17.61% Hidden Omega / Chapter 31: Chapter 30

章 31: Chapter 30

**5 years later**

I felt a hand move across my chest my entire body froze. A shiver of fear went up my spine as I knew Jayden was holding me. I frantically threw my eyes open but paused as I saw Chase sleeping face on my chest near my shoulder.

I let out a sigh of relief as my body shivered while I lessened my anxiety.

I looked over to Chase to see that he had to have come in relatively recently. His hair was still wet from the shower and he was deep in sleep. His schoolbag in uniform were on the dresser.

I then felt some things cold on my chest and looked down to see the necklace he had created a few years ago. My house key hung around his neck along with a few beads that Ashley and Archer had given him a few months before.

I moved my legs slightly and felt something touch my feet. I looked down to see papers and books strung about and sighed. I looked to my alarm clock and cursed quietly.

I lifted up Chase's arm but it immediately fought back as he squeezed me tighter. Chase groaned slightly before opening one eye to look up to me.

"They're gonna be late for school," I whispered as I tried to pull his arm off again but he refused to budge.

"Their alarm will go off in a few minutes. They can do it on their own. Stay here for a little bit more."

I tensed as I suddenly felt his hand slide down into my underwear. I quickly grabbed it and pulled it out before rushing out of the bed so that he could not grab me again. "You're gonna be late too," I mumbled as I pulled on the sweat pants beside the bed.

Chase grabbed my hand as he scooted closer to the edge of the bed. "Come on," he pouted, "I'll be really quick."

I pushed his hand off before going to the door of the bedroom. I made my way out to the hallway but made sure not to shut the bedroom door. That was the only way he would get up.

I made my way to the small room down the hall and quietly opened the door. I hit the button to turn off the alarm in between the two beds.

I went over and kiss at Ashley's cheek before doing the same to Archer. "Come on you too, it's time for school."

They both began groaning and stretching while yawning. As they both became conscious, I went and kissed their foreheads again. Ashley turned over towards me with a sleepy smile.

"Did Chase come over?"

I nodded before going to their dresser and pulling out their uniforms. "What will it be this morning?" I asked as I look between them.

"Toast," Archer requested in a yawn before Ashley nodded. "I expect you at the table in 5 minutes," I insisted before walking out of the room. I headed over to the small kitchen and stuck bread into the toaster. I turned on the coffee maker before going to the ratio and turning it on. I listen to the news report as I pulled out my pack and lighter.

I went out to the porch and lit my first cigarette of the day. I looked around to the street as I continue smoking and leaned on the railing. I waved at to a group of women on their way to the bus stop.

"Hey," someone quietly stated as I turned to my left. Lamar gave me a broad smile as I saw the cigarette in his mouth. "Morning sunshine," he teased as he leaned on the railing that connected our porches. "I heard that brat come in pretty late last night."

"I'm sure you were up," I mumbled as I looked away from him and back to the street.

"You look tired," he stated with genuine concern but still had a smile on his face. "Do you want me to walk the kids?"

I looked to him again and gave him a faint smile, "thanks for the offer but I'm okay."

"Late night at work?" I nodded but turned as I heard footsteps rushing through the house.

"Lamar!" Ashley squealed as she rushed over and grabbed his hand that hung over the railing. "Good morning princess," he said sweetly as he squeezed her hands slightly. "Any requests for dinner tonight?"

"Pizza!" she cheered as I heard it small groan and looked to Archer as he stood in the doorway.

"I want burgers!" He as he looked to Ashley with a scowl.

"Pizza and burgers it is!" Lamar sang as they cheered.

I sighed, "you spoil them too much." We all paused as my phone began ringing in my pocket. I answered the call and everybody looked concerns. Phone calls this early were never good. "Hey Dena, what's up?"

I heard a hoarse coughing through the phone and knew exactly what was going on. "Hey Nick," she whispered through a scratchy voice. "I can't come get the kids today. I'm so sorry but I'm way too sick and I don't wanna get them sick too."

I frowned slightly but made sure my voice did not show my annoyance. I wasn't mad at her, rather mad at the situation. "Don't worry about it Dena, get some rest and let me know when you're feeling better. I'll figure something else out."

I hung up the phone and stomped out my cigarrette as I sighed.

"Dena's sick?"

I looked down to the kids and nodded. "I'll just have to be late for work."

"I can try to leave early," Lamar suggested but I shook my head.

"I can watch them."

We all looked over to Chase as he tightened his tie while standing behind Archer. "When I get out of school I can go pick them up."

"What about work?"

He smiled sweetly, "I'll switch shifts with my friend."

"Alright, thanks," I stated as I looked to him kindly. "Now let's go eat breakfast so we can get on our way." I led the 3 kids to the kitchen and began handing out there breakfast.

I poured the coffee into my mug before going and changing into jeans and a shirts. I slipped on my shoes before aging the kids and putting on theirs. Chase slipped on his shoes before grabbing his bag and the kids backpacks. He handed one to each of them before the 4 of us went out the door.

As we got to the sidewalk in front of our house, Chase grabbed my hand but I shrugged him off quickly. I grabbed both kids hands and they walked at my side as we rushed down the sidewalk.

Chase followed close behind and began conversing with the kids. Ashley let go of my hand after a little while and took Chase's hand instead.

I took the chance and gulped down some of my coffee before looking down to Archer when he squeeze my hand.

I looked down to him and saw his eyes locked on a boy walking a few feet ahead. Great, this kid. Then the kids dad looked back. Fuck me. This is going to be a horrible day.

"Well of it isn't the town whore!" He called as he stopped moving. I stopped and turned to Chase. I gave him Archer's hand before walking over to the man.

I sauntered over with a seductive smile, "Hey Mack," said before getting between him and his son. I covered the kid's eyes before looking to see Chase turning the kids away. I leaned against him and felt his skin crawl, "if you wanna give me that title, come by the club and make it official."

I licked my lips as I stared down at his pants. The poor bastard. There's no way he pleases anyone with that little thing. I locked eyes with him before grabbing his shirt.

"But call me that in front of my kids again and I will slit your throat." He stood in shock as I smiled, kissed his cheek, and went back to the kids. I took Archer's hand again as Chase let them turn around. I rushed to walk all of them around Mack and his kid.

Archer squeezed my hand again as I looked to him with a large smile, "let me know if that kid messes with you. His dad and I can have another chat."

"Momma," Ashley whispered as I looked back to her. Chase was carrying her as he watched me.

"Yeah baby?"

"Why do they talk to you like that?"

I gave her a sad smile, "they are just trying to hurt my feelings, baby. The best thing to do is face them head on with a smile. Then they will learn to leave you alone."

"I thought you we're going to hit him."

I smirked at Chase, "he is not worth a second glance. My words scare him enough." We all turned to the school as we came up on it. I looked back to Chase, "you sure you can cover them today?"

He nodded, "I'll be here at 3 to get them."

I took Ashley's hand from him before kissing his cheek, "go ahead to school. Don't be late."

He looked to me with love, "see you later."

As he walked off, I brought the kids into the school. I dropped them off in the cafeteria before going to the office. "Good morning!"

The women in the office gave me a side glance but never answered.

"I wanted to let you guys know that I give permission for a family friend named Chase to pick up the twins today." The woman closest to me nodded before looking away.

I walked out and lit a cigarette before heading back home. On the way back, I stopped at the grocery store and got the essentials. As I walked home, I counted up the cash I had left. Guess I can't get smokes this week. Great. I went back to my apartment and immediately went back to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm and rushed to get ready. I put on my suit, slicked back my hair, and went to my car. I raced to the club and rushed to get inside. As I got in the door, Boss came to me with a smile.

"You still have 20 minutes. No need to run."

I smiled to her, "sorry."

"How are the babies?"

"Boss, they aren't babies anymore. They turned five last week."

"And the freeloader?"

I smirked as I sat on a couch nearby, "fine. Still trying to get in my pants."

"I don't know why you keep him around. He's just some street kid."

I smirked again, "I was a street kid. He's going to be more than that."

She sighed, "so Mr.Parker is coming in around 10. Can you stay late?"

I smirked, "for his pay, hell yeah."

"Until he gets here, I'll call up the people on your waiting list. It's getting really long. The book out date is already over a month for those who can't pay their way up."

I stretched as I stood, "sounds good."

"Boss!" One of the bust boys called, so she left me alone. I went into the back and checked my attire. A pair of arms wrapped around me as I saw Rich look to me through the mirror.

"You look tired. Did that teenage freeloader keep you up?"

I sighed, "no."

He turned my chair around so he could look at me, "everything okay? You aren't your sexy self today."

I smirked, "I'll get with it soon. The brats kept me up."

"I always forget you're a parent. You're so young."

I chuckled, "I'm almost old enough to be your parent."

"You look like a college kid."

I laughed as I stood, "that's how I get the big bucks."

He suddenly froze before rushing across the room. He hustled back with a tissue before pressing it against my neck, "its bleeding again."

I sighed and looked to the door as it opened. The Alpha scowled at me as the Beta smiled.

"Ben, grab me a few bandaids."

Ben left back out the door and I looked to the Alpha. He stared at me in disgust, "stop letting people bite you all the time."

I laughed as I looked at him but made sure not to move my head and neck. "What can I say, I can't keep them off me. That's why I'm the number one most requested in the club and you're second." I gave him an evil smirk as a cruel thought came to my mind, "so tell me Parker," I stated and he tensed slightly. "How does it feel to get topped by an Omega?"

Parker stormed out of the room as I laughed harder.

Ben returned with some Band-Aids as Rich lead me to sit down in the chair again. They both methodically worked together to put the bandages on my neck before fixing the collar of my dress shirt.

"Did it get on my shirt and coat?"

"No," Rich replied, "I just happened to notice it before it got that bad."

"Oh man, Ben whispered as he looked to his watch,"We gotta get out there. Almost time to open up."

Rich and I followed him out into the main area and stood near a podium. As the doors opened, 5 wealthy people entered. Some of lavish nature and other of illegal. The newbie, the thorn in my side, came and stood close to me as Rich, Ben, Parker, and Owen came to the align with me.

A woman came rushing over to me as everyone seems startled. I stepped out of line, put my hands on her hips, and lifted her off the ground. I spun around as she laughed before setting her back down. She refused to let go of my arms so that they had to stay at her waist.

"Juliet," I whispered sweetly, "it's been a while."

The other men and their guests seem to be unable to look away from us. I glanced over at Clayton, encouraging him to come over to me. He shoved his hands in his pockets of his jacket before trudging over to my side.

"I hope you don't mind, Juliet, but I am having a newbie shadow me. This is Clayton. Would you mind him joining us?"

She pouted slightly before sighing, "alright. I'll do it for you."

I kissed her cheek with a larger smile, "you are truly a goddess," I stated before gracefully walking her over to one of the seating areas. With her money and status, we went directly to the 2nd best in the building.

I led Juliet to sit down and she quickly pulled me to her side. She leaned in to me as much as she could without laying on top of me.

"So what shall it be tonight?" Juliet thought for a moment as she squeezed her chest against my arm.

She looked to me as I smiled, "is that silly Alpha still trying to catch up with you?" I nodded and she immediately looked over to Clayton with a smile. "Give me a bottle of your best top shelf liquor," she stated as she looked up to me for approval.

"You don't have to do that just for me," I replied and she shook her head with a smile.

"We have to keep that Alpha in his place," she said with a smirk before I gestured towards Clayton to go get her drink. He brought back 2 glasses and a bottle. Clayton poured a glass and I handed it to Juliet before taking the seconds in my own hands.

She got as close as she could to me once again as she began slowly drinking. I could feel Clayton's eyes watching every single motion and move I made. At least he'll learn something.

"How has it been at work?" I asked and Juliet looked up to me before scoffing.

"As busy as usual. That's why I've been unable to stop by for so long."

I smiled, "well I will always be here waiting."

She grabbed my arm suddenly as our eyes lit up, "How are the twins? I was thinking about them just a couple days ago."

I smiled gently towards her, "they're as amazing as they always have been."

Juliet looked to Clayton who seems confused. "Can you believe that Nick has a pair of 5 year olds?"

Clayton's eyes doubled as he looked to me. "So you have an Omega?" Clayton asked and Juliet and I both broke into laughter.

"Something like that."

Juliet pulled on my sleeve so that I leaned to her. She whispered her deepest, dirtiest thoughts to me. I help back my disgust as her hand caressed the inner part of my thigh and grabbed my package whenever Clayton looked away. When time was up for Juliet, I met with six other clients who were only able to afford a short amount of my time.

Before Mr. Parker was to arrive, I got a few minutes to decompress. Clayton followed me into the back room and watched me as I slumped onto a chair. I did not look up until the door opened as Clayton greeted the boss.

"Glad I caught you," Boss stated as I sat up and smiled to her, "how low are you on cash?"

I watched her, "I've had better weeks."

She sat in the chair beside me, "see if you can hand the kids off to someone for the night tomorrow."

"The entire night?"

She nodded as she took my hand, "do you remember Elijah Reed?"

I smirked, "how can you forget him?"

"He's coming back in to town and wants you to accompany him for the entire work time and extended hours."

I looked to her with shock, "what the hell does he want to do with me? Wasn't he always Owen's customer? I only met with him once."

"He asked for you specifically." I looked to her surprised face that reflected mine, "he said he would pay your weeks earnings for just being with him tomorrow."

I frowned, "no."

I stood and the boss followed me, "what do you mean no! This is a big opportunity!"

"Something isn't right about a guy paying that much for me. I'm a street rat turned host."

"All I know is he asked for you and seemed determined to do whatever he had to to meet with you."

"I guess I can't refuse that kind of offer."

The boss smiled, "I'll go tell him the good news." She walked off as I looked to Clayton.

"We need to see who you can shadow for the rest of the night and tomorrow."

"You're leaving? It's not even 10."

I smiled, "I provide extra services."

"This place doesn't do stuff like that."

I sighed, "with the elite we do." I pulled my fingers through my hair, "well at least I do."

I sat back in the chair and pulled out my phone. I texted my friend to have her do a background check on this odd customer. Something in my gut worried me.

"Nick!" I stood and rushed to the door before winking at Clayton. I went to the main floor and found Mr. Parker waiting near the front entrance. He met my eyes as my skin crawled. This damn creep. I went over to him and he pulled me close by my arm.

By his eyes, I knew tonight would be rough. He's pent up and stressed. "Later," I called as I made my way out the door. "Since I have to go directly home, can I follow in my car?"

Mr. Parker glared at me, "one of my guys will drive it," his hand began stroking my arm, "I'm not letting you get away."

He directed one of his guys to take my car as he rushed me into the large car he had. He directed me into the car before he got in beside me. The moment his door shut, he jerked my head back by grabbing on my hair. I winced slightly and felt him shiver. He leaned over to me and licked the side of my neck.

"Be sure to cry for me tonight. Otherwise it will take a full day like last time." He chuckled, "I want that high pitched scream. The one that makes me go wild."

I groaned as his grip tightened on my hair, "yes, sir."

He didn't let go of my hair and slapped my face, "who?"

"Yes," I felt my blood boil with anger, "master."

As we were driven to his place, he began undoing my clothes while I had to begin rubbing him over his pants. By the time we got to his house and the door opened, he had me down to my undershirt and my unbuttoned pants. He held my hands behind my back as we went into his place. We went straight to his bedroom and I froze. Thick ropes covered the bed as I shivered.

"Let's try something that will make us both feel good." He shoved me onto the bed and I knew I'd have to really work for my pay tonight. Fucking hell.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C31
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


