94.54% Shinji's Playground / Chapter 48: Capture The Flag

章 48: Capture The Flag

"Everyone is ready? The five minutes will end soon" Shinji asked his classmates


~~~ With Kohei ~~~

"Five minutes have passed! You are allowed to try and attempt to capture the other team's flag!" the referee announced

'My plan is perfect. I told class D to stay in our territory until they spotted the flag, so we'll have an additional defense, and we won't need to run after the other team, and focus on protecting the flag and the jail...' Kohei thought, as he and a half of the students from his class stood in a formation in front of the flag, and the other half guarded the jail. Then he saw the White Team starting to move, but he was shocked by what he saw.

He saw students of both class B and C attacking together, leaving only five students at defense, which caused confusion and chaos within their territory, due to almost both teams were within their territory.

"They abandoned their territory? Then, class D should easily spot the flag... what about class D!? Have they spotted the flag yet?" asked Kohei

"They can't find it!! The other team keeps on coming, distracting them, and even when they do capture them and send them to the jail, the group who defends the jail gets overwhelmed by the White Team's numbers. They only managed to spot five students of class C in the White Team's territory. Shinji Ayankoji and another student guard the jail, and another Hirata and two other students are placed at the other side of their territory" said Yahiko

'They expected my strategy and sent most of their team on the attack, to cause chaos within our territory, but would they really leave the flag with only three people to guard it, and two other people to guard the jail? In that case, we should send a small group of students from class D to capture the flag, and even if they'll get captured, it would be easy to free them, with only two students guarding the jail...' thought Kohei, and then he said:

"Yahiko. Tell class D to send a small team of about ten students to capture the flag"

"Yes, Katsuragi-San!" said Yahiko

~~~ With Shinji ~~~

"And here they come..." said Shinji as he looked at ten students of class D approach Yosuke, Kanji, and Haruki

"They really did go to Hirata and the others, just like you said..." Ken said in shock

"Katsuragi is simple-minded, for a student of class A. He doesn't take any unnecessary risks, and while sometimes it's good, it makes he's acts predictable. It was obvious that he'll go with a defensive strategy until he's sure he can capture the flag. By creating chaos, we force him to take a rush action. Now, let's see how long it'll take him to figure out our little trick..." Shinji said with an amused smirk, as he started to see some of the captured students going their way, together with the rest of their group, who came to use their numerical advantage to free them.

~~~ With Kohei ~~~

The situation wasn't so good for the Red Team. Because they split into two groups, one protecting the flag, and the other guarding the jail, they were in a numerical disadvantage, considering that all of the White Team's players, except for five, tried to capture their flag. Kohei sent those ten students because he expected them to use the numerical advantage to easily capture the flag, but they have yet to return.

'Why does it take them so long to capture the flag? They have an obvious numerical advantage, so it shouldn't take that long...'

"Yahiko, go and ask them what's going on"

"Right away!" Yahiko said and ran towards the group of ten students. After he spoke with them, he returned and said:

"There's a problem. While they easily manage to get past the three students, they can't seem to find the flag, and while they search for the flag, some of them get captured. Though, they easily manage to free the captives, because the two students who guard the jail aren't even trying to stop them, probably due to the numerical advantage" Yahiko

'They can't find the flag, and the other two doesn't even try to stop them from freeing the captives?

... Then, it must mean-'

"Yahiko! Tell them to quickly go to the two students who guard the jail! They're the ones with the flag!" Kohei exclaimed, and Yahiko quickly run to tell them his orders

'I can't believe I fell to this trap... Shinji Ayanokoji... as I thought, he is someone who I can't ignore...'

~~~ With Shinji ~~~

"Looks like they figured it out..." Shinji said as he saw the ten students come their way.

He then went to a tree that was near the jail and grabbed the flag from behind the tree. It was placed in a way that if you weren't close enough, you wouldn't be able to see it

"The rules state that the flag has to be visible, but it doesn't have to be visible from all of the angles. And no one will expect the flag to be placed near the jail. But even if you know where the flag is, it doesn't mean you'll be able to get it!" Shinji said, and with the flag in his hand, Shinji started to run away, once again, showing off his incredible speed

'There is no way they can keep up with me, especially considering that they're already tired from all of the running we made them do within our territory but now that they know where the flag is, and that he's moving, they have to chase me, so I won't get too far away from them. And when they'll get tired, they'll get slower, and when they do...' Shinji thought and smirked as he looked back, seeing the ten students already getting tired, and because they were exhausted, and also because they were focused on him, they didn't notice the four students sneaking behind them, what allowed them to easily capture all ten of them, and seeing that, Shinji stopped and thought:

'Now, it is only a matter of time before we win...' he thought as he looked towards the place where Kohei was, and once he did, they locked eyes, and Shinji smirked a victorious smirk.

Because they couldn't risk sending more people to capture the flag, the Red Team stayed within their territory, desperately trying to protect the flag, but eventually, the flag was captured, and it was another victory for the White Team.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C48
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


