26.26% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 56: EPISODE 56: Passion Eruption!

章 56: EPISODE 56: Passion Eruption!

My mind is set as my passion erupts! My spirit rages with the Photia volcano, today is the day I triumph over the gym challenge. Last night, me and Riolu has put our hearts under fire and tribulation. After practicing, we have overcome, we have mastered our Z-move! Yesterday I was controlled by my own conscience, I was on a verge of giving up, but my friends never let me down, in times like this? They're the ones who raise me back to who I really am.

I now know who I really am, I am Kalem, I am determined, optimistic, and persevere, the dragon of my mind won't succumb my determination. I have learned my mistakes, I stood up, and I will repeat. I never fail, because the day I fail is the day I give up. I am Kalem, and I am here for a purpose, a purpose to find my parents and to become a Pokemon Master.

I've waited so long for the moment to happen, it is already one in the afternoon, and it is almost time for my rematch against Etna and Pyro. I may not have a crowd cheering for me, at least I have my friends to support me.

Honkkkkk! I could hear the horn of the cruise as it sets sail towards Battle Island, the site of my third gym badge. As the cruise swims towards my destination, I stare out to the open blue sea as the breeze lands on my face. Riolu was by my side, he had that determined look on his face, and as we got closer, Riolu's smile got bigger.

"We've got this buddy!" I beamed with determination.

"You bet! We practiced all night for this, we'll surely win." Riolu uttered with certainty.

As I looked through the sea, I could see Wailmers jumping around together with the Dewgongs. My passion for winning can't wait to erupt.

"So... worried again?" Glade came close and watched over the blue sea horizon with me.

"Nah! I'm confident, I will win, I will triumph!" I shouted with determination as I lifted my right arm towards the sun and clenched my fist.

"Heh heh! Just don't get too overconfident." Glade warned.

"You know what Kalem?"

"Yeah Glade?"

"Yesterday, I had this unexplainable nightmare."

"A nightmare? Tell me all about it."

"I couldn't remember the other scenarios but in my nightmare, I saw this white flower which made a path of light, then as I went closer to it, the flower decayed. Then I saw three cities, one of them was burning, the other was being flooded, and the last one was hit with huge thunders. That's all I remember at least."

"Wait, that dream, that sounds familiar! Now I remember, I had the same dream too! The flower, the cities, there were also lakes!" I uttered with surprise.

"Oh yeah, the lakes! I've seen that in my nightmare as well... but how could we have the same dream?" Glade queried.

"I don't know, my father said it was Some thingy. I forgot what my father said since I wasn't interested in subjects for the intelligent." I teased.

"Haha! Same, I even got seventy-four on my grade in math three years ago." Glade recalled.

"Not bad, not bad, I had seventy-two!" I enunciated.

"Haha! I'm clearly smarter than you!" Glade teased.

Honkkkkk! The horn of the cruise beeped again, Battle Island was on sight, and there were no people nor trainers on site. There were only fallen leaves with janitors cleaning the area, maybe Etna and Pyro wanted a rematch with one hundred percent no disturbance.

"Alright! I'm ready for my rematch!" I burst with happiness and joy.

"Good luck out there Kalem!" Camellia greeted.

"Thanks, I'll do my best for sure." I burst as my eyes were flaming hot!

The stadium was empty, Zhery, Glade, and Camellia sat in the first row as I stayed in the holding room. I saw Scott, who is the commentator of our match walking towards the microphone. The referee was taking a sip from his water bottle. Scott sound tested the mic and it worked. The large screen turned on and I saw my picture on the left, on the right was Pyro and Etna's picture. On the sides of the screen were four Pokeballs each which represents the Pokemons we will use for our match.

Before the gym challenge began, I sent out all my Pokemons at the holding room.

"Alright gang! The drama is over and we will surely win this gym battle!" I encouraged with determination as my Pokemon smiled back.

Then I saw Pyro and Etna pass by, I guess they were headed to the other side of the stadium.

"Good afternoon Kalem, have you eaten lunch already?" Etna queried.

"Of course, a volcano can't erupt without an empty core!" I teased.

"Haha! I like that joke. Good luck on your gym battle rematch, it'll be harder than before." Pyro warned.

"Yeah, today me and my husband will be using mega-stones," Etna uttered.

"Wait, you're going to mega evolve your Pokemon!?" I queried in surprise.

"Yeah, so be careful, the only way to tests someone's strength is to fire and tribulation!" Pyro quoted.

"Then I'll be ready! I've already met Arcanine and Ninetales anyways!"

"Heh heh! We wish you the very best!" Etna greeted as she patted my head.

"Mic check... mic check... 1 2 3" Scott tested the mic once more.

"Alright! The rematch between the challenger Kalem and the fire couple is about to begin." Scott uttered with formality.

"Let's start shall we? On your left side, we have the challenger from Aulburg town... Kalem, and on your right, we have the fire couple Pyro and Etna!" Scott introduced as we walked down the isle. There was no crowd just my friends so I can concentrate easily.

"Each side shall only use four Pokemons each! The match ends when either side has no more Pokemons left to battle with." The referee announced with formality.

"Please send out your first two Pokemons!" The referee instructed.

"I won't commit the same mistakes I did yesterday," I uttered unto my mind.

"I wonder what the kid has in store for us?" Etna wondered and whispered to her husband.

"Let's just do our best, and if we lose? We'll give him the badge." Pyro announced.

"Scyther and Zorua you're up first!"

My friends cheered for me. "Finally, Kalem is using his brain once in for all!" Zhery said with relief.

"I'm sure that Kalem is aware of Scyther being a weakness, I wonder what tactics he'll be using." Glade wondered.

"Whatever it is, it'll surely work!" Camellia smiled.

"Arcanine and Ninetales lets go!" Pyro and Etna sent out their Pokemons they used against me in the first match.

"Alright! Three... Two... One... Battle begin!" the referee announced.

"Zorua use payback on ninetales!"

"Ninetales use flame thrower!"

"Scyther! Use double team and surround Zorua!"

"Arcanine use Flare Blitz to find the real Scyther!"



"Zorua was protected by Scyther's double team, but Scyther was hit with flare Blitz!"

"Now Zorua use pursuit on Arcanine!"

"Arcanine! Flare Blitz as Zorua comes closer!"

"Scyther run behind Arcanine then use X-Scissor!"



"Amazing! Scyther distracts Arcanine with X-Scissor then Zorua hits Arcanine with Pursuit! Is Kalem going to victor over the gym?" Scott announced.

"Not that's the real Kalem I know!" Camellia smiled and observed the battle.

"Kalem's strategy is distraction, one attack one distracts... But I'm sure Pyro and Etna knows how to deal with situations like that." Glade observed in his mind.

"Ninetales use flame charge on Zorua!"

"Arcanine use Flame wheel on Scyther!"

"Zorua go and circle Arcanine! While Scyther, go and use X-Scissor once more on Arcanine."



"Ninetales attack missed as Zorua dodges then circles Arcanine which caught Arcanine's attention while Scyther used X-Scissors!" Scott announced with excitement.

"I can't believe that Kalem thought of such a thing!?" Glade got shocked.

"Impressive Kalem, you've trained really hard!" Pyro complemented.

"The volcano inside you is really erupting harder than the Photia volcano." Etna complemented.

"Thanks, I've prepared long and hard for this." I smiled.

"Now let's continue Arcanine use Flare Blitz on Zorua!"

"Ninetales use Flame charge on Scyther!"

"Scyther protect Zorua!"



"Ninetale's attack missed as Scyther was hit with flare blitz as it tries to protect Zorua!"

"Sacrifice but why?" Zhery wondered.

"Kalem is simply playing chess with the gym leaders, he sacrifices an official to unleash a more powerful official. If we say that Scyther's the pawn which protected the bishop, it'll be something like gambit." Glade explained.

"Now I see, that's why..." Camellia continued to observe with eagerness.

"Scyther is unable to battle! Kalem please choose your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Scyther! Good job, now its Kirlia's time." I sent out Kirlia wherein she stumbled again, but I still encouraged her.

"I see, Kalem has a paraplegic Pokemon which uses Psychic powers to move. Impressive." Pyro uttered on his mind.

"Battle continue!"

"Zorua use Payback!"

"Arcanine focus at Zorua and use Flare Blitz."

"You too Ninetales! Use Flame charge on Zorua."

"Now, Kirlia use magical leaf and surround Zorua with it!"



"Arcanine and Ninetales bumped into the Magical Leaf surrounding Zorua." the commentator announced.

"Kirlia now use Shadow ball on the battleground!"



"Kirlia's shadow ball caused the dust on the battleground to scatter across the air! Oh? It looks like Ninetales and Arcanine's eyes are getting interrupted by the dust!" Scott announced.

"Kirlia close your eyes, and listen to the footsteps, then use confusion on Arcanine!"

Kirlia closed her eyes, she listened carefully for footsteps and cries, once she detected it, she used Confusion on Arcanine!

"It looks like Kirlia's confusion was able to hit? And? A lucky move! Kirlia's confusion caused Arcanine to be confused!" Scott announced.

"The dust, serves as a distraction, since Arcanine is known confused... and Arcanine can't see where Kalem's Pokemons are, Arcanine would surely hit Ninetales!" Glade observed in his mind.

"Oh no Arcanine! That's Ninetales, don't attack her, she's in our team!" Pyro ordered as Arcanine and Ninetales fought.

"Ninetales stop fighting with Arcanine and focus on the foe!" Etna commanded.

As the dust cleared, the plan was going well, Arcanine and Ninetales were fighting against each other.

"Now! Kirlia use shadow ball! While Zorua uses payback as well at the both of them!"




"Kirlia and Zorua has knocked out Arcanine and Ninetales? What an amazing plan!?" The commentator as shocked.

"Could this be Kalem's true potential?" Zhery wondered.

"Pyro and Etna, please choose your last Pokemons!" The referee instructed.

"Alright Camerupts!" Both of them sent out the same Pokemon?

"Wait, Same Pokemons?" I wondered.

"Yes, every couple has at least one same Pokemon!" Etna charmed.

"Oh... right!" Sighed.

"Camerupt! Mega Evolve!" The both of them mega-evolved their Camerupts, their Mega ring glew as the mega stone in their Camerupt also glew. Then, the Camerupts turned white and evolved into a much stronger form.

Camerupt's back turned into a hot blazing volcano! As the rocks on its back turned black and grew sharper.

"To avoid confusion, I named my Camerupt Blaze while Pyro dear, named his Athella," Etna explained.

"Alright! Battle continue!"

"Athena use Blast Burn on Zorua!"

"You too Blaze!"

"Zorua! Dodge it quick!"




"Zorua was unable to dodge because of Athena and Blaze's speed!"

"Zorua is unable to battle, Kalem please choose your last Pokemon!"

"Zorua you did great! We'll surely avenge you." I complimented as I returned Zorua back to his Pokeball.

"Kalem, please send out your last Pokemon!"

"Alright Riolu! Its time to knock... them... dead!" I enunciated as Riolu stepped into the battleground.

Petilil went out of her Pokeball and cheered for Riolu!

: Pet! Petilil! Petilil! The Pokemon smiled and cheered.

"Since, blast burn takes a move to recharge, this is an opportunity for me and my Pokemons!"

"Battle continue!"

"Alright! Riolu use Seismic toss! While Kirlia uses shadow ball on the other Camerupt!"




"Both Athena and Blaze were hit hard with those powerful attacks! Blast burn takes one move in order to recharge anyways." Scott announced.

"Petilil is right! Go Kalem!" Camellia cheered.

"Now! Athena use Flame Burst!"

"Blaze use Fire Blitz!"

"Dodge then use force palm! Kirlia use confusion on Athena!"



"Riolu was unable to dodge and was hit Flame burst, while Blaze's attack missed and was hit with confusion."

"Oh no Riolu! Please stand."

"Don't worry Kalem, I got this!" Riolu stood up and glared into the eyes of the two Pokemons.

"Kirlia, use Shadow ball while Riolu uses force palm!"

"Athena dodge it quickly!"

"Blaze you too!"



"I guess Blaze and Athena were unable to dodge, their attacks made Kirlia and Riolu more determined and faster."

"Riolu now use force palm on Athena! Kirlia, use shadow ball on Athena as well!"

"Athena dodge it!"

"Blaze help Athena with Flame crash!"



"Athena was unable to dodge while Flame charge missed!" Scott announced.

"Athena is unable to battle!" The referee announced.

"Alright Kirlia and Riolu, its Blaze left! Let's do this." I smiled as my Pokemons smiled back with determination.

"Blaze use blast burn on Riolu!" I wasn't able to read quickly but Kirlia saw Riolu in trouble, so she sacrificed herself.

"What!? Kirlia sacrificed herself and blocked Riolu!" The commentator announced.

"Kirlia is unable to battle!" The referee announced.

"Kirlia, why would you do that?" Riolu queried. "Win it for Kalem Riolu, you have your Z-move anyways," Kirlia uttered as I returned her to the Pokeball.

"Thanks, Kirlia, you're one of the best!" I complimented.

"Now that Blaze is unable to attack, Riolu! It's time to use our Z-move!" I shouted.

"Alright! I can't wait to Kalem's All-out Pummeling!" Zhery got even more interested in the battle.

"Oh no! I totally forgot that Riolu has a Z-move!" Etna recalled.

My Z-ring began to glow, "Alright Riolu! Together we attack as one! We are connected as one! Now use All-Out Pummeling!" I shouted as we did the weird fancy dance moves.

Camerupt's eyes got bigger, he wasn't sure what to do since he couldn't move for a turn. Then Boom! Our Z-move attacked Blaze.

"Alright! Blaze is unable to battle, the winner is the challenger Kalem!" the referee announced!

Riolu rushed towards me and hugged me! "Good work buddy! Now we won our third badge!" I cried with joy.

"Congrats Kalem, you truly are indeed strong." Etna complemented as she and her husband went close to shake my hands.

"I guess all that training in the volcano paid off!" Pyro smiled as he handed me the Solar badge!

"Alright! I just obtained the Solar Badge!" I leaped with joy.

"Kalem, why don't you head to Silvent City next?" Pyro suggested.

"Yup! Silver City, just travel north from here!" Etna directed.

"Thanks for the suggestion! I'll surely go there next." I jumped with joy.

By the end of the day, me and my friends waved goodbye at the fire couple, when we were on the boat, I stared at the Photia Volcano, I thanked the volcano for helping me through my battles.

"Silvent city is up next!" I beamed with excitement.

"Yeah, and the fun fact... The Cavern of the Deep where your parents and Glade's parents can be found is just a few miles after Silvent City." Zhery uttered.

"Really!? That'll be great! We're one step closer to my parents." I beamed with determination.

"C... Cavern of the deep? Oh no...." Camellia queried worriedly on her mind as sweat fell down her head.

With the right passion and strength, nothing will be impossible! Now, it was time to move to Silvent City! The site of my fourth gym badge and the last city before the cavern of the deep! Me and Glade can't wait to meet our parents as the journey continues!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C56
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


