89.09% The destined encounter / Chapter 196: Chapter 126: Finding out the Truth - Part 1

章 196: Chapter 126: Finding out the Truth - Part 1


So this is just a bonus since I made you guys sad the last time update, anyways 😉 enjoy!!!!

Happy reading everyone 😊!!!


Jeffrey opened his eyes and found himself laying on a bed, he looked around and figured he's at a hospital. He tried to remember what happened before he pass out. He close his eyes and memories of what happened slowly coming back to him little by little. He was helping in carrying heavy boxes when he felt a sharp pain to his abdomen. Probably a pain he never felt before and then he fell to the ground grouching till everything went dark slowly. Jeffrey sighed and tried to move but the pain to his abdomen halted his actions. He pulled up his gown to see what's causing it and the he found a large gauze wrapped across his abdomen. Jeffrey sighed and stopped his movement, he lay down of his bed again and waited for someone to come so he can know his situation. He decided to know first his condition before running away since he doesn't have any money with him to pay for the hospital bills. Also he doesn't want Victor to find out about him. It took 2 hours before a nurse came inside to check on him. The nurse almost fell back when she saw him awake and sitting on his bed.

"I'm going to call the Doctor…" the nurse stated but Jeffrey tried to stop her.

"What happened to me?" Jeffrey asked.

The nurse had a hard time thinking whether to tell him or not in the end decided to not tell him at all so Jeffrey had no choice but to wait.

The Doctor that came is a middle aged woman, she's gentle and sweet. "What's my condition?" Jeffrey asked directly after the Doctor was done examining him.

"You've just underwent a procedure called salpingectomy."

"A what?" Jeffrey asked out of nowhere.

"With your fiancés consent we managed to remove the baby so as your left tube. I'm sorry we couldn't salvaged your tube….."

"Baby? Hahahaha what baby are you talking about?"

"You're pregnant and…."

"That's impossible, it can't happen no…"

"It is possible and it already happened. Here's the ultrasound we had when you first came in and the blood tests which clearly shows you are pregnant. The Baby is already in its 9th week….." the Doctors voice slowly fade away after he saw the ultrasound photo of his unborn child that confirms he was indeed carrying a life but the Doctor said they already removed it with his fiancé s consent.

"Who you said it was again that allowed the Termination of my pregnancy?" Jeffrey asked, he already got an idea but still he wants to hear it. He was hoping it was Victor who disguised himself as his fiancé but the Doctor's confirmation broke his heart.

"Doctor Choi… Henry Choice…."

Jeffrey laughed and laughed and laughed until he starts crying. Henry was happy having Axel's child but he would rather terminate his child with him. He felt low and worthless, he couldn't even protect his own child.

"Hey, you have been lied to." Jeffrey said. Which surprised the Doctor. "That man was not my fiancé, he's married and about to be a father to his wife so how can he be my fiancé right? That is also the reason why I ran away from him. It hurts to be just the second so I thought it would be best to leave him to the real person he loves but even so I never thought he would go this far to follow me here and take away the only thing that I can fully say that's mine." Jeffrey said while sniffing, he's not looking at the Doctor instead he's just looking at his feet.

"Doctor, can you help me? Henry is rich he will be able to pay all my medical bills."


Henry stayed for 2 days straight so he can look after Jeffrey but he can no longer prolong the body of his still birth child in that cold place so he decided to go back to arranged the properly the burial of his child next to their family's tomb where his child can be with its ancestors, that's the least he can do, to give his child a name and his surname and place its remains next to his family. After the burial which only attended by him alone he went back not getting any rest. He told himself once Jeffrey gained consciousness he will take him back and confined him to his home and there he will just probably asked George to see his condition since that woman is the best O-BYG in town but the news which greeted him put Henry in a great panic and restlessness.

"I'm his Fiancé I'm telling the truth and I'm not married! Did he say I'm married? And with a child at that too. Fuck this is so mess up." Henry says in exasperation. He finally figured why the Omega run off in the first place.

"I'm sorry but he was crying like he's about to lose his mind. He kept on saying how unfair you are to your unborn child and yet you showed love to the child of your wife."

"I'm not married, fuck who could it be that he thought I was married to." Henry almost shouted.

"I don't know he told me no name."

Henry grabbed the Doctor on both of her shoulders "I'm not married, please tell me that you know where he is." But Henry got no answers. He tried asking for authorities help but even them won't seriously try to find him so even with tired body that hasn't been sleeping he went back to the City and go straight to Axel's house.

"Axel help me, help me find him." Henry desperately asked Axel.

"Damn you! Don't tell me you lost him again? Fuck!" Axel quickly sit on his chair type something then a lot of videos appeared on his multiple monitors.

"You hacked all the cameras." Henry said in amazement.

"Tell me what time and date?" Axel asked.

"Yesterday around 2-3 in the afternoon." Henry said. He watched Axel type in a lot of things from his main computer and black screen appearing with all the little letters and numbers that he couldn't even understand then there he saw Henry talking to the Doctor. Axel type in something again and then a voice can be heard. It was Jeffrey's conversation with the Doctor, Henry felt that he was poured on an ice bucket listening to Jeffrey's cry. That's not what he wanted to see and hear it is not what he promised to him.

"You aborted the pregnancy?" Axel's voice brought Henry back to reality.

"It will endanger his life, it's not like your pregnancy. My child has no way of surviving. 9 weeks and his tube is already tearing and ready to burst any moment. I have no choice but to make a decision. I can't lose him Axel."

"Fuck why didn't you wait till he's conscious before you left his side? And what about the marriage and you're going to be a father?"

"Of course that's not true! You can ask my sister! Fuck where did he get that news from? Damn it why is this so mess up!" Henry shouted. "Axel we need to find him."

"I'm trying to find him but it seems all other footage of him was already deleted." Axel said. "He at least knows this much, although I'm still better than him when it comes to this."

"Fuck!" Henry keeps on swearing and swearing.

"You caught a very tough Omega, you'll have a hard time taming this angry Jeffrey." Axel whispered.

"I already tamed him before, I will be able to do it again." Henry said with confidence.

"It won't be the same, you see in his eyes you betrayed him. You're the same as Victor putting him in that very same spot as a mistress after you make him fall and now you're the person who took away his child considering the likes of us who already accepted the fate of not being able to mother even a single child. Yeah good luck on taming him the second time around."

"You're not helping! Instead of boosting my chances and confidence you are dragging it down to the drain." Henry complained.

"Yeah the drain is the perfect place for you because you are a trash. Well I'm surprised you were able to tame him and make him fall for you when he had only had his eyes on Victor all his life." Axel keep on having conversations with Henry while not breaking his eyes from the monitor.

"It was not easy really. He was not trusting, he just smile when needed not when he's truly happy and won't cry even though he's already hurting."

"He already perfected concealing his pain. I never once saw him cry not even with Victor only this time. You managed to break his defenses. People like us don't trust easily maybe try being sincere and begged for forgiveness maybe just maybe he'll forgive you. Jeffrey's love doesn't fade easily, when he love he loves hard even though it's already killing him but a child involvement is another thing. I don't know if he can forgive you. One thing I'm sure of is he will seek revenge to that person he thought that is your wife. Knowing him for the longest time he always put it on the special person of someone who he loves. So we need to find who is your mysterious wife." Axel explained


Henry didn't take major operation as he was not at his best condition to put someone else's life at the palm of his hand, they tried to keep track on Jeffrey's where about but the Omega is slippery as an eel. Jeffrey is serious in running away from him until he just disappeared for 4 days they didn't track not even his shadow.

Henry sighed and tried to keep on trying, he doesn't want to stop.

"Move, move!" It was George Miller who was shouting. Knowing the worry on her face Henry unknowingly followed her, then he saw Axel on the stretcher with blood."

Henry quickly run towards him, worry is written all over his face. He went inside the operating room together with Dr. Miller Axel's OB. The operation lasted for 8 hours but the good thing the baby missed the bullet.

"He and the baby is out of danger now." Dr. Miller said after they got out of the operating room.

"It's like he was shot intentionally in that area." Henry whispered.

"I thought so too, luckily the baby was not growing in there so it missed." George agreed which made Henry's suspicion grow even more.

When he was left all alone he walk towards his office but suddenly someone passing him by said something. "Pity it didn't kill the baby." Henry looked around to find that one person who he's sure who owns that voice but he couldn't find him. He checked all the footage from that time but he couldn't find him. He doesn't know if his mind is playing tricks on him or Jeffrey was really there. "But if he's there then I would have smell him." Which he thought so he dismissed the thought that it was Jeffrey whom he heard.


"Jeffrey so when can I see Axel?" No hi nor how are you but straight to the point of asking any news about Axel. Yes Jeffrey went back to Victor. He finally gave up and accepted his fate that his place is by Victor's side but just because he already accepted it, it doesn't mean that he will let Axel be happy nor Henry. He wanted for both Axel and Henry to feel how he felt when he lost his child of course he never disclosed to Victor the fact he got pregnant. He only managed to tell him about Axel but nothing about Axel's pregnancy nor the fact that he's married. He promised Victor to lure Axel out in exchange of taking him back.

Jeffrey no longer feel anything for Victor but his anger is what fuels him to seek revenge, once he's sure that both Axel and Henry feel the pain which he felt that time then it's finally the time Jeffrey will end everything. He promised that the two will never forget his death as long as they both live. He agreed in letting Victor use his body however he likes and like the previous thing that happened before he disappears his body keeps on rejecting them to the point it got 10x worst than before. He seek medical professionals about it and there's only one thing they can say and that is he must have found his soul bond. The Doctor warns him that an Omegas body which had a connection to its bond will react in a way it can never connect to any other alphas but Jeffrey is blinded by his anger so with all his might he endured even though he feels like his muscles is being torn apart whenever someone other than Henry takes his body.

"Almost there." Jeffrey simply answered.

"You have an appointment tonight." Victor simply informed.

"If they won't use condoms tell them I might hurt them. I don't have sex without it." Jeffrey simply said.

"Of course, after the news about your previous client which you sent to a hospital broke they don't want to do it without one." Jeffrey didn't say anything. He went to his room and climb into the roof, there he light up a cigarette.

"Why did you come back?" Jeffrey don't need to look behind to know who that person is.

"There's no place for me in this world other than this place except when I die of course maybe I have a place there."

"What happened Jeffrey, you looked more lifeless than before you left." Robbie seated beside him.

"Someone took my heart away but he stomp on it to the ground this it got broken and can no longer be fixed. I have no heart now, so tell me if a person no longer has the heart to love can you still say that person is alive?" Jeffrey laughed at his own joke. "I'm too tired now, I'll finish things fast and then take my rest." Jeffrey got up. " I have a customer so I'll go first."

Jeffrey button his shirt after, he throw up 3 times in the bathroom after the sex. Even with the strong sensor and pheromones blocker his body is still trying hard to protest accepting another people other than Henry. It is worst than getting marked. The Doctors whom he had spoken with told him that when his soul bond marks him he really can no longer accept any other person. His body might go into shock and can cause him his life. Thinking now Jeffrey was glad that Henry didn't mark him or else he really won't be able to do this kind of job. He didn't entertain any thoughts about Henry he only misses him and just went on with what he was doing. After driving with no destination Jeffrey finally gave up and went to look for Henry, yes he went to look for him. Even though he had hurt him in his heart there's always him. When he can't sleep he watches him from the distance just how he did when he run away. He sometimes sneaks and watched him from afar and after he's got his fill he will go back to that province till the child incident but nevertheless he still has the hobbit of watching Henry even for an hour before he leaves and sleep for the night. Henry is like his drugs, he can't let go or else he will lose his mind. Jeffrey finally accepted that there's only one way for him to completely be free from him and that is death.


It's Axel's 5th day in the hospital after the shooting incident. It turns out that the shot was intended for him. The bullet was from a sniper, the intention was unknown since Victor still yet to make a move so they assume that Victor still doesn't know about his whereabouts but things change when he saw Victor from the reception area, out of instinct he quickly called Axel and Aiden so they can move Axel out of the building. Henry was hoping that he was wrong but his suspicion only proven right when Victor came inside Axel's room.

"Are you the Doctor here?" Victor asked.

"Yes, is there anything I can do for you?" Henry politely answered.

"The patient here." Victor asked.

"He already got discharged today." Henry quickly response.

"The nurses said that….."

"Most of the nurses hasn't been informed but the patient here got discharged." Henry can clearly see how the man gripped his own hands to a fist trying to control his own anger.

"How about the patient's details." Victor asked.

"Are you perhaps his relatives?" Henry asked. "The record says that the patient no longer have any family members that are still alive *Except of course for his husband and his husband's family.* Henry says to his mind.


"Then we can't disclose any patients information. I'm sorry but you have to leave now." Henry told the men casually.

"What a bummer." Jeffrey whispered, he's hiding just outside of the room but after hearing the conversation he walk away. He's now thinking of away on how can he hurt Axel in the worst possible way but someone pulled him inside an empty room and hugged him.


"I can feel you, I cant smell you but I can feel you." For a moment Jeffrey's heart soften at the thought that Henry might be missing him so he close his eyes and enjoy the warmth of his hug.

"I'm so sorry." The the word sorry brought Jeffrey back to reality so he harshly pushed Henry away.

"You killed my child… you never loved me, you just used me."

Tears start falling down Henry's eyes then he slowly get down on his knees and kneeled in front of him. "I'm sorry, I really am but what I did, I did it because I love you. Darling…"

"Don't you dare call me that!" Jeffrey shouted. "I went back to Victor and I will push with the wedding. We still haven't made an official announcement but we will be pushing through with the wedding. What happened between us let's just treat it as a dream that we can never go back to."

What Jeffrey said felt like knives stabbing to his heart. "We're fated pairs no we are soul bond you can't marry….."

"I can Henry, I can…. It's painful but I still can sleep with other people aside from you. I even slept with Victor a lot of times since I got back and other people as well. It may not be as pleasurable as it was but still the pain makes me forget to the point I sometimes enjoy it." Jeffrey laughed like a mad man. "Maybe I'm sick to my head, disgusting right? Me sleeping to the person who I call brother who's married and has children. Me sleeping to those old men, me sleeping to any men as long as they have a dick to stick it in me. Don't worry I use condoms now, I practice safe sex."

"I don't feel disgusted." Henry says.

"You are no different from them, you are all the same." Jeffrey went out of the room. Henry tried to run after him but as soon as Jeffrey got out of the room like a ghost he disappeared.


2 weeks passed…..

Jules tried to stay in his position calmly, he has been kept in that place roughly in Jules estimation probably 3 days and four nights. His plane just landed and he's about to go home so he halted as cab but inside the cab something got sprayed on his face which made him lost his consciousness and now here he is. If being asked Jules knew he can escape easily but there are a lot of informations getting spilled just by listening and he won't let the opportunity pass but that night is different than other usual nights. The surrounding is very quiet and no sounds can be heard but he got startled when someone touched him without even feeling his movements.

"Don't be scared it's me." The voice told him and then out of nowhere proceed with untying his chains from his feet. His head is covered with a sack clothe so he can't see who is the person helping him "fuck how did they even managed to know you are his husband."

"We don't have much time before Victor's men get here so you have to bare with me, I won't take the hand tie behind your bag but don't worry, I got you." Before Jules could hum anything the man carried him like a sack of rice without much effort considering his physique. He has been thrown, pushed and dragged all over the place till he can finally sit and felt the car moving.

"You're safe now, well at least for now. Don't even think that I saved you because I care for you. Axel is my only target and not you." Jeffrey admitted. "Ow yeah you can't talk and see because of these two so let me take…. What the fuck? Who are you?!" Jeffrey without warning hit the break

"Hhhhmmmmm, uuhhhhmmmmm." Jeffrey watched the man tried to talk with that gag on his mouth.

"Fuck this is so mess up, we need to go back, we need to bring you back. You are not the person who I'm looking for. I'm sorry it's already enough that I'm taking Axel's husband but if Victor finds out that the other person who he abducted also disappears then that man will totally going to lose it." Jeffrey start turning the car around but the man who keeps on moving and trying to say something suddenly stop, he just remained looking at him as if he's digesting something and completely trying to make sense out of something. Jeffrey let him since he's quiet and not bothering him but out of nowhere the man charged at him and with brute force slammed his whole body to him which caused Jeffrey to lose control of the car. The car keeps on spinning and spinning until it stops the gag on the man's mouth also came out. Jeffrey hit his head on the side window of the car which caused it to bleed.

"Fuck!" He whispered "FUCK! I let you sit around there quietly and this is what you will do? I shouldn't have trusted you after all, all alphas are trash!"

"I'm Axel's husband….." what the man said man Jeffrey stop what he's doing.

"What did you just said?" Jeffrey asked.

"I'm Axel's husband. Victor seems have an obsession with him, for years he tried to hide from him together with the kids he saved from that facility no Nestor saved." The mention of Nestor's name made Jeffrey felt cold.

"You're not Axel's husband, I saw Axel's husband and I have been with his husband." Jeffrey revealed but the man just laughed.

"Really? Then who is that man you thought my wife's husband is?" Jeffrey didn't say anything.

"You're lying to make sure I won't return you to that place." Jeffrey insisted.

"Then how about we go to the registry. Also visit my wife, he doesn't know I got abducted. You'll hear the answers straight from him." Jeffrey thought that it wasn't such a bad idea but deep inside his heart he's afraid to know the truth that what if the man in front of him is telling the truth that he made a mistake. That he misunderstood things and cause this much suffering all because he's afraid of asking Henry. He's afraid of telling him that he thought he knows that he's married.

"You're lying! We are going back! I'll bring you back!"

"You're afraid of knowing the truth right? Maybe you thought that the man you're with is married to my wife hahaha, who could that unlucky person be?" Jules laughed. "Wait but most of the men I know who knows my wife is also married….. but it's not like them to cheat, they are more afraid of losing their wives than losing their life so it's impossible for any of them to cheat with you though you're beautiful don't get me wrong." Jules explained. "So who's the unlucky guy?"

"H-Henry C-Choi…."

"Dr. Choi hhhhmmm I see, you must have thought that he and my wife are together. Henry is my wife's Doctor, his psychiatrist."

"You're lying, you can't fool me…."

"I'm not, we can go to my Sweety and you'll see."

"Sweety?" Jeffrey asked in confusion.

"What I call my sweet sweet Axel." Jules smirked as he says those words.

"Axel is anything but sweet." Jeffrey start the car.

"I bet you're also anything but sweet and yet you act like a spoiled child to Dr. Choi." Jules says with confidence as if he already knew how Jeffrey acts towards Henry. "You're blushing, it means it's true."

"How sure are you?" Jeffrey asked.

"Because that's how my Sweety and all the wives of my friends acts towards their husbands. So where are we going now? Are you planning in returning me to that damn Victor or are planning to face your demons to know the truth?"

"We will go to the registry as you claim if you're not Axel's husband you're dead! I will personally going to kill you." Jeffrey said with finality.

"What if I'm right? If I'm right I want you to go home to Henry and straight things up with him. My wife kept on telling me that instead of him receiving a treatment from his Doctor he's the one now who's giving counseling to his own Doctor because that damn playboy of a home wrecker Doctor got his heart broken. I think he just got a taste of his own medicine." Jules is now sitting comfortably while Jeffrey drives silently not answering Jules. "Just wake me up when we are there." Jules said as he closed his eyes.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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