70.42% Tourn / Chapter 50: Dinner

章 50: Dinner

"Megan, you know you have to let those girl downstairs go right?" Hunter asked.

"Yes, eventually. I just... I want revenge for everything they have done to me Hunter. They have hurt me and picked on me since I meant them. They never even gave me a chance, I was always alone because of it. They always made fun of me behind my back even tho I could hear it and teased me. A few of them were around when I found out my dad died, even though they were the same tier they made my life even harder, they made me feel like I was nothing and said 'I didn't deserve to live and that maybe if he didn't have such a worthless child he'd be alive.'"


"No, I want them to feel the kind of pain I felt. The kind that made it so I didn't want o live anymore. I can't take there families from them and I know I shouldn't want to do that or make someone else feel that way, but they deserve it for doing that to me and now I finally have a way to get back at them. If you were in my position wouldn't you want to do the same?"

"Megs, of course I would. If probably be doing way worse than anything that you do to them, but they hurt you. Let us teach them what happens when they mess with royals, because you aren't alone anymore so there isn't any need to fight your battles alone."

"Let me do this by myself, until after vacation please."

"When we come back we will deal with them up until then you have a chance to have it your way." Hunter said and I smiled at him and kissed him.

We walked down the stairs to the pools. I understood what all of them were feeling now but it didn't matter. They caused my pain and now I'd cause them it. When we got downstairs I came and sat at the table. Food was done and out.

I got on my phone quickly to turn on the machine so they would all be f*cked normally. First I turn the vibrations on and set it to just vibrate by there clit rubbing against it for 5 minutes then I had it set to to go inside them vibrating at full force, it would only go 8 inches that way it would sit on there g spot, it would be set to stay there for 20 minutes then it would go in and out quickly, at 20 stokes a minute going 10 inches deep and every 15 strokes it will go in 12 inches, I set the timer for 40 minutes. I also went to the one at their @ss and changed it to once it felt movement to start vibrating but to shut off once it starts coming out until it's 1/2 out ever 5 times, but it'll shut off after 5 minutes and stop until it's motion activated again.

I smiled and put my phone down, as Hunter grabbed me corn and steak. We all ate and drank the lemonade that we had. It was a perfect summer evening for us. I had my new family sitting around me, the people who had taken care of me and made sure I was ok when I slept and even before that.

"Megs, were having a movie night. We can have it out here or inside if that's more comfortable for you. Unless you aren't feelings up to it then we will go over to the girls dorm and have it that way we aren't disturbing you." Sydney said.

"If you are feeling up to it that's great, but I have a feeling you should try and sleep that way you heal and are ready for Hawaii." Miya said.

"I would love to have movie night, but I have a feeling Miya is right. I feel good right now, but if I'm not careful that could change, I'm going to be out here for a little to swim and hot tub and you guys can still have movie night out here, I don't want to stop your guys fun." I said.

"Megan's right. I will just close the curtains, plus babe remember you have your new pets downstairs you have to tend to." Hunter said.

"I forgot about them. What are you planning on doing with them over vacation anyways?" Logan asked.

"Does it matter, I'd let them starve down there and die painfully." Miya said.

"That is what they deserve." Tony agreed.

"No, I'm not done with them yet. I won't let them off that easy. I'm going to leave some 2 protein bars a day and a water bottle a day for all of them while we are gone. I found a machine I can program to release a water bottle in the morning along with a bar and then a bar later in the day that way they don't have access to them until I want them to." I said.

"None of them want to die so they should eat and drink." Hunter said.

"Plus I'm going to inform them that if they are good and are alive when I get back they will be able to leave after entertaining us for a night." I said, everyone looked at me and raised there eyebrows. They also smiled as they all knew it was a lie, nobody had ever survived after attacking a royal. It was an unspoken truth that once you did that you wouldn't ever see the light of day again, unless you were given permission or had a royal to defend you. This was something none of them had, as I was the only one who could do that. To all the other royals they were now my pets or play things, their lives no longer mattered.

We dropped the subject after that and enjoyed the rest of our dinner. Everything tasted great. After dinner we sat around a little longer while drinking lemonade then I took my cover up off. I felt everyone's eyes on me because of my bruises, it made me uncomfortable so I lowered my head.

"I don't know how you do it. You find a way to look gorgeous no matter what your wearing." Sydney said.

"Sydney's right, like that bathing suit is like a year old now and the design is almost 2 years old but somehow you still make it look brand new." Miya said.

"Thank you." I said and smiled, I knew they were trying to cheer me up.

"We should all go shopping before Hawaii that way we can get matching Hawaiian shirts. Plus you can look at a new bathing suit if you wants to Megan." Logan said.

"Yeah that'd be fun. I don't want a new bathing suit though, I really like this one." I said.

I got up and went into the hot tub. Sydney and Miya followed. We sat in there until it started getting dark. Hunter came up to me and rubbed my shoulders.

"Darling your pets are waiting for dinner it's getting late and you need sleep."

"Hunter right, I'm going to head in for the night. I'll see you all tomorrow." I said smiling as I got out of the warm water and Hunter wrapped a towel around me.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C50
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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