11.67% A True Beginning / Chapter 23: Ch.22

章 23: Ch.22

The next morning Alice and Buffy came back together and both seemed to be very happy with their shopping trips. Faith was a bit put out but then Alice grabbed her hand and took her upstairs for some fun.

I walked drove Buffy back to her dorm room and dropped her off before deciding classes can wait and joined the girls for a very enthusiastic day in bed.

By dinner time we had to stop as slayers needed food and Alice couldn't drink anymore of me without harming my ability to function. We both had a few pints of blood while I cooked a roasted glazed ham. Alice made an Italian salad with garlic mashed potatoes and we let the slayers eat in peace.

Faith commented. "It's nice having a house near campus, not having to share a room with strangers and all."

Alice agreed. "It is, we actually bought this place for that reason. With our lack of aging we've had to matriculate a lot in our old dimension."

Faith nodded. "So, what's it like, going from place to place and never really aging?"

I chuckled. "About as fun as you'd expect, but the younger we pretend to be, the longer we can stay somewhere without drawing attention to ourselves. Luckily this dimension has more magic than our old one so we'll be able to cast glamours and illusions on ourselves to make it appear as if we're aging."

She commented. "There's got to be an up side to living forever."

I shrugged. "It's more about who you spend forever with in my opinion. I'd hate to think of what it's like to spend it alone, I think I'd go crazy, especially after meeting Alice and knowing what I was missing. I don't think I would handle it well."

Alice pointed out. "You're evil twin did it."

I sighed. "Yeah, but he turned evil because of it if I'm not wrong. I can't exactly blame him either. I'd have delved into the darkest magic's and sought a way to get you back at any cost. I don't envy him one bit, he's certainly paid a heavy price for the power he has. I'd rather be dead than live in a world where you don't exist."

She smiled and kissed me before saying. "You're sweet but I wouldn't want you to die because of me."

I shook my head. "I would do so if only to spare the world what I would become without you. You are my guiding light, my pixie queen."

She rubbed my chest and murmured. "And you are my stead fast wolf, king of the wild."

The world seemed to drop away as we stared into each other's eyes before she sighed. "It's getting late and we all have classes in the morning. We'll be upstairs if you want to join us for sleeping."

Faith sighed. "I gotta get some patrols in tonight or B will kick my ass if I keep leaving it for her to deal with."

I nodded and headed upstairs to catch some shut eye. A few days later Spike and Harmony came into town. It seems she was one of the few that had died on graduation day and was changed in all the chaos.

Spike was seen a few times during the patrols but after Buffy beat him up a few times and Faith wiped out his whole crew of vampires he sort of disappeared. Harmony skipped town from what we could tell and Spike just vanished.

I chalked it up to the initiative catching him by surprise. A couple weeks later I found myself helping Oz hook up a stereo system for some lame Halloween party. When I saw the magic circle I told the guys who were drawing it that I knew a better one.

He handed me the paint brush and I drew the HIM design with a bunch of random Latin symbols for a laugh. It basically said here lay the rabid bunny god of turkey town around the design. I'd drawn it over their actual magic design destroying any chances of it working.

I looked wicked and they liked it especially when I told them what it said. After we finished hooking up Oz's speakers I trimmed the wire because of the short in it. They thanked us with an invite and the book they were going to use before.

When we left Oz asked. "What was that about?"

I held up the book. "It's real, they almost used it to summon a demon. I figured it'd be better if I stopped it in it's tracks so we could at least enjoy the party."

He looked relieved. "Nice lookin out."

I nodded and hopped in his van. We headed back to the house where everyone was getting changed for the party. I'd bought Xander a god of war costume to make it seem more bad ass than a simple tux James Bond stile. I even made him some fake blades of chaos to play around with.

When I saw Anya's costume I laughed until Alice took her upstairs to help make adjustments to it. When Willow asked. "What are you going as?"

I grinned and slid off my shirt before partially shifting into my eight foot tall Van Helsing werewolf form. She backed up in fear saying. "Oh, that's-that's good, good doggy."

I chuckled sounding like barking laugh cause her to relax. Luckily I was wearing stretchy sweatpants as I was four times my usual waist size now and two feet taller, well that and unlike Van Helsing's werewolf, I actually have a penis. On the bright side the shifting emphasized my abs and made me look terrifying.

The best part is I didn't have a tail in this form so I could actually sit down properly. I sat down on the couch and waited for the rest of the group. Oz was staring at me in confusion and spoke. "How are you in such control? Each time I shift my mind goes to a dark place where I loose control of everything until I wake up again."

I shifted back and told him. "You've gotta realize that you are the wolf, it is simply a part of who you are. The wolf is in control because you are it and it is you. The dark place should be the wolf primal mind, it's connection to you. Once you've excepted that it is you, conscious control should come with practice."

He sighed. "That's not exactly easy."

I nodded. "You're right, it's not. It took me a long time to come to terms with it myself. Longer than most I reckon. Tell you what, I'll try helping you organize your mind later if you're up for it. I know it helped me a lot."

He nodded. "Alright, we can try it tomorrow after classes."

I nodded and looked to the stairs when Alice and Anya came downstairs with Faith. Xander lost his ability to speak when he saw Anya dressed as a sexy bunny costume. I was more focused on Alice and Faith's leather huntress costumes. Faith smirked at my gaze and held up a collar and leash. "We're going to take you on a walk lover."

I smiled and shifted as she reached me. Alice moved and went behind my back while Faith climbed onto my lap. They adjusted the collar and lengthened the leash as Faith clawed my chest muscles before hopping up.

I stood and Alice gave me some slack before Faith took control of it and pulled it taunt. I grunted and followed them out the door carefully as not to destroy it. I heard Willow whisper to Oz. "Maybe we could do that, you know, when you have more control."

Oz let out a rare laugh before sighing. "I don't think I could pull it off as well as he can."

Buffy met up with us near the campus and walked the rest of the way. She was in a little red riding hood outfit that did nothing for her. She did however look at me with a mixture of abject terror and amusement because the collar said fluffy on it.

The girls explained that it was me while I stopped, stopping the entire group behind me. A team of commandos came out of the bushes just ahead of us. They flipped the fuck out when they saw me and started pointing guns at me.

The Scooby gang was startled until Faith told the commandos. "It's makeup and special effects production. No need to point your nerf guns at us geez. Buzz off soldier boys."

We continued walking past them and ignored their presence. I heard several of them exclaim. "That's some badass monster makeup."

Alice heard them and curtseyed. "Thank you, it's a passion of mine."

We got to the party after walking through the haunted house part. Several of the frat boys complimented my costume while a few girls screamed and one even fainted. The party itself was pretty lame as it was just a bunch of half drunk guys trying to get drunk girls to sleep with them, but the special effects and decorations was pretty cool.

I especially liked when Willow explained who she was dressed as. "Joan of Arc, you know, because of her awesomeness and her close relationship with god."

The drunk frat guy asked. "So you're religious?"

He didn't even wait for her to reply as he turned to Oz. "Who are you dressed as?"

Oz opened his jacket to the side showing his name tag that said GOD in big bold letters. The frat boy lost his mind before trying to flirt with Faith. "So, you some sort of dominatrix? Cause you tamed my heart."

She snorted. "Actually, I'm a dog walker and you look like a chew toy for it."

She patted my side and I turned to him and growled, scaring the piss out of him both literally and figuratively. Faith looked both amused and disgusted. "Men, scared of a small puppy named fluffy. Wimps."

I snorted and Alice laughed before deciding. "This party is rather boring, let's head home and have some fun there."

Faith smiled. "You read my mind."

I followed them out of the haunted house where Alice then jumped on my back and Faith joined her. I sighed in my head and ran at full speed on all fours. We made it back to the house in record time and spent the rest of the night using the collar and leash to its fullest.

The next day Oz came over after his classes and joined me in the basement. I had an incense lit and was in meditation when he arrived. Alice had let him in and pointed the way.

He muttered. "Nice digs, I like what you've done with the place."

I chuckled and opened my eyes as I finished meditating to prepare for what I might find. He sat down across from me and asked. "So what do I need to do?"

I sighed. "Stay still and don't flinch."

I raised my hand as my claws came out. He raised an eyebrow as I brought it up behind his neck and dug in. We looked into each other's eyes and closed them instinctively as I entered his mind.

It was pure chaos and instinct that drove his thoughts. The darkness inside was overwhelming enough as is when I finally found him. I told him. "Whatever this is, it's nothing I've ever experienced. I don't know if I can help you but we're going to try. Clear your mind, empty it of all other thoughts and let only my voice remain."

The darkness swirled and came closer as he concentrated. I felt a struggle begin in my own mind as the demonic wolf was struggling inside its cage. I felt a splitting headache and roared. Oz and I both woke up as I yanked myself back into my own body and released him from my grip.

I partially shifted and roared at him inches from his face. His eye were jet black as he growled back. I instinctively lashed out and Alice tackled me away from him as Faith tackled him.

I fought for control of my instincts as some of the darkness had made its way into my mind as was fighting for control. An odd reaction happened as the caged wolf howled and sucked up the darkness that had come into my mind like it was sustenance.

My control returned as I shifted back. Oz seemed to catch himself as well and ended up on the floor panting like he'd run a thousand yard race. I knew the feeling as well as my own mind and body was taxed.

Faith asked. "What the hell was that?"

I snorted. "That was the demonic essence of a werewolf from this dimension nearly consuming us both. Now I know why he's different from any other werewolf I've ever seen before. I knew it was strong but damned if I didn't think I could handle it. The second old one I call father reared his ugly head at the worst time. He used me and Oz to feed off of the demon essence in Oz."

I sat down exhausted and continued. "Oz, I don't think I can help you. I'm afraid trying that again would be I'll advised, as would trying it on a vampire from this dimension. They feed off the essence of their own kind and I doubt I could keep them contained if either of them got more."

He nodded. "That's fine, I feel less stressed though, thanks for that."

I nodded. "It's the demonic essence that's causing you problems. You aren't a demon, but like vampires from this dimension, you have one inside of you. Yours just so happens to be a wolf. That's why you're finding it hard to control, it's a sentient demon with a will of its own, probably manifested from the primal side of your psyche when you got bit."

He nodded and I told Alice, I need blood and he needs to go home, if he stays I'm not sure I can stop the wolf right now. He's weakened like I am so you'll need to drive."

Faith stood up. "I'll get the blood, you take Oz home."

Alice nodded and they headed upstairs while I went back into meditation to find my center and focus on the inner peace I needed right now. A couple minutes later Faith came back down with a couple pints of blood. I sighed as I opened my eyes. "Not exactly what you thought you'd be doing in a relationship like ours is it?"

She shrugged. "Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat and all that. Besides, you guys cook for me all the time, the least I can do is not be squeamish over a couple pints of cow blood."

I chuckled. "You're more than I expected. I certainly didn't see Alice's attraction to you coming either."

She smiled and kicked my foot. "And your attraction?"

I smiled. "I'm like any guy out there I guess. I found you attractive sure, but I wasn't willing to give up my relationship with Alice for something I was sure would've been a fling for you."

She shook her head. "You're not like any guy I've ever dated that's for sure. Heck, I don't think I've ever met a guy like you before. Most just want to screw me and pay or leave when it's over."

I sighed. "If I ever become that guy do me a favor and kill me. Besides, those are boys you're talking about, I'm a nine thousand year old man whose spent most of his life in the animal kingdom or as a hermit alone. Neither situations appealed to me any longer by the time I met Alice. She sat in a booth inside a speakeasy and told me.

"You and me are going to be so happy together, I know, I've seen it."

I turned to see Alice there and smiled completing her words. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

She smiled back at me. "I've never regretted a single second of our lives together."

I chuckled. "You certainly knew more than I. It seems I wasn't privy to whatever you saw and when I helped you build your mind scape it for whatever reason was blocked from my view."

She didn't comment only shrugging with a mysterious smile. Faith was smiling now as well though she seemed to be adoring us in her own way. I downed the blood before closing my eyes and centering myself, stabilizing my mind scape and strengthening it.

I drew on the making in my well and used it to strengthen my foundations. It worked a lot better than I ever expected it to. The magic made everything I used it on actual feel almost completely solid. I continued to use it on everything, directing it with my will.

Soon enough I felt far more secure in my mind scape. It was as if it had actually become real in moments, though it used up all but the faintest of magic I had in me. I began gathering magic and using my vines to push the well deeper.

I continued this process until I hit the next barrier at five indeed feet deep. I stopped there as I'd begun feeling dizzy from over use. I filled the well back up and stood up shakily, heading upstairs for more blood and a rare steak.

The next morning I headed to classes with Faith while Alice played damage control with Willow and Oz. Willow was more than a bit miffed at me for causing Oz pain and miffed at him for not telling her what we were going to attempt.

By the time Intro to psychology class came around she was a lot calmer than I expected her to be. She even greeted me without any angry tone. When I sat down next to her she told me. "You were trying to help him and I can forgive you for that but next time you go messing in my boyfriends head I'll beat you to death with a shovel."

I raised an eyebrow and she smiled cheekily. "A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend."

I chuckled. "Fair enough. I didn't actually get to do anything for him before the demon wolf inside me forced me to abandon trying. It pulled some of Oz's wolf's demonic energy into me and consumed it. As far as I can tell the demon wolf is the reason I needn't change on the days surrounding the full moon anymore."

I sighed and continued. "It's changed me profoundly by revealing itself and I can't say if it's all for the good. I do know one thing though, Oz needs to be careful, the demonic essence inside him may be weakened now but his own demonic wolf hasn't at all. If he's not careful he could really hurt someone or himself. He needs control and I can't be the one to help him with that."

She nodded slowly before sighing as Oz came into the classroom. I stood and took a seat a few seats further away and nodded to him. He smiled weakly and nodded back while Buffy, Alice and Faith came in behind us.

When they sat down the professor walked in with her TA's right behind her. Class passed in a blur as I took my usual notes while playing the stock market a bit. When professor Walsh started talking about the ID I knew we weren't to far off from cave-Buffy.

She was already mellow and down because Parker was a huge letdown. He'd done just like he said and went after another freshman girl. When she asked if we were going to the bar I agreed. "Sure, I'll pay for a few rounds so long as you're not going to end up dancing on the table or something."

Faith heard me and laughed lightly interrupting class for a brief moment before telling the professor she was thinking of how men usually act out with their ID in the sack. Professor Walsh seemed to appreciate her comparison saying. "The primal urges of most males of any species tend to be in control when copulation is inevitable. Good comparison."

I snorted and professor Walsh asked. "You disagree?"

I shook my head. "Not with most of your explanation, but with the premise that it's only males of any species. For example the female praying mantis will urge a male to copulate then eat him during the deed."

"It goes without saying that most males are led by their dick but females are just as tempted and controlled by their ID when it comes to such things as males, I guess the difference would be that the females can to a certain extent identify those subconscious urges and choose whether to follow them or disregard them in certain scenarios."

I took a deep breath and continued to make my point. "While in those exact same scenario the males would more often than not follow their own instincts and their ID. Perhaps it's an overdose of a sort from the pheromones said females give of to attract the strongest mate during those times that inhibit those urges but either way you cannot deny that it isn't limited to the gender of any species as all sentient species have an ID."

The professor nodded. "Very good a well reasoned argument and correct I might add. That brings us to our next topic and the topic of tonight's homework. Can the ID be reasoned with or is it simply a part of the human psyche that is purely instinct driven by the desire of the subconscious."

Class ended with her giving us homework that involved making an argument for both sides of the debate in the form of an essay. When she dismissed us she told me. "Mr.Masters, I'd like a word with you, miss Summers, you as well."

I stuck around and she congratulated me. "That was a well thought out debate you just gave, I expect you to keep up the good work. I'm appointing you to lead a group debate for next week's arguments on the ID and it's true purpose. You'll be going up against miss Summers here and the team she leads."

I smiled wryly. "Thanks ma'am I'll be sure to bring my A-game."

She handed me the paperwork for the debate in question. "I expect you to keep up the good work. You're one of the brightest students I've ever had the pleasure of teaching."

I nodded. "Will do ma'am."

I turned to Buffy and smiled before leaving her to speak with the professor/crazy scientist lady. I met up with Faith and Alice before heading for lunch with them. Xander was there waiting for us on the outdoors bench. He had a lighter and hand towel that came equipped with a happy smile on his face.

I sighed as Willow and Buffy joined us in listening to his enthusiastic telling of his new job. Buffy asked. "Aren't you to young to be serving alcohol?"

He whipped out a fake ID that had me laughing. When I stopped I told him. "I wouldn't show that around if I were you, it's clearly a crappy fake. You should've come to Alice or me, we've become talented at fake ID's over the years."

He started asking about troubles while flicking his lighter. Alice told him. "Bars aren't like that outside of movies Xander. The music is usually to loud and the bartenders are usually too swamped with orders to be asking those questions. If you want to be successful, I suggest you practice making mixed drinks and learning their names."

Everyone else looked at Alice but she shrugged it off. "What? I'm over a hundred years old and besides, I found Ryan in a bar. Since then we've had our fair share of experiences."

I chuckled. "Including dancing on the tables and bars down in Rio."

Alice smiled. "And the Caribbean."

I frowned. "We don't talk about the Caribbean."

Faith spoke up. "Now I gotta know. What happened in the Caribbean?"

Alice smiled saucily before answering her. "Ryan here fell off a table and landed on some lobsters that had especially sharp spines. If it wasn't for our durable skin in that dimension he'd have had to remove lobster spines out of his ass for the rest of the weekend."

They all laughed and I turned to Xander who was quite vocal. "So I hear you visited an lady's club this summer how'd that turn out for you?"

He shut up immediately before looking at Buffy who shook her head. I chuckled. "I'm a psychic remember?"

He paled and spoke up. "Alrighty, I have to go practice before work so I don't mess up anyone's orders...."

He took off still talking about his excuse. Alice smiled while Faith asked. "Lobsters huh?"

I sighed and told them. "I gotta get home I've plenty of homework to do and I still need to finish the magic books I've bought..."

I followed Xander's example and left still talking. The girls broke out into fits of laughter at my retreating form. I went home and did just that before making reservations for Faith and Alice at a fancy spa in LA. I added an extra one for Buffy in case she wished to join them.

When I was done I set down the Darkest Magicks book I'd just finished. There were a lot of spells in there that weren't really dark per say but more on the powerful side. I certainly had the power to do such spells no easily enough as I had nearly triple the amount of magical power as Willow will when she uses those same spells against Glory.

I'd finally found a spell that could possibly free me of my prisoners and end them for good. It was a dark spell that stole power and vital essence from others. It was clearly one of the darkest magic's out there as it literally stole life force as well as magic for a permanent boost in power.

I just needed an opportunity and help to restrain them as I couldn't use it while they were still caged. The other downside is that I'd basically be tainting my own magic supply and life force with theirs as it didn't differentiate between evil taint and dark magic and clean nature magic.

I'd simply be taking all that kept them alive for myself. If I wasn't completely prepared and mentally ready I could end up as evil and corrupted as they are as it would taint and corrupt my own mind and power directly.

If they were outside of my body I'd say I could potentially purify the Magic's and life force as I took it in but as they aren't there's no room for purifying their essence and power before I take it all into myself.

What's worse is that I'll have to free them and even in their current weakened form I'm still not a match for them. So here I was doing all I can to strengthen my own mind scape with willpower and my own purified magic. The house was saturated in magic as I'd made a gathering array to gather and purify the ambient magic in nature so I didn't cause any storms like before.

I poured so much power into my fallout designed base and it's defenses that it seemed to take on a life of its own according to my will. The turrets and siege weapons along with the maze inside seemed to come to life and automatically actively defend my minds core.

The very earth and every molecule held real and false memories in them now as I'd upgraded my own memory structures.

The real memories only revealed themselves according to my own will and stayed hidden to all other's presence. At my core beyond the maze and the hidden creatures and robotic androids lurking writhing was a single laptop that was hidden behind various magical and scientific safety measures.

Everything from illusions to straight up barriers and shields protected it. It was the only way to view my memories even for me now. It was a two part deal as it required having the real memories and the laptop to view my memories. Without either both are useless to possess. Upgrading rocks!

I stepped out of my bunker and viewed the Lovecraftian creatures and monsters roaming around the planet's surface. There were creatures from the alien and predator universe as well as terminators and Stephan King's various creatures.

The maze in the bunker below actually moved and acted as the Rose Red mansion would as it was constantly growing and changing over time. I poured magic and willpower into the creatures one at a time as each of them became solid to my senses.

Each creature I upgraded used up an entire well's worth of magic and all my willpower as I repeatedly drained bottles of blood in-between upgrades while I refilled my magic.

The process was ongoing as each one was at least as powerful as I am in their own way. I did the first ten of hundreds of millions before stopping for the night. Alice has already stopped by with Faith and Buffy before heading to LA for a girls night out.

I headed to the bar where Xander was now working and ordered a top shelf whiskey bottle for myself. Xander seemed to be holding his own with the customers as he was far more prepared than he would've been without Alice's warning.

I saw the magic beer and decided to even the score with the wannabe warlock's cousin. I charmed it so that those college students that were effected would find themselves attracted to the bar owner and be ravenously horny as well.

When Xander finished his shift I bought the bottle of whiskey outright and sat down with him at the farthest table from the college students and poured him a glass.

He took it with a smile before asking. "I know you don't really wish to go through my head, beck I don't even want to be in my head sometimes, but I was hoping you could help a brother out? I have all these soldier guy memories that I can't remember and I seem to be less than useless to Buffy and the gang on patrols."

I sighed. "Fine, I'll help you recapture your training and all that but you've got to promise me we'll never speak of whatever I see in your mind. I don't need a reminder of what it was like to be an awkward teenager again."

I downed my glass as he spoke. "Deal, I mean, it's a promise. So how do you, I mean-"

I waved him off. "Come to the house tomorrow after your shift and we'll do it then. It seems vampires and werewolves in this dimension can get drunk and I plan to take advantage that fact."

He shrugged. "Fair enough."

He took a drink of his glass and winced at the burning sensation of the whiskey. I chuckled. "Whiskey's not for everyone, if you prefer you can pick something from the bar and I'll pay for it so you can at least enjoy your drink."

He exclaimed. "Thanks, I'm not exactly a whiskey guy."

I nodded and he went to the bar and ordered a bottle of Disaronno with a glass of coke. When he returned he made himself a mix drink and we sat there in silence for a while enjoying our drinks. He finally broke the silence asking. "So where have Buffy, Faith and Alice gone off to?"

I sighed. "I made them reservations at a spa in LA and a penthouse room at a five star hotel. They're probably getting pampered right now. I think Willow mentioned going to the bronze with Oz on a date."

He nodded. "So Anya and I had sex."

I chuckled. "I'm well aware. I saw the drool that was coming out of your mouth on Halloween. That coupled with the smell of her attraction to you it was easy to conclude the outcome."

He smiled weakly before asking. "What do you think of her?"

I shrugged. "She's a thousand year old ex-vengeance demon. Before that I believe she was a witch from what I read in the watchers books. I think you should be careful and not pull a stunt like what you did with Willow. A grieving witch is a dangerous enemy to have, one with a history of violence towards men and the knowledge of such dark Magic's is even worse. Cross her at your own peril."

He started sweating really bad before asking. "You've got my back right? I mean, you'd feel-curse me if it comes to it wouldn't you?"

I chuckled. "While I'm not afraid of a simple vengeful which, I'm not going to give you a green light to be a jackass. Besides, I'm sure Willow would help you if you're in need of magical assistance."

My words had him thinking deeply on it all before saying. "I think I'm going to give it a try."

I nodded. "While you're at it I've taken the liberty of making a significant donation to UC Sunnydale to help get you enrolled in some of the college courses. Alice saw you being exceptionally good at woodworking and repairs so I've enrolled you in the shop class with construction and design courses. If you'd like It's a path that's opened to you whenever you're ready to try. Perhaps one day you'll own your own construction company or become a demolitions expert."

He seemed taken aback by my gifts to him. He finally found the right words saying. "I don't know what to say, I can't really afford a college experience."

I shrugged. "Consider it an investment. I've paid for three full years of college courses and I expect when you're done Alice will want you to build us a house or something."

He smiled and thanked me, I told him to save his thanks for Alice as it was her idea. At that moment I turned to see Parker hitting on another freshman girl who was fascinated by his words. I sighed and put it on my todo list to handle.

Later that night I found myself within a magic circle doing an incantation to get Parker his just deserts.

I started the spell with a smile. "O Hecate, I call on you. I humbly ask your will be done.

Hear my request, a simple change

Create a daughter from a son.

Let Parker Abrams experience what he has inflicted on others till his dying days or when he's truly sorry for the pain he's caused."

A surge of magic flared up from me as the spell took effect. The picture I had taken of him burned up as the crystals grew dim and his fate was sealed. Chuckling I stood up and got rid of the now useless ingredients before heading to bed.

The next day at lunch I heard a rumor that one of the students had an involuntary sex change while they were sleeping. I chuckled as the group turned to me. I smiled. "What? He was acting like a jackass and a bad example of the male gender so I made him experience what he was doing to others."

Buffy smiled while Xander spoke up. "That's disturbing."

I shrugged. "Now he'll at the very least stop acting like a prick. Besides, it won't reverse until he genuinely understands and intends to stop his piggish ways or he dies. It's a sort of lesson teaching spell to make him understand the pain he's causing others."

Willow and Buffy agreed whole heartedly while Xander was not amused in the least. After school I headed to the butchers shop to buy up several gallons of cow and pigs blood before heading home.

After Xander's shift at the bar he came over with a serious bruise on his forehead from a pummeling he'd received. He told me the college guys turned into cave men after paying their tips and knocked him out.

When he came to the cavemen were gone and the bar was basically empty while he cleaned up. He'd heard a strange noise coming from the back and saw a couple dark figures having sex. One of them he'd heard was his boss so he left them to go at it and clocked out after cleaning up and cashing out.

I shrugged and began helping him build his mind scape. As we got to what he was actually looking for I found the memories of his soldier guy days useful to an extent and helped him make copies for my own uses.

When we were finished with his porn addled mind I left him the copies of my college years for his own uses before exiting his mind. I'd certainly gained some valuable information on current army regulations along with gun and hand to hand combat training.

I spent the rest of the night incorporating the new memory experiences with my own memories. The next day the three college guys and the bar owner were found sleeping off the repeated animalistic sex they'd found themselves performing.

They dropped out of school and the bar owner sued them all for sexual assault before closing down the shop and running off to god knows where.

He probably blames his brother in law for his trauma as well. Personally I think they all deserved it as the college guys were known to slip things into girls drinks and the bartender was willing to mess around with magic to hurt people irresponsibly and without remorse.

Perhaps he would think twice before giving people magical roofies. When the group talked about it I told them. "The bartender turned them into cavemen with a magic spell and some potions, I simply turned it back on him. Roofies are never the answer and since both parties were resorting to such tactics I gave them an experience they won't soon forget."

That Xander found funny while Buffy asked. "But they assaulted him!"

I shrugged. "They did nothing they weren't planning to do to any other girl they could get their hands on and if you're feeling bad for the bar owner don't, he was doing his magical potions on them out of malice and intended to do it a lot more to a lot of people."

She frowned. "You can't know that!"

I snorted. "Nearly every keg he has in the back of the bar is contaminated with his potion, I know, I checked. There's no way in hell he wasn't going to do the same to many others. I merely altered the spell on the beer some. Now he won't willingly sell any of it to others for fear of the same happening all over again."

That stopped her argument dead in it's tracks. She shrugged. "Men are pigs."

I held a hand over my heart. "You wound me. I've only ever treated woman with respect and courtesy unless they're enemies."

Alice smiled and kissed me before saying. "You're right you have."

After those events Xander joined our college with his own agenda of making it big in the construction business to everyone else's shock. He was much more mature yet overly childish in his actions towards the group.

His army training kept him disciplined and he could now keep up with Buffy to an extent on patrols.

As the month started coming to an end and the full moon got closer Oz had started acting weird and no one knew why until we went with him to the bronze one evening. The moment I stepped into the building I felt and sensed another werewolf.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


