"In life it is not our thoughts that define who we are, but our actions that bind us. Glory, you see, does not wait for man's thoughts to come to light. Glory to the highest degree must be earned in the strife of objection, as it is in this rejection that life takes on new meaning. To fail to achieve the rank of this esteem means certain damnation in societies social convention. A damnation that unfortunately I have found myself trapped in for too long and now beg for the opportunity to achieve redemption. Normalcy be damned, for in essence I ask to be abnormal. I seek the life not of a mere peasant, but, rather, the riches of a king and the power of a god. With my last words granted, I can say with certainty... I will come back a-new."
Water dripped down from an old tree's long narrow neck and onto the poor speaker's grizzled hair. As he finished his last rights an over-cumbering silence descended upon the crowd that had gathered to see the old man hung for his actions. Time, in its' own unique way would soon hold the man still, lifeless, in the crowds enthrallment by yet another gruesome display for the lord's pleasure. Although, perhaps this time was different. Perhaps this old man could live on. If only there was another way out...