
The Little Boy Cares About Him

翻訳者: Noodletown Translations 編集者: Noodletown Translations

Mo Jintian furrowed his small brows. After some thought, he said, "I'll call you Baibai, just like how I call Mommy Susu."

Bai Yansen glanced over at Su Xiqin, who was standing by his side and remaining quiet. Since she didn't respond, he turned back to look at the little boy who was grinning. With no expressions on his face, he said, "You should ask your mom about this."

Mo Jintian was a smart boy and immediately understood what Bai Yansen meant, so he turned to Su Xiqin. Opening his eyes really wide, he asked, "Susu, what do you think I should call him?"

Su Xiqin who was looking down looked up and glanced at the two of them. At last, she responded calmly, "Jintian, you can't be so impolite. You should call him Uncle Bai."

Bai Yansen turned over to Su Xiqin, and he uttered with calm eyes and voice, "Uncle Bai?"

Did I say something wrong? Why did he look at me with such discontent? She couldn't withstand that look from Bai Yansen, so she reached over and held onto Mo Jintian because she felt safer with her child by her side.

"Give Jintian to me!"

Bai Yansen ignored her and looked at her with slight shock. She could only respond in a soft voice, "It's only natural to call someone so much older than him uncle."

It might have been the words old or uncle that caused Bai Yansen to frown and glare at Su Xiqin. Su Xiqin got goosebumps from the cold look Bai Yansen gave her. What kind of look is that? Did I say something wrong?

The atmosphere was rather heavy. Mo Jintian looked up at his mom then at Bai Yansen and realized how strange the atmosphere was, so he explained, "Susu, although Uncle is a lot older than us, I think he's still rather young. I'll call him Baibai."

He then lazily spread out his body in Bai Yansen's arms, acting as if he didn't want to leave Bai Yansen. "Baibai, Susu said we can be friends."

Bai Yansen shifted his gaze from Su Xiqin to Mo Jintian and said in a confused tone, "Be friends?"

"Yeah. You helped Susu find a good doctor when she was wounded because of me. That was why she was able to recover so quickly. Now that I'm sick, you brought me to the hospital. You can tell who is a true friend through hardships, so I ascertain that you are my friend." Mo Jintian explained with confidence.

Su Xiqin didn't expect that this little guy would say these things to Bai Yansen, so she immediately frowned and tried to stop him. "Jintian, you can't be like that. Come to me."

The little guy frowned and said, "Susu?"

Su Xiqin patted the seat next to her and said, "Stop clinging onto Mr. Bai. You can sit on your own and lean onto me."

Her words worked because Mo Jintian loved smelling Su Xiqin's faint calming scent when he leaned onto her. When this little guy heard that he could lean onto Su Xiqin, he climbed down from Bai Yansen and moved his small body toward Su Xiqin. 

Bai Yansen frowned when he saw how easily Little Milk Bun left him after Su Xiqin's short sentence. Little Bun seemed to have wanted to be friends with him but now wanted to leave him, so he spoke subconsciously.

"I can be your friend."

Mo Jintian heard this and turned his clumsy body around and said, "Baibai, are you really willing to be my friend."

"Yeah. We can try to be friends."

When Mo Jintian heard this, he smiled brightly. "Baibai, I knew you were nice to me because you wanted to be my friend."

He immediately turned over and hugged Bai Yansen by the neck with his chubby hands, showing how happy he was. Bai Yansen also smiled slightly.

Su Xiqin was at a loss for words.

Since Mo Jintian had a fever of over 39.5 degrees Celsius, he needed to get a needle shot. When Mo Jintian heard this news, he leaned on Su Xiqin, held onto her hand tightly, and cried.

"Susu, can you tell the doctor that I'll be better with medicine? I don't need to get a needle shot."

Just then, the nurse came over and said, "Mo Jintian, come have you needle shot."

"It'll just be a sec. Men can't be so easily frightened," Su Xiqin softly coaxed. Mo Jintian was further frightened by his surroundings as everywhere around them were children crying because they too needed to get shots. 

"I'm a child," Mo Jintian said, as if he were a kitten begging for mercy while rubbing his body on Su Xiqin's hands. 

Su Xiqin didn't know what to do with this boy, but at that moment, Bai Yansen lifted Mo Jintian up and walked towards the IV area. As he walked, he spoke to Mo Jintian.

"If you want to be my friend, then you need to be like me and not be afraid of the discomfort that is like being bitten by an ant. It really doesn't hurt. You just need to endure for a little while. Can you do that?"

Mo Jintian opened his eyes widely as he felt conflicted. He really didn't like needle shots, but Bai Yansen said to be like him. At the end, Mo Jintian nodded and pretended to be brave.

Su Xiqin didn't expect that Bai Yansen was able to make her son accept the needle shots with just a few words. It was rather incredible because her son's personality was the stubborn type, where once he decided something, it was almost impossible to change his mind. From the looks of it, Mo Jintian really liked Bai Yansen.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

"Can the father hold the child tightly while the mother presses his arms down," the nurse, who was going to give Mo Jintian his needle shot, said when she saw how anxious the child was.

When Su Xiqin heard this, she was going to explain, but Bai Yansen interrupted her. "Can you hold the little guy's hands down?"

She could only close her mouth and hold Mo jintian's chubby hands down onto the table.

Bai Yansen tightly held onto Mo Jintian and said gently, "No need to be afraid. It'll be over in a jiffy." 

Mo Jintian had promised Bai Yansen to be strong, so he could only say yes now and not go back on his words.

When the nurse inserted the needle into Mo Jintian's veins, Mo Jintian cried, not being able to keep his promise to Bai Yansen. However, Bai Yansen's face turned gloomy and reprimanded the nurse who was giving Mo Jintian the needle shot.

"Are you new?"

The nurse's hands twitched a little when she heard the cold reprimand coming from this overpowering man, who's aura resembled that of a king, and Mo Jintian was crying even louder.

Su Xiqin saw how the nurse's hands twitched and immediately turned to stop Bai Yansen. "Be quiet. You're disturbing the nurse and making it even more difficult."

Now that Bai Yansen was scolded by a woman, he didn't utter another sound. Instead, he watched the nurse's action solemnly. Under the stare from both people, the nurse tried to make it as painless as possible for Mo Jintian cautiously. When it was done, she let out a sigh of relief.

The two adults brought Mo Jintian, who had a needle on him, to the IV area. He was alright now, but when he looked at the needle attached to his arm, he regretted what he did.  Why did I cry just now? What a disgrace? Would Baibai not like me now?

The little guy was deep in thought while he sat down on the predetermined seat. Just then, Bai Yansen's phone rang, so he left the room to take the call, leaving Su Xiqin and Mo Jintian sitting there by themselves.

"Susu, was I embarrassing just now?"

Su Xiqin saw that there were tear marks on Mo Jingtian's face, so she squeezed his cheeks and said, "There's no such thing as embarrassment with you anymore."

Mo Jintian was at a loss for words.

Mo Jintian looked over at the direction which Bai Yansen walked towards and suddenly let out a deep sigh."..."


Su Xiqin turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Do you think Baibai will not like me now and won't be my friend?"

Su Xiqin frowned when she realized that that was what her son cared about. 

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