84.09% The destined encounter / Chapter 185: Chapter 116: What it Means to be on our Side

章 185: Chapter 116: What it Means to be on our Side


Hello everyone!!!! Thank you so much for all the reviews I have been getting to be honest I was so touched with the message and I just want you all to know that I appreciate all of your messages. Thank you all, since I have got so overwhelmed with the review messages here is another chapter. Also I'm reading all the comments and I enjoy reading each one of it, thank you always for showing me your appreciation to this sorry. No words can describe how much I am thankful to each one of you.

To those who are asking if this is ending? My answer is yes and no? Because remember we still have the next generation's story yeah but their children's story probably the last season of this story so yeah, anyways thank you for sticking to this story though it has been almost two years since I start writing this and yet I can still the readers who has been there from the start still reading this story. Thank you so much again you are the reason why I decided to finish this story here.

Happy Reading 😊!


Jeffrey closed his eyes and the image of that day pop up to his mind. He looked beside him and there sleeping the man who he calls brother he turn to his side to properly looked at him then the man woke up from his slumber and looked at Jeffrey. "Why didn't you wake me?" The man asked with a hint of irritation to his voice.

"Can't you stay for the night?" Jeffrey asked.

"No." It was a quick response without even giving a room to think.

"Just this one night? Can't you do it for me?" Jeffrey insisted even though deep inside his heart he knew that the man won't but still he hopes.

"You know I don't stay after sex. Just clean up and go whenever you are ready. I'll go first, I won't wait for you" The man said as he put his shoes on.

"Is there any way for you to learn to love me even for just a little?" Jeffrey asked on a low voice. Then he felt a strong gripped of a hand on his face.

"What's with you today? You know the answer and yet you are still asking? You are nothing to me but a whore to release my sexual tension. I don't care who you slept with, I don't care if you will whore yourself to every man around you so don't fucking ask me if I can love you because I have no love to give you." Victor push his face harshly as he released it. "Stop that fucking bullshit, you know your role and you know why you exist. You owe it to my family why you are here. Just do your job properly and don't spout some bullshit!"

When Victor is gone, Jeffrey gathered his legs, hug it to his chest and burry his face on top of his knees he wanted to cry but no tears are coming out, even with extreme sadness his tears already stopped flowing. "It's unfair isn't it?" Jeffrey whispered.

"Yeah indeed it is truly unfair." Jeffrey immediately role out to the side of bed and there he pick the ball pen as he hide his naked self beside the bed side.

"Relax I'm not here to fight." The voice of the man said.

Jeffrey gulp. He knows that voice too well. "Axel?" Jeffrey asked.

"Yes it's me." Jeffrey jumped right on to Axel and run towards him with an aim to stab him to death with a ball pen. Axel quickly dodge smashing the lampshade to Jeffrey's back. Jeffrey quickly backed away. Blood running to the side of his naked body.

"You might want to cover yourself? It's really not pleasing to see you all naked while you are being unreasonable even though I told you I'm not here to fight." Axel throw him a pants which Jeffrey catch. He put his pants on.

"Why? You haven't seen a naked man's body these past years? Lucky you." Jeffrey said mockingly.

"Ow I have been seeing one but just one naked well built body of a man but aside from his body I'm not planning in seeing another willingly." Axel answered back.

"Why are you here? Why after years of hiding and making us believe that you are dead you are making an appearance now?" Jeffrey asked.

"To save you." Axel simply answered.

"I went there to save the victims of this crime and yet I forgot to pull you out there too. I should have dragged you even if you don't want to leave that place." Axel said with all honesty.

"You know I won't leave Victor, I LOVE HIM!" Jeffrey shouted.

"Love? Can you even call that love?" Jeffrey asked.

"What do you know about love? Don't talk to me about love when you don't even know about it! How can you know something that both of us will never going to have? We are the same! We are both whores! We both are killers? And we know that we both can't have Children! We can't even produce pheromones! Can we still even call ourselves Omegas?" Jeffrey said pointing the ball pen to Axel.

"You ask how to I know? Because I'm married."

"You're lying."

"I'm not."

"You must have gave him false identity, there's no way..."

"He knows everything. My past and the fact that I might not be able to have kids…."

"He loves me Jeff not for my body, he didn't touch me until we got married and that's the only time he touched me. He never called it as having sex he said he's making love to me. He treasures me and give me respect that none of the guys have ever given me." Axel sat on the couch. "Jeff you need to think, is this the life that you want? Don't you want to free yourself? I heard and saw how Victor treats you."

"Yeah you are always lucky. It's really not possible for that husband of yours to marry you because people loves you naturally even Victor, that's why he can't love me because of you." Jeffrey laugh.

"Victor wouldn't marry me even if I choose to stay by his side. He will treat me as a mistress and a whore. I won't call it love Jeff. If you change your mind call me to this number. You deserve someone who can give you the love you deserve. Don't settle for less Jeff." Jeffrey watched Axel disappear through the window that is from the 40th floor. He looked down to see where did the Omega went but he saw nothing. Its like the omega was never there and was just a mere illusion of his but the wound caused by the hitting of the lamp is there. He dropped his body on the bed. "Should I inform Victor?" Jeffrey immediately got up. "No, he should never know that fucking whore is still alive."


"Do you think this is right? I'm worried about you." Axel turned around and gave his husband a kiss.

"Is this why you didn't go to your assignment?" Axel teasingly asked.

"Yeah, is there something wrong if I put my wife's safety first?" Axel turn around to face his back to his husband and there he leaned back to his husband's broad and strong chest, he put his husband's arms around him as he swayed their body to the tune of his own humming.

"Hey, this is serious. Sweety I'm really worried about you and why don't you want me to come with you so I'll know who this guy is?"

"Why do you even want to know who Jeffrey is? Are you interested in him?" Jules almost burst into laugh seeing Axel this jealous he still can't get used to it because Axel is not the kind to easily get jealous.

"Don't be jealous, you're the only one for me." Jules kiss Axel to his lips.

"I'm lucky to have you did I already told you that?" Axel asked.

"You do every single chance you get. You always tell me that."

"Because I am, and I was reminded about that again. I saw how Victor treated Jeff. I already forgot how men treated people like us because you always treat me as a queen but I was reminded on how harsh people are to Omegas like us. Maybe if I didn't met you I will still probably be thinking that I'm not deserving to be loved just how Jeffrey thinks that about him."

Axel turned around again to face his husband, he cupped his husband's face as he told him. "I love you, you thought me how to love and you thought me how to love myself. I will always be grateful for your love Jules."

Jules lifted Axel and Axel wrapped his legs around his husband's waste. Jules walk towards the bed. "It will be a pity not to use the room to this very expensive hotel."

"Yeah I agree. Sweety you're fast, what's the hurry?" Axel teasingly asked when Jules removed his pants and underwear in that one swift move.

"I want to be inside you." Jules whispered seductively which made Axel gulped at the sexiness of his husband's voice.

He watched as Jules removed his shirt only to expose his well built chiseled muscles.

"Liking the view sweety?" Jules asked when he noticed that Axel is already froze his gaze to his body.

"Pants." Axel whispered.

"What?" Jules was caught off guard but then Axel didn't answer him instead he was flipped by his own wife and now he's underneath his wife who's now just wearing a shirt and nothing underneath it. He watch how Axel desperately unbuckle his belt and open the fly of his pants and lower it till his little man sprung free. Axel didn't even completely took his pants and underwear off, he just went and sat on top of his little guy and there he sink it deep inside him.

"Aaahhhh fuck!" Axel exclaimed.

"Damn, slowdown sweety." Jules said while watching how his wife lean back and open his legs widely for him to have a better view as Axel go up and down on him. Jules was caught of guard that it made him cum sooner than expected."Fuck!" Jules shouted but Axel didn't stopped, his wife is really feeling it. Jules lost count on how many times they did it but it was more than usual. Axel's libido these days are on a high level. He got up and put his clothes on. Jules went to the comfort room and there he took a wet towel with him. He wipe his wife clean before putting him to a bath rob. He kissed him to his temple before scribbling something on to the paper then he said. "I'll just buy you a clean set of clothes and something to eat that you have been craving recently I'm pretty sure you'll want to eat it as soon as you wake up. I won't take long, I love you." Jules went out and went to the nearest mall that is still open at that hour then he went to the pastry shop and bought a two slices of cakes one of a chocolate flavor and the other one is of a strawberry flavor.

"It's you, we have seen each other again." Jules looked at the familiar man then he recognized that it was the same omega who asked him to have sex when his wife and him had a fight.

"I'm sorry but I don't sleep around." Jules straightly answered.

"Hey can you accompany me? I just want to talk to someone." Jules didn't respond. "Ow I get it don't worry you can go now." The man had a defeated look on his face. "It's ok people often tells me I'm not even worth a glance so it's ok."

Jules sat down to the chair across his table. "Hey I know I'm not in the position to tell you this but if you are with the right person that person won't even say that you are not worth even with a single glance." Jules said.

The omega laugh. "You know what you are the fourth person who told me that just this week." The omega laugh.

"You don't understand I'm a whore and I can't have children. Who's alpha in their right mind who would take an Omega like that?" The omega asked.

"The omega who loves you." Jules immediately answered. "I don't know what your circumstances are but remember the right person will love you and treat you properly."

"Mister, have you ever loved an Omega who's a whore?" The omega asked him.

"I'm married to an Omega but never once I thought about him as a whore because of his past so my answer is no. I have been in love and married to a wonderful omega." Jules name was called so he went to get his cakes then he patted the head of the Omega. "The alpha who loves you truly will only see the good in you. Give yourself more credit than what that person is telling you. I have to go now, my wife is sleeping as much as possible I don't want him waking up without me by his side."

Axel opened his eyes only to find the bed empty so he got up and looked around to find where his husband is only to find him sitting on the floor while his arms are at the side of the bed and his face using it as a pillow. He then smiled and looked at his husband's handsome face then he noticed his clothes are all new. He smiled to himself and then slowly woke up his husband. "Sweety." Axel said smiling.

"I brought you cakes, your favorites." Jules saw how Axel eyes brighten at the news. It was a weird combination but recently Axel has been wanting to eat both chocolate and strawberry at the same time saying the combination of the two flavor is what's making his mouth waters.

"Really? Where are they?" Axel immediately got out of bed and looked inside the fridge where he found the cakes. Jules watched how his wife enjoys the meal afterwards Axel and him fell asleep. After they checked out the next morning Jules took his wife to a fancy restaurant when Axel's eyes caught the restaurant while looking outside the window of their car, the people inside the lobby are looking at them because of what they both are wearing but Jules didn't mind them. The manager of the high class restaurant was on her way to talk and to send them away properly since Jules is insisting to dine in in that place regardless of the clothes they are wearing.

"Sweety I think we should just go. I mean we can eat anywhere else." Axel whispered.

"Hey don't worry I got this, what my wife wants my wife will get." Jules kiss Axel's head and the staff who's talking to them blush seeing how affectionate Jules is towards the Omega by his side.

"I'm Kate Williams the manager." Greeted by the woman then her gaze went to Axel. "I heard you want to dine in here but our restaurant don't allow such dress code. I'm sorry but I'll have to ask you to leave." The woman said kindly. "And we don't allow whores to dine in here. I'm really sorry Sir."

Jules just smiled at her then he took out his phone and called someone. "Hello, I want you to buy a restaurant, I'll send you the name of it."

Jules can see the surprise of the staff who heard what he just said. Then after the phone call his phone rings. Jules put it in a loud speaker. (It is done Sir the owner just agreed, our lawyer will handle the transfer you just need to sign some papers.)

"OK then just forward it to me later. Also tell the owner to call me this instant." Jules didn't wait for the man to answer he just drop the call, then after that his phone rings again and then he put the call again on a loudspeaker. The staff heard the familiar voice of the restaurant owner.

"Tell your staff to let me and my WIFE eat inside. They are not letting us in so I will be needing you to tell them." Jules emphasized the word wife in front of them which made the woman pale.

The man on the phone told the staff to let them in then Jules drop the call.

"I'm sorry Sir I didn't know he is your wife." The woman keep on apologizing and bowing.

"Jules please just let it slide, I was not really offended." Axel said.

But Jules kissed him in front of them. "No one will pick on my wife, not in front of me... remember that." Then Jules looked at the woman.

"I will let it slide and don't apologize to me, apologize to my wife. This restaurant will be owned by my wife." Jules pulled Axel inside.

"What do you mean I will own this? Are you out of your mind?! I don't even know how to cook properly and now you want me to own this?"

"Sweety you don't really need to be a great cook to own a restaurant. Don't worry I'll be with you every step of the way." Jules said giggling.

"How-how reach are you to even buy this this thing? You didn't use your parents money did you?" Axel asked.

"Don't worry I didn't used my parents money. Besides this could be a great investment too."

"Don't do that again."

"Don't do what?" Jules asked.

"You buying a business out of impulse just because you've got offended on my behalf." Axel explained. "There will be a lot of people who will judge my relationship with you because an amazing alpha like you is a match to an amazing alpha too not to an Omega."

"Who are they to say whom should be my great match?"

"Exactly that's why I don't care what they think because for me what matter is what you think and feel about me."

Jules leaned forward over the table to whisper something to Axel's ears that made the Omega blush. "You sound so badass and hot right now that I want to take you."

Axel quickly shake off the embarrassment and reverted to his husband. "I think I was the one who took you in last night."

Axel's response only made Jules laugh which caught the attention of the other dinners. All throughout their breakfast the eyes of the dinners are on them. Later Jules excused himself to the washroom so Axel was all left alone at their table, looking at his husband's phone where he found lots of his stolen photos but his attention was caught when someone came over their table.

"It really makes me sick seeing low class people trying to eat in a classy restaurant as this. How much does your customers pays you for you and your man whore to be able to eat here?" Axel looked at the old fat man.

"I'm sorry?" Axel asked.

"You looked really pretty but everyone here knows you and that man you are with are just whores who are trying to look rich. They shouldn't be letting people like you enter this restaurant. It brings its reputation down." Axel looked at the people around him as if hoping for someone to step in to help him but no one did. So Axel breathe in and raise his hand. "Please call the manager." Axel simply commanded. He tried to calm himself, he refused to be pushed over. Jules is doing everything and giving him everything for him to be respected and treated fairly by people around him. He make sure to use whatever it is his husband gives him.

"You called for me Sir?" The woman humbly asked still embarrassed with what happened earlier.

"Please tell this man who am I?" Axel asked.

"I'm sorry Sir but this is the owner of this restaurant." The woman said.

"You all think you can fool me? My friend owns this!" The man shouted.

"Then call him, I dare you." The man looked at Tiana and it's obvious that the man knows who is the woman is.

"Auntie?" Axel said.

"Dear it's so nice seeing you here, I didn't know you're the new owner. I just over heard." Tiana said.

"Darling. Ow if it isn't little Axel. Are you here alone?" Robbert Harris asked.

"My husband is with me." Axel politely answered.

Robbert looked at the man who's causing trouble that is not look nothing like the man earlier. "Is this man troubling you dear?" Robbert asked.

"No uncle I already handled him."

"He, he is a whore and and the man who's with him too i-incase you didn't know." The man said trying to defend himself.

"Him? A whore?" Tiana asked.

"The Who's he with is also a whore?" Robbert added to the question. "What makes you think they are?"

The manager who's also there couldn't believe that the new owner knows the Harris power couple.

"Well forget about that, this kid here is the wife of my nephew and since he said that he is with his husband I'm assuming that the man who he's with is my nephew." Tiana explained.

"They are no whores. If I were you I will be very careful with my words." Robbert warned. The man quickly bill out and runaway.

"Auntie, uncle!" Jules hug both the old couple.

Axel signal na two to not mention anything to Jules. "What brought you two here?" Jules asked.

"Breakfast of course. We hurried back as soon as we heard our youngest win." Robbert said like a proud father to his little boy. Axel wonders if Jules will be like that kind of a father to their children if ever they will be given even with just one.

"Yeah but we are kind of famish thats why we stopped by to have breakfast here." Tiana explained.

All four settled in and ordered foods for breakfast they ate happily but when the chicken soup arrived it immediately turned Axel's stomach inside out, without words he run to the washroom. All three are just looking to the direction where Axel run to.

"Is he, is he already expecting?" Robert asked.

"Have you told your mother about this?"

Jules don't know how to respond so he just stand up and went to where Axel is. "I'm sorry Auntie and Uncle I'll just check my wife."

There are a lot of questions in Jules mind but when he got there three guys with bruises on their faces are all laying on the floor and the fourth one is being held by the collar of none other than his wife. "H-help, HELP!" The man shouted at him when he saw him.

"Sweety let him go." Jules said and Axel let the man go to run and hug him.

"They are harassing me, they are mocking me asking if my alpha left me the moment I got pregnant then they want me to come with them."

"Fuck look at us! That crazy bitch beat us to a pulp!" The man on the floor shouted.

Jules broke from Axel's hug he went to the door's direction . "See even that man doesn't believe you." The man's statement made Axel sad, he knows he shouldn't be but somehow he easily gets to emotional. Then they heard the sound of the door locking.

"I locked the restroom sweety, I even put up a sign so beat them till you feel better. Don't worry I'll be the look out." Jules informed.

Axel cracked the bone of his knuckles which made the men paled after hearing it. "Heard my husband? He said he will be my look out."

"He, he's your husband?" The man asked.

"Yeah." Axel smiled answering the question. When the two are both done they came back only to get a teasing eyes from Terrence parents.

"What took you two so long inside? You didn't did you?" Tiana asked

"Don't worry nothing like that happened." Jules said.

"Well, so Axel are you pregnant and how long?" Robbert asked.

"No uncle I'm not pregnant. I took numbers of pregnancy test but they all came back negative. Probably this is just because of my upcoming heat." Axel explained, though it has been two months since his last heat and the nausea and mood swings are both kicking harder not to mention his sex drive he figured it must be because of his delayed heat that he's experiencing all these, George is currently on bed rest because his doctor has sensitive pregnancy so George arrange him to another doctor. The doctor told him that all the symptoms he's experiencing are due to his delayed heat and medications.

"It's ok, time will come and you two will be able to have your own children. I wish for you to have a lot of children."

"Thank you Auntie, but me and my wife are not in a hurry, we are still taking our time."

Tiana looked at the saddened expression on Axel's face and instantly she knew and she can feel it so she walk towards him and gave the Omega a hug. "Take good care of yourself, it might not show now but sooner it will so you have to properly take care of yourself ok?"

"Wha-what do you mean?" Axel asked.

"When the time is right but just do this auntie of yours a favor and take good care of yourself. Don't be sad it will only add up to the stress you are feeling and it's not good, just believe dear and time will come that what you want will be given to you." Tiana said.

The two couples enjoyed their breakfast together and after a while parted ways. The next day Jules fly together with Clarence and Axel was left all alone. While resting his phone rings. He got up and looked at the number appearing on the screen. He answered the call and put the phone over his ear. "So you made up your mind to be on our side?" Axel asked.

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