23.8% Frenzy: DxD edition / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

章 5: Chapter 5

Timeskip 2 years

Some would say that an emblem is a symbol of a crowned village, the middle of the heavens. Instead, it was a flag of victory, showing their symbol of what they are. A lion for its pride, snake for cunning, a tiger for its ferociousness, and an eagle for its freedom when it soars high to the sky, being free of the dangers of what would come.

These past 2 years since Shiro, Brihanna, and Jamal had joined the band of the hawks had been one event after another. As in, they not only raided almost every stronghold in the area but also united their owners in one banner with Griffith also uniting all of the orphanages so that some would unite their friends, family, or companions. It had been something which Griffith had been intending to do since the very beginning, a task which could very well have reshaped the village's history

For the first time in the village's bloody history, the Band of the Hawks had achieved something that everyone could not get no matter how hard they tried:

Peace and order.

At first things had started off quite slowly, with the entire merc group being solely owned by one Orphanage which wanted to monopolize everything the Elders provided them themselves, however gradually Grifith had climbed up the ranks in terms of popularity within the Orphanage's staff members. As such, he managed to convince them to start a village-wide campaign which would pit them against every other Orphanage in the Village, one could almost call it similar to a Crusade, actually.

A crusade which had lasted for over 2 years as the players gathered on the board, resulting in 2 years filled with nothing but bloodshed.

During those times, the Band of the Hawk had gotten plenty of chances to distinguish themselves as a prominent fighting force, resulting in them becoming increasingly famous amongst the populace. It even reached the point where the people started to think that they weren't simply just petty thieves, but a knights' order. The many among the group having achieved their own dreams. Jamal finally got a house big enough for lots of people to live in, and others became rich, gained fame, and got some girls.

Speaking of girls, a few times Shiro had noticed that when he was with Brihanna, she would stare at various men (mostly soldier-types with hulking builds) who were talking and hugging each other like brothers who hadn't seen one another for so long. Whilst watching them, she would have this strange, small red blush on her brown skin, something which Shiro had learned from asking a couple of his fellow hawk members that it was a sign that Brihanna had some level of interest in those types of guys. Now, ordinarily, this wouldn't be too much of an issue, since in Shiro's mind this wasn't really a big deal. However, what confused the teenage boy was that he also saw her staring at females sometimes when they were..... Gossiping, for lack of a better word. She would partake it getting sometime close to them that he surely did see her blushing faintly.

What the hell was up with her?

Whelp, it didn't matter to Shiro because what Brihanna wants to do, she can do it, it wasn't his business.

Anyways, right now the white haired teen stood outside of a big building which likely belonged to the chief of this village, waiting. The boy stood in some leather shoes, some white leggings with matching pants, and a large coat with a formal looking vest and shirt combo. His hair remained the same, and with the broche attached to his neck, one wouldn't be able to tell that he wasn't a member of the nobility.

Still, the teen couldn't help but wince in discomfort as he tugged at his shirt's collar. Why was he wearing such a lavish outfit, one might ask? Apparently, according to Griffith the Village chief had invited a few of the Band of the Hawks group to what he had called a 'ball' of sorts, which was basically like this group event where the big shots of the city apparently gathered together to socialize. At least, that was what Shiro had been told by one of his fellow fighters.

At first he had been reluctant to go himself since he didn't have any interest in going, but then Griffith had convinced him to go since he was almost a loner type of person, and as such he could do with some socialising so he could make more friends, thus he had reluctantly come here.

Though, just like Shiro had anticipated, he soon couldn't tell if this was supposed to be 'better' since whilst the orphan kids back in his original Orphanage had alienated him due to his looks, it hadn't been long for the other Nobles to start doing the same. Though it had been done behind fans and other such 'discrete' methods, which somehow only infuriated him more. It immediately clued him in to the kind of people nobles in the upper ranks of the Village truly were: greedy, arrogant and condescending like all hell.

Right now though, as he stood outside the mansion in which he could hear the sounds of laughter and merriness, Shiro looked up at the skies above and closed his eyes immersing himself into thinking of the past.

Ever since he had joined the Hawks, everyone had achieved their dreams including Jamal. But… what about him? What had been his dream? Shiro, upon asking these questions which he hadn't thought of asking, finally made a discovery... that his 'dream' simply didn't exist, for he never had one in the first place.

Thinking about it, Shiro reflexively tried to grasp the sword on his back, only for his hands to touch nothing but air and make him realize that he had been forced to leave his sword at Camp, something which sparked a train of thought in his mind amidst the uncomfortable grimace he'd made. In the past, Shiro had never really thought of giving himself a 'dream' like Brihanna and Jamal had, they had goals to strive towards and that had been enough for him. All he had wanted to do was help them achieve their dreams… which was fine and all, but why? Why did he want to help them with their dreams other than out of obligation? Was there any other reason BESIDES obligation that fuelled his desire to help them? Shiro wasn't sure…

But, if there had been one constant that had been with him his whole life, aside from his companions and the 'dream' they had pursued, then it had been the very sword which he had honed. The sword which he had constantly refined through countless battles against all kinds of powerful opponents, the strongest one so far being that inhuman MONSTER he had blacked out against, something which Shiro had noticed but couldn't find any answers to.

From what little he HAD been able to get, he'd gotten from Griffith when he'd asked about when he'd found him, and the man had described the scene to him. Of how it had been similar to when he'd found him in that camp when he'd stayed behind to hold off the enemy. At that point, it had dawned on him that something about himself hadn't been right and, as he searched through his memories, Shiro had made a discovery: that there were small gaps in his memory where he couldn't recall anything. Sort of like a blackout, and every time they happened utter devastation had been left in the wake. Yet this had only served to make Shiro even more confused, providing more questions than answers.

Before, and even after to an extent, meeting his childhood friends Shiro had grown up with his sword as his companion, his sole confidant and the solution to pretty much all of his problems. If there had been something in his way, a swing of his blade would deal with it… perhaps, because of this safety net, Shiro hadn't thought of anything beyond simply swinging his blade. Yet… did he even want to go beyond that? That was a question he didn't know the answer to, like a lot of questions in his mind.

Just what is his dream, what does he want to accomplish? What does he want to do?

Whilst the teenager was thinking about all this, his ears twitched as he heard the sounds of footsteps, indicating to him that someone was approaching him. As a result, he glanced behind him and saw Brihanna walking to him, hands behind her back whilst glancing downward slightly. The girl, like him, had also been glammered out for this event, having been put in a red spaghetti-strapped formal gown, one with frill designs that went close to her ankles and split at the left side in the form of a slit, showing off one of her legs as well as the red heels she sported. Her long light black hair got styled into this long ponytail-like design, with it being held in place by a pink ribbon. If anything though, whilst he could admit that it looked good on her, to the point where his jaw fell open, he also didn't think she would fit into the life of those pompous nobles. It just didn't seem… natural, to him if he were to try and phrase his impressions right.

Finally, she stopped when she had reached about 4 feet away from him, giving him a slight smile as she raised a hand, which was covered by a cream coloured bicep-length glove, to give a little wave. "Heya." she greeted.

This prompted Shiro to speak the first thing that came to mind after a couple seconds. "That's really…" he began to say, trailing off as he couldn't quite finish the sentence. Though, with how he gestured to her outfit, the girl got the message clear as day.

"Yeah… these Nobles REALLY have their tastes, don't they?" Brihanna remarked, looking down at the crimson dress she wore with her arms upwards. "This dress is so gaudy and almost IMPOSSIBLE to move in. Makes me a little jealous of what you guys wear as well as the soldiers on the fighting lines. Much more comfortable…"

On that note, he could SO agree. "Yeah, that's true. These outfits REALLY don't fit me, either." he remarked, once again adjusting the collar. "Since this stuff is what the villagers' taxes get donated for, it's honestly pretty annoying. It's like the clothes represent what life up there's like: stiff, oppressive and restrictive." The boy admitted, and he wasn't entirely wrong. Throughout the back-talking and the discreet gossip, Shiro had felt like he'd gotten a big understanding of that kind of world… one which he hoped to never be a part of again.

Brihanna nodded at this, and soon enough the two stood side by side, their backs facing the mansion as they looked out to the rest of the village. Actions which almost seemed to scream of their own rejection of Nobility and politics for the simple life of a commoner, a simpler yet much more relaxing and free life they'd say. After a while of silence, however, Brihanna glanced down again as she gave a slight smile on the corner of her lips. "You know... when we first met, you were an outcast to the other orphans because they would always make fun of you. They always kept saying that your parents abandoned you because of your unnatural looks…" she remarked as memories flashed through her mind.

Whilst she said this, Shiro nodded his head, looking outwardly nonchalant whilst internally he couldn't help the nostalgia that flowed through him at those words. The first time they'd met… Shiro hadn't thought of it in a while. It had been just after he had finished some sword training, as back then he had been forcing himself to train in wielding swords bigger than himself in preparation for what he would be doing in the future. He, of course, hadn't trusted her internally yet still had been partially drawn to her kindness. She'd been the first one to truly give a damn about him, a fact he'd become aware of the existence of a while later. Then, Jamal had come into the picture with them meeting when the dude had been beaten pretty badly, helping him recover as best they could considering their circumstances, creating their trio as a result. "I approached you because I was curious and that curiosity became friends with you and, later, Jamal."

"... Yeah, I remember that, Brihanna." Shiro nodded, his own lips in a smile too, though that didn't last long since his lips curved into a frown. Things had improved a lot compared to back then, sure, but honestly, he wasn't sure why she was bringing this up right now. Still, for the time being Shiro decided to inquire as to her intentions for coming here. "Besides, what are you doing here anyway, not enjoying the party?"

After he asked this, Brihanna looked to the side, rubbing her left forearm with her right side. "..... I am, it's just…. I need some fresh air." she answered nervously, electing a humming sound from him in response.

"I see." Once he finished that, Shiro looked back to the skies above, this time thinking about how he could approach this issue. Now, whilst he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but even Shiro could see that something had been bothering her, but for some reason she didn't seem like she wanted to talk to him about it since she hadn't told him by now. Usually they didn't hide much stuff from one another. But… how should he go about asking her? Shiro wasn't sure since, as someone who mostly swung their sword around without much of a care, he wasn't really used to stuff like this.

Still, as the two of them looked up at the skies, Shiro pocketing his hands inside the coat he wore, Brihanna finally gulped before she gathered her courage and spoke. "Shiro... I want to tell you something." she said, turning her head to him,

'Whoa, looks like she's going first, then... ' The boy mused internally, somewhat relieved at this since he may have been outwardly calm, but internally he'd been rummaging his brain for answers to this dilemma. From his countless many battles, Shiro had developed some keen observational skills which had helped him predict the enemy's attacks. Thus, applying them here, he had noticed multiple signs of nervousness coming from her throughout the previous silence. "Hmm what is it Brihanna?"

For a moment, the girl went silent again as Shiro fully turned to face her. However, she didn't reciprocate the gesture and instead looked away from him, though when she spoke a couple seconds later, Shiro's eyes widened… though not just from the admission that followed. "I.... I'm bisexual."

"...What? Did hear that correctly.... Bisexual?" Shiro questioned, stunned. It wasn't just the fact that this girl before him was bisexual, though that in itself was quite surprising to him but it got somewhat nullified when he remembered the things he'd observed from her when she'd interacted with guys and girls in the past. What surprised him the most was the way she revealed it, how she had lacked most of the easygoing confidence that she had usually displayed whenever she had been with him, Jamal or both of them. What was so different about this that she had to be like this?

Whilst Shiro wondered about this subject, Brihanna nodded her head, still refusing to meet his gaze with her shoulders slightly trembling. It looked like she was doing what she could to keep herself together, too. "Yes, I like both men and women. I was afraid you would say that." she answered though this only confused the guy all the more.

A fact proven by his next words. "What do you mean Brihanna?" he asked again.

This time though, Brihanna took several shaky breaths as if trying to calm herself down, before she calmed down enough to answer him. "...I… If I had told anyone of this, then I feared that I would be afraid and discriminated against. Something which would be all too common in this village, since they discriminated against you for your looks, Shiro." Once again, a chill crawled down her spine at the thought of that possible scenario whilst Shiro lowered his head, letting his hair shadow his eyes as she continued. "People don't like anything that doesn't quite match up with their ideals, after all, it's something I learned from you. I've been fantasizing about doing... things, with guys and girls alike. I was nervous about telling you and Jamal because I felt afraid that you would judge me for it."

"That's just stupid."

"I know, its stupid to just judge people based off trivial things, but-"

"No, I'm calling the fact that you hid this from me and Jamal, stupid."


"Brihanna, I don't care if your bisexual, it doesn't change a damn thing if you ask me." Shiro explained, rubbing the back of his head with an exhale escaping his lips. Though, opposite him Brihanna looked like she wanted to win a competition for the best dead fish impression, her disbelief being palpable as the boy continued to explain JUST how he felt about this admission. "I mean, it's okay for you to be Bi, I'm not judging you or anything, since you didn't judge me either. Plus, I can assure you that if he heard this, then Jamal would agree with me. You, me, him, we're a trio for a reason, we have each other's backs no matter what. Figured that this little crusade would have compounded that for you." He told her, and it was the truth.

Throughout the entire crusade, Shiro, Brihanna and Jamal had become some of the best soldiers that the Band of the Hawk had ever produced, sticking together through thick and thin whilst always watching one another's backs in case of ambushes. Whenever Brihanna would be ambushed by enemy forces, either Shiro or Jamal, sometimes both, would hold them off long enough for her to make the final blow. Similar cases had happened whenever Shiro or Jamal found themselves neck deep in trouble, which had only solidified their bond. The entire Band of the Hawk had even designated them as the eyes, claws and wings of the Hawk with the first going to Brihanna for her Archery, claws for Shiro due to his beastly fighting style, and Wings due to the fluid agility displayed by Jamal despite his size.


Shiro didn't see how Brihanna looked to be getting flushed by his admissions whilst teardrops had begun building in her eyes, he just kept on going as he looked to the side. This next part, he didn't think he would have to say but if it were to compound his lack of care for her sexuality, then it would be best said now. Though, the boy would not realize till years to come just exactly how significant these next words would end up being. "Besides, if it's really bothering you, then… should you and I EVER end up doing this… dating thing, that the other soldiers go on about, then I wouldn't mind if you brought other girls or guys into any multi-relationships to indulge in your fantasies. You can even make it an open relationship if you wish, as long as it's helping you feel comfortable and satisfied then I'll help you with making them happen." Finally done with his rant, Shiro looked into his childhood friend's eyes dead-on, refusing to tear his gaze away from her. Although his lips remained in a flat line, his eyes said everything else he wanted to say, to which the stunned Brihanna couldn't react in any other way than express a heartfelt, relieved smile despite the red hue on her cheeks.

Eventually, she managed to get some meager words out, and we say meager because in her mind, words couldn't express how grateful she felt at that moment. ".... Thank you, Shiro... it means... a lot to me." she replied, although her words came in-between short pauses as she struggled to keep herself from breaking down, in relief not sadness by the way. After all, those words he had said cut straight through her barriers and hit her right in the heart, leaving nothing untouched.

Unaware of the significance his words meant to her, Shiro nodded as he turned around and started walking back towards the Mansion, hands in his pockets. "Alright, let's go back to the ball or else Griffith will have our asses if he finds that we're not there." He told her, although he internally mused that it would be more likely that HE himself would get his ass kicked since compared to Brihanna his social skills may as well be non-existent.

Meanwhile, Brihanna couldn't help but smile with a slightly amused giggle, since she understood exactly what the guy had been thinking. "You can say that again." she remarked, following after him whilst entangling her hands behind her back. Plus, whilst he remained in front, this also stopped the boy from seeing how Brihanna glanced downwards slightly so the fee bangs she had over her hair covered her eyes… though, the smile and the red hue she'd maintained still persisted.

As they walked to the ball, each of them thinking that things in there would be a great time for them, no more discrimination, no more being bullied, and no more bloodshed to be spilled, neither of them realized it. Whilst it was indeed a great time for them, especially Griffith since he was almost done achieving his dream...

Unfortunately all good things must come to an END.


The following night, Shiro woke up from someone screaming his name as he groggily got up and got out of his tent. 'Ugh, what the hell? Why is someone calling my name now, it's…' the boy thought as he held the side of his head. 'My internal clock says it's midnight. Ugh…'

Raising his head and looking out to see who had called him, he saw that it was some soldier that was looking left and right before seeing him as he ran to him before stopping in front of him. Though, since Shiro had just woke up his question had a LOT of irritation seeped into it. "What the fuck is it? The sun is still rising."

The soldier lowered his head when he gave his report to him. "SIR, WE GOT BAD NEWS ITS ABOUT THE BOSS!"

Even as he yelled this with urgency, Shiro just groaned in annoyance as he went back to his Tent and pulled out his Sword in its sheath, strapping it to his back since he likely wouldn't be getting any sleep now. "What is it? Griffith got injured or something? either way you can just put him with the doctors."


"Then what the fuck are you so worried about? Spill it out already!"


".... Wait, SLEEPING?! Sure, he's famous now, but how can he even sleep with someone?! Especially someone with such a position!" The white haired boy exclaimed, confusion and anger burning in his voice as he tried to make sense from what he had just been told. What the hell was going on here? From what he knew of Griffith, he wasn't someone who would do anything that would put achieving his dream at risk, he was just too driven for that. He shouldn't have done what this guard had said he did, yet just from looking into his eyes Shiro could tell that he wasn't trying to make this up.


Hearing this, Shiro gritted his teeth as, now that he found himself fully awake, his ears twitched as he began to hear the sounds of movements in the distance. That alone clued him in to the fact that they didn't have much time left, so he quickly began issuing orders to the soldier. "Shit, that's bad! Well, wake everyone up and tell them to move fast, now!"

"Got it, Shiro!"

Once he gave another nod to show he had confirmed the orders, the soldier then turned and started running off, intending to go into each tent to wake up the soldiers.

Whilst this happened, Shiro then broke off into a sprint of his own, heavy breathing escaping his mouth as he went into Jamals tent which had been nearby, another testament to their bond. Entering the tent via it's flaps, the white haired male saw him sleeping on the ground, but didn't pay too much attention to that as he kneeled beside him and gripped his shoulder, shaking him wildly. "Oi, Jamal! Dude, no time for sleep, so wake the fuck up!"

After a couple seconds, the older boy groaned as he stirred out of the land of the asleep. Opening his eyes a little, the boy looked up to see the other male, his tired eyes blinking in confusion. "Huh Shiro? What is it can it wait I'm tired of-" he began to say whilst Shiro got up to head towards the entrance to his Tent.

Shiro ALSO didn't let the guy finish what he was saying, the urgency that filled his tone didn't allow it. "There's no fucking time soldiers are coming to our base and we need to leave now!" he declared.

THIS caught Jama's attention, his eyes widening before he slapped his face with his right hand. "... Ah, come on! Just when days were just getting good now! Wake up Brihanna Shiro!"

"There's no need I'm already awake."

Before the white haired boy could reply, the said female's voice came from the opposite side of the Tent. The white haired boy moved the flaps, and saw Brihanna outside the tents entrance, causing both boys to sigh in relief.

Afterwards Shiro turned his attention to Jamal again, his tone not losing any of its urgency. "Good, now we need to leave now before the soldiers get here!"

"You got it, Shiro!" Jamal replied, and afterwards the trio went out of the tent before some soldiers came running around.

"Alright, prepare the horses and wake them up!"


The soldiers who Jamal gave orders to went to the stables woke the horses, said creatures beginning to neigh before calming down after a couple seconds. Afterwards, the soldiers then got onto some horses with Shiro, Brihanna and Jamal going to get some of their own as they began to see the enemy soldiers closing in.



Timeskip few months later

Few months had passed since the day Griffith slept with the elders daughter, marking him as a disgraced man as the authorities had promptly arrested him and some soldiers who had failed to escape in time. Yet, not even up till current times did the feeling of this being like some big nightmare vanish away from the remnants of the once proud mercenary group.

Back then, not even a few days had passed before the news had already passed like a wind throughout the Village. That Griffith had committed such an act that made the Village scorn the Band of the Hawk for their leader and his actions. The band of the hawks couldn't actually believe that Griffith would do that, especially to an elders daughter that made most of them hate him and left the hawks, not wanting to be with them anymore.

However, some loyal ones believed that he was framed, including Jamal because he had a hunch that someone had planned this from the beginning. Things just seemed way too vague, and since most of the loyal guys had known Griffith for a while they just kept seeing holes in the story. To this end, he had convinced some of the loyal band of the hawks to try and find him so that they could find who was it that framed him.

Currently, it was night time to which Jamal and the other soldiers, including Shiro and Brihanna, sat together by a large bonfire. For a while, silence dominated the atmosphere around them before the oldest of the trio spoke. "Alright, from the intel that the scouts gave us before he died, Griffith was said to be held hostage in the northern side of the village, a place where they keep the prisoners. But, with Griffith case…."

One soldier looked down to the ground in contemplation, ironically being the same knife thrower whom Shiro had talked to after he'd regained consciousness from the camp incident. "Unbelievable... to think Griffith would do this….. Type of thing." he whispered under his breath.

"Maybe he wants to get laid or something." Suggested another soldier.

Though, he soon got rebutted by Brihanna who switched her gaze over to him from the bonfire. "Hey we won't know unless we find the truth, I know Griffith wouldn't do that especially with the elders daughter."

At this point, Shiro furrowed his brows, as the many conversations he had with the older man flowed through his mind. Each one, he tried to figure out what could have motivated Griffith to do this, though nothing came to mind. ".... what can we do? Most of us have left the group, and the prison is heavily guarded." he remarked, remembering a few times when his past battles had taken him to that part of the Village. The amount of security around there had been nothing to scoff at either.

Jamal then looked over to him, a look of confidence in his eyes that caught the other boy by surprise. "Don't worry Shiro , the intel we got from the scout was that apparently he was given information that someone gave to him that there is a secret way to get to the prison."

"So basically, we are being supported by someone who is in the shadows?"

"Guess you can say that Shiro, alright let's go Griffith is waiting for us!"


When the remnants of the thief group walked through a large cemetery, some of them questioned their de-facto leader Jamal on why he had led them here in the first place. However, as he was looking around, the male found a specific grave with a dot on the side.With a quick gesture, he asked one of the soldiers to move it, to which one did so. Thanks to the soldier doing this, it revealed that the grave was hiding a secret entrance, to which they became surprised as all heck.

"According to some intelligence from my source, this is said to be a secret passage into the facility itself. We can go through here, grab Griffith's troublesome ass and then bring him out through here." the man explained, furthering the surprise and shock throughout the group.

Though, this quickly turned serious since they had recalled their task of saving Griffith. As they entered the entrance they ran through it before they stopped by the stairs. When they went up one of the soldiers pushed back the lid before one by one making sure that they weren't spotted or anything, as the last soldier went out of the secret entrance they pushed back the lid of the coffin in the middle of the room before seeing where they were.

"A….. church."

"Huh, what a coincidence...." After Shiro said this, he then looked to their de facto leader. "Hey Jamal where do we go now?"

Jamal, without glancing back at him, soon replied. "Well according to the report, he said there is a guide waiting for us."

"A guide? Who is our guide?"


Suddenly they were surrounded by soldiers pointing their swords and spears, prompting them to realize that it was a trap the whole time. Something which Jamal shouted out in fury and frustration, since it had been his fault for the group to be in this situation in the first place. "We were betrayed!"

Stepping forward, the captain of these guards gave a triumphant grin, a scornful sneer escaping his lips. "Yeah you were, scums. Now, drop your weapons and follow us or else you want to end up on this pointy thing's side." he stated, gesturing to his blade whilst the other weapons glinted menacingly.

Slowly one by one dropped their weapons as Shiro had no choice but to follow it, including Brihanna and Jamal as they raised their hands and followed them out of the church and past to some houses when people are looking at them with disdain, disgust and hateful glares.

A while later, the group found themselves at the center of the village which was usually a place where executions would be performed, a place which NONE of the group liked to see. Yet, things got even worse when, over in the place's centre, kneeling like a slave being whipped by their master, was a man whose body looked so skinny that it showed his skeleton, wearing a falcon helmet.


All the Band of the Hawk loyalists gasped as they realized who it was, with Shiro being the first one to dash on over to him. "Griffith!" As Shiro got to him as he looked at him in shock. "Griffith….. What did they do to you?"

"Aaa aaa Shiii aaaa rrroooo." When Griffith opened his mouth calling his name as he put up his hand to Shiro, thats when Shiro became horrified when he looked at his mouth....

His tongue was cut off. "Yo-your tongue!"

Behind the group, the Captain pushed through like the pretentious asshat that he was, cackling as he pointed his sword at them. "Hah look at your leader boy, look at the weak leader of the band of the hawks that he has become! It was SO easy to break his will! This is what every mercenary deserves!" he proclaimed, causing the Band of the Hawks to grow enraged, especially Jamal.


Unfortunately for him, several guards snuck up on him whilst he was yelling and thwacked him, knocking him onto the ground as the Captain stepped forwards and stomped on the back of his head. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, BOY! THIS IS WHAT HE GETS AND SOON ALL OF YOU WILL JOIN HIM!"

Whilst this happened before him, Griffith lay in despair when he was held by Shiro who tried to rescue him. Here before his very eyes, his loyal soldiers, his best friend and his companions were all being scorned by the very people who he worked hard to protect, saved, and gave him peace and order in this village. Now here he was betrayed, framed, and being mocked by them.

Slowly his bloodied hand went to his necklace, the Beherit, in order to grasp it. As he did this, his pupils shrinking and becoming dots whilst violently shaking, the Beherit…

It began to move.

It's facial parts slowly arranged themselves into their proper places, its face soon complete in about 3 seconds. At first, nothing else happened during this time, even though the face's form did indeed bring Shiro and the others' attention to it. However, this didn't last long as it began to open its eyes and mouth, resulting in it shedding tears of blood. To compliment this, the Beherit emitted a low scream which caused everyone to feel chills crawling down their spines.


"What's that horrible sound?!"

Several soldiers cried out whilst the rest of the Guards, including the civilians who had gathered around for the spectacle, held their hands over their ears to try and block the scream out. However, it felt as though that their efforts didn't yield any results whatsoever since they could still hear it as clear as day. Yet, out of all of them, only Shiro had his ears uncovered, for his arms remained at his eyes as he stood up, looking down at the Beherit with every instinct SCREAMING at him to run as far away from that thing as possible and prey for his soul.

Something which would no longer be possible in the next few seconds. To start with, the ground, buildings, even the skies themselves, all of it just became nothing of what they should have been, the ground becoming a floor made of nothing but human skulls. The Buildings became the same way, but instead of being buildings anymore they turned into anthill-like structures with various bones sticking out, skulls being the most prominent. The skies themselves also became like the ground, resulting in everything around the entire village and what had once been it to become something out of a twisted nightmare. Citizens, Guards, and the former mercenary band looked around in sheer terror at the sight of things around them, some of the mothers with young children clutching their young as a form of comfort. Some kids burst into tears, crying as if they instinctively knew what would be coming soon.

Worse seemed to still be coming though, for throughout the entire village, various appendages burst out from the hills and floors of skulls whilst large faces burst out from them, reforming the land into some sort of dessert made from them with the entire village centre being one face's entire forehead. These appendages pulled the bodies they were attached to out of the skull floor like something were rising from the depths of hell themselves, a sight which made the children cry louder as they begged their mothers to take them away whilst the few orphan children held their weapons in defensive stances, still shaking in their boots though.

'The fuck…? These things…'

However, to Shiro, these grotesque beasts of all kinds of different shapes and sizes… each of them gave him the same feelings of primal dread that one man he'd blacked out against. He couldn't describe them all, due to how varied their appearances were, but if he were to try then he'd probably call them one big mass of flesh, teeth, limbs, claws and Tendril-like things, something which instinctively made him draw his sword. "Guys, we need to group up! Hold it together!" He called out to his comrades.

This wound up snapping them out of their funks, with Brihanna and Jamal doing so first as they looked back to him. "Shiro, you know what the fuck's happening here?!" the latter exclaimed, he and the rest of the former merc band surrounding their leader Griffith whilst drawing their weapons. They weren't contested or challenged either due to the Guards being too preoccupied with the situation developing around them, although that didn't mean all of them were unaffected by it with proof being how Jamal looked like he was a victim facing their death in a horror movie. "Cause I'd sure as hell liked to know if you do!"

"Next to nothing, sadly!" Shiro replied, before gesturing down to the Beherit that Griffith held. "Though I'm willing to bet that thing our leader has a connection to this shit!"

Before Jamal could reply to this, one of the faces to the far north became pale, as well as womanly… before it proceeded to lift itself out of the ground as if it were a being buried in sand at a beach. The head formed hair, facial features and even an upper body, with long arms and a bare torso that sat upright, soon sprouting large, black wings that were still taking solid shape from her back until she stood upright on two womanly legs. Though, at this point the wings had formed into ones just as large as she was tall, being about hundreds of feet in height alone whilst the wings became shaped like those of a Bat.

If this wasn't bizarre enough, from the skies above their heads, a whirlpool of painful groaning faces formed, it's centre forming a large round head with two small black eyes and a wide, grinning mouth similar to that of a mad scientist when all goes according to plan. The head soon fell out of the whirlpool, connected to a small body that had only fin-like tendrils that hang down below it.

Third, from one of the large hilltops came a figure in a similar manner to the woman, forming as a puckered human face with the body of a massive woodlouse.

Finally, the fourth one, which formed from the large black sun that floated in the skies above, once having been the moon itself until it had gotten shadowed. For this one, it took the form of a humanoid with a partially denuded skull with a large exposed brain clothed in a long cloak with a high and pointed collar.Since it stood upright, it appeared that its cloak reached the ground in length, with the skull lacking a calvarium, which thus resulted in the exposed brain being much larger than could be contained in a normal human skull. The intact skull's skin looked to be drawn tight to the bone, with a missing nose and lips along with the surrounding skin retracted by fine hooks and wires. Furthermore, the eyelids looked to be stitched shut. He usually keeps his hands and arms hidden underneath his cloak.

Needless to say, NOBODY dared make a sound right now thanks to their almost colossal size and presence. Then, one of them, the one with the oversized brain, began to speak. "TIS A TIME OF BLESSING, TIS A TIME OF CELEBRATION. I BID THEE ALL WELCOME TO THIS TIME AND PLACE. O YE' LAMBS WHO HATH CREATED GOD! WELCOME HEE HITHER AND PARTAKE IN THE HOLY FESTIVAL!" The being then put out his hand and pointed at one of them, more specifically at Griffith being held by Shiro as they looked at it.

Shiro looked at Griffith as the others began to speak.

"Time of blessing?"

"Lambs who made God?"

'What….. Does he mean?!'

With how some of them questioned these things, none of them got answers as the big-brained individual continued on it's spiel like they hadn't done anything in the first place. "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE. THIS PLACE AND TIME HAS BEEN CHOSEN JUST FOR YOU. WE ARE KINDRED. THE BLESSED KINGS FOR WHICH THEY CRAVE."

Seeing as how they were being ignored, a fire started to light itself up in his eyes, prompting Shiro to growl like an animal as he pulled out a dagger he'd hidden in his left pants leg and pointed at the big brain guy. "YOU DRAG US OUT TO A PLACE WE HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT AND SPIT THIS KIND OF NONSENSE OUT AT US!! "HONORABLE CHILD"?! "KINDRED"?! WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THAT?! DON'T MIX HIM UP TOGETHER WITH YOU, MONSTERS!!"

Everyone looked at Shiro and Griffith as he boldly shouted at them, to which the beings looked at them before one of them the woman placed her wing at her mouth as she laughed. "Hmhmhmhmhm such a beautiful friendship….. I'm sure you'd make a wonderful sacrifice."

Shiro then went into shock at what the monster said. "What... sacrifice?"

"Yes, a precious sacrifice in order to become a demon king."

Those words did NOT sound good, as many alarm bells began to ring inside Brihanna's mind. "Demon king? Did she say a sacrifice?" she whispered under her breath, but her words caused chills to go down everyone's spines.

Then the small one floated around then spoke. "From the moment that scarlet Beherit came into your hands, you were qualified to become a demon king." It explained, pointing one of it' hands down towards the crippled man. Griffith and Shiro looked at the beherit in bewilderment as this was the cause of all of this, though seconds later the creature hummed in thought.."No perhaps we should say that you received it, because you are blessed. With the beherit you have summoned us, which proves we are kindred. That's because all the hosts gathered here in this place come into power summoned by the beherit."

Shiro and the others looked at the monsters around them, each one still standing throughout their surroundings, waiting for something when Shiro began to figure it out. 'Then they're….. All….. like them?!' he thought, memories flowing through his mind regarding that large winged bull he'd blacked out against.

"And that beherit which is in your hand, is no ordinary beherit. It is the one only we guardian angels who can be reborn as the god hand can wield. The scarlet beherit. The egg of the conqueror. And you all are an important sacrifice for the angel's descent."

As this was said, those words seemed to trigger the monsters surrounding the villagers, for the monsters began to get riled up as if they were preparing for something sinister. Something that's about to happen people began to think.

'This….. Is no ordinary call.... It's despair!' Shiro thought, gritting his teeth in anger as he now knew what the answer was. "Those monsters… are going to change Griffith?! And exchange for our life?!"


Then the monster who had its hand together spread it and opened its eye.

"Honorable child, rise to the altar."




The following second, a low rumbling sound filled the air as beneath Shiro, Griffith and the other Band of the Hawks a bunch of faces began to rise upwards. From a bird's eye view it looked more like a wart forming on one of the many large faces filling the landscape, though this didn't register on anyone's minds thanks to focusing on a much more important priority: retaining their balance. Something which many failed spectacularly as they began to fall off to the wayside save for two people:

Griffith and Shiro.

"Shiro! Griffith!"

"Shiro, buddy! Sir!"

Brihanna and Jamal cried out together as they tried to reach out for them, but the two had been too far away and they both had fallen too far from the rapidly growing hill. A hill which was also starting to enlarge and widen itself from its base as Shiro and Griffith struggled to hold on, especially the latter whose body was so weak that he could only resort to relying on the strength of the former as the whole hill (although at this point the ability to call it such became debatable, but it wasn't like either cared at this point) kept getting bigger, bigger and bigger.

Eventually, Shiro cursed when he accidentally lost his footing during the thing's rapid ascension, causing him to quickly lose his balance and begin falling backwards. "Shit!" He bit out, quickly reaching out for Griffith's left hand to which the man tried his best to respond as well…

Only for the tips of their fingers to just barely graze one another.


Another curse escaped Shiro's lips as he reared the Knife back and stabbed it into the side of the now arm-like structure, the male figuring this out due to the multiple finger-like digits that had formed up top. He only managed to partially slow his fall at first, but eventually he came to a halt to where he could look upwards.

Though, back on the ground things kept getting increasingly unstable, with the various creatures around the villagers chanting 'invocation of doom' over and over. Normal civilians trembled in terror, losing their ability to remain calm as, worse in their minds, they had nowhere to run due to being completely surrounded by them. Some Children cried like little whiny bitches, though considering that they were that, kids, especially ones who weren't used to the life of orphan children, that would be understandable. The ones who helped keep them in line would be the various guards as the Captain hurriedly kept giving out orders to his men, showing that despite his earlier actions he could still keep his head on straight.

None of this fazed Brihanna and Jamal though, as they looked up anxiously towards the top of the massive arm, where in their eyes both Griffith and Shiro still remained. 'You two… please be safe…' they both thought.

Up on top of the hand, Griffith sat within the hand's centre, literally in the palm of the massive hand. On top of each of the five digits, stood the four massive creatures, overlooking the crippled man like they were judges and he were a court victim.

Yet. as he trembled there like a leaf in the cold winter, the one with the massive brain began to speak, bringing up the fear being displayed here. "ARE YOU AFRAID? ONE SUCH AS YOURSELF? OF EXTRAORDINARY BEINGS LIKE US? OR THE PATH THAT YOU WILL FOLLOW?"

Of course, without a tongue, Griffith couldn't really say anything to respond to that, but his eyes told them everything that they needed to know, to which the smallest one floated on down to his kneeling form with his grin ever the wide one. It floated upside down as it held a hand up as a matter of factly. "Before we enter the future… lets take a look at the foundation of your past. Then you shall know what it is that you really are."

After saying this, the creature locked it's gaze with Griffith's own, it's glasses-like eyes swirling like vortexes of what looked like mist which then served to take on physical shapes… to which Griffith began to see things. Things which he had long since stopped thinking about on his path.

And he remembered.

He remembered growing up in a village just like this one as a small child, he remembered how miserable and poverty-stricken the conditions had been. Perhaps that was why the Band of the Hawk had consisted of a lot of people from backgrounds similar to that, because in a way they had been like him, people with dreams for their futures which they had not the ability to obtain, due to a lack of any actual 'power'. Power which Griffith had been so close to obtaining until something 'changed'.

But, in his case, what had kept Griffith going back then had been the sight of a large castle, one which had been considered a 'Church' by the general populace. He remembered how he would always stare at it from a distance longingly, for it represented something that he desperately wanted: a home to call his own, a kingdom where he would be on top… a place of POWER. Power that would have rightfully belonged to him, it's king. But, by the time he had been scouted by the people called 'Exorcists' back then, Griffith's goals had already moved on from just simply staring at that 'castle' he had envisioned in his youth for so long.

He remembered it all…


Following this, the woman also started speaking as she waved her hand at the villagers. "Look now, together flying with you, the wings of a hawk, those feathers, they tremble with terror as they look up at you with their pure eyes. The end of the journey smelling of blood. This is the last thing left to you. They will forgive you. Even though now they are in despair, they'll welcome you warmly won't they? And you will live, leaving your injured body to them, returning everything from the past. Bury them in the ruins of your dream."

'Ruins…. Of my dream…. That is the punishment of the God created by man...' Griffith mentally said as the brain man then pointed at the illusion of a great village that Griffith dreamed about.

Following this, the brain man then conjured a green symbol that looks like a straight eight but with a line going in the middle of it and the top was the three lines almost close to each other. "CONTINUE TO BUILD, USE ALL YOU HAVE LEFT. MAKE A SINGLE CHANT, "THIS I SACRIFICE." ONLY THEN, SHALL YOU RECEIVE WINGS OF JET-BLACK, SO THAT YOU MAY BE CARRIED TO HEAVEN. FATE TRANSCENDS HUMAN INTELLECT. IF THAT IS THE NATURE OF TRUTH, IT IS THE INEVITABLE RESULT IF THE CHILDREN RESIST FATE WITH EVIL."


Shiro shouted at Griffith, having just reached the top of the hand alter. Hearing his sole shout, Griffith slowly turned his head to face the boy known as Shiro, an irregular existence to him, as he mentally went on a bit of a tangent. 'Among thousands of comrades and then thousand enemies, only you were at my side at this very moment Shiro... you were the best friend I had met, yet also the one who made me... forget my dream.' Griffith thought, and as if those words were some sort of spell, Griffith then spoke two damning words with determine as Shiro ran to him.

"I... sacrifice."

With those very words, the giant hand then went to Griffith closing itself around him right before Shiro could get to Griffith. "GRIFFITH!" the boy called out to him, though it would only be in vain.

All the while, the big brained creature raised its voice once again, sounding nonchalant yet with a hint of having expected this outcome, with it's following words starting to send the Demons into a bit of a frenzy. "NOW, THE THREADS THAT BIND THE LAWS OF CAUSALITY HAVE NOW BEEN TIED." It then spread its hand as the symbol was floating. "THE PROMISED TIME HAS COME."

After proclaiming this, the symbol spewed out many lines, showering it's surroundings whilst the line went onto many villagers, implanting themselves onto their bodys, branding the very same symbol that the brain monster conjured. One went onto Shiro's left neck, Brihanna's top left of her chest, Jamals hand and many others. Heck, the Captain found one placed on his cheek, with some of the soldiers getting some on their arms and legs. As soon as the symbols had engraved themselves onto their bodies, the monsters then started to go to them preparing to unleash the horror and nightmare they and the elders has inflicted on them


Finally, like some kind of trigger got pulled, the Monsters all began to surge forth towards the villagers, surging across the warped ground like a flood of fangs, claws and Tendrils. The Guards, villagers and the Band of the Hawk Members quickly cried out at this, with the Guards having formed a proper defensive line around the gathered civilians… although the sounds of dying screams in the distance implied that some of the Villagers hadn't gathered here… a mistake they paid for with their lives.

"Men! Don't let them near the civilians!" The Captain proclaimed, throwing out a hand as the Guards engaged the creatures, frantic yells and loud battle cries filling the air thanks to them. Although, the battle (if it could even be called that) soon turned against them, becoming more of one big slaughterfest thanks to the sheer numbers that were launched against the guards. Both outnumbered, and outsized, not a good combination for them which was something that the Captain saw for himself as his men got quite literally ripped apart limb by limb.. He gritted his teeth as he held his sword and charged forth, yelling the following. "Protect our lands! Guard our people-GUARGH!!"

However, to his shock and that of the villagers alongside the mercenaries, a creature that looked like a mix between a spider and a humanoid burst out the ground, using it's various appendages to impale him in all his vital areas, his armour pretty much providing non-existent defence against the superior creature's assault. It didn't take long for the creature to then pull its limbs apart, separating the Guard into multiple pieces before chowing down on him, the sight horrifying the remaining Guards who soon met a similar fate…

Right as the monsters proceeded to move onto the terrified Villagers.

'This is… a Massacre… a unilateral slaughter...' Brihanna thought as she quickly helped Jamal organize a defensive position for the small merc group, knowing that they could only try to hold out for as long as possible since there wasn't anywhere they could run at this point. Some of the villagers tried to run towards them in the desperate hope that they would be protected, however those poor sods soon found themselves being chowed down on by a bunch of smaller monsters who had capitalized on their pathetic cowardice. Not like they would have helped them anyways since they no longer saw the villagers as worth helping at this point. Though, as she saw the creatures feeding on helpless men, women and children with gusto alongside ravenous glee, with dot-sized eyes, she soon found herself changing her stance. 'No… it's not that… its a feast… a feast of blood, and we're on the menu…'

But… why? Was this… real?

Why were they… in this kind of place, originally…?

Up atop the closed hand, Shiro overlooked the carnage happening down below with horrified and downright disbelieving eyes. He didn't understand what was going on at all, part of him wishing that this was just some strange hallucination and that this wasn't happening in reality. However, the boy's instincts told him otherwise, not to mention the faint growling in the back of his mind confirmed this to be true, no matter how hard he tried to deny it. "The hell…? This is a bloodbath…"

"WHAT HAS NOW BEEN ENGRAVED ONTO YOUR FLESH IS THE BRAND OF SACRIFICE. THE LIVES OF THOSE WHO ARE ENGRAVED WITH IT… ARE OUR DEMONIC OFFERINGS. TO THE LAST DROP OF BLOOD. TO THE MOMENT OF AGONIZING DEATH." The big brained creature declared, it's voice sounding like rusted metal pipes grating right next to his ears even if the speaker had been far from him. Shiro cringed at this, rubbing the brand on his neck which currently burned with a searing agony, the flesh around it having reddened whilst blood trailed down from several parts of it. "THEY BECOME FOOD… FOR THE NEW CHILD OF DARKNESS."

As it said this, Shiro instantly figured out who they meant and turned towards the closed hand, where Griffith lay concealed within. Processing the words in his mind, they got met with immediate denial as a snarl escaped his lips, Shiro marching back to the hand's closed digits which were made out of dozens of humanoid faces. He reared the knife in his right hand backwards, then began stabbing away at it. "Just wait…" he whispered, repeatedly stabbing away at the faces in an attempt to try and dig through them to reach his goal. "Just wait, Griffith, I'll get you out of there…"

Such actions rendered an amused snort from some of the overlooking creatures, the big brained one shaking it's head slightly though other than that it remained emotionless. "IT'S USELESS. THE STRENGTH OF MAN WILL NO LONGER PREVAIL." It said, looking down on Shiro as he struggled with his task… or to be more specific, his actions yielded no progress at all.

A faint chuckle of amusement came from the small one as it grinned mockingly at Shiro from above. "Besides, you are mistaken if you think you're saving him. This is what he wanted from the beginning."

"...Shut up…"

This time, after Shiro muttered those words the sole female creature giggled as she sighed in a euphoric manner. "You should have been able to hear it… what he definitely said last…"



A rage-empowered stab was launched by a furious Shiro, the blade snapping off the knife's hilt to be sent flying up into the air. It spun like a wheel, almost hitting the smallest one with the glasses infused into their faces. Making a frustrated snort, Shiro resorted to trying to punch the blockade in front of him, gritting his teeth angrily. "There's no way he'd do that…" he sneered, growling… though, in his mind he DID indeed hear what Griffith had made to say back there. But to him, he just believed that to be some delusional shit these monsters were putting him under, that had just GOT to be what that was. He just couldn't see someone whom he'd come to trust so much, an adult whom he'd admired and saw as unlike the majority to the point where he'd let Griffith help him further brutalize his sword style, as someone who would say something like that of his own accord.

There was something that Griffith had once told him about actually, that regardless of social standing or class, there were people who could send the world into action through their own merits. They were considered to be the 'true elite' as if chosen by the golden rule of the universe itself, resulting in them having power that could only be described as godly.

So, to Shiro, hearing of the possibility that Griffith had willingly chosen this…

'Was this… was this what you really wanted…?'

Whilst he thought about that, his ears twitched when he heard the sounds of something climbing up the arm, and those sounds caused the growling in his mind to get progressively louder. Shiro, as a result, then looked behind him, noticing a multitude of monsters approaching him whilst muttering something about a sacrifice, something which quickly clued him in to their intentions. Yet, even if he lacked a sword due to having been forced to be apart from it beforehand, as well as only possessing a broken Knife, Shiro still didn't feel like submitting to being torn apart today. No, he absolutely REFUSED to, his bestial pride and despite to spill their blood in righteous retribution refused to allow that to happen. Therefore, Shiro let out a loud roar as he jumped forth, leaping towards his multitude of opponents like a madman.

Though, unbeknownst to him save for the observing creatures above, something began to manifest behind him, a silhouette of sorts which caused them to pause…

A large, black beast with a glowing crimson outline, as well as a matching pair of hollow crimson eyes shaped like lightning bolts.

As Shiro was facing off with the monsters up above, Jamal and Brihanna raced together while trying to escape from the monsters that were pursuing them, the majority of their comrades in the Band of the Hawk having been mostly massacred and devoured by now. Suddenly, one appeared in front of them with the intent to eviscerate them, only for Jamal to take out his sword and slash at it before it could get a hold of Brihanna. Not a second later, another one managed to close in on them forcing Jamal to throw a knife at it, making it lose its footing before Brihanna looked to the right and tried to warn him. "Jamal to the right!"

But it was too late as it bit his arm, causing him to cringe in fiery pain. "JAMAL!" Seeing her friend in this state, Brihanna then took out another knife from behind Jamal and stabbed the offending creature, forcing it back from the pain that the stab had generated, before they got ahead of it. "Jamal you alright?"

Seeing the state of his arm, Jamal winced to himself, knowing that even if he survived this, that arm was likely never going to be of any use ever again. "I'll…. Live." he muttered, but the complexity in his voice about that statement remained lost to the dark skinned girl.

Meanwhile, when Brihanna took a look at his bitten arm, she saw how it had begun losing blood fast, prompting her to start showing an increasing level of concern for him. "Jamal��" she whispered.

Though, the man shook his head again and tried to placate the girl's worry some more. "I said I'll live, this is nothing to me." he tried to assure her...

Though judging by how she looked at him in disbelief before shaking her head, he hadn't done a good job. Perhaps he had known that it would have been fruitless to comfort her given the situation, but he had tried anyways. "Nothing? Look at it, it's useless! Everywhere we go! Everywhere they come and chase us! There's no way out!"

"Shut up Brihanna! You'll bite your tongue, remember fight till you die! We'll be together no matter what happens! Besides isn't that what we promised?" he told her, firmly whilst trying to keep his cool himself knowing that they couldn't afford to be reckless at this stage in the game. If they had… well, the consequences were all around them.

Brihanna looked at Jamal with a stunned face before she regained her confidence before increasing the speed of the horse they'd been riding on, one which they had found during the chaos unfolding around them.

However, things turned even further downhill in the following seconds. As they tried to flee from the horrors behind them, underneath the floor a monster suddenly appeared, prompting them to form startled reactions as they tried to change the direction, but it was too late. As in, it opened it's large maw and bit off the horse's legs, causing it to neigh in pain as it's riders fell to the ground while jamal tried to lessen the damage on Brihanna, even as the horse got devoured by the demon.



As Brihanna put her hand on his back they sensed something behind them as they looked and saw a monster standing with two legs, no arm and eyes at the head when it split two showing tentacles. It swung its tentacle as jamal covered Brihanna when it stabbed his injured arm.


"Jamal! Don't worry!"

The monster continued to swing as Jamal covered her to take the damage as she tried to get off of him. "No you idiot… Don't do this!" she tried to say, but her words went on unheard whilst Jamal still covered her, not moving from his place as he continued to receive more wounds. "Get off please! If you go on like this… then you'll-"


Before she could say any more, the sound of flesh being torn filled the air as two Tentacles pierced through his chest as she looked in horror when he protected Brihanna, as she put her hand at Jamals cheek. "To the very end…" He took out a knife as he held on the tentacle that pierced him. "Till the very end…. We'll stick together no matter what!" He threw his knife at the creature precisely at its eye as Brihanna broke the hold on Jamal as she took the fallen sword and ran at the creature, slashed and killed it.

Once she saw that it's not moving she dropped her sword and ran to Jamal as she can tell he doesn't have that much time. "My….. last knife.."

"Don't speak, please we have to cover your wounds."

"Ha... it's….. Alright."


"Heh, maybe for me….. But not you….. And Shiro."


Brihanna pleaded to Jamal as she could see that he was losing so much blood and breathing as he put his hand on her cheek as she smiled. "You know.... I'm glad... to see... you.... And Shiro….. For the last... time." Jamal closed his eyes as he was not breathing as she tried to shake him before knowing that he was dead. She closed her eyes trying not to leak out more tears as she took the sword and saw that the monsters were in front of her.

As she saw them advance towards her, white hot rage filled the inside of her, overruning the fear and switching her response from 'flight'... to fucking 'FIGHT'! "Alright then, if this is the case... COME HERE THEN, YOU FUCKERS!"

With that, a fierce war cry ripped itself free from her throat as she charged forth, though whilst she remained unaware of it her body briefly 'flashed' with this silvery white aura, though it vanished too quickly to be truly acknowledged by anyone.


Lots of it.

That pretty much became the sole thing that dominated his vision, as crimson droplets surrounded him whilst Shiro jumped onto a charging monster,using his broken knife to sever one of it's horns from it's humanoid body that remained connected to the monstrous true one. Furthermore, he sheathed the knife into his pocket before grabbing the severed horn piece, favouring it for it's sharp tip that he drove into the humanoid face of another monster. He repeated this process by stabbing the faces of other monsters which had tried to eat him, ripping his makeshift weapon free before he jumped off the makeshift platform he had been on, landing before the encircling horde.

He could hardly even tell what these things were supposed to resemble in terms of animals, so Shiro had stopped trying and just labelled them as monsters to be slaughtered. Furthermore, Shiro gripped his Horn tightly as he raised it and stabbed it into the face of another monster with a blade like chin, something which caused it to howl in agony as it threw him back, allowing two of its brethren to try and take a bite out of him. However, Shiro recovered in mid air thanks to a loud warning growl in the back of his mind, allowing him to kick one monster with a roundhouse kick before stabbing it in the side of it's head with his Horn. Whilst this did indeed help him land a hit, the monster grew furious, using its larger body to slam into him and sent him flying backwards.

Nevertheless, Shiro once more landed on the face-made hand and charged right back into the fray, his vision filled with red as roars filled both his mind as well as escaped his lips.

Up above…

"Hmhmhmhm… the boy does do his best…" Watching the show with growing amusement, and a mildly impressed tone of voice, the female monster held her chin thoughtfully as her gaze seemed to be trying to strip the boy of his clothes alone with various images in her head… images that should not be pondered on for the time being. "It's ironic though… the stronger his life force… the greater his anguish… the more they become precious bread for the child of darkness…" She then looked down, alongside her observing brethren, towards the digits which held the transforming human within their depths. "Sweet dreams… blessed child… Until now, you've had a dream called 'Griffith'. When that dream ends, you will awaken… into a dream from which you will never wake, into a night which will never break…"

Back down with Shiro, the boy continued to fight against his many enemies, slowly being forced to realize that in the end, his stamina wasn't infinite and that he was fighting a losing battle. Even his bloodlust-ridden mind could tell that there was no end to these mongrels, these abominations of life that were trying to claim his flesh for their own. No matter how many he impaled with his makeshift horn, no matter how many foes he knocked away through sheer strength and willpower, Shiro couldn't help but feel like the end will inevitably come for him, that he was just prolonging the inevitable…

Well, he would fuck that ending anyways!

Shiro REFUSED to die here like some lowly dog food meant to feed a bigger beast. He REFUSED to lay down his head here after a lifetime of struggling to get what he had wanted, that just WASN'T what his blood would allow him to do, and he didn't want to either. Nothing would stop him from fighting on, not the many injuries that spread across his battered body, his clothes pretty much shredded rags at this point, not even the desperate pleas his body's nerves sent him for rest and recovery (not like there was anywhere for him TO rest, anyways).

… yet, deep down, amidst the bloodshed and the maddening howls both human and inhuman alike, Shiro began to wonder why this was despite himself.


Why did he strive so hard?

What did he live for?

It wasn't like he had a purpose that he could call his own, all he'd been doing was helping others with their goals.




Each of them had goals of their own, dreams which they wanted to achieve no matter what. It wasn't the first time Shiro had wondered this as he was once again knocked towards the closed fingers again, in fact he had wondered it many times over the course of the Band of the Hawk's glorious crusade. It had been something which had been bugging him for so long now, that he'd simply gotten used to it, the confusion that is.

But for now, just like he had many times before, Shiro pushed all thoughts that didn't concern how to survive the next blow out of his mind, knowing that if he stalled for even a second then these fucking beasts would just capitalize on that to take a chunk out of him… or more ideally for them, his whole flesh.

Eventually, after stabbing through this large, winged monstrosity through the chest, Shiro hissed when several appendages smacked away at him as the winged beast howled in pain from it's wound, knocking him up into the air and down towards the horde of monsters below. He would have just landed and continued fighting like multiple other instances during the battle where this had happened, but then Shiro noticed that he was falling down towards one which had already opened it's massive maw wide in preparation to devour him. Something which made Shiro bite back a curse as he immediately took action.

He did so by flipping forward just as the maws snapped together, barely missing him as he used the maw's head to flip forwards, over multiple enemies and on top of another. Shiro then jumped forth, intending to stab at the closest monster with his Horn… only to blink when he noticed he had jumped too far and had wound up descending off the palm he had been battling on.


Knowing that a fall from over several hundred meters like this would definitely not end well with him, Shiro fell down whilst stabbing his Horn into the arm itself in an attempt to slow his fall, reducing the weight and impact he would have in the next few seconds. He could even hear the sounds of the beasts above starting to descend down the arm after him like the arm was just another plain old horizontal surface to them, causing him to gnash his teeth in annoyance. However, during his descent, Shiro grunted when he lost control over his footing and slipped, accidentally losing his horn in the process which resulted in him trying to find some way of re-establishing his footing… only to tumble horizontally down the rest of the way.

'Shit, this is bad! If I don't slow my fall, soon…!'


Fortunately for him, Shiro found himself falling inside a bunch of liquid instead of hard ground, something he'd take alongside the burning pain his entire front experienced over being flattened like a pancake. Quickly, the white haired boy looked upwards as he surfaced from the liquid, coughing and gasping for breath. "What the... ? Is this… blood…?" he muttered, until he saw a sight he would NEVER forget for the rest of his days:


An ocean of it which expanded across the horizon as far as his eyes could make out. No matter where Shiro looked, he couldn't see anything else, well aside from various dismembered remains from the countless helpless victims of this whole scenario. Remains he could hardly identify due to their horribly mangled states, but judging from their size and what remained of the clothing still attached, he could tell these had once been the guards, with some having once been female villagers and orphan Children.

"... Shit… the fuck… why the fuck did this happen���? How could it…? Where did everything go so… so wrong…?" The white haired boy muttered under his breath, although one might question if he could be called that since his hair had been stained red by the blood of both the monsters he'd slain as well as his recent 'bloodbath' pun unintended.

A warning growl erupted within the back of his mind, to which Shiro looked around to see what had set this 'thing' in the back of his mind off. To be frank, he had gotten used to the growling voice in his head by this point, for it had pulled him out of quite the few scrapes throughout the crusade, not to mention that his gut instincts told him it had a connection to his regular blackouts. Finally however, he found himself looking at what had caused the growl in the first place, and if his skin hadn't been pale before with all the horror flowing through him like blood, then it CERTAINLY did right then.

For there, floating amidst the pool of blood…

Was a motionless Brihanna, floating within the bloody ocean like an unconscious sailor having survived a hurricane.


Upon seeing her, Shiro quickly got to his feet, forgetting about everything else to check on his childhood friend to see if she was still alive. Approaching her body in a quick jog, Shiro kneeled beside her before picking her up bridal style, noticing that she had been stripped bare with her body covered in VICIOUS looking scars. Although, judging by how her surroundings were filled with various corpse parts, he figured she had been in an intense fight to the point where she'd managed to deal a lot of damage to these beasts… though, he almost lost it and screamed to the heavens with all the sorrow and pain he felt inside when he noticed the mangled corpse of his other friend, Jamal.

At least Brihanna had been alive, Shiro discovered when he kneeled and placed his right ear over where her heart was located, becoming relieved when he heard a faint heartbeat. 'She's alive… oh, thank god…' he thought to himself, sighing with more relief than he would ever care to admit.


His relief became short lived however, when he heard the sounds of moving flesh nearby which caused him to look up. His eyes hardened with a vengeful fury as he clutched his friend's unconscious form tightly, seeing all sorts of monsters circling around him from the immediate vicinity. He could hardly describe them all, but they covered both the ground as well as the skies above, with many of them still sporting various body parts from those whom they had killed. Heads in mouths, arms and legs jutting out, there were just too many to count…

Prompting Shiro to remember everything that he'd gone through with them up till this point.

'That… that's is fucking it…' The boy thought as his hair shadowed his eyes, his teeth gnashing together so hard that they could have cracked and shattered at any second. He held Brihanna tightly to his chest, which remained somewhat covered by his rags save for his right shoulder and pec, his pants covering his legs to just above the kneecap. His body, littered with bruises, cuts and looked to be drenched in the blood of countless, looked so inhuman that it was hard to distinguish him from the rest of them. 'No more… no more of this!'

No more would he think about his purpose. What it was that he strove for, what it was that should define his existence. Nope, not happening anymore. Why? Because he had just fucking found it amidst the endless ocean of carnage, slaughter and malicious desire to rip these fuckers apart.









The simplest words which Shiro knew… THEY were his purpose. All these beasts, no human would ever hope to beat them, so in that case, he would become a beast himself. Monsters existed in all sorts of different forms, something which Shiro knew for a fact, but no matter what he had never really been able to do anything concrete against them as a human… Then what about another beast? 'Yeeeaaaaahhhhh… that's right. That feels more like a concrete answer. As a human, i'm nothing but these fuckers food, meant to be used as some sacrifice for some damned ritual… but what about a beast? Yeah, I'll do that… beasts need fangs though, and I have plenty of them. I'll just rip their faces off, tear out their limbs and utterly RIP, TEAR, and SHRED THESE MONSTERS TO FUCKING PIECES!



All of a sudden, a pulse shot through Shiro when he made the following declaration, causing him to gasp as he stumbled forces, slightly surprising some of the monsters whilst the others kept moaning 'sacrifice' over and over. That surprise didn't last long though, as one of them began to advance on Shiro's position, one shaped like a serpent with various spikes protruding forth from it.

Just as it made to strike at him though…


A loud shriek escaped it as each of the monsters became stunned, shambling backwards in bewilderment at what was going on here. For there, standing with a fellow sacrifice in it's puny arms… was Shiro. Though, changes had been made to his form.

Changes such as the long, black 'thread' like appendages with a crimson outline, crimson energy crackling along their form, forms which looked to have been made from some sort of dark matter which had burst forth from his back as he hunched over, head hanging low so his hair concealed his eyes. One such thread had shot forth and pierce through the serpent, tearing out it's beating heart and protruding out it's back with its trophy. The tip itself showed itself to be razor sharp, as it got lowered to drop the heart whilst it retracted back to it's maker, the other threads whipping through the air and slicing the heartless monster into pieces.

At that point, Shiro raised his head, showcasing his hollow crimson eyes which blazed with malicious intent.



A loud roar escaped Shiro's lips, a roar sounding like it came from not a human but a blood thirsty beast furious at something for harming it's mate or something, whilst the Threads burst forth into action as the rest of the monsters charged in for the kill. A kill which proved itself to be much harder than anything the other mortals could have put up as the threads ripped through their flesh like hot knives through butter. They hacked, slashed, thrusted and ripped apart indiscriminately, adding gallons of monster blood to the already vast ocean beneath them whilst also mixing it up with various body parts.

The wielder of such Threads didn't remain idle either, how could he when he had such a precious piece of Cargo with him? Even as he growled and grunted like a feral animal whilst the Threads did their work, Shiro would dash through the area with speed and strength he didn't even realize he had, though the boy hardly cared at this point. All he cared about was to make these foul beasts pay DEARLY for what they did, taking everything away from him like they had:



The Band of the Hawk.

Everyone's dreams.


They did all this. They were the cause of everything in his mind, and as such, Shiro believed they all needed to die.




Thus, as he fought his enemies with this newfound power, not even questioning it whilst keeping Brihanna's form close to him, all Shiro thought about was the following: 'KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL… KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL-KILL!'




All fighting, heck even all motion, halted when that single heartbeat-like sound filled the air, originating from the closed hand. It was as if all time had stopped, like something had happened which demanded the attention of all of creation itself. Something which even included the berserk Shiro who snapped out of it and looked towards the closed hand, shock and confusion written all over his bloodied features whilst the Threads protruding from him (they actually came from his upper body rags) remained in defensive positions. "Huh…? Is that…?"

"The Birth…"

"The fifth blessed king…"

"The new Demon King…"

Several sentences escaped the damaged creatures whose bodies looked to be falling apart, yet their eyes showed nothing but reverence like the state of their bodies didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. That same heartbeat sound kept being heard from within, filling all who heard it with the sense of anticipation, of eagerness for the creatures as well as confusion and a growing dread for the lone human.

Even so, the first to break this silence turned out to be the big brained monster, who spoke with a slightly more reverent tone to it. "Void." it said, and somehow those who heard it knew that it referred to itself just then. The now christened 'Void' then spoke some more, naming the others as well. "Slan. Ubik. Conrad. Thou art our extension. Our new kinsman to wear the mantle of evil." Void proclaimed, glancing idly at the woman, the smallest one and the fattest one when naming them in that specific order, all the while the hand's digits slowly unclenched, revealing trails of blood that had risen up the arm and into what had once been a cocoon… revealing a distinctly humanoid shape. "The wings of darkness: Femto."

In response to those words, the humanoid being's 'head' split open, revealing itself as a makeshift helmet reminiscent of the armour the being once wore in a distant past. The being, now wreathed in a humanoid black suit of armour with two large 'wings' flared said appendages, flapping them once in order to take flight into the skies, then shoot downwards like a hawk and land before the crouching Shiro.

Allowing said boy to gaze into the cold, piercing slitted gaze of his once comrade, now a demonic being ust like the monsters who had taken everything from Shiro.


The boy mumbled his name under his breath, his eyes shaking as his jaw remained open. Seeing him like this, it finally succeeded in doing what Shiro had been desperately trying to deny this whole time, it compounded the harsh truth that Shiro had been refusing to acknowledge: that Griffith HAD done all this. He HAD willingly joined these monsters in exchange for the lives of everyone who had joined him, including his friend Jamal. He could tell this just by looking into those malicious eyes that Griffith now sported. Eyes which bore into his very soul through their locked gazes, the silence almost serving as a mockery for him…

Something which once again ignited the fierce rage that burned within him previously.

A rage which allowed the beast inside to take over once again, as Shiro's eyes turned hollow red once more, the Threads coming out of him combining together into a single long Tendril, it's tip being a large, canine-like snout with two lightning bolt shaped hollow crimson eyes as well as a large maw.


Shiro roared with all his pent up emotion at Griffith, who just stared back at him with a neutral gaze as if he meant nothing to him as the Beast behind Shiro roared at Griffith almost mimicking his rage. Oh, how he SO wanted to rip into that traitorous bastard, but right now there were other matters to address like the one in his arms. Thus, Shiro needed to get out of here quickly, so by natural instinct he launched the Tendril forth past Griffith, towards the hand altar. It reached it's target, stretching as far as it could before Griffith made to use whatever powers he now possessed to stop him.

However, before he could do so, Shiro began to glow in an orange aura, catching the God hand's attention before it vanished seconds later, as Shiro pulled on the Tendril to let it pull him past Griffith faster than he could have reacted, due to him not being used to his new abilities just yet. Not to mention that, whilst Shiro flew thanks to his manoeuvre, Griffith once again tried to stop him by stretching his hand towards him, however it didn't do anything since Shiro had already gotten too far out of range.

Briefly, he used the Tendril and morphed it into it's Threads form again, grabbing onto multiple fingers and using them like a makeshift slingshot, propelled himself and Brihanna upwards towards the Sun, briefly passing the God hand by. None of them tried to stop him though, as they stared at his rising form before he reached the 'sun'. The boy didn't stop there though as he used the last of his strength to combine the threads back into that bestial form from before, then sent it up towards the Sun like a sledgehammer against an armoured chestplate. Thus, with such force behind it, the Sun 'broke' like it was a piece of glass, allowing him to escape the Eclipse with his friend.

Ubiki then laughs "Fascinating, so fascinating! How unforeseen.."

Slan chuckled as well, her eyes closed with a slight smile on her lips. "Hmmm. We are not gods, so we cannot see how everything will occur, especially regarding that boy's Sacred Gear. A rather powerful one, yet unseen for some time. But, tell us boy, was this also fated to happen? Either way, time has begun to flow again and the fifth angel has been born."


Replacing the spot where the village had been, was a massive tornado big enough to fit the whole village. It rose up to the heavens above, causing clouds to circle around it with various sparks of lightning occurring around it. Just by looking at it, one would want to keep as far away from it as possible, with the amount of raw energy that it was exuding, enough to literally bend the space around it to it's will.

Just at the tornado's base however. An eruption of lighting occurred before a pair of people fell out of it, bouncing along the ground multiple times before one slid along the ground on his backside and caught the other in his arms: Shiro and Brihanna, covered in blood, bruises and a LOT of gore. The male held on to the unconscious female with his life, like she would vanish from his sight if he loosened his grip even slightly.

As he panted, the black and red beast above disintegrating into nothingness, Shiro's eyes closed as he fell down to the floor with her right next to him, dancing on the edge between awake and unconscious. 'Ugh… damn… so weak…' the boy thought to himself, wanting to get up and continue moving but his body just refused to listen to him. All it's energy had been spent surviving that… that hellish nightmare, and as such he had none left to spare.

Whilst he breathed heavily in an attempt to regain at least SOME strength, his ears twitched when he heard the sounds of large footsteps heading his way. Internally, he felt his gut wrench at the horrific implications, implications which came true when he saw a shadow enveloping his and Brihanna's bodies, causing him to weakly look upwards to see what it was. To his horror, Shiro saw a beast looming over him, taking the form of a blue-skinned, huge misshapen human, having fiery red eyes and abnormally long tongues. It's body was covered with bristlelike hair. red matted hair and beards, horns, a fat belly, slit like eyes, and as is typical of Indian mythology, and three pairs of arms as he looked at him


As Shiro looked at the beast in front of him as he was preparing to kill it before a spear went through its stomach


As it turned around he saw a young man with long and white unkempt hair that almost appeared transparent. His gaze looked sharp like a steel blade with the red stone buried in his chest similarly projecting an enthralling lustrousness. Across his body, he wore a set of golden armor that shimmered in an almost beautiful manner, giving off a sort of divine radiance, something which Shiro felt honestly a bit revolted by since it reminded him of the God Hand. "You will not harm him or the girl, Rakshasa."

The man said only this to the being, a Rakshasa as he called it, before the following happened: he pulled his spear, he then slashed the head as it went down. The man looked at it and the tornado before seeing two teenagers, one having risen to his knees, looking at him and the other was a naked woman, one who lay sprawled unceremoniously down on the ground.

Curious, the man began to move. However, before he could take a few steps forwards, the teenage male's eyes turned hollow red as a black beast with a red outline came out of his back, growling in a warning tone to stop that. The man did so, to which the two stared each other down for a moment, resulting in an intense atmosphere between them. As he stared at it for a few more moments, the man noticed the creature's eyes flash with recognition, to his slight surprise as he had the impression of it lacking intelligence, before the beast retreated back into the boy's body. He looks at the both of them before widening his eyes, seeing similarities between them before his eyes shimmered in concern. "I see….. A sacred gear and a descendent of mine…. Truly ironic these days….. Don't worry, rest now for you have already experienced much hardship."

"Who... are you…. Ahhhhhhh." Shiro finally collapsed from the fatigue and exhaustion he used today.

The man grabbed Shiro and Brihanna on their waist as he then stared at the tornado with a fiery, malicious gaze. "One day God Hand... you will be stopped and the world will be finally free from your presence." After declaring this, the man then activated a magic circle on his feet as it began to float upwards to his head, to which once it did, he and the teenagers began to disappear as if they weren't there.

Dark_Spider Dark_Spider


Oh my fucking god this took a long time to do! 34 freaking pages on Google Docs and we’re FINALLY finished with the prologue arc, an extremely condensed version of the Berserk Golden Age Arc, but hopefully some things were done decently. Anyways, Hunter here, and here’s possibly the biggest chapter so far. We have various things happening throughout this chap, some sweet and wholesome, and others horrific as well as tragic. The Eclipse has happened, and Shiro has lost pretty much everything, yet also gained something in return… and we’re not talking about just the Brand of Sacrifice either, although there’s that too. Now, here’s where the story TRULY begins, as we enter into more DxD related stuff. Hope you like, and I bet none of you thought this was coming. Also, if anyone wants to speculate about what's happening, go ahead, we love to hear your opinions. 


FINALLY IT'S DONE, MOTHERFUCKER ITS DONE!....... My name is Darklord brining you another chapter of the story! Now like what hunter said the main event that we were planning is coming so be patient if you want to see how he will survive with the brand of sacrifice. His journey will be involved with some tragedy, drama, gore and action! Alright thank you for reading our story, be sure to leave a review if you want and I’ll see you next time!


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


