100% The Rise of The Met'Rusia (OLD) / Chapter 16: Battle Final part

章 16: Battle Final part

Kurishima, along with 10 of his Royal guardsmen and the beast tide, silently marched in the night while the beast that can fly is scouting the air and keeping contact with him.

The entire beast tide consisted of armour-type and speed-type beasts, which holds at least 60% of the tide. Meanwhile, 20% is a regular beast, and another 20% of epic-level monsters are guarding kurishima. The wolf pack that Kurishima managed to take control of which left with the 490 remaining troops. "Hey system, I have a small favour for ya."

[What is it?] The system replied with a bit of curiosity and annoyance. "Can you fix my stats or something to a more suitable level? You know, like fix the graphs and all." Kurishima asked the system while he stood still along with the beast tide and in front of him was the capital city of Hesterom (A/n: Decided to change the name of the Capital. I think).

[Hmm...Sure, I'll fix it in something befitting.

Name: Kurishima Etheria

Age 26

Race: Arch-demon

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Health: 100%


Strength: 100 (Power of 2 Elephant)

Agility: 40 (Speed of 2 cheetahs)

Dexterity: 50 (Sturdiness of a Manticore)


Intelligence: 48 (Budding Genius)

Luck: 20 (Higher than an average person)

Charm: 30 (Looks like a celebrity)

Happy now?]

'System, what the fuck...' Kurishima swore in his thoughts before he shook himself from overthinking about it. He was already used to this weird system of his.

Kurishima sighed before looking behind him towards his chosen Royal Guard. He nodded at them before using his new power and summoned a few thousand middle-tiered Undead Knights. The Undead Knights is a low-level version of a death knight before it can evolve into one. Instead of wearing a robe like the other death knights, these wear enchanted armour at the gold tier bordering platinum. The grade of items uses tiers to differentiate how strong, durable, and conductive the said item is. It usually goes to the lowest which is the bronze tier, then the copper tier, silver tier, then gold, and above are separated into different types which are Magic-type, Enchanted-type, Destruction-type, and then into their grades: Pseudo Gold, Half Gold, Pure Gold, True Gold, etc.

Now returning to the story, the Undead Knights who have at least a True Gold Enchanted-type armour and Half Gold Magic-type sword and shied. They bowed their heads towards Kurishima before grouping up in a phalanx formation and marching along with the tide.

[Mana is now at 50%, due to title effect {Father of monsters}, all spell damage and effect increases depending on how many are killed by your children.]

'Shit...but also good in some way.' Kurishima thought before he looked towards his guards. "Captain Valerian, I want you to pick your best men and any of the manticores to lead the air units on a bombardment from above." The captain of the guards bowed his head. "Understood, your Highness, but how can we bombard them from above, sir? There are only 10 of us?" The captain asked with a look of confusion on his face that soon turned into terror as a nearby basilisk hissed at him as if saying 'Foolish thing!'

"Most of our air units in the beast tide have forepaws and hindlegs. Meaning they can grab large boulders and rain them from above while the ones riding the manticores will target the counter-attack using their range skills." Kurishima explained before putting his hand on his chin while his cloak was fluttering in the wind. "Think of it as a distraction for our units in the ground to reach the walls and gate with the least amount of fatalities as well as allows us to have eyes in the sky, which is an advantage that we can exploit to keep tabs on the enemy movement."

Although the captain was shocked at the detailed strategy, even though it had some flaws in some parts, there was still time for improvement and backup plans before the siege began.

Kurishima swiped his arm to the left, making a horizontal cutting motion. "All magic beast prepare to charge! Flying units are to have skirmishes with the enemy range units, Magic beast with long-ranged earth ability are to siege the city walls!" He yelled a the top of his lung as the dark elf royal guards around him split into two groups, one heading towards the few manticores with wings and Hippogriffs, meanwhile the remaining went towards the magic beast with earthen abilities to command and hit weak points along the walls and maybe even weaken the enemy ranks.

The Captain of the royal guards jumped in a swift motion and lands perfectly on the largest and high-level manticore's back before gripping tightly on its steel-like mane before making a whipping motion and making the manticore roar loudly and making a running start. Stretching its large wings before making a beating motion as it slowly went off the ground, along with the guards he chose riding on various magic beasts with wings. "All guards use earth manipulation!" The captain yelled before the guards he brought made their hands wave in the air before doing an upper-cut motion as the ground they flew off, suddenly rumbled and burst off the ground flying towards their location.

The royal guards simultaneously made their right arm move backwards while their other arm stretched out before their hands unclenched and turns into a claw form. Their right arm makes a sideways arc and made their stretch out left hand as it slowly glows with dark reddish mana before joining both hands together and letting go with both in a clawed form and in between their hands was a dark red pulsating mana ball.

The captain seeing his men finish grabs the hilt of his sword, before unsheathing it and made a cutting motion towards the enemy mages. "Target the mages, RELEASE!!!" As if on cue boulders bigger than the manticore the captain was riding on, was rushing towards their group.

Before it hits any of them, the guards retracted their arms and pushed the pulsating mana ball towards the direction of the mages. Like magnets, the boulders follow the direction of the mana balls.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Kurishima noticed or more like felt the mana balls and boulders. He also noticed the mages setting up a shield formation, he smirked before looking towards the guards manning the siege beast and nodded to the vice-captain. The vice-captain bowed towards kurishima before pulling out his blade and shouting at the top of his lungs. "FIRE!!!" Compliant to his command the various large beasts roar or moan before activating their skills sending out boulders after boulders directly hitting the specified weak points or passing over the wall and hitting soldiers and civilians alike. One of the boulders thrown managed to hit a nearby building causing debris to hit a mage and sending the fireball they were casting to explode disrupting the formation and killing 2 mages due to close contact to the blast radius.

Kurishima felt the explosion from his senses before chuckling a little and straightening his back using mana to amplify his voice. "All ground units breach the city! Siege units target the weak points on the wall, breach it! Air units give them hell!" Kurishima yelled a little and with the help of mana amplifying his voice, all of his beast and soldiers hear it loud and clear before following the command. "You heard his highness boys, Delum Harkteth!!!" The vice-captain shouted and following him is the other half of the guards raising their swords or halberds to the sky. "Delum Harkteth!!!" The undead knights screeched or clattered their teeth under the helm raising their swords before the leading undead knight pointed forward and marched along with the other moving undead battalions.

"Rain from above!!!" The captain yelled before joining his hands and chanting a spell. "Alder Numer Kaltervio Watliones" He stretched out his hands to the side as mana gathered in front of him, forming a blue vortex. His men doing the same chant before mimicking their captain. The vortex began to pulse and shrink as the captain and his men slowly move their hands closer.

The vortex twisted and turned before it turned into a ball the size of a man's head before the blue colour turned into a purplish. "Drop!" The captain yelled as he made a side throw as the mana ball falls towards a plaza filled with people and soldiers. "Mana Bombs away!" One of the guards shouted before throwing his in a marketplace.

Down on the plaza, a soldier was helping up a fallen civilian as the others around them were running away or forming a line, marching or running everywhere. The soldier noticed a flash of light above him which made him look up subconsciously. The moment he looked up, he only saw something fly over him before a deafening sound boomed. "Huh?!" The soldier turned his head, but before he can a force suddenly passed through him throwing him into the sky with his eyes wide.

Time slowed as the soldier saw more flashes of light passing by. As it fell to the ground it expanded slowly like an explosion before a shockwave more powerful than any pushed out. 'What...is...this?' He last thought before everything turned black. The soldier's body...well bodies land on the ground with their torsos back burnt up along with some flesh missing. The head of the soldier falls to the ground looking in the direction of the plaza. All that was left of it was burnt bodies, raging flames, peoples screams and cries for help. "Knights of Valecia protect the people! Evacuate them NOW!!!" A loud shout echoed through the screams and cries, silencing a few, as knights wearing full sets of iron-clad armour and a cape with a sigil shaped like a sun with three white stars surrounding it. A knight with their helmet off and a cape that had an image of a bird surrounded by thorn waved as they ran towards someone who was pinned on the ground by wooden debris. "Hold on, I'll get you out of here!" The face of the knight contorted to one of desperation while trying their best to save the life under it. "Lady Bethrine! Incoming fire towards the marketplace!!!" A knight shouted towards them before another explosion was heard, and the ground shook. The leading knight, named Bethrine, looked towards the marketplace as her pale smooth face showed a face of horror. "Quickly, help me pull him out!" She yelled at a nearby knight as she lifted the wooden debris while the knight pulled the man out whilst his lower abdomen bled.

Bethrine dropped the pillar seeing the man not under it, before unsheathing her rapier and looking towards the people behind her. 200 unarmed civilians, 500 knights, 300 soldiers, and 20 injured with 5 critically wounded. "We head to the Adami castle, there we take refuge!" She yelled as she turned around and walked towards the direction of a 4 story high castle with a flag embroidered with gold and a shield with bows crossed and a gryphon head piked on a spear behind the shield. The knights and the rallied soldiers loosen their formations as they help carry the wounded while the rest circle around the group for protection. "WATCH OUT!!!" A loud but distant shout echoed past, at least 20 to 40 meters away.

Bethrine looked towards the source of the shout noticing a small child whose skin was pale as snow, 2 small horn bumps showing on his head with an iron collar on his neck as the rags he wore as clothing swayed in the wind. "A dark elf?" A Knight said in surprise but before others could say anything, a bright light flashed in the sky as another deafening sound boomed as the shockwave of severe magnitude threw the group into walls or through the building's windows while Bethrine manage to hold her ground by stabbing her rapier to the ground and spreading her legs apart and squatting down.

A few moments later when the shockwave and smoke passed, the group helped one another while the soldiers pick their weapons from the ground and the knights helped the commoners. "What happened," the vice-captain of the group of knights named Salvidor Ner'gath asked Bethrine while he collected himself from the broken wall. "Captain Bethrine?" Salvidor looked in her direction and noticed her looking towards the left side of the street. He followed her gaze and saw what she was looking at, his eyes widen in fright and awe from what lay before him.

From a clean street with trees and flower bushes lining up the road for decorations and empty stalls, that were once manned with employees or the owners and advertising their products, to a now-empty crater 50 meters deep and a wide gaping hole that once was one of the many merchants' marketplaces. "Hurry before they launch another one!" A childish shout manages to take the attention of the two. Bethrine turned in the dark elf's direction. She hesitated to move but shook her head with resolution. "Hurry follow that dark elf!" She yelled before pulling up a kneeling commoner near her and running towards the dark elf child.

The group picked up on their pace quickly catching up with the female knight, most probably from adrenaline or fear of facing another one of those explosions. "Incoming!!!" The elf yelled before quickly covering his ears. The group kept moving forward with their blood pumping ever faster as another deafening explosion boomed further away but was strong enough for the shockwave to reach them. The commoners screamed while the knights bent down trying to brave the raging wind. They were only a few meters away from the elf and with that kind of adrenaline rush, the entire group forced their way towards him.

"Hurry inside!" The child said filled with dread and fear while pointing at a door with descending stairs and without hesitation, Bethrine turned around and shouted as loud as her voice willed. "GET INSIDE NOW!!!" with her shout the group filed in the small doorway with adrenaline still pumping. One of the Captains of the royal guards noticed them and shouted towards him. "Captain Zeth'ir, enemy below at a crossroads underneath us!"

The now named Captain of the royal guards, Zeth'ir, looked beneath him and noticed the group rushing into a building. He touched behind his ear and used his mana to send a message to Kurishima.


[Captain Zeth'ir has sent a message to you! Playing voice message now.]

'Your Highness, I've spotted a group of civilians mixed in with, what looks to be, knights and soldiers carrying wounded into a building and from what I can see, they're descending the stairs. What are your orders?'

[Message end]

'Hm... Interesting, let's see how do I do this again?' Kurishima squinted his eyes trying his best to activate one of the abilities his [Darkin Virus] skill had.


[Oi oi oi! If you want to do your business at least have the decency to do it somewhere private and without your pants and underwear on.]

(¬、¬) (〃ー〃)

Kurishima blushed at the systems words before turning his head around and covering his face. 'Don't look at me!!!' He inwardly yelled as the shadow elf royal ground that was looking at him looked in the other direction like nothing happened. The vice-captain coughed and continued to order his group around.

(A/N: Yes, it is I, the Editor, I now have the power to do this and onto the following chapters. F***k you Author 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸!!!)


[If your trying to look into the manticore eyes, you should've asked instead of making that face, which is already ugly, more uglier]

(ㆆ _ ㆆ)

A screen popped up showing an emote, making Kurishima more embarrassed. "Just let me see what Captain Zeth'ir found." He said while uncovering his face that's still beat red as he tried to change the subject. Keyword TRIED.

[Fine, as you say.]

┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Kurishima's vision darkened, and it looked like he was travelling in hyperspace and not long, his vision returned, but instead of seeing the marching undead knights and beast tide and the nearly broken walls from the siege. What he saw was an aerial view of the city with fires and collapsed buildings here and there as well as other flying beasts.

[Below you]

Kurishima looked beneath him and noticed the group still rushing into the building. He subconsciously used appraisal on them.


Name: Bethrine Vansel Cerion

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Alias: Youngest Female Knight, Cerion Heir, Judgement Knight, Aura User

Alignment: Lawful Good

Health: 97%

Aura: 70%

Level: 20

Strength: 99

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 45

Vitality: 100

Intelligence: 40

Luck: 65

Charm: 48


Wind: 35

Life: 10

Water: 15


Flower Dance, Flash, Swift Wind, Aura Field, Battle sense, Instinct, Water slash, Fencing

Notice: Anti-Appraisal Item detected! Unable to gather information

Name: John Dixon

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Shadow elf

Title: Reincarnator, Otherworlder

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Health: 100%

Mana: 36%

Level: 3

Strength: 5

Agility: 15

Dexterity: 4

Vitality: 230

Intelligence: 50

Luck: 20

Charm: 18


Darkness: 55

Life: 4


Shadow manipulation, Night vision, Enchancment, Weaponsmith

Notice: System detected, recording system!




[Hidden Mission: Orphan

Mission Objective: Adopt the Reincarnator and guide them to become your heir! Once the system sees the reincarnator is suitable to become a new candidate for enthronement reward will be given.

Mission Reward: ???

Mission Difficulty: AA+

Notice: Message from Imperial Majesty Ender Nyxetheon Nebula Etheria

'I want a new grandson, while I spoil little Jackson make sure you raise this one well to fit into royalty.'

Ps: I will throw you into the upper atmosphere wherever you are if you mistreat him.]



Currently Author is away and busy, but he left a few unedited chapters in my table.

We maybe Cousins but this is just too much work



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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
error ヒント


