14.08% Tourn / Chapter 10: Weekend

章 10: Weekend

It was the weekend and I walk out to the gate of the always. It was our last week to revise our project and we had to turn it in and present on Friday since it was our last day before break. Me and Hunter had gotten really close over the past two months. I had gotten a call from my mom last week though, she let me know I can't come home. She doesn't have the money to buy my a train ticket back home and then back to school. I guess at least the campus will be relatively empty because the Royals and low-tiers are normally the only ones who don't return home for our break. It might be kind of peaceful. I got to the front gate before Hunter so I waited for him. It's odd for him to be late though he's normally here before me. It'd been a few minutes and then I heard voices. Two guys talking and they were walking towards me I knew neither of them were Hunter just from the sound of there voice, but I couldn't make out what they were talking about. They must have seen me standing at the gates because they called "Hey cripple, don't move! We got some business to discuss with you."

I lowered my head and stayed where I was, I just needed to make sure I didn't make eye contact with them and then maybe if I did what they said they would leave me alone or I wouldn't get hurt as badly. I could tell both of the guys were mid-tiers so if it came to it I could probably fight them off since I was trained to do for almost an entire year. I also run 5 miles every morning and 5 miles after school while everyone else is doing homework and then another 5 miles at night. And I still go to the gym or the pool during my free time and swim or life weights. I've kept myself in good shape and somehow still manage to have time to do my homework and keep straight A's. "So we heard a rumor that you will be on our track team and be pole vaulting, since you will be a second year after break. Is that true?"

"Yes sir, headmaster told me I had to since I'm a low-tier and said it's how I will contribute." I said still keeping my head down and eyes low but you could hear my anxiousness coming through from my voice.

"Well that doesn't work for us. We don't want a cripple on our team. Your only gonna hold us back." Snapped the boy. With that he got closer making it so I pushed my body harder against the concrete wall by to try and keep some distance. The boy continued "You better not hold us back otherwise we will have some serious problems, you understand."

"Yes, sir." I said and nodded. I could see a grin come across his face as he hit me in the gut. I feel down to my knees when he hit me and then hit me in the face. My actions seemed to of pleased him though as him and his friend walked away after that. I heard his friend say "She's cute to bad she's a cripple, but at least she knows her place." They we're gone after that and a tear ran down my face. He had hit the right side of my face and as the tear ran over it I felt it a burning sensation. My face must have gotten broke open when he hit me. I reach up and touched it and there was a small cut, it was deep but around it was bruised from the fresh hit. I got up to go to the infirmary. I got up and saw the cuts on my knees from falling to them. The pavement must have cut them. I also felt pain from bruising from getting hit in the gut. I turned and started to walk back to the gate and to the school. That's when I heard Hunter yell "Megan where are you going!" He must of just been almost there when I came back and I just didn't notice him. I slowed down as I heard him coming towards me but I kept me head lowered and didn't turn around to face him. "What's wrong." He said as he got to me and reach out to turn me around so my back wasn't to him. "What happened!?" I could hear the angry corn through in his voice.

"It's nothing, I'm just going to go to the infirmary and get bandaged up. We can go after that."

"Ok, then I'll go with you and on the way you can explain what happened and who did it." Of course he wanted answers I knew by know he wouldn't drop it until I told him. I smiled though and nodded my head, as we turned to walk to the infirmary. I explained what had happened and that I didn't know who it was since I'd never looked at his face, but I knew he was a mid-tier. We got there and Doc came right over and bandaged me up. He whispered "Are you ok, I can kick him out and make it seem like you broke something so you have a chance if getting away from him." Doc was trying to help me, he probably thought I was in danger because of Hunter. I shook my head no, I felt safer with Hunter here with me than I did by myself. Doc finished up and said "Ok your good to go, try and stay out of trouble you two."

With that we left. I went to walk towards the doors of the school to leave but Hunter grabbed my arm and took me a different direction. We reached stairs and that's when he said "I think we should stay on campus today, I have a place nobody will bother us. Just follow me."

"Okay." I said softly. I followed him up 4 flights of stairs but on the 5th I got confused. We only have 4 floors so why are we still going up? I don't know where we are going.

"Umm, Hunter aren't there only 4 floors?"

"No, there's 5, the filth floor is reserved for Royals though."

"Then I shouldn't be there."

"Megan it's fine you with me, we aren't going to stop at 5 anyways. We are going to the roof."

"Wait what, we can't get up on the room though. There isn't any roof access points."

"Yes there is, but you have to go through the royals to get to it, only the royals have access to it and we can bring anyone we want up here. The only thing is there has to be a royal up here with anyone who isn't and we can only have 2 none royals per royal. It's weird rule, since royals never really bring anyone up here to begin with and we don't come up here all that often either."

"So you guys have your own floor. I mean I guess that makes sense and it's why I hardly see any of you around the school I guess. It also makes since that you can't be on royal area without being accompanied by a royal."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


