55.55% A Quincy's Fairy Tail / Chapter 10: 4/4

章 10: 4/4

"The Magic Council forbid the allowance for assassination requests long ago," Erza continued to say, drawing hold of Bambietta's diverted attention, "but Eisenwald felt that money was far more important than any rulings or morality. As a result they were forced out of the wizard league they had been a part of nearly six years ago. Yet they continued doing as they pleased and in turn were marked as a dark guild."

Lucy began to shiver then, her skin crawling in response to all that Erza had said. "You know, I think I really should be going home right about now."

"Oh, don't sweat it," Bambietta said as she leaned over the seating and placed a hand on Lucy's quivering shoulder. "I've got your back. Just leave all the fun fighting against these jerks to me, okay?"

Erza suddenly snapped then, catching Bambietta and the others off guard. The wizard brought an armored fist down hard, acting on instinct, and unknowingly slammed the unconscious Natsu on the side of the face with a loud smack. Bambietta was about to give voice and object but she stopped, realizing that it would not do to get on Erza's bad side by telling her what she had just down to one of her own teammates.

"How could I have been so utterly careless?" Erza rasped, the wizard continuing to act as her own worst critic. "If I had only recognized that fiend Erigor's name on that day I could have took care of them that very instant! I could have forced those Eisenwald members to reveal just what they were plotting!"

"So if I've got it straight," Gray said, once more looking out at the passing scenery, "you're positive that Eisenwald is up to something terrible with this Lullaby and you want to stop them here and now."

"That s exactly right," Erza answered, her hand once more gently rested on the shoulder of the knocked out Natsu. "But I am not so foolish to think I could take down an entire magical guild on my own. That's why I asked for help from you and Natsu."


"And why I accepted the aide of Bambietta as well as Lucy. We're going to storm the Eisenwald guild and do what the Magic Council should have years ago. We're going to put a stop to them once and for all."

"Sounds like fun to me," Gray replied, the ice mage nodding his head in approval.

"Aye, sir!" Happy exclaimed before taking another bite of the fish in his paws.

"I just want to go home," Lucy pleaded, nervous sweat pouring down her body.

Bambietta, meanwhile, simply grinned. "Oh yes, this sounds like it's going to be a blast."

Then did Erza suddenly stare towards Bambietta. Yet the armored mage said nothing, leaving the Quincy to wonder just what her deal was.

Time passed, distance was travelled and soon did the members of Fairy Tail find themselves at Onibus Station. The group had their plans set then, the invasion of whatever \veritable hole Eisenwald had set up shop in an inevitability. To that end they continued to move forward, Bambietta watching in awe as Erza continued to move her massive amounts of luggage with veritable ease. Still did she try her best to act natural.

"So, Erza," she began to ask, moving up closer to the wizard, "I've been meaning to ask. What can your magic do?"

"Erza's magic is super pretty and stuff," Happy suddenly shouted. "She makes her enemies bleed!"

"I don't know if I'd call that pretty," Lucy replied with a shudder.

"Really? It sounds pretty awe-" Bambietta stopped herself then, the Quincy realizing in an instant that showcasing how much of a thrill she got out of overt violence was probably not the best route to take. "- Icky to me. Yeah. Gross."

"It's a simple magic I suppose," Erza began to explain. "I just-"

"Hey! Where's Natsu?"

The sound of Happy's confusion drawing their attention, the Quincy and the wizards began to look around then. Sure enough there was no sign of the pink haired Dragon Slayer anywhere.

Then they all heard it, the sound of the train beginning to resume its journey. Bambietta glanced towards the steam powered behemoth. "Oh no."

The train departed then, leaving the group in its wake. Happy simply stared at it. "There he goes."

Erza's voice cracked ever so slightly in response. "We were all so busy conversing that I completely forgot about Natsu!"

"Forgot about him?" Bambietta whispered under her breath. "He was practically napping on your lap after you knocked him out."

Erza simply continued then, her track record of being her own worst critic rearing its ugly head once more. "I'm such a witless fool! Natsu despises all forms of transportation with every fiber of his being! This is my fault!"

Erza turned towards Bambietta, Lucy, Gray and Happy, leaving them visibly shaking.

"I need one of you," Erza began to say, "to hit me. My just reward for leaving behind a comrade."

Gray and Happy simply backed away, leaving Lucy and Bambietta to stand before Erza. The blonde was quite concerned in response then. "Really? That sounds like a bit much."

"It must be done," was all Erza would say in response. "My penance must be fulfilled."

Bambietta glanced back and forth then, the Quincy unsure what to make of this debacle she had found herself in. She knew catching up with that train and retrieving the motion sick Natsu was of the highest priority but she also could tell just from the conflicted look on Erza's face that talking the armored warrior out of her despair was simply not a possibility.

"Okay," Bambietta said with trace amounts of hesitation, "let me get this straight. You want someone here to hit you. And there will be no repercussions?"

Erza shook her head. "That is correct."

"Uh-huh." Bambietta nodded in return, trying to summon up her resolve. She took one step forward then, trying to forget the power from Erza she had sensed yesterday. Then she took another, trying to forget Happy's description of the woman's magic. One more step then, the Quincy trying to forget how Erza had casually knocked out Natsu with a simple strike. "Well then..."

Bambietta took a deep breath and pulled her right arm back. Her fingers began to close into a fist, the Quincy bracing herself for whatever hell would await her for what she was about to do.

"You asked for it!"

Bambietta threw her fist forward then, her gloved knuckles targeting Erza's face. The armored wizard watched in return, her eyes withdrawn from her own irritation with herself. Then the fist struck, gently nudging Erza's cheek as Bambietta pulled back on the attack with all her might.

"What?" Erza glanced down the side of her face, looking at Bambietta's fist before allowing her gaze to travel to the Quincy's face.

"There," the Quincy said simply. "You've been punished, so let's go catch up with that motion sick goofball! Time's a wasting!"

"It seems I was still being quite foolish," Erza replied as Bambietta pulled her fist away. "The time for punishment can wait until after we have retrieved Natsu. Thank you, Bambietta."

Then Erza began to walk away with a purpose, leaving Bambietta to breathe a sigh of utter relief. "Yeah, that's why I completely pulled my punch. It had nothing to do with how scary you can be. Nope. Not at all."

Bambietta tried to calm her scattered nerves then but the Quincy was soon to find out it was not going to be that easy when dealing with Erza Scarlet.

"What the devil do you think you're doing, lady? You don't have permission to pull the train's emergency lever whenever you damn well please!"

Bambietta turned her gaze then and could see Lucy, Happy and Gray staring in complete shock. A little further did she look and she could see a railway attendant yelling at Erza, who just so happened to have her armored hand firmly gripping down on a lever.

Bambietta could only blink in astonishment. "Oh no she didn't."

"Please understand," Erza said simply, thinking nothing wrong with what she had just done. "We need to catch up with our friend and this is simply the most expedient way to meet up with that train as soon as possible."

Bambietta continued to stare in astonishment, the Quincy beginning to wonder just what kind of woman she was working under now. However, much to her surprise, the situation only got more interesting.

"Now then," Erza continued, her stern expression never veering away from the railway attendant, "I would greatly appreciate if you were to bring my party's luggage to the nearest hotel."

The man was simply not thrilled to hear that. "Are you freaking kidding me? I'm not a bellhop, young lady!"

"I'm starting to think all the wizards in Fairy Tail are a little crazy," Lucy said as she simply watched the spectacle continue.

"Oh, I'm not that crazy," Bambietta argued as she moved in close, smirking as usual. "Well, maybe just a little bit."

"Well not all of us are crazy."

Lucy and Bambietta began to turn in response to the sound of Gray's voice, yet were greeted by the sight of the now shirtless wizard, his long white coat on the ground.

"Just... darn it, Gray," Bambietta sighed, trying to resist the urge to sucker punch him as she had upon their first meeting. To resist that impulse, Bambietta turned back to Erza and took note of the armored warrior still making polite demands of the railway attendant. Whether or not he could fulfill those demands, however, was another matter altogether.

"My friends and I also require the usage of a rental magicmobile from a local dealership."

"Just because you make the request, it doesn't mean he can do what you want." Bambietta sighed then. "You can't get blood from a stone, Erza."

Only minutes later did Bambietta find herself in the backseat of a dark green magicmobile, the vehicle driving by the side of the train tracks. The luggage, meanwhile, was no doubt dutifully being brought to the local hotel of the small town they had just left behind.

"Okay," Bambietta grumbled to herself, "maybe she can get blood from a stone. She's Erza after all."

Lucy was already glancing out the right side window of the vehicle and Bambietta was intent on doing the same. She lowered the window to her left and stuck her head out. The Quincy glanced up then, shaking her head as she took notice once more of Gray hanging on the roof for dear life.

"Is that really necessary?" she shouted, trying to be heard over the roar of the vehicle.

"No," Gray retorted, "just fun!"

"How come he gets all the fun?" Bambietta shook her head then, wondering what the devil had just possessed her. She began to shout forward then, towards Erza. "Is that really such a good idea for you to be driving this thing?"

Bambietta recalled well the explanation that Erza had given her before. Magicmobiles relied upon the conversion of the driver's own internal magical energy to give the vehicle motion, yet the faster and harder it was pushed, the more power it took from the one making the sacrifice.

"It will be fine!" Erza called back, magical power continuing to flow from her body's reverses and through the SE-plug wrapped around her left arm. "I can handle a little exertion! And I'll have you all as backup when we confront Eisenwald!"

Erza turned her attentions forward then. Much to the surprise of both herself and her travelling companions, something suddenly went quite wrong with the train. An explosion of flame suddenly burst forth from one of its section, piercing up through the roof.

"Was that the cart we were in earlier?" Lucy asked, her eyes wide.

"I guess Natsu really doesn't like being abandoned by his friends," Bambietta mused, her expression souring. "I can relate."

"Something must be going terribly wrong!" Erza suddenly shouted, the mage forcing the vehicle to move faster. "We cannot afford to waste any more time! No doubt the man at the train station will unlatch the emergency lever sooner rather than later! We must close the distance now!"

Then, as if irony was inspired by Erza's words, the train began to move once more.

"Curses!" the armored wizard shouted. "That man clearly was more upset with me than I ever imagined!"

"I can only imagine why," Bambietta whispered to herself. "Okay, new plan! You get us closer to the cart we were in and match the speed!"

"And?" Erza asked.

"She's going to say something crazy, isn't she?" Lucy groaned. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"Then I'll..." Bambietta stumbled on her words for a moment, trying to determine how best to explain her ability to use Hirenkyaku to the uninitiated. She shrugged and gave up for the moment, knowing that she had to be quick to action. "Then I'll teleport in, grab Natsu, and teleport back out here with him!"

"You can teleport?" Erza asked. "Impressive."

"Yeah, that's just how I roll!" Bambietta shouted back. "Little Miss Awesome!" Then did her voice grow to a slight whimper. "I just hope the Dragon Slayer can handle Hirenkyaku better than a train. I so don't need him puking all over me."

"All right then," Erza said, the mage expending more power to propel the magicmobile at a faster clip. "Brace yourselves!"

Bambietta gripped down tightly on her hat and began to prepare herself for what she had to do. Magical energy began to swarm towards her, her command absolute, and it began to empower her own spiritual needs.

Yet then did she hear Lucy scream. "Natsu!"

The Quincy looked forward then, suddenly seeing the Dragon Slayer come flying out of the train, screaming like a madman as he did so. Yet there was something else the Quincy could see, some form of strange shadows moving about within the train cart. Was that some form of magic unknown to her? Bambietta did not know, the Quincy more inclined to do what she needed to in the here and now. Natsu was free from the train, yes, but the Quincy had said she would use her speed to rescue him if need be.

"Guess I'm still up at the plate." Bambietta moved fast then, disappearing from view. Then did she appear before Natsu, matching his trajectory. She tried to catch the Dragon Slayer, ready for his weight and the velocity that it would have no doubt created. Yet it was then that Bambietta took notice of something she had not been prepared for. The Dragon Slayer had his luggage strapped to his back. "Seriously?"

Natsu and Bambietta collided then, the Quincy unexpectedly knocked for a loop by the added and unexpected weight. She tumbled through the air then alongside Natsu. Then it was Gray's turn, the ice mage realizing what was hurtling his way. "Seriously?"

Then did Bambietta and Natsu collide with him, dislodging Gray's fingers from the roof of the magicmobile. The trio of Fairy tail wizards then fell to the ground, their bodies rolling several times before coming to a stop at last.

"Seriously?" Erza forced the magicmobile to go into a spin, then a stop. She quickly undid the SE-plug and ran to her comrades. "Natsu, Gray, Bambietta; are you alright?"

They lay there then, eyes white as snow and staring towards the heavens. Caught in shock, the three could only whimper in response.

"Oh no," Lucy whispered as she moved in close, her face belaying her worry.

"Oh, don't worry!" Happy exclaimed. "Natsu and Gray have bounced back from much worse! They've ticked off Erza in the past after all!"

"What about Bambi?"

Happy shrugged.

"I live!" Bambietta shouted, raising an hand towards the sky, hoping to catch some measure of dramatic effect despite the aches and pains she was experiencing. Then did the Quincy force herself to stand up, dusting herself off as she did so. She glanced as Natsu and Gray did the same, the two of them getting angry.

"What were you thinking, you idiot?" Gray shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Bambietta.

"Me?" Bambietta retorted in a huff before pointing towards Natsu. "He's the only idiot here!"

Natsu did not agree or disagree, instead finding another topic to vent about. "Why the heck did you guys leave me alone on the train?"

"This mission was born from my impetus," Erza said suddenly, "so I take full responsibility. I'm sorry, Natsu."

Erza suddenly reached out with her left arm, wrapping it around Natsu's head. Before the Fire Dragon Slayer could resist or protest he was pulled in close, the side of his head slamming into Erza's metal breastplate with such force that his eyes shut as a loud thud echoed out across the landscape.

Bambietta flinched then, the Quincy suddenly feeling a moment of remembrance. She clutched at the side of her own head, as if feeling the same pain as Natsu was. It was familiar, yet still did she not know why.

"No need to apologize," Natsu gasped as he pulled away from Erza and shook his head. "Besides, we've got more important things to worry about. Some creep attacked me on the train and-

"Those shadow... hands I saw?" Bambietta suddenly interjected.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's the jerk who dragged away those guys who tried to eat Happy," Natsu continued. "Said he was from some guild called Eisenwald."

Then did Erza suddenly snap. A hand lashed out then, slapping the Dragon Slayer across the face and toppling him to the ground. "You fool!"

Bambietta, Lucy, Gray and Happy simply stared with wide eyes of shock. They could only count Natsu fortunate that Erza had used the arm that had been providing power to the magicmobile's SE-plug, the armored gauntlet not upon it. "Hey, Erza," the Quincy began to say, realizing that she may well be overstepping any bounds.

"Eisenwald is the exact reason we are on this mission!" the red haired wizard shouted as she firmly planted her hands on her hips and stared down at the dazed Natsu. "So why did you let him push you around and get away?"

"Eisenwald? This is the first you've mentioned it!"

Bambietta tried once more to get the armored mage's attention. She coughed into a closed palm and spoke once more. "Erza? Hello?"

"I specifically told all of you about Eisenwald and Lullaby on the train, Natsu! I suggest you begin to listen when people are speaking to you!"

"Did she already forget she knocked him out before she told us?" Lucy whimpered. "This woman is just unbelievable."

"That's Erza for you," Happy said, popping into view as he was prone to do.

That just would not do. Bambietta knew she was playing with fire, yet still she had to push forward. The Quincy gulped hard then, trying to compose herself. "Erza, don't you remember that you knocked that doofus out on the train before you actually told us anything about Eisenwald and Lullaby?"

Erza began to turn slowly towards Bambietta then, giving the Quincy reason. Yet she saw it then, a moment of clear shock on the woman's face.

"You're right," she said softly. "I did, didn't I?"

"Well I do remember a fist ramming into my stomach," Natsu began to say. "It's a good thing all that puking left enough room in my stomach for it to practically lodge in there."

"My apologies, Natsu." Erza nodded then, once more reaching out and grasping Natsu by the head. The Dragon Slayer cried out as his head was slammed against her armor for the second time in as many minutes, leaving him dizzy once more. Then did she glance towards the Quincy who had spoken up. "And once more must I thank you, Bambietta, for bringing to my attention something I had let slip past me."

"Oh, no problem at all," Bambietta replied, all but laughing nervously as she waved both hands in front of her. Once more could she see it, a strange look in Erza's eyes, as if the wizard was watching her and her alone closely. She was desperate to try and change the subject then. "So, Natsu, what was this Eisenwald guy like exactly?"

"Well he didn't seem all that special, which is kind of a drag since I had to fight him and all," Natsu began to answer, "but he did seem really protective of some butt ugly flute he dropped during our fight. That freaky thing looked like it had a three eyed skull at the end of it. Gave me the creeps!"

Lucy's breathing seized up for a minute, the Celestial wizard gripping one arm tightly with her other hand. "A three eyed skull?"

"Is something wrong, Lucy?" Happy asked, the cat remaining cheerful despite what they were talking about.

"It's just that I've heard about that flute before," she answered softly. "Lullaby, the cursed song."

Bambietta heard it then, a true twinge of fear pervading Lucy's voice. She was such a happy and cheerful young lady from what the Quincy could tell, so hearing such a tone from her left even Bambietta shaken. "What kind of curse are we talking about here?"

"It's," Lucy began to say, her voice showing more fear little by little, "death magic."

Bambietta felt it then, the fear that was evident in Lucy now swarming her. The Quincy's heart was seized in a panic, memories of her past, jumbled as some of them may have been, swirling in her thoughts. Yet still did she try to put on a brave face, disguising any fear with her best defense. Attitude. "Death magic? Oh no, this better not be some zombie hocus pocus or I'm going to pitch such a fit that Eisenwald's next generation is-"

"That's enough." Bambietta felt it then, a hand touching down on her shoulder. She turned then and could see that it was Erza, the red haired woman looking at her with eyes that did not seem to give an inch. The Quincy felt her breath catch in her throat then, still unsure what to make of this individual. It was oddly comforting the way she had spoken just now, yet the expression Erza wore was something else entirely. Why did it feel as if she were trying to peer into Bambietta's soul each and every time she looked her way? The Quincy did not know, yet she was quite certain that it unnerved her nonetheless.

"So what are we talking about?" Gray asked. "Does this Lullaby use some kind of incantation, Lucy?"

"I only know what I've read about it in books," the Celestial wizard replied. "Frankly, it wasn't all that much. If only Levy were here; I'm sure she'd have studied up on it in full. All I know is that it was said to be a deadly spell that was forbidden to ever be used."

"That's correct," Erza began to say, her tone and choice of words leaving Bambietta to noticeably cringe. "There are terrible magics in this world. Cursed dark spells that will kill those whom they are cast upon. Yet if Lullaby was sealed away, it may well be even worse than that."

Bambietta suddenly felt Erza's fingers dig into her shoulder, leaving the Quincy flinching even despite the fact that the wizard was not wearing a metal gauntlet upon her hand. "Erza?"

"This is madness!" Erza all but hissed. "Storming Eisenwald will have to wait. For now we must take possession of the Lullaby flute on that train!"

"Oh yeah!" Natsu suddenly shouted, slamming his fists together. "If somebody gets that shadow jerk off the train, I can finally go all out against him! I'm all fired up!"

Bambietta gasped then as she felt Erza finally let go of her shoulder, the wizard no doubt moving towards the vehicle. The Quincy rubbed her shoulder then, once more trying to put on a brave face. "Quickly, to the magicmobile! And I call shotgun!"

"I'll take the rooftop again," Gray interjected, all the while moving closer to the vehicle.

"Oh right, because it's fun," Bambietta muttered. Then did she quickly move, hoping up on the roof of the vehicle. "Dibs!"

"Hey, new girl, I already called it," Gray said as he glared up at Bambietta. "What's your deal?"

"Awww, don't be so greedy, Gray," Bambietta replied, playfully kicking her legs a little. "A girl's got to have a little fun. Besides," Bambietta glanced down and watched as Natsu placed his luggage in the back of the vehicle and then got in the passenger compartment, "I'm not too inclined to be thrown up on again."

Gray sighed then and began to enter the magicmobile. "What a pain."

Bambietta watched then as Lucy began to slip into the vehicle, Happy scampering by her side. "Hey, roomie?"

Lucy looked up then, surprised when she suddenly had a white hat tossed her way quite casually. She fumbled to catch it but managed nonetheless.

"I'd hate to have that blown off my pretty little head," the Quincy said, "so hold it tight for me, okay?"

"You can count on me!" Lucy exclaimed before she and Happy got into the magicmobile.

Bambietta smirked then, content that she had a friend she could trust along for this ride. It was a fact that seemed to possess a calming effect, something the Quincy needed desperately now. The thought of confronting death magic was leaving Bambietta feeling nervous, something she did not care to admit. The thoughts of her past, of one she used to know, were weighing heavily upon her mind.

"Screw it," the Quincy whispered to herself, trying to talk herself out of her trepidation. "Whatever happens, happens."

The Quincy shifted around then, laying atop the roof of the vehicle and digging her fingers into a fold in the frame towards the front. She knew it would be a rough ride and was beginning to already regret her decision now. Yet the look of disappointment on Gray's face had been worth it, right?

"At least I don't have to worry about my hat flying off." Bambietta's eyes suddenly went wide with a newfound worry. "Hey, Lucy!"

"What's wrong, Bambi?" the Celestial wizard called out from within the vehicle.

"Hold on to my hat with everything you've got, okay? I so don't want to find out later that Natsu used it to throw up in!"

Then did Bambietta feel the hum of the magicmobile's engine, the vehicle coming to life as it took from Erza her own power. Yet there was no slow start, no gradual increase of speed. No, the magicmobile took off as if it was a rocket, Bambietta's eyes going wide as she watched the world fly by her instant by instant. She held on to the vehicle with all her might, her cape and hair whipping through the air as the velocity took hold. Bambietta all but screamed then, her fingers tightening to keep her grip on the vehicle stable. She could only hope that those seated in the vehicle beneath her could not hear her moment of terror over the vehicle's engine itself.

Erza, however, most certainly did not. The armored mage was intent on one thing only. To stop Erigor and Eisenwald, to put an end to the threat Lullaby presented, that was her only goal. "Curse them!"

"Erza, slow down!" Bambietta shouted. "I can practically feel my brains going into my feet! Besides, you can't waste all your magic energy like this!"

"It doesn't matter if I do!" the wizard shouted in return. "You and the others will simply have to take up the fight if I cannot see it through! And even then I will fight Eisenwald to my last breath with a broken stick if I must! Erigor cannot be allowed to possess death magic of this magnitude!"

"You make it sound like you know exactly what it is!" Bambietta cried out, still holding on for dear life.

"Curse myself! Curse myself! I should have remembered!"

Bambietta could hear it, the wizard clearly tearing into herself terribly so. "Erza?"

"Lucy mentioned Levy and that jogged my memory!" the wizard continued to yell, her anger overriding the sound of the magicmobile. "Levy mentioned reading about Lullaby years ago! That it was once was a mere flute capable of curses! That legend spoke of it falling into the hands of the dark wizard Zeref hundreds of years ago! That he had made it into a demon flute then! One that call kill all those who hear even one note played upon it!"

"Demon flute? Zeref?"

Bambietta's imagination took hold then, inspired by the hushed tone that Erza has spoken through. A fabled dark wizard that made even Fairy Tail's S-class humble, it left Bambietta to bring to life within her thoughts an image of power. All the Quincy could picture was a dark man possessing a dark purpose; a twisted shell of flesh that could barely be called human, one that was wrapped in a cloak of shadows that gave unto him power. Yet the Quincy knew she had no reason to worry about or be impressed by such things. This Zeref that Erza had spoken of was no doubt long since dead, hundreds of years before her time. Besides, the Quincy told herself, the reality of the legend probably would not match up to the awe inspiring and terrifying image she had just built up in her head.

"Curse them all!" Erza continued to shout, drawing Bambietta's attention once more. "What is it they hope to accomplish? To use mass murder death magic would simply be unforgivable!"

Bambietta felt her body s energy drain slightly then. Once more did the Quincy begin to wonder how those in Fairy Tail would every accept her if they knew the truth. She had told Makarov enough, that she had been a part of what he would consider a dark guild, and Porlyusica had all but understood that thanks to her inclinations. Bambietta had in turn heard what they had both said, Porlyusica speaking harshly while Makarov had been more than willing to give her a second chance. Yet now was Bambietta beginning to understand the depths of the comparison that had been drawn between the Vandenreich and these dark guilds.

She had killed before, both in the heat of battle and to alleviate her own stress. Enemy or ally, she had taken lives if it suited her own needs. The power granted to her by her own personal savior and deity, Yhwach, had given her the means to those ends. Yet now she was different, weaker, and she had to surround herself with those who quite clearly valued friendship and morality.

Erza and the others, they were on a mission to no doubt save lives. Even Lucy, despite her fears, was clearly a good person who was willing to do what was right. Bambietta understood that well enough already, the mere fact that the young lady had allowed her into her home that fateful night. Yet the Quincy knew it well enough. It was something she had understood since the day she had been found worthy of being a Stern Ritter.

She was not a good person.

She was here for nothing more than the thrill of battle, yes. She wanted to see what the S-class of this world as capable of through Erza, she wanted to see what the dark guilds of Fiore were like; that was all and it was enough. Yet now there was a dark thought working its way through Bambietta. This Lullaby, this death magic, it was clearly power that frightened even the best and brightest in this world. It was not the strength she had lost in the process of becoming a zombie, of crossing over to a new world and having her life returned to her. No, it was not that strength but it could still be a worthy substitute.

Bambietta reminded herself then and there that she was indeed not a good person. Yet it clawed at her thoughts, the memory of Makarov giving her a second chance. It tore at her mind, memories of speaking with Lucy and Levy. She had only known them for a short time, yet still she had laughed with them, she had found some sense of joy in their presence. Then she remembered well when she had lost a battle in his new world. A happy face smiling down upon her. Yet it had not possessed malice or a threatening countenance. No, it had simply belonged to a young man who wanted to help Bambietta back up to her feet.

Bambietta told herself once more that she was not a good person. Yet she could not deny that she had surrounded herself with good people nonetheless.

"Is something the matter?"


Not even giving it a moment's hesitation, Bambietta had lied in response to Erza's query. Then did she force her thoughts past any confliction, allowing herself to speak with both confidence and bluster.

"Let's go show this Erigor creep and all of Eisenwald what Fairy Tail is made of!"

That you will Bambi, that you will. I do hope you've enjoyed her moments with Erza. I know I sure did. Its always fun to see two female characters you like interacting with one another. Some of you may be asking why she hasnt told Bambietta she's the one who saved her. Rest assured, she has her reasons.

Also, for those who have thought Bambietta has been shown as weak thus far...Next chapter is going to be a treat for you.

Please feel free to leave a review and give us your thoughts. Its appreciated be it positive or negative.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


