⁆ So, back on my old ship, the Sugar-Titted Siren, everything was always clean. ⁅
⁆ Always. ⁅
⁆ Personally, I hate cleaning. Now, I'm not one for leaving a mess, but a personal space is a personal space. Obviously, you don't want anything growing on your shite-- but anything before that's good enough. ⁅
⁆ Once upon a time, my idiot crewmen said they had nothing to do. ⁅
⁆ I gave them something to do. Lots of things to do. ⁅
⁆ ...Maybe that's why those bastards mutinied a few weeks later. ⁅
⁆ Filthy gods-damned pirates. ⁅
⁆ Stupid sea god. ⁅
⁆ Anyroad, me and the crew, we hadn't had a good moment to rest and... just figure shite out, until... this sun. Recently, the priorities had been keeping a lookout for undead in the fog, Leviathan wangs... or those gods-damned toothbirds. ⁅
Wonderboy: An awkward, green-colored Coral Boy. Compared to his peers, he is slightly smaller, and is often bullied.