36.57% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1561: MATURE WOMEN


Jack had just finished a shift in the Hotel's restaurant; he was now in his final year of a Hotel Management course, he would qualify in a month, at the end of June. He had a part-time job in a busy 4 Star hotel; he worked on a Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday lunchtime, but sometimes he did Sunday evenings. He stayed with his parents during the week as they lived close to his College. At the weekends, he stayed with his mum's friend May; they had been childhood friends, they still kept in close contact. May lived half a mile from the Hotel Jack had his part-time job. Jack now got on his bike and cycled to May's.

It was a Sunday night, May was in the kitchen, doing some ironing, Jack hugged her and asked how her evening had been; he knew that she and her husband had gone out to a very exclusive restaurant for dinner, May replied, "It was good Jack, it's nice to get out. I had to drive as Alex was half-drunk before we left; he's now in bed. I'm going to have a glass of wine now. Would you like to join me?"

"I'd love to May, but let me change out of my working clothes. Do you mind if I wear my pyjamas?"

May laughed then said, "No problem, I'll put on mine, then we can have a pyjama party."

Jack came back five minutes later in his pyjamas; he was surprised, May was wearing a butterfly patterned nightshirt; she looked good. The ironing board was gone, May said, "Jack, let's go into the lounge; we will be more comfortable there."

May had two daughters. They both had great jobs and no longer lived at home. May's husband Alex was over ten years older than May; he drank a lot. In the lounge, May said, "Jack, I've something to tell you, I'm telling you so that you know. I know that we've spoken about Sal before. She's not my favourite."

As May topped up both their glasses, Jack wondered what was coming now. Sal was Jack's girlfriend; they had been dating for over a year. Jack enjoyed the sex he had with her, but he knew that he'd never marry her. Three months ago, May had asked Jack if Sal had ever cooked for him; Jack had said no, never once. May had then told him the ideal partner for any man was a woman who was excellent in the kitchen, a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom. Jack had, when she had said this, said, May, you're excellent in the kitchen, you're also a lady in the lounge, how are you in the bedroom?. May replied, "At the moment, I'm bored to tears; Alex is now a spent force in the bedroom. We have had separate bedrooms for the last eight years."

May then said, she had a very concerned look on her face, "Jack, Sal was in the restaurant tonight with a much older looking man, he could have been her father, but I saw them tongue kissing in the car park, he was driving a big Mercedes."

"She likes to use her tongue."

"She's a silly girl. She only thinks of herself. I doubt she knows how to use her tongue properly. Jack, you should be looking for a new girlfriend."

"I know, May, thanks for telling me. She's going to her father's sister in Florida next week; I think that she leaves on Thursday or Friday. I have my last Final exam on Thursday; I won't be seeing her before she goes. I have used Sal; she has used me, I suppose that's part of growing up."

May then topped up their glasses again; Jack was sure that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her massive tits were swaying beautifully. May said, "You're doing the right thing; how long before you get your results?"

"Roughly in ten days' time, my Senior Lecturer has told me that I'm in a class of my own. Several large Hotel Groups sponsor the College; he told me that he'd given my name out to four of them. That would be a bonus for me if they approached me rather than me approaching them. If nothing happens, then I'll start looking for a job. The Hotel that I'm working in has offered me a full-time job as a junior Food and Beverage Manager; I think that I can do better as the Manager there is so old fashioned in his outlook."

"Jack, I'm sure that you'll find something, if you can, spend as much time with your mum as you can. Between ourselves, she's going through a bad time at the moment."

"What's happening? Is she ok? How can I help her?"

"She'll tell you herself; things aren't good with your father at the moment; I wouldn't be surprised if a divorce came up. After your final exam, try and spend time with her; I know that she'll appreciate that."

Jack put his arm around May; he cuddled her. Jack was surprised when May cuddled him back; Jack said, "May, thanks for giving me the heads up about Sal and mum. Sal's now history; I will try and spend as much time as I can with mum."

Jack didn't know how it happened but was sure May had made the initial move, their mouths touched, May buried her tongue deep in Jack's mouth; her tongue was strong and powerful. They kissed tenderly with a lot of passion for several minutes. May said, "I love how you kiss Jack; I haven't kissed like that for years. Will you look for a new girlfriend?"

"Of course, in my heart of hearts, I knew that she wasn't for me. I will miss the sex; I enjoyed the sex with her."

"I love good sex; I don't get the chance now. I need a young lover who is discreet. Alex's worth a lot of money, I've grounds for divorce, but I'm better to bide my time."

They kissed again; this time, Jack was playing with May's massive tits; his cock was so stiff now. May said, "I love that Jack, keep going; my tits are so sensitive, you'll make me cum. Will you be discreet? It must be our secret."

"May you know that I will be? Does Alex get up during the night? Are we safe when he's in the house?"

"As soon as he goes to his rooms, he has a lounge, bathroom and bedroom, then that's him for the night. He wakes every morning at eight, comes downstairs for his newspapers. Then the housekeeper makes him breakfast. It was his birthday today, that's why we went out. He's talking about spending more time at the cottage he has down the coast, which will suit us. We can use my bedroom; I can lock the doors, so we are secure; let's go now, Jack, I'm horny."

Jack followed May into her bedroom; she was hot. They were both naked in seconds. May was amazed when she saw Jack's massive cock. She said, "Sal must be off her head. She'll never find another cock like this; it's magnificent. Let me show you what a tongue can do."

That night changed Jack's understanding of lovemaking. For the next two and a half hours, May took him places that he didn't know existed. It was a different world from what he knew. Sal was a novice compared to May. Jack's first orgasm came very quickly; it was a mixture of nerves and excitement. He then settled down; he lost count of the number of orgasms he gave May; it was a lot. He satisfied her. The following day was the same. May taught him how to give her oral. She introduced him to anal, though he had ass fucked Sal several times. It was just so different from the way May did it. That weekend, Jack was studying a lot, but he would end up in May's bed every night.

Thursday was the big day. Jack sailed through his final exam. He checked his phone afterwards; he had four offers of a management position with four huge companies. He replied to them all, but the company he liked the most, he made an appointment to see them on Monday afternoon. He got a surprise when he received a WhatsApp message from Jo, Sal's mum, saying that she had taken Sal to the airport and she had departed safely. Jack replied, "Thanks Jo, I had my final exam this morning; I have a good feeling about it. I've also received four job interviews; I'm happy about that. When will she arrive in Florida? I'm happy that you took the time to let me know. Regards, Jack."

Jack liked Jo; she was a tall attractive woman with a full-bodied figure. She had her own Insurance Brokerage firm. She was a good businesswoman. She replied a couple of minutes later, it read, "My pleasure Jack, I believe it after midnight our time; she said she would message me when she arrives. I think that her aunt has got her a job out there. I'm not sure; you know what Sal's like; she likes to keep everything to herself. Would you like me to message you when I know that she's arrived? Regards Jo."

Jack replied that he would like that, he was interested in keeping in contact with Jo, there was something very sexy about her. Jack drove home; mum was in the kitchen; he cuddled her then said, "I've four job interviews for next week, mum; I feel so good about the exam today, I am sure that I have done well. How are you?"

"I'm happy to hear that; I knew that you would do it. I am sure that you'll have a job very quickly. I am a bit down; your father and I are divorcing. I am happy about that; I've changed the locks on the house, he has taken all his belongings, he won't be back here. I am financially secure; my father bought the house; it's in my name. Have you heard anything from your father?"

"No, mum, I haven't; this is a big surprise for me. Mum, I'm here for you. If there's anything that I can do for you, then I'll do it. He didn't phone me on my birthday; we didn't get on so well, mum. I only wanted to spend time with you. Mum, don't worry, you are a beautiful woman; think on the positive side."

Mum took Jack in her arms; they cuddled again; this time, it was different; Jack could feel the weight of mum's massive tits on his chest, she was also pulling him closer to her. Mum said, "Thanks Jack, I have made a goulash for us tonight; I am glad that you are here."

Jack was also happy to be there. That night they watched television together; it was the first time in their life's that they had done that. Friday morning, mum had an appointment at the hairdressers. Jack had a message from Jo, it read, "I had a message from Sal this morning, she's arrived safely though a little later due to bad weather. I'm happy she's there. It's a wonderful climate in Florida. I have been once; I enjoyed it. Jack, please keep in touch. If you're ever in my area, then please pop in for a chat. Let me know how you get on with your interviews. Regards Jo."

Jack made a coffee then replied to Jo, it read, "Thanks for the update, Jo; I've never been to the US, maybe one day. I'll keep you posted regarding my interviews. Tomorrow, I'm working during the day; I have a Saturday night off, that's a big thing for me! Would you like to go out for some supper with me? I have a craving for Chinese. I would love it if you could manage it. Regards, Jack."

Jack wondered what Jo's reply would be. He got a message from mum saying that she'd taken a subscription out for Netflix; could he set it up for her? Jack replied, no problem, he would do it tonight. Jo replied it read, "Jack, what a lovely surprise, I haven't eaten out for years. At lunchtime, I'll treat myself to a new outfit; my everyday clothes are ok for the office. What time is good for you? Please come to my house, and we can have a drink before we go out. Let me know the time; I'm so excited. Kind regards, Jo. "

Jack replied, saying he'd be there at six-thirty. Jack then had a message from May, "Jack, I'm missing you. Can you pop in for a nice quickie? Love May xx."

Jack replied, "Missing you too, working tomorrow then out on Saturday. I'll try and make it on Monday afternoon. Love Jack xx."

That night Jack fixed Netflix so mum could watch it. They watched a film together, they both sat together on the sofa, mum sat close, she had never done that before. Jack told her that he was going out with his class friends tomorrow night. Mum seemed happy with that. Jack also noticed that mum was wearing more makeup than usual. She also seemed more relaxed.Jack arrived at Jo's just before six-thirty; he was casually dressed but looked smart. Jo opened the door; she looked stunning; she was wearing a suit with a blouse, the miniskirt looked terrific on her. The blouse buttons were undone, Jo was showing a lot of cleavage. Jack had never seen her dress like this before. She usually wore much formal clothing. Jo hugged Jack, then Jack said, "I love what you're wearing; you look gorgeous."

"Thanks, Jack; I've never worn anything like this before; it felt so comfortable and looked so good. I bought three outfits today; I love every one of them; let me get you a drink."

They went into the lounge; memories came flooding back to Jack of the number of times that he had fucked Sal on the sofa and on the carpet. Jo brought two glasses of wine; they sat on the couch. Jo must have been wearing a push-up bra as her tits looked massive; they were far bigger than Sal's. Jo seemed a little nervous; Jack smiled at her; they seemed to be flirting with their eyes. Jo said, "I'm quite hungry; I only had a slice of toast with marmalade for my lunch. I want to enjoy my food this evening."

"Jo, do you have a problem with your weight? You have a beautiful figure."

Jack was sure that she then pushed her massive tits out; Jo said, "No, I haven't; I never put on any weight, no matter what I eat. I'm a little self-conscious about my big breasts; I wanted it when I saw this outfit. Thanks for the compliment."

Jack studied her massive breasts, then said, "I love big tits, Jo, yours look gorgeous. You have stunning curves."

Jo smiled, then said, "I'm happy that you like them. Sal was a bit jealous of them, I think. She used to tell me that any more than a mouthful was a waste. She has a B cup; I'm a DD cup. Not to worry, shall we make our way to the restaurant now?"

The meal was beautiful; it was the first time Jack had visited the restaurant; he was impressed as was Jo, who said, "Jack, I've enjoyed tonight; I am surprised as to how good the food is, that duck dish was incredible. How do you know this restaurant? Did you come with Sal here?"

"Jo, Sal didn't like Chinese food, I have never been here before, but I've always noticed that the car park is always busy. I will be back. Hopefully, you'll be with me."

Jo leaned over and squeezed Jack's hand then said, "Jack, I've loved tonight; I would love to see you again. You're a very attentive and interesting man. Have you enjoyed being with me?"

Jack squeezed Jo's hand then said, "I've loved being with you; we have talked about so many things. I would love to see you again. Next week, I'll have my interviews; I could be free in the evening; once I know, then I'd let you know."

"Jack, you're a darling; I would love that. Let's go back now; I'd like you to come in with me so that we can say goodnight. I've one thing to ask, though I'm tempted to make an exception with you. All my life, I've never had penetrative sex on my first date. As I've said, I'd make an exception with you. Could we wait until our next date for that? If I get you aroused, then I'll give you relief, but please do not penetrate me."

Jack felt his cock harden, he leant forward, they tongue kissed then Jack said, "Don't worry Jo, I will not do that, on our next date, I'll try and stay the night then we don't need to rush things."

They arrived back at Jo's; they went straight into the lounge; Jo had offered some, but Jack had declined as he had to drive. Their kissing was so intense but affectionate; Jo's tits felt beautiful; she had big hard nipples. Soon they were both naked; Jo's body was amazing, everything about it was good. Her vulva was perfect, smooth and swollen with a long sex slit. When Jo saw Jack's stiff cock, she said, "Sal is so stupid to let go of this beauty; it's massive, it's so thick and long. Have I made you hard, Jack?"

Jack didn't reply; he placed Jo on the carpet in a position that would allow them to 69. Jack knew what he would do with Jo tonight. Jo started sucking Jack's cock; she was so much better than Sal; you could feel that Jo's heart was in what she was doing. She soon was taking his full length as she massaged Jack's heavy balls. Jo's clit wasn't small; it was easily suckable; Jack went down on her, sucking her clit as he finger fucked her with two fingers. Jo loved it; she was soon pushing her wet pussy against Jack's mouth. Then Jo said, Jack believed that she was trying to warn him, "Jack, that's wonderful, you're the first man that's ever done that to me, it feels so good, you're going to make me cum."

Jack didn't say anything; thirty seconds later, he said, "Jo, I'm not going to stop. I want you to cum. Cum for me, Jo; I want you to cum in my mouth."

A minute later, Jack felt Jo's warm cum flood his mouth. Her cum was sweet and delicious; Jack waited until she had emptied herself in his mouth. He held it all in his mouth; then they cum kissed for several minutes. The kisses were tender and passionate; Jack knew he had done the right thing with Jo; she was over the moon. They lay on the carpet for a few minutes, then Jack said, "Jo, I'm looking forward to next week; as soon as I know my schedule, then I'll let you know. I have enjoyed being with you tonight. I want to see you soon."

"Jack, I want the same; I can be available during the day; if you have time, message me, then we can meet here."

Jack got home just before eleven; mum was in the lounge watching television; Jack smiled when he saw her, he said, "Mum, I'm happy that you're still up, you look gorgeous, let me have a quick shower, I've been on the go since seven this morning. I've had a bit to drink, but I'd love a glass of wine with you when I'm out of the shower."

Jack also noticed that mum was wearing a see-through negligee; she looked so erotic, her massive tits were beautiful. Mum also had a blanket on the sofa; Jack saw the head of a dildo sticking out from under the blanket. Jack moved quickly to the bathroom; he brushed his teeth thoroughly, then rinsed his mouth with mouthwash; he couldn't taste Jo's cum anymore. He showered, then put on a pair of pyjamas then went back into the lounge. Mum was lying on top of the sofa; she was holding a glass of wine, there was another full glass of wine on the coffee table. Jack said, "Is there room for me on the sofa, or do you want me to sit somewhere else?"

Mum turned around; she was now sitting on the sofa, the sway of her massive tits looked terrific; mum tapped a cushion on the couch, then said, "You can sit here; how was your night?"

"I enjoyed it, I have had maybe a little too much to drink, but it was fun. Mum, you look gorgeous; I love your negligee; how do you feel if I tell you that you look very sexy?"

Mum smiled then said, "If I'm honest, I wore this nightgown just for you; I am pleased if you think that I look sexy in it. It's nice that we can both sit together and feel comfortable."

Jack felt confident hearing this; he leaned over, they both cuddled each other, then their lips met; Jack buried his tongue in his mum's mouth, mum responded by sliding her tongue deep inside Jack's mouth. They kissed lovingly for several minutes; Jack's hand found mum's massive tits, he squeezed and played with them as he kissed her. Mum loved it; she was purring with pleasure; Jack said, "That's great mum, will you wear sexy things around the house for me?"

"Would you like that, Jack? I'll do it if you want that; I have several negligees that I can wear; I also have some nice bodysuits and Basques. I can even go naked if you want; I so happy that you find me sexy."

They kissed again, this time Jack's hand went south, as he moved over her stomach, mum spread her legs wide, her stomach was flat, he went lower, his fingers found the top of her sex slit, mum's vulva was smooth. She had a long sex slit with thick cunt lips; he slipped two fingers inside her, she was so wet, mum pushed her pussy against his fingers, Jack said, "Mum, you're so wet, it feels so good, I think that we can have a lot of fun, I would love you naked around the house."

Jack was still in his pyjamas; mum said, "Jack, don't be nervous; I'd love you to be naked too. I love being felt."

Jack pulled off his pyjama top, then pulled his trousers down; his stiff cock looked so impressive. Mum said as she stroked Jack's erect cock, "Jack, it's massive, it's magnificent, you're so lucky to have such a wonderful cock. If you walk around naked, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off him. Let me make you very hard."

Mum went down on Jack; he sat on the sofa, with his buttocks on the edge of the cushion. Mum knelt in front of him, her tongue running up and down the length of his cock. She then took him in her mouth; within a few minutes, she took his entire length. Jack was playing with her massive tits as she sucked him. Jack sat, enjoying what was happening. He had been with his mum's best friend. His ex-girlfriend's mum, now his mum, he was enjoying every minute of it. He was trying to figure out how to keep it all going. Then mum stopped sucking his cock; she squatted over him, gripping his stiff cock at the base; she started teasing her long sex slit with it. It felt so good; mum then positioned his bulbous head in the middle of her long sex slit; she pushed down gently, then Jack felt her cunt lips around the base of his stiff cock. As mum started to ride him, mum said, "Jack, it feels so good, you're filling me, the head of your cock is hitting my cervix, that's so good. How's it for you? How can I make it better for you?"

"Mum, it feels so good, you're so tight, and I'm so lucky to have you. Keep going; I feel so close; I think that I'll cum soon as I feel so nervous."

"Jack, don't worry if you do; I'd love to feel you squirt inside me. I think that we are both nervous, this is a big thing for both of us. I love how deep you can go. I've never felt so filled in my life before."

Mum continued to pound Jack's stiff cock; she was gripping perfectly; the harder she went, the tighter her pussy felt. She was so wet; Jack had the feeling that mum needed this so badly. Ten minutes later, they both climaxed simultaneously; mum was quivering with it. Jack pulled her close when she had composed herself; mum was gripping Jack's still stiff cock inside her throbbing pussy. They kissed tenderly for several minutes, then mum said, "I needed that Jack, I'm so glad that we did it. I hope that when you start working that you can come home regularly, that would be good for both of us, I'm sure of that. I have the feeling that you'll soon have a wonderful job."

They kissed again, then Jack said, "The interview that I have on Monday will be the one that I take; I have a gut feeling about it. It's owned by one of the country's biggest breweries, the Hotel Division, which is run independently from the rest of the business. It's so progressive; their standards are so high. My interview is with their Managing Director, that's because of the reference the College has given me. I spoke with my class lecturer; he told me I'm getting my degree with distinction, I'm the only one in the year to get this. It's good; I'll be earning money next month."Jack got a job with the Company that he wanted. His first position as Assistant Manager to the General Manager of a vast and busy Hotel. He had already done two weeks of training at the Company's headquarters. It was Monday to Friday, which wasn't good for May. Jack found the course that he was on gave him tremendous insight into the Company. Some days, he would finish early, he would message May, if she was free, she was always free, they would meet. Jack messaged May to say he could be there in forty minutes. May replied, "Jack, you've made my day; I'm so horny, let yourself in, I'll be in my bedroom. I'll lube my ass for you. Guess what May wants first? I met your mum this morning in the boutique; she was glowing. I haven't seen her look so good for years. Fuck me hard and deep today; make me your slut. I love you, May, xxx."

Jack felt his cock stiffen as he read her message, May loved anal first, she was always horny, but today she sounded very horny. Jack thought, here was May, Jo and Mum; they all loved his cock, but he had to manage his time so carefully to fit them all in. He arrived at May's, he let himself in, then went to May's bedroom; she was lying on top of her bed naked, there was a butt plug up her ass, she must have been playing waiting for Jack. May's legs were spread wide; she was stroking the giant nub of her clit, her massive tits swaying as she moved. Jack stripped naked and walked towards the bed; May was staring at Jack's enormous erection, May said, "Let me suck your cock, then I'll lube him; I want you so much."

May gave good head; she bent over Jack as he lay on top of her bed. Jack knew that May always came when she sucked his cock, he was sure that Jo and mum did the same as they were always very wet after they had sucked his cock. May then lubed Jack's cock, she then straddled his cock, she pulled her butt plug out then positioned the bulbous head of Jack's cock on her ass hole, she pushed down firmly, Jack's full length slid up her ass. May then started to ass fuck Jack's cock in the cowgirl position.

She soon had a powerful rhythm going; her massive tits were swaying beautifully; Jack then started to finger her giant nub of a clit, then May said, "Fuck, I'm going to cum Jack, I need this so badly, I'm so close to cuming."

Jack said, "Cum for me, let me feel your hot spunk coming out of your hot cunt. When you cum, May, keep going, don't stop, cum again, then I'll give you a great fuck."

May did cum, but she kept hammering Jack's stiff cock; four minutes later, she had her second vaginal orgasm, her cunt juice was dripping out of her pussy, May loved it. She raised herself off Jack's cock then hugged him; they kissed lovingly for a couple of minutes then May said, "Thanks Jack, I needed that, will you do me doggy style now, but first, I've got a question, your mum looks so good, are you fucking her? It doesn't matter if you are; I would like to know."

Jack kissed May, then said, "I'll always be honest with you, May, yes I'm fucking her; she loves it, and I love it too. I haven't told her about you, but if she asked, I would be honest with her too."

May kissed Jack again then said, "Jack, thanks for your honesty; I'm happy that you're doing it with your mum, she needs you, but I need you too. We were both in the boutique buying lingerie, we were both buying it for you, but we didn't realise it. She's happy she's divorcing your dad; that all seems to be going smoothly. She told me that you had started a new job and we're doing well. She told me that you'd be working away a lot. She knows that Alex and I aren't doing anything together. She suggested that I come over for supper and stay over when you weren't at home. Jack, how would you feel if I was fucking your mum too?"

Jack felt his cock stiffen, then said, "May, I wouldn't have a problem if that gave mum pleasure. I wouldn't mind doing threesomes with the two of you. How do you feel about that?"

May smiled then said, "What a great idea, I'd love it. It would get me your cock on a more regular basis; your mum would love it too. Jack, I've known your mum for a long time, we have done a lot of things together, we have been lovers for a long time. I will have to think what's the best way to make this happen. Your mum was horny in the boutique this morning; she bought several very sexy bodysuits. I am horny thinking about it. Fuck me doggy style; I need your big shaft."

Jack then got May on all fours on top of the bed, May's pussy was dripping, Jack quickly slipped his massive cock up her hungry cunt. Jack loved to do his partners doggy style; they all had massive tits which wobbled as he fucked them. Jack soon had a powerful rhythm going. As Jack was riding May, he was thinking of what May had said about mum. They had been lovers for years. They both would be getting Jack's cock more regularly; they both would like that. Jack then knew the way forward; he would pick the time carefully, when mum was very horny, which was most of the time, then ask her directly, he knew that she would agree.

Fifteen minutes later, they both climaxed within seconds of each other; as usual, May had a body-shaking orgasm. When she had composed herself, they lay on top of the bed kissing and touching, then May said, "Jack, I'm expecting Alex home in the next forty-five minutes, maybe better if we have a quick shower now. I am so happy that you visited today; you know how to make a woman happy."

In the shower, May said, "Let me think of the best way to handle your mum; mum, I will invite her here for a coffee and get her juices flowing. I will think of the best way to move this forward. I am sure that she would love it."

Jack drove home; he thought that he was happy that he had spoken with May about mum. Jo was not a problem; she was available 24/7 for Jack. A phone call and Jo was there for him. Jack loved doing an overnight with Jo, but that wasn't always possible. Jack got home; he found mum in the kitchen putting the final preparations to a Leg of Lamb, which was just about ready to go into the oven. Mum looked gorgeous; she was wearing tight-fitting leggings and a tight-fitting top, her tits looked massive; Jack was sure that she had bought a new push up bra this morning. Mum was bending over, putting the Le Creuset pot with the Lamb in it into the oven. Jack felt mum's butt then said, "Your ass looks and feels so good."

Jack knew as he felt that mum wasn't wearing any panties; mum replied, "Thanks for the compliment, let me finish this, then I'll give you a big kiss."

Mum finished what she was doing, then turned around. They kissed lovingly for a couple of minutes, then Jack said, "Mum, your tits look amazing. Have you got a new bra?"

Jack had been feeling mum's tits as asked; he was still playing with them when mum replied, "I have; I was at the boutique this morning; I bought several things, but this bra is so comfortable, I'll go back tomorrow and buy a couple more. I met May in the boutique; she sends her kindest regards. She told me that she misses not having you around her house."

Jack kissed mum again as he slipped his hand inside her top and unhooked her new bra; Jack said, "May's got big tits too."

Jack was now sucking on mum's hard left nipple; mum said, "My god Jack, that feels so good, yes, May's got big tits, but I think that mine are bigger."

Jack then slipped his hand inside the waistband of mum's leggings; she wasn't wearing any panties; Jack used two fingers to spread mum's cunt flaps open, she was so wet, Jack replied, "There's not much in it, but I think yours are bigger. Mum, your pussy is so juicy; let me fuck you on the kitchen table; I think that you're ready for my big stiff cock. At least you are getting some cock; I don't think Alex is looking after May very well."

Mum replied, "I'm always ready for your cock Jack, let me get some lube; I'd love you to ass fuck me first. May gets nothing from Alex; I feel very sorry for her as she's very affectionate in bed. Let me get the lube; you're cock's so hard today; I'm looking forward to this."

Mum then went to her bedroom and came back with the lube. She leaned over the kitchen table and asked Jack to lube her ass for her. As Jack lubed her ass, mum was stroking Jack's stiff cock; mum said, "Poor May, we both have had crap marriages, Jack, you're the only good thing that came out of mine. May's got all the money in the world, which is nice, but what a price to pay, no sex and living with a boring old fart. That feels so good. Would you like me to lube your cock?"

Jack gave mum the lube; it didn't take her long to lube it. Mum spread her legs then bent over the kitchen table; she had her hands on the table to give support. Mum was so well lubed. Jack slid inside her tight ass easily; mum gasped with pleasure; Jack soon had a good rhythm going. Mum said, "It's so good, harder and deeper; I'm close to cuming."

Jack started fingering her bi nub of a clit; a minute later, mum had her first vaginal orgasm. Jack kept going, then Jack said, "Mum, May's a good looking woman; why doesn't she take a lover?"

Mum replied, "She must be careful if she got caught; Alex is now showing signs of early dementia so soon he wouldn't be aware of too much. That so good, Jack, I love it."

Jack then said, "Mum, why don't you invite May over for supper one night? I'd love a threesome with the two of you."

Mum replied, "I'd love that too, May gives great oral; I would love her to be sucking my clit as you are ass fucking me. We will do that. May can be very naughty; she would love your cock, Jack."

The next minute mum had her second vaginal orgasm; she was trembling with this one. When she had calmed herself, mum said, "Jack, that was wonderful, please do my pussy now. Jack then slid his stiff cock inside mum's dripping cunt; she purred with pleasure as he started to ride her. He soon had a fantastic rhythm going; mum was gripping his cock at the base and head of each thrust. It was an excellent feeling for Jack, but mum loved it too as the head of his cock was hitting her cervix. Jack was going deeper and harder now; they both climaxed simultaneously; Jack emptied his balls inside his mum's dripping cunt.

They lay in bed, kissing and touching, then mum said, "Jack, it arouses me thinking about a threesome with May and you; when will you be able to do this?"

Jack was aroused too thinking about it, he replied, "Mum, things are changing, I've done my training, I need to check my rota's, I didn't pay much attention to them when I got them. They're in my locker at the Hotel. I can check it tomorrow. From now, I'll be working either a morning or evening shift; then I'll know exactly when I'm working. If my memory serves me correctly, I think that I have Saturday night off this weekend. I'll know tomorrow morning mum, I can message you, and if I'm off, then you can invite May over on Saturday night for supper."

Mum replied, "That would be good; as soon as you know Jack, then let me know. If I invite her, May will stay over on Saturday night. I won't say anything about you being here as I'm sure that it will happen. May's got a lovely juicy honey pot. Jack, your cock's still hard. Let's do it again."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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