81.35% The Bloodiest Devil. / Chapter 94: Release of slaughter.

章 94: Release of slaughter.

After Ryuk hugged Lu Shan, Lu Shan was quick to say "Ryuk! Leave quickly these people are extremely powerful demonic Cultivators!"

Ryuk was surprised and looked behind and saw just a few foundation Cultivators standing stiffly.

Ryuk pointed at them and asked "Uncle these weaklings? Even by average standards they are weaker than a normal Cultivator. Their foundation is poor and unstable, their qi is like a swamp and they don't even had the one qualification towards the next stage of Cultivation - a truth seed. They are by all estimates undeserving of the title 'extremely powerful' just put your faith in me! Even gods will shiver!"

Ryuk turned around, his rampant aura reeled in and he looked like a naturally charismatic young boy. Yet no one truly believed this sentiment. They had personally witnessed Ryuks chocking aura.

Yet for normal people like the princess, Ryuk didn't seem so frightening so she exclaimed "You little brat who do you think you are? kneel before this almighty sir here."

She dragged Ryuks attention with her loud voice and he looked towards Cai.

Cai looked at her fiercely as he knew even if Ryuk was only foundation 3 it was 1000x his foundation.

Foundation stages don't really have much of a difference. That's why the sect competition is between all foundation Cultivators.

If you were to look at the foundation of Cai from the source such as type of qi, the purity, the quantity and the quality if you were to add it all together as drops of water it would be comparable to a pond whereas Ryuks was a great ocean. It wasn't an exaggeration people from his realm could at most have 2% of the power he had, but for those from other realms he truly wasn't sure and even in his realm how many geniuses or Universal chances have been born?

Ryuk said "Hm. Girl you posses the same blood as my uncle yet you are standing opposite to him. Why?"

The girl laughed "Me share the same blood as that bastard? He's just the son of a concubine who thinks too much of himsel..."

Before she could finish speaking Ryuk pulled out his hand and powerful qi waves fluttered out causing the world too moan in pain.

She was dragged by some mysterious force and was in Ryuks hands. Her white neck which looked like that of a beautiful swan was now being strangled like a sausage.

Ryuk said "You dare call my uncle a bastard? Their is no right nor wrong, but you are truly ugly. Return to dust and perhaps you may find beauty. Hell."

As Ryuk said that cast her ablaze in twisting azure flames. Her soul shattered by golden eyes and her body everything turned to dust that scattered faintly in the wind.

Ryuk then pointed towards Cai and said "Your foundation is truly a problem. It isn't a problem for wisps of qi to enter. Pity your own lack of effort and dedication to your own life."

Cai began to feel the qi in his body ramage and force him to kneel. He looked up fearfully yet Ryuk hadn't even broken a slight sweat.

Ryuk said calmly "Among these people your soul is the most ugly. You'll be a good meal for me."

Ryuk used Hell's calling and Cai felt as if a Golden vaccum appeared in front of him. He felt his soul being dragged away and no matter how desperately he tried he felt a sense of weakness. He felt within his deepest parts if he was dragged away no good things would happen.

Even small evils were used in Hell as punishment. If one stole a medicinal pill in Ryuks Hell the person would make the punishment as the person having grand fortune and then have it was all stolen or he would be a small shop owner barely making payment and saw this theft. So against demonic Cultivators who generally exercised cruel means to Cultivate it was like oil meeting the hottest stove.

Ryuk especially liked this brat as he could see he had committed many more sins that the rest that meant Cai's life in hell would be extremely positive and thus his punishment being very good negative nourishment.

Surprisingly Nothingness hadn't had many negative and positive mental energy releases

Soon the struggle ended and Cai felt limp to the ground his pupils gone with only a faint white, as his soul was captured by Ryuk.

Now at tribute 2 Ryuk could contain a soul easily even being able to capture and store 5 people at once. He could even store the soul of someone stronger at 3 or 4 tributes.

This was because Ryuk could slowly wear them down and eventually consume them


Ryuk sent a blue flame onto Cai causing him to turn from, man to bone and then ash then nihility.

From the nothingness remaining a drop of blood essence floating in the eternal azure tendrils.

Ryuk brought back the flames which seemed to dance around excitedly as if having a consciousness of its own.

Ryuk collected the drop of blood essence and turned to Lu Shan and said with a smile as if giving a treat instead of the collection from a murder "Uncle for you! Don't worry I've already purified and concentrated it."

Lu Shan wished to talk yet as he opened his mouth the blood essence fell down his mouth and with it unprecedented amounts of qi, vitality and more flushed within him. Soon his Cultivation rushed from condensation 1 to 3 and then continued until he broke through to foundation stage 1,2,3,4. Foundation 4. Lu Shan had skipped so many stages in a single shot. His Cultivation was extremely unstable so Ryuk put his hand on Lu Shan's abdomen and began to help solidify it. Ryuks powerful clear qi flushed in and began to help make Lu Shan's chaotic qi calm down.

Ryuk after stabilizing Lu Shan's Cultivation turned to the rest of the Demonic Cultivators and they met a similar fate turning into blood essence which Ryuk drank, yet nothing really changed.

Ryuk sighed "Compared to that core disciple girl I met and her blood essence these Demonic Cultivators aren't even worth mentioning. I should really go see her, maybe she's refilled her supply. Hehe."

Ryuk stared at the two princes who were shaking and the commoners turned slaves. Ryuk had no good affection towards any of them.

1,000,000 hells basically was like Hell in his soul, but instead of giving him nutrition it was just a clear soul attack that used the persons sins and evils as fuel. When Ryuk shattered the princess's soul he received the pure soul energy from her and within it was her memories.

So naturally Ryuk was able to see the whole life of the person he used hell on.

He naturally saw how the Bull Empire treated Lu Shan and thus had no kindness for these people even considering turning them all into blood essence.

Yet suddenly with a quack a beautiful rank 6 Moon skipping swan fell down and with it a boy with heavy Yin energy.

These people naturally thought someone with such Demonic yin qi was a Demonic practitioner, but who could have expected what he would say.

"Ryuk tell your stupid duck to fly properly! While in mediation I nearly fell over and died!"

Comet pecked Blacks head and said "You stupid demon I repeatedly told you to hang on tight yet you and your haughty attitude wouldn't listen! Master let's leave this punk behind!"

Ryuk sighed as he saw these two bickering.

Suddenly Ryuk felt something and said "Black enter my ring some sect disciples are coming."

Black nodded and entered Ryuks ring.

Soon enough after a group of one man and two girls appeared on a tall Rank 3 winged snake.

They were imperial sect disciples and also the man and one female were inner sect disciples. They had seen this natural array and entered looking for treasure and also seeing if anyone was hiding in there. They were surprised to feel thick demonic qi and even demonic yin qi. They rushed and saw a group of Bull Empire civilians. The man, inner sect girl and other girl respectively had Cultivation of foundation 6, foundation 7, foundation 2.

They were stunned to see Ryuk and knew him very well. Student of the sect master and also so called heavens brightest son.

They bowed and said "Senior brother Ryuk."

Even though Ryuk was younger and from a younger generation. His Cultivation talents alone would deign their respect, but him being the sect master's student put him a few generations above them and also finally his combat abilities. Ryuk was said to have killed a rank 7 beast. They had to believe it as Mongoose had provided a recording crystal with Ryuks battle. Mongoose had put up a recording crystal kind of as a funeral arrangement so that they would be remembered, but they survived and it turned into evidence.

Furthermore that was back then another half a year ago and even that wasn't enough Ryuk had a weird relationship with the Alchemist division, forging division and even formation division.

Ryuk nodded and said "I killed the group here and turned them into blood essence. The leader was named Cai and he was under general Wret."

The group nodded, but then said "What Cai the one shot rapier!"

Ryuk shrugged his shoulders and then said "How much of Bull Empire is destroyed?"

The inner Sect disciple said "About 70%. Most of the resources have been taken. The king and queen abducted. It should be simple to remake the kingdom and it's royalty."

Ryuk said casually "Don't do that. Destroy the Bull empire."

The disciples were shocked, but Ryuk continued.

Ryuk said "I have acceptable reasons, but I don't think you're good enough to know them. Regardless, issue a command that Bull empire should be destroyed. Send groups to these points they are demonic Cultivators nests. There are about 10,000 foundation stage 1-3 Cultivators, 100 foundation 1-6 and only a few dozen captain with a Cultivation above. Don't worry about the number from the information I have you only need to worry about Henry Keen a rank 6 foundation stage Cultivator and Agra Mah a rank 4 foundation stage Cultivator. Those two have the qualifications to be inner sect disciples and have a fair bit of their sects inheritance and resources invested in them. Henry Keen is exceptionally capable in taming of beasts and has a small army, Agra Mah is skilled in assassination be careful. I will be going to Bull Empire to destroy it and also send a message from the Imperial Messaging stone in the martial house. Immediately act General Webei is currently outside making negotiations so this is the best time."

Ryuk spoke quickly and concisely and then got on Comet taking Lu Shan as well with him.

Before he left he said "Uncle do you want me to kill these people?"

Lu Shan didn't speak when the inner sect disciple man said "Senior brother Ryuk we cannot allow that."

Ryuk looked at them his Bloodlust screeching outwards "Did I ask. Should I kill you instead?"

They walked back in fear unconsciously.

Lu Shan hastily said "Ryuk theirs no need."

Ryuk said "Uncle these people are nothing yet they dare shame and insult you? How dare they! Not even the most filthiest part of Hell deserves these scum!"

Lu Shan shook his head "I can only blame fate and my own weakness. This could also be considered the heavens trial for me. To learn from my sorrows and rise. If I cannot even do that I am unqualified."

Ryuk snorted "Uncle. The Heavens. They are but a joke. One day..."

Ryuk stopped speaking instead he sent a message into Lu Shan's head through his soul as he also simultaneously released his slaughter truth causing him to be surrounded by a red light that seemed to wish to dig into the world and claw it apart.

"I will conquer not only the heavens, but the entire universe!"

With that Comet pulled it's wings down causing a large storm to brew and he flew up like a lightning bolt.

Lu Shan was still captivated by those words "I Will conquer not only the heavens, but the entire universe."

Lu Shan laughed in a happy manner as he remembered only a year and half ago he had told Ryuk some foolish speech as to resign to fate and heavens cruelty and now he appeared again in front of him as a amazing young man who seemed to wish to devour the universe and yet with such a burden his back didn't bend.

Lu Shan said as he took out a wine bottle "Time really does fly. Ryuk how are you my boy."

Ryuk laughed and said "Uncle In doing great. I got a master who is like my father, I have friends who have shed blood with me, a loyal companion, a girl I have a rivalry with. Life has changed fiercely for me."

Lu Shan said "For a fifteen year old boy I'm happy. Only a little more than a year and half has passed yet you've changed much. Your aura and everything has changed."

Ryuk smiled and said "I forgot. I'm a fifteen year old. My, my how I've aged. Haha. I don't even know my birthday."

Lu Shan said "In the city records it just said early April."

Ryuk said "Hm. In the Xin family let alone live properly, I couldn't even have a small birthday. Not that it would matter. I didn't have anyone except my mother to wish me."

Lu Shan said "It's January in a short while you will be sixteen."

Ryuk and Lu Shan talked awkwardly yet warmly like this arriving soon at Bull Empire capital. He remembered the sect competition and getting pommeled by Mooneye. He touched where the hammer had hit and cursed the brute. Yet silently no anger just a weird warmth spread outwards.

Ryuk descended down into the fallen city making his way through the rubble finally arriving before a large area.

This place was bigger than the Royal palace area and had little to no damage when compared to the rest of the city.

Ryuk walked it and a flashing array stopped him. Yet Ryuk waved his hand touching a very small point to the side causing the array to break like glass into small bits.

He kept walking finally he saw a small group of men and women wearing the Imperial Martial house visage on their chest. They were laughing and smiling as one of them showed off a storage ring.

Ryuk listened carefully and without that much shock these fellows had ambushed the sect elders and the rest of the disciples, finally stealing the resources inside.

Ryuk appeared and slapped them all to death.

He also took the resources...

He went to a large crystal that had various inscriptions dug into its hard cover. He took out his identification token and put it into the creases of the crystal.

He began to draw various lines and then flicked it upwards causing a white beam to shoot out of it.

Ryuk took away his identification token and as he was to walk he stopped in place.

He slowly took out his sword and turned around sending a fierce sword light crashing into the grass.

A large black snake hissed eviily releasing two red streams of poison from its long fangs. It's body had coiled as it evaded Ryuks sword light, but a bunch of scales had been ripped viciously off, incurring the black snakes wrath causing it to in fury secrete it's cultivated poison.

The two red streaks met Ryuks skin, which speedily absorbed it. The snake with it's sharpness and intelligence began to slowly slide towards Ryuk.

As it was in arms length, Ryuk reaches out and caught the snakes large maw and no matter how it tried Ryuks grip was like steel.

Ryuk said "Poison? It's tasty I grant you that, but it's lacking my friend."

Ryuk then poked the snakes diagonal eyes with his other hand and once impaled sent his qi to rampage, destroying the snake internal organs. Melted brains leaked out of the snakes eyes.

Ryuk tossed the snake to the side and said, "Like I guessed that damned general has already made his plans. Purple Sage, a extremely sneaky practitioner. Luckily his way is one of taming beasts and he is actually rather weak and also has a extremely arrogant spirit. Sneaking demonic Cultivators into the empire to then breed. They want to make their own faction in our home and then to consume us internally. How smart and cruel. Even that guy Cai wasn't known to this information, but luckily random things he saw could help me determine the plan."

Ryuk looked at the snake and said, "This must be one of its beasts and he probably knows it's dead. He will be coming soon and then their will be a huge conflict. I should send uncle off, but will the sect allow him to enter?"

Ryuk didn't inheritly have any affection towards the word family, and it was only later on in his childhood did it become his dream. Even the concepts he originally had were far too naive and simplistic to create such a deep longing in Ryuks heart.

When Ryuk was young he used always see parents collect their children from Martial schools or simple scholar schools and seeing these children get picked up by their parents created a deep longing within Ryuk. Ryuk learnt nearly all he knew from story books and the like from the Xin family library, but occasionally he would have to go to school even with his families indifference he went. He wouldn't actually learn always finding school boring so he peered out the classroom most of the time. Yet the thing that really stayed with Ryuk was his hate of rainy days.

When his mother was alive she was too busy to collect him and when she was dead he had no one. On rainy days that sentiment was especially present. He felt so aggrieved and saddened when he saw parents hold their children under umbrella's. He hated how he didn't have anyone to cover him from the rain. Ryuk despised rainy days, even now he hates them. Yet from that jealousy bore a dream. He wishes one day he could have someone to hold an umbrella for him like those parents did for their children, or a boy for a girl, or a child for their aged parents. That was Ryuks dream. Now he felt he had people like that and one of those people was Lu Shan.

Ryuk not only wished to be protected and shielded he wished to Conversely do the same.

He told Comet to take Lu Shan to the Imperial sect after a few breaths of hesitation.

He then went through the town killing individuals he suspected of being demonic Cultivators. He stood of the city wall overlooking the setting sun as red filled the world.

A strange purple dot could be seen riding the sun.

Ryuk stood up and calmed down by breathing deeply in and then out.

He whispered silently, "Slaughter."

Faint crimson colored Ryuks eyes and his disposition changed significantly.

His brain no longer emotional or caring, now simply containing a single desire - To Kill.

1mmortal_Azure 1mmortal_Azure

I don't think anyone reads anymore... So after like two arcs Ill be stopping. So if you read this somehow after that time. Yep. I had actually written tons of chapters for future arcs and even the ending, but you know... If I do feel like it I may finish it, but I don't know. So yes. If someone is reading now please tell me in a comment so I can maybe change my mind, but if not I guess thanks if you've read this far.

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