60.36% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2475: MY NUDE DAY STARTER


I'd been looking forward to that summer all year. I was taking a year off to relax with the intent of joining the military and had just graduated high school. Most summers I'd travel with my parents but with it being their 20 year anniversary, my dad had surprised mom with a two week long trip to Italy for just the two of them.

He'd spoken to me about it first to make sure I didn't take offense but I was perfectly fine not being a 3rd wheel. Instead I was to go and stay with my Aunt and Uncle at their house on a lake. It was really remote, no internet which I was fine with since the fishing and hiking was just amazing there. I'd spent a lot of my summers there growing up, I'd always be dropped off at the bus station though, something between my parents and my aunt that I never got into.

I was looking forward to gazing at my cousin Maya too. Yes, I know I really shouldn't but she was stunning, tall, athletic body, breasts to die for and the most perfect ass that I assumed she got from all the hiking. She was beautiful but knew it too, she'd glare at me any time she caught me staring at her and was pretty frosty with me at the best of times. I didn't care, just the thought of seeing her at least once in a bikini I was happy to put up with her scorn.

The ride there was always a pain, 2 coach rides then a smaller bus to the town then Aunt Lisa would be there to pick me up. I got into town a little earlier than arranged but an hour after the time she was to pick me up, I was still waiting. I got my phone out to call them and my battery was dead. To make things worse, my charger was broken, I'd managed to snap the end off in my pack. The only place open was a little cafe. I went inside and asked if they had a charger.

"Sorry hun, I just have an iPhone one, who are you trying to reach, you can use my phone," said the nice lady.

"My Aunt Lisa, she was meant to pick me up but that was over an hour ago and I don't know her number," I replied.

"Lisa Collins?"

"Yes, that's her."

"One advantage of a really small town, you get to know most people. She's actually my friend though, lemme call her for you."

After a brief hello, the lady handed me her phone.

"Marcus? I'm so sorry, I had on my calendar I was picking you up next week! I'm leaving now, it will take me about 30 minutes to get to you okay."

"Okay, thank you."

I handed the phone back, the lady spoke to Lisa then hung up.

"Do you want a soda or something?" she asked.

"That would be great but I stuffed my wallet to the bottom of my pack," I replied.

"Well since you're related to Lisa I can spring for a soda. Can't tell you how many favors I owe her and your Uncle. I'm Kendra."

"Well thank you, I'm Marcus."

I was still drinking my soda and chatting when Lisa arrived. She hugged and thanked Kendra then gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry sweetie, I could swear your mom said next week," said Lisa.

"I think that was the initial plan but the travel agent got them a much better hotel if they could switch, she said she'd called you. It's all good, you're here now," I replied.

Aunt Lisa was essentially an older version of Maya, she kept in shape and had a few more curves that I freely admit to admiring too. She had a much warmer personality than her daughter though, I always enjoyed being around her.

"It was sweet of you to let them go on their own, your Mom has spoken about going to Italy since we were kids," she said as we set off for the house.

"Yea, she was so excited when Dad told her, when she stopped squealing and crying she stopped and said 'oh, what about Marcus' as she looked at just 2 tickets. I wound her up and pretended to be upset but Dad told her he'd already spoken to you. I'm hoping I'll get to go there with the military sometime," I replied.

"That's still the plan is it?"

"Yes, I just didn't want to spend 4 years getting into debt for some career field that is always changing and I'm pretty sure being a lawyer isn't for me. Still don't know what my long term plan after the military is to be honest."

"Well I know your Uncle Alex would love to talk to you about his time in the military, he's looking forward to fishing with you."

"I am too, fishing at home is okay but it's so much more relaxing up here."

"Pretty much why we moved, we were both ready for a quiet life."

As we pulled up and got out of the car, I could hear yelling coming from inside. Maya gave me a death stare as soon as I walked in, I hadn't even tried to check out her ass yet but I learned why later.

"I don't care, I've worked so fucking hard this year, I'm not missing it. He can fucking stay in a motel," yelled Maya.

"Maya Grace, what way is that to be talking? You better not be still complaining about Thursday, I've been gone almost an hour," said Lisa.

"She hasn't stopped Lisa, I'm done with it. Marcus, good to see you buddy, you're looking great," said Alex, greeting me with a hug.

"Good to see you Uncle Alex. I'm not messing up any plans or anything am I?" I replied.

"No, it's nothing, Lisa will be talking to sassy pants about her attitude and welcoming nature," he said with a laugh.

"Welcome Marcus, so glad you're here a week early," said Maya in the most sarcastic tone.

"Maya, go to your room before I start getting angry, I won't have this bitchy attitude from you. Marcus is family and our guest and you will not speak to him that way," said Lisa.


"NOW!! Maya!" yelled Lisa, making me jump.

Maya opened her mouth to say something but saw the look on Lisa's face and thought better of it. She left for her room.

"I'm so sorry Marcus, I hate raising my voice."

"Is me being here a week early an issue? I really hate to be the cause of problems."

"No honey, it's not you. We um, we have an event we take part in every year and they changed the dates this year because of the weather. We can chat about it later, let's get you settled."

Lisa took me to the spare room, it was pretty comfortable, I'd stayed there before. They'd replaced the old twin it had with a queen though, I was pretty happy about that.

"If it's okay I'd like to take a nap, I've been on the go since 6 this morning," I said.

"Sure, I'll come wake you for dinner, give you a good 3 hours."

"Great, thank you."

I was out cold as soon as my head hit the pillow, Lisa woke me gently and after the 'where the hell am I' wore off I splashed water on my face and joined them for dinner.

"Marcus, I'm really sorry you came here to my shitty attitude earlier," said Maya as soon as I sat down.

"It's okay, I don't know what it was about but if I can do anything to help compromise I'm happy to," I said.

"No, Maya," said Lisa.

"You just relax and don't worry about it Marcus, you have a fishing trophy to win back off me, Lisa said we can chat about your future too, proud you're joining up. I know your Dad was hoping you'd follow in his footsteps but lawyer ain't for everyone," said Alex.

"He mostly just wants me to be happy, he said he's proud of me too, Mom hasn't said much about it all really," I replied.

"Maybe to you," said Lisa with a laugh.

"Oh, is she sad?"

"No, she's a mother and she worries, she thinks maybe you're too quiet for the military but Alex was like that before. Don't you tell her I told you that!" laughed Lisa.

Maya was pretty quiet for the rest of the evening but I didn't take it personally. Despite my nap I was pretty tired by the time the sun went down.

"I'm still wiped, it's really good to be here. What time do you guys normally surface?" I asked.

"I've usually got coffee going by 8am," replied Alex.

I slept pretty hard and after my shower, I was dressed and could smell coffee brewing as I headed to the kitchen. I could hear talking and heard my name being mentioned, I hung back out of sight to listen, still concerned I was a burden.

"Maya, we don't know how he is. He seems pretty down to earth but I don't know how he'll react to that question. Will you at least let your dad test the water with him and see what he says? You can try being a little nicer to him too," said Lisa.

"Ever since I've had boobs he couldn't keep his eyes off them, it just creeped me out," replied Maya.

"But you want to be naked in front of him?"

"I.... I need to get over it huh."

"Yes my love. Let your dad talk to him and we'll talk again."

I was intrigued and stupidly turned on. Maya, naked? Holy fuck, the prospect had my cock stirring in my shorts. I backed up and made a little more noise as I approached the kitchen, they all said good morning. Alex poured me a coffee and had a plate of food ready to put in front of me when I sat down.

"Usually it's fend for yourself at breakfast but since we're going fishing I wanted to make sure you had a good feed since we're on the boat," said Alex.

"This is great, thank you," I replied.

"Did you find your phone charger?" said Maya.

"Oh it wasn't lost, it's broken, do you have a C charging cable I could borrow maybe?"

"Yea, I've a couple spare, who's your carrier though?"


"Oooh, good luck getting a signal, you should be good for texts but that's it. I'll leave it on your bed for you."

"Awesome, thank you."

An hour or so later I was on the lake in Alex's boat as we fished. We'd both caught quite a few nice ones.

"So I need to ask Uncle Alex, I feel like I'm getting in the way of something by being here," I said as he put a fish back into the water.

"To answer that I need to ask you something. Be honest, no matter what you say we won't take offense okay? And it's just Alex my man, no need to stay formal," he replied.


"How do you feel about nudity?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, have you ever been nude in front of anyone other than a girlfriend or your folks when you were a kid?"

"I haven't, no."

"On Thursday, it's annual Nude day. It's our turn to host the cookout but we have a few families meet together and we'll swim, chat, hangout, all without clothes. The weather is perfect for it but it's nice you know? A lot of time since we're so remote, none of us wear clothes in the house."

"Oh. All of you?"

"Yup. We love just being able to walk out to the lake and take a swim or just relax on the deck enjoying the breeze. Your cousin has been busting her ass to look better than her friend that's coming, I think that's why the prospect of cancelling has her so upset. Between you and me, her friend is frumpy and hasn't been trying as hard as Maya but you can't tell her that," he said with a laugh.

"I've been keeping in shape, I don't think I'd mind if it wouldn't be too weird for you."

"I don't care, I played a lot of sports so I've showered with other guys, being nude isn't about sex, it's just to enjoy feeling free and enjoying nature."

"Then please don't cancel. I'll participate."

"Good man, maybe this afternoon when we get back we'll surprise them. Once we've cleaned the fish, shower and we'll both walk out nude, sound okay?"

I laughed.

"If this is another of your epic pranks I'm totally sinking this boat."

Alex laughed.

"Nope, I'll even come and get you so you know. You have a bite."

We caught a few more keepers each, he beat my total by 5 fish though and he drove us to shore. I helped him clean the fish on his outdoor table setup and we put them in the fridge for later. I showered and waited with just a towel on for Alex to come and get me and sure enough, he was completely naked. He was in pretty good shape, muscular and had a pretty impressive cock. I took a deep breath and took my towel off and followed him into the lounge where the women were chatting. As we walked in they both stared at us wide eyed with their mouths open. I spotted Maya glancing at my cock but I was petrified and could barely look at them.

"So, you two are way overdressed for this house, I suggest you go and fix that," said Alex.

Neither said anything, they both got up and headed to their rooms and came back a few minutes later without a stitch of clothing on. How I didn't cum right there I don't know. Both my Aunt and Maya looked amazing. I'd always assumed Lisa's beautiful cleavage was from push up bras alone but she was big and very pert. Maya was perfection in my eyes, her breasts were small but perfectly proportioned to her athletic frame and both women had waxed or shaven pussies. I couldn't help it, I tried to put everything sexual out of my mind but it was no use and I felt myself getting hard.

"Well I'm taking that as a compliment," laughed Lisa.

"I, sorry, I..." I stammered.

"Hey, no need to apologize or be embarrassed. Take a good look at both of us, I know you've dreamed of seeing your cousin like this for years haven't you?" said Lisa with a grin.

"Mom!" said Maya, playfully slapping her arm.

"Well lets just relax and be normal, let the poor guys face cool off. I'm sure that tent pole will subside when you get used to being nude," laughed Alex.

Not sure 'getting used to it' would ever happen, it was a good hour or so before I got the chance to sneak away and jerk off. So I wasn't dribbling cum everywhere I took a dip in the lake too. When I got back to the dock, Maya was sitting with her feet in the water, her legs slightly open giving me a perfect view of her pussy. It was beautiful. I climbed out of the water and sat beside her, trying to act natural.

"Boy, you are a twitchy one aren't you?" she said with a smile.

"Sorry, I'm still getting used to this," I replied.

"Listen, I'm sorry I've been such a bitch to you over the years. I just didn't know how to handle you staring at me all the time. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you stepping out of your comfort zone for this though, it means a lot to me."

"I didn't mean to stare, you always seemed to know when I was looking at you.

You've always been the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes on and I couldn't help it."

Maya looked at me for a second then she got a little red, including a cute little patch between her breasts.

"I'm your cousin though."

"Doesn't change anything, I've honestly never met a woman like you. You're breathtakingly beautiful."

"I... I don't know how to respond to that. Thank you. I get guys chasing me all the time, my mom said I'm pretty but wow."

"I should have kept that to myself, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm glad you said something. I just didn't know why you would look at me that way you know? Anything changed now that you can see me totally naked? My boobs are a bit of a let down without a bra right?"

"They're perfect, Maya, they really are."

"Marcus, Maya, food's ready!" yelled Lisa from the house.

"Saved by the bell," said Maya with a grin.

I watched her perfect ass the whole way up to the house and I was hard again by the time we got there. Lisa smiled and raised an eyebrow but I quickly sat down and hid it under the table. Alex just laughed.

"Trust me my man, it's perfectly natural. I still get it looking at my beautiful wife, even after all these years," he said, gently taking Lisa's hand.

"Gross, get a room," laughed Maya.

I had to admit, being at the lake house, completely naked, was not as terrifying as I thought it would be. Alex wound me up when I got hard which helped me relax a little but then I'd see Lisa's breasts jiggle or get a flash of Maya's labia and I'd be hard again. My poor cock was aching by the time I was ready for bed. We were sitting watching a movie together, Alex fell asleep though and when he began to snore, Lisa woke him up and dragged him by the hand to bed.

"Please don't stay up late, I need both of your help setting up tomorrow morning.

After about 10 minutes Maya stood up in front of me.

"I need to shower but before I do, you want to cum on my chest? I know you need a release," she said quietly.

"Whoa, where did that come from?" I said, stunned.

"Your cock is beautiful, I've been sneaking looks at it all night. We're cousins so we're not going to fuck but we can help each other get off."

I expected to wake up from a dream, my beautiful, sexy cousin staring at me as I had a wet dream on the couch but biting my tongue said that wasn't so.

"Are you teasing me?" I asked.

"No, teasing would be doing this."

Maya put her finger into her pussy, coating it in her juices then ran her finger over my lips.

"Bathroom, now," she said and walked away.

By the time I confirmed again that I wasn't dreaming, she was already kneeling on the shower floor and was fingering herself, her breathing heavy. I closed the door behind me and just watched at first, my cock was throbbing and already leaking.

"Stand here and jerk off, try and get it on my chest," she said, still fingering her pussy.

I stood where she wanted me to and looked at her as I began to stroke my cock. It felt so surreal, not 36 hours before I was looked at like the ruiner of days, glared at just for being there then suddenly I'm jerking off to cum on her chest while she fingered herself. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Wh.... what's so funny," she said, looking a little angry.

"Just the craziness of the situation, two days ago you greeted me with the most evil look and now look at us," I said, continuing to stroke my cock.

"Well, I'm kinky as fuck so don't get used to normal again, are you close, I want to cum when you do."

"Y.. yes," I said, stroking faster.

"Nnnnnnoooww.." she gasped.

Seeing Maya climax, her fingers a blur in her pussy and her beautiful breasts bouncing as she came, set me off too. I didn't think I'd have much to spray but apparently my balls had other ideas. I was aiming for her chest but her mouth was open, almost in a silent scream as she climaxed and the first spurt hit her right in the mouth. She quickly closed it as the second and third spurts hit her lips and chin then finally I managed to get the rest on her chest. She kept her mouth closed until I was finished then showed me the cum in her mouth before swallowing it. It was only a little but I was stunned again. She stood up and hugged me close to her, getting my cum all over me. She kissed me on the cheek and got cum there too then stood with a naughty smile on her face.

"Oops, sorry, I got you all messy, maybe you should just shower with me," she said in a sultry voice.

I didn't get a chance to reply, she closed the sliding door and turned the water on. It was briefly cold then nice and warm, she held my hand and put shower gel in it then turned her back to me. How I didn't get hard again I don't know but by the end of our shower she had the cleanest breasts ever known to man and she cleaned the cum off me too. She grabbed a towel for her hair, dried most of the water from her body then left me alone in the bathroom after a soft kiss on the lips and a quiet 'goodnight'.

The next morning, Maya acted like nothing had happened. Lisa kept us pretty busy cleaning up the yard which was a new level of torture. The weather was amazing so Alex decided we should just be nude and it seemed any time I looked at one of the women they were bending over to give me a good look at their pussy. Alex laughed and after a couple times getting hard he'd spray me with a hose then spray the women for teasing me. I soon began to relax more around them though, being nude with 2 beautiful women felt natural and I didn't have to focus on not getting hard all the time. We got done with the cleanup, it wasn't too bad really but we wanted it out of the way. We chatted as we sat eating lunch, Alex had grilled some of the fish we'd caught, it was really tasty.

"I'm glad you're finally relaxing sweetie," said Lisa as I helped clean up."I'm just not used to this but I like it. I can't help reacting though sometimes," I replied.

"It's perfectly natural. Alex still does but I keep him happy so it's less often. Just ignore it like it's not hard, people won't ridicule you but you'll see more than a few boners at the cookout."

"Alex said we're going hiking this afternoon?"

"Yes but there's still campers in the area so we need to dress. You brought your boots, right?"


The trail was very pretty, it wound through the woods but kept a really nice view of the lake until we got closer to the waterfall they'd told me about. I was taking a bunch of pictures with my camera. It almost felt strange to be wearing clothes but I figured we'd lose them once we got back home. As we approached the waterfall we could hear a woman moaning in pleasure.

"It's Gary and Denise, I'm going to scare them," Alex said quietly.

Alex had us sneak closer then he jumped out with Lisa and Maya.

"Get a room you dirty heathens!" he yelled.

The guy briefly stopped, saw who it was but only slowed his pace.

"Fucker, I figured you'd still be getting ready for Thursday," said Gary.

"Nah, we had help so got done quicker, where's Jen?"

"At the house with Cole, sorry, I'd stop but we've been building this up all morning and she's out of it now."

"Well, looking forward to seeing you all, tell Denise we said Hi."

I was a little confused at the exchange. The woman acted like we weren't even there. She was quite pretty, blonde and curvy with great breasts. She was much younger than the man too. When I got closer to Maya when we'd walked away a little I asked her about it. We were out of earshot from Alex and Lisa.

"Oh they practice that tantric sex. Basically edge each other all day so when they do fuck she goes into a zone. You could have stood and jerked off in front of her and she wouldn't have noticed you," she told me.

"Sounds pretty hot," I replied.

"Not for me, I don't like to be made to wait like that. Come one, sooner we get back, sooner you can gaze at my rack all day."

Maya took off in a slow jog and we'd caught up with Alex and Lisa in no time. They were holding hands and were smiling and laughing together, it was nice to see them so happy.

After we got back we all got naked again, Maya seemed to be making a point of making sure I was getting good views of her pussy. Alex and Lisa spent a good hour making out on the deck and didn't really pay attention to us. When she climbed on his lap and straddled him, taking his cock inside her I got a little embarrassed.

"Oh, I should go to bed huh," I said, trying not to watch. Maya just grinned.

"Or, stay and watch, get nice and excited so you can cum on my tits in the shower again. They don't care, they'd have taken it to their room if it bothered them that we were watching."

"You've watched before?"

"Of course. You think my mom is sexy don't you? My dad is still as obsessed with her as the day they met. Mom would tell me stories about how he'd practically worship her and still does. I think it's beautiful."

"Wow. Our house is so repressed compared to here."

"Well, enjoy it, keep an open mind. Nobody here will ever want to hurt you in any way and if you're uncomfortable with something, you just have to say and it'll stop."

"Okay. I think I can do that."

"Come on, I'll let you play with them before you cum on them."

I took another glance at Alex and Lisa, she was clearly enjoying him. She winked at me as I followed Maya and I swear my cock twitched a little. Maya was already playing with herself when I got to the bathroom, she let me fondle her breasts then got on her knees and began playing with herself like the night before. I did the same, the mental imagery of the couple at the waterfall then Alex and Lisa making my balls churn. When she muttered that she was cumming, I told her I was close but instead of letting me cum on her chest, she quickly knelt up and put her mouth over the tip of my cock. My knees almost buckled. I came so hard, she sucked just the tip until she had every last drop then grinned at me as she let it spill over her breasts. She stood up and pressed her body to mine then kissed me on the lips before turning on the shower.

"That was amazing," I said after I finally caught my breath.

"Well your aim sucks but you point up when you're hard, not your fault. You going to wash these or am I doing it myself this time?" she said, cupping her breasts.

I slept hard that night again. Next morning I woke to the smell of baking. Maya handed me a coffee when I tried to walk into the kitchen but I was ushered out. Alex was sitting on the deck drinking his, he beckoned me to join him.

"Sorry, forgot to tell you, when they're in there cooking we're kept out. Lisa knows damn fine I'll try and poke her every time she bends over so is probably for the best," he said with a laugh.

"I kinda wish mom and dad showed each other half the affection you two do," I said, smiling.

"Oh I'm sure they do, they just keep it more private. We tried to raise Maya to not have inhibitions or fears around nudity, sex and everything that goes with it. Sex is a wonderful thing and denying what feels good is just wrong to us. Nobody that is coming tomorrow is under 18 though, however, it's nude day not sex day."


"Come, finish your coffee then we'll go fishing. I'm putting clothes on though, too many close calls with hooks and my balls to risk that again."

We both laughed.

Alex and I spent a good few hours fishing, the women had left us a nice lunch on the deck but pretty much every surface inside was covered with trays of food. We ate lunch then went for a swim then after a nap we were summoned for dinner.

Maya didn't join us though.

"Where's Maya?" asked Alex.

"She's resting, she twisted her knee a little when she was taking a tray out of the oven and wanted to put ice on it. After dinner can you take her some more please Marcus?"

"Of course," I replied.

I took the ice pack as requested, I knocked on Maya's door and went in when she called.

"You're not even hard," she said, I almost jumped out of my skin.

Maya was hiding behind her door and closed it when I got into the room.

"I was expecting to come in and play nurse."

"Oh my leg's fine, I was just sick of cooking. Come, you can nurse on these while you finger me."

Maya wasn't kidding about being kinky and I was far from even thinking about complaining. She got me in position on the bed with her and had me finger her while I sucked on her nipples. I felt her clit harden then I reached in and found her g-spot, she was shuddering when she climaxed and eventually pushed my hand away, catching her breath as her orgasm subsided. She gave me a tender kiss on the lips then had me straddle her so that I was sitting on her pelvis almost but I figured what she had in mind. She tried to jerk me off but she was a little rough and she had me take over. Looking down into her eyes, her beautiful nipples hard and still glistening from my sucking, I felt something I knew had been there all along. Our eyes never left each other the whole time, when I got close she lifted her chin a little but kept eye contact as I came, spraying cum all over her neck and chest. She rubbed my cum all over her breasts then had me lay on my back. She sucked the rest of my seed from my softening cock then after pulling me to my feet, held me close to her and rested her head on my shoulder then looked into my eyes again before she kissed me. That time was more than the quick pecks she'd given me before, she kissed me with a passion I'd never felt before and I felt my heart leap in my chest.

"Fuck," she said quietly then led me to the shower.

"Was uh, that an invitation or plan?" I said with a grin.


"What you said in your room."

"It was an expression of frustration, Marcus. It's my own fault, I shouldn't have started this but what you said to me really threw me off and I let my guard down. It's fine, it's going to be fine."

"I'm a little confused."

"I know, I'm rambling. You called me beautiful in the sweetest way and you meant it. When you look at me it's like the way I see my Dad look at my Mom and I don't understand why. I'm not perfect, my boobs are too small and I have stretch marks on my ass....."

She tried to say more but I put my hand at the back of her neck and kissed her with the same passion she'd given me in her room. She melted into my arms as the water cascaded over us.

"Maya, I've slowly been falling in love with you for as long as I knew what love is. You have a warmth and glow about you that makes you almost glide around a room. People turn to look at your face because you're always smiling and it's mesmerizing. I'd dream about you, you see what you call flaws and all I see is a goddess with a heart of gold to match," I said after we'd stopped kissing. She had tears running down her face.

"I.. I thought you were going to say we can't. I love you Marcus. I know we've been intimate for like 3 days but this feels like it's been ready to happen for years. I never thought you'd ever feel the same, part of why I treated you the way I did. This feels so right though."

"I agree."

"What are we going to do?"

"How about you just help your cousin get through a day being nude around strangers then we can talk about it."

"I can do that. Oh, I'm officially claiming you, I'll explain what that means later but just don't be shocked when I tell mom."

"Um, okay. How do you think they're going to react about us?"

"My mom already knows, she stopped me yesterday and kissed me on the cheek. She said something cryptic but said if you feel the same she'd tell me and told me not to worry."

"Wow, okay. I was really worried they'd flip out."

"Please, have you been paying attention to anything other than me? They both adore you, you're so warm and kind, always so happy to help with anything. Let's wash and see if they're done fucking, I don't want to wait until tomorrow to tell them."

We cleaned off then got dried, I was excited but terrified at the same time. I had all the 'what ifs' running through my head, which I guess was a good thing for something, the prospect of going to talk to Lisa and Alex right after watching them have sex would have otherwise got me hard. Maya practically pulled me to the deck where they were laying snuggled together, enjoying the cool evening air. She had us stand at their feet, I could see dried cum all over Alex's balls but I tried not to look.

"Mom, Dad, I want to officially claim Marcus. You were right Mom," said Maya.

Both Alex and Lisa smiled.

"I've known for years honey, you might have thought he was just perving on you when you got boobs but he's always been so sweet to you, his whole demeanor changes when you walk into the room," said Lisa. She got up and hugged us both.

"You can let that look of terror go my man, I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Maya has been practically floating around since you spoke to her on the dock that first night. I'd hug you both too but I need to clean up first," said Alex, he just shook my hand.

"You two relax out here, we're going to shower real quick then we're going to have a talk," Said Lisa.

Alex left then Lisa shocked me a little, she gave me a very soft kiss on the lips, smiled at us both again then left. I looked at Maya and she didn't seem fazed by the kiss at all.

"You, need to chill my love, I promise this is not going to be anything bad but before we get too far there's a lot you need to know," said Maya then she kissed me again.

Thankfully Alex and Lisa didn't take long. Alex grabbed us both for a hug since he was cleaner then sat down beside Lisa.

"I'm going to start by reminding you of something Marcus that I know your Mother spoke to you about when you were old enough but it changes a lot for you two," said Lisa.

I had to think for a second then I remembered.

"Oh, oh wow. I never think about it, it's never been important to me! Holy shit!" I said. I looked at Maya, she was so confused. "My Mom can't have kids. She got into an accident when she was younger and it almost killed her. Long story short, I was born to a surrogate, really awesome lady who looks a lot like her but we are not truly blood relatives, in the raw biological sense I mean. I let it go from my mind, she is my Mother and that's that but oh wow," I said.

"Well before you get too excited there's still so much you need to know. I don't want you to get so deeply involved before you find out then break my girl's heart," said Lisa.

"Bluntly, Aunt Lisa, it would only take her having a penis to break how I feel about her and I know she doesn't thanks to um, no clothes," I said, Lisa laughed.

"Sweetie, I know you've both been having fun, we really don't care. But please, listen to what I have to tell you okay."


"Our life here is amazing in so many ways that you can see and others we don't share with the outside world. This little town is incredible, we have only one Park Ranger who mostly takes care of the forest and I think two Sheriff Deputies who mostly take care of any problems that camping people have. We live remote but we talk to the other residents a lot, we care about each other and we all share the same values and way of life. Our Nude Day celebration tomorrow is one of our most sacred days, when Maya said she claims you, it means she chooses if she wants to share on life day if you are requested. And yes, I'll explain life day in a minute. You notice too that we are free and open about sex and intimacy. We've never hidden our love from Maya and when she was old enough, we introduced her to pleasure and taught her how to enjoy her body so she can teach the man she chooses to have her. From what she tells me you don't really need much of that so, well done. So, on to life day. We have nude day to show our friends that we have nothing to hide, no clothes to change our appearance, just as nature intended us to be. It's also a time to open the opportunity for the next generation of our town to be created. Maya chose you so when you two are ready, she wants to have your child but if a request is made, she can allow you to give another woman one too. I would expect it, us women outnumber men here. If you are given that gift, you wouldn't be sent out to work five jobs for child support, we support our own daughters and raise them with the same values that we were given," continued Lisa.

"I'm sorry to stop you but my Mom and Dad moved away from here right?" I asked.

"Yes, it broke both of their hearts but your Mom couldn't live with not being able to have a child of her own so she wanted to move away. Your Dad loved her so much he'd have moved to the moon to stay with her but they are both very happy. I can see you still have questions but I'm going to let Maya answer them, I want you both to get a good night's sleep though, separate beds tonight please but in bed by 11 okay," said Lisa.

Lisa and Alex got up and went to bed, Maya sat facing me, her beautiful smile on her face and her eyes wide open.

"What do you want to know?" she said.

"Can you expand on, 'introduced you to pleasure'?" I asked.

"I figured that would be first. You have to know, I like both men and women, I see sex is sex and that's just that. By the time I turned 18, I'd already seen Mom and Dad making love, they never wanted to hide it from me. When I turned 18, they let me make love with them too. My dad took my virginity and mom gave me more orgasms with her tongue than most women have their whole life. She taught me how to please a woman, I can't wait to show you how well I can please you but you have to accept that if you're to be part of my life."

I was a little shocked but the thought of it turned me on more than I would have expected. Maya giggled when she noticed me getting hard.

"Are you going to say anything or has all the blood gone there?" she said, grinning as she stroked my cock.

"I, I don't know, I guess fuck the outside world if they can't accept it right."

"Well, it's not something we share with outsiders so there's that."

"Do you play with them a lot?"

"Yes but not much since you've been here. I had to eat mom to calm her down a little when we were cooking, she was getting stressed but nothing like a multiple orgasm to wash the stress away. I can't wait to watch you fuck her."

"Uh, what?"

"It's going to happen, I will be there and it will be amazing. Do you want a blow job before we go to bed?"

"This life day, if I hadn't come here a week early would you be expected to have some other guy's kid?" Maya laughed.

"Fuck no! It's a choice, nobody is ever forced to do anything. Without you here I'd just be a maiden, free to be who I want and there to help take care of the kids but no, nothing expected."

"I've never thought about kids or anything, I'm almost 19, can't say I'm ready for that."

"Choice, my love, when we are ready. We'll just practice a lot until then."

"The practice part I like the sound of. This is a lot to take in."

"Well, just lay back and enjoy my mouth."

Maya took my semi hard cock into her mouth and demonstrated just how good she was, I'd never cum so fast with a blowjob before. She'd swallowed every drop before she opened her mouth.

"H... holy fuck that was amazing, I've never exploded so fast before," I said, gasping for air.

"Well I wanted you to, you need a good night's rest," she replied, smiling.

We kissed and held each other then used the strongest of will to tear ourselves from each other. I can't say I slept great, I had so much going through my head but I'd been honest when I told her I was falling for her in a big way. Suddenly my plans, my future, had to be with her. I smiled and eventually drifted off to sleep. I woke up to the smell of coffee, I showered and dried off, found a note on my dresser that said 'Happy Nude day, no clothes remember' and just went for breakfast. Maya and Lisa were busy setting up tables and arranging all the food but when Maya saw me she stopped and came to greet me with a warm hug and kiss.

"Good morning handsome, I hope you slept well," she said, her beautiful smile lighting up her face as always.

"I did, I couldn't stop thinking about you though," I replied.

"If you two are finished for now, I still need help Maya, Marcus, get some coffee and breakfast in you then you can help too please," said Lisa.

"When do people start arriving?" I asked.

"Soon enough, 11am is the official start but most arrive early. Are the totes set out Maya," said Lisa.

"Yes Mom, as are the labels and the pens and the water is in the coolers," replied Maya.

"I was just asking."

"You've asked three times, Mom, you're getting stressed again."

"I am not, can't exactly do anything about it anyways."

"Like hell I can't, sit in the chair."

"Maya, we.."

"Mom, he knows, just do it please."

Being told about one thing then actually seeing it was pretty amazing. Lisa looked at me nervously then sat on the edge of one of their loungers and opened her legs. Maya pushed her back a little then got on her knees between her Mom's legs and started licking her pussy. Lisa was soon gasping and moaning in pleasure and after a few minutes shuddered, gasping 'oh fuck yes' over and over until she got sensitive and pushed Maya away gently. She kissed Maya on the lips then sat for a moment to catch her breath. Maya got up and came over to me and kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth so I'd taste Lisa's cream. I was hard as steel by that point.

"That, can wait until later," said Maya, looking down at my cock.

"Sorry, I get stressed with these things and Maya knows all my buttons to make me cum fast. I'd have Alex fuck me but didn't want to be dribbling cum all morning," said Lisa as she finally stood up.

"I think I'll need a cold shower after my coffee," I said with a grin.

"You have no time for that mister, come help me get more chairs from the garage," said Maya.

I gulped down the last of my coffee and followed Maya. What I hoped was code for 'come have some fun' was just what she said and by the time we had all the chairs out my cock had softened again. I couldn't stop gazing at Maya though, she'd notice and smile, even blushed a few times. When we finally finished all the tasks we had, she came and held me close to her then kissed me.

"If you ever stop looking at me that way I'll know you don't want me anymore," she said, smiling.

"Not likely, I'll only stop when I'm sleeping," I replied.

"Get a room you two, first guests have arrived," laughed Alex.

We all went inside to greet them, they'd already undressed and were putting their clothes into the totes we'd set out. I recognized the man from the waterfall, the blonde woman was with him too but a woman about Lisa's age took his hand.

"Gary, Jenn, this is our nephew Marcus," said Lisa.

"Pleased to officially meet you. This is my wife Jenn, daughter Denise and son Cole," said Gary.

"Denise kind of met him already but she was zoned out," said Alex.

"Oh, it was you guys that scared Dad? We laughed so hard after, he barely slowed down too," said Denise.

I tried to stop but I felt my cock getting hard again. Jenn was sexy as hell, nice full breasts and curvy figure and a really pretty face. Denise was just as sexy, almost like a blonde version of her mom. Cole was about the same age as me, average looking cock since he was flaccid but my mind went to him plowing his mom while his dad was fucking Denise at the waterfall. I couldn't hide my erection with my hands without making it obvious so I stood behind Maya.

"So, he's Ken and Louise's son?" said Jenn.

"Yes, he's here for a couple of weeks while they're in Italy but I've a feeling he'll be staying longer. The love affair that's been brewing since they were kids hit breaking point on what, day 2 of you being here and Maya has claimed him. We've told him what today and tomorrow is about, he's very open minded. Louise told me they couldn't raise him like she would have here but made sure he didn't grow up repressed," said Lisa.

"I knew your mom very well, we were all devastated when she had to leave. It's wonderful to meet you Marcus," said Jenn, softly shaking my hand.

I grabbed a bottle of water and headed out to the deck, Maya came with me and hugged me from behind.

"Oohh, Jenn likes you, she took a good look at your cock when you weren't looking. She likes younger guys too," said Maya, pressing her breasts into my back.

"You're not jealous about that or anything?" I replied. Maya laughed.

"No way. I'll sit on her face while you fuck her then eat your cum from her pussy. This is what awaits you Marcus, I told you I like both, that's from experience. As far as sharing, as long as you're asleep next to me every night and not going behind my back, we will both be fucking a lot of people. Cole isn't getting any of this though, he's a little weird."

I tried to stay out on the deck. Learning that I'd have the chance with sexy older women, threesomes and more did nothing to allow my boner to subside. We met maybe 6 or 7 other families, some with 2 kids, most with just one and all of them sexy. Lisa was right, women outnumbered guys 3 to 1. I was starting to get uncomfortable though.

"Maya, I need to go take a cold shower, are there more guests coming?" I said when she caught me trying to sneak away.

"Just two more but come to the bathroom, no shower for you," she said.

Maya took me by the hand to the small bathroom and locked the door. She got to her knees and started sucking my cock, giving me the same intensity she'd given me the night before. I didn't last long and my knees almost buckled as I came down her throat.

"Feel better?" she said, wiping her mouth.

"Y.. yes, that was amazing,"

"Good, now come and meet some more people." she said, smiling.

My head was spinning by the time we all sat for lunch. Lisa and Maya had made amazing pastries and other snack foods so lunch was just a light salad. Maya didn't leave my side but I had quite a few women come up and talk to me, they would speak to her afterwards too. By mid afternoon I was starting to relax, the doorbell rang again and Alex came in with a Sheriff's deputy, I had no reason to worry but he had a pretty stern look on his face. He didn't really look at all the other nude people but came directly to me.

"Are you Marcus, came into town just a few days ago?" he said to me.

"Yes Sir," I replied.

"And you're already naked and fraternizing with local women?"

I didn't know what to say. Him and Alex began to laugh.

"Sorry buddy, was his idea, I'm just messing with you. I'm Pete Simms, I think you met my wife the day you arrived, she owns the little cafe on main?" he said, shaking my hand.

"Yes, really nice lady, she called my Aunt since my phone was dead," I replied, my heart beating again.

"Well she's on her way, I got held over a little with paperwork but she's coming with her sister. We should chat later, Alex told me you had an interest in the Military but if you plan to stick around maybe consider the department. My sargeant is ready to retire and I could use a bright young man like yourself. No pressure, just think about it okay. Alex, let me secure my sidearm then I'll be right back," he said.

"Not funny," I said to Alex with a grin.

"I couldn't resist winding you up, I just wanted you to know you have options though," he replied.

"Well thank you. Right now I'm just focusing on getting through the rest of the day without getting hard again."

Alex, along with Pete when he came back minus his clothes, got to work on the grill. They were allowed an apron but soon the yard smelled like burgers. I hadn't really paid much attention to Kendra when I spoke to her in the store but she was really pretty, as was her sister, Claire. They both spoke to me for a little then we were all summoned for food. Once we were all seated, Lisa had me get up and stand with her at the head of the table. Despite having mingled with all of them I felt really exposed standing there and could feel myself going red.

"Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for coming, it really is wonderful to see you all. I'd like to introduce my nephew Marcus, my sister has raised him to be a fine young man despite being away from us but he's proven to us that he would fit in here if that's what he decides. Maya has already claimed him of course, those two have been close this past week, finally realizing their feelings from all the years of summers spent here hiking and fishing together. I hope you all enjoy the food and happy Nude day!" she said.

Everyone clapped then started eating, Lisa pulled me aside.

"I didn't do that to embarrass you, I just wanted you to know how welcomed you are here. Maya told me she's had 5 requests, she's going to take pictures so you'll remember but you'd only be allowed 2 plus Maya if she says yes. Are you okay?" said Lisa.

"Just overwhelmed to be honest. I had no idea this summer would turn into this. I was expecting to get a glance at Maya in her bikini and keep that mental picture for my alone time but I don't expect much of that. Thank you Aunt Lisa," I said and hugged her.

"You're welcome, now go eat, I've a feeling Maya will be pouncing on you tonight so you'll need your energy," she said with a grin.

Maya squeezed my leg when I sat back down next to her, the food was great but I tried not to overeat. After everyone helped clear up after food, the families started to leave, all stopping to say goodbye to me. My head was spinning, I looked at all the young women I'd met and there wasn't a single one of them who I'd not want to sleep with. I sat down when they'd all left, mentally exhausted.

"You okay there mister?" said Maya in a sultry voice.

"Yes, just so much to think about is all," I replied.

"Well, tonight, there's no more spraying cum on my tits, instead I'm going to ride you and you're going to cum deep inside me. I have an IUD so I'm not trying to trap you or anything but I need you."

"That does sound amazing."

"Well, come shower with me and we'll have an early night."

We showered and dried together then Maya led me to her room. She'd moved my clothes and pack in there already, I just smiled when I noticed. I was already semi hard.

"Lay back on the bed my love," she said to me.

I did as she asked and she got up beside me, kissed me softly on the lips then sucked my cock long enough to get me hard. She straddled me then, not taking her eyes off mine, slowly lowered herself onto my cock. Her pussy felt so warm and amazing, I groaned in pleasure as she began to ride me and just loved the look on her face as she enjoyed me being in her pussy for the first time.

"I've been looking forward to this but wasn't allowed you until tonight," she said, breathlessly.

"You feel incredible Maya," I replied, reaching up to fondle her breasts.

"You feel just perfect my love."

Maya took her time, I was really close by the time she said she was too. She increased her pace then a few thrusts later she was cumming, writhing in pleasure and taking me as deep as she could. Her climax set me off too, I pushed up into her and almost roared as I climaxed, my cock swelling inside her as I filled her pussy with cum. She collapsed onto my chest when we were both done and we must have spent a good five minutes just laying there catching our breath.

"That, was the best orgasm I've ever had," she said to me.

"I think I can say the same," I replied, kissing her.

"Well, to the first of many."

We kissed again then she reached over to get her laptop from the bedside table.

"I know it's like so soon but I need your help deciding. I'm happy to report that Megan didn't look as good as she wanted to but she has a thing for Cole. Is whatever. These are my top 3, you can only choose 2, I've already deleted the other two's pictures," she said.

Maya was showing me 3 women from the waist up, all with beautiful breasts and just as pretty as the other women there. Thankfully they all had their names on the pictures.

"They're all very pretty, Amber, I got a strange vibe off her though, she seemed a bit too intense for me," I replied, pointing to one of the women.

"Oh, don't take that as her. Like me, we weren't allowed to get fucked for at least 24 hours before this so she was screaming for it. I happen to know she's a bit of a nympho too, she's a lot of fun in bed."

"Janice was really nice, I liked her, very quiet but very polite and well spoken."

"Good choice, she's number one then."

"I think maybe Beth for number two, she was really nice. I can't believe these women are single though."

"Mom wasn't kidding about lack of guys, the women you met tonight were the only single ones. Cole was only with them because he almost burned their house down last time he was left home alone. So, these two then?" said Maya after removing Amber's picture.

"Yes, I still think this is wild though. Laying with a beautiful woman while she shows me two other women she wants me to knock up." Maya laughed.

"You think that's wild, you also have a sex date with Jenn on sunday, I set you up but she's coming here."

"Wow, what if she gets pregnant too, I mean, I'll wear something but they fail sometimes."

"You won't have to wear anything, she's clean and all the women here get their tubes tied at 35."

"What about her husband, doesn't he care?"

"Oh please, he'll be balls deep in Denise. She wants to stay single, she's kind of hooked on her dad. And yes, the men usually get the snip at 35 too."

"So, how does this work, I'm now expected to give two women a kid?"

"No, if you were ready, tomorrow would be just that but since you're new, tomorrow you'll meet them, chat with them and you can decide. If you're game we can have some fun with each of them too. None of them will have their IUD removed until you're ready my love."

"I think it's best if we just chat, I still need to make a decision on what I'm going to do and I'd hate to give them bad expectations."

"Well I just wanted to show you what life will be like if you stay here with me, sorry, I hope I'm not pushing you too hard."

"No, is not that, I'm just so overwhelmed with this all. Last week I was hoping to catch a glimpse of you in a bikini so I could jerk off to the mental image, now I'll be able to close my eyes and still see the most beautiful woman I've ever known in every intimate detail."

"You can ease up on the smooth talk now you know, you already got in my pants," she said with a laugh.

"I'll never stop complimenting you."

"Well good, looks like your cock is saying the same."

Maya had been playing with my cock as we chatted and I was hard again. I had her lay on her back and she opened her legs for me, she was still wet and dribbling the cum I'd already sprayed in her so when I climbed on top of her and pushed inside, I filled her with ease. I took my time at first, enjoying the look on her face with each thrust along with her beautiful breasts jiggling when I increased my pace. I'm not sure how long I lasted the second time but we were both soaked in sweat when we climaxed together.

"W... we're going to shower then you're helping me change these sheets mister," she said with a grin.

"Ooh, shower fun?" I replied, I hadn't even pulled out of her yet.

"I think, just shower tonight."

We held each other close as the water cascaded over us, I still fondled her breasts once we'd washed each other. We got dried and kissed again then quickly changed the sheets before snuggling in each others arms. She laid with her head on my shoulder and was quickly drifting off to sleep. I fought sleep for ages, I just wanted to gaze at her but eventually fell asleep. I don't know what time it was when I woke again, or rather was woken. Maya was sucking my cock and looked up at me with a grin when I groaned. She climbed on top of me and took me inside her and was soon riding me. When we climaxed, we drifted off to sleep again. I think we woke another twice, the last time just gentle spooning as I entered her from behind.

I was alone when I woke up in the morning, I showered and pulled the sheets off the bed and wandered to the kitchen without bothering to dress. Just Lisa was in the kitchen, she handed me a mug of coffee, smiling at me.

"Maya has gone for a hike with her dad, they'll be gone a couple of hours," she said.

"Oh, is she okay?" I asked.

"Yes, she's very okay. She just wanted to give you some time apart."


"Not like that my love, she came to me this morning and gave me a big hug. She is very taken with you. She said you both made love all night and every time to her felt like perfection. You look tired."

"Well I spent a long time just gazing at her as she slept. I think she is perfection."

Lisa was smiling so hard.

"You would have a wonderful life here if you wanted it. We've raised her to be a wonderful woman, you'll never want for anything and you'd have her by your side."

"I don't know what to say to my parents, hey, thanks for making me come up here but I'm staying so just sell my stuff? I had my future thought out, now, all I can think about is Maya."

"So talk to her, build a future together, make plans together. Your Mom will understand, trust me."

"They're the only thing stopping me from jumping in both feet right now."

"Well don't stress about it. You can rest up today, poor Maya needs it too and tomorrow you can ravage Jenn together, she is so much fun in bed."

I finished off my coffee and sat out on the deck, it was cloudy but nice and warm. I let my mind go blank and dozed off on a lounger and was woken by Maya, softly kissing me as she touched my face. Her and Alex had just returned from their hike.

"Hi sleepyhead," she said to me.

"Hi beautiful," I replied, gazing into her eyes.

"You hungry, I'll make us some lunch after I shower."

"Sure, need some company?" I said with a grin.

"Uh, no. You wore my poor pussy out last night, we are resting today. Oh, Jenn won't be coming tomorrow, Denise got her period so she's taking both her husband and Cole and said she'll be worn out."

"Oh okay."

"Don't worry, we'll still have fun."

"Just being with you will be enough."

Maya smiled at me then walked away, she came back a little later without her clothes and my heart skipped a beat again. I began to plan what I was going to say to my parents at that moment. I was deeply in love with Maya and I couldn't see a life without her. Friday afternoon, Janice and Beth came to visit, we all went for a walk by the lake then set out a blanket to sit on and talk.

"Thank you for choosing us Marcus, I was so happy when Maya called me," said Beth.

"I was too, I'm so excited," added Janice.

"I just can't get my head round two beautiful women like you are single," I said.

"Marcus will soon see how much we outnumber men if he comes to the town hall meeting, I know if either of these two didn't want the life we have here, they'd have men falling over themselves chasing them," said Maya.

"I would much rather be alone than not live here, I can't think of anything that doesn't make me happy here," said Beth.

"I went to visit friends in New Mexico and I did get a lot of attention but from guys who didn't have the same values we have here, I was so happy to come home," said Janice.

"Well, I might as well tell you all together but I have decided I want my life to be here too. Maya, I've been falling for you for as long as I can remember and being with you the way we have this week has shown me I couldn't live another day without you in my life. I'll need your help to decide what to tell my parents but I want to be here, with you, for the rest of our lives," I said.

Maya looked at me with a look I can only describe as adoration, she had tears running down her face and she grabbed me close to kiss me. Beth and Janice were smiling too, they hugged Maya with me.

"I'm going to make you so happy every day Marcus. You'll have these two hotties to put some seed into at some point but you'll want for nothing," she said, sobbing.

I wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her again.

"I'm a blubbering mess and I need some tissues. One down side of nudity all the time, no fucking pockets," said Maya with a laugh.

"I think we can come back next week Maya, we're so happy you have decided to stay Marcus, I'm looking forward to joining you both," said Beth.

"I am too, thank you again for choosing us," said Janice.

Beth and Janice left and Maya and I went to find her parents. We didn't have to look far, Lisa was slowly riding Alex on the couch, they were kissing passionately as she took him in and out of herself. Maya cleared her throat and poked me in the ribs when she saw I was getting hard.

"Oh hey, sorry, we expected you'd be a while with the girls, what happened?" said Lisa, catching her breath.

"Well, Marcus needs help to figure out what to tell his parents, he wants to stay with me," said Maya with a huge grin.

Lisa got up off Alex and jumped up to grab us both in a hug.

"Oh that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you both," she said excitedly.

Alex got up too and shook my hand.

"Will be great to have you here buddy, we're happy for you," he said.

"You uh, want to finish him off my love, celebrate while I officially welcome him to our home?" Lisa said to Maya.

"My pussy is still aching from this one last night, settle for a blow job?" said Maya.

"Sure," replied Alex.

"I love you Marcus, enjoy this," said Maya.

She kissed me and had me sit on the couch, Lisa straddled me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips then took my already hard cock inside her and took me slow until I was all the way in her. I didn't really get a chance to argue or question so the look on my face must have been funny. Maya slowly stroked Alex as she watched her mom take me but she knelt up beside me and kissed me."We share in this house my love, this is your life now. When you need satisfaction, me or Mom will take care of you," she said.

"Okay," I replied.

Lisa kissed me again then fed me her nipple as she began to thrust, she felt as amazing as Maya and I was soon groaning in pleasure as she fucked me. Maya had got to her knees in front of Alex and she was sucking his cock, watching her turned me on so much and I didn't expect to last. Lisa pulled my face to hers and kissed me again.

"You're close, I can see it on your face. Get behind me and fuck me hard," she said the got off me.

Lisa knelt on the couch holding on to the back, I got behind her and pushed back inside and held on to her waist as I slammed into her. Alex began to cum, he groaned and held on to Maya's head as he erupted. His moans and Lisa's gasps of pleasure set me off, I pushed deep into her and exploded, shuddering as I sprayed my seed into her. I pulled out when I was finally spent.

"Tha... that was quite the load young man," said Lisa as she sat down.

"Every time Mom," Said Maya.

I sat on the chair and watched as Maya got between Lisa's legs and started eating her, cleaning up the mess I'd left in her. My poor cock didn't really get the chance to go soft, Lisa had me take her another twice before I couldn't get hard again, Maya and Alex just watched.

Later that night after Maya and I had showered, we just snuggled on her bed.

"That was quite the day, I am worn out," I said, softly kissing her.

"It's shown me how much of an appetite you have, I'm so glad I'll have help to wear you out," she replied, smiling.

"As long as the days end like this I'll be happy."

"Oh they will my love."

We spend the Saturday around the lake, we made love on a blanket then swam together and just spent the day holding each other close, talking about the future. Sunday morning, Maya rode me before breakfast then we took a nap together. Lisa came into our room and woke us, she was wearing a silk robe.

"You two, shower now and put a robe or something on then get yourselves to the lounge. Go!" she said.

We both wondered what was going on, more so when I was grabbed from behind, hands covering my eyes as I walked through the door.

"Ciao amore mio," the woman said as she kissed me on the neck.

I pulled her hands away and hugged her tight.

"Mom!" I said.

"Hi honey, did you miss us?" she replied, Dad was standing next to her, grinning.

"I did but thought you were away for two weeks?"

"That's just what we told you. How was he, Lisa?"

"Oh he was good, all three times," replied Lisa.

"You slept with my son you slut?" said Mom, I was a little shocked.

"Yes and he loved it, come here bitch," said Lisa.

I stood open mouthed as Mom and Lisa kissed passionately. Lisa grabbed Mom's ass and kissed her neck.

"Fucking missed you so much," said Lisa.

"Well, can you wait until we've chatted or we doing this?" replied Mom.

Lisa answered by pulling Mom by the hand towards her bedroom.

"She'll be back Son, you look tired," sad Dad.

"Well I've been hiking a lot," I replied.

"Uh huh, you're forgetting I grew up here like your Mother, I know what life here is like," he said with a laugh.

"Marcus has made me so very happy Uncle Ken," said Maya.

"I'm glad to hear that Maya, we tried to raise him with the same values we were given. You've grown up to be just as beautiful as your Mother," said Dad.

"Thank you."

"Well I'm going to go pull those two apart of they'll be in there for hours," said Dad.

Dad came back with both women, all three of them were naked.

"Well you two are a little overdressed for this house," said Lisa.

I couldn't help but gaze at my Mom. I'd never looked at her in a sexual way at all but that attitude changed in the week with Maya. She was stunning, perfect breasts, shaved pussy and beautifully tanned. Dad was pretty well hung too, I'm glad I got his genes. Maya took her robe off and pulled mine off me too.

"I know you have a thousand questions my love," said Mom.

"I do and I have something to tell you too. You're very beautiful Mom, I've never looked at you that way but wow," I said, still gazing at her.

"Aww, thank you. We can have fun later but let's talk."

We all sat in the lounge and I listened best I could with what Mom had to tell me, I was stunned.

"So you both lived this life until you left? Including um, Lisa and..." I asked.

"Yes, we were very close, when she met Alex he was fucking both of us before I met your Dad. Nude day didn't really start until what, 12 years ago Lisa? Your father and I still have more fun than you have ever seen or been exposed to at home but until you come back here that can change. We love being nude all the time, I can tell you're going to like it by how much you've been staring at my breasts but I intentionally told Lisa the wrong dates, she knew it was just a week though but I wanted to give you the choice of this life. From what Alex tells me you can join the local Sheriff's Department when you're old enough, you can get your degree until then but being so small they actually go through the State Trooper boot camp to get certified. The outside world is not to know about it here though."

"You said come back here like I have to leave."

"I'm not packing your stuff for you my love, Maya can come too if she wants but you need to come with us to pack, take care of anything at home that you're not bringing with you."

"Leaving you both is the hardest decision I've ever had to make but Maya is the most perfect, beautiful woman I've ever met and I can't live without her."

"Well, coming back here without you knowing would have been too hard. Now you do, we're going to see about moving closer and we can visit any time we want."

"Besides, you were ready to go join the Army or something and get shipped around the world so your decision wasn't that hard my man," said Dad with a laugh.

"Well I can't thank you enough for what you've given me,"

"Oh I'm sure we can think of ways to thank her my love," said Maya. "I'm going to enjoy eating your cum from her pussy," she whispered to me.

"I heard that and I think I'll enjoy it more," grinned Mom.

It took me longer than it should have to pack my stuff. I'd catch a glimpse of Maya kissing my Mom and I'd get excited and they actually made a game of who got to fuck me. Maya also took it good and hard from my Dad on more than a few occasions too.

I looked at the empty room that used to be mine and it felt so small, soon I'd be in a new town, a new life and it all started and blossomed from Nude day.....

I was all ready to leave. My stuff was all packed into a van and I was looking forward to starting my new life with Maya but it was to be delayed.

"It's one more week Marcus, it will give me time to move us both into the bigger room. You can live without me for one week," said Maya, kissing me.

"I don't understand why I can't just leave, Mom," I said.

"Marcus, I will not debate this with you. To you it's just a job but Mr. Fredricks has been very good to you and this family for many years. You told him you'd stay another week to train your replacement and I will not have you go back on your word," added Mom.

"We have our whole lives together my love, one more week is nothing," said Maya.

"I'm sorry, I just got so excited about leaving," I said.

"Maya won't be driving up alone, I have an appointment with the realtor to see that house so I'll be in the van with her, she'll get there safe," said Dad.

"I'm sorry, I'm acting like a child. I didn't sleep too well last night," I replied.

"Even after I wore you out? Have I failed you?" said Maya with a grin.

"I just couldn't sleep."

"Well, we have one more night in your empty room together, how about we go have an early night and I'll make sure you're asleep before me."

"Maya, it's only 2pm," laughed Mom.

"Well, we don't need dinner, you can join us too," replied Maya.

"Tempting as that is, I have too much to do," said Mom.

"Well, I'm going to take this man for a nap and make him chill out some more," said Maya.

"I have a couple of calls to make, try and keep the noise down," said Dad, winking at Maya.

"No promises," she replied with a grin.

Maya led me by the hand to my barren room and closed the door behind us. She quickly took off the summer dress she was wearing and had me strip too. She got on the bed on her back and opened her legs.

"Now there's an invitation to something magical," I said with a grin.

Maya started laughing.

"Oh, my love, that was super cheesy," she said with a grin.

"Whatever, I'm really going to miss you," I replied.

I kissed her softly on the lips then kissed a trail down her body, slow kisses on her neck and taking time to harden her nipples with my tongue. She was already wet and almost writhing on the bed by the time I finally got to her beautiful pussy. I licked her labia with a broad stroke of my tongue then slowly explored, listening to her moans of pleasure as I tasted her. When I could feel her clit was engorged, I rasped it with my tongue and brought her to climax.

"I... I w.. want you in me.." she gasped.

I was hard already from eating her, I pushed deep inside her with ease, groaning in pleasure with her.

"You feel so good, Maya," I said as I began to thrust.

"You do too baby," she gasped.

I gazed into her eyes as we made love, I tried to hold out, savor the warm tightness of her pussy as it gripped my cock but she was tightening on purpose every time I thrusted. She grinned at me when I looked at her with 'I'm not going to last' written all over my face.

"Cum in me, I want to feel it," she said to me in her mostly sultry voice.

I lost control at that point, my desire to take my time and delay the inevitable was futile and I could only push in deep as my cock sprayed my seed into her.

She snuggled into me when I finally pulled out of her.

"My love, I know you want this all night but your dad and I have to drive back tomorrow and we're leaving early," she said, kissing me.

"I know, I'll just miss you," I replied.

"I know you will my love but we have our whole lives to look forward to. I promise you that you will want for nothing as long as you are mine."

I must have dozed off for a while, when I woke, Maya wasn't in bed with me. As I sat up though, she walked into the room with Mom, both naked of course. They both smiled at me.

"So, I know it's implied but with us apart for a week or so, your cock belongs to Aunt Louise, your Mom, to keep her satisfied while she's away from your Dad," said Maya.

"And you are going to have a hard time keeping up Son, just saying," said Dad as he walked in behind them. He too was naked.

"I don't know about that Uncle Ken, he has quite the stamina, I'm not sure I'd manage without help," said Maya.

"Well, I just wanted you to hear it from her so you don't second guess when I wake you with a blow job," said Mom.

"Still keep thinking I'm going to wake up from a dream or something, I love you guys," I replied.

"Well, I've had some of my herbal relax tea, I really need some sleep. We can snuggle but no sex," said Maya, kissing me.

"Or, since your Dad has had his sleeping pills, you can come wear me out downstairs then go back and snuggle," said Mom.

I looked at Maya, she just mouthed 'GO' and Mom grinned as I left with her. I laughed a little, our basement used to be a nice family room with a couch but it had already been converted to a sex room.

"So, this is what you and Dad were doing while Maya and I packed," I said with a laugh.

"Well, this stuff was mostly here but hidden away, no point keeping it that way now. It'll take at least six months to find a place closer to you and you father and I do like our fun. Now, let's get you nice and hard so you can fuck me."

Mom got on her knees in front of me and took my cock into her mouth. I was immediately groaning, her tongue and suction felt amazing and I was hard in no time. She got up and knelt on the couch, it was already covered with towels and blankets.

"Nice and hard my love, I'm already soaked," she said, shaking her beautiful ass at me.

I guided my cock inside her, groaning as I slipped into her warmth. I was still getting over how surreal my life had become and could only grin as I began to thrust. Mom saw my reflection in one of the mirrors and asked about it.

"I, oh fuck that feels good, I'm just still getting used to all this. I'm promised to a beautiful woman who I've known my whole life, making love to my own Mom at her insistence and know that when I do get home with her, she'll have me fucking her mom or any number of sexy women who live there," I said, continuing to thrust.

"W...we can talk after this, harder baby," she stammered.

I did as I was asked and grabbed Mom's waist as I slammed into her. She started cumming after a few minutes and her climax set me off, I groaned loudly and pushed deep into her as I sprayed my seed into her pussy. We stayed coupled until I started getting soft then she had me sit beside her. She quickly sucked our juices from my cock then curled beside me on a towel, a sated grin on her face as she gazed at me.

"I'm so glad you have embraced this my love. You'll soon see all this as your normal, sex should be all the time wonderful, not hidden away and shameful. Maya is going to make you so happy. Until then though, we are naked in this house, if I see you're hard I'm taking you, if you want me, just take me whenever," she said softly.

"Work is going to suck, having to wear clothes all the time," I replied.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you when you get home. It's just a week."

Maya was already asleep by the time I went to bed; Mom had got me hard and rode me on the couch until she was worn out but I snuggled into Maya and slept pretty hard. When I woke up, Maya was gone and she left a little note on her pillow. I got showered, had my coffee and breakfast then rode my bike to work.

"Well, I'm sure sorry to see you leave Marcus but I sure appreciate you working your last week to help train your replacement. You remember my niece, Heather, right?" said Mr. Fredricks as he greeted me.

"Yes, she's going to work full time?" I replied.

"I sure am, I'm taking a year out before I join the Navy," she said, I hadn't seen her behind me.

"Oh awesome. Well, you know most of the daily stuff but there's a few more things I do. Let me put my bike away and we can work on the stock list."

Heather had been part time, mostly filling in when other staff were sick. I'd asked her out at one time too, she'd string me along and tease me but she rejected me. I didn't care by then, she was hot, pretty much cheerleader body with bigger breasts but was a bitch about it to be honest, something I'd ignored before Maya.

"So, you're leaving town for good?" she said to me as we headed for the stock room.

"Yea, new life, really looking forward to it," I replied.

As the day went on, I could tell she was expecting more than the cordial interactions she was getting from me. When we sat in the break room at lunch time, she sat pretty close to me. I was texting Maya, she was telling me about giving my Dad road head, asking how many times Mom had jumped me but I made sure Heather couldn't see my phone. I could tell Heather was getting frustrated that I wasn't flirting with her, it was quite funny really.

Towards the end of the day, Heather and I were standing behind the main counter just waiting for customers.

"So, is it because you fucked Clara that you don't want me anymore, Marcus?" she said of the blue.

"What?" I replied, a little stunned.

"I know you and Clara were seeing each other."

"Yes, she didn't want anything serious though, we're still good friends."

"You used to flirt with me all the time when I was here, even though I turned you down."

"I'm leaving town to be with someone, Heather."

"Oh. I uh..."

I'm sure it was less than a minute later but what felt like forever, my Dad's lifted and souped-up truck pulled up in front of the store. He didn't take it out too often but Mom loved driving it. She texted me once she'd parked.

"Oh sweet, Mom's letting me drive the beast home," I said.

"Well, I have the keys and alarm codes, I can do the final walk through and close up. I'll let Mr. Fredricks know," replied Heather.

"Awesome, thank you. I'll grab my bike."

I thew my bike in the truck bed and got into the driver's seat of Dad's truck. Mom was grinning, had her hair in a ponytail.

"So, your Dad has been telling me about all the road head that Maya is giving him and I think it's only fair you should get some too. Take the long way home," she said, already pulling at my short's button.

Before we had even pulled away from the store, Mom had my cock in her mouth and her head was bobbing up and down as she sucked me. We were emboldened by the fact that Dad's truck was double the height of most of the vehicles in town and pretty much only an 18-wheeler could have seen in the cab. I drove carefully, taking the back roads home so I could take my time but I had to pull over when I got close. Mom didn't stop sucking me of course, I took my feet off all the pedals and shuddered as I exploded cum down Mom's throat. She swallowed every drop then gently tucked my softening cock back into my shorts.

"That was amazing, thank you," I said when I'd caught my breath.

"Well, I want you lasting longer when we get home. I've been horny all day," she said with a grin.

It was nice getting my clothes off when I got home, Mom had made a nice salad and a quiche for dinner but I was no sooner out of the shower when I was being pulled by the hand to the basement. She sat me on the couch, sucked me to hardness then mounted me, riding me deep as I sucked and played with her nipples. I think I lasted through 3 or 4 of her orgasms before I was ready to cum again. She knew I was close and had me finish in her from behind, holding her waist as my cock pulsed seed deep inside her.

"Ready for dinner now my love?" she said as we sat together, catching our breaths.

"Yes, but if this is going to be a regular thing this week, I'll need more than salad to keep me going," I replied with a laugh.

"This was just round one, you're in my bed tonight, I already stripped the sheets from yours."

"Then I'm really going to need a big dessert."

"Maya and your Dad should be calling soon, let's go eat."

We had no sooner finished eating when Maya video called us. She looked a little out of breath.

"Hey, we made it here safe. Would have been earlier but I was teasing your dad so much he pulled over and fucked me a couple of times. I miss you," she said.

"I miss you too, you look out of breath," I replied.

"Well, Mom missed me so she pretty much pounced on me as soon as I got home. How was work?"

"It was okay I guess, they have me training Heather to replace me."

"That prissy blonde you told me about?"


"Fun, oh hey, your Dad wants to chat. I love you Marcus."

"I love you too Maya."

"So, I hope you didn't get any cum on my truck seat my man," said Dad with a grin.

"Please, like Mom would spill a drop," I replied with a laugh.

"She texted me; I hope you can keep up, her appetite is almost as bad as Maya's."

"You say 'bad' like I'm not loving this."

"Uh huh, is your Mom there?"

"I'm here honey, how was the drive?" replied Mom.

"Well, our future daughter in law teased me the whole way so we stopped several times for fun breaks. We're here safe, all that matters," replied Dad.

I left to let Mom and Dad chat for a bit and was just resting on Mom's bed. I must have dozed off but I woke to her straddling my head and her running her fingers through my hair before she lowered her pussy to my mouth. She was already wet and pretty aroused. I explored her labia then reached up to grab her ass as I rasped her clit with my hardened tongue. Before she came though, she climbed off my face then impaled herself on my cock, kissing me as she began to ride me.

"Your Dad got me so turned on, left the video on as he joined your Aunt and Uncle on the couch for sex," she said between kisses.

"L... like I'll complain about getting this," I replied.

Mom slowed down when I got close and kept me on the edge until she'd cum. She had me take her from behind, I think I lasted maybe four or five thrusts before I pushed in deep and exploded, spraying my seed deep inside her. We collapsed together on the bed as we caught our breath.

"Let's go shower then I'll let you get some sleep," she said.

I slept really well in their more comfortable bed. Mom woke me about an hour before my alarm with a wonderful blow job, she made me cum then kissed me on the cheek, said she had to go into work for a while. I rested until my alarm went off then got ready.

I cycled to work again, locked my bike up and helped Heather get the store ready to open. We were a little busy in the morning but she was really quiet, almost like she was avoiding me. I assumed it was still because I wasn't flirting with her but I wanted things to be cool between us.

"You seem quiet today, you okay?" I said to her.

"Pretty much, yea, I'm fine," she said with a very forced smile.

"Are you still annoyed I'm not flirting with you anymore?" I said, grinning, trying to lighten her mood.

She looked right at me for a few seconds then got her phone from her bag.

"I need to show you something, come with me please," she said.

I followed her to the 2nd floor, we had a small area with seasonal clothes and other stuff that didn't sell as often. It had a large tinted window that faced the street, Heather stood in front of it.

"So, you know we have to come up here to unplug that horrible old neon sign at night, it's no big deal, one plug," she said.

"Yea, takes all of 20 seconds, did it spark on you or something?" I replied.

"Stand where I am."

Puzzled, I did as she asked.

"Um, what's going on?" I asked.

"I wanted to see the truck you were talking about, from here I could see right into the cab though. Y.. you said your Mom was picking you up but why did she immediately start blowing you as soon as you got in? Nobody else could have seen you, you wouldn't be able to see me with the tint on the window but was it really your Mom?" she said, she was talking really fast.

"I uh, are you sure you saw that?" I replied.

"I've watched this 4 times, she gets it out then starts sucking it," she said, showing me a video on her phone.

"I uh, it's a lot to explain," I said, I could feel my face getting red.

"It's really not. I played hard to get, it's how my Mom said it makes them more eager but you gave up. You're going to fuck me for the rest of the time you're in town or I post this. And not some quickie in the store room, in a bed. You're going to tell me where by the end of our shift." she said then walked away.

"Fuck." I said to myself.

I immediately texted Mom and Maya, Mom got on a 3-way call with us both.

"Maya honey, I'm sorry I put him in this position but I can fix it. He may still have to fuck her but she won't be saying a word to anyone, are you okay with that?" said Mom.

"Of course, can you at least record it so I can watch with him?" replied Maya.

"Marcus, go, I have a call to make but bring her home tonight, I'll text instructions but trust me, okay?" said Mom.

"Okay," I said quietly.

"Marcus my love, it's fine, really, don't stress about it. I love you, I can't wait to watch. I uh, may have a price for you though," said Maya.

"I love you too, Maya but what do you mean by a price?"

"Nothing bad my love, you'll see."

"Well, I'd do anything for you my love, I'm not afraid."

"There's no reason to be, I just wish I was there with you."

"Well, go and get this girl excited about it. I can't wait to see what your mom has planned. I love you with all my heart, remember that."

"I love you too Maya." I repeated then hung up.

I read the quick text Mom sent me a few seconds later, grinned then went to the counter. Heather was dealing with a customer but they left by the time I got to her.

"Tonight, my house, you'll have to drive though, I just have my bike and Mom hadn't planned to be home or pick me up," I said to her.

"Okay, I can't wait," she replied, grinning.

"You haven't shown that to anyone else right?"

"No, I'll be honest in that it turns me on, not sure why but it does."


"Hey, I want you to enjoy this, I really do."

"I will. I have quite the appetite you know, hope you're ready for it," I said, smiling.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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