33.33% A Quincy's Fairy Tail / Chapter 6: 3/3

章 6: 3/3

The group kept moving forward then, stepping into yet another tunnel. This one was much better than the previous, torches lighting the walls just as they had in the main room. The trio continued their march, wondering just how far in this treasure was tucked away. Then did they come across the entrance to another chamber, the room dark once more. Levy was quick to respond, writing the word light once more to help guide their way.

"There it is!"

Bambietta grinned ear to ear when she saw it. Towards the back of the room there was an altar possessing an ornate design and resting atop it was a glittering crimson jewel, one that caught and reflected the light of Levy's spell. Content with a job at last nearing its conclusion, Bambietta began to move forward. Yet then did she notice something else. There were more dead bodies, all of them dressed in similar fashion to the bandit that she had come across earlier.

"What the hell did this?" she asked, taking note of the horrified expressions that were etched upon the faces of the dead men. Now the Quincy had to admit, while it was still not the worst thing she had seen, it was kind of foreboding.


The Quincy turned and took notice of Levy. The mage was staring intently at a message inscribed upon the flooring by the main entrance. Bambietta squinted then but she was unable to make out the strange writing.

"You can read that?" Bambietta asked, rather impressed by it all.

"It's ancient but I've seen translations in some of my books." Levy shone the light on the text and began to read aloud, slowly at first, trying to work out the syntax. "You who have braved the darkness and my traps in search of my greatest treasure, I congratulate you. Yet you face one final trial. Step forward and you will stand before the Pooch of McGuffin."

"Yeah, that just sounds horrifying." Bambietta shook her head, trying not to laugh. "Really, that's it?"

"Wait, there's more," Levy said, struggling to make out the continuing text. "Have... fun."

Bambietta waited then, her eyes staring at Levy as the mage continued to look down at the ancient text. "And?"

"That's it," the mage replied, shining light back towards Bambietta and the Jewel of McGuffin.

"Have fun, huh?" Bambietta shook her. "I'm really not liking this dead king right now. Still, I'll go take him up on his offer."

"But," Lucy stammered, "all these bandits..."

"Again, I said I could take a hundred of them and I only count," Bambietta began to scan over them all, "oh, one-hundred and one. Lovely. Well like I said, still seen worse."

"And like I said," Levy interjected, "still scaring me."

Lucy and Levy began to step back towards the entrance and watched as Bambietta continued to walk forward. The Quincy grew closer and closer to the Jewel of McGuffin, her eyes on the prize.

Then did light burst up all around her. Bambietta glanced around slightly, taking notice of what she could only describe as a magic circle enveloping the entire room. The Quincy felt the magic begin to concentrate then, the light fading as something came into being before her.

Still was Bambietta more than willing to put on a brave face. She looked back towards Lucy and Levy then, giving them a smile. "Don't worry. I've fought a doggie once before. They're not so bad. Well, unless they start talking, looking human and busting out immortal and unkillable giant monsters to help them. Then they can be kind of a big old pain in the butt."

Lucy and Levy simply did not know what to make of that in the least.

Bambietta sighed. "Tough crowd." She began to turn back to the creature forming before her, intent on looking her enemy in the eyes. "Come on, you big fleabag, let's-"

Bambietta realized something then and in response she began to crane her neck upwards. Only then could she see the forming eyes of the monster, her head only reaching the halfway point of its front legs.

"- Go."

Bambietta could see it clearly then, the Hound of McGuffin towering over her, its fur jet black, red streaks rippling through its body and protruding outwards, forming spikes. Its eyes glowed yellow, and from its mouth dripped a green liquid.

"Good doggie," Bambietta said meekly. "Would a treat make you go away?"

The monster roared them, making the cavern shake as it threw its head back.

"Yeah, I didn't think so!" Bambietta shrugged as she allowed Blut Vene to flow through her body. She reached out with her right hand, her sword coming into existence from the power that dwelled around her. "Well that's just fine! I didn't bring any dog treats or puppy repellant in my Quincy utility belt! Come on, poochy! Let's rock!"

The momentary lapse of fear was no more, replaced instead by Bambietta's brash confidence. The Quincy was ready for battle. She could sense this beast's power and she was not impressed. It was unfocused and unrestrained and that was going to be its downfall. Something like this could not keep secrets and what little it had to offer was not entirely worthy of concern.

"Bambi!" Levy shouted. "Don't play games with it! It'll kill you if you do!"

"We can help you!" Lucy shouted, reaching once more for her Celestial Keys.

"You two stay put!" Bambietta shouted as she dodged the snapping jaws of the hound. "He may look big and mean, but his power is nothing more than that of a big fluffy puppy with bad teeth!"

Levy freaked then and there. "Are you crazy?"

"Come on, Levy!" Bambietta replied as she used her sword to parry another bite, scratching the beast's jaw. "You should know better than anyone to judge a book by its cover!"

Bambietta turned her focus truly back on the Pooch of McGuffin, seeing it lick at the wound on the lower half of its mouth. Then did it lunge for her again but once more did its mouth bite into nothing but thin air.

Bambietta was gone, once more using Hirenkyaku to her advantage. "Up here, Cujo!"

The hound roared as it turned its gaze in the direction of its prey's voice, catching sight of Bambietta high in the air. She was falling fast now, Hirenkyaku's momentum having lost its edge over gravity, but she had her bow at the ready.

"Pure Blood Quincy Arrow of Awesomeness!"

Once more did Bambietta have to admit that shouting such names was just too sweet. She let loose an arrow, one she had poured a decent amount of power into. It fired downwards then, piercing through the monster's head.

The Pooch of McGuffin roared in pained defiance then, its body slamming hard to the ground as the power behind the attack forced it down. Then did Bambietta landed in front of the monster, her bow still in hand.

"Boom," she began to say, "head shot."

Yet then did Bambietta sense it, a moment before Lucy or Levy's relieved faces turning to frightened expressions told the whole story. The Quincy turned and saw the wounded beast's head lunging for her again, its teeth bared for the kill.

Bambietta simply fired another arrow, the attack quickly striking the monster between its glowing eyes. It slumped back then, that very light fading. The beast itself beginning to fade, the magic that had created the artificial form of the unliving beast no longer able to support itself.


Bambietta smirked, her eyes settling once more on the Jewel of McGuffin. She began to move forward once more, allowing her weapon to return to the magical particles that it had formed from. As she approached the alter she kept her eyes focused on the crimson jewel. She remembered well what Levy had translated, that this was the first king's greatest treasure.

"What's the big deal with this little trinket?"

Slipping off the glove of her right hand to get a better feel for it, Bambietta gripped down on the jewel. Yet then did she suddenly cry out in surprise. It was not pain, no, but a sudden influx of images and sounds that overtook her. One minute she was looking at a woman dressed all in white and Bambietta felt as if she was slipping a ring on to her finger. The next she was watching as that very same woman was holding a baby wrapped in a blanket, doctors all around. More images began to flash again and again, all of them unfamiliar to the Quincy but still leaving her to feel an unspeakable form of jubilation.

Then was it over, Bambietta gasping as her senses returned to the cavern in which she stood. She glanced down and could see that she no longer held the Jewel of McGuffin. Turning slightly, the Quincy took notice of Lucy and Levy by her side, the latter wearing Bambietta's own discarded glove, the orb in hand.

"What... was that?" Bambietta asked, her eyes focusing on the real world around her.

"You saw something, didn't you?" Levy asked. "What?"

"I didn't just see something," Bambietta panted. "I saw things, heard things, felt things. A life not of my own. So much... joy."

Lucy was inherently nervous, taking notice of the twin tears that were streaming down the Quincy's face. "Bambi?"

"So it's a recording lacrima," Levy said, eyeing the jewel. "Making direct contact with it allows the one in possession sees what was magically encoded within."

"So that was the first king's treasure,' Bambietta said, her breathing beginning to return to normal. She ran a sleeved arm across her face, wiping away the tears born not from her own memories. "The happiest moments of his life."

Bambietta was unsure how to understand what she had just experienced. She had been happy before, yes, but what this king, this McGuffin the Fourth had felt, it was something far different from what she was used to. She had been one to find joy in the heat of battle; even now, when she had faced the hound, she had felt a rush. Yet what she had sensed with this jewel, this lacrima, was something else entirely. It had been the jubilation of another, joy born from a life far removed from the field of battle. The Quincy was unsure if she could admit it, the feelings and sensation she had experienced having belonged to a long dead individual, but it had been something even more intoxicating that what she had felt in her own life. The Quincy had to wonder if that was true happiness. More importantly, however, she had to wonder if it was something she would truly want for herself someday.

Yet for now she knew exactly what would bring a smile to her face. "Let's go get our reward."

The sun was still shining upon Veronica Forest as the trio of Fairy Tail wizards made their way out from the cavern once more. Yet that was not all that was awaiting them.

"Well now," Bambietta said, her eyes locking on the group of well-armed bandits in black that were standing in wait, "you guys just don't know when to quit."

"Give us the Jewel of McGuffin," one of the bandits said, keeping a dagger held in a reverse grip, "and maybe we'll let you pretty little ladies walk away alive."

"Oh really?" Bambietta walked forward, grinning wildly. "Funny, because I was just about to say that if you get the hell out of our way nice and peaceful like I'd let you walk away still able to have children in the future."

"Did she just-?" Lucy whispered, wide eyed.

"Still kind of scaring me," Levy replied.

"Oh, a big toughie, aren't you?" the bandit retorted. "I wonder how much of a witch you'll act like once I've cut out that flippant tongue of you-"

The bandit never got the chance to finish his sentence, his face becoming consumed by an expression of shock. It was the same for all the other bandits, the lot of them quaking where they stood, their bodies shaking and buckling underneath an unseen pressure.

Both Lucy and Levy could feel it as well, though theirs was a less pronounced response. Both of them could feel their skin crawling at the sensation but still did they remain unchanged otherwise, able to resist the pressure bearing down on them both. Despite that, however, they were concerned.

"What's the matter, boys?" Bambietta asked calmly. "You came here to talk big and show off what power you had but now, when I only offer you a fraction of my own, you buckle down like a bunch of pansies. What a joke."

It was exactly that, a fraction of the spiritual pressure Bambietta had within her still, but as she flexed it across the magical wavelengths of the world around her she could see that it was still potent enough for mere mortals. They were beginning to drop like flies then, first to their knees then to their sides, unable to stand up to her power.

Yet then did the Quincy become slightly worried. She turned towards Lucy and Levy and could see them in clear shock at her display of strength, goose bumps spreading across their skin. It was not nearly as bad as what had happened to the bandits but still did Bambietta stop herself then and there, pulling her power back within herself. "Oh, I'm sorry! Really!"

"It's fine," Levy gasped, trying to restore the feeling in her body by will alone.

"What," Lucy said as she rubbed her arms with the same goal as Levy, "was that?"

"An attack on an individual's spirit, eh? How interesting."

Bambietta turned and could see one and only one of the bandits slowly beginning to rise to his feet. This one, she could tell, was different from the rest. Clad in black robes, a hood atop his head, he was far different from the others indeed. The Quincy could feel a spark, no matter how ineffective, within his very being.

"Oh, so you're an actual wizard," she said calmly. "Well bully for you. I guess I just need to flex my power a little harder then. I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood to play around with small fries like you right now."

Then did an idea cross Bambietta's mind. She turned towards Lucy, a devilish smile on her face. "Hey there, roommate. I've kind of done a good chunk of stuff today, and Levy's been a big help, but..."

"But?" Lucy repeated, slightly worried.

"But all you've done is fall on your butt," Bambietta replied, closing her eyes as she continued to smirk. "And don't hide it, I've seen you reaching for those keys you've got on you again and again. I bet they're just plain magical. So show me what you can do! Give him hell!"

Bambietta had to admit that she was curious to see what Lucy could do and there was time like the present. It was only fair she knew what her new friend was capable of, especially if they were going to be living together. The Quincy had to know if Lucy could pull her own weight when it came to making the money for her portion of the rent after all.

"All right then," Lucy began to walk forward, pulling forth one of the keys in her possession. the Celestial wizard kept her face calm, uninterested in looking bad in front of one who was placing such faith in her.

"You dare take me, the great Pax Serpia, as a fool?" the black robed wizard shouted, his rage out of control. "I will not be made light of!"

He brought his hands up high above his head, magical energy beginning to swirl between his palms.

"I will kill you all where you stand! I will become the greatest mage that Veronica has ever seen! Then shall the Carbuncle guild recognize their folly in discarding me!"

"Yeah, more big talk," Bambietta said, watching with interest. "Try making it in Sorcerer's Monthly, then maybe you'll be worth taking seriously!"

"How dare you?" Don shouted, his anger getting the best of him.

"Hey, don't get mad at me," Bambietta replied with a casual shrug. "It's just what I heard is all. Lucy?"

Lucy brought the key forth, energy swirling around it. Then did she speak, uttering the command spell to put her power to good use. "Open the Gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!"

Light burst all around Lucy then and before her came into existence something that actually did leave Bambietta in complete surprise. It was half man, half bull, and wearing armored bracers and a black shorts. In its hands was a massive axe, one that was quite threatening, but still was the strange creature's appearance something Bambietta had not been expecting.

"Okay, I was just thinking she was going to summon an actual golden bull," Bambietta said softly. "I hope this isn't the perverted bull thing she mentioned back on Mount Hakobe."

"Well aren't you looking quite beautiful today, Miss Lucy!" Taurus said, glancing over his shoulder at his summoner. "And I must say, even when it s not cold out like last time, you are still possessing the finest of udders!"

Bambietta's head dropped forward then. "So it's true. He really does exist. Just... damn it."

"Hey, I brought you out here to help me, not hit on me!" Lucy shouted, slightly flustered with Taurus' usual antics. She was beginning to wonder if she had made the right choice in summons, especially if she wanted to impress her friends.

"Oh, you mean that guy?" the bull spirit asked, tilting his head towards Pax, the man still building his power. "No problem. Nobody is going to lay a hand on my fair lady's hot bod, not whi-"

Suddenly did Taurus's feet dig into the ground, the spirit being pushed back as Pax's magical attack slammed into him.

"No foolish Celestial spirit can handle me, the great- Huh?" Pax watched as the smoke cleared around Taurus' body, the bull spirit's malicious smile coming into focus.

"That stung a little, I'll admit. But let me tell you something." Taurus began to take a step forward then, giving Pax a reason to slowly retreat. "You mess with the bull," Taurus began to say as he suddenly charged, "you get the horns!"

The creature swung the flat edge of his massive axe to the side, striking Pax with it so hard that the dark wizard was thrown to the side, his body hitting against a tree with enough force to leave him passing out almost immediately.

"And now you know," Taurus began to say in triumph, "how horny I can be."

Bambietta simply groaned in response, dropping her face into the waiting palms of her hands.

"Good job, Taurus!" Lucy shouted as she moved over to high five her summon. "I can always count on you!"

The spirits eyes suddenly lit up in joy, leaving Bambietta to almost question her sight. For a moment she could have sworn she saw the creature's eyes turn pink and shift into the shape of hearts. The Quincy rubbed her eyes with both hands then and looked once more, only to find the same sight awaiting her. "Tis world is full of many strange and horrifying things."

"You're happiness always moves me, Miss Lucy!" Taurus shouted. "Now how about I get a big hug as a sign of appreciati-"

"And away you go!" Lucy shouted, using her magic to return Taurus to whence he came. She then turned back to Bambietta and Levy. "Pretty cool magic, huh?"

"Yeah." Bambietta said it with some manner of hesitation, but she wasn't lying, not exactly. The magic was impressive, yes, but she had to hope that her new friend had less disturbing spirits to summon. "Anyway... Bambi Force, let's go get our reward and start living it up!"

Time passed, day beginning to turn to night. A museum had been visited, a reward collected and immediate shopping for a new white skirt completed. All that done, the trio of Fairy Tail members had returned to Magnolia conquering heroes of a sort and went their separate ways. Levy had returned to Fairy Hills while Lucy and Bambietta had gone back to their shared apartment for some much needed rest. More time passed then, night turning to day, and Bambietta was sleeping peacefully on Lucy's sofa once more. That peace, however, was about to end.

"That is totally not fair! You tricked me!"

The shrill cry dragged Bambietta from her slumber, the Quincy all but falling off the sofa and to the floor as she awoke in a startled panic. Entangled in her blanket, she clawed out at it until at last she could stick her head out and look around.

"What's the deal here?" she asked, her eyes blinking as she tried to concentrate. "Can't the cute get some beauty sleep?"

Then did Bambietta see it, Lucy conversing with Natsu Dragneel and Happy. Also did the Quincy take notice of a strange and small white creature possessing a gold horn in place of a nose.

"Okay, I guess I'm still dreaming."

Lucy looked down at the frumpy and disheveled Quincy, honestly surprised that she had slept through the entire conversation she had just had with Natsu since he had mysteriously shown up in her apartment. One minute she had simply been walking out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel after a nice shower, the next she had been horrified to find the Dragon Slayer simply sitting in a chair, waiting to greet her. The question of how he had gotten in was still something Lucy had yet to receive an answer for.

"Can you believe this jerk?" Lucy exclaimed, leaving Bambietta to stare up at her in confusion. "First he goes and acts like I'm the best thing since sliced bread so I'll join his team and then he has the nerve to reveal he only needed me because the job request he has in mind requires a blonde haired girl to dress up like a maid!"

"Wait... what?" Again was Bambietta trying very hard to awaken fully, not entirely sure she had comprehended what Lucy had just said. Then, quite suddenly, did one word the Celestial wizard had spoken begin to repeat over and over again in Bambietta's thoughts. Then did she suddenly stand up and point an accusing finger at Natsu. "Oh no, Dragon Slayer! Lucy's a proud member of the Bambi Force! I won't have you stealing from me!"

The Quincy began to crack her knuckles then, leaving Natsu completely thrown for a loop by the awakened woman's action. Lucy, meanwhile, was simply aghast. "I can kind of be on two teams, you know?"

Bambietta sighed and sat back down on the couch. "Okay, fine. So much for a good excuse to fight the Dragon Slayer again."

"You were going to fight him in our apartment?" Lucy all but screamed. "Are you nuts?"

"So I've been told in the past," Bambietta answered, "but at least I can share. I guess . Anyway... So what, you two going out on a mission?"

Lucy suddenly walked over to Bambietta, handing her a paper. "Sadly, yeah. Doesn't this one just sound like fun?"

Bambietta glanced at the paper and began to read it over. "So you've got to procure a book from a guy. It doesn't sound that bad- What the heck am I looking at?"

Bambietta could see it then, a drawing a short and overweight man in a black suit, the individual playing with a mustache that seemed less like it was growing from his face but rather extending out from the nostrils of his bulbous nose.

"Wow, and I thought PePe was one ugly son of a gun." Bambietta glanced over the paper again, giggling slightly as she read the fine print. "So you're going to infiltrate this bozo's mansion disguised as a maid. Doesn't that just sound like fun. Sorry, Lucy."

"It's a shame you're not a pretty blonde," Happy said as he looked at Bambietta from the floor. "Then you could be a member of Team Natsu too!"

"Yeah, I'll go dye my hair right now just so I can dress up as a maid and flirt with this Duke of Everlue fellow. That'll be fun." Then did Bambietta twitch, the Quincy what else Happy had said. "And I am pretty, you darn kitty!"

"No worries," Natsu replied with a smile. "Lucy should be enough. Besides, after that fight we had, I'm kind of worried you might punch out the guy if he gets on your bad side."

"So wait, I'm not good enough for your team now?" Bambietta stood up again, raising a fist in front of her. "Those are fighting words, Dragon Slayer! Any day, any time!"

Natsu suddenly smiled then. "Sure, we can have a rematch!"

Lucy, meanwhile, simply sighed in realization that she was clearly becoming friends with people who were quite crazy indeed. "Guys, the landlord is going to kill me if you wreck the place."

"But that'll have to wait!" Natsu suddenly grabbed hold of Lucy's hand, guiding her towards the apartment's doorway. "First me and Happy got to get a sweet maid outfit for our newest teammate!"

"Aye, sir!" Happy exclaimed, running up beside his friend's side.

"Wait a minute, Natsu, I really don't want to-"

Then Lucy was out of sight, the Dragon Slayer having brought her out into the hall and shutting the door behind him.

Bambietta simply stood there in silence. Then did the Quincy begin to giggle slightly. "Oh, poor Lucy. Better her than me."

She began to stretch then, realizing that she had plenty of alone time to herself now. She pressed against her neck, trying to work the stiffness out of it to no avail.

"Yeah, that sofa is better than a freaking bench," the Quincy mumbled to herself, "but I really need to go buy a bed. Oh well. Plenty of time to kill now."

"Darn it. It looks like somebody already took the book stealing gig." Levy sighed as she looked at the job request board, having noticed quite well that the mission was gone. While she had made a decent amount of capital with Bambietta and Lucy, fifty thousand jewel nothing to sneeze at, it was only half the rent for her apartment. "I really could have used that money."

Disappointed, Levy turned back towards the members of the group she called her own, Shadow Gear. Jet and Droy shared her disappointment, willing to do what they needed to help the woman they called a friend.

"Good morning, Fairy Tail!"

There it was again, as if the morning was a repeat of the last. Levy did not even need to look but she did so anyway and saw Bambietta walking into the guild hall once more.

"So what A-Class mission can I find today?" Bambietta began to look over the mission request board herself, standing close to Levy and the others. "Hopefully something a little less stressful than another treasure hunt." Then suddenly did the Quincy look towards Levy. "You want to come along again? I think we make a pretty good team."

"Well, I'd like to, but-"

Levy was interrupted, Jet stepping in front of her and looking Bambietta in the face. Droy was soon to follow, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Hey," Droy began to say, "listen up, rookie."

Jet was the next to speak. "Levy's a proud member of Shadow Gear, so don't think you can just snatch her away!"

"Okay," Bambietta said, growing a little irritated. She glanced at Jet and then looked at the tall hat he was wearing. "One, I've already pretty well learned that Fairy Tail wizards can be on as many teams as they like. Two, personal space. Respect mine. And three, my hat is so much cooler than yours, Doctor Seuss."

Silence settled over Bambietta and the male members of Shadow Gear, their eyes now doing the talking for them. Bambietta, however, found that a little boring and pushed the situation over the edge the only way she knew how.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot number four. I've actually shared the same bed with Levy. Top that."

The Quincy smiled then, getting confirmation from both Jet and Droy that her comment had done the trick.

"Why you!"

"We're not going to be disrespected by a rookie!"

"Bambi!" Levy exclaimed, her face going red. "It's not what it sounds like, guys! Really!"

Levy moved between her friends, trying to calm them all down.

"You two need to cool it!" she said sternly to Jet and Droy, waving a stern index finger.

Bambietta smirked. "Yeah, just chill out, gu-"

"And you," Levy said, turning to face Bambietta. "You have to stop provoking people. First Laxus, then Natsu, now my friends."

Bambietta did not know what to say, having not expected to be lectured like that. A part of her was angry but she also could not help but understand where Levy as coming from. She spoke then, using an honest tone as she diverted her eyes away from the judgment that was displaying in Levy's own. "Sorry."

Levy took note of Bambietta's suddenly humble attitude, happy to see it was possible, and she made up her mind then. She turned to the other members of Shadow Gear. "Well, since the Duke of Everlue mission was a bust I guess this just isn't our day. So how about this? I'll do a mission or two with Bambi today, then maybe tomorrow or the next day we can find something for us, all right?"

"Okay, fine," Jet answered.

"I can deal with that," Droy replied. "See you later, Levy."

The two began to depart then, going their separate ways and leaving Levy alone beside Bambietta at the job request board.

Meanwhile, Makarov simply watched on with simple curiosity. He had known quite well that Bambietta was a brash one, but the master was content in seeing her hold back just now once Levy had spoken to her. Yes, Makarov could see that Porlyusica's concerns were perhaps valid, but so to was his faith that she could better herself in time.

"It's perhaps best you not gotten involved with the Everlue mission, Levy," he suddenly said. "The client actually contacted me to raise the reward, so I can only imagine he has grown more desperate to see it through or that the task has grown much more dangerous."

"What? Twenty thousand jewel wasn't enough?" Levy was quite surprised. "How much did they raise it?"

"Oh, it couldn't be that bad," Mirajane said with a smile. "Right, master?"

"I'm afraid it may be," Makarov replied. "It was raised to two million jewel."

"What?" Levy, much as everyone else, was quite shocked. "What kind of book are they after?"

Perhaps none was quite as surprised as Bambietta herself. "Are you kidding me? Darn it! I hope Natsu and Lucy are happy with that money! That so would have totally been worth getting my hair dyed blonde!"

Only then did the Quincy suddenly remember exactly what the lecherous Duke of Everlue looked like in the picture she had seen.

"Wait, no," Bambietta said quietly, her skin crawling. "No reward is worth that."

Bambietta turned back to the board then, trying to find something more to her liking. She noticed that that Levy was moving close to her, the woman quite worried. "Are you sure Lucy will be all right?"

Bambietta was not concerned in the least. "I'm sure. She's got Natsu by her side after all. That kid's a real firecracker. Pun intended, yes."

"Well, if you're sure." Levy began to gloss over the job request board. "Oh, how about this one?"

Bambietta looked at the paper that Levy was pointing to and then did the Quincy smile widely. She snatched it off the board and wrapped an arm around Levy's shoulders. "The Bambi Force is back in action!"

I figured it would be best to have Bambietta experience at least one mission before she was exposed to fairy tails more...crazy missions...Then again, considering her old home...Wont be that big of a difference.

Still, anything to get her to spend more time with Lucy and Levy, and she needs it as you could tell from her...Nightmare. Yeah, she's not going to get over what happened to her anytime soon, and really, can you blame her? I sure cant.

But thats why she's hear now, isnt it? To get over the past, and make new friends.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please feel free to leave a review, they make me and Ankoholic strive to do better, be the review positive or negative.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


