One of the Coral boys standing on one of the Leviathans spun around and shouted back, "Whaddya mean dis ain't a foight, Cap'n!!??"
Tycondrius identified that one as... Wonderboy.
A half-second later, he was whipped in the side of the head by one of the new Leviathan's... appendages.
The response from his peers were similar: "Yeahh!!" "Seems like a foight!!!" "Sea god's socks, it's bleedin' it's bleedin'!!!"
"It ain't a fight!" Krysaos repeated... "It's a RACE!! And we're tryin' to outswim those things!"
"A RACE?!?!" Bob roared with power, "Well, WHY DIN'CHA YA SAY SO?!?!?!?!"
"I don't quite see how that makes a difference, Krysaos," Tycon confided.
Krysaos got to his feet, his gaze continuing to watch his bumbling crew, "Best I could come up with on short notice. I'm open to suggestions, though."
Tycon grimaced as he mulled it over... "I've none, currently."
Did you think of a better plan to suggest to the Coral Boys than Krysaos'? Post them in the comments, for myself and our allied cultivators to consider.