31.79% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 68: EPISODE 68: Green Determination!

章 68: EPISODE 68: Green Determination!

We're on to the last route before reaching Silvent Desert. Yesterday, we knew shocking truths about the king and queen of the mountains. Camellia got disappointed after knowing that her research was a complete failure. Nidoking nor Nidoqueen was the king and queen of the mountain. The question remains, who is the king and queen? Who are the knights of the throne or better known as the legendary titans?

We stopped by in a restaurant beside a cliff. It had large windows, and the view was great from inside. Camellia was banging her head on the table while Gardevoir nurtured my Pokemon egg with Absol. We figured that it was time to discuss the legendary titans, and of course, It's time to eat!

For Glade, working and thinking isn't fun with an empty stomach while for me, working and thinking isn't fun with or without an empty stomach.

"How could my hypothesis fail?" Camellia uttered with disappointment while banging her head on the table.

"Cheer up Camellia, everybody makes mistakes." I comforted.

"That's why they called hypothesis, they can be correct or wrong," Zhery explained and cheered Camellia.

"If I want to become a professor, I need my theories to be correct," Camellia uttered with disappointment.

"Well, even the famous professor Oak struggled before becoming the world's most famous professor. Everybody starts as a Magikarp." Glade quoted.

"Professor Oak? Who is professor Oak?" Camellia uttered in confusion while taking a bite on her sandwich.

"Wait!? You don't know the most famous professor in the world!?" Zhery queried with shock.

"Um, sorry but I don't know who Professor Oak is," Camellia uttered while taking another bite on her sandwich.

"Professor Oak is the most famous professor in the world! According to people who have met the guy, professor Oak helped developed the first Pokedex." I explained. I know who professor Oak is, I used to watch his channel. He's not just a professor but a man of poetry as well!

While eating our snacks, it was time to make theories about the legendary titans. Camellia knows who the legendary titans were, but she didn't know that they were referred to as knights.

"Long ago, Regigigas is said to have pulled the continents into place, and then created the three from an icy mountain, rocks, and magma in its image. Regigigas was apparently worshiped at one time, alongside the other three, by ancient people. Due to it being so powerful, Regigigas was sealed away in the basement of the Snowpoint Temple, while the ones it created were spirited to the far-off Hoenn region and locked away in three-stone structures, which were then sealed by themselves. A message was left in braille to whomever would come to discover the Sealed Chamber, whose only access was via an underwater cavern, in the hopes that one day the Pokémon could be tamed." Camellia explained.

"Hmm, but why would they become knights if they're sealed off?" Glade contradicted Camellia's statement and the illustration on the throne.

"That's what we have to find out, why in the world would they be knights? Who is the king? Who is the queen?" Camellia wondered and thought deeply.

While discussing our thoughts, decisions, and suggestions, a helicopter descended from the sky and landed outside the restaurant which caught Camellia's attention.

"Find Camellia and her friends and bring him to me!" A commander of the Chaos regime commanded as two men wearing black armor and black helmet went off the helicopter.

"Yes Commander Zylon!" the two men agreed as they saluted.

"Oh no... They found me." Camellia worried on her mind as a sweat fell off her face. There is only one entrance and exit, why is Camellia being chased in the first place?

"Um guys... I have to go use the bathroom, I'll be back quick." Camellia stood up quickly, excused herself, and rushed to the bathroom.

"Yeah sure... we'll be waiting here," I uttered and wondered about Camellia.

Commander Zylon's men entered the restaurant, but the problem was... They didn't have a badge or symbol on them. Meaning, we didn't know it was team Chaos after all.

"Search the area!" Zylon entered the restaurant and ordered his men.

"Excuse me but who are you? Do you have a search warrant?" The cashier lady asked. Zylon walked closer to her with a grimace and a cold smile.

He whispered to the girl's ear: "Don't mess with team Chaos, or we'll mess with you!" The cashier lady got scared and nodded her head.

"Hey, why do those men seem suspicious?" Zhery wondered as she stared at Zylon and his men.

"It's probably the Pokemon Police Department doing some training. Don't mind them." I uttered.

"They don't look like police, they look like villains I've never seen before," Glade uttered with suspiciousness over Zylon and his two men.

"Maybe Detective Looker changed their uniform." I hunched calmly.

"Commander Zylon! The girl's not here, she must've moved to the next route with her friends." One of the men hunched.

"Alright then, it's time to leave! We must find that girl before the boss gets angry." Zylon uttered as the three of them went back to the elevator and left.

The cashier lady quickly called the Pokemon Police Department.

Camellia came back after Zylon and his men left the scene. "Hey Camellia! What took you so long? You missed the Pokemon Police Department training awhile ago." I uttered.

"Oh no! I missed it," Camellia uttered with crocodile tears as she sat down.

"What took you so long?" Zhery queried.

"Um, I had some stomach business to take care of." Camellia excused. Suddenly, Detective Looker and officer Jenny went inside the restaurant.

"Hey detective!" I called and waved. Detective Looker smiled back and proceeded to the counter.

"So tell me, what did Commander Zylon say to you?" Officer Jenny asked.

"He... he said not to interfere with their business or team Chaos would hurt me." The cashier lady answered.

"Team Chaos!? I thought it was the Pokemon Police department?" I wondered.

"The PPD doesn't train without alerting the owners of a business, company, or any other shop!" Detective Looker explained.

"But detective, what is team Chaos' purpose here?" Zhery wondered.

"They were looking for a girl, that's what I heard while eavesdropping them." the cashier explained while Camellia started to worry.

"A girl? We have to look for team Chaos before they harm their target detective." officer Jenny suggested.

"I agree, we have to go now... Kalem, Zhery, Camellia, and the one with white hair, I want you to keep a lookout for the Chaos regime." Detective Looker instructed and left with officer Jenny.

"Wait, the detective doesn't know my name!?" Glade knelt with disappointment.

We left the restaurant to continue our journey, but something was bothering Camellia's mind.

"Should I tell Kalem the truth?" Camellia wondered on her mind worriedly.

"Kalem might hate me after knowing the truth." Camellia hunched on her mind as she got even worried. Would she admit her secret to me? Or should she just keep it a secret?

While walking through the forest which is just on the other side of the mountain, Gardevoir volunteered to take care of the egg again. I guess Gardevoir really loves Pokemon eggs.

Suddenly, our room-phones rang, meaning there is something trending online. We stayed near a tall tree and watched the Pokemon News for the trending announcement.

"Goodmorning citizens of this region! I am your news anchor for a quick update on this channel. We would like everyone to be aware of the Chaos regime, there were sightings of Chaos grunts around the region mostly on route 16 and 17, Silvent City, and Norva city. Please take precautionary measures when traveling. The Pokemon Police Department stated that if there are more Chaos grunt sightings within the region, they might have to postpone the upcoming Pokemon League. Beware of team Chaos! Do not try to attack them nor hurt them... They aren't just like any normal grunt." The news anchor warned.

"Postpone the Pokemon league, but isn't that in five months time?" I wondered.

"Yeah! But when you're talking about Chaos grunts, they could blow up a city in just one night. This is for the safety of the people." Glade explained. Camellia began to sweat even harder as she got more worried than before.

"I must make a diversion... I can't let Kalem go to the Cavern of the deep or his life would be ended by team Chaos." Camellia uttered to herself.

"Still, even if the league will be postponed, I still have to go to the Cavern of the deep, plus... I have to collect my fourth gym badge." I uttered.

"I agree, we should continue our journey! After all, Cyra and Nate were losers what more the other grunts?" Zhery teased.

"Alright then! Let's continue our journey!" I beamed with excitement as I lifted one of my arms and clenched my fist on the sky.

We continued our journey through the forest, even though we heard the warning by the Pokemon News. Team Chaos doesn't seem that strong, we could even defeat Cyra and Nate easily what more the other grunts? Well at least that's what I thought.

The forest had a jungle ambiance, there were thousands of tall trees everywhere and there were a lot of vines hanging through the trees. The forest was filled with lush green grass with a moist soil. Little did we know that there was a Pokemon in need.

It had two green tails, with a red torso while the whole body was light green. Its eyes were color yellow just like a crocodile. It had two dotty nostrils and each hand and foot has three toes and fingers each. The Pokemon was tied up into a tree, while two chubby looking men smacked the Pokemon with a strong wooden stick. These actions were referred to as the most violent type of Pokemon abuse. Hitting the Pokemon? Making the Pokemon's body bleed and laughing at it afterward? I hate people who would do such a thing.

"Haha! Look at little greeny, it's crying!" One of the chubby men uttered as he smacks the Pokemon's head. The Pokemon belonged to a specie called Treecko! [Treecko! The wood Gecko Pokemon! A grass type. treecko is cool, calm, and collected - it never panics under any situation. If a bigger foe were to glare at this POKéMON, it would glare right back without conceding an inch of ground.]

Treecko's head was full of wounds, but still, it stayed calm.

"Look! Greeny Pokemon isn't scared! Smack him one more time!" The chubby man ordered his friend to do so. Treecko was smacked again, Treecko's head began to bleed slowly as it gasped for oxygen.

<Treeck... Treecko! Treeck!> The Pokemon begged them to stop as blood dripped from his face.

"Us!? Stop!? No way! We'll even burn you if we want to! Pokemons are fools! They don't deserve to live!" The chubby man uttered and smacked Treeko one more time.

Treeko couldn't handle the pain anymore and began to slowly close his eyes.

Once I saw what the two chubby men were doing, I quickly rushed to protect the poor Treecko.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing to that Treecko!?" I badgered.

"Abusing it of course!" The chubby men answered sarcastically.

"Leave Treecko alone! Why are you even abusing it? Did it do something to you?" I uttered with frustration.

"Listen here tough boy! Dare mess with us, we'll mess up your face!" the two chubby man warned as they slowly walked to me.

Camellia quickly went in front of me and protected me. "Stay away from Kalem!" Camellia badgered.

"He's the one who bothered us first!" The chubby men uttered and complained.

"Abusing Pokemons is wrong! Let Treecko go!" Zhery badgered.

Gardevoir didn't care what the chubby men were saying, she just blasted them with Psybeam with me even commanding her to do so.

"That's it! Your Gardevoir is going to burn!" The chubby men declared as they try to hit Gardevoir with their stick. Gardevoir was dodging all the attacks while holding the Pokemon egg.

"I wouldn't hurt Gardevoir if I were you!" I teased.

The two chubby men kept on chasing Gardevoir but Gardevoir dodged their sticks.

"You guys are too slow! I'm getting bored!" Gardevoir teased telepathically through the chubby men's mind.

"What did you say!? That's it!" The two chubby men badgered and chased Gardevoir but they were still too slow.

Gardevoir threw the egg up to the sky and smacked the two chubby men with her feet causing them to blast off to the sky. Just in time, the egg fell on Gardevoir's hand and she comforted the Pokemon egg.

"Thanks Gardevoir! You're one of the best!" I complimented and sent out Scyther right away.

"Alright! Scyther, use X-Scissors on the ropes attached to Treecko!" I ordered. Scyther destroyed the ropes and Treecko fell into my hands. Treeko's head was bleeding badly.

"Zhery! We need your help! Treecko doesn't look like he could survive much longer!" I uttered with worry as I rushed to Zhery.

Treecko was unconscious, I was worried sick for Treecko! Treecko must not die!

I placed Treecko on the floor and Zhery took her Stethoscope. She checked if Treecko was still breathing.

"Kalem! Treecko is still alive, but his heart is pumping slower." Zhery reported.

"Please save Treecko! Treecko must not die! I've witnessed Zozo and Arthur die and I won't witness another one!" I promised myself.

"Kalem, I can't treat Treecko!" Zhery uttered solemnly.

"What!? Why... You have to! Treecko should live! I'm tired of witnessing Pokemons die may it have a good or bad cause!" I uttered with worry.

"Kalem, Treecko's skull has a fracture! I can't operate him! I want to become a doctor not a surgeon!" Zhery explained.

"Let's go to the Pokemon center! There's one close by!" Glade uttered. We quickly rushed to the Pokemon center deep in the forest... I mean jungle, no I mean forest. Sorry, the forest looks like a jungle hehe.

we rushed to Nurse Joy and quickly asked for assistance.

"Nurse Joy! We need your help! Treecko's skull has a fracture and Treecko is currently unconscious!" I explained.

"Alright, Audino bring Treecko to the emergency room! Quick." Nurse Joy rushed with Audino to the emergency room.

"Hopefully there's no bad news like last time." Camellia wished.

"I feel worried about Treecko! Those chubbies are so rude! They care for no one except herself!" I uttered with frustration.

Meanwhile at the emergency room, Nurse Joy and Audino were operating on Treeko's skull when all of a sudden, Treecko stopped breathing.

"Audino! Get the CPR! Quick!" Nurse joy shouted with worry as Audino quickly rushed.

Nurse Joy rubbed the CPRs together which produced an electric shock. Then, nurse Joy pressed the CPR on Treecko's chest.

"Audino! Treecko still isn't breathing! Increase the power!" Nurse Joy ordered with worry. Audino raised the power and Nurse Joy tried using the CPR but Treecko didn't breathe again.

"Audino! Raise the power once more!" Nurse joy ordered. Audino raised the power and Nurse Joy tried using the CPR but Treecko didn't breathe again.

"Oh no! Treecko is dying, Audino! Full power now!" Nurse Joy ordered. Audino placed the power to maximum voltage, if Treecko still doesn't breathe... Treecko is confirmed dead.

Nurse Joy pressed Treecko's chest and it suddenly woke up! Treeko inhaled and exhaled deeply as it woke up in shock.

"Phew... You almost died Treecko!" Nurse Joy uttered in relief as she sat down and wiped her sweat away.

Nurse Joy was able to fix Treecko's skull fracture. (Don't ask me how cause I don't know too.)

She then sprayed the wound with a hyper potion and applied a bandage on Treeko's head. "Finally! Your all set, do you want to meet the trainer who saved you Treecko?" Nurse joy queried as she held Treeko on her arms while walking to the lobby. Treecko nodded his head, he was so eager to meet the trainer who saved his life. (Which is obviously me)

"Treecko!" I uttered once I saw him looking strong and healthy. "His name is Kalem, and he's the one who saved you." Nurse Joy smiled as she placed Treecko on the floor.

"You feeling good Treecko?" I queried in happiness. Treecko nodded his head and hugged my legs tightly.

<Treeck! Treeck! Treecko! Treeck!> The Pokemon thanked me as he hugged my legs.

"Thanks Nurse Joy!" The four of us greeted as we left the Pokemon center.

"Safe travels! Watch out for the Chaos grunts!" Nurse Joy warned.

"We will Nurse Joy! See you next time!" The four of us smiled.

We went back to the place Treecko where he was being abused. The sun was about to set so it was time to make sure that Treecko arrives home to his family safe and sound.

"Alright Treecko! It's time for you to go back home!" I uttered. Treecko was clinging on my leg, he even nodded sideways swiftly.

"Go back home Treecko, your family is looking for you." I smiled.

"Kalem, I don't think Treecko has any family at all." Camellia hunched.

"Is that true Treecko? Are you lonely?" I queried. Treecko nodded his head and hugged my legs even tighter.

"Hey, since your lonely, why won't you come with us? We could use some Green determination in our team you know?" I smiled and teased as I knelt down slowly.

<Treecko!> The Pokemon smiled and nodded at me."Well then! Here, just tap on the Pokeball and you'll be mine." I smiled as I took a Pokeball from my pocket. I showed the Pokeball at Treecko, and without hesitation he tapped the button.

Treecko didn't hesitate to be caught. I jumped for joy as my team was technically complete. All I have to do is to wait for my Pokemon egg to hatch.

"I just caught a treecko!" I boasted and leaped with joy.

"Welcome to my big family! We'll need some of your green determination! You and I will make new memories together!" I smiled at Treecko's Pokeball.

It was time to set up camp in the jungle... I mean forest, sorry. It was getting dark after all, this would be the perfect opportunity for Treecko to meet the rest of the family! We set up camp in a safe area where no grunts can find us. It's important to be safe, while you're asleep especially that grunts mostly roam at night! But that's a chapter for another time.

As the journey continues!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C68
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


