36.87% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1512: MARCUS GET MEDICAL ATTENTION


After a couple of uncomfortable days I was starting to worry. What started out as a dull ache was becoming sharper and it was starting to hurt when I touched the area, or even when I twisted my torso. "Ugh," I thought, "guess I'm gonna have to get checked out."

The next morning I woke up feeling much better so I let it slip my mind and went to work. Shortly after lunch the ache had returned and by 4pm I was watching the clock so I could go home and pop some pain killers.

I burst through the door at home and dropped my work pants, changing my work briefs for my baggiest pair of boxers. The pressure release off my waistline felt so good. I laid down on the couch with Mom's rolodex in hand, trying, without luck, to find the number of our family Doctor. I hadn't been since I was a kid and I couldn't remember her name.

Relaxing on the sofa had eased the pain and the urgency of the situation. I drifted off into a nap.

I awoke a short while later to my step-sister coming through the door. "Jeeze," she said. "Mom goes away for a couple days and you start lying around in your underwear?"

"No, I uh," I stammered, followed by a wince after waking suddenly and raising myself up too quickly.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Just a pain in my side," I said, brushing it off. "I didn't realize you would be home so early."

"Yeah, decided to skip my night class and get an early start on the weekend," she said. "So what is going on, did you hurt yourself?"

"Nah, it's probably just a cramp, but it hurts to wear pants." I explained.

"Let me take a look," she said eagerly.

"No-no really, I was just looking up the Doctor's office to make an appointment for tomorrow to get it checked out. Do you remember the Doctor's name?"

"Who? Dr. McNaughton? Her office will be closed by now. It's 6:30," she said.

"Well, I guess I'll call in the morning then if I am still in pain." I replied.

"Are you backed up? It that what it is? Have you tried a laxative?"

"I don't think it's that. It's a sharp pain right here" I explained as I pointed to the area at my belt line, just to the right of my belly-button.

"Why don't you let me take a look?" she asked."You know I am studying to be a nurse."

"You are in your first semester, do you even know the parts of the body yet?" I laughed.

Laughing was a mistake, I winced again and it didn't go unnoticed by my sister.

"Suit yourself, just know that those things are only masking the pain and inflammation and not helping the underlying problem," she said pointing to the bottle of pills on the coffee table in front of me.

I thought about what she said while she went to change out of her school clothes. It dawned on me that this could have been more serious than I thought.

She came out of her room with her hair down wearing a skirt, some tall boots and her 'boob sweater,' as I secretly called it.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" she asked. "I can call my friends and tell them I'm not going out tonight? It's really fine."

"Go, have fun. I'll be fine." I said, with as reassuring a voice as I could muster.

"Okay, I'll check in on you later when I get home. If it gets worse, call me," she said putting her hand on my forehead. "You feel warm to me, but I am not very good at judging with my hand. I guess they teach that in second semester," she said with a wink before closing the door behind her on her way out.

Mandy had become quite the party girl lately. She had been a total book worm all through high school. Nursing school had brought her out of her shell. She was a late bloomer, but since she turned 20 she seemed to be trying to make up for it.

The TV was stuck on whatever channel it was on this morning. I didn't feel like hunting around for the remote, so I watched a couple of episodes of The Golden Girls, before deciding to try and make my way to bed. I made it to my room before wanting to crash again. The simple walk had caused me to break out in a sweat. "Must be a virus or something," I thought before passing out again on top of my bed sheets.

"Marcus, Marcus wake up!" I heard. "Okay, at least you're conscious. Your bed sheets are soaked with sweat, and you're burning up."

I opened my eyes to see that my step-sister had ditched her 'boob sweater' for just the 'boob tank top' she had been wearing underneath.

"Sit up and drink this," she said holding a tall glass of water. "You are pretty sick."

The pain in my abdomen actually felt better at the moment, but there was no hiding that I was pretty sick. I was dripping in sweat and now cold from the ceiling fan that she must have turned on. I got myself together and managed to prop myself up. She moved in and sat on the edge of the bed beside me. I looked at her and she motioned for me to drink. I downed 3/4 of the glass and handed it back to her. She poured some onto a face cloth and patted the cold cloth against my forehead. "Maybe she has learned something in those classes she always seems to be skipping," I thought.

"Okay, no shrugging this off. I am going to examine you or we are going to the hospital to have them examine you," she said.

"Fine," I said grudgingly.

She left me and I could hear her go into Mom's room and open the medicine cabinet that always made a banging noise when the sticky latch released. I heard the water running and the linen closet door open and close in the hallway. She came back with a thermometer, a basin of water and a short stack of towels.

"Open up," she said, sticking the thermometer under my tongue. "There, now let's see what this says. Any cough or sore throat?"

I started to answer with the thermometer in my mouth but she scolded me with her eyes. I nodded "no".

"Probably not Covid then," she stated to herself. "How's the pain?"

I made the "so-so" hand gesture back to her.

She reached over and pulled the thermometer out and had a look at it. "Fever for sure," she said focusing back on me with some concern.

"Lift up your shirt," she said.

She might not have the knowledge or experience yet but she had the authoritative tone of a Doctor or Nurse at least. This hadn't been a request. I raised my shirt up above my belly button and she took over from there peeling it right off my arms that I instinctively raised above my head. The cool air from the ceiling fan instantly felt great on my damp body. She balled up my shirt and threw it towards the overflowing hamper in the corner, wiping her hands on her skirt afterwards.

"Okay, I am going to gently palpate your abdomen to see where exactly the discomfort is. Just because the pain feels like it's in one particular area doesn't mean that's the source. The nerve system inside doesn't work quite the same as the ones beneath your skin," she explained.

I was not going to argue, but I had my doubts that she would be able to diagnose anything. Waiting at the ER for hours during a pandemic sounded like a nightmare though, so I let her have a go at it.

She began right below my rib cage, very gently pressing down into my flesh.

"Quit flexing!" she scolded. "I am trying to check out your abdomen, not your abs."

I relaxed and she continued.

"I am going to be honest. I only have textbook knowledge of what I am doing here. I haven't seen it done on a real patient before so I am not sure how hard or deep I should be pushing. I will go gentle at first and push a little harder if we don't find the source," she told me.

When she got down to the waistline of my boxers she hesitated a little before slipping her fingers in slightly.

"Hey, hey" I protested.

"Gross," she said, "your undies are soaked too," before continuing. She slid them down a couple of inches to the 'brush line' and kept palpating.

When she reached the spot I let out a yelp. She stopped.

"Can't remember if the appendix is on the right side of the colon or the left side at the moment but I had a few drinks tonight so don't judge me," she said pulling my waistband back to its preferred position. "If it is appendicitis and you have a fever, then we are past the stage that we can wait for treatment. Sorry bro, but we're going to the hospital."

The pain from her poke was still pretty fierce so I did not argue.

"Can you get up and change on your own?"

"Uh, I'll try in a few minutes, just gotta let this wave of pain settle before I try to move again," I said.

"Okay more importantly then," she said looking at me with serious eyes "should I be calling an Ambulance or an Uber? I really need to know how bad you feel?"

"It doesn't feel much worse than it did yesterday, so I think I'll be okay with an Uber," I said.

"Yesterday! For fuck's sakes," she said.

I watched her get up and wander around my room, dumping my gym bag out on the floor and packing it with socks, underwear, t-shirts and slippers. She tossed a pair of fresh boxers at me and headed for the bathroom, where I heard her opening and closing cabinet doors.

I pulled myself to the edge of the bed and fought the urge to lie back down. I managed to stand up and made my way to close the bedroom door that my sister had left open. I shimmied my boxers down past my hips. They were baggie enough to fall off of me at that point. Getting the clean pair on was a different story. Bending over at the waist brought on a stabbing pain. I flopped back on the bed and pulled a sheet over myself before I heard my sister knock.

"You ready?" she asked.

"Not exactly," I answered.

"Can I come in," she said

"Yeah," I said sheepishly.

"You're back in bed. I heard you close the door, so I know you were able to get up?"

"I got my underwear off but I can't get the clean pair on," I sighed with embarrassment.

She looked at me with compassion. "Look Marcus. This is not how I saw my Friday night going either. Mom is not here. You're 23 years old, and for once in your life you need your little sister to take care of you. I can slip your undies over your feet and hike them up to you under the sheet if need be. You are about to be poked and prodded by a bunch of strangers. You are wet with sweat and to be honest, you have smelled a lot better. You should at least rinse yourself down in this basin before we go, but I can tell you would need help with that, and I can tell it would kill you with embarrassment, so I won't push you on it."

She was right. I was being silly. We were both adults and she is studying to be a nurse. I am probably going to end up ruining her whole weekend on her at this point, so I needed to man up and be grateful for the help she was offering.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I do need your help and I appreciate it. You are going to make an awesome nurse, I can see that already, I said".

"Damn right!" she said with a smile.

I managed to flip my feet off the side of the bed while holding the sheet over my junk. She saw me reaching for a towel and passed one to me. I transferred the bedsheet for the towel in a quick motion and stood myself up. The towel was pretty short around my waist but it did the trick. Without a word Mandy wet a cloth and began wiping my face and neck. She could tell that I was tense and told me to try and relax. She rung out the cloth and started on my shoulders and upper back. She started trying to make me laugh with some line about nurses not getting paid enough to deal with smelly patients, but I could only fake a chuckle. I really felt like shit.

"Can I sit down for a minute?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll just change the water," she said placing my crappy office chair behind me before going back to the bathroom with the basin.

She came back and started right where she left off with me sitting on the edge of the chair. She leaned in close to me to reach over my shoulder to get my lower back. I found myself with her perfect pair of boobs right in my face. "My sister, my sister, my sister," I scolded myself in my mind. I don't know if the fever is to blame, or if it was just a natural reaction to a perfect pair of boobs, but the blood started pumping. "Well, step-sister I guess excuses me a little," I thought. Her flowing brown hair smelled of coconut butter and there was a hint of perfume in the air as well. "Sister, sister, sister," I reminded myself.

She asked me to lean back a bit so she could wash my stomach. I hesitated, thinking the towel might rise along with me if I leaned back. Not following her instructions might draw more attention to it, so I slowly leaned back. Luckily my erection wasn't to the point of 'towel racking' and she kept going without noticing.

She moved down to the floor in front of me. I instinctively dropped my folded hands down to my crotch to cover the view from underneath the towel. She very professionally sponged down my legs and feet before towelling them off.

"On your feet," she said wringing the cloth again.

Without a word of warning she reached up under the towel with a wet, cloth-covered hand and went right to work on my junk.

"Spread 'em a bit," she said, tapping the inside of my thighs.

I did as she requested and I felt the coolness of the cloth scrubbing my balls. She then reached up a little father and grasped my dick with the cloth. I was certainly half-mast. I looked down at her and noticed her eyes were closed with a strained look on her face. This was awkward for her too. I wondered if she could tell I was somewhat aroused, or just impressed with my unit. She's had a few boyfriends and spent many a-late night out, so I assumed she was familiar with the male body, but I had no idea how experienced she truly was. She gave one quick pass of the cloth between my ass cheeks before pulling the cloth back out.

"Well, that wasn't so bad was it," she said.

I was speechless, with, what I can only imagine was a shocked look on my face.

I looked down at her and saw her chest was bright red. She was either somewhat aroused herself or red with embarrassment. She moved the wash basin out of the way and positioned a pair of boxers in front of me to step my feet into. I stepped in and she worked them up under the towel for me from the front. I felt my dick slip through the single button fly that I had obviously left unbuttoned. Before I could react, she pulled the towel off me. It was quick. I got may hands in there and rectified the wardrobe malfunction as fast as I could, but there was no doubt about it. My little step-sister had just had an extremely close-up view of my dong.

She covered her mouth with one hand, looked up into my eyes and giggled a little. I couldn't help but giggle back. "Well, I guess that just happened," she said laughing at the situation.

"For God's sakes," I said under my breath, but I had to giggle a bit too.

I walked to the bathroom and managed to pee on my own without too much difficulty. "At least I can still do that without my little sister's help," I thought to myself.

I came back out to find my sister waiting for me with a t-shirt a pair of pants and my flip-flops waiting for me. "This should be a little less awkward," she said laughing.I got to the Hospital in one piece, although every bump in the road brought an acutely sharp pain to my abdomen. The Hamilton Hospital Emergency Unit was exactly what I expected it to be during a pandemic. I was met before even entering the door and asked by the screeners the COVID exposure questions. As soon as I got inside I wondered what the questions were even for. The waiting area was jammed with people hacking, coughing, and wheezing along with the usual sick and injured.

I turned to my step-sister Mandy and said "You should go back home, this is nuts, and will probably take all night. I'll probably leave here with Coronavirus on top of everything else."

"Well, you'll only bring it back home to me then, so if I am going to get it, might as well already be at the hospital and save the Uber fees, she said."

This was her cute way of telling me she wasn't leaving me. It was exactly the kind of thing Mom would say if she was here. I was secretly relieved to have her stay.

The waiting room had a registration desk where an expressionless older woman took our information. "Track 2," she said putting a bracelet on me.

Looking up at the screens, track 2 had an estimated wait time of 3 hours. "At least we're not track 3," Mandy said with a smile, pointing to the fact that their wait time was 8-10 hours.

I sat myself down in a loaner wheelchair, as there was no seating for two people left in the room. Mandy wheeled me over to face an empty seat that she sat on. To her left was a man with a bottle around his waist in a fanny pack that seemed to be attached to small hose that went up into his armpit area. To her right was a pregnant woman with her head back and eyes closed trying to somehow nap in this zoo.

"I have to pee," I said to Mandy with a sigh..

"Really, we just sat down," she said.

"Musta been the water you made me drink," I quipped, starting to get up.

"Don't move," she said looking around and spotting the bathroom doors. "I'll wheel you closer to the doors."

The men's room looked to be one of those open door deals where you went in, turned a corner around a semi-wall and there were private stalls and urinals, like you would find in an airport or shopping mall. When we got to the entrance sign she stopped and I tried to get up. The pain was getting much worse. Just standing now was agony. Mandy helped me out of the chair and I shuffled towards the bathroom. Before turning the corner I began to feel light headed and I had to stop and lean against the semi-wall.

"This is ridiculous," I heard from behind me as I felt her help prop me up and get me back to my chair. She eased me in. "You can't wait for hours to be seen, you are getting weaker by the minute."

It was hard to argue with her at this point.

"I'll take you into the disabled washroom," she said. It's unisex, so I can at least be in there with you to pull you off the floor if you fall.

"Yeah, okay," I said reluctantly.

Mandy was able to wheel the chair right up to the toilet in the disabled washroom. She helped me stand and then pushed the chair directly behind my knees so if I fell back I would be able to sit right on the chair. "Okay, I'll turn around so you can do your thing," she said.

I lifted the lid, unzipped my fly and pulled out my penis as I have done my whole life. And then, I waited.

"Umm, shouldn't I be hear..," she started to say before I cut her off.

"Shut up, I am trying. Pretend you are not here if you want to be helpful," I said.

FInally after what seemed like an eternity I got a flow going. The release felt great but I was also starting to feel light headed again. I leaned forward with my left arm that wasn't directing my 'firecannon' as Mom used to call it when I was first learning to pee standing up. My knees started to buckle a little and I must have called out or something because the next second I was being propped up my Mandy.

"Just sit down!," she said firmly.

I was getting my faculties back after a quick blackout. I sat down on the chair and put my head back. I was in a cold sweat now. I must have momentarily passed out while taking a piss. In the process I had obviously peed on myself a little and my penis was still poking out the top of my wet fly area.

Mandy was patted me down with those brown paper towels you find in public washrooms. I tried to help her but she slapped my hands away. "It's right there, I've seen it, and I can't un-see it, so just let me clean you up." she said shaking her head and mumbling something about men being babies.

She wet a towel and reached into my fly and gave my junk a quick wipe before tucking it back in and fumbling to get the fly shut. She wet another towel and put it on my head. We heard a knock on the door. "Sorry, just one more minute," she said to whoever was waiting. I closed my eyes, heard her wash and dry her hands before she backed me out of the washroom and back into the ER waiting area.

She left me in my chair and went directly to the nursing station, tapping on the door before walking right in. The glass door closed and I could see her walk up to a middle-aged woman in scrubs and talk to her, pointing to me through the door. She looked like she was being pretty demanding. "Quite the little sister I have," I thought.

After 20 minutes my name was called and I was asked to follow a nurse. Mandy wheeled me behind a curtained off area that looked to be just overflow of the main waiting room. It was at least a little quieter. She explained that this was kind of a triage area. She took my vitals and asked me about the pain. I told her it was worsening. She said she would start an IV line to keep me hydrated and would try and get me a gurney as soon as one was available. Mandy told her that she expected appendicitis.

The nurse asked if she could touch my belly before palpitating me much more aggressively than Mandy had. "Certainly looks like appendicitis," she said. "I am going to see if we can get you into a temporary room while you wait to be examined by a Doctor."

I tensed my entire body when she started getting closer to the sore spot and let our a scream when she hit the spot. That was a first, I don't think I had ever screamed in pain before in my life. The nurse immediately got up and went into the nursing station and picked up the phone to call for something. She returned with with an IV tap and said that they were going to move things along.

"I know you are 23, but with this pandemic we are short staffed, so we are going to send you to the paediatric emergency wing where they should be able to see you right away," she said.

An orderly wheeled over an IV stand and another nurse brought the salene bag to my nurse and got my drip going. Within a few minutes a gurney was brought to me and I was helped out of my wheel chair and onto it.

An orderly started pushing me down a hallway with Mandy trying to keep up at the side. The Children's wing was at the complete opposite side of the hospital, so it was hallway after hallway and two different elevators for some reason. Finally I found myself in a much more colourful waiting room with cartoon characters painted on the walls and colourful footprints on the ceiling. A nurse was waiting for us.

"And you are?,"she said.

"I'm Mandy, his sister, well, step-sister I guess," she corrected. "This is Marcus."

"Hi Marcus, I'm Kelly, we're gonna get you into a room right away," she said taking over from the orderly and pushing me down another hall. Kelly was a young, perky nurse with a bouncy personality. It was obvious by her cadence and tone that she was used to dealing with younger patients. She was in baby-blue scrubs with a beluga whale pattern on them. She had a petite figure with a blond ponytail. She wore a giant surgical mask and a half shield as Covid PPE, but it did not hide the fact that she was definitely a cutie.

It wasn't long before I was in a small, bright yellow room with a small bed and a single chair. "The doctor will be in shortly. I'll leave the door and the screen open so we can hear you if you need us." she said turning and bouncing out the door.

"Okay, bye Kelly, Thank You!" I said in the sweetest voice I could must.

Mandy looked down at me with a devilish grin and mocked me quietly, "Bye Kelly" before making kissy-kissy noises. I laughed, having been caught crushing on Kelly a little. Laughing hurt, so I made a mental note to try and avoid it.

I looked up at Mandy, "sounds like you might have been right about the appendix," I said giving her full props for her first diagnosis. "So what do they do for appendicitis, it's surgery right?" I asked.

"I know you don't need it an appendix, and I know it is often removed surgically in these cases, but I don't know if surgery is a last resort kinda thing," she said. "There might be some other treatments that they try first, I would really be guessing."

"A bad-ass scar wouldn't be so bad," I said. Mandy just shook her head.

A knock on the open door drew our attention, and an older male Doctor and two young clip-board carriers in lab coats followed him. The room felt really small now.

"Marcus is it?" he asked nodding to me first and then Mandy. "I'm Dr. Norris. I need you to lie flat on your back and raise you shirt for me," he said. He wasted no time working around my abdomen, he went straight for the spot. I lurched. He tugged my pants and waistband down exposing more of my torso and a lot more of my trimmed pubic area. At this point I was beyond bashfulness or modesty, I wanted to get this over with.

He reached into a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of clear lube or something like that and smeared a large circle onto the area. Kelly came back into the room wheeling small machine in with her. At this point the room was getting claughstrophobic. Mandy said, "I'll give you some space and wait just outside," and got up to leave.

"No, no, I'm leaving. Just brought in the ultrasound machine," Kelly said with a song in her voice and she stepped out the room.

Dr. Norris turned on a black and white screen and proceeded to lay the tip of a wand that looked like a flattened toothbrush across the jellied area. I could see the screen as well as he could but I had no idea what I was looking at. He kept moving the wand, little by little with no expression at all on his face. Finally he removed the wand and gently gave my tummy a wipe before switching off the machine.

"Okay, looks like you have a ruptured appendix," he said. "It's a tiny little sack attached to your outer colon wall that often in people your age becomes inflamed causing the pain and fever that you have been experiencing. A complete rupture of the appendix can have serious repercussions and can even be life-threatening. The good news is that this is quite common, I bet some of your friends have had their appendixes removed," he said with a questioning tone. This was certainly a line he was used to asking the younger patients that are usually treated in this wing.

"Removal is generally the ideal solution and we can certainly do that if we have too," he said. "Unfortunately, the pandemic has us only performing surgeries if there are no other options. We are going to insert a tiny catheter through your abdomen, it's really just a small tube that we can place against the rupture that will slowly drain the puss from the inflammation. We will send you home with a regiment of antibiotics and set you up with some home care visits for the next week or so to make sure everything is working as it should. We will have you follow up with a clinical visit and we will reassess. You may still require surgery, but unfortunately this is the way we have to do things with the massive inflow of patients that the hospital is seeing these days. The pain should start to alleviate almost immediately when we get the drain in."

"Let's do it," I said.

"Okay, we'll get you prepped and go from there. Hopefully get you back in your own bed before too long," he said leaving the room. His students followed him, leaving Mandy and I alone in the room.

"Doesn't sound so bad," she said.

"I honestly don't care what they do to me at this point, as long as they do it soon, I said"

A young male nurse knocked on the door. "Hi, I have a gown for you to change into in," he said. He had a large white plastic bag with him as well. "Put all of your clothes, shoes, jewellery and your phone into this," he said handing it to me. "I'll be back for you in a few minutes."

"Yeah, okay," I said. "I need help though?"

"Oh," he said. "No problem."

My sister stepped out of the room and the nurse closed a draw string curtain giving us some privacy. He slipped my shoes and socks off. I undid the button on my pants, opened the fly and started to shimmy them down over my hips. He took over and slipped them off for me. He helped me sit up a little and then lifted my shirt over my head. I laid back down. "Lift your hips a little for me, he said grabbing the waistband of my boxers and sliding them all the way off my legs and feet in one smooth motion. He grabbed the gown and after flicking it open looked at me and said "whoops, I guess you are going to need more than the standard child size we usually use here," he said, "I'll be right back." He stepped through the curtain leaving me in my birthday best on the gurney.

Mandy, seeing the nurse leave the room must have figured he was done and came back into the room and slipped behind the curtain. For the third time tonight, and in our lives for that matter, I was exposed to my sister.

"Sorry! Oh, my God" she said. "I swear I am not doing this on purpose. He left, so I thought you were dressed. Why aren't you dressed?"

"He brought me a kid's gown," I said. Mandy started laughing, while I continued to die a slow death of embarrassment.

The nurse returned and got the gown on me. He had a blanket with him as well that he covered me with. "Better late than never," I thought.

I am going to wheel you next door where they have set up for you. He looked at Mandy, "There is a bench in the hall where you can wait for him if you like. The procedure itself will only take 20 minutes or so, but he'll be groggy and have to wait to make sure the drain is working properly before we can discharge him. It might be a couple of hours," he said.

"Thanks," she said. She grabbed my hand and said she was going to call Mom. "You'll be fine, see you soon, she said to me."

"Thanks for all your help tonight Mandy, I owe you big time," I said as I got wheeled out.

In the room next door I was greeting by a familiar face preparing various tools and opening sterile packets of swabs, and tubes and stuff. "Hey Marcus!" Kelly the nurse said.

"Hey!" I said.

"I am going to get you ready for the Doctor. We will be gentle with you and then pain will soon be gone! I'll be here with you the whole time, so don't be nervous," she said in her reassuring bedside manner voice that was clearly used to talking to kids.

"That sounds great," I said.

"First thing's first, take these," she said handing me two tablets and a small cup of water. "These are your antibiotics to help fight the infection."

I swallowed them down and handed her back the cup. She wheeled a metal tray beside me then stood over me methodically folding down the blanket that covered me to my knees. "She is a sweetheart," I thought checking her out in greater detail than before. She turned and walked to the counter and I got a nice view of her perfect little butt that scrubs, in their best attempt to hide, somehow accentuated.

"The drainage tube and the reservoir need to stick well to your belly," she said. "I am going to shave and clean the area so that we can make sure that they get a good seal with the bandage tape." she said. She returned to me with a pair of trimmers and a disposable razor. "I am going to lift up your gown a bit," she said exposing me up to my nipples. She did not seem to have any reaction to my exposed goods, or at least she was being very professional about hiding any reaction. I was average in size according to google and my amateur measuring attempts that all men do. I had always thought that my limp state was kind of impressive though. In locker rooms, where we secretly compare ourselves, I was never in the shrivelled state that some guys seemed to be. Kelly had got the blood flowing a bit too. I looked down and felt like my guy was making a good first impression, without making things awkward.

"Looks like you are already trimmed she said," struggling to adjust her trimmer. "Hmm," she said. "Sorry, don't use these things very often on our side of the hospital," she joked. Satisfied that she had it figured out she mad a few passes over me. She reached out and placed two gloved fingers on the top base of my dick, protecting it as she trimmed a little closer. When she let her fingers go a little more blood was pumping and my dick flopped to the left rather than resting back between my legs. She applied some cool gel and shaved a much smaller area than she had trimmed, there was no need to touch me for this.

She opened some packets of what looked like moist towellettes, and wiped me down. She measured and marked a few dots with a marker on my skin, I assumed to help guide the Doctor. Even when she wasn't speaking she exuded pleasantness. I bet the kids she was used to caring for loved her. I couldn't imagine anyone being better suited for her job. I thought of Mandy doing this kind of thing. "She would definitely be better suited to dealing with adults," I thought.

"Just one more thing," Kelly said awkwardly. "We are going to give you a needle so you don't feel any pain in this area and flinch while the Doctor is trying to set the tube. It will also dull the nerves in your bladder, so you won't feel if you have to go pee. We can't have you peeing after we have got you all prepped, or worse while the procedure is taking place. I am going to have you wear one of these, she said holding what looked like partially unrolled condom with a tube attached to it. It's a catheter that slips onto your penis to catch any peepee that might come out accidentally."

"Wow," I said. "Do whatever you have to do"

"Don't worry, I brought an adult size," she giggled. I guess the gown mixup had been the laugh around the nurses station.

She reached down and lifted my dick up with two fingers, sitting the catheter on the top like a toque. "This is a lot easier when they are circumsized like this," she said.

With both sets of fingers now she stretched open the bottom of the catheter and tried to slip it on. She let go a little too early and it popped off on the first try. The attention was getting the blood flowing and I was chubbing up for sure for her second attempt.

"Don't worry about that," she said noticing. "In fact it might make this a whole lot easier," giving me a light squeeze.

That was all it took. With every beat of my heart I could see my dick lifting from her fingers towards the ceiling. She laughed and slipped the catheter on easily this time. My hard on was at full mast for Kelly now, although, not at all attractive with this ugly hat on it. She lifted the blanket back over me and said, "We'll let that settle down a bit before I try and tape it to your leg."

She hooked up a urine pouch to the end of the tube and hung it onto the side of the bed and started to tidy up. She small-talked with me about work, weather, and stuff, clearly trying to get may attention off the peak in the bed sheet that she had caused.

"I'm sorry about this. So awkward," I said sheepishly.

"Don't be silly," she said. "I'll finally have a story to share with my friends who are always asking me about working with penises!" she laughed. "Sorry, that sounded really unprofessional. But girls talk, and I haven't had a good looking patient my age since my internship a few years ago.""It's okay," I said laughing. "As long as you don't tell them my name."

"Of course not," she smiled. "Looks like we might be making progress," she said pointing to the subsiding bed sheet.

She picked up a roll of white tape and stood over me again, peeling back the bed sheet. She grabbed my penis and rested it down on my left leg. As she unrolled some tape, it started showing some signs of liftoff again. "Better use lots of tape on this fella she said!" taping it to my leg and pulling the sheet up quickly.

"Sorry," I apologized again. "You are very cute and got me going."

"Well... thank you," she said, clearly blushing. "Shouldn't be long," and she left the room a little flustered.

"Good looking patient her age, eh?" I thought to myself. "Nice!"Dr. Norris, Nurse Kelly and another young scrub wearing dude came into the room.

"Comfortable enough?" Dr. Norris asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay, this should be simple enough," he said pulling up a stool beside me. "We're going to give you a local so you won't feel anything. I am going to then place a sterile bandage that has a little port on it on your belly and insert a tapered needle through it. Through the port I will then place a little tube, with the guidance of the ultrasound, onto your ruptured appendix. We will then attach this little balloon to the end of the tube that is going to slowly inflate vacuuming out the fluids and releasing the pressure. By the time the local has worn off you should be in a lot less pain."

"Okay," I said starting to tremble a bit.

"Don't look so worried," Kelly said while the Doctor readied the ultrasound. "I'll be right here with you and your sister is just outside the door."

She lowered my blanket and lifted my gown, just briefly to make sure the catheter was still positioned properly, before lifting the blanket back up to my waist again. She then made a large circle from my belly button to my hipbone with what I guessed was iodine with what looked like a giant q-tip. The young dude had been busy opening sterile packages of things and came over to place a thin blue crinkly paper over my abdomen that had about a 4 inch window port in it for them to work through. When he stepped out of the way, Kelly stepped in with a large needle.

"This is going to pinch for just a wink and then that pain you have been in all night will quickly disappear," she said.

Even with a surgical mask, there was no doubt when she was smiling. Her eyes were full of expression. Man, I was crushing hard on this girl.

She poked me and it was exactly as she had said. The pain and tension released quickly and my whole body gave a sigh of relief. I could feel myself peeing. I guess I had been holding everything in trying to stifle the pain. Mandy stepped back and took her place on my left side while the Doctor pulled up on my right.

"Very important that you remain completely still now," he said.

I turned my head to Kelly at this point, not wanting to watch this part of the procedure. Her eyes caught mine and locked in. "So what would you normally be doing on a Friday night," she asked.

I was nervous and distracted so I didn't muster much of a response.

"Not much," I said. "You?"

"Oh, if I wasn't here I'd probably be at open mic night at my corner pub," she said. "My cousin hosts it so Friday nights are like family night at the pub."

"Do you sing?" I asked.

"No, I sometimes play the mandolin or the penny whistle when my Dad sings though," she said. "I am the least talented member of the family," she laughed.

"That sounds cool," I said. She had managed to distract and relax me. I was back in the mood to flirt and learn more about Kelly, not at all thinking about what Dr. Norris was doing.

She reached over me and when she was back in her place I could see her folding a square absorbent pad that was full of blood. "Whoa," I said.

"Just look at me," Kelly said glancing between my eyes and watching what the Doc was doing. "You are almost done."

"There," Dr. Norris said. "Looks like we are well in the target area."

I looked over at him to see him staring at the ultrasound screen. In the open window square in the paper covering my belly I could see a small tube coming out of a circular bandaid. I was covered in rust coloured iodine and ultrasound gel. The young Doctor opened a packet containing a small balloon that he squeezed all of the air out of before attaching it to the belly tube. I could see a very slow siphon of murky fluid start to pump through the tube towards the balloon.

"Excellent," said Dr. Norris taking off his gloves. "I'll talk to your sister and be back to check on you shortly," he said leaving with this assistant in tow.

"Thanks Doctor," I said.

Kelly changed her gloves and started tidying up, throwing all the open packets, the swabs and the blue sheet into a bio-waste bin in the corner.

"So this is going to drain the puss and the pills are going to fight the infection and then hopefully I won't need surgery?" I asked.

"That's the hope," she said. "You will probably still need surgery though. This really reduces the risk of sceptic infection and complications. If you do end up with surgery it will be a breeze for you, and you won't be in any pain while you wait."

She came around to the other side of the bed and bent down by my feet. I heard a splashing sound. When she stood up she had a plastic container the size of a small milk jug half full of urine.

"What the?" I said.

She laughed, "The IV drip has you well hydrated I guess." She took it out of the room and to a toilet somewhere I guessed.

I drifted off for a quick nap and was awakened my the young assistant of Doctor Norris.

"Just checking the tap for leaks," he said taking a quick glance without touching me. "Looks like its working too well."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Just that you might have to change the balloon more frequently at first since it is filling up very quickly. Do you have someone who can help you at home for a few day?"

"My Step-sister, I guess, but the Doctor said I would get some home care too," I responded.

"Yeah, but they will probably only come by every second day or so and at this rate you will need this changed over probably twice a day. I'll check with Dr. Norris and see what he recommends," he said leaving.

"Oh, are you ready to see your sister?" he asked.


"Okay, I'll send her in." he said

Mandy came in and gave me a big hug, wrapping her arms around me and the gurney I was lying on at the same time. I love Mandy and I know she loves me, but we don't usually show affection like this. Mom has always been overly affectionate, so we were never laking from hugs in the family and I guess never really needed them from each other. We had more of a 'high-five' relationship than a 'huggy-kissy,' one.

"How are you feeling?" Mandy asked.

"So much better!" I said.

I knew she was anxious too see what they had done to me, so I adjusted my blanket and lifted my gown up to expose my belly.

"Cool," she said. "And kinda gross," as she noticed the balloon filled with puss that was laying on the opposite side of my belly button.

"I've been reading about this all night on my phone," she said.

"Did Mom freak?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! I had to talk her into not boarding the next flight home. Apparently your Dad had his appendix out around the same age as you. Anyway, I told her everything was fine and that there wasn't anything that she could do for you anyway so she's gonna stay at the conference, but she wants you to FaceTime her as soon as you get home. Guess she wants to see that ugly mug of yours," she laughed.

"Yeah okay, I'm glad you were able to calm her down." I told her.

"Knock, knock" Dr. Norris said without knocking, followed by a new assistant this time. He looked at Mandy said, "I need to do a quick exam."

"Okay, be right outside," she said before leaving.

He lifted the bandage around the tube briefly before putting it back in place and gave my stomach a coupe of deep pokes. "Much softer than before," he said to his assistant. "Looks like you have a pretty high-output rate though," examining the balloon. "We have a larger size that should allow for less frequently changes. I am going to have a nurse show you how to change this and explain how to keep it clean and secured to your belly. The home care service will call you but you may have to do some of the changeovers yourself depending on their schedule," he said. "Is there someone at home that can help you?"

"My step-sister is in nursing school and lives with me," I said.

"Perfect!" he said. "If she's the one waiting in the hall for you, I suggest you let her sit in with the nurse when she's explaining everything to you. Any sign of fever or a return of pain, or a redness in the skin around the catheter and it is back to the ER with you. We will see you again in a week or so and re-evaluate from there. Do you have any questions for me?"

"So, I come back to the children's hospital?" I asked.

"Yeah, you are my patient, at least for now. Go home, relax, drink lots of fluids, and try to enjoy the rest of your weekend," he said leaving me.

"Knock, Knock," said nurse Kelly entering the room. "So, sounds like you are going to be leaving us soon."

"Want to come with me?" I asked flirtingly.

"Sounds like you are in good hands with your sister," she said with what I thought was a wink, but may have been mistaken.

I know nurses get hit on all the time and it bugs me a bit. They are just doing their job and don't need harassment, that's for sure. The intimate patient/nurse relationship is certainly hard to read sometimes though and if Kelly had been flirting with me, I would be an idiot to not flirt back and see what happened next.

She lifted my blanket and gown. "Let's get this catheter off of you and get your underwear back on you before we bring your sister in here shall we," she said. I spread my legs open a little for her as she grabbed an end of the tape that was taping my penis to my left thigh.

"I, 2, 3," and she pulled with a quick motion.

"Yeeooww!" I yelled.

"Oh, let's not exaggerate," she said. "It couldn't have been that bad." She unhooked the urine bag from the bed and put the whole kit in a plastic bag before dumping it in the bio bin. She came back to my side and took a look at me.

"Oh, sorry, maybe you weren't overreacting," she said.

I looked down to see a bright red blistered patch of red skin across my penis and on my thighs where the tape had been.

"Looks like you might be allergic to the tape. Your skin has had quite a reaction." She bent down and had a very close look, taking my penis in her hand and examining the skin closely.

I could feel her breath on my balls and on my thighs. "Here we go again," I thought as I felt the blood pumping.

"We'll have to treat this, I'll be right back with some cream." She pulled my gown down and pulled the curtain shut, leaving me momentarily.

When she came back into the room I heard her close the room door. She came in around the curtain keeping it closed as well. By this point I had a full blown erection, with a peak in my gown pointing directly towards my face.

"Oh boy," she said seeing the outline of my gown.

She pulled up a stool right beside my and put on a fresh pair of gloves before uncovering me.

"Good show," I thought, taking a look at myself. If I was going to have an unwanted boner, at least I could give it an 'A' for effort.

"This cream has an active antihistamine in it so it should sooth and help with your reaction," she said. She squeezed a small dollop onto her fingers and started rubbing it onto my thigh. She put another dollop on her left finger and with two fingers on her right hand pulled my erection gently down. She didn't have a good grip, or was being too gentle and it slipped from her fingers and sprang back against my belly with a 'thwack'

"Jeeze," she said.

She got a better grip this time and started working the cream onto my rock hard shaft with her left hand. I let out a little moan, or sigh. She giggled.

"Is it sore to touch," she said.

"No, it feels great," I said. Again she giggled.

Without a word she squeezed a large squirt of the cream onto her left hand and took a firm grip with her whole hand on my dick. She slowly started working her hand up and down my shaft. It was obvious now that this was beyond necessary treatment. We locked eyes and I could tell that she was enjoying it also. Not a word was spoken. She slowly slid her firm grip from my balls up to the tip of my cock before switching her hands without breaking the stimulating action. Embarrassingly quickly I could feel my eruption building. She could sense it to. She continued pumping with her right hand but cupped her left hand over the head of my dick to catch my spunk. After a few more strokes I couldn't hold it any longer and blasted her hand with rope after rope of semen in the most intense orgasm I had ever had.

Kelly carefully peeled her left glove off capturing the mess inside and throwing them in the bio bin. She returned without gloves to my glistening cock, only slightly deflated, and cleaned me off with some wet wipes. I obviously had way more cream on me than I needed, so she gave me a good cleaning, bringing my hard-on back to life.

"This thing's insatiable," she said in a giggly whisper that broke the silence between us.

"I don't know what to say," I said. "That was amazing."

"Shhh," she said with a finger across her mask-covered lips and a smile in her eyes. She opened the plastic bag with my clothes and dug around until she found my underwear. She helped me into them and tucked my cock in snuggly, giving it a quick little squeeze before removing her hand.

"Okay," she said. Let's get your sister in here and teach you guys how to change this thing and keep it clean.Mandy and Kelly closed the door behind them after entering the room. Kelly had a kitten themed pencil case full of supplies for us. She emptied it out on my blanket covered lap. There were four of the vacuum balloon things in a larger size than I was currently hooked up to. There were some absorbent pads in case of a spill; a small tube of the cream for my tape rash, and a bunch of individually wrapped disinfectant wipes.

Kelly lifted my gown exposing my abdomen while my boxers kept everything else covered. She pulled a sharpie from the breast pocket of her scrubs and drew a small black ring around the drainage tube, just above the bandage. "I want you to inspect this often, and if the line has moved, it means the tube has moved and might not be positioned properly. If that happens, do not try to push it back in. You will need to come back and see us. I'll change the balloon now so you can see how it's done." She lifted off the piece of tape that held the balloon to my belly and realized that she had overlooked this spot when she applied the cream to me."Oh, I guess you'll need to put some cream here," she said.

"Maybe you can do that for me for me," I said hopefully with a cheeky grin. She looked back at me with a devilish look in her eyes.

"You can put cream on yourself can't you?" Mandy said sounding annoyed with me and obviously not getting the inside joke I had with Kelly.

Kelly kinked the tube with a small c-clip and twisted the balloon end off. There was a gross smell in the air that surprised Mandy and I, Kelly didn't flinch. She tossed the balloon into the bio bin and returned to me. She opened a new balloon package, and gave both ends of the tube a quick wipe. She squeezed all the air out of the balloon before fitting the tube ends together. "I don't want to tape this to you, since you are reacting to our adhesive so I'll just tuck this in here for now," she said, slipping it under the front of my boxer's waist band. "Nothing to it right?" Kelly said. "The home care nurse will change this bandage if necessary," pointing to the one around the tube.

"You will not be able to take showers or baths," Kelly said. "The bandage needs to be kept completely dry. Also, don't bend over beyond sitting or do any squatting." Putting her finger on the tube she said, "this thing is delicately fit between your abdominal wall, and the squeezing pressure of these muscles could pop it out of place. You can sit, but don't try and tie your shoes or put on your socks or anything like that."

"So I guess I have to wash your smelly feet for you?" Mandy said.

"The glories of nursing!" Kelly said to her. "Get used to it!"

A different nurse knocked and entered the room with paperwork that she handed to Kelly before leaving. Kelly packed the supplies back in the case and then spread the papers out on the bed in front of us.

"So these are the discharge forms which have the Doctor's instructions on them. This one is the contact information for the home care nurses, but they will call you with the appointment. Only call them if you need to cancel. This booklet is about appendicitis. The first half is the kids version with cartoons, but in the back is the parents section that explains the general process. If a problem comes up and you are not sure whether you should come back to the ER or not, you can call the nurses station here. I wrote the extension on the page for you along with my name. Ask for me, in case I happen to be on the floor, but if not anyone can help you. Any questions?" she asked.

This would have been my opportunity to smoothly ask for her phone number, but with Mandy in the room I just answered, "No. I think i've got it."

"Okay," she turned to Mandy. "I'll help him get dressed and he'll be out shortly," she said. "We'll get him a wheelchair for the ride down to the entrance."

"Cool. Thanks Kelly," Mandy said leaving the room.

Kelly pulled the curtain closed and retrieved my bag of clothes. She pulled the blanket down and slipped my socks onto my feet. She had me sit up and swing my feet off the side of the bed. She reached into the front of my boxers and pulled the balloon out, brushing my penis with the back of her fingers in the process. She bent down and got my feet through the legs of my pants before helping me stand. She raised my pants into place, gently tucking my junk inside before zipping them up. I put my shirt on and she tucked the front of it into my pants to act as a cradle for the balloon. She gave me a light tap on my butt and said, "I guess you are good to go."

She stood in front of me and we locked eyes. "Kelly, I..." I started to say.

"I'll see you in a couple of days I'm sure," she said.

"Yeah, okay, thanks." I said.

It was an uncomfortable way to leave things. She seemed to be trying to be very professional again, although she had just tapped me on my butt. I didn't want to mess things up by making her feel uncomfortable, so I tried to be whatever the equivalent to 'professional' would be for a patient. We had just shared such an intimate moment, just saying, 'thank you, goodbye' felt awkward.

"Thank You, Goodbye," I said awkwardly.

Mandy wheeled me down to the hospital exit where we were met by the same Uber driver that had dropped us off. "Long night for all of us," I thought. The sun was up but it was still early. Looking over at my sister I caught her in the midst of a huge yawn that left her watery-eyed. We were both going to sleep this Saturday away. I video chatted with my Mother who had been waiting up all night in her hotel room to talk to me. I filled her in on everything and reassured her that Mandy and I could handle things.

I slowly got out of the Uber and back into our house. It felt great to be home. We were both anxious to have a nap but we were also starving. Mandy wanted me to have something light, but I insisted on a grilled-cheese sandwich. She finally gave in but only made one and cut it in half for the both of us to share. I gently sat on the sofa to eat.

"How's the balloon doing," she asked, sitting down beside me.

I untucked my shirt and had a look. "Not even a quarter full," I said.

"Good! Then we can get some sleep before we have to deal with it," she said. She knelt down in front of me and slipped off my shoes and socks. "I assume you can handle the rest on your own," she asked.

"Yep," I answered.

I slowly stood up and shuffled my way to my room. The pain was gone but I was nervous about dislodging the tube by moving around too much. When I got to my room I realized Mandy had been following right behind me. I dropped my pants and slowly sat on the bed, looking back at her in the doorway. "Thanks Mandy. I owe you big time," I said.

"No problem Marcus," she said. "I am going to set an alarm for four hours and I'll come and check on you. We'll probably have to change that balloon by then."

After a much needed nap, I was awoken by Mandy who brought me in a couple of pancakes, one overcooked and one undercooked. She sat on the end of the bed in a tank top nightshirt, a pair of boxer-type sleep shorts and long white socks pulled up to just below her knees. Her long brown hair was down and she had her glasses on, having removed her contacts for her nap.

"Thanks! This looks great," I lied.

"Did you sleep okay," she asked.

"Yeah, great actually," I said, wolfing down my pancakes.

"The Home Care company called and said they won't be able to come by until Monday morning," she said. "They are short staffed with the pandemic too I guess. Nurse Kelly made it look easy though, so we should be fine."

"Yeah, she was great," I said.

Mandy laughed. "The big joke at school is that patients fall for Nurses like dogs bark at mailmen. It's just part of the job."

"So what's the plan," she asked "is it a movie and video game day, or do you want to sleep more?"

"All sounds good," I said. "I need to call work and let them know I won't be in for a while. I guess you're going to have to go and fill my antibiotic prescription for me, I'm almost out of what the hospital gave me."

"Yeah I am going to go and do that soon, but we need to check your drain pipe and clean you up a bit first," Mandy insisted.

I lifted up my shirt a bit and could see that the vacuum balloon was pretty full. "That was about 6 hours," Mandy said calculating how often we would have to change the balloon.

"One of the Doctors said it should slow down in a day or so," I said.

"Fingers crossed," Mandy said. "Otherwise we won't be getting any great sleeps."

She grabbed my kitten themed supply bag and got to work. The changeover was easy. I could easily handle this myself but Mandy insisted. "This is good practice for me," she said. She grabbed the cream and rubbed a little on the tape burn on my belly. I hadn't told her about the other place that I had been taped.

"Do you want to try washing up?" she asked.

"I just have to pee, and then I would like to try and get a bit more sleep. I'll be fine in these clothes for now," I said.

"You know you peed all over yourself yesterday?" Mandy reminded me. "You have to at least put some fresh clothes on today."

She went to my dresser and rummaged through my drawers.

"I might be all out," I said pointing to the heaping pile of laundry in the corner.

"I found some," she said turning to me with a pair of briefs.

"I don't wear those anymore," I said.

"You do now, at least until this afternoon when I can do laundry," she said.

She helped me to my feet, but I was feeling well enough to do it on my own. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

"I'll be right here," she said to me.

I bent over a little too quickly to raise the toilet seat and felt my abdominal muscles squeeze my tube. I was happy to see the sharpie mark that Mandy had made hadn't moved. "Gotta be more careful about bending," I reminded myself.

I pulled my dick out of my fly and began to relive myself. After shaking and squeezing out the last few drops I looked down and saw that the red blister that the tape had left was more of a pink shade today. Rolling it around in my hand to have a good look reminded me of Kelly's touch from the night before. It inflated a little on me in my hand and I had the urge to rub one out. Remembering that Mandy was on the other side of the door waiting for me, I decided against it, and tucked myself back away for now. "She'll be going to the pharmacy soon," I thought to myself.

I flushed and washed my hands before heading back to my room. Mandy was waiting for me with tighty-whities in hand.

"Here we go," I said begrudgingly.

"It's old news now," Mandy said, referring to seeing me naked several times the day before. "We don't need to make this weird, let's just get it over with."

She walked over and knelt down in front of me giving me a nice view down her tank top. I have never thought of Mandy in a sexual way, even though she was a 'step-sister.' Having just had a warm reminder of Nurse Kelly in the bathroom and now looking down into Mandy's incredible cleavage, there was definitely a bulge forming in the front of my boxers. Mandy, seemingly waiting for me to start pulling my shorts down, looked up at me and said, "I guess I have to do everything." She grabbed the hips of my baggie boxer shorts and tugged them down. My semi-hard dick flopped out and pointed out from my body in her direction. She pretended, I'm sure, not to notice.

She had me step out of my underwear and into the clean pair of briefs. I hadn't worn them in years and they were on the small side. Once she got to my upper thighs she had to shimmy them a little, causing my dick to flop around. There was no way she could pretend not to notice it now.

The modesty I had, only 24 hours earlier was out the door at this point. "I needed her help and she'd seen it now, so whatever," I thought. Once she got the waist band up high enough I reached down and took over from her. I had to do some adjusting as the pouch was a squeeze in my current state.

"A little tight I guess," she said with a smile.

"Uh-huh," I said.

This pair of underwear went well up my thighs and Mandy caught a glimpse of my other tape rash. "What is that?" she asked.

"I was taped there too," I explained.

"Why did they tape your leg?" she quizzed me.

I sighed, realizing I would have to explain or she would never leave me alone. "I had to wear a condom catheter when they froze me. Kelly said that my bladder would also be numb and I might pee all over without knowing it. She had to tape it down to my leg so it would stay out of the way during the procedure."

I could tell by the look of processing on Mandy's face that she was figuring something out.

"Did she put the catheter on your, uh, thing?" she asked.

"Yeah," I answered sheepishly.

"And then she took it off after?" Mandy continued.

"Yes! She's a nurse, she does these kinds of things, and last night she did them to me. Can I put my damn pants on now?" I told her I had a pair of track pants somewhere that I could pull on.

"Why bother?" she asked. "If you stay like that you won't need to pull anything up or down to go to the bathroom."

"Unless I have to do more than pee," I said. "But you're right, I can throw a blanket over myself since I will just be hanging around the house today anyway." I gently laid myself back on the bed.

"Okay, I've still got hours to make up, so I'm gonna try and get some more sleep," I told her.

"Don't forget to take your pills," she said, heading back down the hallway.

I reached over and grabbed my pills off the nightstand. "Take with plenty of water," was labelled in a colourful sticker on the bottle.

Not wanting to bother Mandy for just a glass of water, I pulled myself up and slowly made my way down the hall to the bathroom. As I passed Mandy's bedroom door I noticed it was left open a few inches, probably so she would hear me if I called out for her. I heard a light whimper which caught my attention. "Was she crying?" I questioned. I quietly peaked through the door opening and saw that Mandy was back on her bed. I heard another whimper, followed by a faint 'cooing' sound. "Oh my God," I thought as the realization hit me, "she's masturbating!" From my angle I could only see her covered legs. Getting a better view would be risky. I didn't want to get caught creeping on her. She was covered by a thin bed sheet, but I could tell she was making slow, circular hand motions to her crotch area. "Was she fingering herself? Was she using a vibrator, or a dildo?"

I watched and listened from this angle as the scene progressed. Her motions quickened, and her whimpers became stifled moans. The pace became frantic before she quickly pulled her legs up towards her, bending her knees. I could no longer see her rhythmic hand motions, but from the change in pitch of her stifled moans I knew she was climaxing. She straightened her legs out in a quick tense state, pointing her toes parallel to her bed, before I saw her entire lower half collapse and relax.

Not wanting to make a sound, I backtracked down the hall as quietly as I could to my room. "The pills can wait a few more minutes," I thought.

Safely back in my bed, I heard the shower start. "What was that all about Mandy?" I thought. I wasn't naive enough to think she didn't play with herself from time to time, she was human after all. "But she had just helped me change and just seen my dick flopping around? Was she turned on by me?" I guess the pervy thoughts I'd had looking down her shirt were mutual?

After a couple of hours of sleep I woke up and made my way to the living room sofa. I noticed that Mandy wasn't home so I took the opportunity to apply the cream Kelly gave me to my penis and leg rash."This was much more fun when Kelly did it for me," I thought. I killed some time on my phone and let my boss know I'd be away for at least a week. I drifted back of for another brief nap before I heard Mandy open the front door, arms full of stuff.

"What did you buy?" I asked.

"Here's you pills," she said tossing me the little green bottle. "Take one now while we're thinking about it." I complied.

"I checked the pharmacy for a different type of tape that won't react with your skin. Turns out a lot of people are allergic to hospital tape, so they make a hypoallergenic substitute. The package also said waterproof, which got me thinking. If we taped you up with a piece of plastic, like a square of garbage bag around your drainage area, you would be able to take a shower!" she said, excited by her own genius.


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1512
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


