As days continue to pass by while traveling back to the Capital, Shao Cheng can feel that his emotion is finally appearing slightly, although it was rather in a slow manner, at least, he wasn't completely emotionless anymore.
And what has causes Shao Cheng emotion to awakened faster was the antics of Purple and Pinky on the entire journey rather than responding whenever he notices Ren Yuan sometimes frustrated expression.
Really, it was basically weird and strange that those two affected him more than Ren Yuan.
But what can Shao Cheng do? Purple and Pinky's actions are more eyecatching than Ren Yuan who tried to be thoughtful and considerate rather than his annoying self.
Ah, Hubby and Wifey Need to Be Separated For Now~
Hahaha, Shao Cheng has twin Mothers! Although one of them can only be his real biological mother, however, the other one treated him the same way as a real son, so yeah, Mothers~~
Thank You and Stay Safe Everyone!
DISCORD: LoveableChubby#1263