58.33% The Rise of a Warrior: Naruto / Chapter 14: Chapter 9: Search for Tsuande, Red Dawn Approaches 1/2

章 14: Chapter 9: Search for Tsuande, Red Dawn Approaches 1/2

Sarahgri99: Yeah, as much as love writing out the fight scenes, great stories are ones that balance out action, comedy and drama effectively. As for Sasuke reacting to Naruto's secret, well that will come in a later chapter.


A week had passed since the failed invasion, and repairs to the village were very slow-going.

Tatsu hadn't expected to be summoned to a meeting with the elders Koharu and Homura, and met Shikamaru on the way in "Hey Shika."

"You too?" asked Shikamaru.

"Yeah, what's this about anyway?"

"Hell if I know, it's too damn early for a meeting like this anyway. Such a drag."

"I feel you, I was having a good dream too." Tatsu opened the door and went in first, only to see Koharu, Homura and Danzo sitting and facing them, with Kakashi, Asuma, Anko, Ibiki and Genma present as well "Oh, hi."

Kakashi gave an eye smile "Nice of you to join us Tatsu, you too Shikamaru." he got several nods of approval.

Homura stepped forward first "Thank you for joining us Tatsu Kamikaze, Shikamaru Nara. Due to your performances in the Chunin exams as well as the invasion, we would be honored to grant you both the promotion to the rank of chunin."

Tatsu and Shikamaru shared a surprised look, and Tatsu spoke first "Why only us? I'm honored by your decision, but there are others who did a lot more than me, especially Naruto and Sasuke."

Then Koharu stepped forward "Due to the invasion, it was almost decided that no one at all would receive a promotion. But in Shikamaru's case, the Third showed a great admiration for your match and his intentions were to have you promoted." she received a nod "And in your case Tatsu, your abilities, intelligence and pragmatism in battle have convinced us to promote you."

"I see."

"In regards to Naruto." Danzo finally spoke "He has not displayed a temperament or intellect fitting of a chunin, so he will not be promoted."

'Like I thought, they've got it out for him. Very well, and I'm guessing you're not promoting Sasuke because you didn't see enough of his capabilities before the match was interrupted?"


Shikamaru received his chunin vest first, then leaned in to Tatsu "You heard that lame-ass excuse they gave for not promoting Naruto, you can tell those old bags out of him."

"Yeah I know." Tatsu whispered low enough so only he could hear "Especially Danzo, you'd better be careful of him."

"Right." then Shikamaru made his way out with Asuma.

Homura held out a vest to Tatsu "Congratulations on being promoted to the rank of chunin."

Tatsu accepted the vest and bowed "I'm honored."

"Also, there is one other thing." Kakashi spoke up.

Tatsu immediately knew what he meant "You mean Dosu's team that defected from the Sound."

"Yeah. Come with me."


Kakashi led Tatsu down to the Intel Division "You know what's gonna happen right?"

"I imagine they were hauled in for questioning." Tatsu guessed "Actually, I saw Dosu surrender willingly, the same with his teammates after I summoned them back from Mount Hakurei."

"Yeah, so that helps their case somewhat." Kakashi led him inside.

"About time you made it." Anko commented.

"You obviously don't know him." Tatsu pointed out, then saw Sasuke standing on the other side of the room, next to where Dosu's squad had been sitting "You got called in too?"

Sasuke sighed "Yeah, they wanted me to be there as a witness for their actions. Let me just start with this: He attacked my team, or me and Sakura since she abandoned Tatsu and Naruto, while I was unconscious. He willingly gave over his scroll and told us that Orochimaru was planning something, but he didn't know what. Then came Kabuto attempting to abduct Zaku and Kin, claiming that they were still of use to Orochimaru in some way, but then Kakashi interfered and Kabuto got away. In order to protect them, I used some of Tatsu's blood to take them to the home of the dragon summons."

"In the month that followed as well as the invasion, he saved my daughter twice, once from an attempted murder and once from enemy ninja." Inoichi continued "Now the only question is, why would you turn against Orochimaru so easily."

"Allow me to speak for my team." Dosu finally spoke "He sent us on a suicide mission, a fight with Sasuke after attempting to mark him. Then he was planning to use them as sacrifices for the Reanimation Jutsu. We could've gone anywhere when it was over. We could've left after the attack, gone to the Sand and told them it was Orochimaru who killed the Kazekage, but we didn't. We stood down and willingly came to you."

The jonin, as well as Tatsu and Sasuke, all shared a look, and Sasuke stepped forward "There's only one question now: What do you have that we could want?"

"I know the location of Orochimaru's hideouts, and I mean all of them. In exchange for asylum for me and my teammates in the village, I can give you their locations."

Kakashi then decided to test him and pointed to a map on the wall, then used a kunai to draw blood from his palm "How many?"


"Mark them."

Dosu did so.

Anko examined it, even though that was a very likely bluff "Yup, it checks out."

Kakashi looked at Dosu "Alright, you managed to save your and your teammates' asses. Since we're lacking a Hokage right now, we'll choose to keep you in the village, for now at least. You'll be under ANBU surveillance 24/7, and no leaving the village for any reason-"

"I don't think that last part will be necessary." a new voice cut in "I'll take care of him."

Kakashi turned to see a white-haired figure in the doorway "Master Jiraiya. Fine, we'll let you decide what to do with them."

"Well to be fair Kakashi, they did willingly turn themselves over and these two runts and my own apprentice can vouch for them. Let's show them a little more Leaf hospitality. I'll see if I can find a place for the three of them to stay."

"They can stay with me."

Kakashi's head snapped towards the one who spoke "Sasuke?"

"Dosu's already more than proven himself in my opinion, and they're his teammates so I choose to trust them." he took the key from Anko and uncuffed the three of them "Now then, what's your first move?"

"This." they all did the same thing simultaneously: ripping the Sound headbands off and crushing them under their feet.

"Alright, I'm convinced. Come on, I'm willing to let you guys stay at my compound."

Jiraiya nodded in approval "Works for me. I guess there's a good apple on a bad tree after all. Alright then, whichever one of you is Tatsu I wanna talk to you about something."


Next morning, things were getting edgy as two shadowy figures in straw hats and black cloaks with red clouds entered the village, one of them possessing the Sharingan.


Sasuke led the Former Sound Trio, Kin in particular, into his clan's compound and helped them to get settled "Alright guys, just let me know if you need anything."

"Sasuke, wait."

Sasuke looked back to see Kin standing behind him "Something wrong?"

"Well…" Kin then wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his neck, and he could tell she was gonna cry "Wh-Why are you doing all of this after all we've done?"

Sasuke slowly wrapped his arms around her back and rubbed it gently "What have you done? You were just carrying out your orders, what could I possibly be mad about? Besides, I can read people. You're a kind and gentle person, and I could see in your eyes that you were disgusted by the things you had to do. But you don't have to worry, I'll protect you from here on out."

"Th-Thank you…" the sobs turned into sniffles, then eventually turned into light snoring as she fell asleep in his arms.

'I guess I've got someone to protect after all.' he gently took her into his arms, kissed her forehead, and took her into one of the other rooms.


Sasuke woke up the next morning and found Kin firmly latched onto his chest 'Oh yeah, no matter what I tried she wouldn't let go. Still, she really looks beautiful when she sleeps.' then he blushed slightly, but it died down 'Great, Kakashi's turning me into a perv.' then he heard a knock on his window and found Tatsu there with a huge shit-eating grin 'Oh great.' he went over to the window "What do you want?"

Tatsu shrugged "Well for one, I'm here for Dosu not you. Second, Kakashi's looking for you. Thirdly, nice. 8/10."


Jiraiya was doing his favorite pastime, peaking at girls in hot springs "Oh yes, that's it that's it. Oh baby I'm telling you, you've gotta love the Leaf Village. The girls here are off the charts!"

"You've still playing the buffoon I see." a voice said.

"Just doing a little research." Jiraiya turned around and saw a figure behind him wearing a mask, a forest green kimono and carrying a black katana at his side "Haven't seen you in awhile… Dragon." he held out his hand.

The figure, now known by the name Dragon, accepted the hand "It's been a long time Master Jiraiya. I trust he is doing well."

"He single-handedly defeated the one-tailed Shukaku in one-on-one combat about a month ago, and he's grown even stronger since."

"I see, that's good. I was saddened when I heard about the Third."

"Yeah, it's unfortunate."

"And the elders tried to make you the 5th Hokage?"

"Obviously, but of course I turned them down and convinced them to let him go track down Tsunade and bring her back. He's bringing two with him, but the problem is that this organization is about to make their move. I want you to tail them from the shadows and keep an eye out in case they show up."

"I understand."


Kakashi looked up from his book to see Kurenai and Asuma approaching him "Hey guys, you two seem to be getting along."

Kurenai blushed "Idiot, Anko just asked me to pick up some rice dumplings for her."


"What're you doing here, aside from catching up on your reading?" asked Asuma.

"I need to buy something to put on a grave, plus I'm meeting somebody here. I'm just waiting on Sasuke." he noticed the cloaked figure's hand twitch inside the shop.

"Huh, it's not like you to be waiting on somebody. Is it for Obito?"

"Yeah, kind of."

That was when Sasuke showed up "It's not like you to show up early Kakashi, what gives?"

"Well sometimes I do."

"Yeah when hell freezes over." Sasuke looked inside the shop but saw nobody there "Let's eat somewhere else, I don't have much of a sweet tooth, at least when it comes to food."

"Yeah I know, Tatsu told me."

"...I will find him and punch him."

"Sure." Kakashi shot Kurenai and Asuma some looks, and received two nods, and they blitzed away.

"What was that about?"

"Oh nothing."


Asuma and Kurenai were quick to confront the two cloaked figures "You guys aren't from around here are you, what're you doing in this village?"

"It's been a long time Asuma, Kurenai." one of them greeted.

"The fact that you know our names means that you're a shinobi formerly of this village."

The figure slowly lifted up his hat, revealing his fully-matured Sharingan.

Asuma and Kurenai froze in shock "You're-"

The figure removed his hat.

"Well what do you know? Itachi. Itachi Uchiha."

"Are these friends of yours Itachi? Well then, I suppose I should introduce myself." the second figure removed his hat "Hope we can get acquainted later, the name's Kisame Hoshigaki."

"Why should we wait until later? When I can just wipe the floor with you both now."

"Boy Itachi, it looks like they hate you as much in this village as they do in mine."

"We know who you are Kisame, we've heard all about you." Kurenai told him "You hail from the Hidden Mist. Suspected of espionage and the murder of a feudal lord, you're a rogue ninja from the Land of Water wanted in every nation."

Asuma nodded "You're a high level S-ranked criminal, listed prominently in the Bingo Book. Itachi I've gotta hand it to you, the fact that you'd even show your face in this village after what you did takes some guts."

Itachi remained stoic "I'm warning you two, you don't want to interfere with me. It isn't my desire to kill you."

"You know that's pretty hilarious, coming from a guy who murdered his own people. Now come on, out with it. I know you didn't come skulking in here dressed like that for no good reason, what are you after?"

Kisame drew his large bandaged sword from his back "This guy is getting on my nerves, can I kill him?"

"Well I guess we're not going anywhere without a fight, just try not to overdo it. Your moves tend to stand out." Itachi warned.

"They're as good as dead." Kisame quickly swung his sword.

Asuma dodged the first stroke and blocked the second with his Chakra Blades.

Itachi quickly realized what Kurenai was up to 'I see. Genjutsu.'

Asuma found Kisame's physical strength and sword rather difficult 'He's bearing down with just the edge of his sword, his strength is unreal.'

'My massive blade shocks him.' Kisame quickly retracted the blade, cutting Asuma from his shoulder down to his elbow and shredding some of the bandages, revealing scales on it that looked like a shark's teeth "It doesn't slice, it cuts you to ribbons!"

"It's about time, Kurenai."


Using her genjutsu, Kurenai wrapped Itachi and Kisame in trees and appeared above Itachi from within one of the trees "Alright, let's end this!" then she suddenly found herself bound by a tree instead.

Itachi had reversed it with his Sharingan "Genjutsu of that level doesn't work on me."

'He used a genjutsu reflection?' she bit down on her lip to free herself and dodged Itachi's kunai, but wasn't able to block her kick and was sent into the river below.


"Kurenai!" Asuma cried out.

"I wouldn't be looking over there if I were you." Kisame warned.


"You live up to your reputation." Itachi appeared behind Kurenai "However…."

"However, this is the end of the line, for you anyway." a new voice cut in.


Asuma had managed to use his Chakra Blades to cut Kisame's cheek 'Got him.'

Kisame quickly formed a hand seal to activate a jutsu "Water Style-"

"Water Shark Bomb Jutsu!" an identical water shark countered his, the attacks cancelling each other out.

"He used the same jutsu I did!"

"Not that I'm unhappy to see you." Asuma commented "But what're you doing here?"

Kakashi shrugged "Well you know I asked you to take care of those two earlier, but I guess I got a little worried."


Itachi looked behind him to see Kakashi's Shadow Clone "Kakashi. It's you."


"False alarm there huh?" Teuchi guessed.

Naruto slurped down some ramen "Yeah what happened there was I stuck it behind my headband because I was so freaked out it was gonna fall out of my pants or something while I was working out earlier this morning."

"Well it all worked out in the end, now go on and eat up so you can do your best. You've got more training ahead of you don't you?"

"You bet I do, I'm gonna work my butt off!"

"With that attitude, you'll master it in no time." a new voice cut in.

Naruto looked back to see Tatsu behind him "Tatsu."

"That's my name, don't wear it out. Hey Teuchi, how's Ayame doing?"

"She's just on a supply run." Teuchi told him.

"Okay, but I'm leaving a Shadow Clone behind just to be safe. I'm going on a mission and I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, so when the clone's gone Lee will be here to keep an eye on her."

"Kind of overprotective don't you think?"

"It's my job." then he looked down "Anyway pack your stuff Naruto, we're going on a mission."

Naruto was quick to slurp down the rest of his ramen.


Kakashi held a kunai to Itachi's neck "Okay talk, what's a rogue ninja like you doing in this village?"

Itachi looked back "Kakashi Hatake."

'Those eyes haven't changed, this one's a true heir of the Sharingan. That means I've gotta be ready for the worst.'

"Well well what a surprise, that's how you copied my jutsu." Kisame noted "So there really is someone besides Itachi with those crazy eyes. You're Kakashi aren't you, the copy ninja."

"You can imagine my surprise, I go to check out a couple of lowlife vagabonds in a tea house and I find none other than Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki, the scourge of the Hidden Mist Village."

"How about that, you know my name. I'm honored."

"I assume that bizarre excuse for a sword is one of the Seven Swords of the Mist, the one called Shark Skin?"

"I heard that you and Zabuza had it out awhile back."

"Yes we did, and Tatsu Kamikaze was the one to defeat him." he drew a kunai behind his back.

Kisame raised his sword "Go ahead, I'd love to cut you to ribbons."

"Kisame, stop it." Itachi ordered "If you take this man on then it won't be without cost. Furthermore, it will take time and the commotion is liable to bring more shinobi running. Your way is inefficient and unnecessarily risky. Don't lose sight of our goal."

"Let's hear it, what is your goal exactly?" the clone confronting Kisame vanished, leaving only the original Kakashi.

"We're looking for something, and we know it's here."

"And what would that be? What is this thing you're looking for?"

"My way is more efficient than Kisame's." he drew some shuriken from his robe.

"Ninja Art: Water Style: Water Wall!" Kakashi quickly leapt back and formed a Water Wall to counter Itachi's Water Fang Bomb, just barely succeeding 'The speed of his jutsu is incredible, I didn't even see a hand sign. The shuriken in his hand were just a ruse to distract me from his Water Style attack.'

"You're good, you almost anticipated my moves." another Itachi, one of them being a Shadow Clone, stabbed Kakashi in the back "Almost."

Kakashi dissolved into water, revealed to be a Water Clone.

Kurenai received a kunai from where Kakashi was hiding underwater "Nice job Kakashi."

"Get back Kurenai, that one's the Shadow Clone!" Kakashi suddenly emerged and pulled her away as the Shadow Clone exploded.

"Kakashi! Kurenai!" Asuma leapt towards them 'He just blew up his own Shadow Clone.'


Naruto didn't look amused "Oh come on, why do I have to get stuck with you and the Mummy-Man over there on some mission when I could be learning a new jutsu?"

Tatsu noticed the vein throbbing in Dosu's head "Dosu, ignore him. Naruto, stop whining. There's a certain woman we're looking for, a very remarkable woman."

"Well count me out, I don't have time to help you find a girlfriend when Ino's already right here!"

'...Not going there. I have a certain jutsu I plan to teach you on the way."

"And now you have my attention. I'll go pack my stuff!" and he rushed off.


"Tatsu." said Dosu "Who exactly are we going to find?"

"Tsunade, one of the Legendary Sannin like Orochimaru. Jiraiya talked the elders into making her the Fifth Hokage, and she can heal Hayate-sensei. Apparently his illness got to him again and now he's in a coma."

"What sort of disease is it?"

"Honestly I don't know, it's been around since the era of the First Hokage but there's still no cure. Only Tsunade can fix it."


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


