54.54% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 126: Faction Race (1384 words)

章 126: Faction Race (1384 words)

„Greetings my champions! I have chosen you to participate in one of my grand projects.!" A booming voice says to four white, human shaped silhouettes.

The four silhouettes are split into two groups, the male and the female.

All of them lived a normal live on earth till they got abruptly brought here, wherever 'here' may be.

"Each one of you will be a representative of a race. Choose wisely." The voice says.

A moment later one of the male silhouettes starts to glow.

The male silhouette hesitates for a moment before taking a deep breath and straightening his back.

"I chose the demon race!" He says with as much confidence as he could muster.

Reddish light particles burst out in front of him, writing 'Demon' in the air followed by a plain mannequin.

"You can now design your form within the coffins of your race." The booming voice says after the man kept silent, not knowing what to do now.

The thought of being able to freely design his body greatly excited the man and even the three other silhouettes become more expectant.

After quelling his excitement, a bit, the chosen champion starts to concentrate.

Responding to this, the plain mannequin starts to change.

Its skin turns blackish, and its muscles become more defined. Two majestic, curved horns grow out of its forehead, shining in an onyx black.

Two leathery wings spruce out of the back followed by an armored tail.

The nails on its hands elongate and become claws, the scalar of its eyes turn pitch black with burning red, reptilian like pupils.

Once the chosen silhouette was finished with the designing, multiple notifications appeared in the form of floating blue windows.

["Demon" race created.]

[Insufficient information.]

[Complete information library "Demon" by interpreting creators understanding and desire.]

[Information acquired.]

[Race "Demon" complete.]

[Are you satisfied with the result? {Yes} {No}]

The chosen silhouette hesitates a moment before reaching out and pressing on the 'Yes' button.

As soon as his hand touches the button, he and the mannequin disappear, only leaving the floating word 'Demon' behind.

A moment of silence followed before one of the female silhouettes begins to shine, indicating that it was her turn to create a race.

"Um… I choose the elven race." She says clearly nervous.

Like before, light particles appear and write her choice in the air, but this time in green.

A female mannequin also appeared, imitating the first silhouette, she too focuses.

The mannequins skin becomes rosy and smooth as silk. The ears start to stretch and become pointy.

Slowly the mannequin turns into a silver haired elven woman with slender figure and ample bosom.

It didn't take too long for her to finish because elves aren't that much different form the base mannequin.

Once again, a series of notification windows pop up.

["Elves" race created.]

[Insufficient information.]

[Complete information library "Elves" by interpreting creators understanding and desire.]

[Information acquired.]

[Race "Elve" complete.]

[Are you satisfied with the result? {Yes} {No}]

The female silhouette excitedly presses the 'yes' button repeating the previous scene of her vanishing together with the mannequin.

Next is the second male's turn, he starts to shine and takes a calming breath.

He seems to have put more though in his choice.

"I choose the beast-men race. "He says.

Electric yellow light particle appears and write the choice in the air.

The man then proceeds to design his appearance after his personal preference.

Fluffy wolf ears replace the human ones, a wolf's tail also grew out of his back.

This candidate took a lot longer than the first and second.

In the end a handsome man with wolfish features and chiseled body stood before the male silhouette.

["Beast-men" race created.]

[Insufficient information.]

[Complete information library "Beast-men" by interpreting creators understanding and desire.]

[Information acquired.]

[Race "Beast-men" complete.]

[Are you satisfied with the result? {Yes} {No}]

Like the two before him, the male silhouette also presses 'yes' and disappears.

Standing alone, the last silhouette, a woman, curiously waits for her turn.

She doesn't have to wait for long as her body starts to glow with light.

The female silhouette looks at the sky which doesn't look any different from any other direction before speaking.

"I choose the Visionary race." She says with a smug undertone.

Deep blue and purple light particles appear and write the choice in the air.

A mannequin appears before her, waiting to be mold into her desired form.

And that she did.

The mannequin's skin takes on a coffee brown tan and defined muscles start to appear. Not the beefy kind, but the lean ones.

Black hair with one single dark purple streak grows form the head, it is messily bound into a short ponytail.

A black pattern with shining purple edge appears on the back.

It consists out of complexes runic drawings which paint a mysterious tree on the back with two pure black spheres just above her butt on each side, and something which looks like the bottom of an insect in the middle.

The insect bottom is connected to the tree, the black spheres are not.

A couple of vines snake their way over her shoulder and down her right arm all the way to her forearm where they bloom into a beautiful flower on the underside.

Then the black spheres start to bulge, and two black, featureless tentacles grow out.

They grow till they reach two and a half meters before they stop and grow hands with creepy, long, clawed fingers.

As if to showcase something, the black tentacles with hands on their tips retract back into the black spheres before growing out again, but this time there was an addition.

The runic drawing of the insect bottom also starts to grow out.

It looks as if it is covered in chitin armor of pure black color while the intersection of the armor glow with purple light.

The eyes of the mannequin are similar to the first silhouettes design of the demon.

Black scalar and reptilian pupils, but instead of red, they are of a deep purple color.

Sizing up the mannequin standing in front of her, the female silhouette nods, causing the already familiar blue windows to pop up.

["Visionary" race created.]

[Insufficient information.]

[Complete information library "Visionary" by interpreting creators understanding and desire.]

[Information acquired.]

[Race "Visionary" complete.]

[Are you satisfied with the result? {Yes} {No}]

Staring at the windows for a while the female silhouette thinks for an instant before pressing one of the two buttons on the window

[Creator is unsatisfied with the result.]

[Does the creator want to review the library "Visionary"? {Yes} {No}]

If the female silhouette had any facial features she would be grinning right now.

Eagerly she presses the 'yes' button causing a big blue window full of text to appear in front of her.

Without even bothering to read through whatever the system like entity wrote into the library, she selected all and deleted it.

She then tabs on the empty blue window causing a keyboard to appear before her.

With great excitement her hands start to fly over the keys, filling the empty window with text again.

The amount increases by the second, some of the things she wrote got marked red by the system, in respond the female silhouette then rewrites the section in many different ways, adding restriction and clauses in an attempt to find some loopholes or keep the possibility open by making it harder to achieve, but not impossible.

Time flies by fast as the last silhouette designs her race word for word.

At some point she even took a nap and went over the everything she wrote again in order to find if she forgot anything, or a new idea emerged.

A long time later she finally finished.

[Information library "Visionary" completed.]

[Race "Visionary" updated according to information library "Visionary".]

[Are you satisfied with the result? {Yes} {No}]

Finally satisfied the female silhouette looks at the mannequin she designed and lets out a light chuckle before hitting the 'yes' button on the floating blue window.

Like the three others before her, she too disappears together with the mannequin, only leaving the name of her race behind.

Once she is gone a booming laughter resounds through the space, someone seems very amused.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C126
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


