
Saving Shuri and Akeno

It's has been few months since we came to Himejima clan My parents are already back. I have developed my and akeno's relationship very much she has agreed to become my girlfriend and Shuri also supported us.

Today when I was in going back towards hotel I felt some energy signatures near Shuri's house I told others to go to hotel,they agreed to it as they know I can handle them then I instantly teleported there as I don't want any harm to happen to them. when I reach there in Shuri's room I told her about their arrival. when I was telling her to calm down then suddenly the door got broken and I can see 5 fallen angels of 3 with 2-wings and 2 with 4-wings.

F.A.1 :" Today I will kill baraqiel's wife and daughter for their reward"

F.A.2 :"yes they both have high reward in our faction"

Seeing them talking like this my anger built up and I released my energy towards them while walking there with Shuri and Akeno. when we reach there I can see them fallen in floor while having fear in there eyes

Issei :"so who are you all going to kill"

Seeing me with Shuri and Akeno they sweat dropped and said

F.A.1 :"so-sorry sir we didn't know you were with them otherwise we wouldn't dare think about it"

Issei :" So it means if I am not here you would have killed them"

Hearing me they instantly knew that there fate have been sealed. I just cut their limbs with wind slashes

"Aghh.. Noo.. sor-"

I didn't let them complete there sentence while I just used my new skill [space erase] to erase their neck instantly killing them.

when I did this Both Shuri and Akeno were having tears that if I didn't come in time they would have been killed.

[Congratulations Ise you got 230,000 SP for killing 3 2-winged and 2 4-winged fallen angels ]

I didn't pay attention to notification and hugged both shuri and Akeno and took them with me to hotel where others are, when reaching there girls started calming them I told everything to Akari when reaching there. after sometime when she came she hugged her sister and also started crying after few hours when everything is settled I asked

Issei :"Shuri, so what are you going to do now"

Shuri :"i-i don't know"

Issei :"if you don't mind you and Akeno can live with us with us"

Shuri :"wouldn't that be a problem to you"

Issei :"how can you and my Akeno can be a problem "

Shuri :"Ok"

Akari :"IF big sis is going to live with you then i-i-i am also going to live with you"

Hearing her I am a bit shocked but I think she also started developing feelings for me like me.

Issei :"ok it's not a problem, but we are going to my house "

After we check out from hotel and are going to my house When we were in train Akeno was having stars in her eyes seeing all new things as she didn't travel anywhere till now. when I reached to my house I can see a that our house is rebuilt now it is big and more spacious when I opened the the my Mom said

Mrs. Hyoudou :"So Ise, you have brought new girls"

while glaring at me then she looked towards Shuri and said

Mrs. Hyoudou :" So you have also fallen for him"

Shuri :"No-no I -I didn't, we have some problems there so we moved here" she said while blushing.

Mrs. Hyoudou :"Ok, you can live here and tell me if you have any problems with anything "

After this Shuri and Akari moved to guest room while Akeno moved to my room saying

Akeno :"Rose-sis, Kuroka-sis and Sara-big sis are living in my room so it's ok for me to live with Issei"

When we reached to My room it was night time So we all removed our clothes as we all sleep naked. When she saw this she immediately started blushing saying

Akeno :"you-you what are you all doing"

Rose :"come on, Akeno You should also remove your clothes"

Sara :"Yes akeno Now you are also his Girlfriend like all of us Nya~"

When she was thinking whether she do it or not Kuroka got behind her using her stealth ability use removed her upper clothes.

Akeno :"kyaaa~"

she said while covering her breasts with her hand.

Kuroka :"Come on, Akeno you don't have to be embarrassed Nya~"

after this Sara stretched her towards the bed and started removing her remaining clothes. She was still embarrassed but didn't rejected.

When She was also fully naked and I was admiring her body that how she going to be that beautiful, Rose and Kuroka took me to bed and Rose stared kissing me while putting her tongue inside my mouth feeling this I pushed her and Kuroka on bed

and on started kissing Rose while playing with Kuroka's breasts and her ears she rolled her tail around my waist while rubbing it against it. I pushed my tongue inside Rose's mouth entwining our tongue with each other she also respond to my kiss and put her hands around my neck.

After finishing our kiss I kissed kuroka while putting my tongue inside her mouth, while I was with Rose nipples. then suddenly I felt something soft touching my back I know this feeling these are Sara's breasts so I ended my kiss with Kuroka and turned toward Sara I pulled her closer putting my left hands on her waist while my right hand kneading her soft buns. when I did this a soft moan slipped her mouth.Then I kissed her putting my tongue inside her mouth entagling our tounges with each other and Kuroka and Rose started kissing each other while massaging each other's breasts.

When we were doing all this Akeno was standing by the side of our bed when I saw her having a beet red face, I broke my kiss with Sara and walked towards her. I pulled her towards the bed and laid her with her back towards bed I close our distance slowly and gently placed a kiss on her lips then I started sucking her lips when I have tasted her lips I opened her mouth first she put some resistance but I just pinch her nipples then my tongue entered in her mouth she also started responding after sometime but in a clumsy way as this was her first kiss.

Then Rose, kuroka and Sara started moving towards her Rose and kuroka started sucking her non-developed breasts while Sara started licking me after Some time we all finished all this and slept while hugging each each.I am thinking it's really heaven to sleep with beauties in a single bed while hugging them.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


