82.14% Ponypastas / Chapter 23: Elements of Insanity - Chapter 17 A New Beginning

章 23: Elements of Insanity - Chapter 17 A New Beginning

5 years later…

Five years had passed since the death of the three princesses of Equestria, and the Elements of Insanity ruled after them. They formed a government of tyranny where ponies must do as they were told or face cruel and unusual punishment, or simply death. The sky was always a crimson red in the morning, and at night it would turn into a deep burgundy red. On lucky occasions, the sky would turn a grayish blue. Usually that meant a lot of ponies weren't being killed and/or less destruction and chaos going on. 

The Elements of Insanity had unleashed the demons of hell upon Equestria with the help of Satania, and right after that Brutalight killed Satania as fast as a millisecond. It was an act of betrayal, but the Elements of Insanity didn't care about the unfortunate pony. The demons served the Elements of Insanity after being released and kept everypony in their place. The demons also helped with the killing and punishment when necessary. Not a lot of ponies dared to disobey the Elements of Insanity or it's demonic servants. Even a few royal guards had decided to join and serve the Elements of Insanity.

A young, unicorn filly known as Midnight grew up in this dark place. In fact, she was just born when the Elements of Insanity began to rule over. She had a grayish coat with a black tail and mane, outlined with ruby red. Her eyes matched the outline of her tail as well as her mane, and she so happened to be a 'blank flank.' She was forced to grow up in an orphanage after losing her parents for a reason she couldn't quite remember, and because of that - as well as the harsh environment she was in - life wasn't quite perfect for her.

One day, at the age of four, she was walking down the dark dirt road of Ponyville and towards her school. She had been signed up for school a few months ago, but wasn't sure how to feel about it. Sure, she had a large passion for learning, but the children there seemed so depressed or angry, and even the teacher looked tired and stressed. As she walked, she looked up at the bright crimson sky and sighed. A few black clouds seemed to be forming, which meant it might rain soon, and she just realized she forgot her jacket at home. She sighed and looked back down at the ground as she walked.

"I wonder what sunshine, and moonlight is like…" Midnight thought. "I've read so many stories about the sun and the moon…"

She looked back up at the sky. There seemed to be a large, black object that looked like the sun but was only powerful enough to provide simple light and nothing more. There were no rays of sunshine or beautiful scenery of the sun setting nor rising, just a large, ebony object in the sky, meaning it never left the sky unless blacked by clouds.

"None of the stories I read ever described the moon nor sun looking like THAT…" Midnight said, still staring at the sky.

When she made it to the small schoolhouse, she entered and immediately found her seat next to one of her friends, Luck Hoof. Lucky Hoof smiled cheerfully at Midnight. She had a coat as well as white as snow - as well as her mane and tail - and her eyes were a bright ruby red just like Midnight's, coincidentally. But unlike Midnight, she was a pegasus, and she already had her cutie mark, which seemed to be a painted egg.

"Hey Midnight!" Lucky Hoof said joyfully. "I see you're backs! I thought you were suspended because of the juice box incident…"

Midnight shook her head.

"No, Mrs. Cheerlie found out that it wasn't me who poured out the juice boxes in everypony's backpacks because some other pony told her that she saw what happened. Thank goodness somepony backed me up, or I would've been doomed for…" Midnight said.

"Hey! I back you up too! Don't I get credit?!" Creamy Cookies said.

Creamy Cookies - or Cookie, as she likes to be called - had a coat that almost resembles a black and white cow, with a black main and tail. She - unlike Midnight and Luck Hoof - had a pair of bright, blue eyes and was an earth pony. She too had a cutie mark, which seemed to be a silver star and silver sword. Midnight chuckled.

"Cookie, the teacher doesn't listen to you because you're too much for a troublemaker." Midnight responded.

Cookie pouted.

"But I still defended you, so it counts…" She said.

When the teacher walked in, all the pony students immediately turned their attention to her. Cheerilee seemed to look a lot more tired and stressed than she used to, and she even had bags under eyes and stress marks to prove it. She wasn't too much older than she used to be, but still, her body was becoming weaker and weaker.

"Good morning, class." She said, weakly smiling. "As We all know, today is a very special day that will determine what career you'll be taking when you grow older." 

Midnight immediately began to grow nervous. She forgot today was the day that'll give her life a purpose in taking part of this community. She gulped. She was more scared than excited...all the students were, honestly. Lucky Hoof was tapping her hoof nervously while Creamy Cookies had her head laying on her des and ears folded back, sighing.

"Now I know today seems like a bad day, but hopefully you'll get a job that you like. Then maybe today won't be such a bad day." Cheerilee added.

She pulled out a small, brown paper bag and held it with her mouth. 

"All of these jobs have been chosen by our rulers." She muffled. "So please, give them appreciation for giving you this...fine opportunity."

Cheerlie knew that she had to say what was written on the card, otherwise she would be in trouble.

"Pipsqueak, would you like to go first?" Cheerilee asked.

Pipsqueak nodded slowly, trembling slightly with nervousness as he got out of his seat and headed towards the bag.

"D-Does oen of the careers involve being a pirate, Mrs. Cheerilee?" He asked.

"I haven't looked at the jobs, dear, so I couldn't tell you." She answered. 

Pipsqueak gulped and hesitantly stuck his hoof in the bag as the other ponies watched intensively. Pipsqueak moved his hoof through the bag full of small pieces of paper and slowly pulled out before looking at it. There, printed in black bolded words on the small, rectangular piece of paper, said CASHIER.

"A-A caheir?" He said. "B-But I…"

Pipsqueak looked at the floor sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry Pipsqueak, but maybe it won't be so bad if you give it a try. Maybe you'll get to work at some sort of pirate store." Cheerilee said,  trying to cheer him up.

"I-If you say so Mrs. Cheerilee…" Pipsqueak said.

Pipsqueak sadly made his way to his seat.

"Alright, who's next?" Cheerilee asked.

Cheerilee had called up more students, and each made Midnight more and more nervous as she realized how much closer it was getting to her turn. Suddenly, she heard her name come out of Cheerilee's mouth, causing a chill to run up her spine. 

"Midnight, it's your turn." Mrs. Cheerilee said.

Midnight hesitantly got up and walked over to the paper bag Cheerilee held. She gulped as she walked towards her teacher trying to calm herself as her heart raced with her mind. SHe stared at the bag for a second, before slowly putting her hoof in the bag.

"Don't worry, Midnight!" Luck Hoof said. "Just hope you get lucky!"

"Easy for you to say, lucky's your first name…" Cookie said.

Midnight moved her hoof inside of the bag, feeling small pieces of paper touch her skin. She almost gave herself a papercut as she searched, not knowing which one to pick up. Until finally, she picked one up, knowing there was no turning back and hoping it would be to her liking. SHe inhaled deeply, closing her eyes, then pulled the paper to her face to reopen her eyes. In black bolded letters, said SPECIAL HELPER.

"..." Midnight was silent.

"Well? What does it say, Midnight?" Cheerilee asked.

The class waited for her to answer as she stared at the small paper, processing what she just read.

"I-It says...Special Helper…" Midnight answered honestly.

"Special Helper?" One student asked.

"What does that mean?" Another student asked.

The students began mumbling to each other as they debated on what that meant. Midnight became even more nervous, hoping it wasn't something awful as she overheard some conversations about it being really bad. 

"Settle down now, students." Cheerilee said. "I'm sure she'll find out soon enough. Now take your seats, pelase, Midnight."

Midnight walked back to her seat, confused as to what her new life long career was. Just as her friend was about to speak to ehr, another name was called.

"Creamy Cookies, it's your turn." Cheerilee said.

Cookie got up and walked to the bag without hesitation, before shoving her hoof in the bag and moving it around quickly, almost making Cheerilee accidentally drop the bag. She was nervous, but refused to get it out as she began to sweat. Quickly, she pulled out a small paper and read it. In black bolded letters, it said CASTLE JANITOR. Cookie's eyes widened.

"Castle Janitor?!" She said. "You gotta be kidding me!"

Cheerilee sighed.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but-"

"This isn't fair!" She complained. "I wanted to be a Royal Guard, not a Castle Janitor! ANd I would've been a good one, too! Unlike those...FIENDS, that call themselves guards!"

"Cookie, please, settle down-"

"No! I won't! IT's not fair! I can't be a Castle Janitor, I just can't be!"

The class was silent as they heard her outburst, even Midnight and Lucky Hoof weren't sure what to say. Until one pony spoke up. 

"A-At least you'll still get to work in the castle, like the guards do…" a shy pony said.

"But that's just torture! I'll be forced to watch some other ponies steal my dreams while I scrub floors, dust walls and that other stuff that janitors do! There's just no way I'm up for that! I would rather save lives and protect ponies, just like the old guards did when Celestia and Luna ruled-"

Suddenly, the door to the schoolhouse slammed open. The students gasped and immediately turned to see someones who they did not expect. The Elements of Insanity stood at the doorway, causing all the students to immediately become fearful. The group walked in as two demon guards stood outside the doro. Cheerilee, smiling nervously as her ears folded back, looked at the Elements of Insanity as she shook and sweat in fear.

"W-Well what a p-pleasant surprise." Cheerilee said, before bowing. "I-It's an honor to see you all, your highnesses." 

Brutalight said nothing as she began to walk towards Creamy Cookies, who stood there trembling. Soons he was face-to-face with Cookie, who wanted to run as fast as she could as her heart nearly popped out of her chest as Brutalight stared down at her.

"..." Brutalight said nothing at first, but then spoke. "Poor, idicotic, little filly...don't you know it is against the law to say their names in a manner like that?"

"B-But I…"

Cookie wanted to say something, but feared for her life right then. The rest of the Elements of Insanity were either giggling, chuckling or laughing evilly at the scene, for they knew what Cookie's punishment would soon be. Lucky Hoof covered her mouth in fear as her eyes began to be filled with tears. Midnight's eyes widened in shock and fear that Buratlight might hurt her friends.

"Such a naughty filly!" Lil Miss Rarity said.

"Somepony's in trooooubille!" Pinakmena added. 

"Tear her to shreds!" Buthcershy said.

"Yeah, let's kick her ass!" Applejerk said.

"No, let's grind the bitch into a rainbow and make herself useful!" Rainbute said.

They continued to laugh as Cookie began to back away into the wall in fear.

"Enough." Brutalight said. "I know what we'll do to her." 

Brutalight used her magic to grab Cookie's hoof, making her gasp as she slammed her against the floor onto her stomach, right in front of the class. The class gasped, including Lucky Hoof and Midnight. Cookie groaned in slight pain as Brutalight's horn began to glow.

"P-Please, your highness, c-can't we just handle this in a more p-pleasant manner? S-Surely she wasn't aware that w-what she said was against the law." Cheerilee said.

Burtalight's horn stopped glowing for a second as everything went silent, then she spoke.

"Than her death shall be your fault for not teaching her right from wrong. Be glad I'm not punishing YOU for this." Brutalight siad. "I guess it's up to us to show the class what happens when rules are disobeyed." 

Burtalight picked Cookie up with her magic and was about to perform the Cracking Bones spell, but Midnight instantly got out of her chair and rushed over to Cookie without a second thought.

"Midnight, wait!" Lucky Hoof said.

Midnight grabbed Cookie by her tail, snatching her away from Brutalight before she could perform her spell. Cookie fell onto the floor, groaning once again as midnight stood in front of her. The class gasped, shocked as Midnight faced Brutalight and her crew. Even the Elements of Insanity were processing what was going on.

"I won't let you hurt my friend!" Midnight said, determined.

"..." Brutalight said nothing.

Burtalight then noticed her horn. She was indeed a unicorn, but wasn't quite sure how much power she possessed. Of course, being the young filly she was, she wasn't very powerful when it came to magic. Brutalight slowly walked up to Midnight, who still stood in front of the hurt and shocked Cookie. Burtalight stopped inches away from Midnightand stared down at her with her usual frown and empty, scarlet red eyes that were bordered in black.

She lifted Midnight's chin higher with her hoof, getting a better look at her small face as Midnight began to grow more nervous. Burtalight glanced at the small paper on her desk, then back at Midnight.

"Proceed with your class, Cheerilee." Burtalight said. "I'll be taking my...Special Helper, with me…"

"A-As you wish, your highness…" Cheerilee said, scared as she stared down at the floor.

"No! Midnight!" Lucky Hoof said, reaching out to her.

But it was too late. Brutalight left with Midnight out the door as Cheerilee stared down at the floor, Cookie laid on the floor in slight pain as Lucky Hoof began to cry. Then, the whole class began to cry for Midnight, not knowing what was gonna happen to the poor little filly.


Midnight had been put to sleep while Brutalight dragged her out of the schoolhouse. She woke up moments later with a groan, fluttering her eyes open, only to see darkness all around her. She tried to move but it seemed she was tied to a wall with metal shackles. That's when her mind went alert. She opened her eyes fully, looking around in the darkness and trying to light her horn. But unfortunately, even for a filly, she wasn't very good with her unicorn magic. 

    She attempted to light her horn, but only a spark of green light appeared at the tip of her horn and she began to feel pain shoot through her head. She groaned and gave up as soon as the pain came in. That always happened when she tried to use her magic. Then she heard footsteps coming down the basement stairs, and lights flashed on from the ceiling. Midnight gasped lightly and squinted as her eyes adjusted, then she saw where she was.

She was in a basement, with tables that held never seen before potions, devices and magic tricks. Pony skeletons were in a pile at the corner of the room, and other plans were taped onto the wall. Midnight gasped at this, her eyes widening. Then she directed her attention to Brutalight, who began to walk over to her with her usual frown worn on her face.

Midnight attempted to escape the shackles, struggling and squirming as she did so. But eventually she gave up and decided to just find out what will happen to her. She sighed, her body remaining calm. Although she feared for her life at the moment, she refused to let Brutalight have the pleasure of witnessing her in a frightened state. So very bravely, she spoke.

"If you're gonna kill me, then...just get it over with. It's not like I wanna live here in this lifeless land, anyway…" Midnight said.

Midnight couldn't even believe the words she was saying right now. Brutalight, in response, said nothing. And after what seemed like a short time, Burtalight levitated a container filled with a neon green substance from the table and put it towards Midnight's mouth.

"Drink." She demanded.

Midnight took a small sniff of the potion. It had a very odd and peculiar scent. Nonetheless, she drank half the potion, thinking that this was the end of her life. But after a few minutes of waiting, nothing happened. Brutalight then walked up the basement stairs and out of the basement without another word.

"W-Wait! You can't just leave me here!" Midnight said. 

Suddenly, Midnight began to feel an undeniable pain course through her. She screamed out, trying to escape the shackles and the pain that the potion had caused. She began to feel a lot more afraid than she had been before. She violently struggled to get out of the shackles, and just as she heard a 'Pop!' from the shackles, she passed out, not being able to bear the pain any longer.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


