Alexander watched as 2 magus stood guard around the clock near the entrance of the tomb. After one week, Alexander sensed many powerful people appearing in his kingdom. There were 600 crystal magi and 100 magus. He saw that the people arrived were divided into two groups with equal number of magi and magus in them but the magus of one group were significantly more powerful than the other group. Alexander theorised that the more powerful magicals were from the magical empire in India while the others were from the Chinese clans. Alexander watched as they reached the base camp. Alexander could sense the dissatisfaction that the Chinese had for the further reduction in numbers of magicals on their side. They wanted to summon more of their people but were shot down.
Alexander then initiated the next phase of his plan. The unspeakables from the various ministries arrived and started laying down many wards to make the tomb inaccessible and increase the defense around the parameter. The Aurors also increased their presence. The eastern magus were curious but it did not make them cautionous as they also planned to do the same. Alexander then ordered 100 best magus from his army to attack the eastern camp at night. Alexander wanted to cull the numbers of his enemies and also force east to send more of their forces here.
Alexander loved the Bombarda spell so he ordered all of his troops to fire that spell at their half power at the base camp. This attack was done when a high level meeting was being conducted between the higher ups and the magi present at the scene of silver light. His men surrounded the camp and started gathering their magic.
Elder Singh who was sitting near the centre of the tent suddenly stood up and said, " Something is not right. A large amount of magic is gathering in the air. We should move outside...." BOOM!!! There was a loud sound which made everyone deaf and unbalanced. The main tent where the meeting was being held was like a mobile fortress so there was no significant damage done to it but the camp was now a crater with no survivors left. The people at the meeting stumbled outside of the tent and saw the scene of destruction around them. The Chinese magus had expressions of despair on their faces but they quickly controlled themselves and looked around in vigilance.
Everyone heard the rustle of leaves and saw some hooded figures moving towards them. Elder Lin, an old Chinese man spoke up, " Everyobe retreat inside the base camp. All of our opponents are magus. I cannot tell their exact numbers but they outnumber us." Everyone quickly retreated inside while firing some spells at the magus moving towards us. Alexander allowed them to move inside and then ordered his men to bombard their main tent. Alexander did not want to kill them yet. Alexander just wanted to test the waters before officially declaring war on east. Alexander had wasted much time in this world and now, it was time to wrap it all up.
After few minutes of bombardment, the wards were ready to fall but Alexander ordered his men to pull back. His men quickly shifted back to the manor. Alexander called Tobby and asked, " How many people were the elves able to capture?"
Tobby, " Master!! We have captured 20 magus from east. We have sedated them and they are being readied for transfer to mainland."
Alexander, " I want their submission at the end of the week. Tell the sadists to accomplish this even if their minds break. I have sufficient king's might to repair some broken minds. At the end of this week, I will start the conquest of non magical side of the Eastern countries."
Tobby nodded in acceptance and shifted away. Alexander turned his attention towards the survivors of his attack. They all had fled the moment, the bombardment stopped and were taking different routes in groups of three to four. Alexander marked their escape routes and forwarded them to the military department for analysis. After a few hours they converged high up in the Alps. They didn't put up any wards and also used normal tent. They were also dresses in non magical attire. They completely looked like non magical hikers. They sat around the campfire with gloomy looks. Suddenly, Elder Lin shouted in rage and threw a stone at a tree. Elder Lin turned towards Elder Singh and roared, " Singh!!! Who were the people who attacked us?"
Singh sighed with tiredness and grief, " I think that those people were part of the forces under Alexander Fortis."
Lin, " You Think!!! If the enemy was so dangerous then why didn't you tell us; What was your purpose behind all this?"
Singh stood up in anger and said, " We also lost our men and we have suffered more losses than you. We lost 50 magus and 300 magi while you lost 30 magus and 280 magi. We also lost our base camp and all the important Intel and resources that we had gathered for venturing into the tomb. Don't try to compare the losses expreienced by us. The most important thing is to establish contact with home. It is also important to find out, how they found our camp and get past our wards and sentries?"
Elder Lin said in a tearful voice, " I lost my only grandson in this attack. I will kill the ones responsible but first we should ask for backup. Did we bring the connector with us?"
Rina stepped forward with the box like device and placed it in the centre of their current dwelling. Elder Singh gave a thankful nod to her and started the device with a weary face. The device activated and a female voice was heard, " This is headquarters. What does the base camp need?"
Elder Singh, " This is Rudra Singh. I am the Elder in charge of our former base camp. Please request for an emergency meeting with the Royal Magus and the Old Emperor."
The female operator, " Former Base Camp?"
Elder Singh, " The base camp was destroyed in an attack. We are the remenent forces left in Europe. Connect us with the higher authorities, Now!!!"
The female operator said in a panicked tone, " Right Away, Sir!!!" After a few minutes, the grave voice of Girdhar Surya could be heard, " Elder Singh, tell us in full detail about what happened there."
Elder Singh, " We were having a meeting in the command tent with our allies from the Chinese clans when we heard a very loud sound. After we recovered from the after effects, we came out of the tent. We saw that the base camp was nothing but a deep crater. It was due to the powerful wards of the command tent that we survived the attack. Elder Lin sensed some people approaching us. According to him, all of them were magus and they outnumbered us greatly. On his advice, we retreated back into the tent while firing spells at the approaching enemies. We were able to safely enter the tent. The enemy started to bombard our tent but just before, the wards could fell, they left. We didnot stop to investigate the surroundings and quickly escaped in groups of three to four people. We don't know how they managed to get past our wards and dodged our sentries."
Girdhar asked in grave tone, " Where are you all right now? What are the casualities? The magi who were affected by the silver light, are among the survivors or not. How many of you are there?"
Elder Singh, " We are high up in the Alps mountains. We lost 80 magus and 580 magi along with all the resources we had stockpiled in order to venture into the tomb. Those affected by the silver light, were with us in the command tent, attending the meeting. We have 41 magus and 40 magi with us."
Girdhar, " Relay your coordinates. We are coming to extract you." Suddenly the old emperor interrupted, " No, if we do this then we will further fell in their trap."
Elder Singh, " What do you mean, your majesty?"
The old emperor continued in grave tone, " The attack was powerful enough to wipe out the base camp in one go so why did the command tent survived? They were never aiming for the command tent. Their aim was to destroy the base camp in order to destroy our support. They attacked the command tent to further rattle you so that you make some mistakes so that they can take advantage of it. I think their main aim was to capture the persons who had exprerienced visions in our group or if capture is not possible then to kill them. Since you were all in the command tent so they destroyed the base camp in order to flush you out. Due to Elder Lin's warning, you did not try to fight them in your rage and grief and retreated back inside the tent. They attacked the tent but left at the last minute. Now, there can be two reasons behind this. If the first reason is correct then you are safe for now but if it is the second reason then you should quickly leave that place and scatter to the winds but I think that you have a few hours time, before they gain on you."
Elder Singh, " What are the reasons, your majesty?"
The old emperor, " The first reason is that they had exhausted their magical power or the ministry personnel were coming here so they left. The second reason is that they didn't know how many of you were inside the tent so they gave you a chance to flee so that they could know about your numbers and capture you all later. Since they were able to find our base camp then it means that they have exceptional means to track people. The best bet is that you have a few hours window to flee and the worst bet is that they have already found you and are preparing to attack you." Everyone paled in shock and fear at the thought of another attack.
Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them, " Unfortunately for you lot, the old emperor is right. You all are surrounded."
Everyone turned around to attack the speaker but found that they cannot move. Then, they felt extremely powerful wards going up around them. They all curses in their hearts and waited for the next action of their enemies.
For advance chapters go to P A T R E O . C O M/novicewriter