"Big Sister, please come back home! Don't escape and let Mother know that you run away again! Don't you want to be punished?"
"Yes, Big Sister, our Mother will be mad after knowing you run away again, this is for your well being. Did you forget the last time Mother went crazy after you?"
"No way! The two of you just go back home! How could I miss such a precious display after hearing the sweet and juicy news? My Beautiful Cousin is finally going to be ravished by my new Tempting Younger Brother! However, I strongly believe that it's going to be my cousin that is going to be on top though!"
For once, Xixi is dress in feminine clothing that perfectly highlights her shapely body is quickly running away with all her might after finally escaping with great trouble while desperately trying to not be captured by her youngest siblings which also happened to be twins just like her aunts.
Well, no Hubby and Wifey in this chapter~ The two are peacefully sleeping together atm heheh
Yup~ Xixi has a younger brother that is twin~
And how could our Big Sister Xixi remain quiet after hearing such a piece of juicy news about her favorite pairing? hahaha
DISCORD: LoveableChubby#1263