100% Reborn as Sasuke / Chapter 6: Chapter 4

章 6: Chapter 4

As soon as Sasuke left he began practicing for all the tests that's going to be on the exam such as the knuai and shuriken throwing and also practiced the Uchiha Taijustsu style.


After a month of training and going to the academy, he increased his chakra reserves up to low chunin and his chakra control to mid chunin since he had already learnt the tree walking and water walking.

*Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique* Flames came out of Sasuke's mouth as if he was a dragon, incinerating the trees in front of him.

'The trees are all burnt. Don't worry there is a solution to that and that is Hashirama cells' Sasuke joked at the idea of Kishimoto making Hashirama cells the key to all the problems in Naruto.

As soon as Sasuke was finished his training, he had 30 minutes till the exam so he decided to go to eat dango which seems to be Itachi's favourite food and it also looked really good when he was going past the shop that sells them.

While eating his dango he met a certain ex Orochimaru's student who he thought was hot and that person was Anko Mitarashi.


"To become, you first have to complete a two hour test that will be a key part in you becoming a genin so make sure you try hard and good luck to you all." The examiner handed the papers for the test which got the students a bit worried.

However, Sasuke's presence eased that tension due to his young age which made the students who were 5th years at the academy more confident due.

'This is too easy. Once I become genin, I can finally gain experience' Sasuke began working on the questions and breezed past it unlike other students who found it difficult.

After answering all the questions under record time, he handed the paper to the examiner who was surprised by how quick he answered it just like Iruka. Since Sasuke wanted to beat Minato on the academy test score as Minato had the highest record.

Well knowing that there was an hour and a half left, Sasuke decided to meditate and work on his mindscape until the time for the practical exams.

For the practical exams, he had to use the three academy justu which he successfully used and to impress the examiner, he even did it without seals.

'Wow that was easy as hell. I wonder how leaf is still the strongest village if the expectations to become a genin is this low' Sasuke found it stupid how the leaf is considered the strongest village out of the 5 villages when the expectation to become a genin is just 3 jutsu and a test.

'Perhaps its only because of prodigy's such as Minato, Kakashi and others.' That was the only reason that Sasuke could think of.

"Tomorrow I have to go to the third training ground to meet have my team and have my real genin test" Sasuke said while walking towards a shop as he has a plan to pass the test.


Elsewhere in the Hokage's, there was a meeting to discuss about the new batch of genin candidates. There was one one genin candidate that everyone was talking about and that was Sasuke Uchiha.

"Hokage-sama, what do you think about Sasuke being a genin" One of the council members asked as he was surprised at another genius that came from the Uchiha Clan in the same decade.

"I think it is great that he is becoming a genin, Konoha will benefit from him if he has talents like Itachi" Hiruzen said to the member who asked him the question.

"Are sure it is wise Hiruzen after the Uchiha Clan massacre" Danzo said as he didn't want another Itachi who could kill him if he finds the truth about the massacre.

"Yes. Sasuke has the Will of fire and I think he will be a great help to Konoha in the future" Hiruzen replied which seemed to satisfy most of the council members since the word came out of the Hokage.


The next day, Sasuke took the object that he bought from the shop the day before and put it in his pocket. Sasuke found that his team were waiting for him including the sensei as Sasuke was 2 hours late.

"YOUR LATE" The two genins shouted as they had let all their anger out onto that scream.

"Sorry about that, you see I met this old lady while I was coming here but she seemed to have a really bad back pain and me being the good fellow Konoha citizen, I had to help her get to her home. Once I dropped her to her home she invited me for some tea which I couldn't refuse such kind gesture so I reluctantly went inside. While I was drinking my tea 5 ninjas attacked me and it turned out that the old lady was a spy in disguise so I had to defeat the 5 ninjas and the lady who was a man in disguise. After taking them to the Konoha prison, I came running towards here but a black cat blocked my path so I had to run the long way and here I am." Sasuke gave the Kakashi style excuse but with more detail to bug the hell out of his teammates and decided to do this for the rest of the time he was here.

They all had a deadpan expression on their face while somewhere in Konoha, a man with white hair sneezed.

"I feel like my ideal student is calling for me" Kakashi of the Sharingan said while reading his favourite book.

Back to Sasuke, two of his team mates were dumfounded by his excuse while the jonin had different thought in his mind.

'Oh no, we have to deal with another Kakashi. Isn't one enough.' The jonin cried in his mind as he remembered the time he spent working with Kakashi.

"Here are two bells, out of you three, only two of you guys would be able to get these bells and graduate to genin while the other one would be sent back to the academy for another year." The jonin then brought out a alarm clock and placed it on a stool.

"You have three hours to get the bells of me and your time starts now!" All three genins went into the forest to formulate a plan to get the bells while Sasuke had a plan already in his mind which would require his teammates to distract the sensei.

As soon as Sasuke went inside the forest he began to look for one of his team mates which he found quite easily.

"Hey Kazuma" Sasuke said to the boy who we will forget after a few chapters as if he never even existed.

"You! What do you want" Kazuma said with annoyance as was already pissed at Sasuke after being late for 2 hours.

"Chill. No need to get your panties in a twist" Sasuke said to the boy who seemed to get even angrier.

"What!" Kazuma exclaimed loudly which Sasuke immediately put his hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"Be quiet or your gonna give our location to sensei not that you already haven't" Sasuke whispered while looking out.

"We need to find Ichika, I have a plan in mind" Sasuke said while while trying sense Ichika's chakra.

"Why would we work with you. There are only two bells and don't expect me to give it to a little child" Kazuma said commenting on his young age.

"Well don't you think it is strange that only 2 people can become genin when it supposed to be three genins in a team and a jounin to teach them. Konoha is known for our companionship and teamwork so what do you think the test is going to be about." Sasuke explained and after a few seconds Kazuma had his eyes wide open at the revelation.

"Let's find Ichika cause I have a plan in mind which I need your help with" Sasuke began running towards the chakra signature which he had sensed.

Kazuma started following Sasuke but did have some trouble keeping up with Sasuke since he was only a low genin while Sasuke had the strength of a high genin bordering on low chunin so it made sense he had trouble keeping up.

'Damn it, he is stronger than me despite being 5 years younger' Kazuma though while looking at Sasuke's back.

As soon as the duo reached the signature, the found Ichika hiding in a bush watching their sensei as if she was planning to ambush him.

Sasuke and Kazuma told Ichika the truth about the bell test and what they had to do to pass the test. Sasuke already had a plan in mind which involved them as a distraction.

" Are you nuts, that sounds like dumb plan" Kazuma was dumbfounded at the plan and thought that it definitely won't work.

"Well do you have a better plan in mind. Anyways, even if it doesn't work, we'll still be able to become genins as long as we work as a team." Sasuke reassured his two teammates as they were worried that they would not be able to become genins.

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


