
章 62: Coffee, Tea or Me?

"Oh my gosh. What should I do?" Feng Jiu tried to hide her face because she didn't want Dong Hua to find out about Yu Xi's situation. Then she secretly dragged Yu Xi to the washroom, before Dong Hua sees her.

"Hey, my good friend is here. He's the boss of Tai Chen Group, and he works with your dad too. What should we do?" Feng Jiu said. Yu Xi then replied worriedly, "Oh no. Will he tell my dad about it? I can't risk getting caught by him."

"No. I don't think he would. I mean, he's a man of few words usually. But we can't hide here forever. Si Ming knows him too."

Yu Xi then called Si Ming and told him about it. Then she told Feng Jiu, "Si Ming said it should be fine to let Dong Hua know about it. He said that Dong Hua isn't the type to care about others' affairs anyway."

Feng Jiu then nodded her head and replied, "Yeah, he's right about that. But it would still be somewhat awkward."

"I guess we will see how it goes."

Feng Jiu then popped her head out of the washroom, trying to spot Dong Hua.


On the other side, Dong Hua ordered a slice of Chocolate Crepe Cake and a cup of black coffee.

He turned around and noticed Feng Jiu was nowhere in sight. "Is she avoiding me?" Then he turned over to the cashier and told him, "I need a favour from you, so take this." Dong Hua then handed over a big tip to the cashier.

"Sure, Sir! Just let me know what to do." The cashier replied.

"Okay. So... When you serve me the food later, act like I'm a regular customer here." Then he pointed out to Su Moye and replied, "I'll be sitting there, so make sure the next table hears it." Dong Hua said.

"No problem at all. Count on me! I'm guessing that one of those girls is your girlfriend, right? I also saw that guy staring at your girlfriend." The cashier winked.

"Oh, you're a smart guy." Dong Hua was pleased to hear that, and he gave him another big tip.

"Thank you, Sir. Don't worry; I took acting classes back in school so I won't disappoint you." The cashier replied confidently. Then the cashier thought to himself, "Oh. No wonder he is ordering black coffee. Feeling bitter, huh?"

Dong Hua nodded his head in approval and walked over to the table beside them. He chose the best seat, which was facing Feng Jiu directly and sat down slowly. Then he turned over to stare at Su Moye.

Su Moye then noticed someone was staring at him and he turned around. "Oh. Hey, Dong Hua. Fancy meeting you here. What a coincidence." Su Moye said politely. Then he shook Dong Hua's hand.

Dong Hua shook his hand back and replied coldly. "Oh. Su Moye. Yeah, what a coincidence. What are you doing here?" Su Moye then smiled politely and replied, "Just meeting up with some friends. You came alone?"

"Yeah. I was running errands around this area and felt thirsty after that. I frequent this cafe, so I decided to get a cup of coffee here. Their coffee is excellent."

Su Moye then took a sip of his tea and replied, "Sadly, I don't really drink much coffee. I prefer tea."

Then they smiled at each other politely and went back to looking at their phones.


"Wait! Why is Dong Hua sitting beside us?! Hmm... He knows Su Moye too?" Feng Jiu exclaimed. Yu Xi then replied calmly to her, "Well, they probably do. I mean, Tai Chen Group and West Sea Group worked a lot in the past too. So I'm not surprised if they knew each other."

"Oh. That made sense. So, should we head back now?" Feng Jiu asked Yu Xi. And she also thought to herself, "We are just talking about random stuff now and not about the engagement between them, so it should be fine. I still feel a little nervous, though."

Yu Xi then nodded her head and said, "Yeah. We have been hiding for too long now, so let's just head back. It's not nice to let Su Moye wait for too long too."

Then the two girls slowly walked back to their table. Dong Hua then stared at Feng Jiu while she sat down. Feng Jiu felt nervous and thought to herself, "Oh no. Dong Hua is staring at me now. Should I say Hi? I think I better do so. I don't want him to think I'm avoiding him on purpose."

"Hey, Dong Hua! You said that you're heading to your favourite cafe, and I didn't expect it would be the same one as mine!" Feng Jiu waved and smiled brightly at Dong Hua.

Dong Hua's heart instantly melted when he saw how happy she was to see him. "Yeah. Such a coincidence. Did you order food? I'll order some for you if you're hungry."

Feng Jiu smiled even more happily upon hearing that, and she replied, "Don't worry about it. I already ordered some and I'm getting full anyway." Dong Hua chuckled and thought to himself, "Yeah. She would be hungry again soon."

Su Moye then noticed that they were friends, and he said, "Oh, you guys know each other too?" Then he turned over to Dong Hua and said, "You should come sit with us then if you don't mind us disturbing your peace."

Dong Hua immediately got up and joined them without saying a word. He took a seat beside Su Moye, and it was also directly in front of Feng Jiu. Then he smiled warmly at her.

Right at this moment, the cashier/waiter came walking over with the cake and coffee. He gently placed it in front of Dong Hua and said, "Here's a complimentary cake for you, since you're our regular customer." Then he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh. Thanks." Dong Hua replied coldly.

"By the way, our store is running a promotion. Any regular customer that brings along their partner would get a slice of cake for free. But they also have to prove that they are a real couple." Then he winked at Dong Hua before excusing himself back to work.

"Smart guy. I need to leave him another big tip later on." Dong Hua thought to himself. He took one sip of his coffee, and he almost spat it out. "Why is this coffee so bitter? Gosh. It's horrible. Can't believe I just told Su Moye that the coffee is good here. After drinking Xiao Bai's coffee, I think nothing can beat hers."

Then he put the cake right in front of Feng Jiu's view. He took one bite of the cake and said, "Mmm... This cake is delicious." Then he briefly glanced at Feng Jiu. As expected, she was licking her lips and staring at his cake like a glutton.

Dong Hua then added on, "What a waste, I can't redeem the promotion to get another cake." Then he looked at Feng Jiu and said to her, "Xiao Bai would definitely want one too, right?"

Yu Xi then looked at Feng Jiu and whispered, "Did he just called you Xiao Bai?" Feng Jiu then nodded and whispered back, "Yeah. Long story. But It's just a nickname, and I think it's cute."

Yu Xi smiled and replied, "I agree." Then she started talking to Su Moye about their families.

Feng Jiu continued staring at the cake. "You want to try some?" Dong Hua asked her. Feng Jiu nodded her head enthusiastically, and he passed the fork to her.

"Mmmm! It's so good! One bite isn't enough!" Feng Jiu exclaimed. Dong Hua smiled upon seeing her so happy, and he replied, "I'll buy you one slice then. Come with me."

"Oh! Let's go now!" She stood up excitedly and told the rest that she's going to order another slice of cake. Dong Hua then stood up and followed her.

They stood in front of the cake display chiller, and she looked at all the different cakes.

"Pick as many as you want, I'll pay for it." Dong Hua said. Feng Jiu then shook her head lightly and replied, "I think one slice is enough for me."

"Oh? You're afraid that I'll be bankrupt?"

"No. I just feel a little full after drinking my Iced tea. I also don't want to spend your money so I can pay for my own cake."

"Oh, wow. Saving money for me already, huh? Too bad we can't redeem the promotion and get a free slice of cake." Dong Hua smirked.

Dong Hua then pointed to the Tiramisu, "That Tiramisu looks nice, you want to get that?"

"Hmm... I prefer tea. Too bad they don't have any Matcha Mille Crepe Cake here." Feng Jiu pouted.

Then he thought to himself, "Oh. She likes tea more than coffee?"

Feng Jiu suddenly thought of an idea, "How about I pretend to be your girlfriend so we can redeem the promotion? Don't misunderstand; I'm only doing it for the free cake. It's such a waste!"

Dong Hua smiled and thought to himself, "Glutton. Food always gets her. What will happen if someone tried to kidnap her with food?" Then he pretended to think about it for a while before replying, "Hmm... But will they believe it?"

Feng Jiu then held on to Dong Hua's hand and said, "I'll just hold your hand then it would look like we are dating. I think it would work."

"Oh. Maybe. Let's try it then." Dong Hua replied calmly, but deep inside, he was screaming "Xiao Bai is holding on to my hand!"

Feng Jiu anxiously dragged Dong Hua to the cashier counter and ordered a slice of cake. Then she said to the cashier, "So, you were saying that it would be free for regular customer's partner? I'm his girlfriend, so we get it for free, right?"

The cashier then looked at Dong Hua and smirked. He also noticed that Su Moye was looking over. "Oh, yes. But you need to prove to us that you're a real couple. You need to kiss him in front of everyone."

"Kiss?! Right here? But we are already holding hands, wouldn't that count?" Feng Jiu exclaimed, and she held their hands up to show it to the cashier.

Dong Hua lightly blushed and smirked at the cashier, and the cashier subtly raised his eyebrows back at Dong Hua. Then he shrugged his shoulders and replied calmly, "Sorry, Miss. It falls under the terms and conditions. You have to do it."

Feng Jiu was in a dilemma because she didn't want others to know that she was lying just to get a free slice of cake. At the same time, she didn't dare to kiss Dong Hua.

Then she looked over to Dong Hua, and he nodded his head at her and whispered, "I guess, I'll just let you take advantage of me then."

"Should I do it or not?! But if I don't do it, people would know that I'm lying just to get a free cake. I can't let that happen! Sorry, Dong Hua. I would have to take advantage of you then..." Feng Jiu thought to herself. Then she closed her eyes and nervously leaned in closer to Dong Hua. Then she gave a light peck on his cheek, and everyone saw that, including Su Moye and Yu Xi.

After she kissed him on the cheek, she turned away to hide her flushed face. Dong Hua then smirked at the cashier and said, "Guess we get our free cake now. Thanks." Then he left a big tip on the table and dragged Feng Jiu away. He also tried to hide his emotions while thinking to himself, "She just kissed me! I can't breathe. Calm down. Relax. It's for the free cake. Yes. I can handle this."

He whispered to Feng Jiu, "Now you owe me one more favour." Feng Jiu pouted and replied, "I guess I don't have a choice."

Su Moye and Yu Xi then stared at them while they sit down. Feng Jiu then quickly explained, "Don't misunderstand! We just wanted to redeem the free cake!"

The waiter/cashier came walking over to their table again, with Feng Jiu's cake.

"Here you go, Miss. I hope you enjoy it."

"Of course, I will! Especially when it's free." Feng Jiu replied excitedly.

The waiter smirked at Dong Hua and replied, "Yeah, you have to thank your boyfriend for that. He's very generous to all of us. You're so lucky to be his girlfriend."

Feng Jiu then nodded her head and replied shyly, "Yeah. He's a nice guy for sure."

Dong Hua smiled to himself when he heard that, and he raised his eyebrows at the waiter. Then he subtly pointed to his wallet on the table to hint the waiter to put in some good words for him.

The smart waiter immediately got the hint and said, "Yeah. He's very loyal to you as well. As you can see, he's very handsome, and many girls would definitely try to get close to him. But every time someone approaches him, he would totally ignore them."

Feng Jiu chuckled and looked at Dong Hua. Then she thought to herself, "Yeah. That's why he's an Iceblock!" Then she replied sarcastically, "Oh, really? I thought he would be a womanizer."

Dong Hua frowned, "Is this what she thinks of me? She's just joking, right?"

The smart waiter immediately replied, "No way. He comes here all the time alone, so all the female staff thought he was single. This is the first time we saw him here with another girl. You're definitely his only girl." The waiter then looked towards Dong Hua to see if he was satisfied with his acting.

Dong Hua replied calmly, "He's right. I'm not interested in other girls." Feng Jiu then thought to herself, "That's because he already has someone in his heart."

The waiter then added on, "That's why, Miss. You can't break his heart. It's rare to find such faithful guys nowadays, and I can see that he really likes you."

Dong Hua smiled, and the waiter excused himself back to work.

After the waiter left, Su Moye said, "I have to agree with the waiter too. I worked with Dong Hua for years, and I have never once seen him interested in anyone."

Feng Jiu chuckled and replied, "Yeah. He's only interested in work."

Dong Hua and Su Moye then started talking about their latest project.

"So, we added an extra requirement for the competition." Su Moye said.

"Oh?" Dong Hua replied coldly.

"Yeah. So only employees who worked in our companies for more than two years are allowed to join the competition. This is also to make sure that they are loyal to the company since the winner would have to work with us to finish up the project."

"Makes sense." Dong Hua replied coldly.

Feng Jiu overheard the conversation and thought to herself, "More than two years? I won't be qualified then. No... I really want to join the competition."

Dong Hua then noticed Feng Jiu frowning, and he asked her, "Are you feeling tired? I'll send you home if you are."

Su Moye then looked at the time and replied, "I have to get back to work too." At the same time, Yu Xi also said, "Yeah, we should head back now. Si Ming is still waiting for me."

Everyone then stood up and bid goodbye to each other. Dong Hua shook Su Moye's hand and told him that they would see each other at work soon. Feng Jiu then told Yu Xi to let Si Ming know that Dong Hua would be sending her home.

But before leaving, Dong Hua didn't forget to leave another big tip for the waiter. He bowed and replied, "Please come again, Sir."

After they left, the waiter fanned himself with the amount of cash he received from Dong Hua, and he commented, "Jackpot! All those acting classes I took in school weren't in vain."


Su Moye then headed off first while Feng Jiu and Dong Hua waited with Yu Xi. Si Ming then drove over and picked Yu Xi up. He smirked at Dong Hua and Feng Jiu. Then he said teasingly, "Fun Sunday, huh?"

Dong Hua replied coldly, "You know what would make it even more fun? Cooking my Sweet and Sour Fish." Feng Jiu chuckled and hid behind Dong Hua so that Si Ming wouldn't see her laughing.

Si Ming's face immediately went pale, and he said to Yu Xi, "Should we go on a date now? It could be my 'Last Sunday'." Yu Xi looked puzzled and replied confusedly, "I guess so?" Then they drove off.

After they left, Feng Jiu laughed out loud. "Did you see Si Ming's reaction?" Dong Hua then smiled and replied, "Yes. Is my fish that scary?"

"It won't be scary after I taught you how to cook it." Feng Jiu couldn't stop laughing, and they walked towards Dong Hua's car. He thought to himself, "I love seeing her laugh. She's so happy-go-lucky, and I hope I'll become more like her."

Feng Jiu then sat in the car and looked over to Dong Hua. Then he smiled and put on the seatbelt for her. At this point, she was already used to letting him do it for her.

Dong Hua then briefly looked at the time, and it was about 8.30 PM. He turned over to Feng Jiu and asked, "Do you feel tired?"

"No, why?" She asked curiously.

"Oh. I need to go to the supermarket to get some ingredients for tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?"

"Yes! I love grocery shopping!"

Dong Hua then smiled, and he drove off towards the 24 hours mega supermarket.


"Wow! This place is sure huge. Maybe I can buy some groceries for myself too." Feng Jiu exclaimed. Then they got themselves a shopping cart and started walking around. They also started talking while shopping for food.

"Dong Hua, you need more food in your kitchen. It's so empty!" Feng Jiu pouted. Dong Hua then patted her head and replied, "Yeah, but I mostly just order takeaway food."

"But homecooked food is so much better, and it's healthier too!"

Dong Hua shook his head gently."I would like to eat some homecooked food too, but I can't cook." Feng Jiu then turned over to look at Dong Hua."Since you're so rich, you can just hire someone to cook for you."

"No. I value my privacy a lot, so I don't like strangers in my house, especially when I'm home. The cleaning lady only comes when I'm at work, and she's trustworthy because I knew her for years." Dong Hua replied calmly.

"I forgot that you don't trust people easily. Wait. But why did you trust me enough to let me stay over at your place?"

"Because you're different, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua smiled.

Dong Hua continued to look at the vegetables. Feng Jiu then pondered to herself, "I'm different...?"

Feng Jiu then followed after Dong Hua, and she asked, "How so?"

"I don't know how to explain, but you're just different from others. I feel like I could trust you with everything." Dong Hua replied casually. In his heart, he was thinking "Because you're the only person I love."

Feng Jiu then thought to herself again, "Do I really mean something to him?"

Dong Hua then asked, "Xiao Bai. Do you like coffee or tea more?" Feng Jiu immediately replied, "Tea! Why?"

Dong Hua thought to himself, "But I like coffee more, and Su Moye said he liked tea. Is he a better match for her than me?"

Dong Hua assumed that two people have to like the same things to be considered 'matching' in a relationship. Nobody had taught him about love and relationships. He also grew up in a bad environment, so he didn't have any good examples to follow.

Feng Jiu then noticed him frowning and asked again, "Why did you ask me that?"

"Xiao Bai, I have something to ask you. Do two people have to like the same things to be considered matching for each other?"

"No. That's not how it works. Take Si Ming and Yu Xi as an example: Si Ming likes watching sports, but Yu Xi is not a fan of sports. This doesn't mean they aren't suited for each other, and a good relationship is all about 'give and take'."

"Hmm... Give and take?" Dong Hua asked confusedly.

"So... You have to learn how to sacrifice for your partner. Like doing a certain action that you might not really like, but it is something that your partner likes. I'll give you another example to explain it better. Like I just mentioned, Yu Xi isn't a fan of sports, but she would watch it with Si Ming from time to time. When she did that, they would bond and get closer too."

"Oh? So I have to learn how to accommodate her needs and wants?"

Feng Jiu then nodded her head and replied, "Yes, but you can't always be the one giving. Because if you gave too much, you'd get so tired of it. Many people break up not because they fell out of love, but because they don't feel appreciated."

Dong Hua frowned, "So... If someone is terrible at expressing himself, how does he prove to their partner that they love them?"

Feng Jiu then folded her arms across her chest and replied, "Hmm... I'm not too sure about that too. I mean, I never had a relationship before so I only knew all these through others. But in my opinion, if a guy could give up everything for me, I would believe that he's truly in love with me."

"Give up everything? Including my life?"

Feng Jiu chuckled and replied, "No, no. Hmm... How do I explain this? I'll use you as an example then. So if we were dating, and you gave up your whole Tai Chen Group empire just for me, I'll believe that you truly love me. But of course, I wouldn't want my future partner to do that for me. I'm just saying that because I can't think of anything else now."

"Oh? But I know one thing that would definitely make you happy." Dong Hua smirked.

"Huh? What?" Feng Jiu then turned around and stared at Dong Hua.

"Of course, it's food. You're a greedy glutton." Dong Hua chuckled. Feng Jiu also smiled and replied, "Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I feel loved when someone buys me food."

Dong Hua then grab a bunch of snacks and put it in the cart. Then he smiled and replied casually, "Now, do you feel loved?"

Feng Jiu then thought to herself, "Is Dong Hua joking? Maybe he is. He is always teasing me anyway."

Dong Hua then asked another question, "So how did you and Su Moye became friends? I didn't know that you knew each other before."

"Oh. I actually just met him today. He is Yu Xi's friend, not mine." Feng Jiu replied casually.

"Oh? So do you like him?" Dong Hua then asked casually. Feng Jiu then turned and stared at Dong Hua, "Wait. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because whenever I go to West Sea Group for a meeting, I would see a group of girls flocking to him. It seems like he was every girl's dream guy. So I'm just curious."

Feng Jiu chuckled and replied, "Dong Hua. Many girls in our company like you too."

"I don't like any of them." Dong Hua replied coldly. Then he asked again, "So what do you think of him?"

"Hmm... He seems nice, but I don't even know him that well. I like him as a person, but not like in a special way."

"Oh? So, you said many girls like me too. So if you were to pick between me and Su Moye, who would you pick?" He brushed it off like it was a casual question but deep inside, his heart was pounding, and he was nervously waiting for her answer.

Feng Jiu answered his question without thinking, "I'll definitely pick you since you're my good friend, and I don't even know Su Moye." Then she smiled sweetly at Dong Hua.

Dong Hua didn't know if he should feel happy or sad upon hearing her answer and he thought to himself, "She only picked me because I'm her good friend? What if Su Moye is her good friend too? Then who would she pick?"

Dong Hua felt inferior for the first time, ever since he became the President of Tai Chen Group. He remembered feeling inferior when he was younger due to the bullying. Over the years, he numbed himself and suppressed all of his emotions, thus becoming an Ice Block. Feng Jiu then came into his life and stirred up his emotions. Because of her, Dong Hua's ice is slowly melting.


Dong Hua drove Feng Jiu home after they were done with the grocery shopping. Then he helped her carry the bags of groceries up to her apartment.

"Just leave it in the kitchen, and I will settle it later!" Feng Jiu said.

Dong Hua then took off his shoes and entered the apartment. He carried the heavy bags into the kitchen, and he said to her, "See? Isn't it nice to have a good friend like me helping you out? Such heavy bags."

Feng Jiu then stared at Dong Hua and lifted the bags up effortlessly. "See? Isn't it nice that I could lift them by myself?" Then she chuckled and teased Dong Hua, "And isn't it nice to have a good friend like me teaching you how to cook?"

Dong Hua smiled and replied, "Oh? Isn't it nicer if my good friend could make home-cooked meals for me too?" Feng Jiu then replied sarcastically, "Oh? But isn't it nicer if you could pay your good friend to make home-cooked meals for you too?"

"Deal." Dong Hua smirked.

"Wait. What?!" Feng Jiu 'lost' again.

"Yeah. So I'll pay you to cook for me. Didn't you say I should hire a cook and to eat more healthy meals? What's more, you said you're a good cook, and I trust you enough to let you come to my place to cook for me."

"But... I can't. I won't have time for myself!" She replied hesitantly.

"How about once a week?"

"Hmm..." Feng Jiu was still thinking about his offer.

"I pay well, and you can also use my money to buy groceries. Sounds like a good deal?" Dong Hua tried to convince her.

Feng Jiu then did a mental calculation. "Hmm... If I cook for him once a week, I save up on one meal. And maybe we will have leftovers, and it would save me another meal. On top of that, he's going to pay me for it. In this way, I'll be able to save up more money for Qingti, right? I can't even join the competition, so I would need that extra cash too."

Then she turned around and replied, "Okay. Deal. But I need to check my schedule to see which days I'm free and I'll let you know beforehand."

"Wow. Busy woman, huh? You're becoming more and more like me." Dong Hua patted her head.

"Of course! I'm learning from the best. Maybe someday I'll be as successful as you! Watch out! My company is going to beat Tai Chen Group!" Feng Jiu replied proudly.

"Oh? If that day comes, I'll just marry you, and we can join forces then." Dong Hua replied casually.

Feng Jiu's face immediately turned red, and she thought to herself, "Marry me?! Have I misheard it?! Dong Hua said he would marry me...?"

Dong Hua then teased her, "Why is your face so red? What are you thinking about?"

"Hmph! Nothing." She folded her arms and turned her back on him.

"Oh? Really nothing?" Dong Hua then popped his head over her shoulder and tried to look at her face. Then he lowered his head to try to see her face clearer.

Feng Jiu didn't notice his head there, and she turned around swiftly, "Yeah! It's nothing." The moment she turned her head, Dong Hua accidentally kissed her near to her lips.

"Oh my gosh. Dong Hua just kissed me. What should I do or say now?!" Feng Jiu panicked, and she ran into the bathroom. She locked the doors and splashed water on her face. Then she touched her face, "Dong Hua just kissed me."

On the other side, Dong Hua was still standing there thinking about it. "We kissed again. The first one was at the cafe and now this."

Both of them then held on to their pounding hearts and smiled.

Dong Hua then helped Feng Jiu to unload the groceries from the bags and kept them according to where it was supposed to be. Then he thought to himself, "Weird. How did I know where to put them?"

Right at this moment, Feng Jiu walked out from the bathroom and avoided eye-contact. Then she noticed that Dong Hua had already put away the bags of groceries. She asked Dong Hua, "How did you know where to keep them?"

"I'm not sure. Strangely, I just knew where to keep them." Dong Hua shrugged his shoulder.

Suddenly, both of them remembered the kiss and they blushed. Feng Jiu then said shyly, "So... I don't owe you a favour anymore since you ki....." She couldn't finish her sentence as she was feeling shy.

Dong Hua also replied shyly, "Fine. You already returned the favour."


Dong Hua then went out of the kitchen and sat at the sofa. Feng Jiu yelled to him, "You want something to drink?"

"Yes. I want tea. I want the same tea that you always drink." He yelled back.

Feng Jiu then brought out two cups of tea, and she also switched on the TV to ease the awkwardness.

She sat at the far end of the sofa and Dong Hua looked at her, "Sitting so far away again." He said.

"I'm just giving you more space. Since you like your own space and privacy."

Dong Hua then slid over to the other end of the sofa to sit beside her, "Yeah. But I like being around you more. I just feel comfortable whenever you're around."

Feng Jiu blushed and thought to herself, "He really feels so? I also like being close to Dong Hua." Then she smiled warmly at Dong Hua, and he also smiled back the same way.

Dong Hua took a sip of his tea and asked, "Xiao Bai, have you ever lived with another person here?"

Feng Jiu panicked and thought to herself, "Why is he asking me this? Did he remembered something?" Then she uttered, "Uh... No. Why are you asking?"

"I'm just curious. So you always lived alone?"

"Yes. I live alone."

Dong Hua thought internally, "What's the truth behind that piece of note that I found under the fridge the other day? Is she hiding something from me?" Then he replied, "Oh. So who is that guy in the photo frame behind the TV? Is he the guy you had a crush on before?"

"No! He's my best friend. Uhh.. but he's currently away now so you won't get a chance to see him around."

"Oh. So who's the guy that you used to like?"

Feng Jiu felt like she couldn't breathe anymore because she didn't know what to say. "I can't let Dong Hua know that I like him. It would definitely ruin our friendship, and he might even avoid me." Then she replied to him, "Uh... Just someone you don't know. Anyway, I think you need to head back home now. I'm tired and sleepy now too."

Then she pretended to yawn a few times and rushed Dong Hua to go home. He unwillingly put on his shoes and said, "Alright, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Call me when you're awake."

"I will! Good night!" Feng Jiu bid him goodbye at the door, and Dong Hua went into the elevator.

"We kissed twice."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C62
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


