76.08% Game of Thrones FANFIC: Lycan / Chapter 35: How to trick a little madman

章 35: How to trick a little madman

William was a few days away in Pentos and at that time, he was forced to interact with the futile nobles in order to somehow get closer to his goal.

Yesterday a fortuitous event took place, the wealthy merchants of Pentos held a large auction at which large quantities of ancient relics and works of art were sold, many things were taken away, and the money came in explosive form.

To commemorate this great event, the magistrates decided to do what they knew best how to do besides making money and this is a celebration.

A grand ball was being planned, and for William's happiness, he had been invited to attend.

William stood in front of Emilly, hoping she would help him choose the outfit for the occasion.

Emilly looked at him with glowing eyes, and he looked great in that outfit.

It was a dark blue noble garment with gold details, a thinner tunic than those worn elsewhere because of the warmer weather in the area, but it still kept the air of luxury necessary for such events.

William turned and went to the mirror.

"How do I look?" William questioned as he tried to see himself.

Emilly with a little smile went up to him and pinched his ass.

"Very charming," Emilly answered as he adjusted small details back into William's clothing.

William looked at Emilly again and smiled.

The hours were flying by, William must have been luxuriously dressed or just problems would arise from this trip, the more he flaunted the greater the chances of everything going well, for this suit he chose the most expensive outfit he had ever worn.

It was an outfit that cost enough to buy a ship!

Slowly entering the carriage he had hired, William began to be taken to the place where the party would be held, in this case, the party hall at Illyrio Mopatis' mansion.

Arriving at the site the view was dazzling, a grand mansion that stamped that its owner was incredibly rich.

Waiters and guards were everywhere.

William calmly entered the room and was bombarded with a colossal amount of smells; there were simply too many people gathered there.

Would it be a little difficult to find the Targaryen?

Obviously not, their gray hair made it easy for William to locate them.

Near the center of the hall where many lustfully dressed men were chatting, was the owner of the Illyrio Mopatis place and a bit shy, but still close to him was Viserys Targaryen.

Viserys was wearing a noble outfit, but of not so expensive value, it was luxurious, but also simple.

He was a guest of this place, a wager or investment from Illyrio.

Even if Illyrio Mopatis was a defender of the Targaryen house, he could not force others to take this young man seriously.

What made Viserys to be left aside, only small words were addressed to him, which made him act as if he was in control of everything.

The little madman acted like a king... but was treated like someone who had sold his sister to the Dothrakis barbarians, which was the only reason that allowed them to interact with Viserys.

If the engagement of Daenerys and Khal Drogo did not exist, Viserys would be forced to remain in the rooms of the mansion hidden from prying eyes.

William looked around trying to find the special person, the great Daenerys of the Targaryen house, but unfortunately, the women had not yet begun to attend the party, now it was time for the men to talk business, only after some time would they enter.

Without wasting time, William went to talk to Illyrio Mopatis and the little madman of the Targaryen house.

William quickly began to talk to these rich pigs and insinuated that he wanted to buy some merchandise and maybe some land in Pentos.

Things that eventually caused some of the merchants to start explaining what products would be good to sell and where to sell them, they tried to make their product look more valuable than it really was.

William only pretended to be interested, but he evaded all these 'good deeds' and began to ask about the Dothrakis, and what was happening near Meereen.

The merchants spoke of several rumors, little new information, but one thing caught William's attention, one of them said he heard from someone that Khal Drogo had already solved his problems and was coming to Pentos.

Viserys' attentive ears picked up this information, and a sardonic smile appeared on his face.

William decided to talk to the little madman.

"Hello, my name is William, what would your illustrious name be?" William asked Viserys in a noble way, trying to make Viserys sit flattered.

Viserys, who was smiling because of information about his 'brother-in-law,' was surprised that anyone began to talk to him.

"I am Viserys of the house Targaryen, legiti... a guest of Mr. Mopatis" Viserys spoke almost revealing his true face, but with a slight facial distortion he spoke again while smiling.

"Viserys Targaryen, the dragon of Westeros, I have heard much about your highness." William pretended to be surprised and tried to act as if he were honored to be in the presence of this 'illustrious' man.

Viserys could not stop a smile from dominating his face, this fellow's ego is a serious problem.

Even if he was a prototype villain, he was undoubtedly one of the simplest people to deceive, his ego was a great weakness.

It was as if he couldn't think of the possibility that someone might deceive him.

The conversation between the two of them continued, William tried his best to make Viserys feel good about him, and things were going well.

With many words given, William was trying to pass himself off as a great merchant who owned as many ships as the Dothrakis had horses.

Viserys naively ended up taking much of what William spoke as the truth, this poor little madman was actually very alien to the things of the world.

"You come from Westeros?" Viserys asks surprised at the information.

"Yes, Your Highness, in Westeros the Houses still remember their true lords..." William began to deceive Viserys in a deeper way, eventually lying that it would be simple for Viserys to regain the Iron Throne and that things were easier than he imagined.

It was only a sadness that someone from the Targaryen family was married to a Dothraki barbarian.

"It's really unfortunate that someone of noble blood has to marry a barbarian, but that barbarian has 50,000 men" Viserys began speaking in a benevolent way, as if the unhappiness that was happening to his sister was not his fault but King Baratheon's for forcing him to have an army.

With a few more words, William supported Viserys' motives and said that when the time came, he would offer his ships to take the Dothrakis to Westeros and then regain his throne.

Of course, it was all just a trick, William was just creating an easier way for him to interact with Daenerys.

At that moment, William realized that women were entering the ballroom.

His eyes kept looking for someone, he was feeling anxious, the time was here, and soon she'd be here.

Then a 14-year-old girl with white hair and violet eyes, possessed of overwhelming beauty, an almost inhuman beauty, wore a simple, delicate blue dress that, though simple, couldn't diminish her beauty, she slowly descended the stairs while she was accompanied by two maids.

Daenerys was very beautiful, her facial features her delicate body, and she was without a doubt a beauty without parallel in the world. Dany's beauty was greatly enhanced in this magical world.

William found himself holding his breath, the long-awaited moment had arrived, but it was too fantastic for him to keep from running to her, so he closed his fists tightly and tried to look away.

Unlike the way William remembered her, the way she was after all the tragedies she 'should' have experienced, she was now a shy, docile young woman, staring at the ground as she walked, she had so little self-esteem.

William longed to care for her, but now looking at her, he could not control himself, he would care for her and help her to be strong to overcome her fears and limitations, he would help her to be stronger than she ever was, and he would prevent any tragedy from happening to her.

William was still talking to Viserys, but it was inevitable for him to look at this beautiful girl from time to time.

He began to confuse Viserys' thoughts and began to put forward the idea that Daenerys needed contact with other noblewomen and that William's older sister could help her become firmer and less 'docile,' with which Dany could learn to control her future husband and make things simpler.

Viserys began to like the idea, after all, if she could control the barbarian Dothraki it would be too simple for him to 'regain' his crown.

The naive little madman eventually accepted, and the next day Daenerys would be taken to 'walk with William and his sister' and the next days Dany and William's 'sister' would begin to interact more so that Dany would be well taught.

With that as an excuse, William approached Dany.

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  • 世界の背景

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