1.52% A True Beginning / Chapter 3: Ch.2

章 3: Ch.2

Our day went as usual and during lunch Alice cozied up against me letting the humans know I was taken. I didn't mind and returned the favor while eating small portions of everyone's lunch to make us look more normal.

Emmett smiled and subwhispered. "I still don't know how you can eat that crap. You must smell what it's like for us."

I shrugged and subwhispered back. "Meat and fruits are easier on my senses the rest of the foods usually smell and taste like bile. It's the chemical additives that make it that way. While I can choke them down if necessary I prefer more natural sources."

I took a bite of his apple before setting it on Rosalies plate in favor of her pealed orange. Emmett spoke up. "I still say there's nothing like bear."

I chuckled lightly. "I assure you the best tasting thing out there isn't a furry animal, it's Alice here."

I leaned down and kissed her neck, causing her to shiver. She spoke up in a light musical voice. "Don't be spreading such rumors, you may have to fight off the human males then."

I bit down a little causing her breathe to hitch and an almost inaudible moan to pass her lips. After a second I pulled away while giving the humans a death glare that made them instinctively turn away. Emmett let out a booming laugh and I turned away from the food in favor of holding Alice.

Out of all of us we looked the most natural and at ease. Rosalie smiled and they mimicked our pose. Alice rubbed my arms and murmured while I licked the juncture of her neck where I'd bit a little. The venom was cleaned and she sighed as it healed. My heart still beat for some reason after my turn and it made me the true odd one out of the group as I actually wasn't as pale as the rest.

I could even blush and feed Alice on the three day turned. She found my blood addictive and a major turn on. I found her venom the same. It was like my own unique aphrodisiac. She felt me getting hard against her and pulled away a little while I pouted.

She smiled and shook her head. "Not during school my horny wolf."

Emmett barked out another booming laugh and Edward whispered. "You're both projecting thoughts of lust."

I chuckled. "Relax darlin, I'm not going to repeat Harvard."

She snorted cutely and leaned back against me. "That's not what I saw."

I grinned and turned her head to me for a kiss. "Promises promises. Look again love, I keep my word."

She moaned after the last kiss before saying. "Ok, this one was on me."

Rosalie cracked a smile and even Edward joined her while Emmett was grinning like a fool. We went back to our more comfortable position while Ed told us about not being able to read the new girl. I raised an eyebrow and let it go.

Alice spoke up. "She's going to be my friend."

That caught the other three's attention while I smirked. "Alice is going to invite her to join us tomorrow for lunch. Edward's not going to be here."

They looked at us and I shrugged. "Visions be visions. I'm not all knowing."

They accepted my words while I showed Edward my vision. He nodded asking. "Why won't I be here though?"

I shrugged. "My visions aren't about you and Alice only sees after the decision is made."

Alice nodded slightly. "He's not wrong, I'll probably see the same when you make that decision, but I've already seen myself asking her to join us for lunch."

Rosalie asked. "Won't she notice us not eating?"

I shook my head. "I'm quicker than her eyes can see and Alice will have most of her attention anyway. It's fine."

She seemed to relax and I turned to Emmett. "No we're not wrestling again tonight, I need to relax, the last few days took a toll like usual. I'll be back to full strength by tomorrow if you want to though."

The big grin on his face went smaller before he shrugged. "PS2 it is then. Esme's making you another of her protein concoctions."

I shuddered. "I thought she quit that after Tonya tried it."

He shrugged. "She thinks it helps you get over the moon blues."

Alice spoke up. "I asked her to. It does help you love."

I sighed and gave in. "Fine. For you I'll take it but that's just wrong. What made her think of blending animals in the first place? That's just wrong."

Alice's voice lit up my heart as she laughed. I hugged her tighter and she turned to look into my eyes with pure adoration. She'd become my life and she knew it. I returned the look of pure love and sighed.

When the bell rang we tossed the trash away and she skipped to class while I followed at a steady pace. When she bumped into Bella, I stopped at her side. She apologized. "Sorry I get a bit excited when Zach chases me. My name's Alice, their is Zach."

I waved a hand. "Hi."

Bella smiled. "Apology accepted, my names Bella. I'm new here."

I smiled and Alice nodded grabbing her arm. "We're going to be the best of friends."

I chuckled at Bella's stunned expression. "It's how she is. God I love her for it."

Alice smiled brightly and they began talking on the way to class. We dropped her off at biology before heading to art class. I stopped mid way when Alice stopped as well. "I know why Ed's not going to be here tomorrow. Bella's his singer."

I sighed. "That makes things complicated, but not impossible. He's strong and he'll get around it I'm sure. Besides, he doesn't need to breathe."

She shrugged and began skipping again. I smiled and followed her. During art class I began painting a vision that struck me of Alice posing nude in the woods while the sun hit her skin. I kept that image, every detail, and put paint to canvas. When I finished, I turned in the detailed view of Rome to the teacher before showing the picture to Alice.

She smiled. "I take it that's what we're doing the next sunny day?"

I nodded. "Well, it's what we could be doing anyway."

She laughed lightly and agreed to it before turning in a nude art of me naked with a wolfs head so the teacher couldn't tell. We both received compliments at the end of class.

Emmett and Rosalie met us at our lockers. "Edward's headed home before going to feed. Bella's his singer."

We nodded and I chuckled. "I just figured out why we needed to have her join us as well."

Alice raised an eyebrow before going blank eyed for a second and smiling when she was done with her vision. "I'm going to let her borrow a scarf to get her scent. Ed needs to practice with it."

Enlightenment hit the other two while I sighed. "It'll be a long road and if my visions are right, a fun one."

Emmett grinned. "Sweet. So what's tonight's game?"

I chuckled. "You're sneaking in Bella's room to change her pillow cases. I'm picking up some newer games in port Angeles. I'll be back by the time you're done. Be sure to break that branch when you're done, she doesn't need stalkers, but real friends."

He nodded and Alice grinned. "I'm going with you, I want to pick up some extra scarfs, Edward's going to ruin them."

I chuckled and Rosalie asked. "What am I doing?"

I shrugged. "Modeling scarfs with Alice? I don't know actually. But if you want something to do I was thinking of having a family sized hot tub added to the house. If you want you can even have a pool house and pool built as well. Humans can do the work just get the order started. Esme knows what to pick out."

Alice took my keys and I followed her to the last class, trig one. Rosalie let out a snort and I heard Emmett offer to take her with him on his B&E. She turned him down and said she'd just order the parts to upgrade the impala while she was busy with the pool. She wanted to be the first to use it properly anyway.

Over the years we'd made upgrades to the house and a pool house would just be another addition that made our lives more comfortable. The hot tub was for everyone as well anyway.

After trig we left for Port Angeles with Rosalie making calls in the back seat. Alice drove while I talked to Esme on the phone in the passenger seat. Emmett was stuck driving Rosalie's convertible home before doing his B&E.

Esme was facing the information to the pool company and construction workers while she talked about the colors and tile designs over the phone with me and Alice. Alice gave her the details we wanted and I told her which bank account to run it all through.

I'd unknowingly become the family's investor and money manager. We wouldn't run out of money for the next thousand years anyway so it was ok anyway. When I hung up we were at the fairy. Rosalie scowled as she hung up as well. "Great the auto store doesn't have the lift kit and modified parts for your car yet. They have to wait for the next shipment on most of it and special order the rest."

I chuckled. "Relax Rose, we have all the time in the world. I've a feeling we'll be just fine when it arrives."

She scowled causing Alice to laugh. I gave up and they walked arm in arm onto the fairy. I sighed. "You know these things sink more than airplanes fall out of the sky."

Alice snorted. "Not here love. Besides, it's not like we wouldn't survive getting wet."

Rosalie tensed and asked. "Did you see it sinking?"

I shook my head laughing. "No, I just wanted you to lighten up on the car parts. It seems to be working."

She scowled again and I chuckled and sat across from them. The humans stared at us again with obvious lust. I sighed and waved for the two girls to move over. I sat between them and put my arms around them, giving off my best murder vibe.

The humans started looking away and backing up while I brought my arms down. Towards the end of the ferry ride a gangster wannabe spoke up. "Yo home boy, why don't you share some of that love."

I grunted. "Bend over and I'll spread the love around."

He shut up and a bunch of the humans laughed. Even the girls had small smiles after that. When we went to get up he tried pulling a knife on me. I let out a rumbling growl and his survival instincts kicked in. He dropped the knife and ran, not waiting for the fairy to finish docking. He fell in the water while we passed everyone up.

We didn't even look back as the workers helped him out of the water. We went to the mall and split up. I went to pick up a few games while they went to grab scarfs and auto parts. I was done in under ten minutes deciding on Mortal Kombat and super smash bro's.

I met up with Alice while she was buying several scarfs of each color and saying. "I really need to bring her here next time. We're going to have so much fun!"

I chuckled and followed her out while Rosalie met us in the entrance empty handed. She sighed. "I had them ship it to the house. It's to much to carry on a fairy ride."

I nodded and we headed back. We arrived as they were loading up. The wet gangster was being arrested for carrying the knife and pulling out in public as a threat. Apparently one of the cops that was arresting him gave the knife to the others along with his report from seeing it go down.

He didn't see me act so I was delighted to a random passenger instead of a minor. I walked right by them as they cuffed him and took his statement. They thought he was clearly on drugs as his statement made no sense. From the smell of him I'd say they were right, but that wasn't the real cause of his hysteria.

Rosalie smirked as she sat down with us. "The human is going to jail. They found heroin and a crack pipe on him full of meth."

I shrugged lightly. "It happens. Personally I don't think I'll understand the need for drugs like that. I mean, I get marijuana, I've smoked it with shamans and it really does help relax me. But hard core drugs like that are too much. It's mostly toxic and will kill them if they over use it. Personally, I'd prefer Alice's kiss, it's far better than that stuff."

Alice smiled and kissed me making me sigh and her laugh. Rosalie smiled. "Emmett's better."

I shook my head in denial. "I wouldn't kiss him even if it dislodged the stick up Edward's ass."

Both girls laughed while I sighed in content as Alice sat on my lap. It wasn't because of over crowding either. She wanted to feel the warmth I gave off. My body temperature ran at a constant 108 degrees and it was like a furnace to her icy touch. I personally loved the cold and found her skin on mine very comfortable.

On the trip back Alice drove and I held her hand. Alice spoke when we were almost there. "Emmett is done and is breaking the tree down. He's going to make several people very confused."

I chuckled. "It's fine, the tree needed to go, it can be blamed on the storm that's overhead. It's about to start raining."

Rosalie called Emmett and told him to go ahead and finish off the tree but to make it look like lightning struck it. I smiled and Alice pulled into the driveway just as Emmett made it home with the pillow cases. Alice took them and we went inside to see Edward pacing.

When he smelled the pillow sheets, Alice took command and told him the plan. When he complained that Emmett was in her room I told him honestly. "Suck it up. It was this or we move town till she either leaves or dies of old age. This was the best option."

Carlisle asked. "How sure are you that this'll work?"

I shrugged and Alice answered. "It'll work. She may be his singer but she's not the first singer one of us has come across. Zach found one centuries ago and was able to resist her even when she was wounded."

They looked to me and I sighed. "It was after Rome. I'd had my fill of humans, literally."

I grimaced and looked away, leaving them to understand my words. Alice gave the pillowcase to Edward saying. "I'll be bringing fresher sent's home tomorrow as I've bought some scarves for her to wear during school. I intend to let her borrow one throughout the day and ask for it back afterwards to bring it straight to you. Use them to get used to it and maybe associate it with something you wouldn't want to eat."

I handed her the bag of scarves and tossed Emmet the games. "Set up in the den. I'll be ready in a bit."

Esme led me to the protein snack she'd prepared. I ate it while shuddering. To me it tasted wrong but to the wolf inside it was like a buffet. I let it take over a little and my eyes changed like usual to the green glow that meant my wolf was at the surface.

Alice was beside me humming while running her fingers through my hair. I heard Esme ask if I wanted more of it and a growl emanating from my wolf let her know it wanted more. When it was satisfied I rinsed my mouth out and sighed. "That is disgusting. One animal yes, but a mix of so many? No!"

Esme has a quirked eyebrow and a small smile. She'd heard my argument many times before and knew this was where I and my wolf differed. Alice smiled. "You're stronger for it though. I can feel it in your movements. And we're going to the cabin tonight."

Emmett spoke up from the den. "Aw man, I was hoping for an all night gaming session!"

I snorted as Alice pulled me in for a kiss. Esme sighed. "I'll make some more next month since it still helps I'll purée it more and add some animal blood to offset the taste next time."

I sighed. "Thanks mom."

Her smile said it all as I'd rarely called her mom and it seemed to brighten her day a little more. Alice took my hand as we headed to the den. Edward was in his room when I had a weird thought. "Hey Ed, get rid of the pillow case and scarves when you're done with them. You don't want her seeing them if she ever comes over, it'd be weird."

He grunted back and Emmett laughed. "Like a girlfriend finding your porn stash."

I shrugged at the girls looks. "Don't look at me, I'm older than porn. When I was growing up people were screwing in public like it was a sport. Besides, I don't need porn, I have Alice."

She elbowed me in the gut that sounded like a thunder strike. I chuckled and sat down in my gaming chair. Emmett looked awkward now as the girls were looking at him funny. Esme shook her head. "Emmett sweetheart, do I need to ground you?"

I let out a booming string of laughter with the girls and even Emmett joined in after a second. The evening changed to night as mortal Kombat raged on. When I saw a vision of Alice on our bed, I tossed my controller to Emmett. "You win, it's cabin time."

I swept Alice up and left in a blur. Emmett was laughing until I heard Rosalie speak up. "Don't laugh, we have our own cabin to go to."

From there I ignored them as I took Alive deeper into the woods. The rain made the nature around us come alive and my wolf clawed to the surface. I couldn't shift but it could still fight for dominance and it was an internal war right now.

When it finally calmed down I'd already set Alice on the bed, stripping us both of clothes. She lunged at me and I growled, catching her as she road me while using my body as leverage. A rumbling growl permeated the cabin as she guided me inside her and began her ride.

I walked to the bed again while she used it to help her rhythm. After I laid her down on the bed, I used it's height to my advantage as made sure she stayed on the edge while I began a fierce rhythm of my own, sending her crashing over the edge. Even after seventy years we were like teenagers in heat. All it took was a glimpse at the possible and we made like bunnies or wolves and pixies.

The night raged on as my wolf took over at intervals for its own brand of sex. She didn't mind in the least as she'd found those moments as orgasmic as our own. When the sun started to rise I growled as she pulled away, sliding off my length.

My eyes had been green tinted all night and now with her playing coy the wolf took over once more. She tried to speak until it bent her over and re-entered her. She moaned out. "Ok one more round and then school."

Thirty minutes later I apologized like usual when I pulled out of her slick wetness. My seed poured out on the sheets and her own spasms continued to rock her body. I held her gently while she came down. When she caught herself again she sighed. "Never apologize for that love, it's a natural part of you and I love all of you."

I sighed and carried us to the bathroom. A simple gesture and one she appreciated before telling me to grab a shower in the second stall. I chuckled and did as she asked.

While she dressed later I took care of the sheets and made sure to toss them in the washer. We had our own way about things and with heavy duty cleaners it did wash out. When she was done, she put on a brown scarf and asked. "What do you think?"

I raised an eyebrow. "It's not your color, but if you want I can still strip it off you as I devour you."

She shivered before snorting. "It's for Bella, behave. Besides, you've ruined enough of my clothes already."

I grinned and pulled her to me. "Remember the leather phase?"

After another shudder at the memory she slapped my chest while I kissed her and continued. "And the goth phase? Those stalking and-"

She cut me off with another kiss, this time more demanding. After we broke apart she said. "Any more of that and we won't get to school. Now let's go, I want to actually make friends with Bella, not make her think we're weird."

I chuckled and followed her out. We ran to the main house and picked up our stuff. Emmett and Rosalie decided to ride with us today. I grunted as Alice delegated me to the back seat with Emmett. We picked up our own conversation about the games and I stopped mid sentence as a vision hit me. One I'd been waiting for actually.

It showed we'd be playing baseball after all. I told them it was still a few months away but that the storm would be good enough for ball. Emmett whooped and the girls smiled. Alice asked. "Did it show me winning?"

I chuckled. "I haven't a clue. It was just the beginning as far as I could tell."

She nodded. "We'll see then."

I nodded. "I guess we will love."

We arrived at school and Alice went to find Bella. Today was about them so I went to class alone. Alice would be fine skipping gym and the first few classes as I could cover for her.

She could go to class with Bella without the teachers bothering her. I'd made a healthy donation to the school when we moved back to ensure the teachers and staff knew to excuse our oddness.

We were straight A students and rich benefactors of the school board so they let us slide on a lot of things. I spent the day covering for Alice and she spent it in classes with Bella. I heard her explain it to Bella on the way to lunch.

I sat down between Emmett and Rosalie while Alice sat facing us, forcing Bella to face her in the process while they talked. I enjoyed a quick bite before Alice scooted forwards and I sat behind her in our usual pose. Emmett and Rosalie did the same in reverse as Emmett just put his head on Rosalie's lap instead.

Alice continued her speech about using a personal shopper being a bad thing. I chuckled and told Bella. "She's leading you to going on a shopping trip with her. She wants to take you out for a fun shopping trip to help you settle in."

Bella brightened up. "Oh, well I don't exactly have-"

I waved her off. "Consider it a house warming gift. I have this talent for playing the stock market. I'm actually pretty good and it's led to us being well off. The trip and anything Alice picks out for you is on us. Alice doesn't get many friends as people like Jessica tend to turn people away from us."

Alice smooshed me. "He means well it's just-"

Bella nodded. "No, I get it, totally. And I'd be happy to go on a shopping trip."

Alice squealed and I chuckled while she hugged Bella saying. "We're going to have so much fun. But first I need to see your room to know exactly what it is you need. I'll head to your house after school and we can go this weekend."

After lunch I covered for Alice with the last two classes before heading home. Alice got her scarf back and gave it to Edward as he returned from his latest hunt. He'd need to hunt every day until he no longer feels the same need when he smells Bella's scent.

Alice headed out to Bella's to check her room and make a list for the weekend trip. I spent the rest of the day with Emmett wrestling and kicking ass in games. When Alice came home she joined us for a while before planning her shopping trip.

The next day Alice went to pick up Bella for their trip to Port Angeles. This time they took the long way and would grab a motel room for the night there. I spent the weekend recording music I wanted to hear from memories.

I caught Rosalie and Esme in my studio sounding room when I finished up the first set. Emmett came in and asked. "Where'd you come up with those?"

I shrugged. "Visions are useful for more than avoiding speeding tickets. Mine unfortunately come with audio."

He frowned. "Unfortunately? That was amazing!"

I chuckled before shaking my head. "Not all my visions are so nice Emm. For a thousand years I had visions of my own torture playing out in my head. Every day a new fresh hell. I try not to dwell on it and you all help a lot but days like today, when Alice isn't here it's harder than most. I hadn't realized how much I relied on her presence at first. That's why I built this place, so I could let the good stuff drown out the bad."

He looked down before asking. "Want to wrestle it out?"

I shook my head slowly. "I'd hurt you Em, or my wolf would. Those weren't pleasant years and I've learned it's best to deny them battle than release them upon the undeserving. I just need a few hours a day to drown it out. You can stay if you want though."

He nodded and I asked Esme to flip to the next recording track. I began singing and recording what would become Maps by Maroon 5. I let out the pain in my words while I closed my eyes and sang.

When I finished I added the proper beats and echo voice copies to it before replayed it, listening for any changes I wanted to it. When I found none I sent it to the publisher and bands under my company's listening. Luckily Maroon 5 had actually formed and were under the same company.

With some extra luck they'll take it and make their own version of it. I moved on to Lullaby by Nickelback. When I finished with it, I noticed Esme and Rosalie's tears. Sighing I set down the drum sticks and asked. "Ed, I need you to play another tune. The sheet music is on your piano."

I heard him answer as if he was right next to me. "On it. I'll send the recording to your email."

I sighed and grabbed my drum sticks and started with Cradle to the Grave by Five Finger Death Punch. When I finished adding the guitar recordings to it I sent it in while adding the piano recordings Edward made to Lullaby and sending it as well.

I made Human by Rag'n'Bone Man next and when I finished adding all the extra instrumentals to it, I sent it and stood up, stretching. Emmett was humming to Human still while the girls were gone. "Feel like some Mortal Kombat? Alice knows to pick up some controllers again."

He shrugged and we headed for the the den. Edward joined us for a while before saying he was going to head for Bella's bedroom. I stopped him saying. "Don't do that, it's creepy. Stick with the scarf program and once you have that down try school again. If it works, maybe you can try dating her. Never go into a ladies room without being invited, that's the move of a stalker, not a vampire."

Emmett burst out laughing and Esme showed up next to me. "He's right Edward, you know better. It's an invasion of privacy."

He snorted. "And Emmett stealing her pillow case?"

I sighed. "Desperate times. You're not desperate any more. We only needed the pillow case to start your regimen. It had the strongest scent available without stealing her underwear and that's a line I wouldn't cross even to save your sanity."

Esme snorted and Rosalie scowled from the side before sighing. "Let her come to you Edward, Zach's right, it's a stalkers move to go inside her bedroom without her permission."

He scowled and his brooding hit in full force now. I sighed as he went to his room. "He never got the chance to have a proper relationship so he doesn't know what's right and wrong. Not to mention he's from a time before women had rights. You two might have to explain things to him before he truly gets it."

I went back to the game chair and the girls went to talk to Edward about rights and wrongs when dealing with women. Emmett asked. "Aren't you from a time before dinosaurs, how did you get so wise?"

I snorted good naturally. "Visions little brother, that and I know Alice would set me straight if I messed up somewhere along the way. She's an angel and I don't know where I'd be right now without her."

He frowned before asking. "Was she the first?"

I chuckled. "Was she my first women experience?"

He nodded and I sighed before shaking my head and not saying anything. I didn't want to share that much. I'd been nineteen with only second base as my life's experience before but the real problem was the years of torture and torment the Romanians put me through.

They'd tried and succeeded at getting the wolf to mount a few of there more durable slaves. Needless to say it wasn't pleasant memories and nothing I wanted to share. Alice knew the details and that was enough.

I shook myself out of it and chose Kirby to stomp his Mario into the ground. We switched games as the night went on and passed us by. When morning came I stopped for a rare steak Esme made for me. She liked to experiment and cook as a hobby so this one ended up tasting very unique.

When I bit into it a lemon and ocean like quality hit me. Something like shell fish was added to the marinade. My wolf approved and that was enough to get her making another ten more. When I was done eating I grabbed a shower and went back to kicking Emmett ass in good old fashioned Mario Kart.

After smacking him upside the head for using a banana on me I switched the games to diablo reaper of souls. By the time Alice showed up happy and telling stories we'd beaten the game once. She sat in my lap telling us about her time shopping with Bella.

She mentioned telling Bella that Esme was a home designer. Esme spoke up. "When you see her again tell her I'd love to help her decorate if she's interested. I can help her maximize her rooms potential space."

Alice grinned. "I actually told her you'd say those exact words. She wants to meet you and talk wallpaper and desk designs."

She turned to Rosalie. "She also wants to see about your help in fixing her truck. Though I had to warn her you're not free labor."

Rosalie smirked and I sighed. "I'll buy you that euro lift kit for the Porsche if you help her Rose. You can charge anything you need to the car fund as well."

She sighed next. "You're no fun. Fine, I'll help the human, but I expect the order tonight."

I chuckled and Emmett asked. "Does she play any games?"

Alice shook her head. "She's more of a book and music fan, Edward's type of music to be exact."

I rubbed her leg and she turned to me. "I missed you."

The vampires made themselves scarce while she sighed and kissed me. "I saw you playing again. I'm sor-"

I kissed her deeply before pulling away. "Don't apologize love. I don't want you feeling bad over finding a friend. You know I'm stronger than that. I can handle it. I want you to enjoy yourself and make friends. If Bella becomes one then great, if it leads you to finding more friends, all the better. I can handle a few days without you, I just expect a few hours of us time when you get back."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled, looking into my eyes. After another kiss she sighed and rested her head against my chest, listening to my heart beat. We stayed like that for several hours before Edward came in. "Esme gave me the clothes you had her try on. Thank you, I think I'll be able to go to school again in a few weeks because of it."

Alice spoke up from my chest. "I'm happy it helped. Though the scarves are a good stepping stone, you should know better than sneaking into her room."

He sighed. "Yeah, Esme and Rosalie gave me a talk on it. Thanks again."

He left and it went back to silence for a while. When my eyes started to tint green I pulled her up for a trip to the cabin.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


