24.36% A True Beginning / Chapter 48: Ch.3

章 48: Ch.3

Gilbert nodded and I wondered of in thought about just destroying the dumb trinkets Emily is helping him make. Sighing when the meeting ended I stood to leave when Lockwood stopped me at the door. I narrowed my eyes, dealing with these werewolves was a pain and I'd long since wondered if killing them wasn't the better option.

He warned me though in a hushed voice. "The trinket doesn't effect you or our kind but he's making another invention that will if he finishes it."

I raised an eyebrow amused now. "Our kind?"

His eyes glowed yellow and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. It's not like he'll need to use it anyway, not with the plan in place. It'll look as if everything was taken care of. Maybe you should lock yourself up better though."

I'd been to some of his victims murder scenes as he passed it off on vampires before. He wasn't amused but finally asked. "Any suggestions?"

I nodded. "Come by the shop tonight and I'll have a solution, I've given Pearl the day off so it'll be just us."

He agreed and I went to find Anna for another dance. Later that evening I opened the shop and let Lockwood in. When he asked what I had in mind for caging him I told him. "Do you really think Gilbert comes up with these inventions on his own? A compass to find vampires? Really? Not likely. He has a witch helping him spell the items. Seek her out to spell the bars on your old slave quarters. It's not in use anyway. Chain yourself up there and have someone let you out in the mornings."

He was thunderstruck before growling. "Witches, I should've known. Great, with vampires running around and witches in the mix this towns a mad house."

Chuckling at his exaggeration I gave him a sedative saying. "Take this an hour before the moon forces you to change. It'll keep you out of trouble until you can find the witch and have her help you."

He thanked me and I shrugged it off. Truth be told I found it rather amusing that he thought I was just a werewolf. It must be my smell that gives it away. Now that I'm not split in the head and back together again I noticed the changes in my scent a while back.

I must've smelled crazed before as it has a unique scent all it's own that tends to mask the scent of what the being is. It also happens to set animals on edge as crazy things tend to be spontaneously dangerous.

I closed up the shop once more after Lockwood left and headed home. The next night it happened, the battle of Willow creek. In essence all the vampires into Fells church and lit it aflame.

Pearl has been careless in the end and Gilbert turned on her. When it was lit Anna came to me asking for my help to free her mother. Sighing I told her. "It's not that I don't want to Anna, it's that I can't. Emily used as special binding spell that would require one from her bloodline to undo what she's done. If I tried to overpower the spell with sheer magical force I could end up killing everyone inside from the blast."

Seeing no help would come from me she stayed in the manor with me for a few days before moving on. Sighing I heard about Damon and Stefan's deaths and even their father's death.

I wasn't to broken up by Giuseppe Salvatore's death in the least but hearing about Damon's death made me wonder if he'd chosen to live as a vampire after all. Several days after the 'battle' I was visited by him wearing a bran spanking new daylight ring.

Emily of course had been found and burned as a witch not far from my estate on an abandoned estate land that housed the spirits of a hundred dead witches. The first thing I did once I saw him was hug him. "It's damn good to see you my friend. I'd heard you'd been killed by the hunting parties."

He hugged me back and went to bite me but I flung him back against the counter with magic. I sighed. "Vampire now huh?"

He nodded as he regained control. "Emily gave me a nifty little daylight ring and everything."

I chuckled. "Well then, since you don't need that what can I do for you?"

He grimaced. "Not much. I came to see if you'd like to be like me."

I smiled. "I should be flattered I suppose but no, I don't need to become a vampire to live a very long time Damon. I've lived longer than even Katherine has already. A lot longer actually."

I lowered the glamour like I'd done for Pearl. "I already no longer age."

He frowned. "How?"

I smirked. "Magic. I've got so much of it that it's stopped me from aging. I need more of course to keep it that way but in the end I'll likely outlive you."

He smiled now. "Then what's next? I can't stay here."

I frowned and nodded. "I guess it's time to retire this life. I can always say I'm my own great grandchild or something when I come back every now and then. I'm not exactly big on the council and they know little to nothing about me anyway. Besides, there's not much gold and diamonds left in the ground near here. It was only a small mine I drew them from anyway."

I packed up all I needed and closed the shop, selling it off to the Gilbert's. I put the manor and lands in a trust to my heir when they return one day. It wasn't odd for rich people to do such things in this day and age anyway. They just thought I was eccentric and bid me farewell.

The first thing I did was make an extended pocket dimension bag and head on a trek around the world with Damon. He learned to control himself and we had fun mostly. I did stop off and empty nearly every diamond and gold mine across the globe.

He found it amusing at first that I walked around for hours until he saw the results of what I was doing. I gave him a paragon diamond I'd dug up while we were in Australia picking up my baby. I'd been so relieved when I found it there.

My giant green diamond got me thinking and then doing a spell to find the other on. I frowned a bit when I saw the results. It was there alright, in Nicaragua. I can only assume Wolfram and Hart had found it by sheer happenstance as I was buried not far from the super volcano that lay dormant there.

After heading to Russia we trekked through India before he skipped out to find his brother and torment him for a while. I didn't see him for a while so I moved on and picked up the twin. I spent some time wondering about alone once more. Eventually I got bored and headed back to mystic falls and stored my gem bag in the manor.

I didn't see Damon again until the early nineteen hundreds. He came back for his nephews funeral and I met him there. I offered him a flask and a joint saying. "The worst parts of immortality are never more clear than moments like this."

He took it after a single glance my way. "I see you're no longer in Russia."

I shrugged. "Went to South America and emptied out most of the diamond mines there before heading north until I was home again. Been waiting here since bored out of my mind."

He nodded. "Give me a few months and we'll leave again. I'm not very fond of this town. Hopefully I can convince Stefan to come with this time."

I shrugged. "No more reason to travel for money. If necessary I can pull a bit of gold out here or there. It just takes a few minutes for my plant spells to get it out. Small flakes and all that."

He frowned. "What about the diamonds?"

I smirked. "I invested them. They'll mature in a century or so and I'll triple my profit at least from there."

He nodded and lit the joint while I took a swig from the flask. Stefan came over surprised to see me. I smirked. "How's it going kid? Any more women troubles?"

He shook his head. "How? You should be-"

I chuckled. "What? Dead? As if kiddo. I'm older than dirt and still kicking. A few decades ain't gonna finish me off."

Damon smirked now as he took a hit and we traded while he talked to his brother. It turns out they hadn't met since we left as Damon couldn't find him either. Chuckling I passed Stefan the joint. "Relax, it's peyote. The worst that can happen is you eat an extra bunny tonight. Besides, aren't you afraid one of these days all the little forest creatures are going to ban together and fight back?"

Damon snorted in laughter which was odd at a funeral but not once you add some good ole fashioned drugs. Stefan took the joint and I left them to talk. I headed into town and watched a fight going on in the boxing ring.

I watched as a female vampire knocked the shit out of a grown human man. I chuckled and saw Damon and Stefan join to watch as well. When the female I knew to be Sage won her fight she announced. "One hundred bucks to the man who can beat me."

I chuckled and took off my jacket before stepping into the ring while watching her give Damon a look. I told her and the tent at large. "I'll take that bet."

Damon gave me a look now and I smirked. Sage frowned as she looked at me before raising her gloves. I slid mine on and we circled each other.. when the bell rang she threw a jab I blocked before throwing one of my one added with a sleep spell.

It looked like I just knocked her out. Smiling I took the money and helped wake her up after the referee announced I'd won. It wasn't some big real fight but just some light contending. She woke with a start as I hopped out of the ring and passed the money to Damon. "If you're going to stair at her like that, the least you can do is buy the lady a drink. I'll see you in a few days. Let me know how it goes."

He smiled and thanked me as I left. I headed for the Lockwood manor and as per usual I arrived as the meeting began. A serial killer in town was all the rage. It had nothing to do about vampires yet even now I was forced to listen about it.

When they finished I left and headed home. Half way there lady Gilbert stopped me to ask for my opinion on something and stabbed me in the gut. I hadn't expected her to react like that so I was a bit insensitive when I snapped her neck hard enough that it twist around facing behind her.

I saw the Gilbert ring and sighed before leaving her there like that. If she wanted to say anything about it I'd just say I have my own special ring and drink some vervain or something. Only the Lockwood's knew I wasn't human as George Lockwood hadn't kept his damn mouth shut to his family.

On the bright side they thought I was my own grandson and had triggered my curse to boot. It was more than a month before I saw Damon again and this time he was talking Stefan into feeding. When they slipped away to do so with a woman that had been watching the boxing matches Sage confronted me.

She smiled all friendly like. "So you're a witch huh?"

I chuckled." Look, if you want the money back relax, I did it to amuse myself and see if Damon would grow the balls to ask you out. You both were throwing signals so I just lit the fuse is all."

I took out a roll of cash and handed it to her. "There, one hundred plus ten grand interest."

She shook her head. "I've a much better idea for how you'll pay me back, I don't need your cash."

I sighed. "What is it you want them?"

She smiled. "From what I've seen from Damon's mind you're a power witch. The way you took me out without casting a spell-"

I chuckled. "It's a neat trick is all. Most witches don't realize saying spells is slower and risks your enemy knowing what to expect. I just say the spells in my head. The words are just a way to concentrate and focus the magic to bend to that specific action. I just do mine faster and silently."

She raised an eyebrow before saying. "Are you powerful then?"

I smirked. "You'll have to find that out on your own now, what is it you need that money can't replace?"

She looked more solemn before saying. "I want you to find something, err someone-"

I waved my hand and shook my head. "I'm not searching out the original family, one or any. I cut ties with them a long time ago. If you want Finn you'll just have to wait until Niklaus and Elijah get tired of him being in a box."

She looked a little pissed before asking. "You know them?"

I chuckled. "Kid, I knew them when they were human. I personally beat the shit out of them on a daily bases back then."

She did something I wasn't actually expecting then and flinched saying. "Your him aren't you? Kol Mik-"

I snapped my fingers and took away her mouth. "If you ever dare say that name in my presence again you'll wish I'd skinned you alive instead of casting a sleeping spell on you last time."

She frowned and felt her face before looking at me in horror. I sighed and returned her mouth saying. "Call me Rupert like the mortals do or Ryan like Damon does if you prefer. I've issues with them and that name and I buried it when I left them."

She finally nodded before asking. "How can you do magic? I mean, you've got to be the only va- I mean just how?"

Sighing I shook my head. "Not here. If you must know I'll tell you where no one can possibly overhear. Not even the dead."

She asked even more curious now. "And where is that?"

I grinned. "My house of course. It's warded against all and everything. I don't skimp when it comes to my privacy."

I moved in a blur and she followed to the manor. When we entered I invited her in as I had to even though I was a vampire myself. My wards were damn good and powerful. Finally when we entered the parlor she asked. "Is it safe now?"

I nodded. "So, you wanted to know how I do magic even though I'm a vampire is that right?"

She nodded and I sat down facing her while saying. "For one there are vampires that can do magic. They're called Heretic's as they have no magic themselves but we're still born witches. They have the particular ability to siphon off magic from anything they touch at will. Pains in the asses to deal with but no, I'm not one of them. They were born without magic of their own while I was born or should I say reborn with a well I could fill with magic of my own."

I waved to the seat across from me and she sat down and took the whiskey bottle off the table to pour herself a glass. She asked. "How did you keep it then? When you turned by all rights you should've lost the ability to use it."

I snorted. "A silly notion. I've no idea why witches seem to loose their magic when they turn, I take that back, I've some idea, but it was never my problem. To understand how you must first understand why."

Sipping on the glass she poured me I began. "I was never human, or should I say I haven't been human for far longer than the silly immortality spell Esther used on me without consent."

Sage looked me up and down. "Well that doesn't make sense. You were born human like the rest of them-"

I shook my head. "No, I wasn't. Before I was born into this world I was a god. Not your Christianity or any pagan god you'd recognize, but a god nonetheless. I got in a fight with another deity over whether he could rape my wife for power and well, I lost."

I grimaced and continued. "My body was ruined for me and my essence was being absorbed into this other deity so I did the only thing I could. I sacrificed my body to give my wife a chance to resist him. Then I sacrifice my magic to hopefully end the fucker one day and finally I sacrificed my essence, what made me well me, to another even more powerful being in exchange for weakening my foe to give my wife a more realistic chance at actually stopping him."

I took a long draft. "I don't know why the being saw fit to return me to the mortal worlds again but in doing so I was reborn as Kol Mikaelson."

She was clearly stunned and we sat in silence for a while until I finally told her. "Esther, my supposed new mother, had her witch friend Ayana bind the essence she mistook for magic within me. It literally split my mind and personality when she finally succeeded. It felt like I was being ripped in half while in the body of a toddler."

She looked like she pitied me but I ignored that as this had been weighing on me for a long time. "Before she succeeded I'd have remembered who I was over the course of my life and grown to except it. But afterwards, I had very little emotion in me as the rest of it was rage and pain. Everything else was locked away in my other half and like that I lived, if you can call that living, for twenty one seasons."

She frowned. "Why didn't you tell someone or do something you're a god or we're so you say."

I snorted. "I am but a fallen god now. Even then I had little to no memories to go off of. They'd sealed it all away and it tormented me as they bound it to the moon phases. Every full moon I was driven mad by the overpowering rage and pain and my other side was let loose. I didn't shift or nothing that fancy."

I went on a long winded rant saying. "Just a child roaming the woods at night after I'd grown to strong to be held down by Mikael. My other side, my beast, tore at and killed all comers in the forest. Even the local werewolf pack tried and ran scurrying away after it nearly killed them. Moon touched they called it. I knew no better as I'd simply followed along trying to grow stronger to one day break the curse they lay upon me."

"Until one day they did it for me, albeit unwittingly. They slit my throat, effectively killing me but as their new spell kicked in the other faded with my death. Inside my psyche the two halves of myself that were being held apart by the spell were instantly brought back together and I was again reborn but this time I had my memories and I was no longer weak."

"I left them there after giving a gift to my siblings for the death of their brother, Kol. Because the gods as my witnesses I, Ryan masters, son of Gaia and the demons Maloker and Valais was reborn into the world of man and will reclaim my power before tearing the god the dare try to rape my wife a new asshole."

Her eyes bulged before saying. "I've heard of Gaia, I haven't heard of any sons of hers named Ryan though."

I smiled. "Well, I'm not exactly from this reality, Sage. I was simply reborn into a mortal body that happened to be prepared I guess you could say. Either way I left the original family the day I awoke to myself. If you're looking for me to help you harm or help them you can think again. I want nothing to do with them."

She frowned now. "Your brother-"

I snorted. "I have no brother. Kol Mikaelson is dead and so is his ties to the rest of the family. Now, what do you want in exchange for the prank I played on you. You don't need a daylight ring so a protection amulet perhaps? Or something else?"

She shook her head. "You've nothing I want if you will not help me."

I chuckled. "I said no such thing. There are many forms of help girl. I merely stated I won't help you find, help or hurt the original family. There are many things outside those guidelines. Think, what would you need to ensure Finn's protection once he's freed? How will you guard him from the dagger in his chest or the white oak stake Mikael carries with him?"

She frowned before asking. "You can do that?"

I snorted. "I'm a fallen god girl, there's very little on this earth I cannot do. Hell, raising the dead is a possibility. Not to mention creating charms to block or even destroy that which harms the wearer."

She bit her lip before asking. "What are you willing to give then?"

I snorted. "You're the wronged party. If you feel it just that I hurt more than your pride there's very little you can't ask for. Well, except true immortality, I won't swing that, hardly ever. It always ends badly and does more harm than good."

She smiled now. "Charms then. Those two you mentioned. Can you make them permanent?"

I frowned and shook my head. "The white oak is meant to be his only lethal weakness in this world. If I remove that weakness nature will make another. Perhaps something easier to get ahold of. I can give three, three lethal blows from the white oak to his heart before the talisman breaks and becomes useless. As for the dagger, that's easier to swing. That I can make a permanent charm for."

She seemed happy with the results and I stood up saying. "You've makes your price, now it's time to leave. Go hang out with Damon or something but remember if you spill my secrets girl, there's no place to hide from me, not even in death."

She shivered and I placed a secret keeping hex on her just to be safe. She left and I got to work. I had to stop by the newly constructed Wickery bridge to collect some small pieces of white oak because I sure as hell wasn't wasting magic trying to grow one.

After that I spelled some silver and made the talismans with my blood as the catalyst. It would protect him well enough as I added a hair from Sage as well to reinforce the spell through love as well.

When the night was over I drained a few glasses and headed to bed. I woke from a dream I hadn't experienced in a long time. It wasn't anything special but a dream of the scoobies and I hunting before going to bed with Faith and having some rough sex.

I woke with a jolt and found Sage there in bed with me. I jolted again and awoke for real this time and growled as I smelled the vampire had been in here. I blurred and found her in the solarium during mid day. I growled. "If you ever try that again I'll tend you in two with a thought."

She blanched at the reminder that I wasn't just a simple vampire. "I didn't see anything, I couldn't get in if it makes you feel better."

I snorted. "Don't care. I'm well aware no foolish vampire can get in my mind. I don't like the attempt either way. I see mind invasion as you'd see rape. Unwilling and violating to the deepest parts of your being. If you ever try it again-"

She nodded quickly. "Got it, ended in two. So, are they done?"

Growling I walked over to the wall safe and opened it. She spoke up. "That wasn't there a minute ago!"

I snorted. "Don't be stupid, it's always been there. You just haven't been able to see it until I revealed it to you."

I pulled out the necklace with the two pendants on it and tossed it to her. "Both done as specified."

She looked it over and asked. "How do I know it's works?"

I shrugged. "You can take my word for it or go find some white oak and an original to play with. A witch might be able to tell you what they do but then you'd risk them wanting to keep it. It's powerful and if in the hands of one they'd channel that power out of it and into some spells they couldn't do before."

She nodded before blurring and tackling me to the couch before asking. "Care to let me earn another favor?"

I stilled as my eyes shifted green. The lonely side of me said yes but the mated side said it didn't matter as I was alpha while my one rational brain cell screamed, No! She was just about to go further alas she was stroking me through my bath robe when that no rang loud and clear and I threw her off of me sending her against the warded wall in a painful crunch that broke her leg.

I growled. "Try that again and I'll eat you instead of helping. I'm married and while I'm not adverse to other females my wives are not here to approve or disapprove. Besides, I'm not interested in Finn's mate now or ever."

I turned and left saying. "Leave after you've healed. The wards will never let you in again and I suggest you leave town afterwards as I don't intend to stay either. There's a serial killer on the loose and it's only a matter of time before the town council decides it's vampires again."

I went and washed myself off as I felt unclean for some reason before dressing and heading out to find Damon. I found him near the cemetery where they'd just buried his nephew. "I'm leaving town, you coming?"

He looked over to me and asked. "What's the hurry?"

I shrugged. "The farther away from council business the better. I've no interest in being apart of it again and with the constant serial killer murders they want help I'm not inclined to give."

He nodded knowing me well enough to see that wasn't all but that I also wouldn't be telling him what the other problem was. He finally broke the silence saying. "Yeah, sure. Stefan's skipped town so I guess it's time to take a few years off and relax."

We went all over the world indulging in all of life's pleasures except one for me. Damon didn't push but I eventually told him about my marriage and that I was trying to gather enough magical power to get back to them.

He of course asked what they looked like and I simply touched his head giving him a clear image. I smiled at his sarcastic remarks afterwards about them wanting me to be happy. "I can't Damon. I've left them for nearly a thousand years by my perspective but it could be longer by theirs. I won't add whoring around to their list of grievances with me."

He backed off and decided it was a dead topic with me so we indulged in other things like fighting and drinking and when the prohibition hit we moved to more tolerable places. We even stayed in New Orleans for a decent decade before the opera house burnt down and I sensed Mikael in town.

We'd avoided the supernatural crowd so I got a decent look at him when he was yelling in the streets. I watched his fight with Elijah before interfering when it looked to be Elijah's loss. I threw a rock and nailed Mikael in the shoulder causing him to stagger and allowing Elijah to escape.

When he was gone for sure I came out of the shadows and greeted Mikael. "Chasing them isn't going to make anything better."

He stiffened and turned to me. "Kol-"

I growled. "Kol is dead."

He looked me over and nodded. "I see that now. Ryan was it? If memory serves me right."

I nodded. "It does. And it won't help you to chase them. The original family died that night. What came out of your own making was brought on by you and her."

He sneered and I smiled. "Yes, I'm well aware of Esther's indiscretions as she'd call them. In point of fact a whore is a whir is a whore. Male, female, doesn't matter. She cheated and was weak. Niklaus was the results. She then weakened him with that idiotic charmed bird necklace to hide his strength causing you to beat him to toughen him up. A vicious cycle but in the end you've overlooked something. Even after his forced curse, as if you hadn't learned your lesson with Kol, you expected him to want to be apart of a family that would do such things to their own kids."

He bit out. "He was never my-"

I raised an eyebrow. "Was Kol then? Because you did the same to him. Or perhaps you'd go along with whatever your whore of a wife asked of you. Are you under her spells perhaps? Mayhap a loyalty spell mixed with something volatile like lust or obsession? Hmm."

I trailed off as his face blacked at my implications. I shook my head. "It doesn't matter now. Esther is dead and while she could awaken herself through magic she'd rather not deal with you or me I'm sure. Perhaps she's watching even now knowing your doing this all because she drove the family to destruction. To have children she sold her first born and the first born of every descendant to Dahlia. She already gave Freya away and now she thinks she's clever in taking away our ability to have children."

He growled. "What is this fowl lie you speak of."

I moved and backhanded him on instinct and watched him bounce of the pavement. I growled. "I never lie, after all there is no honor in it. Something I learned from you. Accuse me of such again and I'll do a lot worse than you can with that little toy."

He spit out some blood and looked a bit proud oddly enough before standing up. "Then why say those words?"

I snorted. "Truth. I haven't lied and I see no need to. Take them for what you will but they are the truth. Now I'm leaving unless you wish to try out those old and tired moves on me as well?"

He stilled hearing the threat in my voice before sighing and asking. "Can I see you again?"

I nodded. "You'll see me one last time before you die by Niklaus's hands if you keep this up. Goodbye Mikael."

I left and found Damon telling his now loopy vampire girlfriend to count bricks. Sighing I spoke up. "I leave you alone with Stefan for a month and you look like shit and have your sired from the looks of it, girlfriend counting bricks."

He asked. "Can you break it? The sire bond?"

I shook my head. "It's an emotional connection that has been driven to the extreme. I wouldn't know where to start. Perhaps telling her to turn her humanity of but then you could end up with another ripper from the effects. It's a risky guess. Either way I'm bored and skipping town. I hear there's a great party place near some colleges we can check out."

He sighed. "I'll be right with you in a sec get the car running."

I shrugged and headed to what passed for a car and started it up. Damon came back a few minutes later got in the car. The door caught on his sleeve tearing it and revealing the chain tattoo on his arm. I still remember the day he got it. It'd been the same day I'd filled my body with enochian tattoos.

He'd wanted something magical as an amusing thing to look back on so I gave the doctor doing them a drawing to copy and some special ink both for his and mine. His as I'd told him was a direct line to me. All he had to do was think of me and pray and I'd hear him.

He thought it was amusing but still accepted it meaningfully as it was a promise that if he prayed I'd answer. I drove us to New York before finding a pad to crash at while we went to the local haunts. Damon had a deal with this vampire that did fake ID with dead people's cards. Damon kills the listed people and gets all the booze and blood he can drink in a safe environment.

When he finished a round for his contacts we'd spend the day at a random college of choice and he'd hunt for types needed. I on the other hand spent the time growing and selling weed in massive quantities. I didn't need the money I just hated the prohibition and this was the biggest middle finger I could raise short of sticking a flag pole up the president's ass.

Our partying lasted for another decade before he insisted we head back to Mystic Falls. I decided I'd meet him there as I planned to send one super large shipment of marijuana to the White House as a prank. It would arrive in several different ways and over the course of a month.

So he left while I grew and compelled the services of many different types of curriers to send nearly a million tons of weed to the president of the United States. It took a week before I headed out to Mystic Falls. By the time I got there Stefan was pissed his latest descendant was dead and Damon was missing.

When he went to accuse Damon I decked him with a blasting spell. "Keep your mouth shut about things you know nothing about. Damon doesn't kill family unless they betray him. Unlike you he hasn't had a reason to do so before. Now shut up and let me get some answers."

I reached into this idiots body and pulled out the dried blood on my fingers with a snap and some magic I pulled his spirit back for a few minutes. "I don't have a lot of time before this spell wears off so here's the deal. You answer my questions honestly and I let you go immediately, you lie and I make your afterlife hell. I know a few spells that'll carry over even to there."

The spirit nodded and I asked. "Who killed you?"

It gritted it's teeth. "Damon Salvatore."

I nodded as Stefan tried to speak. "Shut it forehead. That's only one strike."

I turned back to the spirit. "Why did he kill you?"

The disembodied voice quivered before admitting. "I called him and Stefan here to sell them to a scientist for money. The scientist came early and got him but he managed to stab me even while under vervain.-"

He cut off and started wailing as I applied said curses on him and they crawled like spiked chains around his soul. I gritted my teeth at the taste of dark magic and the souls screamed before breaking down into sobs. I tried to ask. "Who is the scientist and where-"

It was gone now and I cursed before turning on a pale Stefan. "You'd better pray I find your brother before anything bad happens to him or you'll experience it a hundred fold."

I left and headed for Whitmore college. I knew the destination but the details escaped me so when I arrived I went to do a locator spell but was stopped by Damon's prayers. (I don't know if you can hear me but I'm trapped in the basement of Whitmore college. I could really use some help right now. This crazy mad scientist is about to cut me open.)

I sighed and opened the communication link telepathically. (I can hear you. I'm at Whitmore college. I was about to do a locator spell to find the exact place but if you're feeling vocal just yell and I'll find you.)

A minute later I heard him yell and I ran like the wind. I burst through the basement access doors and as they tore off the hinges from my passing. When I burst into the lab Damon was strapped to the table with a man standing over him about to carve into him.

He asked. "What the hell are you?"

I growled. "Your worst nightmare come alive."

He went to swing at me and I grabbed his wrist with the scalpel still in his hand and jerked it to his throat, slicing it clean open. I brought him down over Damon's hungry mouth as he tore into him.

With a thought to bindings holding him snapped and he grabbed the good doctor to have his meal. He coughed from the vervain but I soothes it with a simple thought saying. "Vervain is just a plant oil and you know what I can do with plants. I'll make you an immunity amulet when we're done here. For now, drink up."

He drained the doctor dry as he sat up. I tossed him some clothes that were sitting in a pile on the floor and he put them on while whipping his mouth. "There's another guy in here. Set him free."

I shrugged and unlocked all the cell doors with a thought.a vampire came walking out weakly before saying. "Thanks mate, but it makes this all the more painful, sorry but I need blood."

He charged and Damon didn't even blink before ripping his heart out from his chest. I raised an eyebrow. "I was going to do that, less fist more head exploding like a watermelon but same difference."

He shrugged. "Tell you what, next homicidal thing that comes at me I'll let you handle it."

I chuckled. "College man, it makes people crazy. Whatever. Let's burn the place down and get out of here."

Smiled and knocked over a shelf full of flammable bottles saying. "Way ahead of you."

I left as he lit the match and caught up. By the time we drove away the entire building was on fire in an inferno.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C48
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


