Drako opened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him calmly.
"What do you want?" he asked calmly.
Azazel grimaced.
"Drako-chan, you don't have to be so cold to me. I just wanted to stop by and say hello to a good friend of mine. Can't I do that minimum?"
Drako raised an eyebrow. He did not believe anything that came out of Azazel's mouth.
Tiamat had advised him before reaching Grigori never to believe Azazel's words 100%. At first, Drako did not understand why she had told him that, but he was beginning to believe more and more in Tiamat's words.
Azazel was a good leader, no one could deny that. He is also obsessed with Sacred Gears, no one can deny that. He is also a recognized pacifist, as a war would be fatal to the fallen angels, no one can deny that.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that Azazel is evil by nature.
He was an angel before he fell, a high-ranking one. In fact, Grigori's leaders were the ones who ruled in the fifth heaven before they were expelled from the heavenly realms by Yahweh. That is, they were only inferior in authority to the Seraphim and Archangel Michael. However, their powers were not at all inferior to these.
Why did the Seraphim have more authority than the Azazel and the other residents of the fifth heaven?
Because God knew the evil nature that resided within them.
Perhaps God saw the same thing that Drako had seen, the immense amount of evil that resided within Azazel.
Being a first-generation angel, and one of the most powerful, the heavenly/holy/sacred power that Azazel contained in his body rivalled the most powerful Seraphim, Michael. But along with that sacred power, there was an enormous evil and malice, which could only be detected if you were extremely sensitive to this sort of thing just as Drako is when he becomes one with nature.
Azazel was an evil creature, extremely evil. But that didn't mean that his actions were evil.
It's a strange concept, and it's hard to explain.
"I don't think a busy person like you, Grigori's Governor-General, has time to go visit someone like me just to say hello. Am I wrong?"
Was Azazel here to say hello?
He would never do that.
He is a busy man.
If he wasn't busy with his duties as governor, he'd lock himself in the studio at Sacred Gears. And when he wasn't there, Valina would look for him to train. Valina hadn't changed a bit in the last six months, and she was still looking for strength in an almost desperate way.
Drako would like to say something to Valina, but he found it difficult. Mainly because he was the same as her, a dragon (Valina could be considered half a dragon thanks to the Divine Dividing) that was looking for strength, strength and much more strength.
"No, you're not wrong. In fact, I came here to thank you."
Drako raised the other eyebrow. He obviously did not expect this from Azazel.
"You saved the life of the wife of one of my best friends, not to mention brother, his daughter and the daughter of another of my best friends, even though he is already dead. That's why you have my personal thanks."
Drako frowned.
"Just that?"
Azazel shrugged.
"It's not like I'm committing any atrocities by coming to thank you, you know?"
Drako never looked away from Azazel, searching for the true intentions of the leader of the fallen angels.
"It's been several months since that event, so why now?"
"I was busy."
Azazel was very relaxed. It seemed that he had really come to thank Drako for what happened at Baraqiel's residence in Japan.
He was aware of what happened at that event (obviously he was going to know about it), and had acted on it. Azazel was the one who had the house/hotel built where Drako and the others currently resided.
Baraqiel could no longer maintain his stance of staying in the human world because of the possible existence of traitors in Grigori, a stance that Azazel considered stupid from the first moment. Well, it's not like Baraqiel was the smartest of the Grigori leaders.
"Why don't we go down? Kuroka can make us some tea or something."
Drako stood up and gestured to Azazel.
"Mm... the Nekoshou... is fine."
Azazel nodded and followed Drako into the building.
They took the elevator that connected the many floors of the house and went down to the first floor.
The first thing they saw as they left the elevator was the embarrassing position in which Kuroka was sleeping.
She was lying on the couch, one leg up and the other stretched out horizontally. Her hair was dishevelled and threatened to get into her mouth, which was open with a little drool coming out of it. Her pyjamas were unkempt, leaving the flat belly of the cat-girl visible.
"Give me a moment, Azazel. You can go sit at the table."
Drako was calm, scenes like these were part of his daily life. She had always been lazy, and it did not seem that that would change in the short term.
Drako's expressionless, indifferent eyes grew soft as she looked at the young Nekoshou.
She had such a peaceful face, so graceful and so beautiful...
Drako didn't want that face to change, he didn't want to endanger her at any time. That's why he didn't want to make her his Servant and have her participate with him in the Holy Grail War.
The Holy Grail War is a war that only those who have a reason to fight it have to fight, the rest should stay out of it. Mordred was clear about what she wanted, and so was Drako.
Mordred wanted to repeat the same test that crowned her father, and Drako wanted the experience of killing the Masters and Servants.
Drako's soft eyes didn't change, but his smile turned evil.
"Wake up, you useless cat."
He grabbed one of Kuroka's legs and muttered a few words. This caused Kuroka's sleep to be disturbed, and she slowly opened one eye, completely confused as to what was happening.
Drako did not give the cat time to wake up on her own and pulled the leg he had taken before.
Kuroka fell suddenly to the ground. That is how Drako forced Kuroka to wake from her deep sleep.
"What are you doing-nyaa?!"
Kuroka shouted at Drako as she rose from the floor. She put one hand behind her back to ease the pain of the blow.
"We have guests."
The softness disappeared from Drako's eyes the moment Kuroka awoke. He indicated the presence of Azazel by pointing his head in his direction.
Kuroka bowed to him the moment he realized who he was. She felt that Azazel had done much for them, giving them this perfect home. Kuroka loved everything about the house, especially the fact that Azazel gave her a room to share with Drako and the pool.
Kuroka was in love with the climatic pool.
"Hi, Kuroka."
"What are you doing here, Azazel-sama?"
"I just came to thank you for your help with Baraqiel. I heard that thanks to your barrier they all survived until Drako's arrival, you have my sincere thanks."
"Don't thank us! We would have helped Shuri, little Akeno and Raynare even if they were not related to Grigori. Shuri is like a mother to me, and Raynare and Akeno are my good friends. I couldn't watch while they were in danger."
"I see."
Azazel nodded. Drako took a seat in front of him.
"Tea? Or do you prefer coffee?" Drako asked Azazel.
"Black tea is fine."
Drako looked at Kuroka, and she nodded.
Kuroka did not take long to prepare the tea, but Azazel realized something at that moment. She was holding her hand behind her back regularly, it seemed that Kuroka had a bad back.
"That fall seems to have hurt you quite a bit, Kuroka," Azazel told her when she came back with the tea.
"No, it's not that. The pains in the back have been going on for a while, I think they are sequels of that fight. But it's no big deal, they can hardly be considered a nuisance."
Kuroka said slightly as she shrugged and sat in the chair next to Drako.
Azazel frowned and went into a thoughtful mode.
"Mmm... I think I recently invented a special cream made from mythological materials such as Asclepius panacea, Nordic Erythrum, and a few others. It has a special effect on the skin, making the wrinkles disappear and the person who takes it stays very young even after centuries. But its main objective is to cure muscular discomfort, regardless of the degree of pain".
Kuroka's eyes shone with every word that came out of Azazel's mouth. To say that she was tempted was an understatement.
Drako, on the other hand, was frowning. This cream seemed to be very precious, and he was sure Azazel would not give it away for free. But one look at Kuroka's face made him sigh.
"Could you give us some of that cream?" Drako asked weakly.
"I'm sorry, but I have very little of this cream. The materials are scarce and hard to come by, I remember when I had to suffer a whole night in Aphrodite's chambers to get some Icor..."
Azazel's face said that he had suffered much to obtain these materials.
"I owe you a favour, whatever you want. In return, I want all the cream you have available and all that you will make in the future."
Azazel smiled and didn't hesitate to say: "It's a deal!"
There is a change to Mordred's stats. I'm going to adjust all of the Servants stats to the ones that they have on Fate Grand Order.
Race: Human/Servant (Homunculus)
Status: Normal
Lv: 1/80
HP: 2,153/2,153
MP: ???
Strength: 1,811
Defense: 1131
Magic: 905
Agility: 905
[Returning to the present, Drako's POV]
And that's how I got the cream.
And now I owe Azazel a favour. He said he'd be back when he needed my help, and it's been another few months since that day.
Now that Raynare has said that Azazel is calling me, I'm sure it has something to do with that favour I owe him. If we add this to the news of the shipwreck and the disappearance of the students' bodies, it looks like I'm going to have my hands full with this complicated business for a while.
But first I have to finish Raynare's massage.
Someone will say that it's useless to use this cream on a person like Raynare.
If you knew what this cream was really worth...
Honestly, I feel deceived.
Well, the massage is not very complicated. You start with the feet and work your way up to the end of the leg or the coccyx. It's said fast, but the massage takes over 30 minutes.
The massage continues without any complications, leaving aside Raynare's continuous moans of pleasure. Seriously, it's not like we're the only ones living in this house. At least, Shuri is accompanying Akeno while she is training with Baraqiel, and Kuroka will be sleeping as usual.
"Get dressed, let's go see Azazel," I told Raynare once I finished the massage.
"Yes, I..."
She got out of bed, her face still flushed from the intensity of the massage, and put on the bottom of Nephilim's uniform.
A shipwreck with more than 200 people missing, I don't understand how Azazel could come to think that this was an accident that had nothing to do with the supernatural.
I mean, it's obvious that this was related to the supernatural world.
We both took the elevator down to the first floor, prepared to leave the site and head for Azazel's offices.
But there's one obstacle that stands in our way when we get out of the elevator.
Yes, it's the person we expected to be sleeping on the couch.
"Looks like you guys had a lot of fun up there-nya."
Kuroka was standing there looking at Raynare and me, who had just got out of the elevator. She's got her eyes narrowed, and her face is solemn.
"Drako has been kind to me, and I've enjoyed it very much. Even though I have trouble moving my legs now, the feeling is totally different than before the session. Sigh... Drako's hands are wonderful, a unique sensation."
I don't know why, but the words Raynare used are going to cause me trouble. I'm lying, I'm sure Raynare's words are gonna cause me problems. Just look at Kuroka's eyebrow, which is trembling, and any part of her face.
She's pissed.
"Drako-nyaa... After all the time we've spent together you decide to fuck Raynare before me..."
"You're wrong, we weren't fucking."
I have to defend myself before this gets out of hand.
But it seems that Kuroka didn't buy that, and she seems like on the verge of crying.
"I told you we haven't fucked. Raynare, you tell her."
I'm gesturing Raynare to explain herself better.
"It's true. As much as I would have liked to, I know Drako can't have sex with someone as inferior as me."
Now Raynare's making a sad face. But unlike Kuroka, I doubt this sadness is real. We're talking about the fallen angel with a thousand faces, you never know if what she's showing on the outside is her true thoughts.
I hit her head with my fist. I have to shut her up before she keeps talking nonsense.
"Shut that mouth, you idiot."
She bends over while holding her head. The fist went with a bit of force, it wasn't a simple joke.
"Kuroka, I was giving her a leg massage. You know how Baraqiel's workouts are. Raynare's legs were too tight, so I unloaded them a bit."
Kuroka visibly relaxes when I explain the situation.
"Drako is right, that cream works wonders."
And Raynare opens her mouth again.
"Cream? It's not the cream Azazel gave me. She's not talking about that god-level cream, are you, Drako?"
You're wrong, that's my cream. I'm the one who owes Azazel a favour, not you.
With my index finger, I tap Kuroka's forehead.
"Cut the crap, because of your god-level cream I have to go see Azazel. I'm sure he has some complicated problem and wants me to help him solve it."
Kuroka pouted.
"It's okay, I forgive you for now. But tonight you're going to have to pamper me a lot to get over the anger."
What a pain in the ass.
"Come on, Raynare."
With Kuroka's permission, Raynare and I left the house and went to Grigori's headquarters.
"So the accident is related to this Utsusemi Agency, and you say they have the students missing in the incident."
Raynare and I are in Azazel's office. The subject in question is sitting in his gamer chair, right in front of us.
"Yes, the agency is comprised of exiled members of the five major clans of Japan."
I frowned unconsciously.
"This is a problem of those self-centred clans, why does Grigori have to stick his nose into this?"
Azazel sighs. He puts aside his playful attitude and gets serious for the first time since I've known him. He rests his elbows on the table and leans forward.
"I don't give a shit what happens to these assholes, but there's a lot more at stake than that. I'm sure there's at least one organization behind them, and I think they're supported by another group. Besides, they're behind something very dangerous, and they may get something they don't expect, but which is much more dangerous if we don't act quickly."
"And that is?"
I ask you, totally curious what can make a person like Azazel get serious.
"They're behind four of the top Sacred Gears, who don't quite make it to the level of a Longinus, and the other element I'm talking about is none other than one of the 13 Longinus."