53.88% Incest Stories(MILF) / Chapter 97: Daddy's punishment 2

章 97: Daddy's punishment 2

The next morning, I took my time waking up. I had the day off and I intended to make the most of it by completely resting up. However, my daughter had other plans. She came knocking around the early hours of the morning, coming into my room.

Groggily I sat up, "What is it baby girl?" I asked between a yawn.

"Well, I was just wondering since you are off and I don't have college today. If we maybe could go out to a movie?"

Rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes I sighed and looked over towards the clock. Already nearly eight. I guess I couldn't really stay in bed much longer, no matter how comfy the warm blankets and soft mattress felt.

"Alright, alright. Why don't you go to my closet?" I asked of her.

"What for?" Beth asked. Having forgotten I went shopping for her.

"The new cloths I got you, take it to your room and pick something out. I don't even really remember what I bought you, just grabbed a few things the girl working there had gave me."

The young girl from store flooding my mind, remembering how great her pussy felt gave a twitch of life to my morning wood.

Beth walked over towards my closet and as she passed the door, if not for the morning light I would have not noticed she was only wearing a shirt and completely bottomless.

I took in the few seconds I got to see her ass wobble side to side as she walked towards my closet, "Mm, baby girl. I could get used to seeing you like this every morning."

She giggled before turning her head towards me, "Oh yeah? I figured there was no need for pajama bottoms anymore, and since I can't wear panties. You get to see all of me."

"That's a very nice idea of you, I plan to see plenty of you from now on."

Hearing the wooden doors of my closet open and ruffling around in the dark, I listen'd for the crinkling of the bags.

"Ah, here it is." Chimed, Beth.

Beth made her way back into the hall turning her head towards me one last time. She gave me a devilish grin before shaking that bubbly butt at me enticingly before walking off.

"Oh, she is so going to get it today." Speaking to myself.

Swinging my legs out from under the warmth of my comforter and over the side of my bed. I stood and stretched out, hearing a loud pop in my back I groaned out in relief. "Ah, always feels amazing."

I walked towards the open hallway door and closed it, not sure why just out of habit. I flipped the switch and the room lit up. Walking over towards my dresser I pulled out a fresh pair of black briefs, some socks, a pair of loose fitting blue jeans and an old grey t-shirt I have had for quite a while.

Setting the cloths onto the bed, I noticed the closet door still opened. Happening to glance up I stared down the box sitting in the top corner. Feeling a little lump in my throat, I shuffled over towards my closet doors and continued to stare.

"Maybe soon, just not yet... I..." Talking to myself seemed as if I was trying to convince myself not to look inside. I was more than capable of handling what was there, but opening it up was like admitting I was ready. I just don't think I am there quite just yet, though Beth sure is helping the process.

Closing the closet doors, I swallowed the lump and quickly got dressed. Making my way into the kitchen, I figured a snack beforehand would be good seeing as the movie theaters probably were going to be a bit expensive.

The fridge was fully stocked, something I made sure was a priority rather than spending the money on things I didn't need. I grabbed a pack of deli-sliced meat, some mayo, and cheese. Turning around I nearly dropped everything in my hands when I noticed Beth.

Wearing a small blue baby-t that hugged her c-cup tits nicely with a ying yang symbol sitting right in the center, a short jean skirt that cut off not even halfway down her thighs, and some long black socks that went above her knees.

"Dear lord!" I blurted out. Did I truly buy that? I mean, I wanted to show, Beth off but this was border line street walker.

"Is it bad, daddy?" My daughter asked as she twisted side to side, looking at me innocently.

She curled a finger around in her long blonde hair, batting those emerald eyes at me. She was melting my heart and hardening my cock with her looks. I fumbled to place the food items down on the counter and cleared my throat, trying to compose myself.

"No, not at all. You just took me by surprise, that outfit is..."

"A little revealing... I know, should I change?" She interrupted.

"No, no. It's perfect, because now baby girl. All those young college kids and High School boys will get to peak at everything they can't have."

She smiled at me, "Really think so?"

"I know so. You are a definite head turner."

When she looked away, I adjusted my cock to keep it from tenting up too much. Trying to distract myself, I started on making the sandwiches.

"You want some baby?"

"No thanks, I think I will grab something later."

I smirked suggestively at her, "Damn right you will grab something later"

Beth, blushed gently before walking over towards me and giving me a hug. "So, what kind of movie are you wanting to go see?"

"Well, take it easy tiger. It's not even nine-o'clock yet. What time does the first movie even start?" I asked, not being so sure myself.

"Ten. That's when they start showing the earliest ones. I was thinking perhaps an action movie for you?"

She knew I was a sucker for a good action flick, but I didn't want this to be just about me. "Well, no honey. I want you to enjoy this too, what else is there?"

"Oh, well they just released that Beauty and the Beast Movie!" Not even trying to contain the excitement in her voice.

Oh god, shoot me now. If I must sit through another one of those stupid Disney remakes. "Um, sure I guess we can just decide when we get there huh?"

I quickly made my snacks and scarfed it down before we made our way to the movie theater. Barely anyone there as I looked to the clock on the dashboard of my car. A good thirty-minute wait before the movie started I looked over to my daughter with a smile but she looked a little glum.

"What's wrong baby girl? Look if you really want to see Beauty and the Beast we can, I was only teasing about choosing something else."

She shook her head, "It's not that. It's just... on the drive here I got stuck in my head."

"About what?" Curious on what was troubling, Beth.

"Mom..." Her voice sank.

My heart sank with her, feeling as if someone had just cut me and left me open and vulnerable. Beth and I didn't talk much about her mother after she had died, it was too much heartache at the time and it still felt like salt in old wounds.

"I see, well. Do you want to talk about her?" Trying to sound comforting even though I began to feel the pit of despair.

"I... Well do you think she would be upset with what we were doing together?" She looked to be with those big green eyes.

"No, baby... I." Feeling like there was a lump in my throat once again, twice in the same day.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and swallowed it down. "I honestly don't know honey, but I like to think of it in the sense that... You are taking care of me in your mother's place. We are both giving and receiving some much needed relief from each other and it's safer than with other people."

"I guess" Beth said, in a voice that didn't seem so certain.

"Look at it this way baby. If your mother was alive, would she want you to be sleeping with some strange guy from college, or would it be better to do it safely with me."

Beth couldn't hide a small smirk appearing on her face as she looked at me. "Safely? My pussy is still pretty bruised from yesterday."

Scoffing at her, "Yes but you deserved every swatting you got, and I didn't hurt you in any way that wouldn't heal."

"Tell that to my still sore asshole!" She giggled, "But I see your point. I guess it's okay then, I just got caught up in thinking about her."

"I know hon. Just know I am here if you need me, any and every time."

Beth leaned over, the seat belt stretched against her shirt stretching snug over her breasts as she gave me a big hug.

I reached around and patted her on the back, "Alright, come on and let's go see a movie."

"You still wanting to go and see Beauty and the Beast?"

I sighed but gave her a smile to confirm my decision. "Yeah, that's perfectly fine."

"Good!" She exclaimed while unbuckling and slipping out of the car quickly.

I rolled my eyes as I did the same, taking the keys and locking the car behind me.

Walking into the movie theater I grabbed, Beth by the waist as I pulled her close giving her a smirk.


"Shh, not right now I am not. Right now, I am your date." I winked at her.

A coy smile spread on her face, "Alright, well a date would buy me some popcorn and a drink!"

"Oh, a gold digger, are we?" I teased her.

"No!" She scoffed, "Just a lady who likes being treated as such."

I grumbled but decided to cave, "Fine, but I am only getting a drink. Don't want to spend too much here."

"Yay!" She nearly jumped for joy as she talked me into buying her some popcorn.

Walking inside it was like a ghost town with only a few employee's shuffling around. We walked up to the checkered tile counter with a black tile top, spotting a young man at the register. The young man was wearing a black hate with the theater logo and his eyes were staring directly at, Beth. I swore his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets.

I cleared my throat to drag his attention to me. He snapped a nervous look towards me and tried to not even look in my daughter's direction. "I ummm, excuse me. Hello, what can I get you?"

I enjoyed watching the guy squirm, "Two tickets to the ten o'clock showing of Beauty and the Beast. A popcorn and two large drinks."

Shifting his gaze now downwards it was almost as if he had to force himself and kept focus on the register, he began pressing the buttons on the screen. "Anything else?"

A mean thought appeared in my mind as I felt like toying a bit with this young man who probably was barley in his twenties.

Humming to myself, I reached into my pocket and looked up at the screen as if I was thinking. "Yeah, one sec... let's see."

Pulling my hand out of my pocket, I made it look as if I clumsily dropped my key's behind me.

"Ah, crap. Dear, could you grab those keys for me?" Asking as I gave, Beth a sly smile with my head turned away from the cashier.

Beth gave me a cocked eyebrow look, "You sure you can't get them?"

I motioned with my eyes to the keys, "Yeah, I am deciding what I want. Pick up the key's." Demanding in my tone of voice.

back to me she shrugged, turning around she bent straight over not even attempting to bend her knees.

The jean mini skirt that, Beth was wearing rode up rather quickly. Exposing her round bare bottom to the guy, he now gawked with a blatant stare. Not even seeming sorry for it, until he glanced over at me to see my staring him down with a glare.

"I am sorry, do we have a problem, boy?" Directing the tension in my voice towards him.

However, on the inside I was enjoying the hell out of this. Not only was I practically making this kid cream his pants, I was going to make him piss them too.

"N- No! No not at all!" He stammered.

"I think that's all. I seem to have lost my appetite." I continued staring him down with a very serious look.

"I'm sorry! That will be, twenty-eight seventeen." Fumbling over his words.

I raised my brow at him, "I'm sorry?"

Beth stood up turning around and handing me the keys with a smirk on her face. She seemed to be enjoying it just as much as I did.

"You stared at my beautiful dates ass, and you expect me to pay nearly thirty dollars? Where is your manager? I would like to speak with him about this."

Folding my arms, I put the pressure on this kid. Not to mention, the fear of god as I nearly shouted at him.

He raised his hands, "Look, look! How about I discount it, and we can call it even! I apologize but I just wasn't expecting a peep show is all!"

"Peep show's ain't free, kiddo! How much you knocking off?"

"Five dollars?" He asked in his shaky voice.

I scoffed, "Five dollars?"

Beth walked up to the counter leaning forward, "Come on now, was I really worth so little to you?"

Working him over with her voice dropping soft and gentle. If I wasn't certain I could work out nearly a free pass at the movies I would have dropped the act and laughed hard. But dammit, I was now committed to trying to get a freebie.

The kid raised his hands, "Alright, alright. Free." He said, "Will that work? Please, I don't want to lose my job."

"Alright. Go ahead then, make it free and we call this even." Continuing my intimidation.

The guy behind the register took a deep calming breath before pressing a few buttons in the screen, he then took off his name badge and swiped it on the side of the computer. Hearing a beep, the total on the register zapped to zero.

I smiled, "That'll work. Make it a large Dr. pepper and..." I looked over to Beth.


Scurrying off he left to get our popcorn and drinks. Beth leaned in close to me, giving me a kiss on my still growingly scruffy beard followed by a whisper in my ear.

"So, naughty, are you going to be exposing me every time we go out now?"

Grinning I whispered back, "If it gets us free meals, sure." Of course, I was just teasing her.

The young man came back and he slid over the popcorn and drinks, a button press on the register and two tickets printed out. "Here you go, enjoy your movie and please keep it between us. I could get into a lot of trouble."

"Don't worry, it will stay between us." I told him, grabbing the popcorn and my drink I walked off.

"Hey! That's my popcorn!" Shouted out, Beth. She took her drink and jogged after me, but stopped as she turned to the guy behind the register and raised her skirt just enough to flash him one last time as a thank you before charging off.

"I saw that missy." I told her as she ran up next to me.

"Well, we did get a huge discount."

"Keep your skirt down from now on unless I say so, I don't want everyone thinking you're just a whore." I scolded her.

"Yes, Daddy."

I looked around making sure no one was in ear shot before giving her a smirk, "Good girl."

Walking up to the little podium there was a young girl who looked seriously bored leaning against the counter playing on her phone. When we walked up she straightened up, but her face of boredom remained.

She took our tickets and ripped off the bottom half, "third down on the right. Enjoy your movie." Even her tone was mellow.

I had half a mind now to pep this girl up in the bathroom. I shook the idea out of my head as I looked to my daughter. "Ready?"

Beth nodded, "Yes. I'm excited."

Making our way into the theater room, it was bright and the screen was still a dull grey with nothing playing yet. There was no one in sight, just rows of velvet empty seats. I looked to her, "I guess we have the whole place to ourselves?"

She chuckled at me as we choose some seats in the middle. "Well, yeah. It's Saturday. All the college and high-school kids are sobering up and the parents are enjoying their mornings. It will get crazier during the evening."

She sat down, propping her feet up on the seat in front of her. I shook my head at her. "How do you know all this?"

Beth gave a shrug, "I used to hang out here all the time after school and on weekends."

"Oh yeah? When was this? I don't recall letting you go out so much."

"Well, it is in the past... you know before everything happened."

Not wanting to ruin the mood I shrugged it off, "Yeah, in the past."

After a few awkward minutes of sitting in the quiet the lights began to dim until it was dark, the movie screen then lit up.

When movie was over and done with after what seemed ages to me, we were walking to the car as I looked over towards, Beth. "So, what did you think pumpkin?"

"I enjoyed it, Emma Watson did a fantastic job!" Her eyes were lit up with excitement, "What about you daddy?"

"Eh, I mean it was basically the same as the first movie. Sure, it was spiffed up a bit, but I did have a problem with Disney subtly adding in the gay thing?"

"You had a problem with it? I thought it was nice, personally." My daughter trying to defend it.

I raised my hands up, "I have no problems with gay people. Don't get me wrong. I think everyone does their own thing and the world continues to turn, I just think it was a bold move by Disney."

Beth folded her arms as we stopped at the car, "Oh yeah? So, if I wanted to eat pussy, you wouldn't care?"

I scoffed, "Sure, you be my guest. You go eat as much pussy as you want baby girl."

She bit her bottom lip seductively at me, "I think I like dick to much."

Chuckling at my daughter, I shooed her away. "Go get into the car."

Beth walked to the other side and got in once I unlocked the doors. Once we both had buckled up we drove off.

Heading back home I clicked on the radio and let, Beth choose the songs. I was more preoccupied in my own mind anyway, because I was now thinking on a fun punishment for when we got home.

Pulling into the driveway I shut off the engine, Beth was giving me a curious look. "A little quiet over there, you okay daddy?"

I gave my daughter a nod, "Yes, I just have been thinking on your next punishment."

Tilting her head at me, "Oh? Another one already?"

I nodded to her as I stepped out of the car, "Yeah, you still are in trouble and I think it's time you had another one. Even more so because I spoiled you at the movies."

"Alright then, so what will my punishment be? Please, I hope nothing with spanking my pussy. It's still bruising and strings, daddy."

I shook my head, "No, I have other ideas in mind. Let's go into the house."

Walking inside, Beth was obviously nervous as she didn't know what could have been running around in my twisted head.

Knowing I needed a little prep time, I smacked her bottom through the jean skirt. "Go use the bathroom, then I want you to clean really well in all your holes. That even means brush your teeth."

She looked at me confused but didn't protest much as she did really need to go, "Alright, then what?"

"Then come to my bedroom." I instructed her.

Beth nodded, walking off down the hall. I made my way out the back into the fenced in back yard, with my grass getting a little high. "Ah, right. Cut the lawn. I will see about doing that tomorrow."

I made my way to the shed in the back, unlocking the padlock with a combination I stepped inside. Pulling the dangling string in the middle of the room my shed lit up, inside everything was well kept and dusted.

After my wife had passed, I distracted myself with my shed and tools. I built quite a few things in here during those times; tables, chairs, shelves, all sorts of furniture. Most of it sold to friends or family, I am assuming they bought them out of sympathy but loved the quality none the less.

Walking over towards one of my large wooden shelves that were stocked with dozens of plastic containers in the corner of my shed, I ran my fingers over the lids. Rubbing my fingers together as an inspection, I felt the coating of dust beginning to build, another mental note of another chore I needed to take care of.

I went down to the third row of plastic containers and opened the lid, "Ah, here we go."

I reached inside and found what I was looking for, a good twenty feet of black rope. I used this typically with pulley's but I felt this would be more fun.

Taking the robe, I walked over towards my long work bench, blowing a deep breath over the top, the light layer of dust fluttered off.

I laid the rope down and began stretching it out, I reached inside a drawer underneath my bench and fumbled around until I found my ruler.

Measuring different lengths, I began cutting and creating several long single black strands of rope.

I then walked back over to the plastic tubs, searching through them I found what I was looking for. Pulling out a few long strips of black velvety table cloth from when I created the table for my sister in law.

I walked back over towards the work bench and went to work, cutting several long pieces and looping them together.

By the time, I was done I had everything I needed. I put everything back neatly, pulled the string in the middle of the room and left my shed locked as I went inside.

Walking into the house I heard the shower still going, good I still had some time. I made my way into my room and set everything on my bed.

I took several pieces of rope and began fastening it to the ends of each wooden post. I tied the ends tightly. Taking the looped pieces of velvet cloth, I took the end of the rope and tied it to the end. I did this four times, creating restraints at each corner.

Beth came in not a few moments later, I had been so busy trying to get everything done I hadn't even heard the shower turn off.

She was standing in the doorway finishing drying off her long blonde hair as she looked at me, "What's all this?"

"Your next punishment." I told her.

"Okay..." Her voice seeming a little nervous as she looked towards me.

"Don't worry, just trust me baby girl." I smiled at her, "Come here, get in the middle of the bed.

Beth set her down on my dresser and climbed into the bed laying on her back. I walked to the end of the bed, grabbing the velvet cloth and slipping it around each ankle. I fastened it tightly, looking up to, Beth.

"Too tight?" Trying to see any painful expression on her face.

Beth shook her head, "No, it's fine daddy."

I smiled at her. "Good."

Walking around I did this to her arms as well, making sure she had a little slack to struggle against.

I then walked over towards my closet, inside I found the trash bag containing her panties. I reached inside and shuffled around. I found a red pair of cotton panties, standing up I walked back over towards her in the bed.

"Alright, open your mouth."

"Huh?" She looked at me, but I think she got the idea.

She opened her mouth, I took the panties and shoved them into her mouth filling her cheeks. She closed her lips as best she could, a little bit of fabric from the panties poked out between her lips.

"Hold on." I told her.

Leaving the room only for a short few moments and I returned with a roll of silver packing tape. The tape crackled and popped as I stretched it out a short length, ripping it from the spool with my teeth.

I walked over towards, Beth. I placed the tape across her mouth, firmly pressing it against each side of her cheeks. She was breathing a little unsteady. I began wondering if I was going a little too far with this.

"Are you scared?"

Beth shook her head with a deep breath through her nose.

"No? Not scared?" Asking a bit confused, "Aroused?"

Beth nodded, closing her eyes. Smiling I kissed, Beth's forehead. "Good, I am glad you are enjoying this punishment. For now, anyway." Foreshadowing what was to come.

Walking towards the end of the bed, I grabbed one last piece of the velvet cut strand that I had saved. This one was a bit wider than the others, for a reason.

I walked over towards, Beth. Placing the cut cloth over her eyes, I reached behind her head. She raised up to help me, reaching behind her I tied the ends together and made sure it was a little snug against the back of her head.

I was careful not to pull her hair as I did this, once finished I asked again if it was too tight. Beth shook her head, taking deep breaths with her nose.

"Now then, be a good girl and wait for daddy to return. Just let your mind wonder about what I am going to do to you."

I grinned as I walked off, feeling a true sense of control over my own daughter that few fathers get to feel. I had my little girl at my finger tips and she was dripping with arousal from it. I couldn't wait to dig in to my now waiting play toy.


My daughter, Beth was bound down firmly to my bed with her legs and arms stretched to either corner; I left her waiting anxiously for me to enter at any given moment. But how long was I planning on keeping her waiting? That was for me to know and for her find out.

Stepping out of the shower I dried off with a towel before wiping the mirror free of fog leaving streaks from my fingers. Looking at my reflection I ran my hand underneath my chin against the roughness of my scruffy beard. I wasn't against growing a beard, just always felt it wasn't a clean look. But it was a new day, perhaps a new me.

Taking electric trimmers I was careful not to cut too short and leave a nice short even trim all the way across. Dropping the towel off into the dirty laundry hamper, I then made my way into the kitchen.

Time to execute the first part of my plan; I opened the freezer and immediately felt a chill breeze over my broad chest, still damp from the shower the chill sent a shiver down my arms.

I reached inside and plucked out a few ice cubes, quickly realizing that the cold was only going to get worse on my hands. I reached into a nearby cabinet and pulled out a bowl, making my way back to the freezer I filled the bowl with the frozen cubes.

Leaving the kitchen I made my way back into my bedroom. My naked daughter still remained on the bed, squirming a little now having heard my approach.

She whimpered softly in excitement and curiosity. I sat down on the bed, placing the bowl next to me. Careful not to let the chilled bowl touch me or her, not wanting to give her a hint as to what was coming. I reached up and peeled off the tape slowly from her lips, and tugged at the fabric of her panties sticking out.

Beth took a moment to swirl her tongue around her mouth, "I wasn't sure when you were coming back." Her voice almost quivered with eagerness.

Saying nothing and leaving her guessing as to what I was about to do, knowing her mind must be desperately trying to piece together the puzzle of what was to come left a sly smirk on my face.

I reached inside the bowl, grasping an ice cube between my fingers and dangling it only inches from my daughter's stomach. The ice cube already slowly melting began dribbling cold drops down onto my daughter's exposed skin.

Beth sucked air in between her teeth, "Ah, it's cold!" Her voice raised to a squeal.

"I bet it is," I told her, moving the ice now over her chest before lowering it down and rubbing it in circles over her vulnerable nipples.

"Ah, ah... Cold, cold..." Gasping out, Beth, pulled on her restraints.

I took the ice cube off her nipple and placed it to her lips, now half the size she took it into her mouth before chewing on it.

"Good girl," Commending her.

Shifting through the ice to one further down for one still solid, I pulled out another one, held firmly between my fingers.

Taking the ice, I lowered it directly onto her stomach. Beth groaned through her chewing on the previous ice chips. Quick to swallow it she let out gasps of excitement and discomfort from the biting cold.

Keeping the ice firmly pressed against her skin, I moved it gently down to her abdomen and further still towards her pussy.

"No, no, no, no, no." Beth pleaded with me when she was quick to realize where I was about to move the ice.

My fingers still holding the cold cube began to sting and numb over, but I was enjoying this too much to let it go. I wanted to watch my daughter squirm, to wiggle and try as best she could to avoid the inevitable.

Gliding the ice cube down, leaving wet streaks glistening behind. I moved it over her pussy mound and right onto her stiff clit.

Beth strained against the ropes and cloth wrapped around her ankles, she grunted when I began swirling the cold ice cube around her little nub. Melting it away until it was entirely gone.

I felt I needed to warm my fingers up. Moving them down her slit I found the awaiting slippery hole where I pressed two ridged fingers in firmly. She was tight, but her pussy accepted the two cold fingers allowing me to press deeper and deeper.

Beth now was spreading her knees apart trying to allow my fingers to explore further inside. Her hands had wrapped around the ropes on either side that was holding her arms above her head, pulling against them with her excitement building.

"Oh, daddy. Your fingers feel so good." Beth moaned out.

I gave a half chuckle, "Yeah? Well, your pussy doesn't feel half bad either."

I wiggled my fingers inside for a few sinful moments before pulling them completely out, leaving her whimpering for more.

"Tsk, tsk. No getting to feel good just yet, this is daddies play time and your punishment." Reminding her of why she was here.

"Yes, Daddy," Beth replied in dismay.

Not wanting to make to much of a puddle in my bed, although I believe, Beth, was already past that point with her dipping sex soaking between her legs. I moved the bowl of ice over towards the table stand next to my bedside and moved around so I was kneeling beside her head. While my daughter was still blindfolded, I took my semi-hard cock and placed it over her lips.

Beth didn't even have to think about it as her lustful desires took over, my chubby daughter quickly opened her mouth and began worshiping the underside of my cock with her soft full lips. Gentle kisses and moans escaped Beth's lips with my cock resting across her mouth.

Enjoying the feeling of power over my daughter, I decided to try something else that I had always wanted too. Lifting a leg I swung it over the other side of my daughter's head, with my cock now having shifted from her mouth over her nose.

I then scooted so my large balls were placed right at her lips, "open wide baby girl."

Beth opened her mouth and accepted my balls with yearning and I dropped my weight over her face. My balls were welcomed with a swirling tongue as it filled her mouth, the wet warm feeling washing over my sack was nothing short of everything I had wanted it to be.

"Mmm, baby girl. Your mother would be so proud, she would love to watch you swallow your daddies balls." I spoke in means to encourage her further.

I looked down at my daughter who was making muffled moans as her tongue slithered around and explored every inch of her father's balls as if trying to lick every side of an ice cream cone before it melted.

Lifting up my balls popped out of her mouth with a suction-like sound. Beth licked her lips, "Daddy, I want you to use me like you did mom."

I shook my head knowing she couldn't see it, "My sweet angel, you don't have to ask such things. I am going to fuck every single one of your holes until you go numb."

Beth groaned out, "Daddy. Start with my pussy, please... please use my pussy, I promise to be a good girl from now on. I will listen to what you say, what you tell me, everything if you just fuck me raw and hard!"

Caught a bit off guard by the sudden request, I thought for the briefest of moments before moving down between my daughter's legs.

"Alright, Kitten. You want a good hard fucking, I will give you one. But you are going to promise me, no matter what daddy says from now on. You will do exactly as I say."

"Yessss, please daddy fuck my pussy raw!" Beth hissed between her teeth.

I leaned down and placed the unprotected helmet shaped head into her slit. Finding that tight little hole oozing with taboo lust, I pressed forward and eased myself into my daughters barely legal pussy.

I felt my cock press further and further inside of my daughter. The sensation was indescribable; inching further and further inside the baby girl you helped create and raise is a feeling like no other.

Beth enjoyed every inch her father gave her; mouth gaped and air squeaking out, I continued to slide deeper and deeper inside of her. Beth had never felt so full in her entire life, almost a little painful and discomforting at how tight her pussy was wrapping my cock.

Finally, my balls rested against my beautiful bound daughter's ass cheeks and I took a moment to soak in the feeling. Taking a deep breath I slowly pulled out; my daughter's small cunt hole gripping and pulling against my slippery cock the whole way.

"Oh god, daddy! I am so fucking full, your dick is so god damn big! It feels so good, I want you to fuck me good and hard, Daddy!" Beth pleaded with such a cute breathless whimper.

I pulled nearly all the way out before pressing right back in with a more forceful thrust. Beth squeaked out at the sudden slam of thick meat right back into her newly spread hole.

"Ugh! It goes so deep inside, I can feel it spread me like a fucking whore for you daddy!" Beth groaned.

I repeated this action, hearing her breathless grunt once again made me feel warm inside. I was creating a pleasure for my daughter that very few fathers could experience, something primal and pure.

Over and over I slowly pulled out before ramming it back inside and forcing it as deep as I could, hearing my daughter grunt and groan each and every single time was ecstasy to my ears.

Feeling her velvet slick walls massage my shaft and pull at me with an eagerness. I watched my baby girls breasts bounce up and down each time, stirring something fierce in my saliva covered balls.

Little by little I began picking up the pace, soon I was thrusting long and hard into my daughter at a constant pace. Her legs and arms pulled and struggled against the restraints but they remained unwavering under the tension.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Beth cried out every time my cock pummeled right into her slippery cunt.

I could feel the sweat begin to bead up around my brow, my chest glistening from the constant speed and forceful thrusts into my daughters grasping pussy. My balls made a wonderful clap sound each time I bottomed out inside of her.

Beth screamed out in almost a gurgle of sounds as her body tensed up as much as it was able too, her pussy squeezed and sucked on my cock like it was begging for my entire load to dump inside of her.

Pressing forward as deep as I could I sat upright. Reaching over I unfastened the cloth bindings holding my daughter's ankles. Once they were free, I gripped each of her ankles into my strong hands and raised her feet into the air.

Her thick pale thighs pressed firmly against my stomach and feet propped against my chest, I wrapped my muscular arms around her legs and began fucking her hard once again. Her pussy felt even tighter in this position and her ass jiggled underneath the forceful thrust, absorbing more of the pounding now.

My breathing became heavier and Beth's groans were inaudible groans of pleasure; Beth couldn't even speak from the sheer orgasmic bliss that continuously crashed into her body and numbing her mind. Her eyes began rolling into the back of her head and her legs stiff against my chest. I grunted like an animal as I fucked my daughter harder and harder.

I wanted to cum; no, I needed to cum inside my baby girls pussy. She wanted it just as much as I did and I was giving her all I had. Shoving my cock in and out of, Beth's pussy I slammed into her ass without mercy. Feeling my own orgasm approaching soon; I continued to look below at my daughter who's orgasm had yet to subside and continuously rolled over into a new explosion of pleasure.

Finally, with sweat glistening off my body and my daughter's pussy squeezing me constantly; I reached my limit. My balls tightened and I felt the surge of my first thick load shoot out of my cock and deep into the sinful womb of my baby girl.

Spurt after spurt rocketed like jet streams through my entire thick shaft and directly into my daughters freshly raw fucked pussy. Feeling as if I was dropping ten pounds for the sheer amount I dumped inside Beth's cunt, I felt light headed and soon dropped her legs to the side and leaned over my baby girl's convulsing body.

Panting heavily I stared down at Beth's face, her mind lost in the tingling sensations of pleasure and ecstasy. I could feel the mess inside of her leaking out from the tight grip of her pussy and around my balls and her ass.

After a few more minutes, Beth gasped loudly and looked up at me with her blindfold still intact. "Oh my god! Daddy, that was... amazing just absolutely amazing!" She said between panted, and weak breaths. She seemed eager to express her feeling as best she could.

I chuckled at her, "I am glad you enjoyed it baby girl. You are one tight fuck, I can tell you that."

Panting along with me, Beth spread her legs and looked down as if trying to see the amount of cum leaking from her pussy lips. I groaned, sitting up and pulled back to let my limp cum covered cock fall free from her hole.

White cum seemed to slide down her pussy and into the crack of her ass, "God it feels like so much, daddy! Ugh, the thought of getting pregnant by you is making me fucking tingle so bad down below."

I quirked a brow at her, "Woah now, kitten. I don't think I am wanting another kid, I just got done fucking my daughter."

She tilted her head a bit at me, still unable to see. "I thought you said this was perfectly normal? If I get pregnant, and I have a daughter... I would want you to share with her what you have with me, it could be like our family tradition now."

She had a point. I did indeed convince her this was all healthy and right, and I didn't really see anything wrong with this. But another kid? She still had college to go through and I wanted her to have somewhat a normal like.

"Let's just talk about this later, okay? For now, we can go get you a pill or something tomorrow. I still am not done with you for the day." My voice falling back into a fatherly tone.

"Yes, Daddy." She giggled while biting the bottom of her lip, "Are you wanting a round two with my pussy?"

I shook my head forgetting she couldn't see it, "No, I think I will take your asshole next. Let's loosen it up good."

Beth chuckled, "Alright, but can I get a drink first?"

Sighing I agreed, I needed a good glass of water before our next session. Not to mention a little R&R before we go at it once again with that much vigor. I looked over at the bowl of ice melting on my bedside table.

Standing up I began laughing. Beth looked in my direction, unsure what exactly was so funny until the sudden splash of ice cold water drenched her body. Beth squealed out in shock as her body tensed up but unable to do much with her arms still tied.

"Oh my god! Daddy! That's fucking cold! Oh my god! Fucking freezing!" She shouted.

I set the bowl back down, "You're still being punished, don't forget. Let me go get something to drink and we can continue."

Beth squirmed around trying to get out of the cold soaked sheets as best she could as I left the room and headed into the kitchen. So much for not getting my bed completely soaked.

The rest of our night consisted of more fucking than I could count. I had never felt so exhausted before in my life, and my daughter was one sex freak that drained my very soul. But I was as happy as I could be.

Waking up in her bed the next morning, I looked over to see my large chested baby girl sound asleep on the bed. I smiled and brushed my hand over her hair and kissed her forehead.

Careful to not wake her, I slid out of bed and headed out of the room. A quick shower once again and back into my room, I began picking up around the room. Towels, sheets, covers, clothes, ropes, and even some whip cream cans. I tidied up the entire room, opening my closet I went to go fetch a shirt hanging when I noticed in the corner of the closet, the box had fallen.

Taking a hard swallow I went to my knees slowly and picked up the box to see that the contents had fallen out. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath, slowly releasing it and opening my eyes. I saw photos of my wife, small items like bracelets and jewelry she used to wear.

I slowly began picking everything up and gently setting it back into the box; taking my time with her photos I would give each one a good look over and smile at her beauty before placing it neatly inside.

Once everything was tucked away, I noticed the cell phone I had placed inside. Having forgotten all about it, I picked it up and ran my thumb over it. Just a small phone with a tiny crack on the front of it, luckily that was all it had from the car crash. I had been so reluctant to turn it on before, I wasn't quite sure I was ready for it now.

However, with everything moving so smoothly with, Beth. I decided perhaps it was time, I could at least peak at it, right?

Standing up I tucked the box away in the top of the closet and kept the phone in my other hand. Walking towards my bedside table, I reached into the drawer and grabbed my own iPhone charger. Plugging it into the wall, I connected it to my wife's iPhone and left it sitting on the table charging.

I took a deep breath, feeling as if it was a new chapter in my life. I headed into the kitchen to make breakfast. It was a quick breakfast with just scrambled eggs, toast, microwaved sausage, and a side of milk.

Beth woke up just as I was finished, having smelled food would be enough to wake her even from the dead. She stumbled in having to hold on to the wall, "Ugh, my asshole and pussy are so sore and raw."

I couldn't help but laugh, "You told me to fuck you raw, and I think I kept my end of the bargain."

Beth giggled as she made her way over to the table, "Ugh, you got that right."

She sat down with a wince and a whimper from the pain, "I think I need one of those fluffy doughnuts for my ass next time you are going to pound me like that."

I chuckled while bringing a hot plate of golden buttery eggs with fresh crisp toast and juicy sausage, "Alright, I will keep that in mind for next time."

I sat down across from my daughter and ate breakfast with her. Beth and I talked about what our plans were for the day and if I had any more punishments lined up, teasingly I told her "We'll see."

After breakfast, I told Beth to take a shower as I made my way into the bedroom. I closed the door behind me and sat on the edge of the bed having pulled the phone free from the charger.

Turning on the phone I felt a slight stir in my gut. Feelings were surfacing but I took a deep breath and pushed them down for now; this was something I was ready to move forward with.

The phone screen popped up to a lock screen, I swiped to the right and the background of apps cluttered the view. Shuffling through each one I glanced around and found what I was looking for, my wife's photo gallery.

Opening it I saw hundreds of photos of my wife, some I had never even seen before. It brought tears to my eyes to see my wife once again, her pictures around the house were one thing, but this was something different.

I smiled as I flipped further and further through, some of the pictures I recognized. Ones of her around the house, or when we went on vacation on the cruise, but others like her stepping out the shower with a risque look to it in just a towel.

Those I felt were for me but she just never got around to sending them. I continued to shuffle through more and more until suddenly, an alert popped up at the top.

Flashing across the top of the screen in bold letters, "New Message!"

I opened to see several alerts from friends and families, some were asking if she was okay, others were chatting about normal day to day things before they found out she had died.

I took a deep breath and began deleting the messages one by one, her sister, mother, other family, friends. But there was one message with the name replaced with just numbers from the phone call.

I began to delete it but felt it was a bit odd I didn't recognize the number. Opening it up I scrolled through the messages and my stomach began to churn with a sickly urge to vomit.

"Hey, babe. Hope to see you soon can't wait." from the unknown number.

"Will see you soon this weekend!" replied my wife.

"Bringing your bikini?" asked the unknown number.

"Or nothing at all ;)" replied my wife.

My mind was swirling and heart was heavy with emotions with tears streaming from my eyes. More and more I read of these messages between my wife and her apparent secret lover.

Scrolling now back to the bottom.

"Hey, I am heading down for the weekend. Told my husband it was a business trip, your wife is gone too, right?" Asked my wife.

"You bet that fine ass she is, can't wait to see you beautiful." Replied the unknown number.

The dates on the messages were only days away from the car accident. My chest was burning with anger! I was infuriated!

"My fucking wife was cheating on me?! Are you fucking serious?!" I shouted out in rage.

I stopped when I heard Beth call down the hall from the bathroom. "You call for me, Daddy?"

I gripped the phone tightly in my hands, staring down at the number. My tears dropped on the screen, I was so fucking angry and hurt I didn't know what to do.

I heard Beth coming down the hall now, I hurriedly tucked the phone away under the blankets and wiped my eyes just as Beth entered the room.

"Daddy?" Her face full of concern as she could see I was upset about something. Standing naked at the door with her bare breasts and pussy easy for me to see, she no longer had any shame about her father looking at her.

Sniffling I shook my head, "Don't worry about it baby girl. I am fine, just got caught in my head." I lied to her, hoping she would just drop it there. I wasn't wanting to tell her that her mother was nothing but a fucking whore.

Beth came up and swung her arms around my neck, "Can I do anything to help the mood?" Her hair still wet from finishing in the shower rather quickly.

I sniffled once again and finished wiping my eyes, I stared into my daughter's green eyes and felt a slight anger. She looked so much like her mother, but I didn't dare take it out on my angle.

"No, sweetie. It's alright. I will be fine. I promise..." I paused and an idea filled my head, "You want to go see Uncle Tyler with me today?"

Beth shrugged sweetly, "That's fine. I wouldn't mind as long as I don't have to bother with Christy, I really don't like that whore."

I chuckled, "It's fine. I don't think you will have to see her. I will give Tyler a call and we can head down there. Why don't you go and finish your shower?"

Beth giggled and kissed me on the forehead before turning and wobbling her ass at me as she walked off. I was too distracted to pay much attention to my daughter at the moment, I reached under the covers and pulled the phone back out.

I stared at the number with a rage building up once again. I was going to find this mother fucker on the other end, I was going to make him pay for what he and my wife did. My brother Tyler was just the man to help me find him.

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