63.63% Summoning System In My Own Novel (Dropped) / Chapter 3: 3 - Poison

章 3: 3 - Poison

Liam sent all his summoned beings on a mission and was now resting in his bed learning spells from the 'beginners rank magic spell book' and learnt that people may have a natural affinity for one element and sometimes rarely more than one element and these elements are:


















Area/terrain manipulation







Now the first 4 magic elements named are the more common ones and the ones below are rare and some magics are unique to people individually like there was once a king who had a unique magic to create any building structure imaginable with enough mana and in the center of the world he used a Demi-god ranked beasts core for the supply of mana and created a tower with more than 1000 floors but nobody really knows for no one has reached the top.

Liam learnt that he is the first person to ever exist with every element known to man with the exception of evil types of magic which actually relived Liam and Liam learnt a few basic spells of some elements but some elements are rare so the spells can't easily be found.

When Liam woke up the next day a maid came into Liam's room and Liam said to her "Bathe me and help me dress then take me to the dining room for breakfast" and the maid arrogantly replied "who do you think you are and you're perfectly fine the way you are, you good for nothing waste and when Liam was about to reply the wicked old man whom the previous Liam called grandpa Johnson came smiling and shouted at the maid "How dare you be so rude to prince Liam, do you have no respect for royalty" and these two were smiling thinking that Liam was truly blind the maid replied "forgive me earl Johnson" hearing this Liam instantly realised the plot and how Johnson took the governors seal and used Liams authority as a prince to make himself an Earl

Liam heard the maid say "come my prince" and stood where she was so Liam pretending to be blind pointed at his face and that's when Johnson spoke up and said "you fool he's blind" and the maid hurried and helped Liam up but just as Liam was about to go Johnson said "little Liam where did you get that mask from?" and Liam then realised just how much of a mistake he made and then replied "gwanma dowager gave it to me" in a childish attempt to be cute remembering he is just 3 years of age

After having a shower and breakfast Liam went back into his room and laid on his bed when he remembered a certain pill of his

He then realised that Veldora and Nixon entered his room and both kneeled at the foot of his bed he quickly stated "rise" and after a few seconds Veldora stepped forward and said "Master the spirit beasts wish to meat you and have invited you to their village".

"I see Nixon i seem to remember you have the ability to use illusion and mind magic at an advanced level" Liam questioned and Nixon replied in a very happy tone "that's right"

Liam then ordered "Nixon become invisible and hide in my room and Veldora use your dragon form and fly me their"

And so Liam rode on top of Veldora's nice dark blue scales into the clouds and into a village of many different beasts but there were 6 peculiar figures standing in the middle of the village as if waiting for Liam

When they landed the 6 creature surrounded them and in unison said "Welcome we are the 6 elders of the spirit beast clan and are glad you saved our offspring" the 6 creatures were namely; a giant cyan blue bird, black tiger, green bear, white snake, red crocadile and pink and purple type of eagle

Liam replied by saying "thank you for having us here and as the governor of this land it is only natural I protect my people and I hope you can become part of my village and we can have a long lasting relationship"

Liam and the elders exchanged pleasantries and a few gifts before Liam returned to his mansion and sat up on his bed after sending both Veldora and Nixon away but not before making them hand over a few basic wind and lightning spells from Veldora and mind and illusion from Nixon

When they were gone a blue screen appeared which said


Congratulations on completing quest you have gained a amethyst summoning ticket


"System use amethyst rank summoning ticket"

A purple whirlpool made out of smoke appeared in the middle of Liams room and out of it came a women around the age of 21 wearing a purple and pink dress, she kneeled down and said "Master I am a unique magic user who has knowledge of every poison known to man and can create these poisons out of nowhere at the cost of a bit of mana, I have come from the amethyst rank summoning ticket please name me"

And with this Liam said "Venam"

And after this Liam said in his mind 'Summon' and a screen popped up in front of him in which he said "Summon all beings" and suddenly all his summoned beings appeared in front of him and he said "I am going to take the yin-yang pill and it will seem I have been poisoned so Johnson will send me to the next town over to get treatment and during this time I want you to put these 3 stones in the gold mines, herb patches and the mana stone sight since we are going to fool the 3 known nobles."

Liam asked "Odin and Shadow how many recruits do you have?" and Odin replied "Master I have taken over 3 groups which each have a 100 members but they are only comparable to normal knights" and after him Shadow said "I have picked up 150 people who are either desperate, from the slums, slaves or orphans"

Liam said "ok Shadow go and start training more shadow guards and the rest of you complete your mission but Odin go and separate the your men into 2 group one with 100 men and another with 25 and disguise the group with 25 men as bandits and place them at the entrance of the vermillion county after I leave and on my way back tell them to assassinate me and the one with 100 men as state guards but give them Johnson's Leviyaron family token and just take the token of one of the members of Johnson's family as he bought all his clansmen into the city and since his family was previously a merchants family they shutdown all merchants and replaced them with there own and the populace is starting to suffer"

Odin asked "are you going to send group B to attack the businesses of the 3 Nobles and leave the tokens at the attack sights therefore declaring war against the 3 Nobles and then have group A or the so called 'bandits' carry the Leviyaron's family token so when about 25 bandits attack they will instantly be taken down and you can say that Johnson tried to poison you and when that failed he tried assassination."

"Correct Odin, let's go with your naming team A and B. Team A will attack the three locations that the three nobles are using to conduct their business while leaving behind a token to reveal their identity. Then, team A will come back and storm the place to claim ownership because it belongs to Vermillion State's governor. Going against the guards is like going against the governor and those three nobles are taking benefits from here without anyone knowing, therefore they are doing illegal business because Vermillion State is out of their authority."

Liam took a long pause then continued "doing this the three nobles will think that since Johnson stole the governors seal and since I have no allies he did this without my consent."

And Shadow appeared out of the shadow at the feet of Liam's bed and said "and the 3 old Nobles will know that Johnson abused you and will declare war against him and will exterminate his entire family"

<Liam's POV>

I was entirely shocked by how fast these two could understand my plot and even figure out other parts of my plot, truly impressive so I said "I'm impressed on how fast you cached on know go and carry out the plan"

<3rd person POV>

So Odin jumped out the window and Shadow disappeared into a shadow and a little while later Lyron appeared and said "It is ready Master please proceed"

And so Liam took out his yin-yang pill and kept in his hand when Lyron teleported to the side of Liam's bed and gave him a necklace with a dark blue and purplish crystal attached to it and said "please wear this as this crystal is an artefact that I created of my spatial power so I can instantly teleport to your side"

Liam was honestly touched by the concern Lyron showed so he tied the necklace around his neck and summoned Venam by his side and asked her "when I take this pill it will temper my body and spirit and will look like I have been poisoned, how long will I be in this state?"

Venam looked overjoyed with this question that she instantly replied "Roughly 48 hours Master"

Liam seeing Venam so overjoyed took the chance and said "thank you, you were a really big help"

Venam gave a grin hearing this and Liam then summoned Veldora and said "Veldora, Venim go with Lyron and stay inside the necklace that Lyron gave me and once we are far away from Vermillion city come out and take care of the guards before taking me to a residence in the secluded state which is where Johnson will send me"

And so all 3 of them went inside a spatial portal and Liam took the pill and fell down on his bed

A few minutes later a Maid was coming in to serve Liam his lunch and when she entered the room she dropped the food and screamed and a few seconds later 6 guards and Johnson entered and called someone to check up on Liam and the only thing that was said was "he was poisoned" and Johnson started to panic and readied a carriage to take Liam to the secluded state

<Elsewhere in the capital of the Estramite Empire>

In a large room in the mansion of a certain old noble sat 3 old men around a white marble table drinking tea when One of them stood up and said "let's stop this and get to the important issue at hand" and one of the others who wore a robe said "Old Wei is right so let's get to issue at hand and I Old Ming would like my business back what do you think Old Zhou" and the so called Old Zhou said "yes, as the three nobles of unison wevare known throughout the land but all 3 businesses which belonged to us were taken by the state guards of the Vermillion state and what was left was the Leviyaron family token" the man whom was called Old Wei said "I have also gained news that apparently a man named Johnson was given the title of earl by the prince" and Old Ming said "For some reason Johnson of the Leviyaron family also has the governors seal meaning he is the current governor of the vermillion state"

Hearing this Old Zhou quickly stated "Apparently Prince Liam was poisoned and was just sent to the Secluded state to get treatment"

Old Ming caught up and said "was it Johnson who poisoned Liam?" Upon hearing this Old Wei immediately stood up and said "preparing your army's we are going to save Liam and bring him to justice"

<back to where Liam is>

Veldora, Venam and Lyron completed there mission and when Liam woke up he realised that his Mana is purer and his Mana reserves are tripled but after all that he went out for a stroll with Veldora and Venam as bodyguards and during the stroll he saw 3 old men entering in armour on horseback riding into the city and when they saw Liam they rushed over to him and introduced themselves and asked Liam how he survived and Liam responded with "Venam here is a poison master so she healed me and Veldora killed the assassins" and next they told Liam how Johnson poisoned and tried to kill him and how he used Liam.

Liam and the 3 Old men rode out in a carriage to Vermillion county where there were 3 different armies standing outside with Liam and the 3 old men on horseback at the front and Liam shouted "Johnson return the governors seal and surrender and Liam summoned a lightning strike which hit the city walls. After a while 100 women rushed out of the city all wearing armour when they knelt down in front of Liam and the general of this women's army said "your highness I am the commander of the 8th battalion of the empress Dowagers personal Army my name is Lila, forgive me for not being at your side when most needed" and after a few moments nothing happened then Johnson appears at the wall and his arm moved forward and with it a volley of arrows yet when it hit the high quality armour of the knights it was practically non-existent.

Liam seeing Johnson attacking got furious and was about to say attack when 25 men popped up from the sides of the army and went straight for Liam and they shouted "For the Leviyaron family" and Liam's plan was set in motion as the 3 old men instantly drew their swords and in seconds all 25 guards lost their heads

Old Wei was furious and shouted "They dare try and assassinate the Prince, ATTACK!"

Old Zhou also shouted "ATTACK!"

While Old Ming shouted "KILL!"

And Liam looked toward's Lila and said "ATTACK"

All the army rushed to the gate and tore it down therefore entering the city and slowly executing the guards but while this was happening Johnson was back at Liam's mansion and in the dungeon was his niece who was whipping and torturing the merchants who rebelled when the Leviyaron family took over all merchant business in Vermillion city, when Johnson arrived at the dungeon he said to his niece quickly come, Liam's here and he will kill us" but to his shock his niece replied "What will that useless trash do, he can't even see, you just look pathetic"

But just when Johnson was about to respond Liam entered the dungeon with Veldora and Venam and Nixon and Johnson's niece said "You trash go away you good for nothing peasant" and this hit a switch inside Liam as he said to Venam "give them a very painful Poison" then he looked at Veldora and Nixon and said "Take your time, just give me the governors seal and take all valuables"

After Liam came out he heard loud screaming Gand after roughly 10 minutes all 3 of his summons came out and Liam said "that was long" and Veldora temped forward and gave him a jade token then they all went their separate ways.

When Liam got outside he saw a pile of bodies and thought 'this Is an excellent chance to show off my power' and with that just where the bodies are he used the strongest fire spell he learnt called 'fire pillar' creating a long pillar of fire just underneath the bodies and this greatly impressed the 3 Old nobles as they ran towards the prince and Old Zhou said "My god the prince is exceptionally powerful, those wretched nobles and that bastard emperor lied to us, damn them"

After this incident the nobles decided to support Liam in his faction as Prince and so after this a year has passed and Liam got a quest to make the elven tribe part of Vermillion city and got his reward for that which was a amethyst rank summoning ticket and also he completed all 3 missions which were to create a shadow guard and a blood army and also an archery unit.

After doing these Liam now has; 1 weapon ticket, 1 Magi summoning ticket, 1 Psuedo-Magi summoning ticket and 2 Amethyst rank summoning ticket.

One year has passed since the battle and Liam has a shadow guard consisting of 700 people instead of the quest's 300 and a blood army consisting of 15000 people instead of 700

During this time Liam broke through to higher mage while Lyron broke through to high magus and Liam learnt up to 75 spells

Liam who is now 4 years old has been training and has been roaming the city which is now populated with not just humans but elves and spirit beasts live here as well as a few beast-kin.

Today while in bed Liam used his weapon ticket and what came forth was a purple glowing marble when Liam hearted the system alert saying "Congratulations on getting a high level weapon blessing which when put upon a weapon will give it an ability"

Hearing this greatly excited Liam as he took the 'Golden dragon staff' out of his inventory and put the bead on top of it and the bead turned into dust and Liam heard the system say "Congratulations on getting the blessing of evolution which allows a weapon to grow with the user"

Suddenly a golden glow came from the staff and out of it appeared a handsome young man around the age of 16 and he had long golden hair and deep silver eyes and said in an adorable voice "for giving me this blessing I grant you the ability to use my power and I thank you" and suddenly the staff became much lighter and easier to wield.

Liam then used his Magi rank summoning ticket and suddenly a golden flame appeared in the room which slowly turned into a bird who turned into a human lady with long raid hair and she said

"Greetings Master I am a pheonix who has proficient mastery of flame magic and am at the archmage rank in flame magic please give me a name"

Liam responded with "Celestial"

Celestia grew a pair of flame like wings and flew backwards and then Liam used his Psuedo-Magi ticket from which 3 women and 1 man appeared, they all stepped forward and kneeled and in unison said

"We are 4 Vermillion birds which can use fire magic and we are all at the Magus rank please name us"

Liam pointed at the boy and said "Ray" then he pointed at the three girls and said "Flare, Faren, Farex"

Liam then used his 2 Amethyst rank summoning tickets and from one he got a small girl around the age of 9 with long green hair and a green 3 leaf clover on her forehead and in her eyes and in the other summon 3 men were summoned and the girl said

"Master I am a tri-spirit bearer who has contracts with the poison, acid and death spirits and am from the Exctinct race spirit clover contractor please give me a name"

Liam took a minute to think and said "Tiki"

Tiki moved back a few steps and the three men moved forward and said

"We are creator builders who can create any structures and are earth spirits. Please name us"

Liam thought for a moment then said "Terra, Terri, Terro"

<3 Years later>

Liam is now 7 and has turned Vermillion city into an amazing place and the three brothers created a castle for Liam in Vermillion city and have created 4 city's and 8 villages around vermillion city.

Veldora and Nixon took over the area east of Vermillion city which was a sect called the 'iris petal sect' and Veldora and Nixon killed everyone but gave Odin the patriarch and elders who were tortured and are now the Commanders and Luitenants respectively so now Vermillion county is as big as a small kingdom.

Liam completed another quest over the 3 years and got a all healing pearl as his reward and Liam instantly thought of the empress dowager his grandmother who is very ill and therefore has not visited Liam.

Liam has recently gotten an invitation from his grandmother inviting him to her birthday party and decided to attend in 1 weeks time

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  • 世界の背景

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