52.2% Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System! / Chapter 154: In the way to the mission.

章 154: In the way to the mission.

Drako and the rest returned to their base/home after meeting with Suzaku, Seiryuu and Artemis. They were not going to take a bus back, considering the urgent situation they were in. Luckily, Suzaku had left the limousine behind with their driver so they could travel more comfortably.

The limousine parked in front of the doors of Drako's house and two people got out of it.

"Drako-nii-sama, I want to go too."

"No, you stay here."


Akeno wanted to accompany Drako and the others to the location of the remaining Shi Akuma. Still, he was adamant that she wasn't going to accompany them. They were going to work, not have fun in a playground.

"You're not the only one who's not coming. Stay and watch movies with Kuroka and Shirone, we'll be back in a few hours."

Drako ignored Akeno's protests as he dragged her into the house. Akeno could only look at Drako with an angry, pouting look.

The door to the house opened before they arrived. What emerged from there was a person in heavy armour with a large sword in her right hand.

"Shall we go now?" Mordred asked.

She had received a message from Drako, warning that they were to prepare for a mission. She did not have to prepare at all, as she could summon her battle armour at any time.

"What are you doing dressed like that?"

Drako raised an eyebrow at the sight of Mordred in her battle dress.


"Where are the clothes I asked you for? Why aren't you wearing them?" Drako asked.

"I'm... I'm wearing..."

Mordred removed her armour, revealing the clothes she wore under the great armour of the Middle Ages that characterized her.

A black suit with red clouds, with a large neck that covered half of Mordred's face.

This was undoubtedly the "official" uniform of Akatsuki in Naruto, and it was also in the Akatsuki founded by Drako.

Even when the suit covered part of her face, Drako could see that Mordred was uncomfortable with the suit.

"What is it?" Drako asked worriedly.

In the end, the suit was nothing more than a sign of identity, and nothing was going to happen if Mordred did not wear this suit either.

"I feel strange, I'm so used to wearing the armour for fighting that I feel strange thinking I'm not going to fight in it."

So that's what it was.

Although Drako also found Mordred's attitude a bit odd. He expected a slightly more aggressive response, not something so... normal.

"Don't overthink it and get in the limo. Give me the rest of the clothes, we don't have time to waste."

Mordred nodded and threw a bag at Drako. He opened it and saw that inside were several identical suits, but of different sizes for all those waiting in the car. Just in case, there were emergency rations as well, as they were probably not going to arrive for dinner.

Mordred walked to the car, but did not enter the back. Instead, she headed for the driver's door.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Get out of here."

The driver Suzaku had left in charge was the one who had asked when Mordred opened the door. Before he could react, he saw his world spinning.

Yes, Mordred had sent him flying all over the street.

Without thinking much about it, she got into the car. There was no doubt that she wanted to be the driver of the car.

Drako could only sigh when he saw this. Mordred's temperament was the most difficult to control and at the same time the easiest to predict. She was a "rebellious" girl, looking for attention and fun, or at least she was now that she didn't have to worry about Holy Grail or some other nonsense.

Drako didn't even question Mordred's decision to drive. She has the [Class Skill: Riding (B)], so she can drive any modern vehicle without any problem, including planes, helicopters, etc.

Drako got into the back of the limo, where the rest of the group was.

Lavinia, Tobio, Sae, Kouki, Natsume and Valina were waiting for Drako.

"Well, here's your new uniform for the missions."

Drako took out the seven suits and handed them over one by one. So as not to confuse the suits, each one had a name on the label.

"This... How do we wear this?" Sae asked.

Drako did not understand the question at first, but he notices the issue when he saw the flushed face of both Sae and Natsume.

"If you wanted to see my body, all you had to do was say so. But in front of everyone..." Natsume muttered under her breath.

It seemed they had misunderstood something.

"Just put it on top of what you already have. The suit is made of a special fabric, so you'll hardly notice you're wearing it."

Drako put on his own suit while he explained it to the rest of the group.

Watching Drako put on the suit, the rest did the same. Drako waited until everyone had their suits before he started explaining a couple of details.

"Well, I have a couple of things to say to you guys. Tobio, Natsume and Kouki, your role this time is going to be the support. Lavinia and Valina, you have the freedom to act more freely, always within the objectives of the group.

"Our objective this time is to recover the two remaining Shi Akuma. More specifically, they can come back alive or dead, I don't care which is the final result.

"Lavinia, you have permission to act as you see fit should that purple-flame witch appear."

Drako briefly explained everyone's role in this mission. Kouki, Natsume and Tobio had not yet trained enough to take the main role in a mission, so they were going to take a secondary role. This was a good opportunity for them to get some real experience.

"Sae, you'll stay close to Tobio. For your part, Tobio, I want Sae's safety to be a top priority. Although I don't think I need to tell you that." Drako said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll protect her," Tobio said with determination.


Sae blushed as she heard how determined her childhood friend was.

They had had a little argument earlier, as Tobio did not want Sae to join the mission. However, Valina had already informed them that that option was not permitted. Drako was not going to risk not having a countermeasure plan if Tobio lost control. Sae was the perfect person to keep Tobio in check.

"Sae... don't do anything rash."

That was Tobio's recognition.

Sae nodded, "Of course," with a smile.

Natsume had repeatedly been nodding as she watched this situation with a smile.

"Heeey, Toujou-san, we'll all protect Toujou-san!"

"Well, being protected by you seems like it wouldn't be worth it."

Such was Kouki's response to this.

"Hello? I'm not a weak girl, you know?"

Drako ignored the argument they were having and headed for Valina and Lavinia.

"Well, I hope you can keep an eye on these guys."

Lavinia responded with a brief, "I will," while Valina said confidently, "Hmph, I'm not an amateur."

In this way, Akatsuki made his way to the location of the remaining Shi Akuma.


The limousine moved forward with Mordred behind the wheel while following the instructions on the car's navigation system, where the location had been entered.

Drako was in the front seat, next to Mordred. The rest of them were preparing themselves mentally in the back of the limousine.

While filling up at a gas station near their route, they took the time to prepare a reserve amount using portable gas cans. It was insurance since anything could happen where they were going.

The sun was also gradually starting to set. It seemed that, by the time they reached their destination, the sun would have set completely.

Drako turned, looking at everyone in the back.

"Have you looked at the information?"

The information in question was a file that Grigori had prepared for them. Drako had had them all review its contents.

"I have no doubt that we will be up against the remnants of the Utsusemi Agency, the wizards and the users of Sacred Gear."

In fact, the data was information about these Sacred Gear users. There were even photos attached to the individuals.

It was the data from the Abyss Team.

"I gave a review of the material, however, as far as your Sacred Gears are concerned, don't they manipulate living creatures like us?" Kouki said.

"You should know by now that there are a variety of Sacred Gear skills. Issei Hyoudou and Valina also have a different Sacred Gear than you, don't they?"

The abilities of Tobio and the others, who were embodiments of supernatural power, were abilities that were primarily grouped under the classification of "Independent Avatar Type".

This covered Tobio, Natsume, Kouki, and Lavinia.

For Valina and Issei, their Sacred Gear belonged to a system that worked by unleashing the power of a dragon that was sealed inside.

In addition to these, there was a wide range of Sacred Gear abilities, with the varieties including Altered Status, Seal of Limit, Attribute, Defense, Counter, and Create, among others.

Naturally, among these, some awakened a single skill. However, there were also more Sacred Gears that possessed two, or even three higher abilities simultaneously.

Known as Longinus, only thirteen of them existed in this world.

Tobio, Lavinia, Valina, Issei and Valerie were all in possession of a Longinus.

Drako continued.

"Within the material you reviewed earlier, there is only one thing I want you to bear in mind. The powers that the boys of the Abyss Team have are extremely problematic and powerful. If it's a competition between you and them, you will get an overwhelming victory. However, depending on different factors, they can easily end your life. After all, that team was specifically organized from skill holders who were difficult to manage."

The Abyss Team's skills had numerous effects and were problematic because it was impossible to recover from them. Azazel had told Drako that even he, the leader of Grigori, could not recover from the effects of those Sacred Gears.

"The abilities listed there, I want you to at least be aware of them. That information will directly affect your chance of survival."

Tobio and the other students answered, "Yes."

After that, they continued in silence for a short time. It was obvious that the students were getting nervous and tense.

Until Lavinia broke the silence.

"Before we reach our destination, I'd like to tell you a short story."

When everyone was listening intently, she began to speak.

"I was born in a coastal town in Italy."

She... Lavinia Reni, despite possessing a talent for magic, was not born in the house of a genuine magician. She was born into an ordinary family.

However, when she was born, she had owned a supernatural ability. Since her childhood, an ice doll had manifested itself at her side: the Longinus Absolute Demise/Eternal Ice Princess.

As a child, she knew nothing of this and feared the ice princess more than anyone else she could see.

When she was nine years old, a great incident happened to her.

Her parents died in an accident.

For a nine-year-old girl, who had been through the death of her parents, she suffered even as she understood the situation.

Since she, who always talked about the "Ice Goblin", was considered a stranger by her relatives, it was difficult to find someone willing to take Lavinia in.

"For me, from that moment on, compared to how I've been since, due to the loss of Mum and Dad, I was deeply depressed, and I hated the Ice Goblin deeply."

In fact, it was because she had been under the impression that what had killed her parents was the Ice Goblin.

She felt resentment, hatred, as well as malice toward the Ice Goblin who never left her side. If they were watching her, they could see nothing, they could only perceive Lavinia as a troubled child who would rage aloud into the empty air.

Even for Lavinia herself, memories of that time were rather vague.

Because of the excessive sadness, the excessive fear, the large negative emotions she had as a child, she sealed her memories of that time in her own heart... or perhaps, in the Sacred Gear that was lodged in her body.

However, she clearly remembered this. After taking a walk in the garden of her house, Lavinia experienced a sudden and strange sensation. Before she knew it, she was standing in a place with an unfamiliar landscape.

The place was surrounded by tall trees. Before she knew it, she found herself standing in a forest somewhere. Surprised, Lavinia began to look around and what she saw was... a wooden building like the one in a fairy tale. It was an old, isolated house with a slight roundness, like one where a Mage could live.

Standing in front of the isolated house was an old woman with an ordinary smile. She had a pointy hat and robe, held a cane, and looked like a Mage from a storybook.

The old woman said.

[It's okay now.]

The old woman, the Witch of the South Glenda, who was Lavinia's teacher, took her in and taught her how to handle her Sacred Gear, and also how to handle magic.

Upon meeting this kindly teacher, Lavinia's heart, which had been sealed, began to gradually thaw.

Glenda, due to certain circumstances, had moved from the world of Oz to live in this world. Her purpose was to study Sacred Gears.

Life in Glenda's forest was simple, and for Lavinia, it was a time of irreplaceable happiness.

It was there that Lavinia cultivated her talent for magic.

It happened when Lavinia was 13. Glenda suggested that Lavinia spend time outside with wizards of her own generation.

That is, it was Glenda's judgment that if there were other wizards present in this world, then she should cultivate a relationship with the other wizards in this world.

Soon after, Glenda entrusted Lavinia to 'Grauzauberer'. It hurt Lavinia to separate from Glenda, but in addition to longing for her teacher, she decided to launch herself into her studies at the magical association.

It was after she had spent several years with 'GrauZebaurer'.

More bad news came to Lavinia.

Glenda had been attacked by a Mage who had come from Oz.

"After receiving that report, I returned to the forest, which was my second hometown. However..."

The isolated house in the woods where she had spent so much time had been burned down, leaving only the charred ruin of one house.

Glenda's well-being was unknown, however, if it was only the Wizards who had come from Oz, she knew how to investigate their trail.

Lavinia pursued the wizards, and in the midst of that, she became involved in the Utsusemi Agency and the Shi Akuma Project the other day.

Natsume then asked.

"...So you're struggling to find out about your teacher's condition?"

Lavinia responded.

"... I was not given a straight answer. Therefore, whether they enter Oz directly or remain in this world to continue meddling, whatever the case, I have decided to pursue them. To that end, since this is my situation, I would like each of you to accomplish your own goal. I don't want to be an obstacle. Even if it's just me, I will pursue them."

As I said that, Lavinia's expression, unlike what it used to be, showed a stubborn character.

The first to speak was Drako.

"What kind of organization would we be if we can't even help our own members? What kind of boyfriend would I be if I can't support my girlfriend when she needs it? Don't worry, Lavinia. Even if we have to go across land and sea, even if we have to cross dimensions, we'll be there to support you. Won't we, guys?"

"Of course!" Natsume responded with determination.

Tobio and Sae exchanged glances.

"Lavinia-san, you have helped us so much, the least we can do is return the favour."

Kouki said as he crossed his arms.

"It's pretty irritating, but it's like Ikuse says. If it was just us... it wouldn't have been so nice. Well, the ship has sailed. In any case, aren't we heading for those Witches anyway? Well, then I say we should eliminate them all at once."

Natsume, leaning forward, suddenly embraced Lavinia.

"All right, even Samejima-kun says good things now and then. That's right, Lavinia. Let's cooperate with each other! Since we're partners, it's too late to back out now!"

At the voices of her comrades, Lavinia... smiled.

Lavinia put her hands on the arms of Natsume, who was still holding her.

"...Natsume, Shark, Shaae, Toby... thank you..."

She then broke away from Natsume and headed for Drako, who was in the front seat. Lavinia hugged him from behind and pressed her cheek to the boy's.

"Dra-kun, I love you."

"Me too, me too."

By explaining their circumstances and making all the members aware of it, they were unified in their thoughts. As they drove to the battlefield, in this vehicle, they had strengthened their unity.

Before this, even Mordred smiled from the driver's seat.

Suddenly, Kouki asked Valina a question, as she was the only one who had not said anything so far.

"What about you, Lucidra-sensei? Will you cooperate with the magic girl?"

Valina had not intervened at all during Lavinia's history. Everyone's eyes were focused on the girl.

Valina put on an abruptly nihilistic smile.

"I have been aware of Lavinia's circumstances since before. After all, I've always been interested in fighting the Wizards of Oz. Well, I'll lend you my power."

Lavinia smiled and said.

"Yes, I know. Vaa-chan is such a simple girl after all."

Lavinia's smile, who was still hugging Drako, reached Valina from the rear-view mirror. When she noticed it, Valina's face turned red as a tomato.

She had wanted to show a "cool" look, but her real intentions were really frank...

章 155: Forest

The location of the group changed as they went along. The car had entered a valley, and the further they went, the fewer houses there were. It seemed that even the road was getting a little narrower...

The sun had already set, and the darkness had fallen. According to the time shown on the clock inside the car, it was 9:00 p.m.

The darkened road was illuminated by the high beams of the limousine. Still, the world within a short distance was covered in darkness. The number of nearby trees increased, becoming a forest for the first time until they finally travelled along a forest road.

Even with the cars it was different, as the vehicles that used to circulate were no longer there.

"uwaa...This is certainly not a popular place."

As they looked out the window, Natsume expressed some of her thoughts.

This limousine could have been similar to the coffin of a reckless person sinking into hell. The view outside was enough to give anyone the creeps. Perhaps it was because they were invalidly covered by several unknown trees. Still, the atmosphere was enveloped in peculiar darkness.

"Are we, by any chance, fighting in a forest for the first time?" Tobio muttered as he looked out over the forest.

Upon hearing that, the expression of Sae, who stood beside him, darkened instantly.

A battle in a forest in the dead of night. It seemed to be an intense fight compared to the average conditions above the shopping center or department store.

Tall grasses, not knowing what was underfoot, and trees that gave rise to shadows and cover. For them, these would become dangerous factors.

"A forest... this brings back memories," Drako muttered.

"Yes, Master, I miss it a little too." Mordred, who was driving the limo, told Drako.

Drako and Mordred had spent a long time together with Shirone, Kuroka and Tiamat living in the forest. That is why this type of terrain was the one they were most familiar with.

Under normal circumstances, trees could be used by their opponents as cover. But... that didn't work with Drako. After all, he had the ability [The One Who Is Loved By Nature].

"We're close," Mordred warned.

The cursor on the navigation system was constantly overlapping with the destination point.

It was at this point that Drako noticed a presence in front of them, about fifty meters away.


Mordred braked immediately, and the car came to a forced stop. With everyone in the car hit by the sudden break, Sae and Natsume let out "Kyah" reflexes!

Kouki leaned forward from the back seat to ask.

"What's going on?"

"There's a person in front of us."

Drako responded calmly.

Unbuckling his belt, Drako stepped out of the limousine. The rest followed a little later.

"We're already in enemy territory, so be careful." Drako reminded them.

Natsume carried a lantern in her hand, lighting the way. Drako, Mordred and Valina didn't need it, but it wasn't the same for the rest.

They advanced a few yards, but there didn't seem to be anyone in the area. The group tensed instantly, as they could be facing an enemy trap.

"You can come out, we won't hurt you. Unless you're our enemy, of course." Drako spoke in a particular direction.

Natsume pointed in the direction Drako had headed. When the light came on, a lonely girl appeared.

She was blond, part of her long hair had been braided, with dark features that suggested she was a foreigner.

They had barely arrived and had already found their first target.

The colour of her eyes did not match. The right eye was blue, and the left eye was black.

With a beautiful face, she was Shigune Nanadaru. It is said that she was the most beautiful girl at Ryoukou High School. She was a biracial girl who was part Japanese and part Western. She was called "Shigune" by her closest friends.

Shigune wore the school uniform of the school to which she had transferred... but she had gotten dirty in various places, and there were even parts that were broken. Some mud had been left on her face. She was breathing hard, which made it clear that she had just run for her life.

She addressed Drako in a weak voice.

"...Please help."

Drako nodded with a smile.

"Relax, we are your allies."

Shigune visibly relaxed, and began to pay attention to the rest. She recognized Natsume and Sae instantly.

"...Minagawa-san, and Toujou-san...?"

With two of her former companions appearing before her eyes, perhaps feeling relieved as well as surprised, Shigune ended up sinking to the ground just where she was.

"Woah woah woah! Are you okay!?"

"Relax, Nanadaru-san."

Natsume and Sae rushed over to the now seated Shigune to give her a gentle hand.

At the same time, Tobio and Kouki, who had also exited the vehicle, faced with the safety of one of their remaining companions, relaxed their tension to some extent and let out slight smiles.

Kouki noticed something that was held in Shigune's arms, however, and turned to Tobio.

"...is it the Sacred Gear of Nanadaru?"

Shigune was holding a small four-legged animal in her arms, wearing something like a mask over his face, and two horns were growing from his head. The mask had a strange sort of pattern... that Drako recognized.

This was the pattern of Toutetsu of the Shi Akuma. In other words, that which Shigune held was the Sacred Gear Toutetsu.

Shigune, after she had been attended to and had recovered her disposition, told Drako and the others.

"We have to get out of here! People who are using strange techniques..."

Shigune could say no more as Jin, Tobio's dog, had interrupted her with a grunt. Drako had noticed a threat there as well.

The man was quite adept at hiding his presence, it seemed, as Drako barely noticed where he was hiding. It was only when the enemy had let his intent to kill slip that Drako had sensed his presence.

Seeing how alert Jin was, they all prepared for combat.


At Tobio's call, the dog drew a distorted sword from the shadows at his feet and prepared to use his mouth.

"Hmph, such an obvious attempt to kill. Interesting." Valina said arrogantly.

"This... this presence is not a magic formula," Lavinia added.

What appeared in the area illuminated by the headlights was a strange, one-legged, two-foot stone statue. The creature had small wings growing from its back and a single horn on its head, its appearance undeniably grotesque.

Drako shuddered when he saw the statue shaking violently.


When he screamed, everyone did those and covered their eyes with their arms.

In an instant, the area was filled entirely with dazzlingly intense light.

When the light stopped, Valina and the others timidly opened their eyes. The strange creature was gone.

"It was written in those files, remember? CURSED STATUE OF RADIANCE LOST. BRAIN SHINE STATUE. As for their characteristic, if one directly receives that light which it releases, it gradually steals their sight. Depending on the circumstances, a person's eyes would be completely unable to see anything." Valina reminded them.

It was frightening what the young woman said, but her expression was serene.

Natsume swallowed her saliva and said.

"Isn't that more than terrifying?"

Valina answered again.

"It was written in the file. Abyss Team is made up of members with these kinds of skills."

That's right. The Abyss Team was made up of Sacred Gears users who inflicted damage that their opponents could not recover from.

If they had been hit by the attack like the one just now, they would have been robbed of their sight or possibly lost their hearing. Features that impose severe mental contamination with serious side effects, or others that use insects that parasitize the opponent's body gradually from the inside.

Murder, torture, the Abyss Team was made up of a collection of possessors who were completely inhumane.

It had been explained to Tobio and the others that, if one were to fight them in advance, one's mind and body would be severely damaged in some way.

The statue at this time was a Sacred Gear that, when it opened its eyes, would release a light and take away a person's sight.

"... A team that kills at first sight, if that's the truth, I'd rather not have them as opponents..."

While paying attention to her surroundings, Natsume muttered.

Then Valina and Lavinia turned their gaze to a single point. All the others agreed with their glances.

From the silent darkness of the road, laughter could be heard.

"Pupupu, upupupu."

As for what appeared as he let out such an unpleasant laugh, it was a thin man. He was dressed in something similar to the 'Nephilim' uniform worn by Tobio and the others.

The man was wearing sunglasses, had a crooked mouth and an ugly smile on his face. At his feet was the aforementioned mystery stone statue. His eyes were closed once more.

"... I wish your eyes would quickly become blind... I wish to make you understand the feeling of having blind eyes..."

While the man was talking, he had the eyes of the stone statue at his feet open.

Tobio and the others did not allow the silent attack, and Tobio, Natsume and Kouki moved quickly.


"Do it!"

"Spread out!"

Jin charged at high speed with a sword in his mouth, Griffon took to the air, and the tip of Byakusa's long tail shot out towards the opponent.

It was a simultaneous triple attack, but even in the midst of this, the man's unpleasant smile did not cease.

Shigune shouted.

"That statue! There are two of them!"

Hearing that scream, Valina immediately took a quick look behind them and fired a silver aura from her hand.

There was another stone statue, but Tobio and the others were covered.

Lavinia spread a magic circle and attacked her opponent. The man was enveloped by the blue aura released from the magic circle... but there was no damage.

The simultaneous strikes taken from Jin's sword and Byakusa's tail were insufficient to break the stone statue in front of them. Still, the stone statue behind them was destroyed with a single attack from Valina.

The man avoided Griffon's direct high-speed attack.


The boy opened his eyes for the first time when he heard the emotionless voice from behind him. He felt the sharp, cold arrowhead on his neck before he felt it pierce his neck easily.

Drako had taken advantage of Tobio and the others distracting the boy from disappearing into the trees. Communicating with them mentally, his presence had vanished completely.

With one of the Sacred Gears unusable because of Valina, and the other facing Tobio and the rest, Drako had a clear path to attack the boy.

With Lavinia's attack, Drako had discovered that the boy had some sort of protection, and was quite adept at dodging attacks as he had demonstrated with Griffon. To secure the One-shot, Drako had positioned himself directly behind him.

[550 experience points have been obtained.]

[Because of the effects of Title Skill [Walking Egg]. Another 550 experience points were obtained.]

[The level of [Nephilim Dragon] raised from 65 to 66.]

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C154
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank 200+ パワーランキング
Stone 3 推薦チケット
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