83.46% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3422: RV FAMILY

章 3422: RV FAMILY

"Family meeting," Dad said as he and Mom walked into the living room. I glanced up from the movie I'd been halfway watching, a regrettable remake of a 70's horror classic. One look at their faces told me this was serious, so I turned off the TV and gave my twin brother, Dylan, a kick in the shin.

"What the fuck, Dani?" He looked up from whatever game he'd been playing on his tablet and I chinned in Mom and Dad's direction as they settled into the loveseat across from us.

"Whatever this dumbass did," I said, "I had nothing to do with it."

"Hey, I had nothing to do with it either! Whatever this is, it's definitely her fault."

I snorted. "Not likely."

"Can you two stop picking at each other for two minutes, please?" Mom pleaded. "No one did anything. We just need to talk to you."

"Well," Dad added, "I guess technically speaking your mom and I did do something. Or we're about to do something. Whatever. The point is, Dylan, Danielle, we need to tell you something."

"Uh, oh," Dylan said. "This can't be good."

For once I agreed with my brother.

"There's no easy way to say this," Dad began, "so I'm just gonna throw it out there. Your mom and I are buying an RV, then as soon as we can sell the house were going to hit the road. See the country. Eventually maybe, if it goes well, travel the world in the thing."

Dylan laughed. "Good one, Dad."

But they weren't kidding.

Eventually, Dylan caught on. "Wait, what? You're selling the house and hitting the road? You can't do that. What about us?"

"Don't bring me into this," I said. "I'm going to college in the fall."

"Yeah, okay, brainiac, but does that mean you were never coming home again? Planning a nice Christmas in your dorm room are you?"

He had a point. Not that I intended to admit it.

"Look, you two," Dad said. "We know this won't be easy on either of you, and we're sorry about that. But Dylan, you were supposed to be going to college this fall also. It's not our fault that you decided you need some time to find yourself."

"Whatever that means," I said.

"Exactly," added Mom.

"Oh, okay. So I guess it's just gang-up-on Dylan time, right? Excuse me for wanting to actually figure out what I might want to do with my life before I start pouring my college fund down the drain."

"Very noble of you, sweetheart," Mom said, "even though about 90% of the point of college is figuring out what you want to do with your life. But If you need some time, then by all means take some time. Meanwhile, however, your Dad and I have things we want to do with our lives too. So now that you two are 18 we're going to start doing some of them. It's as simple as that."

While my brother whined a bit more, wondering where he was going to live, and generally who was going to replace the magical good fairy that made food appear on the table and clean laundry materialize in his dresser, I was wondering along very different lines. Interrupting Dylan, I said, "Hang on a sec. What about your jobs? I mean, it's not like we're rich. You two can't just retire. Can you?"

Mom and Dad had been together since high school. They had started dating when Mom was a sophomore and Dad was a junior, and two years after that, just when Dad was starting college, Mom had gotten pregnant. Luckily for my brother and me, they had decided this was just an acceleration of plans they had already made.

They got married, had twins, and somehow made it all work. Dad finished college and became a high school teacher. Then Mom took classes at night and eventually became a nurse. All of which meant we had a comfortable life, but certainly not a luxurious one. My parents were not the sort of people who could retire in their late thirties to go off and see the world. Or so I had thought.

But now they looked at each other in a way I'd never seen before. Like they were about to jump off a cliff and were kind of looking forward to that flying sensation on the way down. Mom breathed deep and said, "Yeah, about that..."

But my Dad couldn't contain himself. He blurted out, "Your mom is a big star on a cam site, and she's making so much money that we can basically do whatever we want."

At first no one said anything. I was trying, unsuccessfully, not to even think anything Because my thoughts about what being a "big star" on a cam site meant, the images that kept popping into my head of what my mother might have been doing on camera to earn all this money, were just too much to process.

My brother, blunt as usual, finally said, "Mom, are you saying people are actually paying money to see you naked?"

She sat up a little straighter, and in a slightly offended tone said, "Is that really so hard to believe?"

I had to admit that it really was not very hard to believe at all. I'd always been sort of vaguely aware that my mom was beautiful. I mean, when we went out and about together men hit on her all the time. Like, sometimes more than me, which could be pretty damn annoying, actually. Hell, even the guys at school made comments about her. But I never gave it that much thought. To me she was just Mom.

But now, maybe for the first time in my life, I really really looked at her. People often said we seemed more like sisters than mother and daughter, and now I could see what they meant. We had the same long, thick, dark hair and bright green eyes, the same full lips. Her tits were actually a little bigger than mine, and mine had been drawing attention from boys, men, and even some girls, since I was twelve years old. We were both tall and thin, with long legs, but my ass was too flat. I realized as I sat there that Mom had me beat on that score too.

So yeah. Though it was literally making my brain hurt to imagine it, I could totally see how guys might be willing to pay to see my mom naked. I suddenly wondered if they were maybe paying for more than that. I mean, people on cam sites did all kinds of crazy shit, didn't they? And then out of nowhere I started blushing. Because my next thought had been, "Fuck! How come I had never thought of doing that?"

Then I heard Dylan say, "No, Mom, I get it. You're super fucking hot. I'm just surprised, you know, that you would do that."

I looked at my brother. "Hey. Weirdo. Did you just tell your mother you think she's 'super fucking hot'?"

"What? She is. Are you saying she's not?"

Damn. I walked right into that one. "No. Of course I'm not saying that. I mean, obviously she's hot. It's just...it's just..."

"It's just what?" Mom asked, a little smirk on her face.

"Well... you know...he's your son. He's not supposed to, like, say that shit out loud."

"So it's okay if he thinks it, just not okay if he says it?"

I didn't bother to answer. My argument was lame and we all knew it.

"This is the problem in this country anymore," Dad said. "One of them, anyway. People are so afraid to say what they actually think. Even to their own family! But your Mom and I are done with that. You two are adults now, so we're going to treat you that way, and that means telling you the truth. The whole truth. Assuming you want to know it, that is."

"That's right," Mom added. "If you have questions, we'll answer them honestly. But if you'd rather not know the details, that's okay too."

I wasn't sure how much I wanted to hear about this. My brain was already running wild, imagining plenty of details on its own. Could I handle knowing those details were actually true? Or worse, that the reality was even crazier than I was imagining?

But my brother had other ideas. He said, "Do you, like, actually do stuff on camera? Or do guys just want to fap to your boobs and shit?"

I cringed, waiting for Mom to snap Dylan's head off for asking something so personal. But she just laughed and said, "It depends. You'd be surprised how much money I make just for teasing and chatting live on camera. Sometimes I'll be streaming for hours and only get naked, or maybe play with myself on camera, at the end.'

I groaned, now unable to stop myself picturing my own mother in front of her laptop, legs spread, rubbing her pussy with the little purple rabbit I happened to know she kept in her nightstand.

"But to fully answer your question," Dad said "if the money offered is good enough, then yes, your Mom will do stuff on camera. Or sometimes make a private video. Sometimes," he added, a big grin on his face, "I even get on camera with her."

They were both smiling now, and I realized they were actually enjoying telling us this stuff. My mom was breathing a little fast, and her face was getting flushed. In fact, she was blushing all the way down her long graceful neck and across the tops of her breasts, which I somehow only just now noticed were nearly spilling out of an extremely low cut square-necked top that was about two sizes too small. And no bra! Her nipples were practically poking me in the eyes from across the room. What the fuck was happening here!?

I turned to my brother, but it was clear he was not finding this as uncomfortable as I was. He was staring at my mom like a hungry dog eyeing a steak on the dinner table, wanting it badly but at the same time knowing it wasn't for him. He was also making no effort to hide what I couldn't help but notice was a massive hardon turning the front of his basketball shorts into a circus tent.

Mom had noticed this too, and she stared right back, the expression on her face almost as hungry as Dylan's. She said, her voice husky and low, "I take it the thought of your old mother performing on camera doesn't completely gross you out?"

"Hell no," Dylan responded. "If I'd known I would have..."

"You dirty little freak," I interrupted. "Please don't traumatize me by saying you would have signed up to watch our mother have sex on camera."

All eyes turned to me. "I take it you're not okay with this?" Mom asked.

I honestly didn't know what I was feeling. I mean, I was all for sexual expression. If Mom and Dad liked getting down on camera, and people wanted to pay to watch, then more power to them. If I'd thought of it, I might have tried to pump up my own college fund by doing the same thing.

What was freaking me out was the way the conversation was going. My brother's dick was hard. My Mom was giving every indication that this fact was turning her on. And my Dad? My Dad was looking at me with that disappointed expression he got when he'd expected better from me and I'd let him down.

He said, "I have to say, Pumpkin, I'm a little surprised. Most of the reason we decided to be so open about this is because of you."

I felt a flutter of panic in my chest. "What? What's that supposed to mean?"

Mom said, "I told you I make a lot of money just flirting and teasing on camera, and I do. But do you know how I make the most money, by far?"

"How?" Dylan asked. The idiot sounded like he was being told the greatest bedtime story ever, and couldn't wait to see how it turned out.

"By pretending to be you, Honey. Men seem to go nuts, and more importantly, to open their wallets, when I pretend to be my own daughter."

"What?" I asked, my eyes going wide. "You do what?"

"No way," Dylan said breathless. Then added, "So hot."

I leaned over and smacked him, hard, on the leg. "What is wrong with you?" I turned to my parents. "What the fuck is wrong with all of you? Why the fuck are you even telling me all this?"

"Well, because, Pumpkin," Dad said with a smile. "We got the idea from you in the first place."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. What could I possibly say? More importantly, how the hell did they know?

"It all started about a year ago," Mom said. "I couldn't find my phone one day and I needed to look something up, so I just grabbed your tablet."

Suddenly my stomach was in knots. I had a feeling what was coming.

"I wasn't snooping, I swear," Mom continued, "but you had a few open tabs, and I couldn't help noticing they were all porn sites." She smiled at me then, and I knew for sure my secret was about to come out. I didn't even have the heart to try to stop it.

"Imagine my surprise when I saw they were all incest sites. Family Lust, Slutty Sisters, a bunch of Daddy/Daughter stuff."

"Holy. Fucking. Shit." Dylan looked over at me in a whole new way. Not like his irritating, slightly younger twin, but like that hard dick wasn't just because of our super hot mother. "And you called me a dirty little freak!'

"Don't get us wrong," Dad said. "Whatever gets your juices flowing is your business."

"Gross, Dad. Can you not talk about my juices?"

"Don't act prudish now," Mom said. "I saw the kind of videos you like to watch. Daddies talking about their daughter's juices would be the least of it."

There was nothing I could say, because she wasn't wrong. I had just never expected my real life family to find out that my fantasy life consisted almost entirely of me getting violated in every possible way by pretty much anyone and everyone I was related to, but most especially by my dad and my annoying brother, and often by both at once.

"That stuff was private," I said weakly.

"I know, Sweetie," Mom said, "and if you'd been a little less judgy it might have stayed that way. But if there's one thing I can't stand it's hypocrisy."

I winced and hung my head.

"Don't do that," Dad said. "Your mother's right about not being so judgy, but you don't have to be ashamed either. You like what you like, and there's nothing wrong with that. Turns out a lot of other people like that too. And I mean a LOT."

"You have no idea," Mom added, laughing. "I mean, your dad and I had no clue that incest fantasies were such a big thing, but once we saw all those sites you look at we realized that a little roleplay might be a good way to bump up our cam traffic."

"And boy did it!" Dad said. "That first roleplay we did was just a generic daddy/daughter blowjob, but it brought in more money than any other session we'd ever done to that point."

"And that was before I even had the idea to pretend on camera that I was Dani. That's when our subscriber numbers really took off."

"To be fair," Dad added, "me pretending to be Dylan is pretty popular too. Turns out mother/son roleplay is also a thing."

"Right," Mom said, "it definitely is. I'm just saying that it was when I started roleplaying Dani that things really started to - "

"Hold on a sec," Dylan cut in. "Dad pretends to be me?"

"Yes, sometimes," Mom said.

"So you, like, pretend you're sucking my dick and stuff?"

She gave my brother a slow smile. "Yes. I've pretended to do a lot more than that."

"Have you..." Dylan's voice cracked and he had to clear his throat. "Have you ever thought about doing more than just pretending?"

Mom looked over at Dad, and he gave her a small nod. "We talked about this. Go ahead."

Mom turned back to my brother. "Your Dad and I have discussed this a lot. We basically decided that if the opportunity ever presented itself, at a time when you two were adults and able to make your own decisions about it, then yes, we would be open to more than just roleplaying. Are you telling me you'd want that?"

Rather than answer, Dylan slowly reached for the waistband of his shorts. With one hand he pushed them down while with the other he reached for his cock. When he brought it fully into the open I drew a sharp breath and just held it, staring. I couldn't help myself. His dick was massive, the biggest I'd ever seen in real life, not just long but also thick. In all the times I'd imagined what it would feel like to fuck my brother, and I had imagined that a LOT, I had never imagined he had a cock like this. It would be like trying to shove my own arm up my pussy to the elbow.

"Fucking hell," I said at last.

"Wooooooooow," Mom breathed out slowly. "I mean, I had some idea. You walk around the house with a hardon about half the time. But Jesus. Seeing it out in the open like that is a whole other thing."

I was still just staring. I'd also had some idea my brother was big. Mom was right about his near constant boner around the house, and while he may have acted like an asshole most of the time, at least to me, he was also very good looking. With thick black hair past his ears, ice blue eyes, and the body of an athlete, he'd had his pick of girls at school. And those girls talked. But even though I was way more interested in rumors about my brother's big dick than most sisters would be, I had never imagined this.

"Helllloooo! Earth to Danielle! You still in there, Pumpkin?"

"Huh?' I said, tearing my eyes away from my brother's crotch.

"I was saying," Dad continued, "that this only works if we're all on board. We're a family, and for a decision this big we need to make it as a family."

"Decision?" My brain had gone fully into lockdown. I had no idea what I was being asked.

For once Dylan was way ahead of me. "You're killing me, Sis." With both index fingers he pointed at his dick, still standing straight up and throbbing in time with his pulse. "Mom says she'll suck me off, but only if you're okay with it."

I looked over at my mother. Her tits were no longer spilling out of her too-small top, because she'd pulled it down around her waist. Even in my muzzy-headed state I was jealous at how fucking perfect they were. I wanted to touch them, to see how they felt compared to mine, to bite her long nipples and suck hard enough to draw milk the way I had as a child.

But I was frozen. I had fantasized variations of this moment a thousand times, but now, faced with the reality, I was scared shitless. Despite my willingness to break most any taboo when it was just in my head, in real life I was the good girl. The one with good grades, who was always home by curfew, who cleaned my room without being told.

But now they were all staring at me. Waiting. My mom looked like a sprinter in the blocks, tensed for the starting gun, her finish line on her knees in front of my brother. At last I said, "I just can't..."

"Goddammit, Dani," Dylan burst out. "If you ruin this for me, I swear -"

I held up my hand to stop him. "I can't," I continued, emphasizing the "I". "I just don't think I'm ready. But if you guys want to, I'm fine with it."

How could I say anything else? It was my own weird porn obsessions that had brought my whole family to this moment. To say no to it would make me a hypocrite, at best. At worst, my brother would beat me to death with his baseball bat of a cock.

"Are you sure, Sweetheart?" Mom asked. "There's no turning back from here."

I was aware. That's why I was so scared. But I couldn't deny my family something they so clearly wanted. I was the good girl. So I smiled and said, "Go for it."

She gave one small nod of acknowledgement, said, "Thank You, Sweetheart," then turned to my brother. Her smile was wide, predatory, almost scary, and I knew I'd just unleashed something that was instantly beyond my control.

She slid liquidly off the loveseat onto her knees, and I heard someone whisper, "Holy Shit, it's actually happening." It could have been my dad or my brother, but all my attention was on Mom. She paused there on the carpet, knees spread wide, her top around her waist, her long dark hair spilling down over her collarbones to almost, but not quite, cover her perfect tits. Starting at her knees, she lightly drew her nails up her legs, briefly raising her white, pleated tennis skirt enough to flash her bare pussy.I swear it was like I'd never even seen my own mother before, and Jesus, she was sexy. She cupped a breast in each hand, lifting them toward, offering them to, her own son. "How many times have you jacked off thinking about these?"

I could hear the click of his dry-mouthed swallow before he answered huskily, "More than I could count, Mom. Since I was thirteen, probably."

She clicked her tongue. "Poor baby. That's a long time to wait." With thumb and forefinger she pinched her long, hard nipples and lifted, emitting a small moan as she pulled. "Are you ready, Dylan? Do you want Mommy as much as she wants you?"

"Oh, God, yes," he breathed, his eyes locked on Mom, one hand now slowly stroking his dick.

Moving more urgently now, Mom peeled her top off over her head. She unzipped her skirt and somehow managed to leave it behind as she crawled across the floor to my brother. But when she got close she stopped, pushing her chest out, smiling, waiting. Slowly, as if in a trance, Dylan pushed his cock forward until the head brushed against her left nipple. She leaned into it as he rubbed in a small circle. I could see my brother's pre-cum glistening on my mother's aureole, a snail trail I found myself wanting to lick.

As I pictured myself doing it, imagined myself on my knees next to Mom, tasting the skin of her breast, savoring my brother's salty emission, my brain at last began to unlock. What the hell was I so scared of? This was my entire teenage fantasy world coming to life before my very eyes! Was I really going to be too much of a wuss to do anything about it?

"C'mon, honey," I heard Dad say. "Let's see you wrap those beauties around his dick."

I looked up and saw Dad had his phone out. "Are you filming this?" I asked.

"Hell, yes. Do you have any idea what some of our subscribers will pay to see your mother's first time with her son?"

Fuck me. There really was no turning back from here. If I jumped in there it wouldn't just be about my private family fantasies. My dad was going to turn me into a family porn whore, the evidence of my twisted lust for sale to the highest bidder.

While I thought about that my mom was following Dad's instructions. She scooched forward a few inches and wrapped her big tits around Dylan's cock. Then she tucked her chin and spit into that deep valley several times. Dylan groaned as she squeezed him hard and began to move.

"Fuck, Mom, that feels incredible." She was massaging his dick with her tits, squeezing in from the sides and moving them in opposing circles. At the same time she was bobbing up and down, sliding his length through her spit-lubed cleavage. Then she smiled up at Dylan and opened her mouth, extending her tongue. On the upstroke the head of his prick slid across her tongue and into her mouth. She closed her full lips around it and and paused, looking right up at my Dad, or at least into the camera.

She released Dylan's cock with a wet pop and said, "How do I look with our son's dick in my mouth, Honey?"

"Like the dirty slut you are," he said. "Now keep going. I want to see how much of that monster he can jam down your throat."

I moaned deep in my own throat. Because I wanted to see that too. I wanted to see my brother fuck Mom's mouth until she gagged. But more than that, if I was finally being honest, I wanted him to do that to me. My pussy was so wet watching them there was probably already a stain on the couch. And I didn't care, I realized, who saw it. If Dad wanted to film it and sell it to his subscribers, so be it. This was what I wanted my life to be like, and at that moment I didn't care if the whole world was watching.

I slid my hand down across my belly and into my shorts. My bare pussy was soaking and I ran my fingers up and down my slit, spreading it around. Dylan had Mom's head gripped in both hands now and he was thrusting up into her mouth. She made an "uhlp uhlp, uhlp" sound as he repeatedly hit the back of her throat.

I slid two fingers deep into my box and with my free hand lifted my tank top until my tits were exposed. I pinched my left nipple as hard as I could and moaned. "Fuck, you guys look so hot together."

All eyes turned to me, including Dad with his camera. "You can't help yourself, can you, Pumpkin?" I shook my head. "Are you ready to be a good little family slut now?"

"Yes, Daddy. I'll do whatever you say."

"Good girl. You can start by getting those clothes off. Daddy wants to see his baby girl in all her naked glory."

I smiled for the camera and slowly brought my hand up out of my shorts, my fingers glistening. As Daddy zoomed in on my face I pushed my middle finger into my mouth, savoring my own sweet juice as I licked and sucked it like a dick.

"Jesus, we're going to be rich," Daddy breathed.

I chuckled. "Just imagine when your subscribers see me doing that to your cock, Daddy."

"I can't wait," he said.

"Yes, you can," Mom chimed in. "Because right now I could use some help with this monster over here."

I looked over at Mom and my brother. She had both hands wrapped around Dylan's dick, one on top of the other, and there was still a good three or four inches sticking out above her fingers. The head was the size of a large plum, and just as purple. It looked good enough to eat.

I turned back to Dad's camera and smiled, then slowly lifted my tank top up over my head. I slid my shorts down my long legs and spread them wide. At last I was deliciously naked in front of my handsome Daddy, and I was so excited I could hardly breathe.

"Wow, Pumpkin," he said, "you look exactly like your mother did at eighteen."

Mom laughed. "Which is bad news for you, Sweetheart, because when I was eighteen I actually thought your father might wear my pussy out. Even when I was as big as a house, pregnant with you two, he couldn't get enough."

"Still can't," he said, smiling at Mom.

For just a moment I imagined myself with a huge swollen belly, knocked up by my Dad. Yes, I was that much of a freak, because I'd fantasized about that too. Then Dylan said, "And now there's two Thompson men to take care of, Dani. You may never sleep again."

I had never much thought of my brother as a man. Sure, I fantasized about fucking him, but even then he was still that annoying boy-child I just happened to be related to. But now a little switch flipped in my brain. Boys did not have the kind of cock meat my mom was currently holding onto like her life depended on it And suddenly, in my head, I was still huge and pregnant, except I had no idea if it was Daddy or my brother who'd knocked me up. Somehow that was even hotter. Fuck. I really was in trouble.

Mom's voice brought me back to reality when she said, "But now there's two Thompson women too. Care to take a bet who wears out first?"

"Hell yes," Dylan said. "I'll take that bet."

"Oh, son," she replied, chuckling. "I have so much to teach you."

Mom turned to me with a wicked grin. She waggled Dylan's dick in my direction and said, "Come here, my beautiful daughter. Help me teach this foolish boy a lesson."

There was no hesitation now. I was past that. Just as she had done, I slid from my seat and crawled across the floor until I was on my knees in front of my twin brother. I was so close I could practically feel the heat coming off of his gorgeous cock. But as I reached for it, ready to at last turn my teenage fantasies into reality, Mom said, "Wait."

"Nooo, don't wait," Dylan whined. But Mom ignored him. She let go of his dick and instead reached for me. She gently put her palms to my cheeks, then slid her hands into my thick hair. I had never really believed I would get to feel my mom touching me this way, and it gave me chills.

She laced her fingers together at the back of my neck and slowly pulled me to her. When our lips met it was like I'd been hit by lightning, every nerve ending suddenly on fire. There was nothing on earth but my mother's full soft lips against mine, her tongue pushing deep into my mouth, tasting me, letting me taste her.

I grabbed her head too, not gently, years of pent up desire flowing through my hands, through my lips and into her. She pulled my hair, I pulled hers back, growling, pushing until my teeth scraped against hers. But I didn't care. If I could have crawled inside my mother's mouth, I would have.

"Fuck me," I heard Dylan say. "That's hot."

"No shit," Dad seconded. He was bent over, so close his subscribers would probably get to see mine and Mom's taste buds.

Mom was smiling wide at me. "That was even better than I thought it would be," she said. I nodded. "You ready to do this?" I nodded again. I was beyond ready.

At last I reached out and wrapped my fingers around my brother's cock. When I'd first seen it the image of a baseball bat had popped into my head, and now I could feel that Dylan was every bit as hard as one. He groaned as I began to stroke him up and down. "Fucking Hell, Sis. I can't believe this is actually happening."

"Go on, Baby," I heard Mom's voice urging me. "I want to see it in your mouth."

I raised my eyes until they met my brother's. "Do it, Dani. Suck my dick like a good little slut."

An hour ago, if Dylan had called me a slut I would have punched him. Now I just wanted to show him how right he was. I leaned forward until his cock was an inch from my face and he lifted his hips, straining toward me. I gripped him hard, holding him still, then pushed my tongue from my mouth until it tickled his glans. I swirled my tongue all around the head, watching to gauge his reaction. He looked like a man who'd died and gone to Heaven.

I had intended to go slowly, to tease my brother until he couldn't stand it. But once I felt the heat of him in my mouth, tasted his salty pre-cum on my tongue, it was me who couldn't stand it. I had to have all of him in my mouth, or at least as much of his big dick as I could cram in there.

In one smooth motion I opened wide and pushed down onto him. It was like trying to swallow a can of Red Bull, but I forced the muscles of my jaw to relax and kept pushing. I had sucked a lot of cock in high school, I was kind of famous for it. You might say I'd been in training. But now I'd reached the dick-sucking Olympics, and I had to perform.

I wasn't even halfway down when Dylan hit the back of my throat. This is where Mom had had to start bobbing up and down, making that "uhlp, uhlp, uhlp" noise. But I had taught myself to ignore my gag reflex. I relaxed my throat and kept pushing.

At first I couldn't get it. He was just too big, too thick. But then, like a cherry popping, my throat opened up. His head slipped in and I pushed, inch by inch, until my lips were mashed against his close trimmed pubes.

"Holy. Fucking. Fuck," I heard my brother say. "Jesus Christ, that feels fucking amazing."

I could tell from his reaction that no girl had ever been able to swallow him before. I had given Dylan something even Mom couldn't do, and I felt quite proud of myself. But I wasn't done. Slowly, I pulled up off of him, squeezing with lips and tongue until his engorged head slipped from my mouth with a "pop". I gasped in a breath, mouth open, letting my drool run down off my chin to coat his length. Then I went again, faster now, taking him all the way to the root.

Soon Dylan was thrusting up to meet me, jamming his cock down my throat so hard and fast I could hardly get a breath. I didn't care. In fact, I fucking loved it. I wanted my brother to face fuck me until I passed out, and to wake up covered in his cum.

I heard Mom say, "Damn, David. I think your daughter might be an even bigger whore than your wife."

"It certainly looks that way," Daddy replied. "I guess we must have done something right."

Mom laughed, then Dad said, "C'mon, Dylan. Don't make your sister do all the work. We want to see you throat fuck the little bitch."

There was something wrong with me. I knew that. Because choking on my brother's cock while my parents filmed it and called me dirty names had my pussy throbbing with lust. If it was possible to have an orgasm from a dick in your mouth, I was definitely about to have one.

Then it got even better. Because Dylan grabbed my hair and yanked me off of him. He stood up and with one hand pulled my head back while he started slapping me in the face with his dick. I moaned, chasing him with my mouth, begging my brother to put it back in. I felt Mom grab my head from behind to hold me still. With Dad coming in for a close-up shot, Dylan leaned over and spit into my face, then started rubbing it in with his cock. "You like that, Sis?" he asked.

"Yes. Yes. I fucking love it."

"And from now on you're gonna stop being such a cunt to me, right? From now on you're gonna be my cum whore instead."

"Yes, Dylan, whatever you want."

"Say it," he demanded.

I knew I was setting myself up for future grief, but I was so fucking turned on I just didn't care. I said, "From now on I swear to not be a cunt to to my wonderful twin brother, and I will be his dirty cum whore whenever he wants me."

I heard Daddy laughing. "Well hell, Vanessa. If I'd known this was all it took to get these two to quit bickering I would have arranged it years ago."

Mom laughed too. "No shit. But she is my daughter after all. It's not really a surprise that all it takes to improve her outlook is a nice big dick."

"True enough," Daddy agreed. "Speaking of which. Give your whore sister what she wants, Dylan. My little movie needs a big finale."

"You got it, Dad," Dylan said.

Dylan pushed two fingers into my mouth and pulled my jaw open wide. As he slid his cock back into my mouth, Mom shoved my head forward to meet him. "That's it, my beautiful big dicked boy. Show your slutty sister what a girl's mouth is for."

My brother didn't need much encouragement. Within a few strokes he was pounding my face for all he was worth - I could have sworn I could feel his cock bottoming out in my stomach. Mom was leaning into me from behind now, her tits mashed hard against my back. With one hand she pinched my nipples while the other alternated between rubbing my clit and fingering my dripping snatch.

I was choking, drooling, gasping in a breath whenever I could. My Daddy was filming me, and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that meant that soon there would be videos of me on the internet getting mauled by my twin brother's cock. And I could hear my own mother talking into the camera, telling her subscribers that she'd always known I would grow up to be a whore.

And I fucking loved it. I'd never been so happy in my life. Because Mom was right. My whole life I'd been pretending to be the good girl just to hide the fact that all I really wanted was to be bad. To be the family slut I knew I was supposed to be.

"Oh fuck, Dad. This fucking bitch is gonna make me cum."

"Good, Son. Give it to her. Give the fans their money shot."

With a groan Dylan yanked his dick out of from between my lips. I gasped for air, but kept my mouth wide open, desperate to taste my brother's cum. Mom leaned in even closer, her cheek to mine as Dylan applied his hand to his cock, stroking while he aimed at our faces. I had both hands on my pussy, frantically finger fucking myself while I rubbed my clit.

Just as I started to orgasm, my brother yelled at the top of his lungs and the first long rope of delicious cum landed right on my tongue. The next coated my cheek and nose before Dylan, not wanting to leave out Mom, aimed a few more squirts her way. Still rubbing my clit and shuddering, but not wanting to blow my porn whore debut, I turned right into the camera, making sure Daddy got a great shot of my jizz coated face. He zoomed in on my mouth, full of my twin brother's cum. Then Mom turned my face back to hers.

"Dylan gave you the best of that, you little slut. Share some with Mommy."

She opened her mouth like a hungry baby bird, and I leaned over and slowly dribbled Dylan's load onto my mother's waiting tongue. "Holy shit," Dylan said. "What a couple of freaks."

Mom smiled for the camera, swallowed her son's cum, then said, "You have no idea, Darling Boy." Then she proceeded to lick the rest of Dylan's jizz off my face.

My Daddy, still filming, was smiling from ear to ear. I was so happy to know I'd made him smile like that. I knew I would do anything, anything at all, to keep that smile on his face. We were all smiling at each other, I realized. I couldn't even remember the last time that had happened.

My life had just changed dramatically, I knew, and very much for the better. I was reminded of a phrase I'd heard often on some of my incest sites - the family that plays together, stays together. I had a feeling Mommy and Daddy would not be going on their big RV adventure alone.

Now, with my brother's giant cock finally satisfied and beginning to return to a more normal human size, I at last noticed the only slightly smaller bulge in my Daddy's shorts. He'd been so busy filming, his dick had yet to see the light of day.

I nudged Mom and chinned over at Dad. "We should probably do something about that, don't you think?"

Mom grinned and then kissed me deeply. "I'm so, so proud of you, Baby Girl. You're a slut off the old block."

I grinned back, then we both turned to Daddy and started to crawl across the floor.Today was turning out to be one of the best days in what was probably the best year of David Thompson's life. Almost exactly one year ago, his wife, Vanessa, had discovered that their only daughter, Danielle, had a major fetish for incest porn.

On that day last June, Vanessa had walked up to him with Dani's tablet in her hand and said, "Just look at the kind of shit our freaky little daughter has been getting off to!"

A few minutes browsing her history and his eyebrows had climbed right up into his hairline. Slutty sisters getting used and abused by their horny brothers. Whole families fucking each other in every possible combination. And most especially, naughty daughters seducing and getting pounded in every hole by their big dicked Daddies.

Now, David had to admit that he'd had his own fantasies along these lines about his beautiful daughter. But it had never even crossed his mind to actually do anything about that. It was just a harmless little fantasy, no more real than the ones he had about Sophia Vergara or Margot Robbie. And it was certainly not something he'd ever intended to tell his wife about.

But something about Vanessa's expression as she handed him the tablet told him that here was an opportunity. Because after nearly twenty years together he knew every quirk of his wife's lovely face. She was not pissed off at what she'd discovered on Dani's tablet. She wasn't disgusted by it. She was trying hard not to let it show, but his wife was turned on.

So he said, as casually and neutrally as he could manage, "I think this kind of fantasy is pretty common, isn't it? They even have a name for it. Oedipus or something?"

"Oedipal Complex," Van corrected him. She had always been the smart one between them. "But that refers to a boy and his mother."

David laughed. "And you think girls aren't horny enough to have the same kind of fantasies about their Daddies? You, of all people, should know better."

"Of course they are. But that's not the point. She isn't just watching stuff about Daddies. It's about brothers and sisters, moms and daughters, whole families. Christ, there was a site on there about granddaughters getting banged out by their grandpas!"

Hmmmmm. David had missed that one, but he actually couldn't say he was totally surprised. Dani had been the one who talked her grandpa, David's dad, into putting in a pool. Since then it had more than once crossed his mind that his brilliant little daughter may have done this for the sole purpose of having a safe place to test out the power of her stunning teenage body.

There was certainly no denying that David would often pick up Dani after a summer day at grandpa's pool wearing a bikini that would likely have gotten her arrested on a public beach. Nor could he deny that since the pool went in Dani had had her old horndog of a grandfather wrapped around her little finger.

Hell, for Dani's high school graduation the old bastard had bought her one of those electric Mini Coopers, supposedly as an extra reward for getting straight A's her entire senior year. By contrast, the old man's graduation gift to his grandson, Dani's twin, had been a skateboard. Granted, Dylan had never come close to getting straight A's in his entire school career, but the disparity was so glaringly unfair that David had always wondered if there were more to it than mere report cards.

Today, on this best day in his best year, David knew that Dani had managed to enthrall her grandfather with nothing more than those tiny bikinis. But on that day a year ago, learning about Dani's porn habits, he really had not known what to think. And he also really had not understood why his wife had been pretending to be outraged while trying to hide that she was turned on.

So he'd said, "Ok, so Dani has unusual taste in porn. What do you want to do about it? Because if we confront her with this she's never going to believe we weren't snooping. She'll think we don't trust her."

"Well, maybe we shouldn't!"

"C'mon, Babe. This is Dani we're talking about. In three years of high school the girl has never once even been late for curfew. Aren't you the one who said there might be something wrong with her because she's such a compulsive rule follower?" He pointed at the tablet. "Well, maybe she actually isn't."

"Yeah, but are those really the rules we want her to be breaking? I mean, sure, I've wished she would act more like a normal teenager. Do something stupid, come home drunk on a Saturday night, something. But that shit? That's not normal."

"Normal is overrated. I would much rather our kids be weird than be whatever the fuck passes for normal these days. And I think you feel the same," he added, slowly reaching out to tweak his wife's extremely erect right nipple. "So what's this really about?"

Vanessa moaned softly and said, "Fuck. You know me too well."

"I should hope so, after all this time. And I should hope you know me well enough to realize you can tell me what's on your mind, whatever it is." He took a deep breath and added, "Even if you're thinking that we should...you know, maybe do something about her fantasies?"

Van's eyes went wide. "What? No! No, I don't think we should do something about our daughters incest fantasies. Jesus, David. Is that what you think?"

"No, no, of course not," he backtracked. "I just...you know...you seemed - ". He reached for her nipple again, which was still very definitely hard. But this time she backed away a step.

"So because my nipples are hard you thought that meant we could maybe have sex with our daughter? For fuck's sake, David. Seeing a forecast for a cold snap on the news is enough to make my nipples hard. That doesn't mean I want to fuck the weatherman."

"You kinda do though, right?" They had had an open relationship for almost ten years now, so he actually was on board with her otherwise inexplicable attraction to their nerdy local ABC weatherman.

"Goddammit, David, that is not the point!"

There was a long pause, during which his lovely wife stood there, flushed, breathing too quickly, nipples still hard. There was most definitely a point here, but he was at a loss as to what it might be.

"Okaaaaay," he said at last. "I'm sensing a 'But' coming."

"We can't just help Dani out with her little fantasies, okay? So put that right out of your head."

"Right. Because that would be wrong."

"Exactly. It would be wrong."

And yet. David could tell Vanessa still was not spilling what was really on her mind. He waited.

Finally, she said, "But if this kind of fantasy is popular enough to support all those websites, then maybe..."

David saw right away where she was going. He and Vanessa had worked hard to build a comfortable life for their family, but these days even a nurse's and a teacher's salary combined did not leave much for extras. Not with twin teens who would be heading off to college soon.

So after Vanessa had read an article online about how much some women were making on various cam sites, it had seemed like a no brainer to try it out as a side hustle. She was an exhibitionist by nature anyway, and at the age of thirty seven, even after twins, still had the body of the high school cheerleader she had been when they had started dating. Long, thick dark hair, emerald green eyes, big tits, a perfect round little ass, and an uninhibited attitude. Who wouldn't pay to watch that, they had thought?

But she had been at it for several months now, and while the income was decent, an extra thousand or two a month, it just hadn't taken off the way they'd hoped it would. It was actually starting to make her feel bad, that she couldn't find a way to capture more of an audience.

Now, it seemed, she was ready to try something a little more radical. He said, "So you want to incorporate incest into your cam channel? What happened to 'banging our daughter would be wrong'?"

"Not real incest, you idiot. Do you think everyone in those videos Dani is watching is actually related? I'm talking about the fantasy. You know, roleplay. That kind of thing."

"Ok. Interesting. But, I mean, how would that even work? I guess if you were doing a private chat with someone, but on your regular channel? How do you roleplay something with thirty people at once? It would be chaos."

"Yeah, I kind of had something else in mind." She smiled at him in that way she had, a little bit crooked and a lot wicked, that never failed to make his cock twitch.

"Mmmm, do tell."

"Well, what if you came on with me? You could be the daddy and I could be the daughter. Maybe I could even borrow one of Dani's school uniforms."

Suddenly David's cock was doing a lot more than twitching. They had done some roleplay before. Vanessa was a nurse, so the whole patient and naughty nurse thing had been an obvious one. And he was a teacher, with a wife who was kinky enough to pretend to be any number of the high school sluts he lusted after but could never touch. But this would be a new level of taboo for both of them.

There was just one problem. "I thought we agreed that I should stay out of this. You getting naked on camera probably wouldn't cost you your job, but us having sex on camera would definitely cost me mine. Especially if we're roleplaying incest. That would get us both fired for sure."

"Would it though?"

David laughed. "It absolutely would. You know how some of these P.T.A. parents are. I'd be fired in a heartbeat, and there are more than a few who wouldn't rest until you were ruined too. Hell, we'd be lucky if we didn't have to move to another state."

"Fuck those busybodies," she said.

"I agree. In principle. But that won't help us if the wrong people find out."

"But think about it. If someone who knows us is paying money to watch us roleplay incest, are they really going to go public about it? Besides, it might not even work. We could try it, and if it doesn't make money, then that's that."

Hmmm. She had a point. Taking her channel in a kinkier direction might actually, in a weird way, help protect them. And the truth was, they had both been feeling restless for a while now. So much of how their lives looked today had been shaped by her unexpected high school pregnancy.

Not that either of them had ever regretted having the twins. And not that they were at all unhappy with each other. It was just that now, with the kids almost grown, they had started to talk about how their lives could maybe be different. So perhaps it was time to take a crazy risk.

And that was how David's best year had started. The incest roleplay had been a hit, even when they had kept the characters generic. But when Vanessa had suggested to a particularly enthusiastic subscriber that for the right amount of money she might be willing to roleplay Dani, her actual daughter, well, that was when their lives had really changed.

The appetite for that kind of kink, and the price the men who were into it were willing to pay, made it quickly apparent that they no longer had to worry about getting fired. Now it became about how far they were willing to go, and how they might change their lives now that they suddenly had the financial freedom to do so.

All of which had led to today, the best day in this best of years, when David had finally learned just how far his incredible wife was willing to go. And not just her. Today he had watched Dani, his brilliant, beautiful eighteen year old daughter, turn from good girl rule follower into a depraved whore right before his very eyes.

She had allowed her twin brother Dylan to throat fuck her until he came all over her face and in her mouth, then she had spit that cum onto her mother's waiting tongue. His wife and kids had allowed him to record this, knowing full well the video would be sold to Vanessa's best subscribers.

And now, Dylan's cum still drying on their faces, his naked wife and daughter were crawling across the floor to him. This was shaping up to be not just the best day of a great year, but quite possibly the best day of his entire life.

Vanessa and Dani came to a stop on their knees right in front of him. Van turned to Dylan and said, "Honey, you're on camera duty now. It's time for your dad to have some fun."

Still appearing a bit dazed by what he'd just done to his mother and sister, Dylan was slow to react. Dani snapped her fingers. "Move it, Troglodyte. You had your fun. Now it's Daddy's turn."

That got Dylan's attention. He walked over to Dani, grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back until she was looking up at him from her knees. "What was that, Spunk Bucket? Didn't you just promise me to stop being such a bitch?"

"Yes, Big Brother. Sorry. I'm just so used to being a mean little cunt that it may take me a while to break the habit."

"Yeah, well, how 'bout I make you eat my ass after you're done servicing dad, huh? Maybe that will help your memory."

"Yes, Dylan. Whatever you say."

"That's better, Whore. It's about time you learned your place."

"Yes, Dylan. Thank you for showing me what little sisters are really good for."

Seemingly satisfied, Dylan released her hair. David held his phone out for Dylan to take, but he kept one eye on his daughter's upturned face. Sure enough, she was trying to hide a grin, and when she noticed David watching, she gave him a wink.

It was all David could do not to laugh. For most of their lives Dani had been running rings around her brother. Now, even from her knees, she was doing it still. The little slut was getting exactly what she wanted. Which should not have surprised him. Dani's mother had been doing the same thing to him for nearly twenty years.

He looked down at his sexy wife and his stunning daughter, naked on their knees before him. They looked even more like twins than Dani and Dylan. And they were waiting, he realized, for him to tell them what to do. For today, at least, he was the king in this castle, and he had a little harem that would do anything he wanted.

"Kiss your mother," he told Dani. "I want to see you with your tongues down each other's throats."

"Yes, Daddy," she said, turning eagerly to Vanessa.

Unlike their first kiss, this one started slow, more like a first date when you weren't quite sure how it was going to go. Smiling, they leaned toward each other until their lips met softly. They were clearly holding back, letting the moment build, teasing both him and each other.

Vanessa was the first to extend her tongue, and Dani took it into her mouth, tasting her mother, sharing the aftertaste of Dylan's cum. David had pictured a moment like this a thousand times, but seeing it in real life, their faces only a foot in front of his throbbing, rock-hard cock, was hotter than he could possibly have imagined.

As his dick strained against his shorts David realized he was the only one still wearing any clothes. He quickly stripped off his T-shirt and shucked out of his shorts and boxers, his prick springing up to full attention. He was not as large as his son, but it was close, and the head of his cock was now only inches from his wife and daughter's faces. Dani, unable to resist the first sight of her Daddy's dick, turned toward him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Slut?" Dylan barked, making both Dani and his mother jump. "No one told you to stop kissing Mom. Do what the fuck Dad told you to do until he tells you to fucking stop."

Interesting, David thought. Though Dylan had always been popular at school, a handsome athlete with easy charm, the kind of kid other kids just gravitated to, he had never seemed quite sure of himself when it came to Dani. But now that he understood that his beautiful, smart, intimidating sister was actually, once you scratched the surface, just a whore begging to be used, he was taking charge of her like he'd been born to it. David realized that this new family dynamic might be good for his son in more ways than one.

"Yes, Dylan," Dani said meekly. She turned back to her mother, who pulled her close. They started making out in earnest now, mouths open, tongues flashing back and forth, moaning as they pressed against each other.

David found himself fixating on the way his wife and daughter's tits mashed together. He would have been hard pressed to say who had the better rack. His wife's, slightly bigger, slung slightly lower, had been making his dick hard since they were teenagers themselves. But his daughter's, though a little smaller, were still the tits of an eighteen year old. Firmer, rounder, and, at least to David, virgin territory.

He watched, fascinated, their hard nipples fencing each other while the soft flesh bulged and squished, a living pillow he wanted to bury his face into. Ever the director, he motioned to Dylan to make sure he got a close up of this incestuous titty smashing. Their subscribers, many of whom were more than open about how often they jacked off while looking at Vanessa's tits, were going to lose their minds when they saw this.

As Dylan went in for a close up, the girls responded, putting on a show. Dani put her hands on her mother's tits and squeezed hard enough to draw a gasp, then lowered her mouth to Vanessa's left nipple. She sucked loudly and sloppily for a few moments, playing to the camera, then said, "Is that how I did it when I was little, Mommy?"

"Mmmm, yes, Baby. Just like that. I just wish I had some milk to give you."

"Me too, Mommy. It would be so hot to be able to drink you."

"Fuck me," Dylan breathed, catching this all on camera, his dick already starting to get hard again.

But no way was David going to let his son jump the line. His own cock hadn't been this hard since he was Dylan's age, and as much as he enjoyed seeing his wife and his daughter together, he wasn't sure how much longer he could stand only watching.

But then his wife said, "Well, there is another way you could drink from me, Sweetheart."

"Really? How?" Dani asked.

"Let me show you."

Vanessa lay back on the rug, legs bent, heels on the floor, knees spread wide. Dani was still kneeling, her eyes now glued to her mother's pussy. For a cunt that had squeezed out twins and had as many cocks in it as his slutty wife's, it was still a beautiful twat.

She was completely bare, a tiny white bikini-triangle of untanned skin surrounding her fuckhole, and she was already dripping with excitement at being completely exposed in front of her own kids. Vanessa ran the fingers of both hands up and down her slit, then she pinched her lips and pulled herself open, a bloom of shocking coral pink within the white.

"Can you believe that eighteen years ago you both popped out of that tiny little hole?" Van asked..

All Dylan could manage was to shake his head, but Dani grinned and said, "And now all I want to do is crawl back in."

"Yeah? You want back inside Mommy's steamy little pussy?"

"More than anything," Dany said.

Vanessa crooked a finger, beckoning her daughter to come lay on top of her. They kissed deeply for another minute, then Vanessa urged her daughter lower. Dani complied, but slowly, taking her time and exploring her mother's skin inch by inch as she went.

Dani licked and bit playfully at Vanessa's neck, and David saw Vanessa shiver with delight. Dani gathered her mother's breasts together and then buried her face in them, again licking and nipping with her teeth. She attacked her mother's long stiff nipples, moving back and forth as if not convinced there was no milk to be had.David knew from long experience just how sensitive Vanessa's nipples were, how wild this kind of attention could drive her, and he stroked his cock as he watched his wife writhing on the floor under the ministrations of her daughter's lips and tongue. But Dylan was impatient.

"C'mon, Slut," he snapped. "Get down there and eat that Mommy cunt."

"Hush now, my sweet boy," Vanessa said. "Your sister knows exactly what she's doing."

"Thank you, Mommy," Dani said. But perhaps remembering her promise to obey her brother, she began to move lower. Still slowly, but inevitably, she kissed and licked her way towards Vanessa's pussy, until finally it was lips hovering over lips, still not quite touching, Dani's hot breath on her cunt making Vanessa squirm with anticipation.

"Wait," David said, then smiled at the way his command drew twin mewls of disappointment from both mother and daughter. He had no intention of holding them back for long, but so far, for all that had happened today, he had only been an observer. His daughter had applied what were clearly her considerable sexual talents first to her brother, now to her mother, but Daddy was still untouched. He could wait no longer for at least a taste of this forbidden fruit.

He stepped forward and knelt next to Dani and Vanessa. He stroked his daughter's hair and she lifted her head against his palm like a cat in the mood for a scratch. He said, "Pumpkin, you don't even know how happy it makes me to see you this way."

"That's all I want, Daddy. To make you happy." She looked around at her mother, her brother, a huge smile on her face. "I want to make all of you happy, and I'll do anything it takes to make that happen."

He leaned down to kiss his daughter, not for the first time, but for the first time like this. She eagerly pushed her tongue into his mouth, and as with the hardness of his cock, it took him back to his teenage years, when he would have dreams so sexually powerful he would wake up tangled in cum-slicked sheets. The feel of Dani's mouth on his, the taste of her, went straight to his dick. It was a wonder he didn't blow his load on the spot.

Instead, he pulled away. Her look of disappointment was good for his ego, but David knew that Vanessa had a surprise in store for her daughter. David didn't want to spoil it. So with his hand still in Dani's hair he turned her head and pushed her face into her mother's pussy. "Now eat that cunt. I want to hear Mommy screaming your name."

Dani did not need to be told twice. She first ran her tongue slowly up the entire length of her mother's slit, tasting Vanessa from taint to clit. "Mmmm, you're fucking delicious, Mommy," she said.

Vanessa lifted her hips, pushing herself toward Dani's mouth. "Stop talking and make me cum, you little bitch. I'm tired of waiting."

"Yes, Mommy," Dani said with a grin.

It was not hard, David knew. His wife had always cum easily, especially from having her cunt licked. And it was like Dany instinctively knew what to do with the pussy she'd come out of. She started with kisses and licks all around Vanessa's pubic mound, teasing, touching and exploring with her long wet tongue. She used her fingers to lightly scratch and tap and pinch, awakening every inch of her mother's flesh.

By the time Dani delicately pried her mother open with her fingers and darted her tongue deep into Vanessa's fuckhole, her mother was practically crying with desire. "Oh, fuck me!" Vanessa cried out as she finally felt her daughter's tongue inside her. "Fuck, you're making Mommy feel so good!"

Dani responded by going harder, plunging her tongue in and out while beginning to rub Vanessa's clit with one thumb. Then Dani reversed, shoving three fingers at once deep inside her mother, while attacking her clit with her tongue and lips. Vanessa shuddered and howled in a way David had heard only a few times in all their years together, his wife's cry of total ecstasy.

At last David could wait on the sidelines no more. He had six whore-holes on full display in front of him, and he needed to shove his cock into one of them immediately. It was tempting to go right for his daughter's tight little cunny, but it would be selfish to distract Dani from the way she was systematically wrecking her mother's twat. So instead he went to Vanessa, slapping her face with his rock hard rod.

His wife automatically opened her mouth wide, the way all good girls should when presented with a hard dick in their face. He shoved himself in, sliding across her tongue and bulging her cheek out obscenely. But he was watching Dani, who had her eyes glued to her Daddy's cock even while she kept slurping her mother's snatch.

"You want Daddy's big dick, don't you, Slut?" Without even interrupting the rhythm of her tongue on Vanessa's clit, Dani nodded enthusiastically.

David could hardly believe how much his life had changed in the space of a few hours. When he woke up this morning, everything that was happening right now had seemed no more than a crazy fantasy. Now he was calling his teenage daughter a slut to her face while she licked her mother's cunt.

"Make your mommy cum first, Baby. Then Daddy's gonna fuck you so hard you scream."

Dani grinned and put her head back down, tearing into her mother's pussy like she meant to swallow it. Vanessa howled again in ecstasy, a more muted sound this time since she had a mouthful of cock. David changed his angle, pushing his bellhead far back into her throat until it cut off all sound.

Vanessa could not deep throat a prick the way Dani could, but she still knew how to suck a dick. She brought her hands to the base of his shaft, twisting and jacking while she gobbled the upper length of his prick. Vanessa had no pride at all when she had a cock in her mouth. She would drool and spit, choke herself until there was slobber coming out of her nose, all just to make her man cum.

And this time there was the added sensations from what Dani was doing. He could feel Vanessa's increasingly frantic moans vibrating up his dick as Dani brought her mother closer and closer to orgasm. And the sight of his teenage daughter's gorgeous face wet with pussy juice was nearly enough to send him over the edge.

But he couldn't let that happen. This load was for Dani. So he pulled his cock out of Vanessa's mouth. She gasped in a breath, and yelled, "Oh, fuck, Baby! Mommy is so close. Eat that cunt, you dirty fucking whore!"

David knew his wife well. She was almost there. And he knew exactly what would trigger the final explosion. To Dylan, he said, "Focus on your sister's face. This is gonna be the money shot." Dylan positioned himself to catch the closeup.

Then to Dani, he said, "Jam your fingers up your mother's ass. Shove 'em in as far as you can and then blend that shitbox like you're mixing a margarita."

"Really?" Dani asked.

"Just fucking do it, you little bitch!" Van shouted. "Shove your fucking fingers up Mommy's asshole!"

"Yes, Mommy." Dani pulled her slick fingers from Vanessa's cunt, while Vanessa brought her knees toward her head and reached down with both hands to spread her ass cheeks wide. Dani took aim at her mother's winking browneye then, her middle three digits bunched together, forced them through the ring and in up to the webbing.

Vanessa gasped, a combination of pain and pleasure, then said, "Fuck yeah, that's it, my beautiful, sweet, slutty girl. Now get your mouth back on Mommy's clit while you finger bang that ass."

Dani had always been good at doing what she was told, and she did so now with manic intensity. Her lips and tongue were a blur on Vanessa's clit, while her fingers worked her mother's ass like a human vibrator set to hyper-mode.

Inside of thirty seconds Vanessa's cries had become one long animal wail of pleasure. David checked the frame of what Dylan had onscreen, making sure he was going to capture what was about to happen. Vanessa reached down and dug her fingers into her daughter's hair, one hand on either side of her head.

Then the wave of Vanessa's orgasm hit. For a moment she went silent, back arched, her entire body as tense as the beginning of a seizure. Then she bucked once, twice, three times, her hands clenched in Dani's hair, keeping her daughter's mouth mashed against her cunt, Dani's fingers still working frantically inside Van's asshole.

Then Van lifted Dani's head by a few inches and stared her daughter in the eyes. "You wanted to drink from me, you filthy little whore? Well, open your mouth and drink."

Dani, a look of slight confusion on her face, nonetheless did as she was told and opened her mouth wide, still not slowing her vibrating fingers. Vanessa slapped her mound hard a couple of times, then began to alternate between slapping her own pussy and rapidly running her fingers rapidly back and forth across it.

In seconds she exploded, squirting Dani so hard in the face she jumped and screamed. But Van grabbed her by the hair again and yanked Dani back, positioning her mouth over her gushing pussy. "Drink it, Slut. Swallow Mommy's cum the way you swallowed your brother's.

David knew from experience what an epic squirter his wife could be. When the orgasm was good, Van could squirt and squirt, so long and hard it was a wonder she didn't end up a dried out husk. But this was Dani's first experience of it, and David loved watching the expressions on his daughter's face as she went from confusion, to surprise, to delight. Her sexy mother's cunt had become a fountain, one she really could drink from.

So she did. She put her mouth in the stream and gulped. Then she let her mouth fill to overflowing with juice before she swallowed it all at once. And when the stream started to fade, Dani forced a fourth finger up her mother's ass and with the other hand slapped and rubbed Vanessa's cunt until another wave of orgasm hit and the fountain returned.

"Holy shit!" Dylan exclaimed. "The crazy skank is drinking Mom's piss."

But it wasn't piss. David himself had drank from that fountain many times. It was sweet with a little bit of sour underneath. To him, that was the unique taste of his wife. But there would be time to correct his son later. For now, he simply basked in being, at that moment, the luckiest son of a bitch on earth.

His incredible and stunning wife was thrashing her head back and forth, eyes closed, almost sobbing with the ecstasy of an orgasm brought on by her own daughter's mouth and hands. Dani, his amazing, talented, eighteen year old freak of a daughter, was laughing, drinking her belly full of Mommy cum. And David, his cock so hard and throbbing he felt eighteen again himself, was about to fuck Dani's brains out until she was full of Daddy cum as well.

Drained at last, Vanessa lay flat on the floor, exhausted. Dani, unwilling to let anything go to waste, was slurping the last of her mother's cum from her belly button. "Come here, Pumpkin," David said.

Dani looked up and smiled. "Finally?"


For the third time today his little girl crawled across the floor to live out one of her fantasies. She came to kneel before him, then reached for his cock. But instead he caught her hands in his. There was only going to be one first time with his daughter, and he wanted to savor every moment.

David helped her to her feet and slipped his arms around her waist, cupping the cheeks of her ass. In return she threw her arms around his neck and wiggled closer, trapping his prick against her tight belly as she looked up at him.

Dani's thick dark hair stuck out every which way, clumped up with sweat, or perhaps cum. Her cheeks were damp and flushed with excitement and exertion. Her eyeliner had smeared and run, giving her the appearance of a deranged raccoon. He said, "Pumpkin, you look like a fifty dollar whore at the end of buy-one-get-one-free sale."

She grinned. "That's a good thing, right?"

"That's a great thing," he agreed with a laugh.

David glanced over at his wife, still motionless on the floor. "I think you may have broken your mother."

"Nope, nope, I'm alive. Just momentarily stunned." She opened her eyes and rolled up onto her side to look at Dani. "That might be the single greatest orgasm I've ever had, Baby Girl."

Dani beamed. David said, "Well, I'm both offended and proud."

"Don't feel bad, Daddy," she said, patting him on the back. "It's a girl thing. No man is ever gonna understand how a pussy works as well as another woman."

"Speak for yourself," Dylan chimed in, still filming.

Dani, visibly forcing herself to abide by her promise to be less bitchy to her brother, said nothing. But Vanessa had made no such promise. "You thought your sister was drinking my pee, Boy, so clearly you have no clue how this pussy works."

Dylan frowned, and David could almost see the poor kid attempting to recalculate. Vanessa said, more softly, "Don't worry, Son. Mommy will teach you. For now, just keep recording."

David looked back down into his daughter's face. "I think that might be our cue."

"About fucking time," Dani said. "I was beginning to worry you didn't want me."

It was the opposite. He wanted to fuck his little girl so badly it was almost paralyzing him. There was this tiny voice in his head saying that this was just too good to be true, and that the moment he reached for it the illusion would shatter. Which was ridiculous. He was holding his naked teenage daughter in his arms, her luscious tits mashed against his chest. She was gazing up at him adoringly, just begging for him to begin.

He said, "You know I love you, right Pumpkin?"

"Of course, Daddy. I love you too."

"Good. That's good. Because Daddy is about to ruin that pussy."

She raised one eyebrow slyly. "Promise?"

His response was a kiss, deep and long. She tasted of Vanessa's cum, and as they kissed he brought one hand around from Dani's ass and ran two fingers into his daughter's box for the very first time. She was sopping wet and she moaned into his mouth at his touch.

"Mmmmm, Daddy, that feels fucking amazing. I've been wanting you to touch me this way for soooo long."

"I know, Baby. Me too. I guess we'll just have to make up for lost time."

"Yes, we will," she agreed, reaching between them to wrap one hand around his thick cock. David put his forehead to hers and looked into her wide eyes as his daughter began to stroke his prick. He continued fingering her tight cunt and she wiggled and squirmed against his hand.

David brought his other hand around from Dani's ass and gathered one big breast into his palm, rolling her hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Dani's tits were not quite as big as her mother's, but they were firmer, her nipples longer and stiffer. David squeezed, hard. Dani gasped, pressing her forehead against his and raising up on her toes.

"Harder, Daddy. Fucking hurt me."

Just like her mother, then. Strong, smart, and independent as hell in day to day life. But once the pussy juice started flowing all she wanted was to be used like a bitch in heat. David squeezed again, harder, hard enough to bruise, then bent down and took her nipple in his mouth. He sucked and squeezed, sucked and squeezed, then bit, until his daughter cried out with the pleasure and the pain.

He slid his fingers out of her cunt and Dani turned her lips down in a pout, but then she smiled as he put them in his mouth. She tasted even better than her mother, fresh and sweet. Then David put those same fingers to Dani's full lips, tracing them, pushing at them, teasing her as she tried to take them in her mouth. When he let her have them at last she eagerly sucked them deep, keeping her gaze locked to his, a promise of what she would do with his dick whenever he was ready.

He took his fingers away, enjoying the way her hungry mouth chased after them. Her disappointment flashed back to hunger when he put his hand on top of her head and pushed her lower. She sank happily but slowly toward the floor, tracing a snaking path down his torso with her tongue, growling and nipping at his skin like an animal as she went.

Her knees hit the hardwood at last with a light thump, and she sat back until her ass met her heels. She stared worshipfully up at his dick, but was otherwise still, waiting for Daddy's instructions. Every daughter should be trained this way, David thought, feeling pride that Dani came to it naturally. If every dad taught every daughter how to properly service the family cocks the world would certainly be a better place.

David knew he could full on throat fuck Dani if he felt like it. He had watched his son do it to her, and Dylan's prick was even a little bigger than his own. But though seeing his son shoving his cock down his sister's throat had been one of the hottest things he'd ever witnessed, David was curious what Dani would do if he let her take the lead.

"All right, Pumpkin. Come show Daddy what a whore you really are."

Dani raised up off her heels with a smile and reached for his cock with both hands. She squeezed hard and then just watched from inches away as his bell head turned deep purple. When it felt like the tip of his dick was going to explode, and David was sure he couldn't take it another moment, his daughter at last extended her tongue. She rested the head of his prick on the wet slab of her tongue, and then just began to move it, very gently, in a circle.

It was one of the most incredible things David had ever felt. The head of his cock was swollen with blood trapped by Dani's squeezing, so sensitive he could have sworn he felt individual taste buds bumping along the ridges of his glans. His daughter was barely moving him, just those tiny circles, round and round on her tongue, but he knew if she kept doing it he was already going to blow his load.

His brain told him to make her stop so that this first time could last. But the sight of his teenage daughter on her knees before him, mouth wide open, just waiting to receive a mouthful of his cum, was too powerful. This was about body now, not brain, and his body was saying to pump his little girl's mouth full of jizz until she choked.

Then, without warning, Dani loosened her hands from around the base of his cock. Blood flooded back into the length of his prick, both a massive relief and spike of searing pain. At the same instant, Dani engulfed the head of his prick between her lips. She sucked hard and swirled her tongue like he was a Tootsie pop and she was almost to the candy center.

It was too much. With a roar, David let go. He spasmed so hard it nearly bent him double, but somehow Dani kept his cock in her mouth. He couldn't see it, but he could feel his cum pumping into his daughter's mouth, squirt after squirt, with an intensity he'd never before experienced. She took his dick in hand again, pumping his shaft, keeping the firehose going.

After what felt like an hour, his spasms gradually diminished and then stopped. Dani slowly, slowly, withdrew his cock from her mouth. She worked her tongue around, and then tilted her head back, hers eyes locking onto his. She opened her mouth.

"Holy fuck," Dylan said, bringing the phone in close to get the shot.

David had always had a big load. The first time Van had let him cum in her mouth she hadn't truly been ready and had ended up with cum dripping out of her nose. But that was nothing compared to what Dani had just brought out of him. She looked like she had decided to gargle with one of those little half-pints of heavy cream.

Dani brought her cupped palm up and held it just below her chin. She slowly let the mouthful of thick cum dribble out into her hand. Some of it spilled over the side to splash onto her tits, but even so she was left with an ample palmful of jizz. Then, looking directly into the camera, she began to lick it all back up with her tongue, a cat enjoying a delicious bowl of milk.When she was finished lapping and swallowing, his daughter smeared the residue of his cum all over her face. She rubbed it in, then did the same with the splashes that had landed on her gorgeous breasts. At last she turned away from the camera and again met her Daddy's eyes. "Was I enough of a whore for you, Daddy?" she asked.

David turned to his wife. "I think your daughter might be a sexual genius."

"Or a witch," Van said, laughing. "How the fuck did you do that?"

Dani grinned. "I watch a LOT of porn, Mommy. You'd be surprised what you can learn."

"Hmmm, well, you're definitely going to have to show me that trick. But for right now, I don't think you're finished yet."

David realized it was true. It had been years since he'd been ready to go a second round with no recovery, but now, even after the epic milking his daughter had just given him, his cock was still standing at full attention.

He reached down and grabbed Dani by the hair and yanked her head back. "I've been watching porn since before you were born, Pumpkin. Would you like to see some of the tricks I've learned?"

"Yes, please, Daddy."

With his hand still gripping Dani's hair, he dragged her across the floor and flung her across the coffee table. He took hold of her calves and arranged her until she was flat on her back, knees in the air, legs spread wide.

He took a step back and appraised his little girl. She looked so fucking sexy spread out lewdly before him like this that it actually made his balls hurt. "You've dreamed about this, haven't you, Pumpkin? Showing your Daddy your dirty whore cunt?"

"So many times, Daddy. So many."

"Show me. Show Daddy what you do when you dream about me."

She started at her mouth, sucking on her fingers the way she'd sucked on his dick. She then trailed her saliva slick fingers down across the slope of her tits, pinching and rolling her nipples until she moaned. "I imagine it's your hands on me, Daddy, your lips. I imagine you sucking and biting my nipples until they're raw."

She trailed her fingers lower, across her ribs, her belly, down into the valley between her thighs. She framed her bare smooth pussy with her hands, then slowly pulled outward, exposing the coral of her inner self to her Daddy's eyes. David's hand, seemingly with a mind of its own, went to his cock.

With two fingers Dani exposed her clit to him, her pleasure button inflamed and red. She plunged three fingers of her other hand inside herself and said, "At first I pretended my fingers were your cock, Daddy. I'd finger myself and imagine it was my sexy Daddy fucking me.

"But then I peeked in one time when I heard you and Mommy fooling around in the shower. I saw how big your dick was, and after that my fingers weren't enough."

"What did you do then?" David asked.

"I used other things, Daddy. Bigger things, things I could imagine felt like your cock in my hot little pussy. I lost my virginity to a cucumber I was pretending was you."

Dylan laughed. "I thought you lost your virginity to Kenny Wilson after that time he took you to the homecoming dance? He bragged to the whole damn school about nailing you."

"That was the first time I fucked a boy. But in my head at least, it was Daddy who popped my cherry."

"I wish I could have, Pumpkin. But keep going. Show me how you made yourself cum while thinking about me."

David watched for another minute while Dani writhed and moaned on the coffee table, finger fucking herself and rubbing her clit. Then he moved, straddling the table and squatting over his daughter's face. He lowered himself until his balls met her warm waiting tongue.

Dani explored his smooth sack with her mouth, licking and suckling, drawing first one ball and then the other gently between her lips. While she had a mouthful of Daddy's balls he pressed his weight into her face until he could feel her nose grinding against his asshole. Then he swung hard with his open palm, slapping Dani's right tit so hard it rippled across her chest like a wave, the left tit slinging out wide and then rebounding back. He felt her moan vibrate up through his balls into his cock, and the motion of her fingers on her cunt became even more frantic.

There was no doubt in David's mind now that his little girl got off on being pushed right to the edge. The certainty that his daughter would let him do anything he wanted to her was an incredible rush, and he slapped her tits again, left to right this time. He kept his balls in her mouth and his ass on her nose while he rocked her tits with slap after slap.

She was snuffling and struggling to breath, her tits turning bright red, but her moans never stopped, and her fingers never quit moving on her pussy. She was getting close, he could tell, so when he judged Dani was just about to explode he leaned forward and grabbed her wrists, forcing her hands still.

"No, Daddy! Please! I was so close!"

The shift of his weight had brought him up off her face, and it made David smile that his daughter's only word of complaint through all this was not for anything her family had done to her, but because he had stopped doing it.

But he did not let Dani hear his smile as he snapped, "Stop whining and lick my ass, Girl. I want that filthy whore tongue so far up my shit chute I can feel it on my prostate."

Dani gave one small huff of disappointment, but then put her multi-talented tongue to work. She snuffled like a pig as she explored his crack, searching for the bull's-eye. David released her wrists and she brought one hand to each of his cheeks, spreading him open for better access.

When the tip of her tongue found his pucker at last he nearly jumped. David could hardly believe he was getting a rim job from his teenage daughter, but it felt fucking amazing. Each touch of her mouth sent jolts of sensation through his entire body, but on top of that the pure filthiness of it was electrifying. His little girl was bathing his asshole with her tongue, tasting his dirt, and moaning like she couldn't get enough. What a fucking whore his daughter was! he thought with a wild grin.

David glanced over at Van. Her eyes were wide, locked on Dani and glazed with lust, and she had most of one hand jammed up her cunt. Dylan was down on his knees now to get the angle on his sister's salad tossing, filming with one hand and stroking his huge cock with the other.

Then Dani stiffened her tongue and plunged it up into David's ass. "Oh, fuck yeah, Baby Girl. Really get it up there."

She worked it in and out, straining, pushing it as far up his sphincter as she could. He sat back on her face, her mouth muscle twisting and wriggling inside him like a snake. And while she couldn't really get far enough to make him feel it on his prostate, he had never in his life had a tongue so deep up his ass, and once again his daughter was close to making him cum before he was ready.

He pulled himself off the squirming spike of her tongue, eliciting another noise of disappointment. "Was I doing it wrong, Daddy? I've never licked anybody's ass before."

Jesus, that was her first time? he thought. The little slut really was a prodigy. He turned himself around to straddle her chest, his dick resting across her lips. As she automatically began to lick it, he said, "No, Pumpkin, you're a fantastic ass eater. It's just time for the main event."

As David repositioned himself between Dani's legs, the rest of the family moved in close. Dylan was on Dani's right, and though he remained focused on his job of filming, he smiled as his sister reached out to take hold of his dick.

Van was on Dani's left, and she bent down to tenderly kiss her daughter. "I've made a shitload of money over these last several months pretending you were a kinky slut, Honey. But watching you today I realize I didn't even know the half of it. You make me proud, Baby."

"Thanks, Mommy. I guess in a way I'm still the good girl, even when I'm being bad."

"You're the best girl a Mommy could ask for. We are gonna have so much fun as a family now, and we're gonna make SO much money doing it we won't know how to spend it all."

"I guess that makes me the Pimp Daddy," David said, "living large off the cunnies of my two best whores."

"What does that make me?" Dylan asked.

"A lucky fucking boy," Van said, laughing.

"Pay attention, Son. You might learn something."

David spread his daughter's legs and rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slick slit. He pushed the very tip inside her, but then held still, teasing her.

Dani whimpered and pushed herself toward him, trying to get more. "Please, Daddy. Please fuck me."

"Do it, Dad," Dylan urged. "Split that whore cunt wide open."

Without warning he rammed his entire length inside Dani. "Oh, fuck yes!" she gasped. "Oh, Daddy, your cock feels so fucking good in me!"

Good wasn't even the word for it. His daughter's cunt was fucking amazing, somehow warmer, wetter, tighter than any cunt he'd ever fucked before. Maybe that was an illusion, a product of fantasizing about this moment for so long. But unlike so many things in life, where the reality did not live up to the fantasy, actually getting his dick inside his little girl was even better.

He began stroking her, moving in and out slowly, but all the way from root to tip. Dani pushed against him on the downstroke, fighting to get every last millimeter of his cock up into her. She whined on the upstroke, desperate for him not to take it away. The only word she uttered was "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" over and over.

David grabbed her by the hips and began to increase his pace. She bucked under him, her hips rotating, fucking back at him and squeezing down on his dick like a python. Every time he bottomed out in Dani he felt the joy of it not just in his cock, but from his head to his toes.

The fact that eighteen years ago he and his wife had created this pussy together, and now his wife was watching as he fucked it, was so goddamn hot he could hardly stand it. "Sit on your daughter's face," he commanded Van. "We should be doing her together."

Van swung one leg across the coffee table and lowered her pussy onto Dani's face, then leaned forward until her own face was inches from David's thrusting prick. She cocked her head to look up at him and asked, "Does fucking our daughter feel as good as it looks?"

"It's fucking incredible, especially with you here to see it. I love you, Honey. Thank you for helping me have this."

"I love you, too. And you're welcome. Now shut up and fuck this bitch like the dirty slut she is. I want to feel her moaning into my pussy."

On that command, David took a tighter grip on Dani's hips and slammed himself into his daughter's cunt. Again and again he pounded his big dick into her vice tight fuck tunnel. Dani was soon screaming with pleasure. If the sound hadn't been muffled by her mother's twat over her face they might have all had some explaining to do to their neighbors.

"Fuck yeah, Dad," Dylan said. "Make her take that dick."

David pounded his little girl even harder, looking down to watch his thick prick splitting her in two. Van had two fingers on Dani's clit, working her into a frenzy. Dani was bucking and squirming so hard David popped out of her meat garage and hit Van in the face with one hard thrust. Slut that she was, his wife instinctively opened her mouth for cock.

David pushed deep into his wife's throat for a few strokes. "You like the taste of your daughter's pussy cream on your husband's dick?"

He knew the answer was yes by the way Van pouted when he took his cock away and buried it inside Dani once again. His daughter's pussy wrapped him tight, sucked him in deep, pulsed with heat beyond anything he'd ever experienced. He could feel his orgasm building from deep inside.

David realized he was about to fill his daughter up with his cum for the first time, and thinking about it brought it closer. He looked down at his wife. "Fuck, Honey. I can't hold it. I'm gonna cum inside our little girl."

"Do it. She's a fucking cum whore, just like her mother. Fill her cunt so full it leaks out her eyes."

Dani pulled her mouth off her mother's twat long enough to add, "Do it, Daddy. Fill my baby hole with your jizz."

David hammered Dani's cunt so hard the coffee table creaked - once, twice, three times. "Ohhhh, fuck me, here it comes!"

It felt like the orgasm boiled up from his toes and crashed through his entire body. Wave after wave rolled over him, each wave a pump of cum into his daughter's cunt. He shuddered one final time, then laughed out loud, still not quite able to believe what his family had turned into in the space of a few hours. For fuck's sake, he'd just had an orgy involving his teenage twins!

He looked down, and his wife was smiling up at him. "How fucking hot was that?" she asked.

"You...don't....even...know." David seemed to have cum so hard it had short circuited his brain. He could barely string a few words together.

Van laughed at him as she reached down and gently pulled his at last softening cock from their daughter's cunt. He'd filled Dani so full a dribble of bright white jizz immediately gushed out and ran down toward the crack of her ass. Van rubbed the head of his cock in the escaped cum, then she brought him toward her mouth.

As Van's luscious lips opened to taste the cocktail David had made inside Dani's pussy, Dylan suddenly groaned, "Oh, shit, I'm cumming too!"

David looked over at his son, whose own hand was now flying up and down on his cock. He aimed at Van's face and let loose, jet after jet hitting his mother in the eyes, her lips, and spraying down onto his sister's pussy.

To his credit, the boy was still filming, and so his jizz spattered mom looked up into the camera and said, "What the fuck, Dylan? We were having a moment there."

He grinned impishly. "Yeah, me too. My moment looks great all over your face, Mom."

Then Dani chimed in. "If there's cum, I want some. I AM the new cum whore after all."

Van lifted herself enough to look between their bodies at her daughter's face. She said, "Just because you're the new cum whore doesn't mean the old cum whore is retiring, so don't be a greedy little bitch. Besides, you didn't finish what you were doing yet."

"Yes, Mommy," Dani said, as she reapplied her tongue to her mother's pussy.

"Now, where was I?" Van rubbed David's cock around on her face, adding her son's cum to her husband's. Then she sucked the whole sloppy mess into her mouth and began to hum happily.

David gazed adoringly at his cum hungry wife. He looked down at his daughter's hard fucked cunt, gaping open, still leaking her Daddy's jizz. He casually slid a couple of fingers into her snatch like it was the most natural thing in the world, and he heard Dani moan into her mother's pussy.

He turned to his son, still recording, his huge cock still half hard even after dumping a second load. "Ready for round three, Son?"

"Fuck yeah, Dad. Let's do it."

David took a deep breath and smiled.

Best. Day. Ever.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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