.

Every night I'd ask if she wanted to go back to give her privacy and each time she said her dreams were fulfilled with me in them no matter where we were in them. I showed her a great many things until a premonition hit her one night when we were together and I was dragged into it.

There we saw a demon chasing a sandman. I pointed it out to her that I wasn't in control anymore and that it was a vision. When we awoke, I sensed the plane the sand man had been from and went there. I incinerated the two mid level demons with a look.

With the sandman out of trouble, more were made over time as the city recovered slowly. It had gotten bad for the first week after the incident but when it calmed down, it was good again.

I explained what was happening to the sisters and warned them that getting hit with too much dream dust would bring your dreams to life in the waking world and give them life of their own.

Paige had added it to the book of shadows while Phoebe did it to ours. A couple more weeks passed and soon I felt the outside magic going wonky. It was six weeks before Piper's baby's due date and four and a half months until Phoebe and my baby's due date.

When geese laying golden eggs showed up, I did the girls a favor and put them in my inner world. When a unicorn showed up though, I left it alone saying. "It's clearly from the elders."

Moments later I felt magic fall worldwide. Only Phoebe kept her powers and those were only the ones the baby had inside her and the super strength and physical power I gave her. The rest of her powers were down.

Paige and Leo commented. "That's not fair, why does Phoebe get to keep her powers?"

I snorted. "All she has is the baby's powers that aren't fully mature yet and the physical power I gave her. The rest is gone just like I suspect all magic elsewhere is. If you want to use magic then I suggest you go rub the unicorn's horn. Only magical beasts have retained their powers except for me and as my soul is a Phoenix, I partially count as one as well. It's apart of the grand design that what I'm assuming is a prophecy coming to pass. As I'm beyond the grand design only I and my powers remain as well as those that originate with me."

I gestured to Phoebe who nodded. "That makes sense. So, what prophecy is it?"

I shrugged. "Not a clue. I'm not an angel of destiny so I don't make prophecy's nor do I send them to seers to record. Best guess though, whatever it is, magic won't return until it's fulfilled. I know, it's a flaw in the grand design."

Paige and Leo began sanding off some unicorn horn dust while I took Phoebe upstairs to rest with Piper and brought them both snacks. I heard the doorbell ring but didn't pay attention to it as I massaged Phoebe's feet while she enjoyed her maternity leave from work and was able to email her work to her boss instead.

My bots were busy running the club and doing Phoebe's work while she occasionally dictated their actions. The house elves ran off my magic so they were still in action doing their work to keep the house clean. When Victor and his new wife came in to say hi to the girls, I used a bit of magic to orb him to the other side of the room away from his new wife saying. "She's a demon. Sorry Victor, but your were played."

I looked at the demon and incinerated her with a look as she caught green fire and burst into flames, going to the demonic wasteland. He was distraught and asked. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I can smell demonic energy and you'll notice she never once touched anything. The walls and pretty much every surface are coated in holy oil that's been boiled by living flames. It's a recipe I use for purging evil when I take in new powers or go to places evil reigns."

He looked beaten down and both women sighed and hugged their father while I washed up and made them more comfortable with acromantula silk blankets and socks.

Leo came up to ask what happened when a scuffle broke out downstairs. I rolled my eyes. "An evil wizard is here. He has no powers and Paige is fighting him from the sound of it. Tell her to remember to use the unicorn horn dust to get rid of the body or it'll stay until magic returns."

Piper started hyperventilating until Phoebe calmed her down. "Relax sweetie, Damien hasn't lost his powers and they're using unicorn horn dust to augment theirs. As for me, I still have the baby's powers and my strength."

I chuckled. "Not to mention the ring I made you and Piper, your charms will still work. Everything's fine and protected. Once everyone else's magic returns it'll stay for another three hundred years from what I understand of the astrological anomalies."

I summoned bots from the bottomless pouch and told them. "Go kill any demons that attempt to enter the house. I'll direct you when and how to attack."

They left to stand guard at the front and back doors while helping Paige and Leo if necessary. I snapped a finger and three elves became visible. "Your mistress's family is in danger. Secure the house with your magic's and take what you need to form a barrier around the property. Use muggle repelling charms and notice me not charms to insure we're left alone. If any demon attacks, don't hesitate, vanquish on site and stay invisible. If they're upper level summon me and I'll deal with it."

The cloaked and left while I waved a hand as a green flame appeared on the doorway to the room. "There, no evil can enter this room unless it's more powerful then I am and that is only the Source whom you vanquished. The house is quickly becoming a fortress and all is well. We're the only ones with powers on earth except a select few and they aren't demons."

Phoebe smiled and comforted Piper. "See sweetie? My man has taken care of everything. No demons, we have magic and they don't and the house is protected. All is well, or almost at least. Sorry dad."

Victor gave her a wry smile. "No, it's ok."

I chuckled and told him. "If you'd like there's some single witches out there from the UK who lost their loved ones in the past wars that I can introduce you to. They look young but in reality they live nearly four times a mortal lifespan in some cases. I'm sure they'll take a shine to you."

Phoebe frowned. "Witches live longer?"

I shrugged. "It depends on the concentration of magic in their blood and the amount of magic they're exposed to. Why else do you think your grams hadn't aged much since the eighties? She wasn't nearly as powerful as you sisters either, not that it matters now. Why don't you three relax in here and if you need anything, the house elves will get it for you. I'm gonna go get Prue and bring her home. She may be immortal but the rest of her magic is gone just the same except the sensing."

Phoebe asked. "Ohh, does that mean I can still swim real fast?"

I nodded. "You should be able to as my own power cleansed it before I gave it to you. If you'd like I'll take you swimming in a bit, just you and me."

She blushed but nodded. "I'd definitely like that."

I winked at her devilishly before flaming away to get Prue. She was in India today, taking pictures of the temples and taking a tour. When she saw me, I explained what all was happening and brought her home. Paige was downstairs when I arrived, talking to an evil wizard that stopped by at the door on the other side of the barrier that was in place.

I set Prue down and told the elves. "Let down the barrier, I'll deal with him."

Unfortunately the wizard heard me and fled back to the taxi where the mortal driver drove him away. Sighing I asked Paige. "What was he doing here?"

She crossed her arms. "He was trying to discover how we still had magic and why he didn't."

I shook my head. "Not just that. I read his mind. He was after Piper's baby and wanted to lure you out of the house so that the demon he convinced to marry Victor could Lille him and force Piper to deliver early so he could take the baby and raise it to be evil."

She shivered and I heard Leo from behind me. "Raise the barrier again."

I agreed and the house elves put the barrier back into place. Paige unfortunately couldn't keep her mouth shut and told Piper whose water then broke. Leo and the rest helped her downstairs and onto the table as I transfigured it into a birthing bed. I watched from the side while the elves helped Phoebe, Paige and Prue deliver the baby.

When they were done, I waved them to the side and healed Piper up, returning her to her non pregnant shape except her breasts as they were a normal change. Magic had returned and the sisters were cuing over the new baby boy. They'd prepared everything for a girl but now it had to be changed.

Phoebe said. "I don't think I'll want a home birth."

I chuckled but Piper told her. "Uh uhh missy. You made me deliver at home with your constant preparations to be a midwife, I've already started learning as well so it's a home birth for you!"

Phoebe bit her lip before asking. "Can I at least have a water bath birth? I really don't want to be in that much pain."

I sighed. "I'll buy a birthing tub and have it ready for when the baby's due."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C139
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


