96.06% A second chance in Remnant. (RWBY Fan-Fic) DROPPED! / Chapter 122: Chapter 122. Aftermath Then Another Mission

章 122: Chapter 122. Aftermath Then Another Mission

General POV

General James Ironwood walked through the brig of the Atlesian Warship and stopped in front of one of the cells. He opened the cell, revealing its occupant Roman Torchwich and the general informed the criminal.

Ironwood: The Vale council has decided to leave both you and White Fang Lieutenant in my custody. With this in mind, I ask you. Who is behind the recent events that you had your hand in?

Roman smirked and retorted.

Roman: Isn't it obvious?

The general narrowed his eyes, awaiting Roman's answer, and the crook answered his own question.

Roman: You're looking at him.

Ironwood: I see; well, I can wait for you or the other one to tell the truth because I have all the time in the world.

The general closed the cell as Roman made himself comfortable for the time being with a smile that conveyed that he had no problem being in the cell.

Meanwhile, with Cinder's crew.

The false Maiden paced back and forth in her team's assigned room and cursed for the umpteenth time.

Cinder: Damn it. Things were not supposed to go like this; Roman should have led an attack followed by Grimm right into the center of Vale, but instead, he got caught without doing anything useful.

One of Cinder's teammates, Gray Ash, a Lynx Faunus with retractable claws, pale skin, gray hair, and eyes with heavy bags under them, then spoke out.

Gray: Cinder, how much of this actually matters?

Cinder: In the grand scheme of things, not a great deal, but it will be harder to explain away any increased Grimm activity without any suspicions from Ozpin, which we can't have but can't do anything about for now.

One of the twins on Cinder's team Axel Blanc, a petite boyish teen with an effeminate face, bone-white hair, and pink irises, then suggested.

Axel: Well, if we just need to cause fear, my sister and I have been bored, so we could go down to Vale and amuse ourselves.

Axel's sister Alex looked happy at the thought of indulging in their favorite pastime of torture and killing and said.

Alex: Yes, we have been frightfully bored as of late, and I am sure we can cause a fair bit of fear and anxiety.

Cinder: No!

Cinder shuts down those to look-a-likes and explains why.

Cinder: We can not afford to draw any attention to ourselves, plus Adam Taurus is finishing up where Roman had left off on a smaller scale.

The twins pouted at being denied their psychotic entertainment but complied.

Cinder: For now, we stay the course.

Silva POV

It has been a few weeks since the mission at Mt.Glenn, and the preliminary rounds for the Vytal Festival are just around the corner, but unfortunately, things have changed most of team RWBY except Blake has been giving me a wide berth. I figured it's better to let them know about my more bloodthirsty parts now instead of later but putting that aside, for now, Professor Port has asked for me.

Port: Ah! Young Mr.Cloud, your here. Come in, come in.

Silva: You wanted to see me?

As Professor Port stroked his thick mustache, he told me.

Port: You see, the Security Network is on the frizz, and we need boots in the ground to see what is going on. Seeing how you have the most free time on your hands, and you have proven to be quite capable in the previous mission, I would like you to go investigate.

I figured why not, so I asked.

Silva: When do I leave?

Port: Immediately!

( Hours Later)

I felt slightly nostalgic walking through the Emerald Forest. I took out my scroll to cross-reference my map to the security control center of this region, and it shouldn't be too far now. Aside from some Beowolfs and Creeps, the Grimm has given me no trouble. Professor Port then activated the comm system on my scroll to observe the mission.

Port: Testing, testing, 1, 2, can you hear me, Young Mr.Cloud?

I decided to make a joke.

Silva: The number you are currently dialing is not in service; please try again later.

Port: Curses, it looks like the signal towards Young Mr.Cloud scroll is too weak. I better see if Bartholomew can help.

Port then hung up his scroll as I was honestly surprised he bought my joke. Well, whatever, back to the task at hand. It did not take me long to find the cave where the security control center resides. I saw the security network center had something attached to it with an emblem that I am not familiar with on it; I started the diagnostics to see what the problem was. As the diagnostic ran, Professor Port called back.

Port: Hello, Young Silva, come in.

Silva: Hear you loud and clear, professor. I am at the security center for the region right now.

Port: Excellent! Can you point your scroll camera towards it so that I can see what the problem is?

I did as he asked, and he saw the external device hooked upon it and commented.

Port: Strange, I feel like I have seen that symbol before... Never mind, protect the security center as I undo the damage. Make sure your weapon is at the ready, and your mustache wax is stowed.

As he did his work remotely, I felt a pulse in the air, and I soon heard the howl and growls of Grimm coming into the cave. Just a few well-placed shockwaves, and they are dealt with and dissipating. Professor Port then said as he finished repairing the security network.

Port: Bravo, bravo! The security network is shipshape once again. I'll get some of our staff to try and identify that mysterious symbol. Excellent work! But we are not done yet. There are other areas I need you to check out, but first, considering there may be someone's hand at work here with the Security Networks, I will send you some backup to be safe.

After a few hours outside the cave, an Airship came in and dropped off team RWBY, and Ruby was the first to ask.

Ruby: Silva!? Why are you here?

Silva: This was originally my mission, but Professor Port thought it prudent to give me some backup just in case.

Port then communicated on the comm system.

Port: Considering you are close to team RWBY, I thought who better to work with you. Right, now, off to the next Region with you.

We soon went off and found a place to camp for the night before we entered the next region in the deeper part of the Emerald Forest. As I set up the campfire, Ruby came over and said.

Ruby: I'msosorryIdidnotknowwhattosaytoyoupleaseforgiveme!

As I tried to make sense of a rapid sentence, I could only say in confusion.

Silva: What?

Ruby took a deep breath and slowed down so I could understand her.

Ruby: I'm sorry I have been avoiding you, Silva. I just... well, you know, I didn't know how to talk to you after Mt.Glenn.

I sighed and told her.

Silva: Can you get the others? I need to tell them something.

Ruby: Ah, okay.

Soon everyone gathered around and took a seat around the fire, and I told them about myself in detail without holding anything back, including how I could do magic but not the Maidens or Salem. How I grew up in the Branwen tribe with Yang's mother, Raven, my journey through Mistral, the death I committed, the times I nearly died, my time at the Menagerie and Kuo Kuana. Then Atlas, followed by Vale, my meeting with Emerald, then getting Blake and Ilia out of the White Fang.

Silva: And that's mostly everything for the most part.

Silence overtook the surroundings as the only thing that could be heard was the fire crackling. Yang said, looking stunned at my adventures, including the gory and unpleasant details I usually left out.

Yang: Wow, just wow, I knew you seemed well-traveled but, wow. I don't think I can top that anytime soon.

Weiss: So you committed slaughter, and you're telling us, why? I mean, we could turn you in since you just admitted all that.

I told them the truth.

Silva: I do not want to hide who I am to you or anyone I care about, and I rather you know me and despise me than not know the real me and love me as that is nothing but a lie that will fall apart at one point. So this is who I am someone who won't hesitate to get blood on his hands or ruin lives to protect who he cares about even if I am reviled but said loved ones.

Ruby scooted away from me with a look of fear which hurt more than any wound I had ever experienced, and I sighed, thinking it was to be expected. Blake sat next to me, holding my hand, which made me want to cry a little out of happiness at being accepted, but I kept it in as I gave Blake's hand a thankful squeeze. Weiss had a complicated look on her face as a flurry of emotions ran through her icy blue eyes. Yang then said after a large sigh.

Yang: I need to think...

We all soon went to bed until morning came.

( The next day)

Port: Another area, another security network in need of repairs. Keep an eye out for any clues about who did this. We're all counting on you!

Ruby: On it, professor!

Silva: K...

Well, things have been a bit awkward with Ruby, Weiss, and Yang since they have woke up. But for now, I will focus on the mission at hand. We are currently in a deeper part of the Emerald Forest that has more ruins, and so far, there have been no serious issues aside from the usual Grimm, which I and team RWBY quickly dispatch. Plus, a few Boartusks here and there that were fun to mess with, like making them crash against walls as they rolled.

We soon saw a giant gear that extended a bridge at the ruins as we went to the security center in this region. Weiss asked me, well, rather everyone.

Weiss: How do you think the ancients came up with this method of controlling bridges?

Silva: Well, one explanation is the threat of Grimm motivated them to get creative in making ways to deal with them indirectly.

Blake: That seems likely.

Ruby: Didn't they have aura back then?

Yang: The oldest reference I know of about the discovery of Aura, Ruby is that old fairy tale, The Wise Traveler.

Ruby: Oh, you mean that sorry about that old guy that went around teaching people various things from Aura to the use of Dust?

As they talked, we soon reached the control center, and it also had one of those devices on it with that symbol on it, and Professor Port commented.

Port: Just as I thought; more sabotage from our friend with the symbol. But those cages... was someone trying to capture Grimm? Hrm... I don't like the looks of this. For now, let's just focus on the objective. Defend that control center while I undo the damage.

As I looked at the strange cages around the control center, I found that they also had that symbol on them, and considering how many of them there are, that likely means that it's a group doing this instead of a single person. I have a strange feeling I should know something about this for some reason. Thankfully no Grimm showed up as Professor Port remotely repaired the control center. I guess there isn't a lot around here since they're being captured. As he finished repairing the Security Control Center, he informed us.

Port: Good show, everyone! I've received a report... Hmm, that's right, the symbol we have been seeing belongs to Merlot Industries, an old research and development corporation- far before your time. The company was crippled by the collapse of Mt.Glenn, where they lost their primary facility and chief staff members. They never recovered from the incident and eventually shut down. Which begs the question... why is their technology suddenly popping up in the Emerald Forest? Hmm, I've never been one for riddles and history-- more of a man of action if I say so myself. But I think I know who can help... onward! To VICTORY!

Ah, that's right, I remember now! Grimm Eclipse, that RWBY game, well no matter, I can handle it fine on my own, let alone with my current backup. Well, let the games begin.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C122
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


